00850 ## 'Eshtown {esh-tone'} ; probably from the same as 07764 ; restful ; Eshton , an Israelite :-- Eshton . ~~850
07764 ## Shuwniy {shoo-nee'} ; from an unused root meaning to rest ; quiet ; Shuni , an Israelite :-- Shuni . ~~7764
07765 ## Shuwniy {shoo-nee'} ; patronymic from 07764 ; a Shunite (collectively) or descendants of Shuni :-- Shunites . ~~7766
07766 ## Shuwnem {shoo-name'} ; probably from the same as 07764 ; quietly ; Shunem , a place in Pal :-- Shunem . ~~7766
07765 ## Shuwniy {shoo-nee'} ; patronymic from 07764 ; a Shunite (collectively) or descendants of Shuni :-- Shunites . ~~7766
07766 ## Shuwnem {shoo-name'} ; probably from the same as 07764 ; quietly ; Shunem , a place in Pal :-- Shunem . ~~7766
07767 ## Shuwnammiyth {shoo-nam-meeth'} ; patrial from 07766 ; a Shunammitess , or female inhabitant of Shunem :-- Shunamite . ~~7768
07767 ## Shuwnammiyth {shoo-nam-meeth'} ; patrial from 07766 ; a Shunammitess , or female inhabitant of Shunem :-- Shunamite . ~~7768
07768 ## shava` {shaw-vah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be free ; but used only causatively and reflexively , to halloo (for help , i . e . freedom from some trouble) :-- cry (aloud , out) , shout . ~~7768
07769 ## shuwa` {shoo'- ah} ; from 07768 ; a halloo :-- cry , riches . ~~ 7770
07771 ## showa` {sho'- ah} ; from 07768 in the original sense of freedom ; a noble , i . e . liberal , opulent ; also (as noun in the derived sense) a halloo :-- bountiful , crying , rich . ~~7772
07773 ## sheva` {sheh'- vah} ; from 07768 ; a halloo :-- cry . ~~ 7774
07774 ## Shuwa` a'{shoo-aw'} ; from 07768 ; wealth ; Shua , an Israelitess :-- Shua . ~~7774
08173 ## sha` a` {shaw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; (in a good acceptation) to look upon (with complacency) , i . e . fondle , please or amuse (self) ; (in a bad one) to look about (in dismay) , i . e . stare :-- cry (out) [by confusion with 07768 ] , dandle , delight (self) , play , shut . ~~8174
08668 ## t@shuw` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; or t@shu` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07768 in the sense of 03467 ; rescue (literal or figurative , pers . , national or spir .) :-- deliverance , help , safety , salvation , victory . ~~8668
00474 ## 'Eliyshuwa` {el-ee-shoo'- ah} ; from 00410 and 07769 ; God of supplication (or of riches) ; Elishua , the son of King David :-- Elishua . ~~474
04444 ## Malkiyshuwa` {mal-kee-shoo'- ah} ; from 04428 and 07769 ; king of wealth ; Malkishua , an Israelite :-- Malchishua . ~~4444
07769 ## shuwa` {shoo'- ah} ; from 07768 ; a halloo :-- cry , riches . ~~ 7770
07770 ## Shuwa` {shoo'- ah} ; the same as 07769 ; Shua , a Canaanite :-- Shua , Shuah . ~~7770
07770 ## Shuwa` {shoo'- ah} ; the same as 07769 ; Shua , a Canaanite :-- Shua , Shuah . ~~7770
00050 ## 'Abiyshuwae {ab-ee-shoo'- ah} ; from 00001 and 07771 ; father of plenty (i . e . prosperous) ; Abishua , the name of two Israelites :-- Abishua . ~~50
01340 ## Bath-Shuwa` {bath-shoo'- ah} ; from 01323 and 07771 ; daughter of wealth ; Bath-shua , the same as 01339 :-- Bath-shua . ~~1340
07771 ## showa` {sho'- ah} ; from 07768 in the original sense of freedom ; a noble , i . e . liberal , opulent ; also (as noun in the derived sense) a halloo :-- bountiful , crying , rich . ~~7772
07772 ## Showa` {sho'- ah} ; the same as 07771 ; rich ; Shoa , an Oriental people :-- Shoa . ~~7772
07772 ## Showa` {sho'- ah} ; the same as 07771 ; rich ; Shoa , an Oriental people :-- Shoa . ~~7772
07773 ## sheva` {sheh'- vah} ; from 07768 ; a halloo :-- cry . ~~ 7774
07775 ## shav` ah {shav-aw'} ; feminine of 07773 ; a hallooing :-- crying . ~~7776
07774 ## Shuwa` a'{shoo-aw'} ; from 07768 ; wealth ; Shua , an Israelitess :-- Shua . ~~7774
07775 ## shav` ah {shav-aw'} ; feminine of 07773 ; a hallooing :-- crying . ~~7776
02705 ## Chatsar Shuw` al {khats-ar'shoo-awl'} ; from 02691 and 07776 ; village of (the) fox ; Chatsar-Shual , a place in Palestine :-- Hazar-shual . ~~2704
07776 ## shuw` al {shoo-awl'} ; or shu` al {shoo-awl'} ; from the same as 08168 ; a jackal (as a burrower) :-- fox . ~~7776
07777 ## Shuw` al {shoo-awl'} ; the same as 07776 ; Shual , the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine :-- Shual . ~~7778
08169 ## Sha` albiym {shah-al-beem'} ; or Sha` alabbiyn {shah-al-ab-been'} ; plural from 07776 ; fox-holes ; Shaalbim or Shaalabbin , a place in Palestine :-- Shaalabbin , Shaalbim . ~~8170
08171 ## Sha` aliym {shah-al-eem'} ; plural of 07776 ; foxes ; Shaalim , a place in Palestine :-- Shalim . ~~8172
07777 ## Shuw` al {shoo-awl'} ; the same as 07776 ; Shual , the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine :-- Shual . ~~7778
07778 ## show` er {sho-are'} ; or sho` er {sho-are'} : active participle of 08176 (as denominative from 08179) ; a janitor :-- doorkeeper , porter . ~~7778
08176 ## sha` ar {shaw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to split or open , i . e . (literally , but only as denominative from 08179) to act as gate-keeper (see 07778) : (figuratively) to estimate :-- think . ~~8176
07779 ## shuwph {shoof} ; a primitive root ; properly , to gape , i . e . snap at ; figuratively , to overwhelm :-- break , bruise , cover . ~~7780
08207 ## sh@phiyphon {shef-ee-fone'} ; from an unused root meaning the same as 07779 ; a kind of serpent (as snapping) , probably the cerastes or horned adder :-- adder . ~~8208
07780 ## Showphak {sho-fawk'} ; from 08210 ; poured ; Shophak , a Syrian :-- Shophach . ~~7780
07781 ## Shuwphamiy {shoo-faw-mee'} ; patronymic from 08197 ; a Shuphamite (collectively) or descendants of Shephupham :-- Shuphamite . ~~7782
07782 ## showphar {sho-far'} ; or shophar {sho-far'} ; from 08231 in the original sense of incising ; a cornet (as giving a clear sound) or curved horn :-- cornet , trumpet . ~~7782
07783 ## shuwq {shook} ; a primitive root ; to run after or over , i . e . overflow :-- overflow , water . ~~7784
07784 ## shuwq {shook} ; from 07783 ; a street (as run over) :-- street . ~~7784
07785 ## showq {shoke} ; from 07783 ; the (lower) leg (as a runner) :-- hip , leg , shoulder , thigh . ~~7786
08669 ## t@shuwqah {tesh-oo-kaw'} ; from 07783 in the original sense of stretching out after ; a longing :-- desire . ~~8670
07784 ## shuwq {shook} ; from 07783 ; a street (as run over) :-- street . ~~7784
07785 ## showq {shoke} ; from 07783 ; the (lower) leg (as a runner) :-- hip , leg , shoulder , thigh . ~~7786
08243 ## shaq (Aramaic) {shawk} ; corresponding to 07785 ; the leg :-- leg . ~~8244
08349 ## Shashaq {shaw-shak'} ; probably from the base of 07785 ; pedestrian ; Shashak , an Israelite :-- Shashak . ~~8350
07786 ## suwr {soor} ; a primitive root ; properly , to vanquish ; by implication , to rule (causatively , crown) :-- make princes , have power , reign . See 05493 . ~~7786
07787 ## suwr {soor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07786 through the idea of reducing to pieces ; compare 04883 ] ; to saw :-- cut . ~~7788
07795 ## sowrah {so-raw'} ; from 07786 in the primitive sense of 05493 ; properly , a ring , i . e . (by analogy) a row (adverbially) :-- principal . ~~7796
07787 ## suwr {soor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07786 through the idea of reducing to pieces ; compare 04883 ] ; to saw :-- cut . ~~7788
07788 ## shuwr {shoor} ; a primitive root ; properly , to turn , i . e . travel about (as a harlot or a merchant) :-- go , singular See also 07891 . ~~7788
07789 ## shuwr {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of going round for inspection ] ; to spy out , i . e . (generally) survey , (for evil) lurk for , (for good) care for :-- behold , lay wait , look , observe , perceive , regard , see . ~~7790
07791 ## shuwr {shoor} ; from 07788 ; a wall (as going about) :-- wall . ~~7792
07794 ## showr {shore} ; from 07788 ; a bullock (as a traveller) :-- bull (- ock) , cow , ox , wall [by mistake for 07791 ] . ~~7794
07891 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or (the original form) shuwr (1 Sam . 18 : 6) {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy ] ; to sing :-- behold [by mistake for 07789 ] , sing (- er ,-ing man ,-ing woman) . ~~7892
08670 ## t@shuwrah {tesh-oo-raw'} ; from 07788 in the sense of arrival ; a gift :-- present . ~~8670
07789 ## shuwr {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of going round for inspection ] ; to spy out , i . e . (generally) survey , (for evil) lurk for , (for good) care for :-- behold , lay wait , look , observe , perceive , regard , see . ~~7790
07891 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or (the original form) shuwr (1 Sam . 18 : 6) {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy ] ; to sing :-- behold [by mistake for 07789 ] , sing (- er ,-ing man ,-ing woman) . ~~7892
07790 ## shuwr {shoor} ; from 07889 ; a foe (as lying in wait) :-- enemy . ~~7790
00051 ## 'Abiyshuwr {ab-ee-shoor'} ; from 00001 and 07791 ; father of (the) wall (i . e . perhaps mason) ; Abishur , an Israelite :-- Abishur . ~~50
07791 ## shuwr {shoor} ; from 07788 ; a wall (as going about) :-- wall . ~~7792
07792 ## shuwr (Aramaic) {shoor} ; corresponding to 07791 :-- wall . ~~ 7792
07793 ## Shuwr {shoor} ; the same as 07791 ; Shur , a region of the Desert :-- Shur . ~~7794
07794 ## showr {shore} ; from 07788 ; a bullock (as a traveller) :-- bull (- ock) , cow , ox , wall [by mistake for 07791 ] . ~~7794
08284 ## sharah {shaw-raw'} ; probably feminine of 07791 ; a fortification (literally or figuratively) :-- sing [by mistake for 07891 ] , wall . ~~8284
07792 ## shuwr (Aramaic) {shoor} ; corresponding to 07791 :-- wall . ~~ 7792
07793 ## Shuwr {shoor} ; the same as 07791 ; Shur , a region of the Desert :-- Shur . ~~7794
07794 ## showr {shore} ; from 07788 ; a bullock (as a traveller) :-- bull (- ock) , cow , ox , wall [by mistake for 07791 ] . ~~7794
08450 ## towr (Aramaic) {tore} ; corresponding (by permutation) to 07794 ; a bull :-- bullock , ox . ~~8450
07795 ## sowrah {so-raw'} ; from 07786 in the primitive sense of 05493 ; properly , a ring , i . e . (by analogy) a row (adverbially) :-- principal . ~~7796
04957 ## Masreqah {mas-ray-kaw'} ; a form for 07796 used denominatively ; vineyard ; Masrekah , a place in Idumaea :-- Masrekah . ~~4956
07796 ## Sowreq {so-rake'} ; the same as 08321 ; a vine ; Sorek , a valley in Palestine :-- Sorek . ~~7796
04885 ## masows {maw-soce'} ; from 07797 ; delight , concretely (the cause or object) or abstractly (the feeling) :-- joy , mirth , rejoice . ~~4884
07797 ## suws {soos} ; or siys {sece} ; a primitive root ; to be bright , i . e . cheerful :-- be glad , X greatly , joy , make mirth , rejoice . ~~7798
07798 ## Shavsha'{shav-shaw'} ; from 07797 ; joyful ; Shavsha , an Israelite :-- Shavsha . ~~7798
07799 ## shuwshan {shoo-shan'} ; or showshan {sho-shawn'} ; or shoshan {sho-shawn'} ; and (feminine) showshannah {sho-shan-naw'} ; from 07797 ; a lily (from its whiteness) , as a flower of arch . ornament ; also a (straight) trumpet (from the tubular shape) :-- lily , Shoshannim . ~~7800
08337 ## shesh {shaysh} ; masculine shishshah {shish-shaw'} ; a primitive number ; six (as an overplus [see 07797 ] beyond five or the fingers of the hand) ; as ord . sixth :-- six ([-teen ,-teenth ]) , sixth . ~~8338
08342 ## sasown {saw-sone'} ; or sason {saw-sone'} ; from 07797 ; cheerfulness ; specifically , welcome :-- gladness , joy , mirth , rejoicing . ~~8342