06149 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of close association ] ; to be agreeable :-- be pleasant (- ing) , take pleasure in , be sweet . ~~6148
06156 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} ; from 06149 ; pleasant :-- sweet . ~~ 6156
04628 ## ma` arab {mah-ar-awb'} ; or (feminine) ma` arabah {mah-ar-aw-baw'} ; from 06150 , in the sense of shading ; the west (as a region of the evening sun) :-- west . ~~4628
06150 ## ` arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of covering with a texture ] ; to grow dusky at sundown :-- be darkened , (toward) evening . ~~6150
06152 ## ` Arab {ar-awb'} or` Arab {ar-ab'} ; from 06150 in the figurative sense of sterility ; Arab (i . e . Arabia) , a country East of Palestine :-- Arabia . ~~6152
06153 ## ` ereb {eh'- reb} ; from 06150 ; dusk :-- + day , even (- ing , tide) , night . ~~6152
06158 ## ` oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` owreb {o-rabe'} ; from 06150 ; a raven (from its dusky hue) :-- raven . ~~6158
06160 ## ` arabah {ar-aw-baw'} ; from 06150 (in the sense of sterility) ; a desert ; especially (with the article prefix) the (generally) sterile valley of the Jordan and its continuation to the Red Sea :-- Arabah , champaign , desert , evening , heaven , plain , wilderness . See also 01026 . ~~6160
06151 ## ` arab (Aramaic) {ar-ab'} ; corresponding to 06148 ; to commingle :-- mingle (self) , mix . ~~6150
06152 ## ` Arab {ar-awb'} or` Arab {ar-ab'} ; from 06150 in the figurative sense of sterility ; Arab (i . e . Arabia) , a country East of Palestine :-- Arabia . ~~6152
06163 ## ` Arabiy {ar-aw-bee'} ; or` Arbiy {ar-bee'} ; patrial from 06152 ; an Arabian or inhabitant of Arab (i . e . Arabia) :-- Arabian . ~~6162
06153 ## ` ereb {eh'- reb} ; from 06150 ; dusk :-- + day , even (- ing , tide) , night . ~~6152
06154 ## ` ereb {ay'- reb} ; or` ereb (1 Kings 10 : 15) , (with the article prefix) , {eh'- reb} ; from 06148 ; the web (or transverse threads of cloth) ; also a mixture , (or mongrel race) :-- Arabia , mingled people , mixed (multitude) , woof . ~~6154
06155 ## ` arab {aw-rawb'} ; from 06148 ; a willow (from the use of osiers as wattles) :-- willow . ~~6154
06156 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} ; from 06149 ; pleasant :-- sweet . ~~ 6156
06157 ## ` arob {aw-robe'} ; from 06148 ; a mosquito (from its swarming) :-- divers sorts of flies , swarm . ~~6156
06158 ## ` oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` owreb {o-rabe'} ; from 06150 ; a raven (from its dusky hue) :-- raven . ~~6158
06159 ## ` Oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` Owreb {o-rabe'} ; the same as 06158 ; Oreb , the name of a Midianite and of the cliff near the Jordan :-- Oreb . ~~6158
06159 ## ` Oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` Owreb {o-rabe'} ; the same as 06158 ; Oreb , the name of a Midianite and of the cliff near the Jordan :-- Oreb . ~~6158
01026 ## Beyth ha -` Arabah {bayth haw-ar-aw-baw} ; from 01004 and 06160 with the article interposed ; house of the Desert ; Beth-ha-Arabah , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-arabah . ~~1026
06160 ## ` arabah {ar-aw-baw'} ; from 06150 (in the sense of sterility) ; a desert ; especially (with the article prefix) the (generally) sterile valley of the Jordan and its continuation to the Red Sea :-- Arabah , champaign , desert , evening , heaven , plain , wilderness . See also 01026 . ~~6160
06161 ## ` arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06048 in the sense of a bargain or exchange ; something given as security , i . e . (literally) a token (of safety) or (metaphorically) a bondsman :-- pledge , surety . ~~6160
06162 ## ` arabown {ar-aw-bone'} ; from 06148 (in the sense of exchange) ; a pawn (given as security) :-- pledge . ~~6162
06163 ## ` Arabiy {ar-aw-bee'} ; or` Arbiy {ar-bee'} ; patrial from 06152 ; an Arabian or inhabitant of Arab (i . e . Arabia) :-- Arabian . ~~6162
06164 ## ` Arbathiy {ar-baw-thee'} ; patrial from 01026 ; an Arbathite or inhabitant of (Beth-) Arabah :-- Arbahite . ~~6164
06165 ## ` arag {aw-rag'} ; a primitive root ; to long for :-- cry , pant . ~~6164
06170 ## ` aruwgah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; or` arugah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06165 ; something piled up (as if [figuratively ] raised by mental aspiration) , i . e . a paterre :-- bed , furrow . ~~6170
05897 ## ` Iyrad {ee-rawd'} ; from the same as 06166 ; fugitive ; Irad , an antediluvian :-- Irad . ~~5896
06166 ## ` Arad {ar-awd'} ; from an unused root meaning to sequester itself ; fugitive ; Arad , the name of a place near Palestine , also of a Canaanite and an Israelite :-- Arad . ~~6166
06171 ## ` arowd {aw-rode'} ; from the same as 06166 ; an onager (from his lonesome habits) :-- wild ass . ~~6170
06167 ## ` arad (Aramaic) {ar-awd'} ; corresponding to 06171 ; an onager :-- wild ass . ~~6166
04626 ## ma` ar {mah'- ar} ; from 06168 ; a nude place , i . e . (literally) the pudenda , or (figuratively) a vacant space :-- nakedness , proportion . ~~4626
04629 ## ma` areh {mah-ar-eh'} ; from 06168 ; a nude place , i . e . a common :-- meadows . ~~4628
06168 ## ` arah {aw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) bare ; hence , to empty , pour out , demolish :-- leave destitute , discover , empty , make naked , pour (out) , rase , spread self , uncover . ~~6168
06169 ## ` arah {aw-raw'} ; feminine from 06168 ; a naked (i . e . level) plot :-- paper reed . ~~6168
06172 ## ` ervah {er-vaw'} ; from 06168 ; nudity , literally (especially the pudenda) or figuratively (disgrace , blemish) :-- nakedness , shame , unclean (- ness) . ~~6172
08593 ## ta` ar {tah'- ar} ; from 06168 ; a knife or razor (as making bare) : also a scabbard (as being bare , i . e . empty) :-- [pen-] knife , razor , scabbard , shave , sheath . ~~8594
06169 ## ` arah {aw-raw'} ; feminine from 06168 ; a naked (i . e . level) plot :-- paper reed . ~~6168
06170 ## ` aruwgah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; or` arugah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06165 ; something piled up (as if [figuratively ] raised by mental aspiration) , i . e . a paterre :-- bed , furrow . ~~6170
06167 ## ` arad (Aramaic) {ar-awd'} ; corresponding to 06171 ; an onager :-- wild ass . ~~6166
06171 ## ` arowd {aw-rode'} ; from the same as 06166 ; an onager (from his lonesome habits) :-- wild ass . ~~6170
06172 ## ` ervah {er-vaw'} ; from 06168 ; nudity , literally (especially the pudenda) or figuratively (disgrace , blemish) :-- nakedness , shame , unclean (- ness) . ~~6172
06173 ## ` arvah (Aramaic) {ar-vaw'} ; corresponding to 06172 ; nakedness , i . e . (figuratively) impoverishment :-- dishonor . ~~6172
06181 ## ` eryah {er-yaw'} ; for 06172 ; nudity :-- bare , naked , X quite . ~~6180
06173 ## ` arvah (Aramaic) {ar-vaw'} ; corresponding to 06172 ; nakedness , i . e . (figuratively) impoverishment :-- dishonor . ~~6172
06174 ## ` arowm {aw-rome'} ; or` arom {aw-rome'} ; from 06191 (in its original sense) ; nude , either partially or totally :-- naked . ~~6174
06175 ## ` aruwm {aw-room'} ; passive participle of 06191 ; cunning (usually in a bad sense) :-- crafty , prudent , subtil . ~~6174
06176 ## ` arow` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` ar` ar {ar-awr'} ; from 06209 reduplicated ; a juniper (from its nudity of situation) :-- health . ~~6176
06177 ## ` Arow` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Aro` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Ar` owr {ar-ore'} ; the same as 06176 ; nudity of situation ; Aroer , the name of three places in or near Palestine :-- Aroer . ~~6176
06199 ## ` ar` ar {ar-awr'} ; from 06209 ; naked , i . e . (figuratively) poor :-- destitute . See also 06176 . ~~6198
06177 ## ` Arow` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Aro` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Ar` owr {ar-ore'} ; the same as 06176 ; nudity of situation ; Aroer , the name of three places in or near Palestine :-- Aroer . ~~6176
06200 ## ` Aro` eriy {ar-o-ay-ree'} ; patronymically from 06177 ; an Aroerite or inhabitant of Aroer :-- Aroerite . ~~6200
06178 ## ` aruwts {aw-roots'} ; passive participle of 06206 ; feared , i . e . (concretely) a horrible place or chasm :-- cliffs . ~~6178
06179 ## ` Eriy {ay-ree'} ; from 05782 ; watchful ; Eri , an Israelite :-- Eri . ~~6178
06180 ## ` Eriy {ay-ree'} ; patronymically of 06179 ; a Erite (collectively) or descendants of Eri :-- Erites . ~~6180
06180 ## ` Eriy {ay-ree'} ; patronymically of 06179 ; a Erite (collectively) or descendants of Eri :-- Erites . ~~6180
06181 ## ` eryah {er-yaw'} ; for 06172 ; nudity :-- bare , naked , X quite . ~~6180
06182 ## ` ariycah {ar-ee-saw'} ; from an unused root meaning to comminute ; meal :-- dough . ~~6182
06183 ## ` ariyph {aw-reef'} ; from 06201 ; the sky (as dropping at the horizon) :-- heaven . ~~6182
06184 ## ` ariyts {aw-reets'} ; from 06206 ; fearful , i . e . powerful or tyrannical :-- mighty , oppressor , in great power , strong , terrible , violent . ~~6184
06185 ## ` ariyriy {ar-e-ree'} ; from 06209 ; bare , i . e . destitute (of children) :-- childless . ~~6184
04633 ## ma` arak {mah-ar-awk'} ; from 06186 ; an arrangement , i . e . (figuratively) mental disposition :-- preparation . ~~4632
04635 ## ma` areketh {mah-ar-eh'- keth} ; from 06186 ; an arrangement , i . e . (concretely) a pile (of loaves) :-- row , shewbread . ~~4634
06186 ## ` arak {aw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to set in a row , i . e . arrange , put in order (in a very wide variety of applications) :-- put (set) (the battle , self) in array , compare , direct , equal , esteem , estimate , expert [in war ] , furnish , handle , join [battle ] , ordain , (lay , put , reckon up , set) (in) order , prepare , tax , value . ~~6186
06187 ## ` erek {eh'rek} ; from 06186 ; a pile , equipment , estimate :-- equal , estimation , (things that are set in) order , price , proportion , X set at , suit , taxation , X valuest . ~~6186
06187 ## ` erek {eh'rek} ; from 06186 ; a pile , equipment , estimate :-- equal , estimation , (things that are set in) order , price , proportion , X set at , suit , taxation , X valuest . ~~6186
06188 ## ` arel {aw-rale'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strip ; but used as denominative from 06189 ; to expose or remove the prepuce , whether literal (to go naked) or figurative (to refrain from using) :-- count uncircumcised , foreskin to be uncovered . ~~6188
06189 ## ` arel {aw-rale'} ; rom 06188 ; properly , exposed , i . e . projecting loose (as to the prepuce) ; used only technically , uncircumcised (i . e . still having the prepuce uncurtailed) :-- uncircumcised (person) . ~~6188
06188 ## ` arel {aw-rale'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strip ; but used as denominative from 06189 ; to expose or remove the prepuce , whether literal (to go naked) or figurative (to refrain from using) :-- count uncircumcised , foreskin to be uncovered . ~~6188
06189 ## ` arel {aw-rale'} ; rom 06188 ; properly , exposed , i . e . projecting loose (as to the prepuce) ; used only technically , uncircumcised (i . e . still having the prepuce uncurtailed) :-- uncircumcised (person) . ~~6188
06190 ## ` orlah {or-law'} ; feminine of 06189 ; the prepuce :-- foreskin , + uncircumcised . ~~6190
06190 ## ` orlah {or-law'} ; feminine of 06189 ; the prepuce :-- foreskin , + uncircumcised . ~~6190
04636 ## ma` arom {mah-ar-ome'} ; from 06191 , in the sense of stripping ; bare :-- naked . ~~4636
05903 ## ` eyrom {ay-rome'} ; or` erom {ay-rome'} ; from 06191 ; nudity :-- naked (- ness) . ~~5902
06174 ## ` arowm {aw-rome'} ; or` arom {aw-rome'} ; from 06191 (in its original sense) ; nude , either partially or totally :-- naked . ~~6174
06175 ## ` aruwm {aw-room'} ; passive participle of 06191 ; cunning (usually in a bad sense) :-- crafty , prudent , subtil . ~~6174
06191 ## ` aram {aw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be (or make) bare ; but used only in the derivative sense (through the idea perhaps of smoothness) to be cunning (usually in a bad sense) :-- X very , beware , take crafty [counsel ] , be prudent , deal subtilly . ~~6190
06193 ## ` orem {o'- rem} ; from 06191 ; a stratagem :-- craftiness . ~~ 6192
06196 ## ` armown {ar-mone'} ; probably from 06191 ; the plane tree (from its smooth and shed bark) :-- chestnut tree . ~~6196