00878 ## B@'era'{be-ay-raw'} ; from 00875 ; a well ; Beera , an Israelite :-- Beera . ~~878
00878 ## B@'era'{be-ay-raw'} ; from 00875 ; a well ; Beera , an Israelite :-- Beera . ~~878
00880 ## B@'erah {be-ay-raw'} ; the same as 00878 ; Beerah , an Israelite :-- Beerah . ~~880
00880 ## B@'erah {be-ay-raw'} ; the same as 00878 ; Beerah , an Israelite :-- Beerah . ~~880
00882 ## B@'eriy {be-ay-ree'} ; from 00875 ; fountained ; Beeri , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite :-- Beeri . ~~882
00882 ## B@'eriy {be-ay-ree'} ; from 00875 ; fountained ; Beeri , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite :-- Beeri . ~~882
01284 ## B@riy` iy {ber-ee-ee'} ; patronymically from 01283 ; a Beriite (collectively) or descendants of Beriah :-- Beerites . ~~1284
00881 ## B@'erowth {be-ay-rohth'} ; feminine plural of 00875 ; wells ; Beeroth , a place in Palestine :-- Beeroth . ~~880
00881 ## B@'erowth {be-ay-rohth'} ; feminine plural of 00875 ; wells ; Beeroth , a place in Palestine :-- Beeroth . ~~880
00885 ## B@eroth B@ney-Ya` aqan {be-ay-roth'be-nay'yah-a-can'} ; from the feminine plural of 00875 , and the plural contraction of 01121 , and 03292 ; wells of (the) sons of Jaakan ; Beeroth-Bene-Jaakan , a place in the Desert :-- Beeroth of the children of Jaakan . ~~884
00885 ## B@eroth B@ney-Ya` aqan {be-ay-roth'be-nay'yah-a-can'} ; from the feminine plural of 00875 , and the plural contraction of 01121 , and 03292 ; wells of (the) sons of Jaakan ; Beeroth-Bene-Jaakan , a place in the Desert :-- Beeroth of the children of Jaakan . ~~884
00886 ## B@'erothiy {be-ay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 00881 ; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth :-- Beerothite . ~~886
00886 ## B@'erothiy {be-ay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 00881 ; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth :-- Beerothite . ~~886
00886 ## B@'erothiy {be-ay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 00881 ; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth :-- Beerothite . ~~886
00417 ## 'elgabiysh {el-gaw-beesh'} ; from 00410 and 01378 ; hail (as if a great pearl) :-- great hail [-stones ] . ~~416
01378 ## gabiysh {gaw-beesh'} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to freeze) ; crystal (from its resemblance to ice) :-- pearl . ~~1378
04019 ## Magbiysh {mag-beesh'} ; from the same as 01378 ; stiffening ; Magbish , an Israelite , or a place in Palestine :-- Magbish . ~~4018
05908 ## ` akkabiysh {ak-kaw-beesh'} ; probably from an unused root in the literal sense of entangling ; a spider (as weaving a network) :-- spider . ~~5908
01203 ## B@` esht@rah {beh-esh-ter-aw'} ; from 06251 (as singular of 06252) with a prepositional prefix ; with Ashtoreth ; Beeshterah , a place East of the Jordan :-- Beeshterah . ~~1202
01203 ## B@` esht@rah {beh-esh-ter-aw'} ; from 06251 (as singular of 06252) with a prepositional prefix ; with Ashtoreth ; Beeshterah , a place East of the Jordan :-- Beeshterah . ~~1202
08275 ## sharbiyt {shar-beet'} ; for 07626 ; a rod of empire :-- sceptre . ~~8276
04125 ## Mow'abiy {mo-aw-bee'} ; feminine Mow'abiyah {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} ; or Mowabiyth {mo-aw-beeth'} ; patronymical from 04124 ; a Moabite or Moabitess , i . e . a descendant from Moab :-- (woman) of Moab , Moabite (- ish ,-ss) . ~~4124
04768 ## marbiyth {mar-beeth'} ; from 07235 ; a multitude ; also offspring ; specifically interest (on capital) :-- greatest part , greatness , increase , multitude . ~~4768
07245 ## Rabbiyth {rab-beeth'} ; from 07231 ; multitude ; Rabbith , a place in Palestine :-- Rabbith . ~~7244
08636 ## tarbiyth {tar-beeth'} ; from 07235 ; multiplication , i . e . percentage or bonus in addition to principal :-- increase , unjust gain . ~~8636
02728 ## chargol {khar-gole'} ; from 02727 ; the leaping insect , i . e . a locust :-- beetle . ~~2728
01241 ## baqar {baw-kawr'} ; from 01239 ; beef cattle or an animal of the ox family of either gender (as used for plowing) ; collectively , a herd :-- beeve , bull (+-- ock) , + calf , + cow , great [cattle ] , + heifer , herd , kine , ox . ~~1240
04806 ## m@riy'{mer-ee'} ; from 04754 in the sense of grossness , through the idea of domineering (compare 04756) ; stall-fed ; often (as noun) a beeve :-- fat (fed) beast (cattle ,-ling) . ~~4806
00579 ## 'anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root [perhaps rather identical with 00578 through the idea of contraction in anguish ] ; to approach ; hence , to meet in various senses :-- befall , deliver , happen , seek a quarrel . ~~578
00935 ## bow'{bo} ; a primitive root ; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications) :-- abide , apply , attain , X be , befall , + besiege , bring (forth , in , into , to pass) , call , carry , X certainly , (cause , let , thing for) to come (against , in , out , upon , to pass) , depart , X doubtless again , + eat , + employ , (cause to) enter (in , into ,-tering ,-trance ,-try) , be fallen , fetch , + follow , get , give , go (down , in , to war) , grant , + have , X indeed , [in-] vade , lead , lift [up ] , mention , pull in , put , resort , run (down) , send , set , X (well) stricken [in age ] , X surely , take (in) , way . ~~934
04672 ## matsa'{maw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to come forth to , i . e . appear or exist ; transitively , to attain , i . e . find or acquire ; figuratively , to occur , meet or be present :-- + be able , befall , being , catch , X certainly , (cause to) come (on , to , to hand) , deliver , be enough (cause to) find (- ing , occasion , out) , get (hold upon) , X have (here) , be here , hit , be left , light (up-) on , meet (with) , X occasion serve , (be) present , ready , speed , suffice , take hold on . ~~4672
07122 ## qara'{kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root : to encounter , whether accidentally or in a hostile manner :-- befall , (by) chance , (cause to) come (upon) , fall out , happen , meet . ~~7122
07136 ## qarah {kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to light upon (chiefly by accident) ; causatively , to bring about ; specifically , to impose timbers (for roof or floor) :-- appoint , lay (make) beams , befall , bring , come (to pass unto) , floor , [hap ] was , happen (unto) , meet , send good speed . ~~7136
04745 ## miqreh {mik-reh'} ; from 07136 ; something met with , i . e . an accident or fortune :-- something befallen , befalleth , chance , event , hap (- peneth) . ~~4744
04745 ## miqreh {mik-reh'} ; from 07136 ; something met with , i . e . an accident or fortune :-- something befallen , befalleth , chance , event , hap (- peneth) . ~~4744
00639 ## 'aph {af} ; from 00599 ; properly , the nose or nostril ; hence , the face , and occasionally a person ; also (from the rapid breathing in passion) ire :-- anger (- gry) , + before , countenance , face , + forebearing , forehead , + [long-] suffering , nose , nostril , snout , X worthy , wrath . ~~638
00854 ## 'eth {ayth} ; probably from 00579 ; properly , nearness (used only as a preposition or an adverb) , near ; hence , generally , with , by , at , among , etc . :-- against , among , before , by , for , from , in (- to) , (out) of , with . Often with another prepositional prefix . ~~854
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~864
00996 ## beyn {bane} (sometimes in the plural masculine or feminine) ; properly , the constructive form of an otherwise unused noun from 00995 ; a distinction ; but used only as a prep , between (repeated before each noun , often with other particles) ; also as a conjunction , either . . . or :-- among , asunder , at , between (- twixt . . . and) , + from (the widest) , X in , out of , whether (it be . . . or) , within . ~~996
02958 ## t@rowm {ter-ome'} ; a variation of 02962 ; not yet :-- before . ~~2958
02962 ## terem {teh'- rem} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to interrupt or suspend ; properly , non-occurrence ; used adverbially , not yet or before :-- before , ere , not yet . ~~2962
02962 ## terem {teh'- rem} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to interrupt or suspend ; properly , non-occurrence ; used adverbially , not yet or before :-- before , ere , not yet . ~~2962
03808 ## lo'{lo} ; or low'{lo} ; or loh (Deut . 3 : 11) {lo} ; a primitive particle ; not (the simple or abs . negation) ; by implication , no ; often used with other particles (as follows) :-- X before , + or else , ere , + except , ig [-norant ] , much , less , nay , neither , never , no ([-ne ] ,-- r , [-thing ]) , (X as though . . . , [can-] , for) not (out of) , of nought , otherwise , out of , + surely , + as truly as , + of a truth , + verily , for want , + whether , without . ~~3808
03942 ## liphnay {lif-nah'ee} ; from the prepositional prefix (to or for) and 06440 ; anterior :-- before . ~~3942
04136 ## muwl {mool} ; or mowl (Deuteronomy 1 : 1) {mole} ; or mow'l (Nehemiah 12 : 38) {mole} ; or mul (Numbers 22 : 5) {mool} ; from 04135 ; properly , abrupt , i . e . a precipice ; by implication , the front ; used only adverbially (with prepositional prefix) opposite :-- (over) against , before , [fore-] front , from , [God-] ward , toward , with . ~~4136
04481 ## min (Aramaic) {min} ; corresponding to 04480 :-- according , after , + because , + before , by , for , from , X him , X more than , (out) of , part , since , X these , to , upon , + when . ~~4480
04551 ## macca` {mas-saw'} ; from 05265 in the sense of projecting ; a missile (spear or arrow) ; also a quarry (whence stones are , as it were , ejected) :-- before it was brought , dart . ~~4550
04608 ## ma` aleh {mah-al-eh'} ; from 05927 ; an elevation , i . e . (concretely) acclivity or platform ; abstractly (the relation or state) a rise or (figuratively) priority :-- ascent , before , chiefest , cliff , that goeth up , going up , hill , mounting up , stairs . ~~4608
05048 ## neged {neh'- ghed} ; from 05046 ; a front , i . e . part opposite ; specifically a counterpart , or mate ; usually (adverbial , especially with preposition) over against or before :-- about , (over) against , X aloof , X far (off) , X from , over , presence , X other side , sight , X to view . ~~5048
05226 ## nekach {nay'- kakh} ; from an unused root meaning to be straightforward ; properly , the fore part ; used adverbially , opposite :-- before , over against . ~~5226
05227 ## nokach {no'- kakh} ; from the same as 05226 ; properly , the front part ; used adverbially (especially with preposition) , opposite , in front of , forward , in behalf of :-- (over) against , before , direct [-ly ] , for , right (on) . ~~5226
05704 ## ` ad {ad} ; properly , the same as 05703 (used as a preposition , adverb or conjunction ; especially with a preposition) ; as far (or long , or much) as , whether of space (even unto) or time (during , while , until) or degree (equally with) :-- against , and , as , at , before , by (that) , even (to) , for (- asmuch as) , [hither-] to , + how long , into , as long (much) as , (so) that , till , toward , until , when , while , (+ as) yet . ~~5704
05869 ## ` ayin {ah'- yin} ; probably a primitive word ; an eye (literally or figuratively) ; by analogy , a fountain (as the eye of the landscape) :-- affliction , outward appearance , + before , + think best , colour , conceit , + be content , countenance , + displease , eye ([-brow ] , [-d ] ,-sight) , face , + favour , fountain , furrow [from the margin ] , X him , + humble , knowledge , look , (+ well) , X me , open (- ly) , + (not) please , presence , + regard , resemblance , sight , X thee , X them , + think , X us , well , X you (- rselves) . ~~5868
05973 ## ` im {eem} ; from 06004 ; adverb or preposition , with (i . e . in conjunction with) , in varied applications ; specifically , equally with ; often with prepositional prefix (and then usually unrepresented in English) :-- accompanying , against , and , as (X long as) , before , beside , by (reason of) , for all , from (among , between) , in , like , more than , of , (un-) to , with (- al) . ~~5972
06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) :-- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you . ~~6440
06903 ## q@bel (Aramaic) {keb-ale'} ; or qobel (Aramaic) {kob-ale'} ; (corresponding to 06905 ; (adverbially) in front of ; usually (with other particles) on account of , so as , since , hence :-- + according to , + as , + because , before , + for this cause , + forasmuch as , + by this means , over against , by reason of , + that , + therefore , + though , + wherefore . ~~6902
06905 ## qabal {kaw-bawl'} ; from 06901 in the sense of opposite [see 06904 ] ; the presence , i . e . (adverbially) in front of :-- before . ~~6904
06923 ## qadam {kaw-dam'} ; a primitive root ; to project (one self) , i . e . precede ; hence , to anticipate , hasten , meet (usually for help) :-- come (go , [flee ]) before , + disappoint , meet , prevent . ~~6922
06924 ## qedem {keh'- dem} ; or qedmah {kayd'- maw} ; from 06923 ; the front , of place (absolutely , the fore part , relatively the East) or time (antiquity) ; often used adverbially (before , anciently , eastward) :-- aforetime , ancient (time) , before , east (end , part , side ,-ward) , eternal , X ever (- lasting) , forward , old , past . Compare 06926 . ~~6924
06924 ## qedem {keh'- dem} ; or qedmah {kayd'- maw} ; from 06923 ; the front , of place (absolutely , the fore part , relatively the East) or time (antiquity) ; often used adverbially (before , anciently , eastward) :-- aforetime , ancient (time) , before , east (end , part , side ,-ward) , eternal , X ever (- lasting) , forward , old , past . Compare 06926 . ~~6924
06925 ## qodam (Aramaic) {kod-awm'} ; or q@dam (Aramaic) (Daniel 7 : l3) {ked-awm'} ; corresponding to 06924 ; before :-- before , X from , X I (thought) , X me , + of , X it pleased , presence . ~~6924
06925 ## qodam (Aramaic) {kod-awm'} ; or q@dam (Aramaic) (Daniel 7 : l3) {ked-awm'} ; corresponding to 06924 ; before :-- before , X from , X I (thought) , X me , + of , X it pleased , presence . ~~6924
06927 ## qadmah {kad-maw'} ; from 06923 ; priority (in time) ; also used adverbially (before) :-- afore , antiquity , former (old) estate . ~~6926
06931 ## qadmowniy {kad-mo-nee'} ; or qadmoniy {kad-mo-nee'} ; from 06930 ; (of time) anterior or (of place) oriental :-- ancient , they that went before , east , (thing of) old . ~~6930
07130 ## qereb {keh'- reb} ; from 07126 ; properly , the nearest part , i . e . the center , whether literal , figurative or adverbial (especially with preposition) :-- X among , X before , bowels , X unto charge , + eat (up) , X heart , X him , X in , inward (X-ly , part ,-s , thought) , midst , + out of , purtenance , X therein , X through , X within self . ~~7130
07223 ## ri'shown {ree-shone'} ; or ri'shon {ree-shone'} ; from 07221 ; first , in place , time or rank (as adjective or noun) :-- ancestor , (that were) before (- time) , beginning , eldest , first , fore [-father ] (- most) , former (thing) , of old time , past . ~~7222
08032 ## shilshowm {shil-shome'} ; or shilshom {shil-shome'} ; from the same as 08028 ; trebly , i . e . (in time) day before yesterday :-- + before (that time ,-time) , excellent things [from the margin ] , + heretofore , three days , + time past . ~~8032
08032 ## shilshowm {shil-shome'} ; or shilshom {shil-shome'} ; from the same as 08028 ; trebly , i . e . (in time) day before yesterday :-- + before (that time ,-time) , excellent things [from the margin ] , + heretofore , three days , + time past . ~~8032
08543 ## t@mowl {tem-ole'} ; or t@mol {tem-ole'} ; probably for 00865 ; properly , ago , i . e . a (short or long) time since ; especially yesterday , or (with 08032) day before yesterday :-- + before (- time) , + these [three ] days , + heretofore , + time past , yesterday . ~~8544
08543 ## t@mowl {tem-ole'} ; or t@mol {tem-ole'} ; probably for 00865 ; properly , ago , i . e . a (short or long) time since ; especially yesterday , or (with 08032) day before yesterday :-- + before (- time) , + these [three ] days , + heretofore , + time past , yesterday . ~~8544