05075 ## n@dad (Aramaic) {ned-ad'} ; corresponding to 05074 ; to depart :-- go from . ~~5074
05076 ## nadud {naw-dood'} ; passive participle of 05074 ; properly , tossed ; abstractly , a rolling (on the bed) :-- tossing to and fro . ~~5076
05077 ## nadah {naw-daw'} ; or nada'(2 Kings 17 : 21) {naw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to toss ; figuratively , to exclude , i . e . banish , postpone , prohibit :-- cast out , drive , put far away . ~~5076
05078 ## nedeh {nay'- deh} ; from 05077 in the sense of freely flinging money ; a bounty (for prostitution) :-- gifts . ~~5078
05078 ## nedeh {nay'- deh} ; from 05077 in the sense of freely flinging money ; a bounty (for prostitution) :-- gifts . ~~5078
05079 ## niddah {nid-daw'} ; from 05074 ; properly , rejection ; by implication , impurity , especially personal (menstruation) or moral (idolatry , incest) :-- X far , filthiness , X flowers , menstruous (woman) , put apart , X removed (woman) , separation , set apart , unclean (- ness , thing , with filthiness) . ~~5078
04065 ## madduwach {mad-doo'akh} ; from 05080 ; seduction :-- cause of banishment . ~~4064
05080 ## nadach {naw-dakh'} ; a primitive root ; to push off ; used in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively (to expel , mislead , strike , inflict , etc .) :-- banish , bring , cast down (out) , chase , compel , draw away , drive (away , out , quite) , fetch a stroke , force , go away , outcast , thrust away (out) , withdraw . ~~5080
05081 ## nadiyb {naw-deeb'} ; from 05068 ; properly , voluntary , i . e . generous ; hence , magnanimous ; as noun , a grandee (sometimes a tyrant) :-- free , liberal (things) , noble , prince , willing ([hearted ]) . ~~5080
05082 ## n@diybah {ned-ee-baw'} ; feminine of 05081 ; properly , nobility , i . e . reputation :-- soul . ~~5082
05993 ## ` Ammiy Nadiyb {am-mee'naw-deeb'} ; from 05971 and 05081 ; my people (is) liberal ; Ammi-Nadib , probably an Israelite :-- Amminadib . ~~5992
05082 ## n@diybah {ned-ee-baw'} ; feminine of 05081 ; properly , nobility , i . e . reputation :-- soul . ~~5082
05083 ## nadan {naw-dawn'} ; probably from an unused root meaning to give ; a present (for prostitution) :-- gift . ~~5082
05084 ## nadan {naw-dawn'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a sheath (of a sword) :-- sheath . ~~5084
05085 ## nidneh (Aramaic) {nid-neh'} ; from the same as 05084 ; a sheath ; figuratively , the body (as the receptacle of the soul) :-- body . ~~5084
05085 ## nidneh (Aramaic) {nid-neh'} ; from the same as 05084 ; a sheath ; figuratively , the body (as the receptacle of the soul) :-- body . ~~5084
05086 ## nadaph {naw-daf'} ; a primitive root ; to shove asunder , i . e . disperse :-- drive (away , to and fro) , thrust down , shaken , tossed to and fro . ~~5086
05087 ## nadar {naw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to promise (pos . , to do or give something to God) :-- (make a) vow . ~~5086
05088 ## neder {neh'- der} ; or neder {nay'- der} ; from 05087 ; a promise (to God) ; also (concretely) a thing promised :-- vow ([-ed ]) . ~~5088
05088 ## neder {neh'- der} ; or neder {nay'- der} ; from 05087 ; a promise (to God) ; also (concretely) a thing promised :-- vow ([-ed ]) . ~~5088
05089 ## noahh {no'- ah} ; from an unused root meaning to lament ; lamentation :-- wailing . ~~5088
04491 ## minhag {min-hawg'} ; from 05090 ; the driving (of a chariot) :-- driving . ~~4490
05090 ## nahag {naw-hag'} ; a primitive root ; to drive forth (a person , an animal or chariot) , i . e . lead , carry away ; reflexively , to proceed (i . e . impel or guide oneself) ; also (from the panting induced by effort) , to sigh :-- acquaint , bring (away) , carry away , drive (away) , lead (away , forth) , (be) guide , lead (away , forth) . ~~5090
05091 ## nahah {naw-haw'} ; a primitive root ; to groan , i . e . bewail ; hence (through the idea of crying aloud) , to assemble (as if on proclamation) :-- lament , wail . ~~5090
05092 ## n@hiy {neh-hee'} ; from 05091 ; an elegy :-- lamentation , wailing . ~~5092
05204 ## niy {nee} ; a doubtful word ; apparently from 05091 ; lamentation :-- wailing . ~~5204
01958 ## hiy {he} ; for 05092 ; lamentation :-- woe . (For hiy'. See 01931 , 01932 .) ~~1958
05092 ## n@hiy {neh-hee'} ; from 05091 ; an elegy :-- lamentation , wailing . ~~5092
05093 ## nihyah {nih-yaw'} ; feminine of 05092 ; lamentation :-- doleful . ~~5092
05093 ## nihyah {nih-yaw'} ; feminine of 05092 ; lamentation :-- doleful . ~~5092
05094 ## n@hiyr (Aramaic) {neh-heere'} ; or nehiyruw (Aramaic) {neh-hee-roo'} ; from the same as 05105 ; illumination , i . e . (figuratively) wisdom :-- light . ~~5094
05095 ## nahal {naw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to run with a sparkle , i . e . flow ; hence (transitively) , to conduct , and (by inference) to protect , sustain :-- carry , feed , guide , lead (gently , on) . ~~5094
05097 ## nahalol {nah-hal-ole'} ; from 05095 ; pasture :-- bush . ~~ 5096
05096 ## Nahalal {nah-hal-awl'} ; or Nahalol {nah-hal-ole'} ; the same as 05097 ; Nahalal or Nahalol , a place in Palestine :-- Nahalal , Nahallal , Nahalol . ~~5096
05096 ## Nahalal {nah-hal-awl'} ; or Nahalol {nah-hal-ole'} ; the same as 05097 ; Nahalal or Nahalol , a place in Palestine :-- Nahalal , Nahallal , Nahalol . ~~5096
05097 ## nahalol {nah-hal-ole'} ; from 05095 ; pasture :-- bush . ~~ 5096
05098 ## naham {naw-ham'} ; a primitive root ; to growl :-- mourn , roar (- ing) . ~~5098
05099 ## naham {nah'- ham} ; from 05098 ; a snarl :-- roaring . ~~ 5098
05099 ## naham {nah'- ham} ; from 05098 ; a snarl :-- roaring . ~~ 5098
05100 ## n@hamah {neh-haw-maw'} ; feminine of 05099 ; snarling :-- disquietness , roaring . ~~5100
05100 ## n@hamah {neh-haw-maw'} ; feminine of 05099 ; snarling :-- disquietness , roaring . ~~5100
05101 ## nahaq {naw-hak'} ; a primitive root ; to bray (as an ass) , scream (from hunger :-- bray . ~~5100
04492 ## minharah {min-haw-raw'} ; from 05102 ; properly , a channel or fissure , i . e . (by implication) a cavern :-- den . ~~4492
05102 ## nahar {naw-har'} ; a primitive root ; to sparkle , i . e . (figuratively) be cheerful ; hence (from the sheen of a running stream) to flow , i . e . (figuratively) assemble :-- flow (together) , be lightened . ~~5102
05103 ## n@har (Aramaic) {neh-har'} ; from a root corresponding to 05102 ; a river , especially the Euphrates :-- river , stream . ~~5102
05104 ## nahar {naw-hawr'} ; from 05102 ; a stream (including the sea ; expec . the Nile , Euphrates , etc .) ; figuratively , prosperity :-- flood , river . ~~5104
05105 ## n@harah {neh-haw-raw'} ; from 05102 in its original sense ; daylight :-- light . ~~5104
05103 ## n@har (Aramaic) {neh-har'} ; from a root corresponding to 05102 ; a river , especially the Euphrates :-- river , stream . ~~5102
00763 ## 'Aram Naharayim {ar-am'nah-har-ah'- yim} ; from 00758 and the dual of 05104 ; Aram of (the) two rivers (Euphrates and Tigris) or Mesopotamia :-- Aham-naharaim , Mesopotamia . ~~762
05104 ## nahar {naw-hawr'} ; from 05102 ; a stream (including the sea ; expec . the Nile , Euphrates , etc .) ; figuratively , prosperity :-- flood , river . ~~5104
05094 ## n@hiyr (Aramaic) {neh-heere'} ; or nehiyruw (Aramaic) {neh-hee-roo'} ; from the same as 05105 ; illumination , i . e . (figuratively) wisdom :-- light . ~~5094
05105 ## n@harah {neh-haw-raw'} ; from 05102 in its original sense ; daylight :-- light . ~~5104
04995 ## na'{naw} ; apparently from 05106 in the sense of harshness from refusal ; properly , tough , i . e . uncooked (flesh) :-- raw . ~~4994
05106 ## nuw'{noo} ; a primitive root ; to refuse , forbid , dissuade , or neutralize :-- break , disallow , discourage , make of none effect . ~~5106
08569 ## t@nuw'ah {ten-oo-aw'} ; from 05106 ; alienation ; by implication , enmity :-- breach of promise , occasion . ~~8570
05032 ## N@bayowth {neb-aw-yoth'} ; or N@bayoth {neb-aw-yoth'} ; feminine plural from 05107 ; fruitfulnesses ; Nebajoth , a son of Ismael , and the country settled by him :-- Nebaioth , Nebajoth . ~~5032
05107 ## nuwb {noob} ; a primitive root ; to germinate , i . e . (figuratively) to (causatively , make) flourish ; also (of words) , to utter :-- bring forth (fruit) , make cheerful , increase . ~~5106
05108 ## nowb {nobe} ; or neyb {nabe} ; from 05107 ; produce , literally or figuratively :-- fruit . ~~5108
08570 ## t@nuwbah {ten-oo-baw'} ; from 05107 ; produce :-- fruit , increase . ~~8570
05011 ## Nob {nobe} ; the same as 05108 ; fruit ; Nob , a place in Palestine :-- Nob . ~~5010
05108 ## nowb {nobe} ; or neyb {nabe} ; from 05107 ; produce , literally or figuratively :-- fruit . ~~5108
05109 ## Nowbay {no-bah'ee} ; from 05108 ; fruitful ; Nobai , an Israelite :-- Nebai [from the margin ] . ~~5108
05109 ## Nowbay {no-bah'ee} ; from 05108 ; fruitful ; Nobai , an Israelite :-- Nebai [from the margin ] . ~~5108
04493 ## manowd {maw-node'} ; from 05110 a nodding or toss (of the head in derision) :-- shaking . ~~4492
05067 ## ned {nade} ; from 05110 in the sense of piling up ; a mound , i . e . wave :-- heap . ~~5066
05110 ## nuwd {nood} ; a primitive root ; to nod , i . e . waver ; figuratively , to wander , flee , disappear ; also (from shaking the head in sympathy) , to console , deplore , or (from tossing the head in scorn) taunt :-- bemoan , flee , get , mourn , make to move , take pity , remove , shake , skip for joy , be sorry , vagabond , way , wandering . ~~5110
05112 ## nowd {node} [only defect . nod {node} ] ; from 05110 ; exile :-- wandering . ~~5112
05205 ## niyd {need} ; from 05110 ; motion (of the lips in speech) :-- moving . ~~5204
05111 ## nuwd (Aramaic) {nood} ; corresponding to 05116 ; to flee :-- get away . ~~5110
05112 ## nowd {node} [only defect . nod {node} ] ; from 05110 ; exile :-- wandering . ~~5112
05113 ## Nowd {node} ; the same as 05112 ; vagrancy ; Nod , the land of Cain :-- Nod . ~~5112
05113 ## Nowd {node} ; the same as 05112 ; vagrancy ; Nod , the land of Cain :-- Nod . ~~5112
05114 ## Nowdab {no-dawb'} ; from 05068 ; noble ; Nodab , an Arab tribe :-- Nodab . ~~5114
05115 ## navah {naw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rest (as at home) ; causatively (through the implied idea of beauty [compare 05116 ]) , to celebrate (with praises) :-- keept at home , prepare an habitation . ~~5114
05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) :-- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried . ~~5116
05121 ## Naviyth {naw-veeth'} ; from 05115 ; residence ; Navith , a place in Palestine :-- Naioth [from the margin ] . ~~5120
05000 ## na'veh {naw-veh'} ; from 04998 or 05116 ; suitable , or beautiful :-- becometh , comely , seemly . ~~5000
05111 ## nuwd (Aramaic) {nood} ; corresponding to 05116 ; to flee :-- get away . ~~5110
05115 ## navah {naw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rest (as at home) ; causatively (through the implied idea of beauty [compare 05116 ]) , to celebrate (with praises) :-- keept at home , prepare an habitation . ~~5114
05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) :-- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried . ~~5116