01197 ## ba` ar {baw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to kindle , i . e . consume (by fire or by eating) ; also (as denominative from 01198) to be (- come) brutish :-- be brutish , bring (put , take) away , burn , (cause to) eat (up) , feed , heat , kindle , set ([on fire ]) , waste . ~~1196
01198 ## ba` ar {bah'- ar} ; from 01197 ; properly , foot (as consumed) ; i . e . (by exten .) of cattle brutishness ; (concretely) stupid :-- brutish (person) , foolish . ~~1198
01199 ## Ba` ara'{bah-ar-aw'} ; from 01198 ; brutish : Baara , an Israelitish woman :-- Baara . ~~1198
01199 ## Ba` ara'{bah-ar-aw'} ; from 01198 ; brutish : Baara , an Israelitish woman :-- Baara . ~~1198
01200 ## b@` erah {be-ay-raw'} ; from 01197 ; a burning :-- fire . ~~ 1200
01201 ## Ba` sha'{bah-shaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to stink ; offensiveness ; Basha , a king of Israel :-- Baasha . ~~1200
01202 ## Ba` aseyah {bah-as-ay-yaw'} ; from 06213 and 03050 with a prepositional prefix ; in (the) work of Jah ; Baasejah , an Israelite :-- Baaseiah . ~~1202
01045 ## Beyth` Ashtarowth {bayth ash-taw-roth'} : from 01004 and 06252 ; house of Ashtoreths ; Beth-Ashtaroth , a place in Palestine :-- house of Ashtaroth . Compare 01203 , 06252 . ~~1044
01203 ## B@` esht@rah {beh-esh-ter-aw'} ; from 06251 (as singular of 06252) with a prepositional prefix ; with Ashtoreth ; Beeshterah , a place East of the Jordan :-- Beeshterah . ~~1202
01161 ## bi` uwthiym {be-oo-theme'} ; masculine plural from 01204 ; alarms :-- terrors . ~~1160
01204 ## ba` ath {baw-ath'} ; a primitive root ; to fear :-- affright , be (make) afraid , terrify , trouble . ~~1204
01205 ## b@` athah {beh-aw-thaw'} ; from 01204 ; fear :-- trouble . ~~ 1204
01205 ## b@` athah {beh-aw-thaw'} ; from 01204 ; fear :-- trouble . ~~ 1204
01206 ## bots {botse} ; probably the same as 00948 ; mud (as whitish clay) :-- mire . ~~1206
01207 ## bitstsah {bits-tsaw'} ; intensive from 01206 ; a swamp :-- fen , mire (- ry place) . ~~1206
01207 ## bitstsah {bits-tsaw'} ; intensive from 01206 ; a swamp :-- fen , mire (- ry place) . ~~1206
01208 ## batsowr'{baw-tsore'} ; from 01219 ; inaccessible , i . e . lofty :-- vintage [by confusion with 01210 ] . ~~1208
01209 ## Betsay {bay-tsah'- ee} ; perhaps the same as 01153 ; Betsai , the name of two Israelites :-- Bezai . ~~1208
01208 ## batsowr'{baw-tsore'} ; from 01219 ; inaccessible , i . e . lofty :-- vintage [by confusion with 01210 ] . ~~1208
01210 ## batsiyr {baw-tseer'} ; from 01219 ; clipped , i . e . the grape crop :-- vintage . ~~1210
01219 ## batsar {baw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to clip off ; specifically (as denominative from 01210) to gather grapes ; also to be isolated (i . e . inaccessible by height or fortification) :-- cut off , (de-) fenced , fortify , (grape) gather (- er) , mighty things , restrain , strong , wall (up) , withhold . ~~1218
01211 ## b@tsel {beh'- tsel} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to peel ; an onion :-- onion . ~~1210
01213 ## Batsluwth {bats-looth'} ; or Batsliyth {bats-leeth'} ; from the same as 01211 ; a peeling ; Batsluth or Batslith , an Israelite :-- Bazlith , Bazluth . ~~1212
01212 ## B@tsal'el {bets-al-ale'} ; probably from 06738 and 00410 with a prepositional prefix ; in (the) shadow (i . e . protection) of God ; Betsalel , the name of two Israelites :-- Bezaleel . ~~1212
01213 ## Batsluwth {bats-looth'} ; or Batsliyth {bats-leeth'} ; from the same as 01211 ; a peeling ; Batsluth or Batslith , an Israelite :-- Bazlith , Bazluth . ~~1212
01214 ## batsa` {baw-tsah'} ; a primitive root to break off , i . e . (usually) plunder ; figuratively , to finish , or (intransitively) stop :-- (be) covet (- ous) , cut (off) , finish , fulfill , gain (greedily) , get , be given to [covetousness ] , greedy , perform , be wounded . ~~1214
01215 ## betsa` {beh'- tsah} ; from 01214 ; plunder ; by extension , gain (usually unjust) :-- covetousness , (dishonest) gain , lucre , profit . ~~1214
01215 ## betsa` {beh'- tsah} ; from 01214 ; plunder ; by extension , gain (usually unjust) :-- covetousness , (dishonest) gain , lucre , profit . ~~1214
01216 ## batseq {baw-tsake'} ; a primitive root ; perhaps to swell up , i . e . blister :-- swell . ~~1216
01217 ## batseq {baw-tsake'} ; from 01216 ; dough (as swelling by fermentation) :-- dough , flour . ~~1216
01218 ## Botsqath {bots-cath'} ; from 01216 ; a swell of ground ; Botscath , a place in Palestine :-- Bozcath , Boskath . ~~1218
01217 ## batseq {baw-tsake'} ; from 01216 ; dough (as swelling by fermentation) :-- dough , flour . ~~1216
01218 ## Botsqath {bots-cath'} ; from 01216 ; a swell of ground ; Botscath , a place in Palestine :-- Bozcath , Boskath . ~~1218
01208 ## batsowr'{baw-tsore'} ; from 01219 ; inaccessible , i . e . lofty :-- vintage [by confusion with 01210 ] . ~~1208
01210 ## batsiyr {baw-tseer'} ; from 01219 ; clipped , i . e . the grape crop :-- vintage . ~~1210
01219 ## batsar {baw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to clip off ; specifically (as denominative from 01210) to gather grapes ; also to be isolated (i . e . inaccessible by height or fortification) :-- cut off , (de-) fenced , fortify , (grape) gather (- er) , mighty things , restrain , strong , wall (up) , withhold . ~~1218
01220 ## betser {beh'- tser} ; from 01219 ; strictly a clipping , i . e . gold (as dug out) :-- gold defence . ~~1220
01223 ## botsrah {bots-raw'} ; feminine from 01219 ; an enclosure , i . e . sheep fold :-- Bozrah . ~~1222
01225 ## bitstsarown {bits-tsaw-rone'} ; masculine intensive from 01219 ; a fortress :-- stronghold . ~~1224
01226 ## batstsoreth {bats-tso'- reth} ; feminine intensive from 01219 ; restraint (of rain) , i . e . drought :-- dearth , drought . ~~1226
04013 ## mibtsar {mib-tsawr'} ; also (in plural) feminine (Dan . 11 : l5) mibtsarah {mib-tsaw-raw'} ; from 01219 ; a fortification , castle , or fortified city ; figuratively , a defender :-- (de-, most) fenced , fortress , (most) strong (hold) . ~~4012
01220 ## betser {beh'- tser} ; from 01219 ; strictly a clipping , i . e . gold (as dug out) :-- gold defence . ~~1220
01221 ## Betser {beh'- tser} ; the same as 01220 , an inaccessible spot ; Betser , a place in Palestine ; also an Israelite :-- Bezer . ~~1220
01222 ## b@tsar {bets-ar'} ; another form for 01220 ; gold :-- gold . ~~ 1222
01221 ## Betser {beh'- tser} ; the same as 01220 , an inaccessible spot ; Betser , a place in Palestine ; also an Israelite :-- Bezer . ~~1220
01222 ## b@tsar {bets-ar'} ; another form for 01220 ; gold :-- gold . ~~ 1222
01223 ## botsrah {bots-raw'} ; feminine from 01219 ; an enclosure , i . e . sheep fold :-- Bozrah . ~~1222
01224 ## Botsrah {bots-raw'} ; the same as 01223 ; Botsrah , a place in Edom :-- Bozrah . ~~1224
01224 ## Botsrah {bots-raw'} ; the same as 01223 ; Botsrah , a place in Edom :-- Bozrah . ~~1224
01225 ## bitstsarown {bits-tsaw-rone'} ; masculine intensive from 01219 ; a fortress :-- stronghold . ~~1224
01226 ## batstsoreth {bats-tso'- reth} ; feminine intensive from 01219 ; restraint (of rain) , i . e . drought :-- dearth , drought . ~~1226
01227 ## Baqbuwq {bak-book'} ; the same as 01228 ; Bakbuk , one of the Nethinim :-- Bakbuk . ~~1226
01227 ## Baqbuwq {bak-book'} ; the same as 01228 ; Bakbuk , one of the Nethinim :-- Bakbuk . ~~1226
01228 ## baqbuk {bak-book'} ; from 01238 ; a bottle (from the gurgling in emptying) :-- bottle , cruse . ~~1228
01229 ## Baqbukyah {bak-book-yaw'} ; from 01228 and 03050 ; emptying (i . e . wasting) of Jah ; Bakbukjah , an Israelite :-- Bakbukiah . ~~1228
01229 ## Baqbukyah {bak-book-yaw'} ; from 01228 and 03050 ; emptying (i . e . wasting) of Jah ; Bakbukjah , an Israelite :-- Bakbukiah . ~~1228
01230 ## Baqbaqqar {bak-bak-kar'} ; reduplicated from 01239 ; searcher ; Bakbakkar , an Israelite :-- Bakbakkar . ~~1230
01231 ## Buqqiy {book-kee'} ; from 01238 ; wasteful ; Bukki , the name of two Israelites :-- Bukki . ~~1230
01232 ## Buqqiyah {book-kee-yaw'} ; from 01238 and 03050 ; wasting of Jah ; Bukkijah , an Israelite :-- Bukkiah . ~~1232
01233 ## b@qiya` {bek-ee'- ah} ; from 01234 ; a fissure :-- breach , cleft . ~~1232
01233 ## b@qiya` {bek-ee'- ah} ; from 01234 ; a fissure :-- breach , cleft . ~~1232
01234 ## baqa` {baw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to cleave ; generally , to rend , break , rip or open :-- make a breach , break forth (into , out , in pieces , through , up) , be ready to burst , cleave (asunder) , cut out , divide , hatch , rend (asunder) , rip up , tear , win . ~~1234
01235 ## beqa` {beh'- kah} ; from 01234 ; a section (half) of a shekel , i . e . a beka (a weight and a coin) :-- bekah , half a shekel . ~~1234
01237 ## biq` ah {bik-aw'} ; from 01234 ; properly , a split , i . e . a wide level valley between mountains :-- plain , valley . ~~1236
01235 ## beqa` {beh'- kah} ; from 01234 ; a section (half) of a shekel , i . e . a beka (a weight and a coin) :-- bekah , half a shekel . ~~1234
01236 ## biq` a'(Aramaic) {bik-aw'} ; corresponding to 01237 :-- plain . ~~1236
01236 ## biq` a'(Aramaic) {bik-aw'} ; corresponding to 01237 :-- plain . ~~1236
01237 ## biq` ah {bik-aw'} ; from 01234 ; properly , a split , i . e . a wide level valley between mountains :-- plain , valley . ~~1236
01228 ## baqbuk {bak-book'} ; from 01238 ; a bottle (from the gurgling in emptying) :-- bottle , cruse . ~~1228
01231 ## Buqqiy {book-kee'} ; from 01238 ; wasteful ; Bukki , the name of two Israelites :-- Bukki . ~~1230
01232 ## Buqqiyah {book-kee-yaw'} ; from 01238 and 03050 ; wasting of Jah ; Bukkijah , an Israelite :-- Bukkiah . ~~1232
01238 ## baqaq {baw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to pour out , i . e . to empty , figuratively , to depopulate ; by analogy , to spread out (as a fruitful vine) :-- (make) empty (out) , fail , X utterly , make void . ~~1238
02999 ## Yabboq {yab-boke'} ; probably from 01238 ; pouring forth ; Jabbok , a river East of the Jordan :-- Jabbok . ~~2998
00951 ## bowker {bo-kare'} ; properly , active participle from 01239 as denominative from 01241 ; a cattle-tender :-- herdman . ~~950
01230 ## Baqbaqqar {bak-bak-kar'} ; reduplicated from 01239 ; searcher ; Bakbakkar , an Israelite :-- Bakbakkar . ~~1230
01239 ## baqar {baw-kar} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plough , or (generally) break forth , i . e . (figuratively) to inspect , admire , care for , consider :-- (make) inquire (- ry) , (make) search , seek out . ~~1238
01240 ## b@qar (Aramaic) {bek-ar'} ; corresponding to 01239 :-- inquire , make search . ~~1240
01241 ## baqar {baw-kawr'} ; from 01239 ; beef cattle or an animal of the ox family of either gender (as used for plowing) ; collectively , a herd :-- beeve , bull (+-- ock) , + calf , + cow , great [cattle ] , + heifer , herd , kine , ox . ~~1240
01242 ## boqer {bo'- ker} ; from 01239 ; properly , dawn (as the break of day) ; generally , morning :-- (+) day , early , morning , morrow . ~~1242
01243 ## baqqarah {bak-kaw-raw'} ; intensive from 01239 ; a looking after :-- seek out . ~~1242
01244 ## biqqoreth {bik-ko-reth} ; from 01239 ; properly , examination , i . e . (by implication) punishment :-- scourged . ~~1244
01240 ## b@qar (Aramaic) {bek-ar'} ; corresponding to 01239 :-- inquire , make search . ~~1240
00951 ## bowker {bo-kare'} ; properly , active participle from 01239 as denominative from 01241 ; a cattle-tender :-- herdman . ~~950
01241 ## baqar {baw-kawr'} ; from 01239 ; beef cattle or an animal of the ox family of either gender (as used for plowing) ; collectively , a herd :-- beeve , bull (+-- ock) , + calf , + cow , great [cattle ] , + heifer , herd , kine , ox . ~~1240