00073 ## 'abnet {ab-nate'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a belt :-- girdle . ~~72
00074 ## 'Abner {ab-nare'} ; or (fully)'Abiyner {ab-ee-nare'} ; from 00001 and 05216 ; father of light (i . e . enlightening) ; Abner , an Israelite :-- Abner . ~~74
00018 ## 'ebuwc {ay-booce'} ; from 00075 ; a manger or stall :-- crib . ~~18
00075 ## 'abac {aw-bas'} ; a primitive root ; to fodder :-- fatted , stalled . ~~74
00076 ## 'aba` bu` ah {ab-ah-boo-aw'} ; (by reduplication) from an unused root (meaning to belch forth) ; an inflammatory pustule (as eruption) :-- blains . ~~76
00078 ## 'Ibtsan {ib-tsawn'} ; from the same as 00076 ; splendid ; Ibtsan , an Israelite :-- Ibzan . ~~78
00077 ## 'Ebets {eh'- bets} ; from an unused root probably meaning to gleam ; conspicuous ; Ebets , a place in Palestine :-- Abez . ~~76
07417 ## Rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or (shorter) Rimmon {rim-mone'} ; or Rimmownow (1 Chronicles 6 : 62 [ 00077 ]) {rim-mo-no'} ; the same as 07416 ; Rimmon , the name of a Syrian deity , also of five places in Palestine :-- Remmon , Rimmon . The addition "-methoar " (Josh . 19 : 13) is ham-m@tho'ar (ham-meth-o-awr') ; passive participle of 08388 with the article ; the (one) marked off , i . e . which pertains ; mistaken for part of the name . ~~7416
00078 ## 'Ibtsan {ib-tsawn'} ; from the same as 00076 ; splendid ; Ibtsan , an Israelite :-- Ibzan . ~~78
00079 ## 'abaq {aw-bak'} ; a primitive root , probably to float away (as vapor) , but used only as denominative from 00080 ; to bedust , i . e . grapple :-- wrestle . ~~78
00080 ## 'abaq {aw-bawk'} ; from root of 00079 ; light particles (as volatile) :-- (small) dust , powder . ~~80
00079 ## 'abaq {aw-bak'} ; a primitive root , probably to float away (as vapor) , but used only as denominative from 00080 ; to bedust , i . e . grapple :-- wrestle . ~~78
00080 ## 'abaq {aw-bawk'} ; from root of 00079 ; light particles (as volatile) :-- (small) dust , powder . ~~80
00081 ## 'abaqah {ab-aw-kaw'} ; feminine of 00080 :-- powder . ~~ 80
00081 ## 'abaqah {ab-aw-kaw'} ; feminine of 00080 :-- powder . ~~ 80
00082 ## 'abar {aw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to soar :-- fly . ~~ 82
00083 ## 'eber {ay-ber'} ; from 00082 ; a pinion :-- [long-] wing (- ed) . ~~82
00083 ## 'eber {ay-ber'} ; from 00082 ; a pinion :-- [long-] wing (- ed) . ~~82
00084 ## 'ebrah {eb-raw'} ; feminine of 00083 :-- feather , wing . ~~ 84
08038 ## Shem'eber {shem-ay'- ber} ; apparently from 08034 and 00083 ; name of pinion , i . e . illustrious ; Shemeber , a king of Zeboim :-- Shemeber . ~~8038
00084 ## 'ebrah {eb-raw'} ; feminine of 00083 :-- feather , wing . ~~ 84
00085 ## 'Abraham {ab-raw-hawm'} ; contracted from 00001 and an unused root (probably meaning to be populous) ; father of a multitude ; Abraham , the later name of Abram :-- Abraham . ~~84
00086 ## 'abrek {ab-rake'} ; probably an Egyptian word meaning kneel :-- bow the knee . ~~86
00087 ## 'Abram {ab-rawm'} ; contracted from 00048 ; high father ; Abram , the original name of Abraham :-- Abram . ~~86
00088 ## 'oboth {o-both'} ; plural of 00178 ; water-skins ; Oboth , a place in the Desert :-- both . ~~88
00089 ## 'Age'{aw-gay'} ; of uncertain derivation [compare 00090 ] ; Age , an Israelite :-- Agee . ~~88
00090 ## 'Agag {ag-ag'} ; or'Agag {Ag-awg'} ; of uncertain derivation [compare 00089 ] ; flame ; Agag , a title of Amalekitish kings :-- Agag . ~~90
00089 ## 'Age'{aw-gay'} ; of uncertain derivation [compare 00090 ] ; Age , an Israelite :-- Agee . ~~88
00090 ## 'Agag {ag-ag'} ; or'Agag {Ag-awg'} ; of uncertain derivation [compare 00089 ] ; flame ; Agag , a title of Amalekitish kings :-- Agag . ~~90
00091 ## 'Agagiy {ag-aw-ghee'} ; patrial or patronymic from 00090 ; an Agagite or descendent (subject) of Agag :-- Agagite . ~~90
00091 ## 'Agagiy {ag-aw-ghee'} ; patrial or patronymic from 00090 ; an Agagite or descendent (subject) of Agag :-- Agagite . ~~90
00092 ## 'aguddah {ag-ood-daw'} ; feminine passive participle of an unused root (meaning to bind) ; a band , bundle , knot , or arch :-- bunch , burden , troop . ~~92
00093 ## 'egowz {eg-oze'} ; prob of Persian origin ; a nut :-- nut . ~~ 92
00094 ## 'Aguwr {aw-goor'} ; passive participle of 00103 ; gathered (i . e . received among the sages) ; Agur , a fanciful name for Solomon :-- Agur . ~~94
00095 ## 'agowrah {ag-o-raw'} ; from the same as 00094 ; properly , something gathered , i . e . perhaps a grain or berry ; used only of a small (silver) coin :-- piece [of ] silver . ~~94
00095 ## 'agowrah {ag-o-raw'} ; from the same as 00094 ; properly , something gathered , i . e . perhaps a grain or berry ; used only of a small (silver) coin :-- piece [of ] silver . ~~94
00096 ## 'egel {eh'- ghel} ; from an unused root (meaning to flow down or together as drops) ; a reservoir :-- drop . ~~96
00097 ## 'Eglayim {eg-lah'- yim} ; dual of 00096 . ; a double pond ; Eglajim , a place in Moab :-- Eglaim . ~~96
00097 ## 'Eglayim {eg-lah'- yim} ; dual of 00096 . ; a double pond ; Eglajim , a place in Moab :-- Eglaim . ~~96
00098 ## 'agam {ag-am'} ; from an unused root (meaning to collect as water) ; a marsh ; hence a rush (as growing in swamps) ; hence a stockade of reeds :-- pond , pool , standing [water ] . ~~98
00099 ## 'agem {aw-game'} ; probably from the same as 00098 (in the sense of stagnant water) ; figuratively , sad :-- pond . ~~98
00100 ## 'agmown {ag-mone'} ; from the same as 00098 ; a marshy pool [others from a different root , a kettle ] ; by implication a rush (as growing there) ; collectively a rope of rushes :-- bulrush , caldron , hook , rush . ~~100
00099 ## 'agem {aw-game'} ; probably from the same as 00098 (in the sense of stagnant water) ; figuratively , sad :-- pond . ~~98
00100 ## 'agmown {ag-mone'} ; from the same as 00098 ; a marshy pool [others from a different root , a kettle ] ; by implication a rush (as growing there) ; collectively a rope of rushes :-- bulrush , caldron , hook , rush . ~~100
00101 ## 'aggan {ag-gawn'} ; probably from 05059 ; a bowl (as pounded out hollow) :-- basin , cup , goblet . ~~100
00102 ## 'aggaph {ag-gawf'} ; probably from 05062 (through the idea of impending) ; a cover or heap ; i . e . (only plural) wings of an army , or crowds of troops :-- bands . ~~102
00094 ## 'Aguwr {aw-goor'} ; passive participle of 00103 ; gathered (i . e . received among the sages) ; Agur , a fanciful name for Solomon :-- Agur . ~~94
00103 ## 'agar {aw-gar'} ; a primitive root ; to harvest :-- gather . ~~ 102
00104 ## 'igg@ra'(Aramaic) {ig-er-aw'} ; of Persian origin ; an epistle (as carried by a state courier or postman) :-- letter . ~~104
00107 ## 'iggereth {ig-eh'- reth} ; feminine of 00104 ; an epistle :-- letter . ~~106
00105 ## 'agartal {ag-ar-tawl'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a basin :-- charger . ~~104
00106 ## 'egroph {eg-rofe'} ; from 01640 (in the sense of grasping) ; the clenched hand :-- fist . ~~106
00107 ## 'iggereth {ig-eh'- reth} ; feminine of 00104 ; an epistle :-- letter . ~~106
00108 ## 'ed {ade} from the same as 00181 (in the sense of enveloping) ; a fog :-- mist , vapor . ~~108
05833 ## ` ezrah {ez-raw'} ; or` ezrath (Psa . 60 : 11 [13 ] ; 00108 : 12 [13 ]) {ez-rawth'} ; feminine of 05828 ; aid :-- help (- ed ,-er) . ~~5832
00109 ## 'adab {aw-dab'} ; a primitive root ; to languish :-- grieve . ~~ 108
00110 ## 'Adb@'el {ad-beh-ale'} ; probably from 00109 (in the sense of chastisement) and 00410 ; disciplined of God ; Adbeel , a son of Ishmael :-- Adbeel . ~~110
00110 ## 'Adb@'el {ad-beh-ale'} ; probably from 00109 (in the sense of chastisement) and 00410 ; disciplined of God ; Adbeel , a son of Ishmael :-- Adbeel . ~~110
00111 ## 'Adad {ad-ad'} ; probably an orthographical variation for 02301 ; Adad (or Hadad) , an Edomite :-- Hadad . ~~110
01908 ## Hadad {had-ad'} ; probably of foreign origin [compare 00111 ] ; Hadad , the name of an idol , and of several kings of Edom :-- Hadad . ~~1908
00112 ## 'Iddow {id-do} ; of uncertain derivation ; Iddo , an Israelite :-- Iddo . ~~112
00113 ## 'adown {aw-done'} ; or (shortened)'adon {aw-done'} ; from an unused root (meaning to rule) ; sovereign , i . e . controller (human or divine) :-- lord , master , owner . Compare also names beginning with " Adoni-" . ~~112
00114 ## 'Addown {ad-done'} ; probably intensive for 00113 ; powerful ; Addon , apparently an Israelite :-- Addon . ~~114
00134 ## 'eden {eh'- den} ; from the same as 00113 (in the sense of strength) ; a basis (of a building , a column , etc .) :-- foundation , socket . ~~134
00136 ## 'Adonay {ad-o-noy'} ; am emphatic form of 00113 ; the Lord (used as a proper name of God only) :-- (my) Lord . ~~136
00137 ## 'Adoniy-Bezeq {ad-o''- nee-beh'- zek} ; from 00113 and 00966 ; lord of Bezek ; Adoni-Bezek ; a Canaanitish king :-- Adoni-bezek . ~~136
00138 ## 'Adoniyah {ad-o-nee-yaw'} ; original (prolonged)'Adoniyahuw {ad-o-nee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00113 and 03050 ; lord (i . e . worshipper) of Jah ; Adonijah , the name of three Israelites :-- Adonijah . ~~138
00139 ## 'Adoniy-Tsedeq {ad-o''- nee-tseh'- dek} ; from 00113 and 06664 ; lord of justice ; Adoni-Tsedek , a Canaanitish king :-- Adonizedec . ~~138
00140 ## 'Adoniyqam {ad-o-nee-kawm'} ; from 00113 and 06965 ; lord of rising (i . e . high) ; Adonikam , the name of one or two Israelites :-- Adonikam . ~~140
00141 ## 'Adoniyram {ad-o-nee-rawm'} ; from 00113 and 07311 ; lord of height ; Adoniram , an Israelite :-- Adoniram . ~~140
01081 ## Bal'adan {bal-ad-awn'} ; from 01078 and 00113 (contracted) ; Bel (is his) lord ; Baladan , the name of a Babylonian prince :-- Baladan . ~~1080
01777 ## diyn {deen} ; or (Gen . 6 : 3) . duwn {doon} ; a primitive root [comp . 00113 ] ; to rule ; by impl . to judge (as umpire) ; also to strive (as at law) :-- contend , execute (judgment) , judge , minister judgment , plead (the cause) , at strife , strive . ~~1776
00114 ## 'Addown {ad-done'} ; probably intensive for 00113 ; powerful ; Addon , apparently an Israelite :-- Addon . ~~114
04599 ## ma` yan {mah-yawn'} ; or ma` y@now (Psa . 00114 : 8) {mah-yen-o'} ; or (feminine) ma` yanah {mah-yaw-naw'} ; from 05869 (as a denominative in the sense of a spring) ; a fountain (also collectively) , figuratively , a source (of satisfaction) :-- fountain , spring , well . ~~4598
00115 ## 'Adowrayim {ad-o-rah'- yim} ; dual from 00142 (in the sense of eminence) ; double mound ; Adorajim , a place in Palestine :-- Adoraim . ~~114
00116 ## 'edayin (Aramaic) {ed-ah'- yin} ; of uncertain derivation ; then (of time) :-- now , that time , then . ~~116
00117 ## 'addiyr {ad-deer'} ; from 00142 ; wide or (generally) large ; figuratively , powerful :-- excellent , famous , gallant , glorious , goodly , lordly , mighty (- ier one) , noble , principal , worthy . ~~116
00155 ## 'addereth {ad-deh'- reth} ; feminine of 00117 ; something ample (as a large vine , a wide dress) ; also the same as 00145 :-- garment , glory , goodly , mantle , robe . ~~154
00118 ## 'Adalya'{ad-al-yaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Adalja , a son of Haman :-- Adalia . ~~118
00119 ## 'adam {aw-dam'} ; to show blood (in the face) , i . e . flush or turn rosy :-- be (dyed , made) red (ruddy) . ~~118
00120 ## 'adam {aw-dawm'} ; from 00119 ; ruddy i . e . a human being (an individual or the species , mankind , etc .) :-- X another , + hypocrite , + common sort , X low , man (mean , of low degree) , person . ~~120
00122 ## 'adom {aw-dome'} ; from 00119 ; rosy :-- red , ruddy . ~~ 122
00124 ## 'odem {o'- dem} ; from 00119 ; redness , i . e . the ruby , garnet , or some other red gem :-- sardius . ~~124
00125 ## 'adamdam {ad-am-dawm'} ; reduplicated from 00119 ; reddish :-- (somewhat) reddish . ~~124
00127 ## 'adamah {ad-aw-maw'} ; from 00119 ; soil (from its general redness) :-- country , earth , ground , husband [-man ] (- ry) , land . ~~126
00132 ## 'admoniy {ad-mo-nee'} ; or (fully)'admowniy {ad-mo-nee'} ; from 00119 ; reddish (of the hair or the complexion) :-- red , ruddy . ~~132
01818 ## dam {dawm} ; from 01826 (compare 00119) ; blood (as that which when shed causes death) of man or an animal ; by analogy , the juice of the grape ; figuratively (especially in the plural) bloodshed (i . e . drops of blood) :-- blood (- y ,-- guiltiness , [-thirsty ] , + innocent . ~~1818