00840 ## 'Asar'el {as-ar-ale'} ; by orthographical variation from 00833 and 00410 ; right of God ; Asarel , an Israelite :-- Asareel . ~~840
00841 ## 'Asar'elah {as-ar-ale'- aw} ; from the same as 00840 ; right toward God ; Asarelah , an Israelite :-- Asarelah . Compare 03480 . ~~840
00844 ## 'Asriy'el {as-ree-ale'} ; an orthographical variation for 00840 ; Asriel , the name of two Israelites :-- Ashriel , Asriel . ~~844
00841 ## 'Asar'elah {as-ar-ale'- aw} ; from the same as 00840 ; right toward God ; Asarelah , an Israelite :-- Asarelah . Compare 03480 . ~~840
00842 ## 'asherah {ash-ay-raw'} ; or'asheyrah {ash-ay-raw'} ; from 00833 ; happy ; Asherah (or Astarte) a Phoenician goddess ; also an image of the same :-- grove . Compare 06253 . ~~842
00843 ## 'Asheriy {aw-shay-ree'} ; patronymic from 00836 ; an Asherite (collectively) or descendant of Asher :-- Asherites . ~~842
00844 ## 'Asriy'el {as-ree-ale'} ; an orthographical variation for 00840 ; Asriel , the name of two Israelites :-- Ashriel , Asriel . ~~844
00845 ## 'Asri'eliy {as-ree-ale-ee'} ; patronymic from 00844 ; an Asrielite (collectively) or descendant of Asriel :-- Asrielites . ~~844
00845 ## 'Asri'eliy {as-ree-ale-ee'} ; patronymic from 00844 ; an Asrielite (collectively) or descendant of Asriel :-- Asrielites . ~~844
00846 ## 'ushsharna'(Aramaic) {oosh-ar-naw'} ; from a root corresponding to 00833 ; a wall (from its uprightness) :-- wall . ~~846
00847 ## 'Eshta'ol {esh-taw-ole'} ; or'Eshta'owl {esh-taw-ole'} ; probably from 07592 ; intreaty ; Eshtaol , a place in Palestine :-- Eshtaol . ~~846
00848 ## 'Eshta'uliy {esh-taw-oo-lee'} ; patrial from 00847 ; an Eshtaolite (collectively) or inhabitant of Eshtaol :-- Eshtaulites . ~~848
00848 ## 'Eshta'uliy {esh-taw-oo-lee'} ; patrial from 00847 ; an Eshtaolite (collectively) or inhabitant of Eshtaol :-- Eshtaulites . ~~848
00849 ## 'eshtadduwr (Aramaic) {esh-tad-dure'} ; from 07712 (in a bad sense) ; rebellion :-- sedition . ~~848
00850 ## 'Eshtown {esh-tone'} ; probably from the same as 07764 ; restful ; Eshton , an Israelite :-- Eshton . ~~850
00851 ## 'Esht@moa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@mowa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@moh {esh-tem-o'} ; from 08085 (in the sense of obedience) ; Eshtemoa or Eshtemoh , a place in Palestine :-- Eshtemoa , Eshtemoh . ~~850
00852 ## 'ath (Aramaic) {awth} ; corresponding to 00226 ; a portent :-- sign . ~~852
00853 ## 'eth {ayth} ; apparent contracted from 00226 in the demonstrative sense of entity ; properly , self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition , even or namely) :-- [as such unrepresented in English ] . ~~852
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~864
03487 ## yath (Aramaic) {yath} ; corresponding to 00853 ; a sign of the object of a verb :-- whom . ~~3486
00854 ## 'eth {ayth} ; probably from 00579 ; properly , nearness (used only as a preposition or an adverb) , near ; hence , generally , with , by , at , among , etc . :-- against , among , before , by , for , from , in (- to) , (out) of , with . Often with another prepositional prefix . ~~854
00856 ## 'Ethba` al {eth-bah'- al} ; from 00854 and 01168 ; with Baal ; Ethbaal , a Phoenician king :-- Ethbaal . ~~856
00863 ## 'Ittay {it-tah'ee} ; or'Iythay {ee-thah'ee} ; from 00854 ; near ; Ittai or Ithai , the name of a Gittite and of an Israelite :-- Ithai , Ittai . ~~862
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~864
00855 ## 'eth {ayth} ; of uncertain derivation ; a hoe or other digging implement :-- coulter , plowshare . ~~854
00856 ## 'Ethba` al {eth-bah'- al} ; from 00854 and 01168 ; with Baal ; Ethbaal , a Phoenician king :-- Ethbaal . ~~856
00857 ## 'athah {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'{aw-thaw'} ; a primitive root [collateral to 00225 contraction ] ; to arrive :-- (be-, things to) come (upon) , bring . ~~856
00858 ## 'athah (Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'(Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 00857 :-- (be-) come , bring . ~~858
02978 ## y@'ithown {yeh-ee-thone'} ; from 00857 ; an entry :-- entrance . ~~2978
00858 ## 'athah (Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'(Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 00857 :-- (be-) come , bring . ~~858
00607 ## 'antah (Aramaic) {an-taw'} ; corresponding to 00859 ; thou :-- as for thee , thou . ~~606
00859 ## 'attah {at-taw'} ; or (shortened) ;'atta {at-taw'} ; or'ath {ath} ; feminine (irregular) sometimes'attiy {at-tee'} ; plural masculine'attem {at-tem'} ; feminine'atten {at-ten'} ; or'attenah {at-tay'naw} ; or'attennah {at-tane'- naw} ; a primitive pronoun of the second person ; thou and thee , or (plural) ye and you :-- thee , thou , ye , you . ~~858
00860 ## 'athown {aw-thone'} ; probably from the same as 00386 (in the sense of patience) ; a female donkey (from its docility) :-- (she) ass . ~~860
00861 ## 'attuwn (Aramaic) {at-toon'} ; probably from the corresponding to 00784 ; probably a fire-place , i . e . furnace :-- furnace . ~~860
00862 ## 'attuwq {at-tooke'} ; or'attiyq {at-teek'} ; from 05423 in the sense of decreasing ; a ledge or offset in a building :-- gallery . ~~862
00863 ## 'Ittay {it-tah'ee} ; or'Iythay {ee-thah'ee} ; from 00854 ; near ; Ittai or Ithai , the name of a Gittite and of an Israelite :-- Ithai , Ittai . ~~862
00864 ## 'Etham {ay-thawm'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Etham , a place in the Desert :-- Etham . ~~864
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~864
08543 ## t@mowl {tem-ole'} ; or t@mol {tem-ole'} ; probably for 00865 ; properly , ago , i . e . a (short or long) time since ; especially yesterday , or (with 08032) day before yesterday :-- + before (- time) , + these [three ] days , + heretofore , + time past , yesterday . ~~8544
00866 ## 'ethnah {eth-naw'} ; from 08566 ; a present (as the price of harlotry) :-- reward . ~~866
00867 ## 'Ethniy {eth-nee'} ; perhaps from 00866 ; munificence ; Ethni , an Israelite :-- Ethni . ~~866
00868 ## 'ethnan {eth-nan'} ; the same as 00866 ; a gift (as the price of harlotry or idolatry) :-- hire , reward . ~~868
00867 ## 'Ethniy {eth-nee'} ; perhaps from 00866 ; munificence ; Ethni , an Israelite :-- Ethni . ~~866
00869 ## 'Ethnan {eth-nan'} ; the same as 00868 in the sense of 00867 ; Ethnan , an Israelite :-- Ethnan . ~~868
00868 ## 'ethnan {eth-nan'} ; the same as 00866 ; a gift (as the price of harlotry or idolatry) :-- hire , reward . ~~868
00869 ## 'Ethnan {eth-nan'} ; the same as 00868 in the sense of 00867 ; Ethnan , an Israelite :-- Ethnan . ~~868
00869 ## 'Ethnan {eth-nan'} ; the same as 00868 in the sense of 00867 ; Ethnan , an Israelite :-- Ethnan . ~~868
00870 ## 'athar (Aramaic) {ath-ar'} ; from a root corresponding to that of 00871 ; a place ; (adverb) after :-- after , place . ~~870
00870 ## 'athar (Aramaic) {ath-ar'} ; from a root corresponding to that of 00871 ; a place ; (adverb) after :-- after , place . ~~870
00871 ## 'Athariym {ath-aw-reem'} ; plural from an unused root (probably meaning to step) ; places ; Atharim , a place near Palestine :-- spies . ~~870
02979 ## y@'ath@ray {yeh-aw-ther-ah'ee} ; from the same as 00871 ; stepping ; Jeatherai , an Israelite :-- Jeaterai . ~~2978
00872 ## b@'ah {be-aw'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance to a building :-- entry . ~~872
00873 ## bi'uwsh (Aramaic) {be-oosh'} ; from 00888 ; wicked :-- bad . ~~ 872
00874 ## ba'ar {baw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to dig ; by analogy , to engrave ; figuratively , to explain :-- declare , (make) plain (- ly) . ~~874
00875 ## @'er {be-ayr'} ; from 00874 ; a pit ; especially a well :-- pit , well . ~~874
00877 ## bo'r {bore} ; from 00874 ; a cistern :-- cistern . ~~ 876
00875 ## @'er {be-ayr'} ; from 00874 ; a pit ; especially a well :-- pit , well . ~~874
00876 ## B@'er {be-ayr'} ; the same as 00875 ; Beer , a place in the Desert , also one in Palestine :-- Beer . ~~876
00878 ## B@'era'{be-ay-raw'} ; from 00875 ; a well ; Beera , an Israelite :-- Beera . ~~878
00879 ## B@'er'Eliym {be-ayr'ay-leem'} ; from 00875 and the plural of 00410 ; well of heroes ; Beer-Elim , a place in the Desert :-- Beer-elim . ~~878
00881 ## B@'erowth {be-ay-rohth'} ; feminine plural of 00875 ; wells ; Beeroth , a place in Palestine :-- Beeroth . ~~880
00882 ## B@'eriy {be-ay-ree'} ; from 00875 ; fountained ; Beeri , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite :-- Beeri . ~~882
00883 ## B@'er la-Chay Ro'iy {be-ayr'lakh-ah'ee ro-ee'} ; from 00875 and 02416 (with prefix) and 07203 ; well of a living (One) my Seer ; Beer-Lachai-Roi , a place in the Desert :-- Beer-lahai-roi . ~~882
00884 ## B@'er Sheba` {be-ayr'sheh'- bah} ; from 00875 and 07651 (in the sense of 07650) ; well of an oath ; Beer-Sheba , a place in Palestine :-- Beer-shebah . ~~884
00885 ## B@eroth B@ney-Ya` aqan {be-ay-roth'be-nay'yah-a-can'} ; from the feminine plural of 00875 , and the plural contraction of 01121 , and 03292 ; wells of (the) sons of Jaakan ; Beeroth-Bene-Jaakan , a place in the Desert :-- Beeroth of the children of Jaakan . ~~884
01192 ## Ba` alath B@` er {bah-al-ath'beh-ayr'} ; from 01172 and 00875 ; mistress of a well ; Baalath-Beer , a place in Palestine :-- Baalath-beer . ~~1192
00876 ## B@'er {be-ayr'} ; the same as 00875 ; Beer , a place in the Desert , also one in Palestine :-- Beer . ~~876
00877 ## bo'r {bore} ; from 00874 ; a cistern :-- cistern . ~~ 876
00889 ## b@'osh {be-oshe'} ; from 00877 ; a stench :-- stink . ~~ 888
00953 ## bowr {bore} ; from 00952 (in the sense of 00877) ; a pit hole (especially one used as a cistern or a prison) :-- cistern , dungeon , fountain , pit , well . ~~952
00878 ## B@'era'{be-ay-raw'} ; from 00875 ; a well ; Beera , an Israelite :-- Beera . ~~878
00880 ## B@'erah {be-ay-raw'} ; the same as 00878 ; Beerah , an Israelite :-- Beerah . ~~880
00879 ## B@'er'Eliym {be-ayr'ay-leem'} ; from 00875 and the plural of 00410 ; well of heroes ; Beer-Elim , a place in the Desert :-- Beer-elim . ~~878
00880 ## B@'erah {be-ay-raw'} ; the same as 00878 ; Beerah , an Israelite :-- Beerah . ~~880
00881 ## B@'erowth {be-ay-rohth'} ; feminine plural of 00875 ; wells ; Beeroth , a place in Palestine :-- Beeroth . ~~880
00886 ## B@'erothiy {be-ay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 00881 ; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth :-- Beerothite . ~~886
00882 ## B@'eriy {be-ay-ree'} ; from 00875 ; fountained ; Beeri , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite :-- Beeri . ~~882
01275 ## Beriy {bay-ree'} ; probably by contraction from 00882 ; Beri , an Israelite :-- Beri . ~~1274
00883 ## B@'er la-Chay Ro'iy {be-ayr'lakh-ah'ee ro-ee'} ; from 00875 and 02416 (with prefix) and 07203 ; well of a living (One) my Seer ; Beer-Lachai-Roi , a place in the Desert :-- Beer-lahai-roi . ~~882
00884 ## B@'er Sheba` {be-ayr'sheh'- bah} ; from 00875 and 07651 (in the sense of 07650) ; well of an oath ; Beer-Sheba , a place in Palestine :-- Beer-shebah . ~~884
00885 ## B@eroth B@ney-Ya` aqan {be-ay-roth'be-nay'yah-a-can'} ; from the feminine plural of 00875 , and the plural contraction of 01121 , and 03292 ; wells of (the) sons of Jaakan ; Beeroth-Bene-Jaakan , a place in the Desert :-- Beeroth of the children of Jaakan . ~~884