00631 ## 'acar {aw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to yoke or hitch ; by analogy , to fasten in any sense , to join battle :-- bind , fast , gird , harness , hold , keep , make ready , order , prepare , prison (- er) , put in bonds , set in array , tie . ~~630
00390 ## 'Akkad {ak-kad'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to strengthen ; a fortress ; Accad , a place in Babylon :-- Accad . ~~390
00390 ## 'Akkad {ak-kad'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to strengthen ; a fortress ; Accad , a place in Babylon :-- Accad . ~~390
01878 ## dashen {daw-shane'} ; a primitive root ; to be fat ; transitively , to fatten (or regard as fat) ; specifically to anoint ; figuratively , to satisfy ; denominatively (from 01880) to remove (fat) ashes (of sacrifices) :-- accept , anoint , take away the (receive) ashes (from) , make (wax) fat . ~~1878
03947 ## laqach {law-kakh'} ; a primitive root ; to take (in the widest variety of applications) :-- accept , bring , buy , carry away , drawn , fetch , get , infold , X many , mingle , place , receive (- ing) , reserve , seize , send for , take (away ,-- ing , up) , use , win . ~~3946
05375 ## nasa'{naw-saw'} ; or nacah (Psalm 4 : 6 [7 ]) {naw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to lift , in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , absol . and rel . (as follows) :-- accept , advance , arise , (able to , [armor ] , suffer to) bear (- er , up) , bring (forth) , burn , carry (away) , cast , contain , desire , ease , exact , exalt (self) , extol , fetch , forgive , furnish , further , give , go on , help , high , hold up , honorable (+ man) , lade , lay , lift (self) up , lofty , marry , magnify , X needs , obtain , pardon , raise (up) , receive , regard , respect , set (up) , spare , stir up , + swear , take (away , up) , X utterly , wear , yield . ~~5374
06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) :-- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you . ~~6440
07306 ## ruwach {roo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; properly , to blow , i . e . breathe ; only (literally) to smell or (by implication , perceive (figuratively , to anticipate , enjoy) :-- accept , smell , X touch , make of quick understanding . ~~7306
07519 ## ratsa'{raw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to run ; also to delight in :-- accept , run . ~~7518
07521 ## ratsah {raw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to be pleased with ; specifically , to satisfy a debt :-- (be) accept (- able) , accomplish , set affection , approve , consent with , delight (self) , enjoy , (be , have a) favour (- able) , like , observe , pardon , (be , have , take) please (- ure) , reconcile self . ~~7520
00977 ## bachar {baw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to try , i . e . (by implication) select :-- acceptable , appoint , choose (choice) , excellent , join , be rather , require . ~~976
02656 ## chephets {khay'- fets} ; from 02654 ; pleasure ; hence (abstractly) desire ; concretely , a valuable thing ; hence (by extension) a matter (as something in mind) :-- acceptable , delight (- some) , desire , things desired , matter , pleasant (- ure) , purpose , willingly . ~~2656
03787 ## kasher {kaw-share'} ; a primitive root properly , to be straight or right ; by implication , to be acceptable ; also to succeed or prosper :-- direct , be right , prosper . ~~3786
07522 ## ratsown {raw-tsone'} ; or ratson {raw-tsone'} ; from 07521 ; delight (especially as shown) :-- (be) acceptable (- ance ,-ed) , delight , desire , favour , (good) pleasure , (own , self , voluntary) will , as . . . (what) would . ~~7522
08232 ## sh@phar (Aramaic) {shef-ar'} ; corresponding to 08231 ; to be beautiful :-- be acceptable , please , + think good . ~~8232
08173 ## sha` a` {shaw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; (in a good acceptation) to look upon (with complacency) , i . e . fondle , please or amuse (self) ; (in a bad one) to look about (in dismay) , i . e . stare :-- cry (out) [by confusion with 07768 ] , dandle , delight (self) , play , shut . ~~8174
03190 ## yatab {yaw-tab'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causative) make well , literally (sound , beautiful) or figuratively (happy , successful , right) :-- be accepted , amend , use aright , benefit , be (make) better , seem best , make cheerful , be comely , + be content , diligent (- ly) , dress , earnestly , find favour , give , be glad , do (be , make) good ([-ness ]) , be (make) merry , please (+ well) , shew more [kindness ] , skilfully , X very small , surely , make sweet , thoroughly , tire , trim , very , be (can , deal , entreat , go , have) well [said , seen ] . ~~3190
05307 ## naphal {naw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fall , in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative , literal or figurative) :-- be accepted , cast (down , self , [lots ] , out) , cease , die , divide (by lot) , (let) fail , (cause to , let , make , ready to) fall (away , down ,-en ,-ing) , fell (- ing) , fugitive , have [inheritance ] , inferior , be judged [by mistake for 06419 ] , lay (along) , (cause to) lie down , light (down) , be (X hast) lost , lying , overthrow , overwhelm , perish , present (- ed ,-ing) , (make to) rot , slay , smite out , X surely , throw down . ~~5306
07613 ## s@'eth {seh-ayth'} ; from 05375 ; an elevation or leprous scab ; figuratively , elation or cheerfulness ; exaltation in rank or character :-- be accepted , dignity , excellency , highness , raise up self , rising . ~~7612
04108 ## mahlek {mah-lake'} ; from 01980 ; a walking (plural collectively) , i . e . access :-- place to walk . ~~4108
00637 ## 'aph {af} ; a primitive particle ; meaning accession (used as an adverb or conjunction) ; also or yea ; adversatively though :-- also , + although , and (furthermore , yet) , but , even , + how much less (more , rather than) , moreover , with , yea . ~~636
07585 ## sh@'owl {sheh-ole'} ; or sh@ol {sheh-ole'} ; from 07592 ; Hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat) , including its accessories and inmates :-- grave , hell , pit . ~~7584
00270 ## 'achaz {aw-khaz'} ; a primitive root ; to seize (often with the accessory idea of holding in possession) :-- + be affrighted , bar , (catch , lay , take) hold (back) , come upon , fasten , handle , portion , (get , have or take) possess (- ion) . ~~270
07365 ## r@chats (Aramaic) {rekh-ats'} ; corresponding to 07364 [probably through the accessory idea of ministering as a servant at the bath ] ; to attend upon :-- trust . ~~7364
05910 ## ` Akkow {ak-ko'} ; apparently from an unused root meaning to hem in ; Akko (from its situation on a bay) :-- Accho . ~~5910
04745 ## miqreh {mik-reh'} ; from 07136 ; something met with , i . e . an accident or fortune :-- something befallen , befalleth , chance , event , hap (- peneth) . ~~4744
06293 ## paga` {paw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; to impinge , by accident or violence , or (figuratively) by importunity :-- come (betwixt) , cause to entreat , fall (upon) , make intercession , intercessor , intreat , lay , light [upon ] , meet (together) , pray , reach , run . ~~6292
06295 ## Pag` iy'el {pag-ee-ale'} ; from 06294 and 00410 ; accident of God ; Pagiel , an Israelite :-- Pagiel . ~~6294
06298 ## pagash {paw-gash'} ; a primitive root ; to come in contact with , whether by accident or violence ; figuratively , to concur :-- meet (with , together) . ~~6298
07136 ## qarah {kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to light upon (chiefly by accident) ; causatively , to bring about ; specifically , to impose timbers (for roof or floor) :-- appoint , lay (make) beams , befall , bring , come (to pass unto) , floor , [hap ] was , happen (unto) , meet , send good speed . ~~7136
07125 ## qir'ah {keer-aw'} ; from 07122 ; an encountering , accidental , friendly or hostile (also adverbially , opposite) :-- X against (he come) , help , meet , seek , X to , X in the way . ~~7124
07137 ## qareh {kaw-reh'} ; from 07136 ; an (unfortunate) occurrence , i . e . some accidental (ceremonial) disqualification :-- uncleanness that chanceth . ~~7136
07122 ## qara'{kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root : to encounter , whether accidentally or in a hostile manner :-- befall , (by) chance , (cause to) come (upon) , fall out , happen , meet . ~~7122
00616 ## 'acciyr {as-sere'} ; for 00615 :-- prisoner . ~~ 616
00617 ## 'Acciyr {as-sere'} ; the same as 00616 ; prisoner ; Assir , the name of two Israelites :-- Assir . ~~616
01960 ## huy@dah {hoo-yed-aw'} ; from the same as 01959 ; properly , an acclaim , i . e . a choir of singers :-- thanksgiving . ~~1960
01959 ## heydad {hay-dawd'} ; from an unused root (meaning to shout) ; acclamation :-- shout (- ing) . ~~1958
08643 ## t@ruw` ah {ter-oo-aw'} ; from 07321 ; clamor , i . e . acclamation of joy or a battle-cry ; especially clangor of trumpets , as an alarum :-- alarm , blow (- ing) (of , the) (trumpets) , joy , jubile , loud noise , rejoicing , shout (- ing) , (high , joyful) sound (- ing) . ~~8644
04608 ## ma` aleh {mah-al-eh'} ; from 05927 ; an elevation , i . e . (concretely) acclivity or platform ; abstractly (the relation or state) a rise or (figuratively) priority :-- ascent , before , chiefest , cliff , that goeth up , going up , hill , mounting up , stairs . ~~4608
05315 ## nephesh {neh'- fesh} ; from 05314 ; properly , a breathing creature , i . e . animal of (abstractly) vitality ; used very widely in a literal , accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental) :-- any , appetite , beast , body , breath , creature , X dead (- ly) , desire , X [dis-] contented , X fish , ghost , + greedy , he , heart (- y) , (hath , X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy) , lust , man , me , mind , mortally , one , own , person , pleasure , (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self , them (your)-selves , + slay , soul , + tablet , they , thing , (X she) will , X would have it . ~~5314
00834 ## 'aher {ash-er'} ; a primitive relative pronoun (of every gender and number) ; who , which , what , that ; also (as an adverb and a conjunction) when , where , how , because , in order that , etc . :-- X after , X alike , as (soon as) , because , X every , for , + forasmuch , + from whence , + how (- soever) , X if , (so) that ([thing ] which , wherein) , X though , + until , + whatsoever , when , where (+-as ,-in ,-of ,-on ,-soever ,-with) , which , whilst , + whither (- soever) , who (- m ,-soever ,-se) . As it is indeclinable , it is often accompanied by the personal pronoun expletively , used to show the connection . ~~834
02158 ## zamiyr {zaw-meer'} ; or zamir {zaw-meer'} ; and (feminine) z@mirah {zem-ee-raw'} ; from 02167 ; a song to be accompanied with instrumental music :-- psalm (- ist) , singing , song . ~~2158
02167 ## zamar {zaw-mar'} ; a primitive root [perhaps ident . with 02168 through the idea of striking with the fingers ] ; properly , to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument , i . e . play upon it ; to make music , accompanied by the voice ; hence to celebrate in song and music :-- give praise , sing forth praises , psalms . ~~2166
02172 ## zimrah {zim-raw'} ; from 02167 ; a musical piece or song to be accompanied by an instrument :-- melody , psalm . ~~2172
07015 ## qiynah {kee-naw'} ; from 06969 ; a dirge (as accompanied by beating the breasts or on instruments) :-- lamentation . ~~7014
05287 ## na` ar {naw-ar'} ; a primitive root [probably identical with 05286 , through the idea of the rustling of mane , which usually accompanies the lion's roar ] ; to tumble about :-- shake (off , out , self) , overthrow , toss up and down . ~~5286
02790 ## charash {khaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to scratch , i . e . (by implication) to engrave , plough ; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material) ; figuratively , to devise (in a bad sense) ; hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent , to let alone ; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness) :-- X altogether , cease , conceal , be deaf , devise , ear , graven , imagine , leave off speaking , hold peace , plow (- er , man) , be quiet , rest , practise secretly , keep silence , be silent , speak not a word , be still , hold tongue , worker . ~~2790
05973 ## ` im {eem} ; from 06004 ; adverb or preposition , with (i . e . in conjunction with) , in varied applications ; specifically , equally with ; often with prepositional prefix (and then usually unrepresented in English) :-- accompanying , against , and , as (X long as) , before , beside , by (reason of) , for all , from (among , between) , in , like , more than , of , (un-) to , with (- al) . ~~5972
03615 ## kalah {kaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to end , whether intransitive (to cease , be finished , perish) or transitived (to complete , prepare , consume) :-- accomplish , cease , consume (away) , determine , destroy (utterly) , be (when . . were) done , (be an) end (of) , expire , (cause to) fail , faint , finish , fulfil , X fully , X have , leave (off) , long , bring to pass , wholly reap , make clean riddance , spend , quite take away , waste . ~~3614
04390 ## male'{maw-lay'} ; or mala'(Esth . 7 : 5) {maw-law'} ; a primitive root , to fill or (intransitively) be full of , in a wide application (literally and figuratively) :-- accomplish , confirm , + consecrate , be at an end , be expired , be fenced , fill , fulfil , (be , become , X draw , give in , go) full (- ly ,-ly set , tale) , [over-] flow , fulness , furnish , gather (selves , together) , presume , replenish , satisfy , set , space , take a [hand-] full , + have wholly . ~~4390
06213 ## ` asah {aw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to do or make , in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows) :-- accomplish , advance , appoint , apt , be at , become , bear , bestow , bring forth , bruise , be busy , X certainly , have the charge of , commit , deal (with) , deck , + displease , do , (ready) dress (- ed) , (put in) execute (- ion) , exercise , fashion , + feast , [fight-] ing man , + finish , fit , fly , follow , fulfill , furnish , gather , get , go about , govern , grant , great , + hinder , hold ([a feast ]) , X indeed , + be industrious , + journey , keep , labour , maintain , make , be meet , observe , be occupied , offer , + officer , pare , bring (come) to pass , perform , pracise , prepare , procure , provide , put , requite , X sacrifice , serve , set , shew , X sin , spend , X surely , take , X thoroughly , trim , X very , + vex , be [warr-] ior , work (- man) , yield , use . ~~6212
06381 ## pala'{paw-law'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to separate , i . e . distinguish (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to be (causatively , make) great , difficult , wonderful :-- accomplish , (arise . . . too , be too) hard , hidden , things too high , (be , do , do a , shew) marvelous (- ly ,-els , things , work) , miracles , perform , separate , make singular , (be , great , make) wonderful (- ers ,-ly , things , works) , wondrous (things , works ,-ly) . ~~6380
06965 ## quwm {koom} ; a primitive root ; to rise (in various applications , literal , figurative , intensive and causative) :-- abide , accomplish , X be clearer , confirm , continue , decree , X be dim , endure , X enemy , enjoin , get up , make good , help , hold , (help to) lift up (again) , make , X but newly , ordain , perform , pitch , raise (up) , rear (up) , remain , (a-) rise (up) (again , against) , rouse up , set (up) , (e-) stablish , (make to) stand (up) , stir up , strengthen , succeed , (as-, make) sure (- ly) , (be) up (- hold ,-rising) . ~~6964
07521 ## ratsah {raw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to be pleased with ; specifically , to satisfy a debt :-- (be) accept (- able) , accomplish , set affection , approve , consent with , delight (self) , enjoy , (be , have a) favour (- able) , like , observe , pardon , (be , have , take) please (- ure) , reconcile self . ~~7520
08552 ## tamam {taw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to complete , in a good or a bad sense , literal , or figurative , transitive or intransitive (as follows) :-- accomplish , cease , be clean [pass-] ed , consume , have done , (come to an , have an , make an) end , fail , come to the full , be all gone , X be all here , be (make) perfect , be spent , sum , be (shew self) upright , be wasted , whole . ~~8552