01302 ## Barqowc {bar-kose'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Barkos , one of the Nethimim :-- Barkos . ~~1302
01302 ## Barqowc {bar-kose'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Barkos , one of the Nethimim :-- Barkos . ~~1302
08184 ## s@` orah {seh-o-raw'} ; or s@` owrah {seh-o-raw'} (feminine meaning the plant) ; and (masculine meaning the grain) ; also s@` or {seh-ore'} ; or s@` owr {seh-ore'} ; from 08175 in the sense of roughness ; barley (as villose) :-- barley . ~~8184
08184 ## s@` orah {seh-o-raw'} ; or s@` owrah {seh-o-raw'} (feminine meaning the plant) ; and (masculine meaning the grain) ; also s@` or {seh-ore'} ; or s@` owr {seh-ore'} ; from 08175 in the sense of roughness ; barley (as villose) :-- barley . ~~8184
08188 ## S@` oriym {seh-o-reem'} ; masculine plural of 08184 ; barley grains ; Seorim , an Israelite :-- Seorim . ~~8188
07603 ## s@'or {seh-ore'} ; from 07604 ; barm or yeast-cake (as swelling by fermentation) :-- leaven . ~~7602
00618 ## 'acam {aw-sawm'} ; from an unused root meaning to heap together ; a storehouse (only in the plural) :-- barn , storehouse . ~~618
01637 ## goren {go'- ren} ; from an unused root meaning to smooth ; a threshing-floor (as made even) ; by analogy , any open area :-- (barn , corn , threshing-) floor , (threshing-, void) place . ~~1636
04035 ## m@guwrah {meg-oo-raw'} ; feminine of 04032 or of 04033 ; a fright ; also a granary :-- barn , fear . ~~4034
04460 ## mamm@gurah {mam-meg-oo-raw'} ; from 04048 (in the sense of depositing) ; a granary :-- barn . ~~4460
06947 ## Qadesh Barnea` {kaw-dashe'bar-nay'- ah} ; from the same as 06946 and an otherwise unused word (apparently compounded of a correspondent to 01251 and a derivative of 05128) meaning desert of a fugitive ; Kadesh of (the) Wilderness of Wandering ; Kadesh-Barnea , a place in the Desert :-- Kadesh-barnea . ~~6946
06947 ## Qadesh Barnea` {kaw-dashe'bar-nay'- ah} ; from the same as 06946 and an otherwise unused word (apparently compounded of a correspondent to 01251 and a derivative of 05128) meaning desert of a fugitive ; Kadesh of (the) Wilderness of Wandering ; Kadesh-Barnea , a place in the Desert :-- Kadesh-barnea . ~~6946
06947 ## Qadesh Barnea` {kaw-dashe'bar-nay'- ah} ; from the same as 06946 and an otherwise unused word (apparently compounded of a correspondent to 01251 and a derivative of 05128) meaning desert of a fugitive ; Kadesh of (the) Wilderness of Wandering ; Kadesh-Barnea , a place in the Desert :-- Kadesh-barnea . ~~6946
01261 ## barod {baw-rode'} ; from 01258 ; spotted (as if with hail) :-- grisled . ~~1260
01303 ## barqan {bar-kwan'} ; from 01300 ; a thorn (perhaps as burning brightly) :-- brier . ~~1302
01302 ## Barqowc {bar-kose'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Barkos , one of the Nethimim :-- Barkos . ~~1302
03537 ## kad {kad} ; from an unused root meaning to deepen ; properly , a pail ; but generally of earthenware ; a jar for domestic purposes :-- barrel , pitcher . ~~3536
04420 ## m@lechah {mel-ay-khaw'} ; from 04414 (in its denominative sense) ; properly , salted (i . e . land [00776 being understood ]) , i . e . a desert :-- barren land (- ness) , salt [land ] . ~~4420
06115 ## ` otser {o'- tser} ; from 06113 ; closure ; also constraint :-- X barren , oppression , X prison . ~~6114
06135 ## ` aqar {aw-kawr'} ; from 06131 ; sterile (as if extirpated in the generative organs) :-- (X male or female) barren (woman) . ~~6134
06723 ## tsiyah {tsee-yaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to parch ; aridity ; concretely , a desert :-- barren , drought , dry (land , place) , solitary place , wilderness . ~~6722
07909 ## shakkuwl {shak-kool'} ; or shakkul {shak-kool'} ; from 07921 ; bereaved :-- barren , bereaved (robbed) of children (whelps) . ~~7910
07921 ## shakol {shaw-kole'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to miscarry , i . e . suffer abortion ; by analogy , to bereave (literally or figuratively) :-- bereave (of children) , barren , cast calf (fruit , young) , be (make) childless , deprive , destroy , X expect , lose children , miscarry , rob of children , spoil . ~~7922
03946 ## Laqquwm {lak-koom'} ; from an unused root thought to mean to stop up by a barricade ; perhaps fortification ; Lakkum , a place in Palestine :-- Lakum . ~~3946
04535 ## maccach {mas-sawkh'} ; from 05255 in the sense of staving off ; a cordon , (adverbially) or (as a) military barrier :-- broken down . ~~4534
04171 ## muwr {moor} ; a primitive root ; to alter ; by implication , to barter , to dispose of :-- X at all , (ex-) change , remove . ~~4170
06148 ## ` arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root ; to braid , i . e . intermix ; technically , to traffic (as if by barter) ; also or give to be security (as a kind of exchange) :-- engage , (inter-) meddle (with) , mingle (self) , mortgage , occupy , give pledges , be (- come , put in) surety , undertake . ~~6148
08545 ## t@muwrah {tem-oo-raw'} ; from 04171 ; barter , compensation :-- (ex-) change (- ing) , recompense , restitution . ~~8546
01263 ## Baruwk {baw-rook'} ; passive participle from 01288 ; blessed ; Baruk , the name of three Israelites :-- Baruch . ~~1262
01263 ## Baruwk {baw-rook'} ; passive participle from 01288 ; blessed ; Baruk , the name of three Israelites :-- Baruch . ~~1262
01263 ## Baruwk {baw-rook'} ; passive participle from 01288 ; blessed ; Baruk , the name of three Israelites :-- Baruch . ~~1262
01267 ## baruwth {baw-rooth ,} ; from 01262 ; food :-- meat . ~~ 1266
01270 ## barzel {bar-zel'} ; perhaps from the root of 01269 ; iron (as cutting) ; by extension , an iron implement :-- (ax) head , iron . ~~1270
01271 ## Barzillay {bar-zil-lah'- ee} ; from 01270 ; iron-hearted ; Barzillai , the name of three Israelites :-- Barzillai . ~~1270
01271 ## Barzillay {bar-zil-lah'- ee} ; from 01270 ; iron-hearted ; Barzillai , the name of three Israelites :-- Barzillai . ~~1270
01271 ## Barzillay {bar-zil-lah'- ee} ; from 01270 ; iron-hearted ; Barzillai , the name of three Israelites :-- Barzillai . ~~1270
00075 ## 'abac {aw-bas'} ; a primitive root ; to fodder :-- fatted , stalled . ~~74
03526 ## kabac {kaw-bas'} ; a primitive root ; to trample ; hence , to wash (properly , by stamping with the feet) , whether literal (including the fulling process) or figurative :-- fuller , wash (- ing) . ~~3526
04734 ## miqla` ath {mik-lah'- ath} ; from 07049 ; a sculpture (probably in bas-relief) :-- carved (figure) , carving , graving . ~~4734
01313 ## basam {baw-sawm'} ; from an unused root meaning to be fragrant ; [compare 05561 ] the balsam plant :-- spice . ~~1312
01319 ## basar {baw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be fresh , i . e . full (rosy , (figuratively) cheerful) ; to announce (glad news) :-- messenger , preach , publish , shew forth , (bear , bring , carry , preach , good , tell good) tidings . ~~1318
01320 ## basar {baw-sawr'} ; from 01319 ; flesh (from its freshness) ; by extension , body , person ; also (by euphem .) the pudenda of a man :-- body , [fat , lean ] flesh [-ed ] , kin , [man-] kind , + nakedness , self , skin . ~~1320
00520 ## 'ammah {am-maw'} ; prolonged from 00517 ; properly , a mother (i . e . unit of measure , or the fore-arm (below the elbow) , i . e . a cubit ; also a door-base (as a bond of the entrance) :-- cubit , + hundred [by exchange for 03967 ] , measure , post . ~~520
02446 ## Chakalyah {khak-al-yaw'} ; from the base of 02447 and 03050 ; darkness of Jah ; Chakaljah , an Israelite :-- Hachaliah . ~~2446
03653 ## ken {kane} ; the same as 03651 , used as a noun ; a stand , i . e 0 . edestal or station :-- base , estate , foot , office , place , well . 0 [q ~~3652
04350 ## m@kownah {mek-o-naw'} ; or m@konah {mek-o-naw'} ; feminine of 04349 ; a pedestal , also a spot :-- base . ~~4350
04368 ## M@konah {mek-o-naw'} ; the same as 04350 ; a base ; Mekonah , a place in Palestine :-- Mekonah . ~~4368
04369 ## m@kunah {mek-oo-naw'} ; the same as 04350 ; a spot :-- base . ~~ 4368
05178 ## n@chosheth {nekh-o'- sheth} ; for 05154 ; copper , hence , something made of that metal , i . e . coin , a fetter ; figuratively , base (as compared with gold or silver) :-- brasen , brass , chain , copper , fetter (of brass) , filthiness , steel . ~~5178
07034 ## qalah {kaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to be light (as implied in rapid motion) , but figuratively , only (be [causatively , hold ] in contempt) :-- base , contemn , despise , lightly esteem , set light , seem vile . ~~7034
07095 ## qetseb {keh'- tseb} ; from 07094 ; shape (as if cut out) ; base (as if there cut off) :-- bottom , size . ~~7094
07953 ## shalah {shaw-law'} ; a primitive root [rather cognate (by contraction) to the base of 05394 , 07997 and their congeners through the idea of extracting ] ; to draw out or off , i . e . remove (the soul by death) :-- take away . ~~7954
08034 ## shem {shame} ; a primitive word [perhaps rather from 07760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position ; compare 08064 ] ; an appellation , as a mark or memorial of individuality ; by implication honor , authority , character :-- + base , [in-] fame [-ous ] , named (- d) , renown , report . ~~8034
08217 ## shaphal {shaw-fawl'} ; from 08213 ; depressed , literally or figuratively :-- base (- st) , humble , low (- er ,-ly) . ~~8218
08349 ## Shashaq {shaw-shak'} ; probably from the base of 07785 ; pedestrian ; Shashak , an Israelite :-- Shashak . ~~8350
08350 ## shashar {shaw-shar'} ; perhaps from the base of 08324 in the sense of that of 08320 ; red ochre (from its piercing color) :-- vermillion . ~~8350
08372 ## ta'{taw} ; and (feminine) ta'ah (Ezek . 40 : 12) {taw-aw'} ; from (the base of) 08376 ; a room (as circumscribed) :-- (little) chamber . ~~8372
08496 ## tok {toke} ; or towk (Psa . 72 : 14) {toke} ; from the same base as 08432 (in the sense of cutting to pieces) ; oppression :-- deceit , fraud . ~~8496
08611 ## topheth {to'- feth} ; from the base of 08608 ; a smiting , i . e . (figuratively) contempt :-- tabret . ~~8612
04371 ## mekec {meh'- kes} ; probably from an unused root meaning to enumerate ; an assessment (as based upon a census) :-- tribute . ~~4370
08215 ## sh@phal (Aramaic) {shef-al'} ; from 08214 ; low :-- basest . ~~ 8216
01706 ## d@bash {deb-ash'} ; from an unused root meaning to be gummy ; honey (from its stickiness) ; by analogy , syrup :-- honey ([-comb ]) . ~~1706
02280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'} ; a primitive root ; to wrap firmly (especially a turban , compress , or saddle) ; figuratively , to stop , to rule :-- bind (up) , gird about , govern , healer , put , saddle , wrap about . ~~2280
03429 ## Yosheb bash-Shebeth {yo-shabe'bash-sheh'- beth} ; from the active participle of 03427 and 07674 , with a preposition and the article interposed ; sitting in the seat ; Josheb-bash-Shebeth , an Israelite :-- that sat in the seat . ~~3428
03429 ## Yosheb bash-Shebeth {yo-shabe'bash-sheh'- beth} ; from the active participle of 03427 and 07674 , with a preposition and the article interposed ; sitting in the seat ; Josheb-bash-Shebeth , an Israelite :-- that sat in the seat . ~~3428
03429 ## Yosheb bash-Shebeth {yo-shabe'bash-sheh'- beth} ; from the active participle of 03427 and 07674 , with a preposition and the article interposed ; sitting in the seat ; Josheb-bash-Shebeth , an Israelite :-- that sat in the seat . ~~3428
03533 ## kabash {kaw-bash'} ; a primitive root ; to tread down ; hence , negatively , to disregard ; positively , to conquer , subjugate , violate :-- bring into bondage , force , keep under , subdue , bring into subjection ~~3532
03847 ## labash {law-bash'} ; or labesh {law-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; properly , wrap around , i . e . (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe (oneself , or another) , literally or figuratively :-- (in) apparel , arm , array (self) , clothe (self) , come upon , put (on , upon) , wear . ~~3846
03848 ## l@bash (Aramaic) {leb-ash'} ; corresponding to 03847 :-- clothe . ~~3848
04122 ## Maher Shalal Chash Baz {mah-hare'shaw-lawl'khawsh baz} ; from 04118 and 07998 and 02363 and 00957 ; hasting (is he [the enemy ] to the) booty , swift (to the) prey ; Maher-Shalal-Chash-Baz ; the symbolical name of the son of Isaiah :-- Maher-sha-lal-bash-baz . ~~4122
05685 ## ` abash {aw-bash'} ; a primitive root ; to dry up :-- be rotten . ~~5684
07672 ## sh@bash (Aramaic) {sheb-ash'} ; corresponding to 07660 ; to entangle , i . e . perplex :-- be astonished . ~~7672
01201 ## Ba` sha'{bah-shaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to stink ; offensiveness ; Basha , a king of Israel :-- Baasha . ~~1200