04924 ## mashman {mash-mawn'} ; from 08080 ; fat , i . e . (literally and abstractly) fatness ; but usually (figuratively and concretely) a rich dish , a fertile field , a robust man :-- fat (one ,-ness ,-test ,-test place) . ~~4924
06624 ## Pathrowc {path-roce'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Pathros , a part of Egypt :-- Pathros . ~~6624
07026 ## Qeyroc {kay-roce'} ; or Qeroc {kay-roce'} ; from the same as 07166 ; ankled ; Keros , one of the Nethinim :-- Keros . ~~7026
07026 ## Qeyroc {kay-roce'} ; or Qeroc {kay-roce'} ; from the same as 07166 ; ankled ; Keros , one of the Nethinim :-- Keros . ~~7026
07030 ## qiytharoc (Aramaic) {kee-thaw-roce'} ; of Greek origin ; a lyre :-- harp . ~~7030
07341 ## rochab {ro'- khab} ; from 07337 ; width (literally or figuratively) :-- breadth , broad , largeness , thickness , wideness . ~~7340
03395 ## Y@rocham {yer-o-khawm'} ; from 07355 ; compassionate ; Jerocham , the name of seven or eight Israelites :-- Jeroham . ~~3394
00468 ## 'Eleytsuwr {el-ee-tsoor'} ; from 00410 and 06697 ; God of (the) rock ; Elitsur , an Israelite :-- Elizur . ~~468
00949 ## Bowtsets {bo-tsates'} ; from the same as 00948 ; shining ; Botsets , a rock near Michmash :-- Bozez . ~~948
01049 ## Beyth Tsuwr {bayth tsoor'} ; from 01004 and 06697 ; house of (the) rock ; Beth-Tsur , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-zur . ~~1048
02496 ## challamiysh {klal-law-meesh'} ; probably from 02492 (in the sense of hardness) ; flint :-- flint (- y) , rock . ~~2496
02906 ## tuwr (Aramaic) {toor} ; corresponding to 06697 ; a rock or hill :-- mountain . ~~2906
03710 ## keph {kafe} ; from 03721 ; a hollow rock :-- rock . ~~ 3710
03710 ## keph {kafe} ; from 03721 ; a hollow rock :-- rock . ~~ 3710
04581 ## ma` owz {maw-oze'} (also ma` uwz {maw-ooz'}) ; or ma` oz {maw-oze'} (also ma` uz {maw-ooz'} ; from 05810 ; a fortified place ; figuratively , a defence :-- force , fort (- ress) , rock , strength (- en) , (X most) strong (hold) . ~~4580
05130 ## nuwph {noof} ; a primitive root ; to quiver (i . e . vibrate up and down , or rock to and fro) ; used in a great variety of applications (including sprinkling , beckoning , rubbing , bastinadoing , sawing , waving , etc .) :-- lift up , move , offer , perfume , send , shake , sift , strike , wave . ~~5130
05553 ## cela` {seh'- lah} ; from an unused root meaning to be lofty ; a craggy rock , literally or figuratively (a fortress) :-- (ragged) rock , stone (- ny) , strong hold . ~~5552
05553 ## cela` {seh'- lah} ; from an unused root meaning to be lofty ; a craggy rock , literally or figuratively (a fortress) :-- (ragged) rock , stone (- ny) , strong hold . ~~5552
05554 ## Cela` {seh'- lah} ; the same as 05553 ; Sela , the rock-city of Idumaea :-- rock , Sela (- h) . ~~5554
05554 ## Cela` {seh'- lah} ; the same as 05553 ; Sela , the rock-city of Idumaea :-- rock , Sela (- h) . ~~5554
05555 ## Cela` ham-machl@qowth {seh'- lah ham-makh-lek-oth'} ; from 05553 and the plural of 04256 with the article interposed ; rock of the divisions ; Sela-ham-Machlekoth , a place in Palestine :-- Sela-hammalekoth . ~~5554
05556 ## col` am {sol-awm'} ; apparently from the same as 05553 in the sense of crushing as with a rock , i . e . consuming ; a kind of locust (from its destructiveness) :-- bald locust . ~~5556
06301 ## P@dahtsuwr {ped-aw-tsoor'} ; from 06299 and 06697 ; a rock (i . e . God) has ransomed ; Pedahtsur , an Israelite :-- Pedahzur . ~~6300
06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) :-- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 . ~~6696
06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) :-- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 . ~~6696
06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) :-- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 . ~~6696
06698 ## Tsuwr {tsoor} ; the same as 06697 ; rock ; Tsur , the name of a Midianite and of an Israelite :-- Zur . ~~6698
06699 ## tsuwrah {tsoo-raw'} ; feminine of 06697 ; a rock (Job 28 : 10) ; also a form (as if pressed out) :-- form , rock . ~~6698
06699 ## tsuwrah {tsoo-raw'} ; feminine of 06697 ; a rock (Job 28 : 10) ; also a form (as if pressed out) :-- form , rock . ~~6698
06700 ## Tsuwriy'el {tsoo-ree-ale'} ; from 06697 and 00410 ; rock of God ; Tsuriel , an Israelite :-- Zuriel . ~~6700
06701 ## Tsuwriyshadday {tsoo-ree-shad-dah'- ee} ; from 06697 and 07706 ; rock of (the) Almighty ; Tsurishaddai , an Israelite :-- Zurishaddai . ~~6700
06863 ## Tser {tsare} ; from 06887 ; rock ; Tser , a place in Palestine :-- Zer . ~~6862
06865 ## Tsor {tsore} ; or Tsowr {tsore} ; the same as 06864 ; a rock ; Tsor , a place in Palestine :-- Tyre , Tyrus . ~~6864
07140 ## qerach {keh'- rakh} ; or qorach {ko'- rakh} ; from 07139 ; ice (as if bald , i . e . smooth) ; hence , hail ; by resemblance , rock crystal :-- crystal , frost , ice . ~~7140
07876 ## shayah {shaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root ; to keep in memory :-- be unmindful . [Render Deuteronomy 32 : 18 , " A Rock bore thee , thou must recollect ; and (yet) thou hast forgotten , " etc . ] ~~7876
08227 ## shaphan {shaw-fawn'} ; from 08226 ; a species of rock-rabbit (from its hiding) , i . e . probably the hyrax :-- coney . ~~8228
02288 ## chagav {khag-awv'} ; from an unused root meaning to take refuge ; a rift in rocks :-- cleft . ~~2288
02521 ## Chelqath hats-Tsu-riym {khel-kath'hats-tsoo-reem'} ; from 02520 and the plural of 06697 , with the article inserted ; smoothness of the rocks ; Chelkath Hats-tsurim , a place in Palestine :-- Helkath-hazzurim . ~~2520
05585 ## ca` iyph {saw-eef'} ; from 05586 ; a fissure (of rocks) ; also a bough (as subdivided) :-- (outmost) branch , clift , top . ~~5584
01630 ## G@riziym {gher-ee-zeem'} ; plural of an unused noun from 01629 [compare 01511 ] , cut up (i . e . rocky) ; Gerizim , a mountain of Palestine :-- Gerizim . ~~1630
02415 ## choter {kho'- ter} ; from an unused root of uncertain signification ; a twig :-- rod . ~~2414
02838 ## chashuq {khaw-shook'} ; or chashuwq {khaw-shook'} ; past participle of 02836 ; attached , i . e . a fence-rail or rod connecting the posts or pillars :-- fillet . ~~2838
02839 ## chishshuq {khish-shook'} ; from 02836 ; conjoined , i . e . a wheel-spoke or rod connecting the hub with the rim :-- felloe . ~~2838
03925 ## lamad {law-mad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to goad , i . e0 . by implication) to teach (the rod being an O riental 0 inentive) : [un-] accustomed , X diligently , expert , instruct , learn , skilful , teach (- er ,-- ing) . ~~3924
04294 ## matteh {mat-teh'} ; or (feminine) mattah {mat-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a branch (as extending) ; figuratively , a tribe ; also a rod , whether for chastising (figuratively , correction) , ruling (a sceptre) , throwing (a lance) , or walking (a staff ; figuratively , a support of life , e . g . bread) :-- rod , staff , tribe . ~~4294
04294 ## matteh {mat-teh'} ; or (feminine) mattah {mat-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a branch (as extending) ; figuratively , a tribe ; also a rod , whether for chastising (figuratively , correction) , ruling (a sceptre) , throwing (a lance) , or walking (a staff ; figuratively , a support of life , e . g . bread) :-- rod , staff , tribe . ~~4294
04731 ## maqqel {mak-kale ;} ; or (feminine) maqq@lah {mak-kel-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning apparently to germinate ; a shoot , i . e . stick (with leaves on , or for walking , striking , guiding , divining) :-- rod , ([hand-]) staff . ~~4730
07070 ## qaneh {kaw-neh'} ; from 07069 ; a reed (as erect) ; by resemblance a rod (especially for measuring) , shaft , tube , stem , the radius (of the arm) , beam (of a steelyard) :-- balance , bone , branch , calamus , cane , reed , X spearman , stalk . ~~7070
07626 ## shebet {shay'- bet} ; from an unused root probably meaning to branch off ; a scion , i . e . (literally) a stick (for punishing , writing , fighting , ruling , walking , etc .) or (figuratively) a clan :-- X correction , dart , rod , sceptre , staff , tribe . ~~7626
08275 ## sharbiyt {shar-beet'} ; for 07626 ; a rod of empire :-- sceptre . ~~8276
00192 ## 'Eviyl M@rodak {ev-eel'mer-o-dak'} ; of Aramaic derivation and probably meaning soldier of Merodak ; Evil-Merodak , a Babylonian king :-- Evil-merodach . ~~192
04781 ## M@rodak {mer-o-dawk'} ; of foreign derivation ; Merodak , a Babylonian idol :-- Merodach . Compare 04757 . ~~4780
01721 ## Dodaniym {do-daw-neem'} ; or (by orthographical error) Rodaniym (1 Chron . 1 : 7) {ro-daw-neem'} ; a plural of uncertain derivation ; Dodanites , or descendants of a son of Javan :-- Dodanim . ~~1720
01261 ## barod {baw-rode'} ; from 01258 ; spotted (as if with hail) :-- grisled . ~~1260
05248 ## Nimrowd {nim-rode'} ; or Nimrod {nim-rode'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Nimrod , a son of Cush :-- Nimrod . ~~5248
05248 ## Nimrowd {nim-rode'} ; or Nimrod {nim-rode'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Nimrod , a son of Cush :-- Nimrod . ~~5248
06171 ## ` arowd {aw-rode'} ; from the same as 06166 ; an onager (from his lonesome habits) :-- wild ass . ~~6170
04732 ## Miqlowth {mik-lohth'} ; (or perhaps mik-kel-ohth') plural of (feminine) 04731 ; rods ; Mikloth , a place in the Desert :-- Mikloth . ~~4732
03280 ## ya` alah {yah-al-aw'} ; feminine of 03277 :-- roe ~~ 3280
06082 ## ` opher {o'- fer} ; from 06080 ; a fawn (from the dusty color) :-- young roe [hart ] . ~~6082
06643 ## ts@biy {tseb-ee'} ; from 06638 in the sense of prominence ; splendor (as conspicuous) ; also a gazelle (as beautiful) :-- beautiful (- ty) , glorious (- ry) , goodly , pleasant , roe (- buck) . ~~6642
06646 ## ts@biyah {tseb-ee-yaw'} ; feminine of 06643 ; a female gazelle :-- roe . ~~6646
07204 ## Ro'eh {ro-ay'} ; for 07203 ; prophet ; Roeh , an Israelite :-- Haroeh [including the article ] . ~~7204
00106 ## 'egroph {eg-rofe'} ; from 01640 (in the sense of grasping) ; the clenched hand :-- fist . ~~106
07269 ## rogzah {rog-zaw'} ; feminine of 07267 ; trepidation :-- trembling . ~~7268
07274 ## Rog@liym {ro-gel-eem'} ; plural of active participle of 07270 ; fullers (as tramping the cloth in washing) ; Rogelim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Rogelim . ~~7274
05883 ## ` Eyn Rogel {ane ro-gale'} ; from 05869 and the active participle of 07270 ; fountain of a traveller ; En-Rogel , a place near Jerusalem :-- En-rogel . ~~5882
05883 ## ` Eyn Rogel {ane ro-gale'} ; from 05869 and the active participle of 07270 ; fountain of a traveller ; En-Rogel , a place near Jerusalem :-- En-rogel . ~~5882
05883 ## ` Eyn Rogel {ane ro-gale'} ; from 05869 and the active participle of 07270 ; fountain of a traveller ; En-Rogel , a place near Jerusalem :-- En-rogel . ~~5882
07274 ## Rog@liym {ro-gel-eem'} ; plural of active participle of 07270 ; fullers (as tramping the cloth in washing) ; Rogelim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Rogelim . ~~7274
07274 ## Rog@liym {ro-gel-eem'} ; plural of active participle of 07270 ; fullers (as tramping the cloth in washing) ; Rogelim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Rogelim . ~~7274
07267 ## rogez {ro'- ghez} ; from 07264 ; commotion , restlessness (of a horse) , crash (of thunder) , disquiet , anger :-- fear , noise , rage , trouble (- ing) , wrath . ~~7266
07269 ## rogzah {rog-zaw'} ; feminine of 07267 ; trepidation :-- trembling . ~~7268
07296 ## rohab {ro'- hab} ; from 07292 ; pride :-- strength . ~~ 7296
07303 ## Rowhagah {ro-hag-aw'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to cry out ; outcry ; Rohagah , an Israelite :-- Rohgah . ~~7302
07303 ## Rowhagah {ro-hag-aw'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to cry out ; outcry ; Rohagah , an Israelite :-- Rohgah . ~~7302