07844 ## sh@chath (Aramaic) {shekh-ath'} ; corresponding to 07843 :-- corrupt , fault . ~~7844
07845 ## shachath {shakh'- ath} ; from 07743 ; a pit (especially as a trap) ; figuratively , destruction :-- corruption , destruction , ditch , grave , pit . ~~7846
07846 ## set {sayte} ; or cet {sayt} ; from 07750 ; a departure from right , i . e . sin :-- revolter , that turn aside . ~~7846
07847 ## satah {saw-taw'} ; a primitive root ; to deviate from duty :-- decline , go aside , turn . ~~7848
00063 ## 'Abel hash-Shittiym {aw-bale'hash-shit-teem'} ; from 00058 and the plural of 07848 , with the article inserted ; meadow of the acacias ; Abel hash-Shittim , a place in Palestine :-- Abel-shittim . ~~62
01029 ## Beyth hash-Shittah {bayth hash-shit-taw'} ; from 01004 and 07848 with the article interposed ; house of the acacia ; Beth-hash-Shittah , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-shittah . ~~1028
07848 ## shittah {shit-taw'} ; feminine of a derivative [only in the plural shittiym {shit-teem'} ; meaning the sticks of wood ] from the same as 07850 ; the acacia (from its scourging thorns) :-- shittah , shittim . See also 01029 . ~~7848
07851 ## Shittiym {shit-teem'} ; the same as the plural of 07848 ; acacia trees ; Shittim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Shittim . ~~7852
04894 ## mishtowach {mish-to'- akh} ; or mishtach {mish-takh'} ; from 07849 ; a spreading-place :-- (to) spread (forth ,-ing , upon) . ~~4894
07849 ## shatach {shaw-takh'} ; a primitive root ; to expand :-- all abroad , enlarge , spread , stretch out . ~~7850
04895 ## mastemah {mas-tay-maw'} ; from the same as 07850 ; enmity :-- hatred . ~~4894
07848 ## shittah {shit-taw'} ; feminine of a derivative [only in the plural shittiym {shit-teem'} ; meaning the sticks of wood ] from the same as 07850 ; the acacia (from its scourging thorns) :-- shittah , shittim . See also 01029 . ~~7848
07850 ## shotet {sho-tate'} ; active participle of an otherwise unused root meaning (properly , to pierce ; but only as a denominative from 07752) to flog ; a goad :-- scourge . ~~7850
07851 ## Shittiym {shit-teem'} ; the same as the plural of 07848 ; acacia trees ; Shittim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Shittim . ~~7852
07852 ## satam {saw-tam'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to lurk for , i . e . persecute :-- hate , oppose self against . ~~7852
07853 ## satan {saw-tan'} ; a primitive root ; to attack , (figuratively) accuse :-- (be an) adversary , resist . ~~7854
07854 ## satan {saw-tawn'} ; from 07853 ; an opponent ; especially (with the article prefixed) Satan , the arch-enemy of good :-- adversary , Satan , withstand . ~~7854
07855 ## sitnah {sit-naw'} ; from 07853 ; opposition (by letter) :-- accusation . ~~7856
07854 ## satan {saw-tawn'} ; from 07853 ; an opponent ; especially (with the article prefixed) Satan , the arch-enemy of good :-- adversary , Satan , withstand . ~~7854
07855 ## sitnah {sit-naw'} ; from 07853 ; opposition (by letter) :-- accusation . ~~7856
07856 ## Sitnan {sit-naw'} ; the same as 07855 ; Sitnah , the name of a well in Pal :-- Sitnah . ~~7856
07587 ## Sha'uwliy {shaw-oo-lee'} ; patronymic from 07856 ; a Shaulite or descendant of Shaul :-- Shaulites . ~~7586
07856 ## Sitnan {sit-naw'} ; the same as 07855 ; Sitnah , the name of a well in Pal :-- Sitnah . ~~7856
07857 ## shataph {shaw-taf'} ; a primitive root ; to gush ; by implication , to inundate , cleanse ; by analogy , to gallop , conquer :-- drown , (over-) flow (- whelm , rinse , run , rush , (throughly) wash (away) . ~~7858
07858 ## sheteph {sheh'- tef} ; or sheteph {shay'- tef} ; from 07857 ; a deluge (literally or figuratively) :-- flood , outrageous , overflowing . ~~7858
08241 ## shetseph {sheh'- tsef} ; from 07857 (for alliteration with 07110) ; an outburst (of anger) :-- little . ~~8242
07858 ## sheteph {sheh'- tef} ; or sheteph {shay'- tef} ; from 07857 ; a deluge (literally or figuratively) :-- flood , outrageous , overflowing . ~~7858
07859 ## sh@tar (Aramaic) {shet-ar'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a side :-- side . ~~7860
04896 ## mishtar {mish-tawr'} ; from 07860 ; jurisdiction :-- dominion . ~~4896
07860 ## shoter {sho-tare'} ; active participle of an otherwise unused root probably meaning to write ; properly , a scribe , i . e . (by analogy or implication) an official superintendent or magistrate :-- officer , overseer , ruler . ~~7860
07861 ## Shitray {shit-rah'- ee} ; from the same as 07860 ; magisterial ; Shitrai , an Israelite :-- Shitrai . ~~7862
07861 ## Shitray {shit-rah'- ee} ; from the same as 07860 ; magisterial ; Shitrai , an Israelite :-- Shitrai . ~~7862
00052 ## 'Abiyshay {ab-ee-shah'ee} ; or (shorter)'Abshay {ab-shah'ee} ; from 00001 and 07862 ; father of a gift (i . e . probably generous) ; Abishai , an Israelite :-- Abishai . ~~52
07862 ## shay {shah'- ee} ; probably from 07737 ; a gift (as available) :-- present . ~~7862
07863 ## siy'{see} ; from the same as 07721 by permutation ; elevation :-- excellency . ~~7864
07865 ## Siy'on {see-ohn'} ; from 07863 ; peak ; Sion , the summit of Mt . Hermon :-- Sion . ~~7866
07864 ## Sh@ya'{sheh-yaw'} ; for 07724 ; Sheja , an Israelite :-- Sheva [from the margin ] . ~~7864
07865 ## Siy'on {see-ohn'} ; from 07863 ; peak ; Sion , the summit of Mt . Hermon :-- Sion . ~~7866
07866 ## Shi'yown {shee-ohn'} ; from the same as 07722 ; ruin ; Shijon , a place in Palestine-- Shihon . ~~7866
07867 ## siyb {seeb} ; a primitive root ; properly , to become aged , i . e . (by implication) to grow gray :-- (be) grayheaded . ~~7868
07868 ## siyb (Aramaic) {seeb} ; corresponding to 07867 :-- elder . ~~ 7868
07869 ## seyb {sabe} ; from 07867 ; old age :-- age . ~~ 7870
07868 ## siyb (Aramaic) {seeb} ; corresponding to 07867 :-- elder . ~~ 7868
07869 ## seyb {sabe} ; from 07867 ; old age :-- age . ~~ 7870
07872 ## seybah {say-baw'} ; feminine of 07869 ; old age :-- (be) gray (grey hoar ,-y) hairs (head ,-ed) , old age . ~~7872
07870 ## shiybah {shee-baw'} ; by permutation from 07725 ; a return (of property) :-- captivity . ~~7870
07871 ## shiybah {shee-baw'} ; from 03427 ; residence :-- while . . . lay . ~~7872
07872 ## seybah {say-baw'} ; feminine of 07869 ; old age :-- (be) gray (grey hoar ,-y) hairs (head ,-ed) , old age . ~~7872
07873 ## siyg {seeg} ; from 07734 ; a withdrawal (into a private place) :-- pursuing . ~~7874
07874 ## siyd {seed} ; a primitive root probably meaning to boil up (compare 07736) ; used only as denominative from 07875 ; to plaster :-- plaister . ~~7874
07875 ## siyd {seed} ; from 07874 ; lime (as boiling when slacked) :-- lime , plaister . ~~7876
07874 ## siyd {seed} ; a primitive root probably meaning to boil up (compare 07736) ; used only as denominative from 07875 ; to plaster :-- plaister . ~~7874
07875 ## siyd {seed} ; from 07874 ; lime (as boiling when slacked) :-- lime , plaister . ~~7876
07876 ## shayah {shaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root ; to keep in memory :-- be unmindful . [Render Deuteronomy 32 : 18 , " A Rock bore thee , thou must recollect ; and (yet) thou hast forgotten , " etc . ] ~~7876
07877 ## Shiyza'{shee-zaw'} ; of unknown derivation ; Shiza , an Is . :-- Shiza . ~~7878
07878 ## siyach {see'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to ponder , i . e . (by implication) converse (with oneself , and hence , aloud) or (transitively) utter :-- commune , complain , declare , meditate , muse , pray , speak , talk (with) . ~~7878
07879 ## siyach {see'- akh} ; from 07878 ; a contemplation ; by implication , an utterance :-- babbling , communication , complaint , meditation , prayer , talk . ~~7880
07880 ## siyach {see'- akh} ; from 07878 ; a shoot (as if uttered or put forth) , i . e . (generally) shrubbery :-- bush , plant , shrub . ~~7880
07808 ## seach {say'- akh} ; for 07879 ; communion , i . e . (reflexively) meditation :-- thought . ~~7808
07879 ## siyach {see'- akh} ; from 07878 ; a contemplation ; by implication , an utterance :-- babbling , communication , complaint , meditation , prayer , talk . ~~7880
07881 ## siychah {see-khaw'} ; feminine of 07879 ; reflection ; be extension , devotion :-- meditation , prayer . ~~7882
07880 ## siyach {see'- akh} ; from 07878 ; a shoot (as if uttered or put forth) , i . e . (generally) shrubbery :-- bush , plant , shrub . ~~7880
07881 ## siychah {see-khaw'} ; feminine of 07879 ; reflection ; be extension , devotion :-- meditation , prayer . ~~7882
07882 ## shiychah {shee-khaw'} ; for 07745 ; a pit-fall :-- pit . ~~ 7882
07883 ## Shiychowr {shee-khore'} ; or Shichowr {shee-khore'} ; or Shichor {shee-khore'} ; probably from 07835 ; dark , i . e . turbid ; Shichor , a stream of Egypt :-- Shihor , Sihor . ~~7884
07884 ## Shiychowr Libnath {shee-khore'lib-nawth'} ; from the same as 07883 and 03835 ; darkish whiteness ; Shichor-Libnath , a stream of Palestine :-- Shihor-libnath . ~~7884
07884 ## Shiychowr Libnath {shee-khore'lib-nawth'} ; from the same as 07883 and 03835 ; darkish whiteness ; Shichor-Libnath , a stream of Palestine :-- Shihor-libnath . ~~7884
07885 ## shayit {shay'- yit} ; from 07751 ; an oar ; also (compare 07752) a scourge (figuratively) :-- oar , scourge . ~~7886
07886 ## Shiyloh {shee-lo'} ; from 07951 ; tranquil ; Shiloh , an epithet of the Messiah :-- Shiloh . ~~7886
07887 ## Shiyloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiylow {shee-lo'} ; or Shilow {shee-lo'} ; from the same as 07886 ; Shiloh , a place in Palestine :-- Shiloh . ~~7888
07887 ## Shiyloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiylow {shee-lo'} ; or Shilow {shee-lo'} ; from the same as 07886 ; Shiloh , a place in Palestine :-- Shiloh . ~~7888
07888 ## Shiylowniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiyloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; from 07887 ; a Shilonite or inhabitant of Shiloh :-- Shilonite . ~~7888
08387 ## Ta'anath Shiloh {tah-an-ath'shee-lo'} ; from 08385 and 07887 ; approach of Shiloh ; Taanath-Shiloh , a place in Palestine :-- Taanath-shiloh . ~~8388
07888 ## Shiylowniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiyloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; from 07887 ; a Shilonite or inhabitant of Shiloh :-- Shilonite . ~~7888
08023 ## Shiloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; the same as 07888 ; Shiloni , an Israelite :-- Shiloni . ~~8024
07790 ## shuwr {shoor} ; from 07889 ; a foe (as lying in wait) :-- enemy . ~~7790
07889 ## Shiymown {shee-mone'} ; apparently for 03452 ; desert ; Shimon , an Israelite :-- Shimon . ~~7890
07890 ## shayin {shah'- yin} ; from an unused root meaning to urinate ; urine :-- piss . ~~7890
00301 ## 'Achiyshar {akh-ee-shawr'} ; from 00251 and 07891 ; brother of (the) singer ; Achishar , an Israelite :-- Ahishar . ~~300
07788 ## shuwr {shoor} ; a primitive root ; properly , to turn , i . e . travel about (as a harlot or a merchant) :-- go , singular See also 07891 . ~~7788
07891 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or (the original form) shuwr (1 Sam . 18 : 6) {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy ] ; to sing :-- behold [by mistake for 07789 ] , sing (- er ,-ing man ,-ing woman) . ~~7892
07892 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or feminine shiyrah {shee-raw'} ; from 07891 ; a song ; abstractly , singing :-- musical (- ick) , X sing (- er ,-ing) , song . ~~7892
08284 ## sharah {shaw-raw'} ; probably feminine of 07791 ; a fortification (literally or figuratively) :-- sing [by mistake for 07891 ] , wall . ~~8284