01376 ## g@biyr {gheb-eer'} ; from 01396 ; a master :-- lord . ~~ 1376
01377 ## g@biyrah {gheb-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 01376 ; a mistress :-- queen . ~~1376
01404 ## g@bereth {gheb-eh'- reth} ; feminine of 01376 ; mistress :-- lady , mistress . ~~1404
01377 ## g@biyrah {gheb-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 01376 ; a mistress :-- queen . ~~1376
00417 ## 'elgabiysh {el-gaw-beesh'} ; from 00410 and 01378 ; hail (as if a great pearl) :-- great hail [-stones ] . ~~416
01378 ## gabiysh {gaw-beesh'} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to freeze) ; crystal (from its resemblance to ice) :-- pearl . ~~1378
04019 ## Magbiysh {mag-beesh'} ; from the same as 01378 ; stiffening ; Magbish , an Israelite , or a place in Palestine :-- Magbish . ~~4018
01366 ## g@buwl {gheb-ool'} ; or (shortened) g@bul {gheb-ool'} ; from 01379 ; properly , a cord (as twisted) , i . e . (by implication) a boundary ; by extens . the territory inclosed :-- border , bound , coast , X great , landmark , limit , quarter , space . ~~1366
01379 ## gabal {gaw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist as a rope ; only (as a denominative from 01366) to bound (as by a line) :-- be border , set (bounds about) . ~~1378
01380 ## G@bal {gheb-al'} ; from 01379 (in the sense of a chain of hills) ; a mountain ; Gebal , a place in Phoenicia :-- Gebal . ~~1380
01383 ## gabluth {gab-looth'} ; from 01379 ; a twisted chain or lace :-- end . ~~1382
04020 ## migbalah {mig-baw-law'} ; from 01379 ; a border :-- end . ~~ 4020
01380 ## G@bal {gheb-al'} ; from 01379 (in the sense of a chain of hills) ; a mountain ; Gebal , a place in Phoenicia :-- Gebal . ~~1380
01381 ## G@bal {gheb-awl'} ; the same as 01380 ; Gebal , a region in Idumaea :-- Gebal . ~~1380
01382 ## Gibliy {ghib-lee'} : patrial from 01380 ; a Gebalite , or inhabitant of Gebal :-- Giblites , stone-squarer . ~~1382
01381 ## G@bal {gheb-awl'} ; the same as 01380 ; Gebal , a region in Idumaea :-- Gebal . ~~1380
01382 ## Gibliy {ghib-lee'} : patrial from 01380 ; a Gebalite , or inhabitant of Gebal :-- Giblites , stone-squarer . ~~1382
01383 ## gabluth {gab-looth'} ; from 01379 ; a twisted chain or lace :-- end . ~~1382
01384 ## gibben {gib-bane'} ; from an unused root meaning to be arched or contracted ; hunch-backed :-- crookbackt . ~~1384
01385 ## g@binah {gheb-ee-naw'} ; feminine from the same as 01384 ; curdled milk :-- cheese . ~~1384
01386 ## gabnon {gab-nohn'} ; from the same as 01384 ; a hump or peak of hills :-- high . ~~1386
01385 ## g@binah {gheb-ee-naw'} ; feminine from the same as 01384 ; curdled milk :-- cheese . ~~1384
01386 ## gabnon {gab-nohn'} ; from the same as 01384 ; a hump or peak of hills :-- high . ~~1386
01387 ## Geba` {gheh'- bah} ; from the same as 01375 , a hillock ; Geba , a place in Palestine :-- Gaba , Geba , Gibeah . ~~1386
01389 ## gib` ah {ghib-aw'} ; feminine from the same as 01387 ; a hillock :-- hill , little hill . ~~1388
01391 ## Gib` own {ghib-ohn'} ; from the same as 01387 ; hilly ; Gibon , a place in Palestine :-- Gibeon . ~~1390
01388 ## Gib` a'{ghib-aw'} ; by permutation for 01389 ; a hill ; Giba , a place in Palestine :-- Gibeah . ~~1388
01388 ## Gib` a'{ghib-aw'} ; by permutation for 01389 ; a hill ; Giba , a place in Palestine :-- Gibeah . ~~1388
01389 ## gib` ah {ghib-aw'} ; feminine from the same as 01387 ; a hillock :-- hill , little hill . ~~1388
01390 ## Gib` ah {ghib-aw'} ; the same as 01389 ; Gibah ; the name of three places in Palestine :-- Gibeah , the hill . ~~1390
01405 ## Gibb@thown {ghib-beth-one'} ; intensive from 01389 ; a hilly spot ; Gibbethon , a place in Palestine :-- Gibbethon . ~~1404
04021 ## migba` ah {mig-baw-aw'} ; from the same as 01389 ; a cap (as hemispherical) :-- bonnet . ~~4020
01390 ## Gib` ah {ghib-aw'} ; the same as 01389 ; Gibah ; the name of three places in Palestine :-- Gibeah , the hill . ~~1390
01395 ## Gib` athiy {ghib-aw-thee'} ; patrial from 01390 ; a Gibathite , or inhabitant of Gibath :-- Gibeathite . ~~1394
00025 ## 'Abiy Gib` own {ab-ee'ghib-one'} ; from 00001 and 01391 ; father (i . e . founder) of Gibon ; Abi-Gibon , perhaps an Israelite :-- father of Gibeon . ~~24
01391 ## Gib` own {ghib-ohn'} ; from the same as 01387 ; hilly ; Gibon , a place in Palestine :-- Gibeon . ~~1390
01393 ## Gib` oniy {ghib-o-nee'} ; patrial from 01391 ; a Gibonite , or inhabitant of Gibon :-- Gibeonite . ~~1392
01392 ## gib` ol {ghib-ole'} ; prolonged from 01375 ; the calyx of a flower :-- bolled . ~~1392
01393 ## Gib` oniy {ghib-o-nee'} ; patrial from 01391 ; a Gibonite , or inhabitant of Gibon :-- Gibeonite . ~~1392
01394 ## Gib` ath {ghib-ath'} ; from the same as 01375 ; hilliness ; Gibath :-- Gibeath . ~~1394
01395 ## Gib` athiy {ghib-aw-thee'} ; patrial from 01390 ; a Gibathite , or inhabitant of Gibath :-- Gibeathite . ~~1394
01376 ## g@biyr {gheb-eer'} ; from 01396 ; a master :-- lord . ~~ 1376
01396 ## gabar {gaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to be strong ; by implication , to prevail , act insolently :-- exceed , confirm , be great , be mighty , prevail , put to more [strength ] , strengthen , be stronger , be valiant . ~~1396
01397 ## geber {gheh'- ber} ; from 01396 ; properly , a valiant man or warrior ; generally , a person simply :-- every one , man , X mighty . ~~1396
01399 ## g@bar {gheb-ar'} ; from 01396 ; the same as 01397 ; a person :-- man . ~~1398
01127 ## Ben-Geber {ben-gheh'- ber} ; from 01121 and 01397 ; son of (the) hero ; Ben-Geber , an Israelite :-- the son of Geber . ~~1126
01368 ## gibbowr {ghib-bore'} ; or (shortened) gibbor {ghib-bore'} ; intensive from the same as 01397 ; powerful ; by implication , warrior , tyrant :-- champion , chief , X excel , giant , man , mighty (man , one) , strong (man) , valiant man . ~~1368
01397 ## geber {gheh'- ber} ; from 01396 ; properly , a valiant man or warrior ; generally , a person simply :-- every one , man , X mighty . ~~1396
01398 ## Geber {gheh'- ber} ; the same as 01397 ; Geber , the name of two Israelites :-- Geber . ~~1398
01399 ## g@bar {gheb-ar'} ; from 01396 ; the same as 01397 ; a person :-- man . ~~1398
01403 ## Gabriy'el {gab-ree-ale'} ; from 01397 and 00410 ; man of God ; Gabriel , an archangel :-- Garbriel . ~~1402
06100 ## ` Etsyown (shorter)` Etsyon Geber {ets-yone'gheh'ber} ; from 06096 and 01397 ; backbone-like of a man ; Etsjon-Geber , a place on the Red Sea :-- Ezion-geber . ~~6100
01398 ## Geber {gheh'- ber} ; the same as 01397 ; Geber , the name of two Israelites :-- Geber . ~~1398
01399 ## g@bar {gheb-ar'} ; from 01396 ; the same as 01397 ; a person :-- man . ~~1398
01400 ## g@bar (Aramaic) {gheb-ar'} ; corresponding to 01399 :-- certain , man . ~~1400
01402 ## Gibbar {ghib-bawr'} ; intensive of 01399 ; Gibbar , an Israelite :-- Gibbar . ~~1402
01400 ## g@bar (Aramaic) {gheb-ar'} ; corresponding to 01399 :-- certain , man . ~~1400
01401 ## gibbar (Aramaic) {ghib-bawr'} ; intensive of 01400 ; valiant , or warrior :-- mighty . ~~1400
01401 ## gibbar (Aramaic) {ghib-bawr'} ; intensive of 01400 ; valiant , or warrior :-- mighty . ~~1400
01402 ## Gibbar {ghib-bawr'} ; intensive of 01399 ; Gibbar , an Israelite :-- Gibbar . ~~1402
01403 ## Gabriy'el {gab-ree-ale'} ; from 01397 and 00410 ; man of God ; Gabriel , an archangel :-- Garbriel . ~~1402
01404 ## g@bereth {gheb-eh'- reth} ; feminine of 01376 ; mistress :-- lady , mistress . ~~1404
01405 ## Gibb@thown {ghib-beth-one'} ; intensive from 01389 ; a hilly spot ; Gibbethon , a place in Palestine :-- Gibbethon . ~~1404
01406 ## gag {gawg} ; probably by reduplication from 01342 ; a roof ; by analogy , the top of an altar :-- roof (of the house) , (house) top (of the house) . ~~1406
01407 ## gad {gad} ; from 01413 (in the sense of cutting) ; coriander seed (from its furrows) :-- coriander . ~~1406
01408 ## Gad {gad} ; a variation of 01409 ; Fortune , a Babylonian deity :-- that troop . ~~1408
02693 ## Chatsar Gaddah {khats-ar'gad-daw'} ; from 02691 and a feminine of 01408 ; (the) village of (female) Fortune ; Chatsar-Gaddah , a place in Palestine :-- Hazar-gaddah . ~~2692
04028 ## Migdal-Gad {migdal-gawd'} ; from 04026 and 01408 ; tower of Fortune ; Migdal-Gad , a place in Palestine :-- Migdal-gad . ~~4028
01171 ## Ba` al Gad {bah'- al gawd} ; from 01168 and 01409 ; Baal of Fortune ; Baal-Gad , a place in Syria :-- Baal-gad . ~~1170
01408 ## Gad {gad} ; a variation of 01409 ; Fortune , a Babylonian deity :-- that troop . ~~1408
01409 ## gad {gawd} ; from 01464 (in the sense of distributing) ; fortune :-- troop . ~~1408
01424 ## Gadiy {gaw-dee'} ; from 01409 ; fortunate ; Gadi , an Israelite :-- Gadi . ~~1424
01427 ## Gaddiy'el {gad-dee-ale'} ; from 01409 and 00410 ; fortune of God ; Gaddiel , an Israelite :-- Gaddiel . ~~1426
05803 ## ` Azgad {az-gawd'} ; from 05794 and 01409 ; stern troop ; Azgad , an Israelite :-- Azgad . ~~5802
01410 ## Gad {gawd} ; from 01464 ; Gad , a son of Jacob , including his tribe and its territory ; also a prophet :-- Gad . ~~1410
01425 ## Gadiy {gaw-dee'} ; patronymically from 01410 ; a Gadite (collectively) or descendants of Gad :-- Gadites , children of Gad . ~~1424
01769 ## Diybown {dee-bome'} ; or (shortened) Diybon {dee-bone'} ; from 01727 ; pining :-Dibon , the name of three places in Palestine :-- Dibon . [Also , with 01410 added , Dibon-gad . ] ~~1768
01411 ## g@dabar (Aramaic) {ghed-aw-bawr'} ; corresponding to 01489 ; a treasurer :-- treasurer . ~~1410
01412 ## Gudgodah {gud-go'- daw} ; by reduplication from 01413 (in the sense of cutting) cleft ; Gudgodah , a place in the Desert :-- Gudgodah . ~~1412
02735 ## Chor hag-Gidgad {khore hag-ghid-gawd'} ; from 02356 and a collateral (masculine) form of 01412 , with the article interposed ; hole of the cleft : Chor-hag-Gidgad , a place in the Desert :-- Hor-hagidgad . ~~2734
01407 ## gad {gad} ; from 01413 (in the sense of cutting) ; coriander seed (from its furrows) :-- coriander . ~~1406
01412 ## Gudgodah {gud-go'- daw} ; by reduplication from 01413 (in the sense of cutting) cleft ; Gudgodah , a place in the Desert :-- Gudgodah . ~~1412
01413 ## gadad {gaw-dad'} ; a primitive root [compare 01464 ] ; to crowd ; also to gash (as if by pressing into) :-- assemble (selves by troops) , gather (selves together , self in troops) , cut selves . ~~1412
01414 ## g@dad (Aramaic) {ghed-ad'} ; corresponding to 01413 ; to cut down :-- hew down . ~~1414
01416 ## g@duwd {ghed-ood'} ; from 01413 ; a crowd (especially of soldiers) :-- army , band (of men) , company , troop (of robbers) . ~~1416
01417 ## g@duwd {ghed-ood'} ; or (feminine) g@dudah {ghed-oo-daw'} ; from 01413 ; a furrow (as cut) :-- furrow . ~~1416
01418 ## g@duwdah {ghed-oo-daw'} ; feminine participle passive of 01413 ; an incision :-- cutting . ~~1418
01464 ## guwd {goode} ; a primitive root [akin to 01413 ] ; to crowd upon , i . e . attack :-- invade , overcome . ~~1464
04023 ## M@giddown (Zech . 12 : 11) {meg-id-done'} ; or M@giddow {meg-id-do'} ; from 01413 ; rendezvous ; Megiddon or Megiddo , a place in Palestine :-- Megiddo , Megiddon . ~~4022