00030 ## 'Abiyhuw'{ab-ee-hoo'} ; from 00001 and 01931 ; father (i . e . worshipper) of Him (i . e . God) ; Abihu , a son of Aaron :-- Abihu . ~~30
00175 ## 'Aharown {a-har-one'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Aharon , the brother of Moses :-- Aaron . ~~174
00385 ## 'Iythamar {eeth-aw-mawr'} ; from 00339 and 08558 ; coast of the palm-tree ; Ithamar , a son of Aaron :-- Ithamar . ~~384
00472 ## 'Eliysheba` {el-ee-sheh'- bah} ; from 00410 and 07651 (in the sense of 07650) ; God of (the) oath ; Elisheba , the wife of Aaron :-- Elisheba . ~~472
00001 ## > ab {awb} ; a primitive word ; father , in a literal and immediate , or figurative and remote application) :-- chief , (fore-) father ([-less ]) , X patrimony , principal . Compare names in " Abi-" . ~~0
00002 ## > ab (Aramaic) {ab} ; corresponding to 00001 :-- father . ~~ 2
00002 ## > ab (Aramaic) {ab} ; corresponding to 00001 :-- father . ~~ 2
00005 ## > Abagtha > {ab-ag-thaw'} ; of foreign origin ; Abagtha , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Abagtha . ~~4
00007 ## 'abad (Aramaic) {ab-ad'} ; corresponding to 00006 :-- destroy , perish . ~~6
00009 ## 'abedah {ab-ay-daw'} ; from 00006 ; concrete , something lost ; abstract , destruction , i . e . Hades :-- lost . Compare 00010 . ~~8
00010 ## 'abaddoh {ab-ad-do'} ; the same as 00009 , miswritten for 00011 ; a perishing :-- destruction . ~~10
00011 ## 'abaddown {ab-ad-done'} ; intensive from 00006 ; abstract , a perishing ; concrete , Hades :-- destruction . ~~10
00012 ## 'abdan {ab-dawn'} ; from 00006 ; a perishing :-- destruction . ~~12
00017 ## 'abowy {ab-o'ee} ; from 00014 (in the sense of desiring) ; want :-- sorrow . ~~16
00020 ## 'abattiyach {ab-at-tee'- akh} ; of uncertain derivation ; a melon (only plural) :-- melon . ~~20
00021 ## 'Abiy {ab-ee'} ; from 00001 ; fatherly ; Abi , Hezekiah's mother :-- Abi . ~~20
00022 ## 'Abiy'el {ab-ee-ale'} ; from 00001 and 00410 ; father (i . e . possessor) of God ; Abiel , the name of two Israelites :-- Abiel . ~~22
00023 ## 'Abiy'acaph {ab-ee-aw-sawf'} ; from 00001 and 00622 ; father of gathering (i . e . gatherer) ; Abiasaph , an Israelite :-- Abiasaph . ~~22
00025 ## 'Abiy Gib` own {ab-ee'ghib-one'} ; from 00001 and 01391 ; father (i . e . founder) of Gibon ; Abi-Gibon , perhaps an Israelite :-- father of Gibeon . ~~24
00026 ## 'Abiygayil {ab-ee-gah'- yil} or shorter'Abiygal {ab-ee-gal'} ; from 00001 and 01524 ; father (i . e . source) of joy ; Abigail or Abigal , the name of two Israelitesses :-- Abigal . ~~26
00026 ## 'Abiygayil {ab-ee-gah'- yil} or shorter'Abiygal {ab-ee-gal'} ; from 00001 and 01524 ; father (i . e . source) of joy ; Abigail or Abigal , the name of two Israelitesses :-- Abigal . ~~26
00027 ## 'Abiydan {ab-ee-dawn'} ; from 00001 and 01777 ; father of judgment (i . e . judge) ; Abidan , an Israelite :-- Abidan . ~~26
00028 ## 'Abiyda` {ab-ee-daw'} ; from 00001 and 03045 ; father of knowledge (i . e . knowing) ; Abida , a son of Abraham by Keturah :-- Abida , Abidah . ~~28
00029 ## 'Abiyah {ab-ee-yaw'} ; or prolonged'Abiyahuw {ab-ee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00001 and 03050 ; father (i . e . worshipper) of Jah ; Abijah , the name of several Israelite men and two Israelitesses :-- Abiah , Abijah . ~~28
00029 ## 'Abiyah {ab-ee-yaw'} ; or prolonged'Abiyahuw {ab-ee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00001 and 03050 ; father (i . e . worshipper) of Jah ; Abijah , the name of several Israelite men and two Israelitesses :-- Abiah , Abijah . ~~28
00030 ## 'Abiyhuw'{ab-ee-hoo'} ; from 00001 and 01931 ; father (i . e . worshipper) of Him (i . e . God) ; Abihu , a son of Aaron :-- Abihu . ~~30
00031 ## 'Abiyhuwd {ab-ee-hood'} ; from 00001 and 01935 ; father (i . e . possessor) of renown ; Abihud , the name of two Israelites :-- Abihud . ~~30
00032 ## 'Abiyhayil {ab-ee-hah'- yil} ; or (more correctly)'Abiychayil {ab-ee-khah'- yil} ; from 00001 and 02428 ; father (i . e . possessor) of might ; Abihail or Abichail , the name of three Israelites and two Israelitesses :-- Abihail . ~~32
00032 ## 'Abiyhayil {ab-ee-hah'- yil} ; or (more correctly)'Abiychayil {ab-ee-khah'- yil} ; from 00001 and 02428 ; father (i . e . possessor) of might ; Abihail or Abichail , the name of three Israelites and two Israelitesses :-- Abihail . ~~32
00033 ## 'Abiy ha -` Ezriy {ab-ee'- haw-ez-ree'} ; from 00044 with the article inserted ; father of the Ezrite ; an Abiezrite or descendant of Abiezer ;-- Abiezrite . ~~32
00035 ## 'abiyownah {ab-ee-yo-naw'} ; from 00014 ; provocative of desire ; the caper berry (from its stimulative taste) :-- desire . ~~34
00036 ## 'Abiytuwb {ab-ee-toob'} ; from 00001 and 02898 ; father of goodness (i . e . good) ; Abitub , an Israelite :-- Abitub . ~~36
00037 ## 'Abiytal {ab-ee-tal'} ; from 00001 and 02919 ; father of dew (i . e . fresh) ; Abital , a wife of King David :-- Abital . ~~36
00038 ## 'Abiyam {ab-ee-yawm'} ; from 00001 and 03220 ; father of (the) sea (i . e . seaman) ; Abijam (or Abijah) , a king of Judah :-- Abijam . ~~38
00039 ## 'Abiyma'el {ab-ee-maw-ale'} ; from 00001 and an elsewhere unused (probably foreign) word ; father of Mael (apparently some Arab tribe) ; Abimael , a son of Joktan :-- Abimael . ~~38
00040 ## 'Abiymelek {ab-ee-mel'- ek} ; from 00001 and 04428 ; father of (the) king ; Abimelek , the name of two Philistine kings and of two Israelites :-- Abimelech . ~~40
00041 ## 'Abiynadab {ab-ee-naw-dawb'} ; from 00001 and 05068 ; father of generosity (i . e . liberal) ; Abinadab , the name of four Israelites :-- Abinadab . ~~40
00042 ## 'Abiyno` am {ab-ee-no'- am} ; from 00001 and 05278 ; father of pleasantness (i . e . gracious) ; Abinoam , an Israelite :-- Abinoam . ~~42
00044 ## 'Abiy` ezer {ab-ee-ay'- zer} ; from 00001 and 05829 ; father of help (i . e . helpful) ; Abiezer , the name of two Israelites :-- Abiezer . ~~44
00045 ## 'Abiy -` albown {ab-ee-al-bone'} ; from 00001 and and an unused root of uncertain . derivation ; probably , father of strength (i . e . valiant) ; Abialbon , an Israelite :-- Abialbon . ~~44
00047 ## 'abbiyr {ab-beer'} ; for 00046 ;-- angel , bull , chiefest , mighty (one) , stout [-hearted ] , strong (one) , valiant . ~~46
00048 ## 'Abiyram {ab-ee-rawm'} ; from 00001 and 07311 ; father of height (i . e . lofty) ; Abiram , the name of two Israelites :-- Abiram . ~~48
00049 ## 'Abiyshag {ab-ee-shag'} ; from 00001 and 07686 ; father of error (i . e . blundering) ; Abishag , a concubine of David :-- Abishag . ~~48
00050 ## 'Abiyshuwae {ab-ee-shoo'- ah} ; from 00001 and 07771 ; father of plenty (i . e . prosperous) ; Abishua , the name of two Israelites :-- Abishua . ~~50
00051 ## 'Abiyshuwr {ab-ee-shoor'} ; from 00001 and 07791 ; father of (the) wall (i . e . perhaps mason) ; Abishur , an Israelite :-- Abishur . ~~50
00052 ## 'Abiyshay {ab-ee-shah'ee} ; or (shorter)'Abshay {ab-shah'ee} ; from 00001 and 07862 ; father of a gift (i . e . probably generous) ; Abishai , an Israelite :-- Abishai . ~~52
00052 ## 'Abiyshay {ab-ee-shah'ee} ; or (shorter)'Abshay {ab-shah'ee} ; from 00001 and 07862 ; father of a gift (i . e . probably generous) ; Abishai , an Israelite :-- Abishai . ~~52
00053 ## 'Abiyshalowm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} ; or (shortened)'Abshalowm {ab-shaw-lome'} ; from 00001 and 07965 ; father of peace (i . e . friendly) ; Abshalom , a son of David ; also (the fuller form) a later Israelite :-- Abishalom , Absalom . ~~52
00053 ## 'Abiyshalowm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} ; or (shortened)'Abshalowm {ab-shaw-lome'} ; from 00001 and 07965 ; father of peace (i . e . friendly) ; Abshalom , a son of David ; also (the fuller form) a later Israelite :-- Abishalom , Absalom . ~~52
00054 ## 'Ebyathar {ab-yaw-thawr'} ; contracted from 00001 and 03498 ; father of abundance (i . e . liberal) ; Ebjathar , an Israelite :-- Abiathar . ~~54
00061 ## 'abal {ab-awl'} ; apparently from 00056 through the idea of negation ; nay , i . e . truly or yet :-- but , indeed , nevertheless , verily . ~~60
00071 ## 'Abanah {ab-aw-naw'} ; perhaps feminine of 00068 ; stony ; Abanah , a river near Damascus :-- Abana . Compare 00549 . ~~70
00073 ## 'abnet {ab-nate'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a belt :-- girdle . ~~72
00074 ## 'Abner {ab-nare'} ; or (fully)'Abiyner {ab-ee-nare'} ; from 00001 and 05216 ; father of light (i . e . enlightening) ; Abner , an Israelite :-- Abner . ~~74
00074 ## 'Abner {ab-nare'} ; or (fully)'Abiyner {ab-ee-nare'} ; from 00001 and 05216 ; father of light (i . e . enlightening) ; Abner , an Israelite :-- Abner . ~~74
00076 ## 'aba` bu` ah {ab-ah-boo-aw'} ; (by reduplication) from an unused root (meaning to belch forth) ; an inflammatory pustule (as eruption) :-- blains . ~~76
00081 ## 'abaqah {ab-aw-kaw'} ; feminine of 00080 :-- powder . ~~ 80
00085 ## 'Abraham {ab-raw-hawm'} ; contracted from 00001 and an unused root (probably meaning to be populous) ; father of a multitude ; Abraham , the later name of Abram :-- Abraham . ~~84
00086 ## 'abrek {ab-rake'} ; probably an Egyptian word meaning kneel :-- bow the knee . ~~86
00087 ## 'Abram {ab-rawm'} ; contracted from 00048 ; high father ; Abram , the original name of Abraham :-- Abram . ~~86
00171 ## 'Oholiy'ab {o''- hol-e-awb'} ; from 00168 and 00001 ; tent of (his) father ; Oholiab , an Israelite :-- Aholiab . ~~170
00256 ## 'Ach'ab {akh-awb'} ; once (by contraction)'Echab (Jer . 29 : 22) {ekh-awb'} ; from 00251 and 00001 ; brother [i . e . friend ] of (his) father ; Achab , the name of a king of Israel and of a prophet at Babylon :-- Ahab . ~~256
00446 ## 'Eliy'ab {el-ee-awb'} ; from 00410 and 00001 ; God of (his) father ; Eliab , the name of six Israelites :-- Eliab . ~~446
01125 ## Ben-'Abiynadab {ben-ab-ee''- naw-dawb'} ; from 01121 and 00040 ; (the) son of Abinadab ; Ben-Abinadab , an Israelite :-- the son of Abinadab . ~~1124
01669 ## da'ab {daw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to pine :-- mourn , sorrow (- ful) . ~~1668
01669 ## da'ab {daw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to pine :-- mourn , sorrow (- ful) . ~~1668
02718 ## charab (Aramaic) {khar-ab'} ; a root corresponding to 02717 ; to demolish :-- destroy . ~~2718
02804 ## chashab (Aramaic) {khash-ab'} ; corresponding to 02803 ; to regard :-- repute . ~~2804
02811 ## Chashabyah {khash-ab-yaw'} ; or Chashabyahuw {khash-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02803 and 03050 ; Jah has regarded ; Chashabjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Hashabiah . ~~2810
02811 ## Chashabyah {khash-ab-yaw'} ; or Chashabyahuw {khash-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02803 and 03050 ; Jah has regarded ; Chashabjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Hashabiah . ~~2810
02812 ## Chashabnah {khash-ab-naw'} ; feminine of 02808 ; inventiveness ; Chashnah , an Israelite :-- Hashabnah . ~~2812
02813 ## Chashabn@yah {khash-ab-neh-yaw'} ; from 02808 and 03050 ; thought of Jah ; Chashabnejah , the name of two Israelites :-- Hashabniah . ~~2812
02968 ## ya'ab {yaw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to desire :-- long . ~~ 2968
02968 ## ya'ab {yaw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to desire :-- long . ~~ 2968
03097 ## Yow'ab {yo-awb'} ; from 03068 and 00001 ; Jehovah-fathered ; Joab , the name of three Israelites :-- Joab . ~~3096
03191 ## y@tab (Aramaic) {yet-ab'} ; corresponding to 03190 :-- seem good . ~~3190
03343 ## Y@qabts@'el {yek-ab-tseh-ale'} ; from 06908 and 00410 ; God will gather ; Jekabtseel , a place in Palestine :-- Jekabzeel . Compare 06909 . ~~3342
03428 ## Yesheb'ab {yeh-sheb-awb'} ; from 03427 and 00001 ; seat of (his) father ; Jeshebab , an Israelite :-- Jeshebeab . ~~3428
03510 ## ka'ab {kaw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to feel pain ; by implication , to grieve ; figuratively , to spoil :-- grieving , mar , have pain , make sad (sore) , (be) sorrowful . ~~3510
03510 ## ka'ab {kaw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to feel pain ; by implication , to grieve ; figuratively , to spoil :-- grieving , mar , have pain , make sad (sore) , (be) sorrowful . ~~3510
03538 ## k@dab (Aramaic) {ked-ab'} ; from a root corresponding to 03576 ; false :-- lying . ~~3538
03609 ## Kil'ab {kil-awb'} ; apparently from 03607 and 00001 ; restraint of (his) father ; Kilab , an Israelite :-- Chileab . ~~3608
03790 ## k@thab (Aramaic) {keth-ab'} ; corresponding to 03789 :-- write (- ten) . ~~3790
03825 ## l@bab (Aramaic) {leb-ab'} ; corresponding to 03824 :-- heart . ~~3824
03931 ## la` ab {law-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to deride :-- mock . ~~ 3930
03931 ## la` ab {law-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to deride :-- mock . ~~ 3930
03965 ## ma` abuwc {mah-ab-ooce'} ; from 75 ; a granary :-- storehouse . ~~3964
04124 ## Mow'ab {mo-awb} ; from a prolonged form of the prepositional prefix m-and 1 ; from (her [the mother's ]) father ; Moab , an incestuous son of Lot ; also his territory and descendants :-- Moab . ~~4124
04224 ## machabe'{makh-ab-ay'} ; or machabo'{makh-ab-o'} ; from 02244 ; a refuge :-- hiding (lurking) place . ~~4224
04224 ## machabe'{makh-ab-ay'} ; or machabo'{makh-ab-o'} ; from 02244 ; a refuge :-- hiding (lurking) place . ~~4224
04226 ## m@chabb@rah {mekh-ab-ber-aw'} ; from 02266 ; a joiner , i . e . brace or cramp :-- coupling , joining . ~~4226
04227 ## machabath {makh-ab-ath'} ; from the same as 02281 ; a pan for baking in :-- pan . ~~4226
04568 ## ma` abeh {mah-ab-eh'} ; from 05666 ; properly , compact (part of soil) , i . e . loam :-- clay . ~~4568
04569 ## ma` abar {mah-ab-awr'} ; or feminine ma` abarah {mah-ab-aw-raw'} ; from 05674 ; a crossing-place (of a river , a ford ; of a mountain , a pass) ; abstractly , a transit , i . e . (figuratively) overwhelming :-- ford , place where . . . pass , passage . ~~4568
04569 ## ma` abar {mah-ab-awr'} ; or feminine ma` abarah {mah-ab-aw-raw'} ; from 05674 ; a crossing-place (of a river , a ford ; of a mountain , a pass) ; abstractly , a transit , i . e . (figuratively) overwhelming :-- ford , place where . . . pass , passage . ~~4568
04857 ## mash'ab {mash-awb'} ; from 07579 ; a trough for cattle to drink from :-- place of drawing water . ~~4856
05069 ## n@dab (Aramaic) {ned-ab'} ; corresponding to 05068 ; be (or give) liberal (- ly) :-- (be minded of . . . own) freewill (offering) , offer freely (willingly) . ~~5068
05072 ## N@dabyah {ned-ab-yaw'} ; from 05068 and 03050 ; largess of Jah ; Nedabjah , an Israelite :-- Nedabiah . ~~5072
05645 ## ` ab {awb} (masculine and feminine) ; from 05743 ; properly , an envelope , i . e . darkness (or density , 2 Chron . 4 : 17) ; specifically , a (scud) cloud ; also a copse :-- clay , (thick) cloud , X thick , thicket . Compare 05672 . ~~5644
05646 ## ` ab {awb} ; or` ob {obe} ; from an unused root meaning to cover ; properly , equivalent to 05645 ; but used only as an architectural term , an architrave (as shading the pillars) :-- thick (beam , plant) . ~~5646
05648 ## ` abad (Aramaic) {ab-bad'} ; corresponding to 05647 ; to do , make , prepare , keep , etc . :-- X cut , do , execute , go on , make , move , work . ~~5648
05649 ## ` abad (Aramaic) {ab-bad'} ; from 05648 ; a servant :-- servant . ~~5648
05652 ## ` abad {ab-awd'} ; from 05647 ; a deed :-- work . ~~ 5652
05653 ## ` Abda'{ab-daw'} ; from 05647 ; work ; Abda , the name of two Israelites :-- Abda ~~5652
05655 ## ` Abd@'el {ab-deh-ale'} ; from 05647 and 00410 ; serving God ; Abdeel , an Israelite :-- Abdeel . Compare 05661 . ~~5654
05656 ## ` abodah {ab-o-daw'} ; or` abowdah {ab-o-daw'} ; from 05647 ; work of any kind :-- act , bondage , + bondservant , effect , labour , ministering (- try) , office , service (- ile ,-itude) , tillage , use , work , X wrought . ~~5656
05656 ## ` abodah {ab-o-daw'} ; or` abowdah {ab-o-daw'} ; from 05647 ; work of any kind :-- act , bondage , + bondservant , effect , labour , ministering (- try) , office , service (- ile ,-itude) , tillage , use , work , X wrought . ~~5656
05657 ## ` abuddah {ab-ood-daw'} ; passive participle of 05647 ; something wrought , i . e . (concretely) service :-- household , store of servants . ~~5656
05658 ## ` Abdown {ab-dohn'} ; from 05647 ; servitude ; Abdon , the name of a place in Palestine and of four Israelites :-- Abdon . Compare 05683 . ~~5658
05659 ## ` abduwth {ab-dooth'} ; from 05647 ; servitude :-- bondage . ~~ 5658
05660 ## ` Abdiy {ab-dee'} ; from 05647 ; serviceable ; Abdi , the name of two Israelites :-- Abdi . ~~5660
05661 ## ` Abdiy'el {ab-dee-ale'} ; from 05650 and 00410 ; servant of God ; Abdiel , an Israelite :-- Abdiel . Compare 05655 . ~~5660
05664 ## ` Abed N@gow {ab-ade'neg-o'} ; the same as 05665 ; Abed-Nego , the Babylonian name of one of Daniel's companions :-- Abed-nego . ~~5664
05665 ## ` Abed N@gow'(Aramaic) {ab-ade'neg-o'} ; of foreign origin ; Abed-Nego , the name of Azariah :-- Abed-nego . ~~5664
05667 ## ` abowt {ab-ote'} ; or` abot {ab-ote'} ; from 05670 ; a pawn :-- pledge . ~~5666
05667 ## ` abowt {ab-ote'} ; or` abot {ab-ote'} ; from 05670 ; a pawn :-- pledge . ~~5666
05671 ## ` abtiyt {ab-teet'} ; from 05670 ; something pledged , i . e . (collectively) pawned goods :-- thick clay [by a false etym . ] . ~~5670
05672 ## ` abiy {ab-ee'} ; or` obiy {ob-ee'} ; from 05666 ; density , i . e . depth or width :-- thick (- ness) . Compare 05645 . ~~5672
05673 ## ` abiydah (Aramaic) {ab-ee-daw'} ; from 05648 ; labor or business :-- affairs , service , work . ~~5672
05675 ## ` abar (Aramaic) {ab-ar'} ; corresponding to 05676 :-- beyond , this side . ~~5674
05679 ## ` abarah {ab-aw-raw'} ; from 05674 ; a crossing-place :-- ferry , plain [from the margin ] . ~~5678
05682 ## ` Abarim {ab-aw-reem'} ; plural of 05676 ; regions beyond ; Abarim , a place in Palestine :-- Abarim , passages . ~~5682
05688 ## ` aboth {ab-oth'} ; or` abowth {ab-oth'} ; or (feminine)` abothah {ab-oth-aw'} ; the same as 05687 ; something intwined , i . e . a string , wreath or foliage :-- band , cord , rope , thick bough (branch) , wreathen (chain) . ~~5688
05688 ## ` aboth {ab-oth'} ; or` abowth {ab-oth'} ; or (feminine)` abothah {ab-oth-aw'} ; the same as 05687 ; something intwined , i . e . a string , wreath or foliage :-- band , cord , rope , thick bough (branch) , wreathen (chain) . ~~5688
05688 ## ` aboth {ab-oth'} ; or` abowth {ab-oth'} ; or (feminine)` abothah {ab-oth-aw'} ; the same as 05687 ; something intwined , i . e . a string , wreath or foliage :-- band , cord , rope , thick bough (branch) , wreathen (chain) . ~~5688
05854 ## ` Atrowth beyth Yow'ab {at-roth'bayth yo-awb'} ; from the same as 05852 and 01004 and 03097 ; crowns of the house of Joab ; Atroth-beth-Joab , a place in Palestine :-- Ataroth the house of Joab . ~~5854
05863 ## ` Iyey ha -` Abariym {ee-yay'haw-ab-aw-reem'} ; from the plural of 05856 and the plural of the active participle of 05674 with the article interposed ; ruins of the passers ; Ije-ha-Abarim , a place near Palestine :-- Ije-abarim . ~~5862
06088 ## ` atsab (Aramaic) {ats-ab'} ; corresponding to 06087 ; to afflict :-- lamentable . ~~6088
06151 ## ` arab (Aramaic) {ar-ab'} ; corresponding to 06148 ; to commingle :-- mingle (self) , mix . ~~6150
06152 ## ` Arab {ar-awb'} or` Arab {ar-ab'} ; from 06150 in the figurative sense of sterility ; Arab (i . e . Arabia) , a country East of Palestine :-- Arabia . ~~6152
06211 ## ` ash {awsh} ; from 06244 ; a moth :-- moth . See also 05906 . or 06211 . ## ` asab (Aramaic) {as-ab'} ; 06212 :-- grass . ~~6210
06355 ## Pachath Mow'ab {pakh'- ath mo-awb'} ; from 06354 and 04124 ; pit of Moab ; Pachath-Moab , an Israelite :-- Pahath-moab . ~~6354
07338 ## rachab {rakh'- ab} ; from 07337 ; a width :-- breadth , broad place . ~~7338
07345 ## R@chabyah {rekh-ab-yaw'} ; or R@chabyahuw {rek-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07337 and 03050 ; Jah has enlarged ; Rechabjah , an Israelite :-- Rehabiah . ~~7344
07345 ## R@chabyah {rekh-ab-yaw'} ; or R@chabyahuw {rek-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07337 and 03050 ; Jah has enlarged ; Rechabjah , an Israelite :-- Rehabiah . ~~7344
07346 ## R@chab` am {rekh-ab-awm'} ; from 07337 and 05971 ; a people has enlarged ; Rechabam , an Israelite king :-- Rehoboam . ~~7346
07458 ## ra` ab {raw-awb'} ; from 07456 ; hunger (more or less extensive) :-- dearth , famine , + famished , hunger . ~~7458
07579 ## sha'ab {sahw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to bale up water :-- (woman to) draw (- er , water) . ~~7578
07579 ## sha'ab {sahw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to bale up water :-- (woman to) draw (- er , water) . ~~7578
07804 ## sh@zab (Aramaic) {shez-ab'} ; corresponding to 05800 ; to leave , i . e . (causatively) free :-- deliver . ~~7804
08134 ## Shin'ab {shin-awb'} ; probably from 08132 and 00001 ; a father has turned ; Shinab , a Canaanite :-- Shinab . ~~8134
08169 ## Sha` albiym {shah-al-beem'} ; or Sha` alabbiyn {shah-al-ab-been'} ; plural from 07776 ; fox-holes ; Shaalbim or Shaalabbin , a place in Palestine :-- Shaalabbin , Shaalbim . ~~8170
08373 ## ta'ab {taw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to desire :-- long . ~~ 8374
08373 ## ta'ab {taw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to desire :-- long . ~~ 8374
08374 ## ta'ab {taw-ab'} ; a primitive root [probably identical with 08373 through the idea of puffing disdainfully at ; compare 00340 ] ; to loathe (morally) :-- abhor . ~~8374
08374 ## ta'ab {taw-ab'} ; a primitive root [probably identical with 08373 through the idea of puffing disdainfully at ; compare 00340 ] ; to loathe (morally) :-- abhor . ~~8374
08375 ## ta'abah {tah-ab-aw'} ; from 08374 [compare 15 ] ; desire :-- longing . ~~8376
08581 ## ta` ab {taw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to loathe , i . e . (morally) detest :-- (make to be) abhor (- red) , (be , commit more , do) abominable (- y) , X utterly . ~~8582
08581 ## ta` ab {taw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to loathe , i . e . (morally) detest :-- (make to be) abhor (- red) , (be , commit more , do) abominable (- y) , X utterly . ~~8582