05006 ## na'ats {naw-ats'} ; a primitive root ; to scorn ; or (Ecclesiastes 12 : 5) by interchange for 05132 , to bloom :-- abhor , (give occasion to) blaspheme , contemn , despise , flourish , X great , provoke . ~~5006
06524 ## parach {paw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to break forth as a bud , i . e . bloom ; generally , to spread ; specifically , to fly (as extending the wings) ; figuratively , to flourish :-- X abroad , X abundantly , blossom , break forth (out) , bud , flourish , make fly , grow , spread , spring (up) . ~~6524
06525 ## perach {peh'- rakh} ; from 06524 ; a calyx (natural or artificial) ; generally , bloom :-- blossom , bud , flower . ~~6524
06692 ## tsuwts {tsoots} ; a primitive root ; to twinkle , i . e . glance ; by analogy , to blossom (figuratively , flourish) :-- bloom , blossom , flourish , shew self . ~~6692
06732 ## Tsiyts {tseets} ; the same as 06731 ; bloom ; Tsits , a place in Palestine :-- Ziz . ~~6732
08247 ## shaqed {shaw-kade'} ; from 08245 ; the almond (tree or nut ; as being the earliest in bloom) :-- almond (tree) . ~~8248
05132 ## nuwts {noots} ; a primitive root ; properly , to flash ; hence , to blossom (from the brilliancy of color) ; also , to fly away (from the quickness of motion) :-- flee away , bud (forth) . ~~5132
05322 ## nets {nayts} ; from 05340 ; a flower (from its brilliancy) ; also a hawk (from it flashing speed) ;-- blossom , hawk . ~~5322
05328 ## nitstsah {nits-tsaw'} ; feminine of 05322 ; a blossom ;-- flower . ~~5328
05339 ## nitstsan {nits-tsawn'} ; from 05322 ; a blossom :-- flower . ~~ 5338
05563 ## c@madar {sem-aw-dar'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a vine blossom ; used also adverbially , abloom :-- tender grape . ~~5562
06524 ## parach {paw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to break forth as a bud , i . e . bloom ; generally , to spread ; specifically , to fly (as extending the wings) ; figuratively , to flourish :-- X abroad , X abundantly , blossom , break forth (out) , bud , flourish , make fly , grow , spread , spring (up) . ~~6524
06525 ## perach {peh'- rakh} ; from 06524 ; a calyx (natural or artificial) ; generally , bloom :-- blossom , bud , flower . ~~6524
06692 ## tsuwts {tsoots} ; a primitive root ; to twinkle , i . e . glance ; by analogy , to blossom (figuratively , flourish) :-- bloom , blossom , flourish , shew self . ~~6692
06692 ## tsuwts {tsoots} ; a primitive root ; to twinkle , i . e . glance ; by analogy , to blossom (figuratively , flourish) :-- bloom , blossom , flourish , shew self . ~~6692
06731 ## tsiyts {tseets} ; or tsits {tseets} ; from 06692 ; properly , glistening , i . e . a burnished plate ; also a flower (as bright-colored) ; a wing (as gleaming in the air) :-- blossom , flower , plate , wing . ~~6730
06515 ## Paruwach {paw-roo'- akh} ; passive participle of 06524 ; blossomed ; Paruach , an Israelite :-- Paruah . ~~6514
03971 ## m'uwm {moom} ; usually muwm {moom} ; as if passive participle from an unused root probably meaning to stain ; a blemish (physically or morally) :-- blemish , blot , spot . ~~3970
04229 ## machah {maw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to stroke or rub ; by implication , to erase ; also to smooth (as if with oil) , i . e . grease or make fat ; also to touch , i . e . reach to :-- abolish , blot out , destroy , full of marrow , put out , reach unto , X utterly , wipe (away , out) . ~~4228
02151 ## zalal {zaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02107 ] ; to shake (as in the wind) , i . e . to quake ; figuratively , to be loose morally , worthless or prodigal :-- blow down , glutton , riotous (eater) , vile . ~~2150
02690 ## chatsar {khaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to surround with a stockade , and thus separate from the open country ; but used only in the reduplicated form chatsotser {khast-o-tsare'} ; or (2 Chronicles 5 : 12) chatsorer {khats-o-rare'} ; asdem . from 02689 ; to trumpet , i . e . blow on that instrument :-- blow , sound , trumpeter . ~~2690
02690 ## chatsar {khaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to surround with a stockade , and thus separate from the open country ; but used only in the reduplicated form chatsotser {khast-o-tsare'} ; or (2 Chronicles 5 : 12) chatsorer {khats-o-rare'} ; asdem . from 02689 ; to trumpet , i . e . blow on that instrument :-- blow , sound , trumpeter . ~~2690
04112 ## mahalummah {mah-hal-oom-maw'} ; from 01986 ; a blow :-- stripe , stroke . ~~4112
04347 ## makkah {mak-kaw'} ; or (masculine) makkeh {muk-keh'} ; (plural only) from 05221 ; a blow (in 2 Chronicles 2 : 10 , of the flail) ; by implication , a wound ; figuratively , carnage , also pestilence :-- beaten , blow , plague , slaughter , smote , X sore , stripe , stroke , wound ([-ed ]) . ~~4346
04347 ## makkah {mak-kaw'} ; or (masculine) makkeh {muk-keh'} ; (plural only) from 05221 ; a blow (in 2 Chronicles 2 : 10 , of the flail) ; by implication , a wound ; figuratively , carnage , also pestilence :-- beaten , blow , plague , slaughter , smote , X sore , stripe , stroke , wound ([-ed ]) . ~~4346
05061 ## nega` {neh'- gah} ; from 05060 ; a blow (figuratively , infliction) ; also (by implication) a spot (concretely , a leprous person or dress) :-- plague , sore , stricken , stripe , stroke , wound . ~~5060
05265 ## naca` {naw-sah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pull up , especially the tent-pins , i . e . start on a journey :-- cause to blow , bring , get , (make to) go (away , forth , forward , onward , out) , (take) journey , march , remove , set aside (forward) , X still , be on his (go their) way . ~~5264
05301 ## naphach {naw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; to puff , in various applications (literally , to inflate , blow hard , scatter , kindle , expire ; figuratively , to disesteem) :-- blow , breath , give up , cause to lose [life ] , seething , snuff . ~~5300
05301 ## naphach {naw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; to puff , in various applications (literally , to inflate , blow hard , scatter , kindle , expire ; figuratively , to disesteem) :-- blow , breath , give up , cause to lose [life ] , seething , snuff . ~~5300
05380 ## nashab {naw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; to blow ; by implication , to disperse :-- (cause to) blow , drive away . ~~5380
05380 ## nashab {naw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; to blow ; by implication , to disperse :-- (cause to) blow , drive away . ~~5380
05395 ## nasham {naw-sham'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to blow away , i . e . destroy :-- destroy . ~~5394
05398 ## nashaph {naw-shaf'} ; a primitive root ; to breeze , i . e . blow up fresh (as the wind) :-- blow . ~~5398
05398 ## nashaph {naw-shaf'} ; a primitive root ; to breeze , i . e . blow up fresh (as the wind) :-- blow . ~~5398
06284 ## pa'ah {paw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to puff , i . e . blow away :-- scatter into corners . ~~6284
06315 ## puwach {poo'akh} ; a primitive root ; to puff , i . e . blow with the breath or air ; hence , to fan (as a breeze) , to utter , to kindle (a fire) , to scoff :-- blow (upon) , break , puff , bring into a snare , speak , utter . ~~6314
06315 ## puwach {poo'akh} ; a primitive root ; to puff , i . e . blow with the breath or air ; hence , to fan (as a breeze) , to utter , to kindle (a fire) , to scoff :-- blow (upon) , break , puff , bring into a snare , speak , utter . ~~6314
07306 ## ruwach {roo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; properly , to blow , i . e . breathe ; only (literally) to smell or (by implication , perceive (figuratively , to anticipate , enjoy) :-- accept , smell , X touch , make of quick understanding . ~~7306
07321 ## ruwa` {roo-ah'} ; a primitive root ; to mar (especially by breaking) ; figuratively , to split the ears (with sound) , i . e . shout (for alarm or joy) :-- blow an alarm , cry (alarm , aloud , out) , destroy , make a joyful noise , smart , shout (for joy) , sound an alarm , triumph . ~~7320
08409 ## tigrah {tig-raw'} ; from 01624 ; strife , i . e . infliction :-- blow . ~~8410
08628 ## taqa` {taw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to clatter , i . e . slap (the hands together) , clang (an instrument) ; by analogy , to drive (a nail or tent-pin , a dart , etc .) ; by implication , to become bondsman by handclasping) :-- blow ([a trumpet ]) , cast , clap , fasten , pitch [tent ] , smite , sound , strike , X suretiship , thrust . ~~8628
08643 ## t@ruw` ah {ter-oo-aw'} ; from 07321 ; clamor , i . e . acclamation of joy or a battle-cry ; especially clangor of trumpets , as an alarum :-- alarm , blow (- ing) (of , the) (trumpets) , joy , jubile , loud noise , rejoicing , shout (- ing) , (high , joyful) sound (- ing) . ~~8644
04647 ## mappuach {map-poo'- akh} ; from 05301 ; the bellows (i . e . blower) of a forge :-- bellows . ~~4646
03244 ## yanshuwph {yan-shoof'} ; or yanshowph {yan-shofe'} ; apparently from 05398 ; an unclean (acquatic) bird ; probably the heron (perhaps from its blowing cry , or because the night-heron is meant [compare 05399 ]) ] :-- (great) owl . s ~~3244
06310 ## peh {peh} ; from 06284 ; the mouth (as the means of blowing) , whether literal or figurative (particularly speech) ; specifically edge , portion or side ; adverbially (with preposition) according to :-- accord (- ing as ,-ing to) , after , appointment , assent , collar , command (- ment) , X eat , edge , end , entry , + file , hole , X in , mind , mouth , part , portion , X (should) say (- ing) , sentence , skirt , sound , speech , X spoken , talk , tenor , X to , + two-edged , wish , word . ~~6310
07371 ## rachath {rakh'- ath} ; from 07306 ; a winnowing-fork (as blowing the chaff away) :-- shovel . ~~7370
07381 ## reyach {ray'- akh} ; from 07306 ; odor (as if blown) :-- savour , scent , smell . ~~7380
03256 ## yacar {yaw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to chastise , literally (with blows) or figuratively (with words) ; hence , to instruct :-- bind , chasten , chastise , correct , instruct , punish , reform , reprove , sore , teach . ~~3256
03918 ## layish {lah'- yish} ; from 03888 in the sense of crushing ; a lion (from his destructive blows) :-- (old) lion . ~~3918
06014 ## ` amar {aw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , apparently to heap ; figuratively , to chastise (as if piling blows) ; specifically (as denominative from 06016) to gather grain :-- bind sheaves , make merchandise of . ~~6014
02250 ## chabbuwrah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chabburah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chaburah {khab-oo-raw'} ; from 02266 ; properly , bound (with stripes) , i . e . a weal (or black-and-blue mark itself) :-- blueness , bruise , hurt , stripe , wound . ~~2250
08336 ## shesh {shaysh} ; or (for alliteration with 04897) sh@shiy {shesh-ee'} ; for 07893 ; bleached stuff , i . e . white linen or (by analogy) marble :-- X blue , fine ([twined ]) linen , marble , silk . ~~8336
08504 ## t@keleth {tek-ay'- leth} ; probably for 07827 ; the cerulean mussel , i . e . the color (violet) obtained therefrom or stuff dyed therewith :-- blue . ~~8504
02250 ## chabbuwrah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chabburah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chaburah {khab-oo-raw'} ; from 02266 ; properly , bound (with stripes) , i . e . a weal (or black-and-blue mark itself) :-- blueness , bruise , hurt , stripe , wound . ~~2250
00049 ## 'Abiyshag {ab-ee-shag'} ; from 00001 and 07686 ; father of error (i . e . blundering) ; Abishag , a concubine of David :-- Abishag . ~~48
02763 ## charam {khaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to seclude ; specifically (by a ban) to devote to religious uses (especially destruction) ; physical and reflexive , to be blunt as to the nose :-- make accursed , consecrate , (utterly) destroy , devote , forfeit , have a flat nose , utterly (slay , make away) . ~~2762
04135 ## muwl {mool} ; a primitive root ; to cut short , i . e . curtail (specifically the prepuce , i . e . to circumcise) ; by implication , to blunt ; figuratively , to destroy :-- circumcise (- ing) , selves) , cut down (in pieces) , destroy , X must needs . ~~4134
06949 ## qahah {kaw-haw'} ; a primitive root ; to be dull :-- be set on edge , be blunt . ~~6948
06477 ## p@tsiyrah {pets-ee-raw'} ; from 06484 ; bluntness :-- + file . ~~6476
03216 ## yala` {yaw-lah'} ; a primitive root ; to blurt or utter inconsiderately :-- devour . ~~3216
02659 ## chapher {khaw-fare'} ; a primitive root [perhapsrath . the same as 02658 through the idea of detection ] : to blush ; figuratively , to be ashamed , disappointed ; causatively , to shame , reproach :-- be ashamed , be confounded , be brought to confusion (unto shame) , come (be put to) shame , bring reproach . ~~2658
03637 ## kalam {kaw-lawm'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to wound ; but only figuratively , to taunt or insult :-- be (make) ashamed , blush , be confounded , be put to confusion , hurt , reproach , (do , put to) shame . ~~3636
07293 ## rahab {rah'- hab} ; from 07292 , bluster (- er) :-- proud , strength . ~~7292
08417 ## toholah {to-hol-aw'} ; feminine of an unused noun (apparently from 01984) meaning bluster ; braggadocio , i . e . (by implication) fatuity :-- folly . ~~8418
00378 ## 'Iysh-Bosheth {eesh-bo'- sheth} ; from 00376 and 01322 ; man of shame ; Ish-Bosheth , a son of King Saul :-- Ish-bosheth . ~~378
00877 ## bo'r {bore} ; from 00874 ; a cistern :-- cistern . ~~ 876
00890 ## bo'shah {bosh-aw'} ; feminine of 00889 ; stink-weed or any other noxious or useless plant :-- cockle . ~~890
00922 ## bohuw {bo'- hoo} ; from an unused root (meaning to be empty) ; a vacuity , i . e . (superficially) an undistinguishable ruin :-- emptiness , void . ~~922
00931 ## bohen {bo'- hen} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to be thick ; the thumb of the hand or great toe of the foot :-- thumb , great toe . ~~930
00932 ## Bohan {bo'han} an orthographical variation of 00931 ; thumb , Bohan , an Israelite :-- Bohan . ~~932
00933 ## bohaq {bo'- hak} ; from an unused root meaning to be pale ; white scurf :-- freckled spot . ~~932
00934 ## bohereth {bo-heh'- reth} ; feminine active participle of the same as 00925 ; a whitish spot on the skin :-- bright spot . ~~934
00935 ## bow'{bo} ; a primitive root ; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications) :-- abide , apply , attain , X be , befall , + besiege , bring (forth , in , into , to pass) , call , carry , X certainly , (cause , let , thing for) to come (against , in , out , upon , to pass) , depart , X doubtless again , + eat , + employ , (cause to) enter (in , into ,-tering ,-trance ,-try) , be fallen , fetch , + follow , get , give , go (down , in , to war) , grant , + have , X indeed , [in-] vade , lead , lift [up ] , mention , pull in , put , resort , run (down) , send , set , X (well) stricken [in age ] , X surely , take (in) , way . ~~934
00949 ## Bowtsets {bo-tsates'} ; from the same as 00948 ; shining ; Botsets , a rock near Michmash :-- Bozez . ~~948
00951 ## bowker {bo-kare'} ; properly , active participle from 01239 as denominative from 01241 ; a cattle-tender :-- herdman . ~~950
00976 ## bochan {bo'- khan} ; from 00974 ; trial :-- tried . ~~ 976
00992 ## boten {bo'- ten} ; from 00990 ; (only in plural) a pistachio-nut (from its form) :-- nut . ~~992
01066 ## Bokiym {bo-keem'} ; plural active participle of 01058 ; (with the article) the weepers ; Bo-kim , a place in Palestine :-- Bochim . ~~1066
01066 ## Bokiym {bo-keem'} ; plural active participle of 01058 ; (with the article) the weepers ; Bo-kim , a place in Palestine :-- Bochim . ~~1066
01074 ## Bok@ruw {bo-ker-oo'} ; from 01069 ; first-born ; Bokeru , an Israelite :-- Bocheru . ~~1074
01155 ## bocer {bo'ser} ; from the same as 01154 :-- sour grape . ~~ 1154
01162 ## Bo` az {bo'az} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; Boaz , the ancestor of David ; also the name of a pillar in from of the temple :-- Boaz . ~~1162
01162 ## Bo` az {bo'az} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; Boaz , the ancestor of David ; also the name of a pillar in from of the temple :-- Boaz . ~~1162
01242 ## boqer {bo'- ker} ; from 01239 ; properly , dawn (as the break of day) ; generally , morning :-- (+) day , early , morning , morrow . ~~1242
01287 ## boriyth {bo-reeth'} ; feminine of 01253 ; vegetable alkali :-- sope . ~~1286
01314 ## besem {beh'- sem} ; or bosem {bo'- sem} ; from the same as 01313 ; fragrance ; by implication , spicery ; also the balsam plant :-- smell , spice , sweet (odour) . ~~1314
01322 ## bosheth {bo'- sheth} ; from 00954 ; shame (the feeling and the condition , as well as its cause) ; by implication (specifically) an idol :-- ashamed , confusion , + greatly , (put to) shame (- ful thing) . ~~1322
01364 ## gaboahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; from 01361 ; elevated (or elated) , powerful , arrogant :-- haughty , height , high (- er) , lofty , proud , X exceeding proudly . ~~1364
01364 ## gaboahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; from 01361 ; elevated (or elated) , powerful , arrogant :-- haughty , height , high (- er) , lofty , proud , X exceeding proudly . ~~1364
01533 ## Gilboa` {ghil-bo'- ah} ; from 01530 and 01158 ; fountain of ebullition ; Gilboa , a mountain of Palestine :-- Gilboa . ~~1532
02726 ## Charbowna'{khar-bo-naw'} ; or Charbownah {khar-bo-naw'} ; of Persian origin ; Charbona or Charbonah , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Harbona , Harbonah . ~~2726
02726 ## Charbowna'{khar-bo-naw'} ; or Charbownah {khar-bo-naw'} ; of Persian origin ; Charbona or Charbonah , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Harbona , Harbonah . ~~2726
03430 ## Yishbow b@-Nob {yish-bo'beh-nobe} ; from 03427 and 05011 , with a pronominal suffix and a preposition interposed ; his dwelling (is) in Nob ; Jishbo-be-Nob , a Philistine :-- Ishbi-benob [from the margin ] . ~~3430
03614 ## Kalibbow {kaw-lib-bo'} ; probably by erroneous transcription for Kalebiy {kaw-lay-bee'} ; patronymically from 03612 ; a Calebite or descendant of Caleb :-- of the house of Caleb . ~~3614
03996 ## mabow'{maw-bo'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance (the place or the act) ; specifically (with or without 08121) sunset or the west ; also (adverb with preposition) towards :-- by which came , as cometh , in coming , as men enter into , entering , entrance into , entry , where goeth , going down , + westward . Compare 04126 . ~~3996
04648 ## M@phiybosheth {mef-ee-bo'- sheth} ; or M@phibosheth {mef-ee-bo'- sheth} ; probably from 06284 and 01322 ; dispeller of shame (i . e . of Baal) ; Mephibosheth , the name of two Israelites :-- Mephibosheth . ~~4648
04648 ## M@phiybosheth {mef-ee-bo'- sheth} ; or M@phibosheth {mef-ee-bo'- sheth} ; probably from 06284 and 01322 ; dispeller of shame (i . e . of Baal) ; Mephibosheth , the name of two Israelites :-- Mephibosheth . ~~4648
05451 ## cibboleth {sib-bo'- leth} ; for 07641 ; an ear of grain :-- Sibboleth . ~~5450
06636 ## Ts@bo'iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; or (more correctly) Ts@biyiym {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; or Ts@biyim {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; plural of 06643 ; gazelles ; Tseboim or Tsebijim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboiim , Zeboim . ~~6636
06650 ## Ts@bo` iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; plural of 06641 ; hyenas ; Tseboim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboim . ~~6650
07239 ## ribbow {rib-bo'} ; from 07231 ; or ribbow'{rib-bo'} from 07231 ; a myriad , i . e . indefinitely , large number :-- great things , ten ([eight ]-een , [for ]-ty , + sixscore , + threescore , X twenty , [twen ]-ty) thousand . ~~7238
07239 ## ribbow {rib-bo'} ; from 07231 ; or ribbow'{rib-bo'} from 07231 ; a myriad , i . e . indefinitely , large number :-- great things , ten ([eight ]-een , [for ]-ty , + sixscore , + threescore , X twenty , [twen ]-ty) thousand . ~~7238
07240 ## ribbow (Aramaic) {rib-bo'} ; corresponding to 07239 :-- X ten thousand times ten thousand . ~~7240
07641 ## shibbol {shib-bole} ; or (feminine) shibboleth {shib-bo'- leth} ; from the same as 07640 ; a stream (as flowing) ; also an ear of grain (as growing out) ; by analogy , a branch :-- branch , channel , ear (of corn) , ([water-]) flood , Shibboleth . Compare 05451 . ~~7640
08170 ## Sha` alboniy {shah-al-bo-nee'} ; patrial from 08169 ; a Shaalbonite or inhabitant of Shaalbin :-- Shaalbonite . ~~8170
08370 ## Sh@thar Bowz@nay {sheth-ar'bo-zen-ah'- ee} ; of foreign derivation ; Shethar-Bozenai , a Persian officer :-- Shethar-boznai . ~~8370
08516 ## talbosheth {tal-bo'- sheth} ; from 03847 ; a garment :-- clothing . ~~8516