00606 ## 'enash (Aramaic) {en-awsh'} ; or'enash (Aramaic) {en-ash'} ; corresponding to 00582 ; a man :-- man , + whosoever . ~~606
05389 ## nashiyn (Aramaic) {naw-sheen'} ; irregular plural feminine of 00606 :-- women . ~~5388
00607 ## 'antah (Aramaic) {an-taw'} ; corresponding to 00859 ; thou :-- as for thee , thou . ~~606
00608 ## 'antuwn (Aramaic) {an-toon'} ; plural of 00607 ; ye :-- ye . ~~ 608
00608 ## 'antuwn (Aramaic) {an-toon'} ; plural of 00607 ; ye :-- ye . ~~ 608
00609 ## 'Aca'{aw-saw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Asa , the name of a king and of a Levite :-- Asa . ~~608
00610 ## 'acuwk {aw-sook'} ; from 05480 ; anointed , i . e . an oil-flask :-- pot . ~~610
00611 ## 'acown {aws-sone'} ; of uncertain derivation ; hurt :-- mischief . ~~610
00612 ## 'ecuwr {ay-soor'} ; from 00631 ; a bond (especially manacles of a prisoner) :-- band , + prison . ~~612
00613 ## 'ecuwr (Aramaic) {es-oor'} ; corresponding to 00612 :-- band , imprisonment . ~~612
00613 ## 'ecuwr (Aramaic) {es-oor'} ; corresponding to 00612 :-- band , imprisonment . ~~612
00614 ## 'aciyph {aw-seef'} ; or'aciph {aw-seef'} ; from 00622 ; gathered , i . e . (abstractly) a gathering in of crops :-- ingathering . ~~614
00615 ## 'aciyr {aw-sere'} ; from 00631 ; bound , i . e . a captive :-- (those which are) bound , prisoner . ~~614
00616 ## 'acciyr {as-sere'} ; for 00615 :-- prisoner . ~~ 616
00616 ## 'acciyr {as-sere'} ; for 00615 :-- prisoner . ~~ 616
00617 ## 'Acciyr {as-sere'} ; the same as 00616 ; prisoner ; Assir , the name of two Israelites :-- Assir . ~~616
00617 ## 'Acciyr {as-sere'} ; the same as 00616 ; prisoner ; Assir , the name of two Israelites :-- Assir . ~~616
00618 ## 'acam {aw-sawm'} ; from an unused root meaning to heap together ; a storehouse (only in the plural) :-- barn , storehouse . ~~618
00619 ## 'Acnah {as-naw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Asnah , one of the Nethinim :-- Asnah . ~~618
00620 ## 'Ocnappar {os-nap-par'} ; of foreign derivation ; Osnappar , an Assyrian king :-- Asnapper . ~~620
00621 ## 'Ac@nath {aw-se-nath'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Asenath , the wife of Joseph :-- Asenath . ~~620
00023 ## 'Abiy'acaph {ab-ee-aw-sawf'} ; from 00001 and 00622 ; father of gathering (i . e . gatherer) ; Abiasaph , an Israelite :-- Abiasaph . ~~22
00614 ## 'aciyph {aw-seef'} ; or'aciph {aw-seef'} ; from 00622 ; gathered , i . e . (abstractly) a gathering in of crops :-- ingathering . ~~614
00622 ## 'acaph {aw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to gather for any purpose ; hence , to receive , take away , i . e . remove (destroy , leave behind , put up , restore , etc .) :-- assemble , bring , consume , destroy , felch , gather (in , together , up again) , X generally , get (him) , lose , put all together , receive , recover [another from leprosy ] , (be) rereward , X surely , take (away , into , up) , X utterly , withdraw . ~~622
00623 ## 'Acaph {aw-sawf'} ; from 00622 ; collector ; Asaph , the name of three Israelites , and of the family of the first :-- Asaph . ~~622
00624 ## 'acuph {aw-soof'} ; passive participle of 00622 ; collected (only in the plural) , i . e . a collection of offerings) :-- threshold , Asuppim . ~~624
00625 ## 'oceph {o'- sef} ; from 00622 ; a collection (of fruits) :-- gathering . ~~624
00626 ## 'acephah {as-ay-faw'} ; from 00622 ; a collection of people (only adverbial) :-- X together . ~~626
00650 ## 'aphiyq {aw-feek'} ; from 00622 ; properly , containing , i . e . a tube ; also a bed or valley of a stream ; also a strong thing or a hero :-- brook , channel , mighty , river , + scale , stream , strong piece . ~~650
00623 ## 'Acaph {aw-sawf'} ; from 00622 ; collector ; Asaph , the name of three Israelites , and of the family of the first :-- Asaph . ~~622
00624 ## 'acuph {aw-soof'} ; passive participle of 00622 ; collected (only in the plural) , i . e . a collection of offerings) :-- threshold , Asuppim . ~~624
00627 ## 'acuppah {as-up-paw'} ; fem of 00624 . ; a collection of (learned) men (only in the plural) :-- assembly . ~~626
00628 ## 'acp@cuph {as-pes-oof'} ; by reduplication from 00624 ; gathered up together , i . e . a promiscuous assemblage (of people) :-- mixt multitude . ~~628
00625 ## 'oceph {o'- sef} ; from 00622 ; a collection (of fruits) :-- gathering . ~~624
00626 ## 'acephah {as-ay-faw'} ; from 00622 ; a collection of people (only adverbial) :-- X together . ~~626
00627 ## 'acuppah {as-up-paw'} ; fem of 00624 . ; a collection of (learned) men (only in the plural) :-- assembly . ~~626
00628 ## 'acp@cuph {as-pes-oof'} ; by reduplication from 00624 ; gathered up together , i . e . a promiscuous assemblage (of people) :-- mixt multitude . ~~628
00629 ## 'ocparna'(Aramaic) {os-par-naw'} ; of Persian derivation ; diligently :-- fast , forthwith , speed (- ily) . ~~628
00630 ## 'Acpatha'{as-paw-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Aspatha , a son of Haman :-- Aspatha . ~~630
00612 ## 'ecuwr {ay-soor'} ; from 00631 ; a bond (especially manacles of a prisoner) :-- band , + prison . ~~612
00615 ## 'aciyr {aw-sere'} ; from 00631 ; bound , i . e . a captive :-- (those which are) bound , prisoner . ~~614
00631 ## 'acar {aw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to yoke or hitch ; by analogy , to fasten in any sense , to join battle :-- bind , fast , gird , harness , hold , keep , make ready , order , prepare , prison (- er) , put in bonds , set in array , tie . ~~630
00632 ## 'ecar {es-sawr'} ; or'iccar {is-sawr'} ; from 00631 ; an obligation or vow (of abstinence) :-- binding , bond . ~~632
04562 ## macoreth {maw-so'- reth} ; from 00631 ; a band :-- bond . ~~ 4562
00632 ## 'ecar {es-sawr'} ; or'iccar {is-sawr'} ; from 00631 ; an obligation or vow (of abstinence) :-- binding , bond . ~~632
00633 ## 'ecar (Aramaic) {es-sawr'} ; corresponding to 00632 in a legal sense ; an interdict :-- decree . ~~632
00633 ## 'ecar (Aramaic) {es-sawr'} ; corresponding to 00632 in a legal sense ; an interdict :-- decree . ~~632
00634 ## 'Ecar-Chaddown {ay-sar'Chad-dohn'} ; of foreign derivation ; Esar-chaddon , an Assyrian king :-- Esar-haddon . ~~634
00635 ## 'Ecter {es-tare'} ; of Persian derivation ; Ester , the Jewish heroine :-- Esther . ~~634
00636 ## 'a` (Aramaic) {aw} ; corresponding to 06086 ; a tree or wood :-- timber , wood . ~~636
00637 ## 'aph {af} ; a primitive particle ; meaning accession (used as an adverb or conjunction) ; also or yea ; adversatively though :-- also , + although , and (furthermore , yet) , but , even , + how much less (more , rather than) , moreover , with , yea . ~~636
00638 ## 'aph (Aramaic) {af} ; corresponding to 00637 :-- also . ~~ 638
00638 ## 'aph (Aramaic) {af} ; corresponding to 00637 :-- also . ~~ 638
00600 ## 'anaph (Aramaic) {an-af'} ; corresponding to 00639 (only in the plural as a singular) ; the face :-- face , visage . ~~600
00639 ## 'aph {af} ; from 00599 ; properly , the nose or nostril ; hence , the face , and occasionally a person ; also (from the rapid breathing in passion) ire :-- anger (- gry) , + before , countenance , face , + forebearing , forehead , + [long-] suffering , nose , nostril , snout , X worthy , wrath . ~~638
00649 ## 'Appayim {ap-pah'- yim} ; dual of 00639 ; two nostrils ; Appajim , an Israelite :-- Appaim . ~~648
02739 ## charuwmaph {khar-oo-maf'} ; from passive participle of 02763 and 00639 ; snub-nosed ; Charumaph , an Israelite :-- Harumaph . ~~2738
00640 ## 'aphad {aw-fad'} ; a primitive root [rather a denominative from 00646 ] ; to gird on (the ephod) :-- bind , gird . ~~640
00641 ## 'Ephod {ay-fode'} ; the same as 00646 shortened ; Ephod , an Israelite :-- Ephod . ~~640
00642 ## 'ephuddah {ay-food-daw'} ; feminine of 00646 ; a girding on (of the ephod) ; hence , generally , a plating (of metal) :-- ephod , ornament . ~~642
00643 ## 'appeden {ap-peh'- den} ; apparently of foreign derivation ; a pavilion or palace-tent :-- palace . ~~642
00644 ## 'aphah {aw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; to cook , especially to bake :-- bake (- r , [-meats ]) . ~~644
03989 ## ma'apheh {mah-af-eh'} ; from 00644 ; something baked , i . e . a batch :-- baken . ~~3988
08601 ## tuphiyn {too-feen'} ; from 00644 ; cookery , i . e . (concretely) a cake :-- baked piece . ~~8602
00645 ## 'ephow {ay-fo'} ; or'ephow'{ay-fo'} ; from 06311 ; strictly a demonstrative particle , here ; but used of time , now or then :-- here , now , where ? ~~644
00640 ## 'aphad {aw-fad'} ; a primitive root [rather a denominative from 00646 ] ; to gird on (the ephod) :-- bind , gird . ~~640
00641 ## 'Ephod {ay-fode'} ; the same as 00646 shortened ; Ephod , an Israelite :-- Ephod . ~~640
00642 ## 'ephuddah {ay-food-daw'} ; feminine of 00646 ; a girding on (of the ephod) ; hence , generally , a plating (of metal) :-- ephod , ornament . ~~642
00646 ## 'ephowd {ay-fode'} ; rarely'ephod {ay-fode'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; a girdle ; specifically the ephod or high-priest's shoulder-piece ; also generally , an image :-- ephod . ~~646
00647 ## 'Aphiyach {af-ee'- akh} ; perhaps from 06315 ; breeze ; Aphiach , an Israelite :-- Aphiah . ~~646
00648 ## 'aphiyl {aw-feel'} ; from the same as 00651 (in the sense of weakness) ; unripe :-- not grown up . ~~648
00649 ## 'Appayim {ap-pah'- yim} ; dual of 00639 ; two nostrils ; Appajim , an Israelite :-- Appaim . ~~648
00650 ## 'aphiyq {aw-feek'} ; from 00622 ; properly , containing , i . e . a tube ; also a bed or valley of a stream ; also a strong thing or a hero :-- brook , channel , mighty , river , + scale , stream , strong piece . ~~650
00648 ## 'aphiyl {aw-feel'} ; from the same as 00651 (in the sense of weakness) ; unripe :-- not grown up . ~~648
00651 ## 'aphel {aw-fale'} ; from an unused root meaning to set as the sun ; dusky :-- very dark . ~~650
00652 ## 'ophel {o'fel} ; from the same as 00651 ; dusk :-- darkness , obscurity , privily . ~~652
00653 ## 'aphelah {af-ay-law'} ; feminine of 00651 ; duskiness , figuratively , misfortune ; concrete , concealment :-- dark , darkness , gloominess , X thick . ~~652
03990 ## ma'aphel {mah-af-ale'} ; from the same as 00651 ; something opaque :-- darkness . ~~3990
00652 ## 'ophel {o'fel} ; from the same as 00651 ; dusk :-- darkness , obscurity , privily . ~~652
00653 ## 'aphelah {af-ay-law'} ; feminine of 00651 ; duskiness , figuratively , misfortune ; concrete , concealment :-- dark , darkness , gloominess , X thick . ~~652
00654 ## 'Ephlal {ef-lawl'} ; from 06419 ; judge ; Ephlal , an Israelite :-- Ephlal . ~~654
00655 ## 'ophen {o'- fen} ; from an unused root meaning to revolve ; a turn , i . e . a season :-- + fitly . ~~654
00656 ## 'aphec {aw-face'} ; a primitive root ; to disappear , i . e . cease :-- be clean gone (at an end , brought to nought) , fail . ~~656
00657 ## 'ephec {eh'- fes} ; from 00656 ; cessation , i . e . an end (especially of the earth) ; often used adverb , no further ; also (like 06466) the ankle (in the dual) , as being the extremity of the leg or foot :-- ankle , but (only) , end , howbeit , less than nothing , nevertheless (where) , no , none (beside) , not (any ,-withstanding) , thing of nought , save (- ing) , there , uttermost part , want , without (cause) . ~~656