01508 ## gizrah {ghiz-raw'} ; feminine of 01506 ; the figure or person (as if cut out) ; also an inclosure (as separated) :-- polishing , separate place . ~~1508
01509 ## g@zerah {ghez-ay-raw'} ; from 01504 ; a desert (as separated) :-- not inhabited . ~~1508
02835 ## chasiph {khaw-seef'} ; from 02834 ; properly , drawn off , i . e . separated ; hence , a small company (as divided from the rest) :-- little flock . ~~2834
06507 ## p@rudah {per-oo-daw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06504 ; something separated , i . e . a kernel :-- seed . ~~6506
00910 ## badad {baw-dawd'} ; from 00909 ; separate ; adverb , separately :-- alone , desolate , only , solitary . ~~910
03644 ## k@mow {kem-o'} ; or kamow {kaw-mo'} ; a form of the prefix " k-" , but used separately [compare 03651 ] ; as , thus , so :-- according to , (such) as (it were , well as) , in comparison of , like (as , to , unto) , thus , when , worth . ~~3644
04454 ## malaq {maw-lak'} ; a primitive root ; to crack a joint ; by implication , to wring the neck of a fowl (without separating it) :-- wring off . ~~4454
06339 ## pazaz {paw-zaz'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06338 ] ; to solidify (as if by refining) ; also to spring (as if separating the limbs) :-- leap , be made strong . ~~6338
00678 ## 'atsiyl {aw-tseel'} ; from 00680 (in its secondary sense of separation) ; an extremity (Isa . 41 : 9) , also a noble :-- chief man , noble . ~~678
00905 ## bad {bad} ; from 00909 ; properly , separation ; by implication , a part of the body , branch of a tree , bar for carrying ; figuratively , chief of a city ; especially (with prepositional prefix) as an adverb , apart , only , besides :-- alone , apart , bar , besides , branch , by self , of each alike , except , only , part , staff , strength . ~~904
00911 ## B@dad {bed-ad'} ; from 00909 ; separation ; Bedad , an Edomite :-- Bedad . ~~910
03610 ## kil'ayim {kil-ah'- yim} ; dual of 03608 in the original sense of separation ; two heterogeneities :-- divers seeds (- e kinds) , mingled (seed) . ~~3610
03995 ## mibdalah {mib-daw-law'} ; from 00914 ; a separation , i . e . (concretely) a separate place :-- separate . ~~3994
05079 ## niddah {nid-daw'} ; from 05074 ; properly , rejection ; by implication , impurity , especially personal (menstruation) or moral (idolatry , incest) :-- X far , filthiness , X flowers , menstruous (woman) , put apart , X removed (woman) , separation , set apart , unclean (- ness , thing , with filthiness) . ~~5078
05145 ## nezer {neh'- zer} ; or nezer {nay'- zer} ; from 05144 ; properly , something set apart , i . e . (abstractly) dedication (of a priet or Nazirite) ; hence (concretely) unshorn locks ; also (by implication) a chaplet (especially of royalty) :-- consecration , crown , hair , separation . ~~5144
06532 ## poreketh {po-reh'- keth} ; feminine active participle of the same as 06531 ; a separatrix , i . e . (the sacred) screen :-- vail . ~~6532
05611 ## C@phar {sef-awr'} ; the same as 05610 ; Sephar , a place in Arabia :-- Sephar . ~~5610
05611 ## C@phar {sef-awr'} ; the same as 05610 ; Sephar , a place in Arabia :-- Sephar . ~~5610
05614 ## C@pharad {sef-aw-rawd'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sepharad , a region of Assyria :-- Sepharad . ~~5614
05614 ## C@pharad {sef-aw-rawd'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sepharad , a region of Assyria :-- Sepharad . ~~5614
05617 ## C@pharvayim (dual) {sef-ar-vah'- yim} ; or C@phariym (plural) {sef-aw-reem'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sepharvajim or Sepharim , a place in Assyria :-- Sepharviam . ~~5616
05616 ## C@pharviy {sef-ar-vee'} ; patrial from 05617 ; a Sepharvite or inhabitant of Sepharvain :-- Sepharvite . ~~5616
05617 ## C@pharvayim (dual) {sef-ar-vah'- yim} ; or C@phariym (plural) {sef-aw-reem'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sepharvajim or Sepharim , a place in Assyria :-- Sepharviam . ~~5616
05617 ## C@pharvayim (dual) {sef-ar-vah'- yim} ; or C@phariym (plural) {sef-aw-reem'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sepharvajim or Sepharim , a place in Assyria :-- Sepharviam . ~~5616
05616 ## C@pharviy {sef-ar-vee'} ; patrial from 05617 ; a Sepharvite or inhabitant of Sepharvain :-- Sepharvite . ~~5616
05616 ## C@pharviy {sef-ar-vee'} ; patrial from 05617 ; a Sepharvite or inhabitant of Sepharvain :-- Sepharvite . ~~5616
05607 ## cepheq {say'- fek} ; or sepheq (Job 20 : 22 ; 36 : 18) {seh'- fek} ; from 05606 ; chastisement ; also satiety :-- stroke , sufficiency . ~~5606
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~7158
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~7158
08193 ## saphah {saw-faw'} ; or (in dual and plural) sepheth {sef-eth'} ; probably from 05595 or 08192 through the idea of termination (compare 05490) ; the lip (as a natural boundary) ; by implication , language ; by analogy , a margin (of a vessel , water , cloth , etc .) :-- band , bank , binding , border , brim , brink , edge , language , lip , prating , ([sea-]) shore , side , speech , talk , [vain ] words . ~~8194
06900 ## q@buwrah {keb-oo-raw'} ; or q@burah {keb-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06912 ; sepulture ; (concretely) a sepulchre :-- burial , burying place , grave , sepulchre . ~~6900
06900 ## q@buwrah {keb-oo-raw'} ; or q@burah {keb-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06912 ; sepulture ; (concretely) a sepulchre :-- burial , burying place , grave , sepulchre . ~~6900
06913 ## qeber {keh'- ber} ; or (feminine) qibrah {kib-raw'} ; from 06912 ; a sepulchre :-- burying place , grave , sepulchre . ~~6912
06913 ## qeber {keh'- ber} ; or (feminine) qibrah {kib-raw'} ; from 06912 ; a sepulchre :-- burying place , grave , sepulchre . ~~6912
06900 ## q@buwrah {keb-oo-raw'} ; or q@burah {keb-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06912 ; sepulture ; (concretely) a sepulchre :-- burial , burying place , grave , sepulchre . ~~6900
06166 ## ` Arad {ar-awd'} ; from an unused root meaning to sequester itself ; fugitive ; Arad , the name of a place near Palestine , also of a Canaanite and an Israelite :-- Arad . ~~6166
01154 ## becer {beh'- ser} ; from an unused root meaning to be sour ; an immature grape :-- unripe grape . ~~1154
01155 ## bocer {bo'ser} ; from the same as 01154 :-- sour grape . ~~ 1154
02640 ## chocer {kho'- ser} ; from 02637 ; poverty :-- in want of . ~~ 2640
04147 ## mowcer {mo-sare'} ; also (in plural) feminine mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or moc@rah {mo-ser-aw'} ; from 03256 ; properly , chastisement , i . e . (by implication) a halter ; figuratively , restraint :-- band , bond . ~~4146
04149 ## Mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or (plural) Moc@rowth {mo-ser-othe'} feminine of 04147 ; correction or corrections ; Moserah or Moseroth , a place in the Desert :-- Mosera , Moseroth . ~~4148
05516 ## Ciyc@ra'{see-ser-aw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Sisera , the name of a Canaanitish king and of one of the Nethinim :-- Sisera . ~~5516
06235 ## ` eser {eh'ser} ; masculine of term` asarah {as-aw-raw'} ; from 06237 ; ten (as an accumulation to the extent of the digits) :-- ten , [fif-, seven-] teen . ~~6234
08022 ## Shalman'ecer {shal-man-eh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Shalmaneser , an Assyrian king :-- Shalmaneser . Comp 08020 . ~~8022
08278 ## s@rad {ser-awd'} ; from 08277 ; stitching (as pierced with a needle) :-- service . ~~8278
08286 ## S@ruwg {ser-oog'} ; from 08276 ; tendril ; Serug , a postdiluvian patriarch :-- Serug . ~~8286
08288 ## s@rowk {ser-oke'} ; from 08308 ; a thong (as laced or tied) :-- ([shoe-]) latchet . ~~8288
08304 ## S@rayah {ser-aw-yaw'} ; or S@rayahuw {ser-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08280 and 03050 ; Jah has prevailed ; Serajah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Seraiah . ~~8304
08304 ## S@rayah {ser-aw-yaw'} ; or S@rayahuw {ser-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08280 and 03050 ; Jah has prevailed ; Serajah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Seraiah . ~~8304
08305 ## s@riyqah {ser-ee-kaw'} ; from the same as 08321 in the original sense of piercing ; hetchelling (or combing flax) , i . e . (concretely) tow (by extension , linen cloth) :-- fine . ~~8306
08316 ## s@rephah {ser-ay-faw'} ; from 08313 ; cremation :-- burning . ~~ 8316
08407 ## Tiglath Pil'ecer {tig-lath'pil-eh'- ser} ; or Tiglath P@lecer {tig-lath pel-eh-ser} ; or Tilgath Piln@'ecer {til-gath'pil-neh-eh'- ser} or Tilgath Pilnecer {til-gath'pil-neh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Tiglath-Pileser or Tilgath-pilneser , an Assyr . king :-- Tiglath-pileser , Tilgath-pilneser . ~~8408
08407 ## Tiglath Pil'ecer {tig-lath'pil-eh'- ser} ; or Tiglath P@lecer {tig-lath pel-eh-ser} ; or Tilgath Piln@'ecer {til-gath'pil-neh-eh'- ser} or Tilgath Pilnecer {til-gath'pil-neh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Tiglath-Pileser or Tilgath-pilneser , an Assyr . king :-- Tiglath-pileser , Tilgath-pilneser . ~~8408
08407 ## Tiglath Pil'ecer {tig-lath'pil-eh'- ser} ; or Tiglath P@lecer {tig-lath pel-eh-ser} ; or Tilgath Piln@'ecer {til-gath'pil-neh-eh'- ser} or Tilgath Pilnecer {til-gath'pil-neh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Tiglath-Pileser or Tilgath-pilneser , an Assyr . king :-- Tiglath-pileser , Tilgath-pilneser . ~~8408
08407 ## Tiglath Pil'ecer {tig-lath'pil-eh'- ser} ; or Tiglath P@lecer {tig-lath pel-eh-ser} ; or Tilgath Piln@'ecer {til-gath'pil-neh-eh'- ser} or Tilgath Pilnecer {til-gath'pil-neh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Tiglath-Pileser or Tilgath-pilneser , an Assyr . king :-- Tiglath-pileser , Tilgath-pilneser . ~~8408
08294 ## Serach {seh'- rakh} ; by permutation for 05629 ; superfluity ; Serach , an Israelitess :-- Sarah , Serah . ~~8294
08294 ## Serach {seh'- rakh} ; by permutation for 05629 ; superfluity ; Serach , an Israelitess :-- Sarah , Serah . ~~8294
08294 ## Serach {seh'- rakh} ; by permutation for 05629 ; superfluity ; Serach , an Israelitess :-- Sarah , Serah . ~~8294
08556 ## Timnath Cherec {tim-nath kheh'- res} ; or Timnath Cerach {tim-nath seh'- rakh} ; from 08553 and 02775 ; portion of (the) sun ; Timnath-Cheres , a place in Palestine :-- Timnath-heres , Timnath-serah . ~~8556
08304 ## S@rayah {ser-aw-yaw'} ; or S@rayahuw {ser-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08280 and 03050 ; Jah has prevailed ; Serajah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Seraiah . ~~8304
08304 ## S@rayah {ser-aw-yaw'} ; or S@rayahuw {ser-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08280 and 03050 ; Jah has prevailed ; Serajah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Seraiah . ~~8304
08314 ## saraph {saw-rawf'} ; from 08313 ; burning , i . e . (figuratively) poisonous (serpent) ; specifically , a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color) :-- fiery (serpent) , seraph . ~~8314
00615 ## 'aciyr {aw-sere'} ; from 00631 ; bound , i . e . a captive :-- (those which are) bound , prisoner . ~~614
00616 ## 'acciyr {as-sere'} ; for 00615 :-- prisoner . ~~ 616
00617 ## 'Acciyr {as-sere'} ; the same as 00616 ; prisoner ; Assir , the name of two Israelites :-- Assir . ~~616
05624 ## Cered {seh'- red} ; from a primitive root meaning to tremble ; trembling ; Sered , an Israelite :-- Sered . ~~5624
05624 ## Cered {seh'- red} ; from a primitive root meaning to tremble ; trembling ; Sered , an Israelite :-- Sered . ~~5624
05625 ## Cardiy {sar-dee'} ; patron from 05624 ; a Seredite (collectively) or descendants of Sered :-- Sardites . ~~5624
08279 ## sered {seh'- red} ; from 08277 ; a (carpenter's) scribing-awl (for pricking or scratching measurements) :-- line . ~~8280
05625 ## Cardiy {sar-dee'} ; patron from 05624 ; a Seredite (collectively) or descendants of Sered :-- Sardites . ~~5624
08296 ## seret {seh'- ret} ; and sareteth {saw-reh'- teth} ; from 08295 ; an incision :-- cutting . ~~8296
00660 ## 'eph` eh {ef-eh'} ; from 00659 (in the sense of hissing) ; an asp or other venomous serpent :-- viper . ~~660
01281 ## bariyach {baw-ree'- akh} ; or (shortened) bariach {baw-ree'- akh} ; from 01272 ; a fugitive , i . e . the serpent (as fleeing) , and the constellation by that name :-- crooked , noble , piercing . ~~1280
02119 ## zachal {zaw-khal'} ; a primitive root ; to crawl ; by implication , to fear :-- be afraid , serpent , worm . ~~2118
02120 ## Zocheleth {zo-kheh'- leth} ; feminine active participle of 02119 ; crawling (i . e . serpent) ; Zocheleth , a boundary stone in . Palestine :-- Zoheleth . ~~2120
02352 ## chuwr {khoor} ; or (shortened) chur {khoor} ; from an unused root probably meaning to bore ; the crevice of a serpent ; the cell of a prison :-- hole . ~~2352
03882 ## livyathan {liv-yaw-thawn'} ; from 03867 ; a wreathed animal , i . e . a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea-monster) ; figuratively , the constellation of the dragon ; also as a symbol of Bab . :-- leviathan , mourning . ~~3882
03975 ## m@uwrah {meh-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 00215 ; something lighted , i . e . an aperture ; by implication , a crevice or hole (of a serpent) :-- den . ~~3974
04846 ## m@rorah {mer-o-raw'} ; or m@rowrah {mer-o-raw'} ; from 04843 ; properly , bitterness ; concretely , a bitter thing ; specifically bile ; also venom (of a serpent) :-- bitter (thing) , gall . ~~4846
05153 ## nachuwsh {naw-khoosh'} ; apparently passive participle of 05172 (perhaps in the sense of ringing , i . e . bell-metal ; or from the red color of the throat of a serpent [05175 , as denominative ] when hissing) ; coppery , i . e . (figuratively) hard :-- of brass . ~~5152
05175 ## nachash {naw-khawsh'} ; from 05172 ; a snake (from its hiss) :-- serpent . ~~5174
05180 ## N@chushtan {nekh-oosh-tawn'} ; from 05178 ; something made of copper , i . e . the copper serpent of the Desert :-- Nehushtan . ~~5180
05391 ## nashak {naw-shak'} ; a primitive root ; to strike with a sting (as a serpent) ; figuratively , to oppress with interest on a loan :-- bite , lend upon usury . ~~5390
05904 ## ` Iyr Nachash {eer naw-khawsh'} ; from 05892 and 05175 ; city of a serpent ; Ir-Nachash , a place in Palestine :-- Ir-nahash . ~~5904
06372 ## Piyn@chac {pee-nekh-aws'} ; apparently from 06310 and a variation of 05175 ; mouth of a serpent ; Pinechas , the name of three Israelites :-- Phinehas . ~~6372
08197 ## Sh@phuwpham {shef-oo-fawm'} ; or Sh@phuwphan {shef-oo-fawn'} ; from the same as 08207 ; serpent-like ; Shephupham or Shephuphan , an Israelite :-- Shephuphan , Shupham . ~~8198
08207 ## sh@phiyphon {shef-ee-fone'} ; from an unused root meaning the same as 07779 ; a kind of serpent (as snapping) , probably the cerastes or horned adder :-- adder . ~~8208
08314 ## saraph {saw-rawf'} ; from 08313 ; burning , i . e . (figuratively) poisonous (serpent) ; specifically , a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color) :-- fiery (serpent) , seraph . ~~8314
08314 ## saraph {saw-rawf'} ; from 08313 ; burning , i . e . (figuratively) poisonous (serpent) ; specifically , a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color) :-- fiery (serpent) , seraph . ~~8314
08565 ## tan {tan} ; from an unused root probably meaning to elongate ; a monster (as preternaturally formed) , i . e . a sea-serpent (or other huge marine animal) ; also a jackal (or other hideous land animal) :-- dragon , whale . Compare 08577 . ~~8566
08577 ## tanniyn {tan-neen'} ; or tanniym (Ezek . 29 : 3) {tan-neem'} ; intensive from the same as 08565 ; a marine or land monster , i . e . sea-serpent or jackal :-- dragon , sea-monster , serpent , whale . ~~8578
08577 ## tanniyn {tan-neen'} ; or tanniym (Ezek . 29 : 3) {tan-neem'} ; intensive from the same as 08565 ; a marine or land monster , i . e . sea-serpent or jackal :-- dragon , sea-monster , serpent , whale . ~~8578