07628 ## sh@biy {sheb-ee'} ; from 07618 ; exiled ; captured ; as noun , exile (abstractly or concretely and collectively) ; by extension , booty :-- captive (- ity) , prisoners , X take away , that was taken . ~~7628
04685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'} ; or (feminine) m@tsowdah {mets-o-daw'} ; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a net (for capturing animals or fishes) :-also (by interchange for 04679) a fastness or (beseiging) tower :-- bulwark , hold , munition , net , snare . ~~4684
05267 ## n@caq (Aramaic) {nes-ak'} ; corresponding to 05266 :-- take up . ~~5266
05619 ## caqal {saw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be weighty ; but used only in the sense of lapidation or its contrary (as if a delapidation) :-- (cast , gather out , throw) stone (- s) , X surely . ~~5618
00920 ## Bidqar {bid-car'} ; probably from 01856 with a prepositional prefix ; by stabbing , i . e . assassin ; Bidkar , an Israelite :-- Bidkar . ~~920
01033 ## Beyth Kar {bayth kar} ; from 01004 and 03733 ; house of pasture ; Beth-Car , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-car . ~~1032
01033 ## Beyth Kar {bayth kar} ; from 01004 and 03733 ; house of pasture ; Beth-Car , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-car . ~~1032
05620 ## car {sar} ; contracted from 05637 ; peevish :-- heavy , sad . ~~ 5620
05634 ## car` appah {sar-ap-paw'} ; for 05589 ; a twig :-- bough . ~~ 5634
05621 ## carab {saw-rawb'} ; from an unused root meaning to sting ; a thistle :-- brier . ~~5620
05628 ## carach {saw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to extend (even to excess) :-- exceeding , hand , spread , stretch self , banish . ~~5628
05627 ## carah {saw-raw'} ; from 05493 ; apostasy , crime ; figuratively , remission :-- X continual , rebellion , revolt ([-ed ]) , turn away , wrong . ~~5626
05635 ## caraph {saw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to cremate , i . e . to be (near) of kin (such being privileged to kindle the pyre) :-- burn . ~~5634
05637 ## carar {saw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to turn away , i . e . (morally) be refractory :-- X away , backsliding , rebellious , revolter (- ing) , slide back , stubborn , withdrew . ~~5636
00734 ## 'orach {o'- rakh} ; from 00732 ; a well-trodden road (literally or figuratively) ; also a caravan :-- manner , path , race , rank , traveller , troop , [by-, high-] way . ~~734
00736 ## 'or@chah {o-rekh-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 00732 ; a caravan :-- (travelling) company . ~~736
01979 ## haliykah {hal-ee-kaw'} ; feminine of 01978 ; a walking ; by implication , a procession or march , a caravan :-- company , going , walk , way . ~~1978
04723 ## miqveh {mik-veh'} ; or miqveh (1 Kings 10 : 28) {mik-vay'} ; or miqve'(2 Chron . 1 : 16) {mik-vay'} ; from 06960 ; something waited for , i . e . confidence (objective or subjective) ; also a collection , i . e . (of water) a pond , or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove :-- abiding , gathering together , hope , linen yarn , plenty [of water ] , pool . ~~4722
03669 ## K@na` aniy {ken-ah-an-ee'} ; patrial from 03667 ; a Kenaanite or inhabitant of Kenaan ; by implication , a pedlar (the Canaanites standing for their neighbors the Ishmaelites , who conducted mercantile caravans) :-- Canaanite , merchant , trafficker . ~~3668
04411 ## malown {maw-lone'} ; from 03885 ; a lodgment , i . e . caravanserai or encampment :-- inn , place where . . . lodge , lodging (place) . ~~4410
05622 ## carbal (Aramaic) {sar-bal'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a cloak :-- coat . ~~5622
00068 ## 'eben {eh'- ben} ; from the root of 01129 through the meaning to build ; a stone :-- + carbuncle , + mason , + plummet , [chalk-, hail-, head-, sling-] stone (- ny) , (divers) weight (- s) . ~~68
00688 ## 'eqdach {ek-dawkh'} ; from 06916 ; burning , i . e . a carbuncle or other fiery gem :-- carbuncle . ~~688
00688 ## 'eqdach {ek-dawkh'} ; from 06916 ; burning , i . e . a carbuncle or other fiery gem :-- carbuncle . ~~688
01304 ## bareqeth {baw-reh'- keth} ; or bar@kath {baw-rek-ath'} ; from 01300 ; a gem (as flashing) , perhaps the emerald :-- carbuncle . ~~1304
03752 ## Karkac {kar-kas'} ; of Persian origin ; Karkas , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Carcas . ~~3752
01472 ## g@viyah {ghev-ee-yaw'} ; prolonged for 01465 ; a body , whether alive or dead :-- (dead) body , carcase , corpse . ~~1472
04658 ## mappeleth {map-peh'- leth} ; from 05307 ; fall , i . e . decadence ; concretely , a ruin ; specifically a carcase :-- carcase , fall , ruin . ~~4658
04658 ## mappeleth {map-peh'- leth} ; from 05307 ; fall , i . e . decadence ; concretely , a ruin ; specifically a carcase :-- carcase , fall , ruin . ~~4658
05038 ## n@belah {neb-ay-law'} ; from 05034 ; a flabby thing , i . e . a carcase or carrion (human or bestial , often collectively) ; figuratively , an idol :-- (dead) body , (dead) carcase , dead of itself , which died , (beast) that (which) dieth of itself . ~~5038
05038 ## n@belah {neb-ay-law'} ; from 05034 ; a flabby thing , i . e . a carcase or carrion (human or bestial , often collectively) ; figuratively , an idol :-- (dead) body , (dead) carcase , dead of itself , which died , (beast) that (which) dieth of itself . ~~5038
06297 ## peger {peh'gher} ; from 06296 ; a carcase (as limp) , whether of man or beast ; figuratively , an idolatrous image :-- carcase , corpse , dead body . ~~6296
06297 ## peger {peh'gher} ; from 06296 ; a carcase (as limp) , whether of man or beast ; figuratively , an idolatrous image :-- carcase , corpse , dead body . ~~6296
07419 ## ramuwth {raw-mooth'} ; from 07311 ; a heap (of carcases) :-- height . ~~7418
03751 ## Kark@miysh {kar-kem-eesh'} ; of foreign derivation ; Karkemish , a place in Syria :-- Carchemish . ~~3750
06593 ## pishteh {pish-teh'} ; from the same as 06580 as in the sense of comminuting ; linen (i . e . the thread , as carded) :-- flax , linen . ~~6592
08162 ## sha` atnez {shah-at-naze'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; linsey-woolsey , i . e . cloth of linen and wool carded and spun together :-- garment of divers sorts , linen and wollen . ~~8162
07651 ## sheba` {sheh'- bah} ; or (masculine) shib` ah {shib-aw'} ; from 07650 ; a primitive cardinal number ; seven (as the sacred full one) ; also (adverbially) seven times ; by implication , a week ; by extension , an indefinite number :-- (+ by) seven [-fold ] ,-s , [-teen ,-teenth ] ,-th , times) . Compare 07658 . ~~7650
08083 ## sh@moneh {shem-o-neh'} ; or sh@mowneh {shem-o-neh'} ; feminine sh@monah {shem-o-naw'} ; or sh@mownah {shem-o-naw'} ; apparently from 08082 through the idea of plumpness ; a cardinal number , eight (as if a surplus above the " perfect " seven) ; also (as ordinal) eighth :-- eight ([-een ,-eenth ]) , eighth . ~~8084
05625 ## Cardiy {sar-dee'} ; patron from 05624 ; a Seredite (collectively) or descendants of Sered :-- Sardites . ~~5624
00983 ## betach {beh'takh} ; from 00982 ; properly , a place of refuge ; abstract , safety , both the fact (security) and the feeling (trust) ; often (adverb with or without preposition) safely :-- assurance , boldly , (without) care (- less) , confidence , hope , safe (- ly ,-ty) , secure , surely . ~~982
01239 ## baqar {baw-kar} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plough , or (generally) break forth , i . e . (figuratively) to inspect , admire , care for , consider :-- (make) inquire (- ry) , (make) search , seek out . ~~1238
01674 ## d@'agah {deh-aw-gaw'} ; from 01672 ; anxiety :-- care (- fulness) , fear , heaviness , sorrow . ~~1674
01697 ## dabar {daw-baw'} ; from 01696 ; a word ; by implication , a matter (as spoken of) or thing ; adverbially , a cause :-- act , advice , affair , answer , X any such (thing) , because of , book , business , care , case , cause , certain rate , + chronicles , commandment , X commune (- ication) , + concern [-ing ] , + confer , counsel , + dearth , decree , deed , X disease , due , duty , effect , + eloquent , errand , [evil favoured-] ness , + glory , + harm , hurt , + iniquity , + judgment , language , + lying , manner , matter , message , [no ] thing , oracle , X ought , X parts , + pertaining , + please , portion , + power , promise , provision , purpose , question , rate , reason , report , request , X (as hast) said , sake , saying , sentence , + sign , + so , some [uncleanness ] , somewhat to say , + song , speech , X spoken , talk , task , + that , X there done , thing (concerning) , thought , + thus , tidings , what [-soever ] , + wherewith , which , word , work . ~~1696
01875 ## darash {daw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tread or frequent ; usually to follow (for pursuit or search) ; by implication , to seek or ask ; specifically to worship :-- ask , X at all , care for , X diligently , inquire , make inquisition , [necro-] mancer , question , require , search , seek [for , out ] , X surely . ~~1874
02670 ## chophshiy {khof-shee'} ; from 02666 ; exempt (from bondage , tax or care) :-- free , liberty . ~~2670
02731 ## charadah {khar-aw-daw'} ; feminine of 02730 ; fear , anxiety :-- care , X exceedingly , fear , quaking , trembling . ~~2730
03045 ## yada` {yaw-dah'} ; a primitive root ; to know (properly , to ascertain by seeing) ; used in a great variety of senses , figuratively , literally , euphemistically and inferentially (including observation , care , recognition ; and causatively , instruction , designation , punishment , etc .) [as follow ] :-- acknowledge , acquaintance (- ted with) , advise , answer , appoint , assuredly , be aware , [un-] awares , can [-not ] , certainly , comprehend , consider , X could they , cunning , declare , be diligent , (can , cause to) discern , discover , endued with , familiar friend , famous , feel , can have , be [ig-] norant , instruct , kinsfolk , kinsman , (cause to let , make) know , (come to give , have , take) knowledge , have [knowledge ] , (be , make , make to be , make self) known , + be learned , + lie by man , mark , perceive , privy to , X prognosticator , regard , have respect , skilful , shew , can (man of) skill , be sure , of a surety , teach , (can) tell , understand , have [understanding ] , X will be , wist , wit , wot ~~3044
03820 ## leb {labe} ; a form of 03824 ; the heart ; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings , the will and even the intellect ; likewise for the centre of anything :-- + care for , comfortably , consent , X considered , courag [-eous ] , friend [-ly ] , ([broken-] , [hard-] , [merry-] , [stiff-] , [stout-] , double) heart ([-ed ]) , X heed , X I , kindly , midst , mind (- ed) , X regard ([-ed) ] , X themselves , X unawares , understanding , X well , willingly , wisdom . ~~3820
05027 ## nabat {naw-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to scan , i . e . look intently at ; by implication , to regard with pleasure , favor or care :-- (cause to) behold , consider , look (down) , regard , have respect , see . ~~5026
05234 ## nakar {naw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrutinize , i . e . look intently at ; hence (with recognition implied) , to acknowledge , be acquainted with , care for , respect , revere , or (with suspicion implied) , to disregard , ignore , be strange toward , reject , resign , dissimulate (as if ignorant or disowning) :-- acknowledge , X could , deliver , discern , dissemble , estrange , feign self to be another , know , take knowledge (notice) , perceive , regard , (have) respect , behave (make) self strange (- ly) . ~~5234
06485 ## paqad {paw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent) ; by analogy , to oversee , muster , charge , care for , miss , deposit , etc . :-- appoint , X at all , avenge , bestow , (appoint to have the , give a) charge , commit , count , deliver to keep , be empty , enjoin , go see , hurt , do judgment , lack , lay up , look , make , X by any means , miss , number , officer , (make) overseer , have (the) oversight , punish , reckon , (call to) remember (- brance) , set (over) , sum , X surely , visit , want . ~~6484
07760 ## suwm {soom} ; or siym {seem} ; a primitive root ; to put (used in a great variety of applications , literal , figurative , inferentially , and elliptically) :-- X any wise , appoint , bring , call [a name ] , care , cast in , change , charge , commit , consider , convey , determine , + disguise , dispose , do , get , give , heap up , hold , impute , lay (down , up) , leave , look , make (out) , mark , + name , X on , ordain , order , + paint , place , preserve , purpose , put (on) , + regard , rehearse , reward , (cause to) set (on , up) , shew , + stedfastly , take , X tell , + tread down , ([over-]) turn , X wholly , work . ~~7760
07789 ## shuwr {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of going round for inspection ] ; to spy out , i . e . (generally) survey , (for evil) lurk for , (for good) care for :-- behold , lay wait , look , observe , perceive , regard , see . ~~7790
07143 ## Qareach {kaw-ray'- akh} ; from 07139 ; bald ; Kareach , an Israelite :-- Careah , Kareah . ~~7142
01672 ## da'ag {daw-ag'} ; a primitive root ; be anxious :-- be afraid (careful , sorry) , sorrow , take thought . ~~1672
02729 ## charad {khaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to shudder with terror ; hence , to fear ; also to hasten (with anxiety) :-- be (make) afraid , be careful , discomfit , fray (away) , quake , tremble . ~~2728
02818 ## chashach (Aramaic) {khash-akh'} ; a collateral root to one corresponding to 02363 in the sense of readiness ; to be necessary (from the idea of convenience) or (transitively) to need :-- careful , have need of . ~~2818
00149 ## 'adrazda'(Aramaic) {ad-raz-daw'} ; probably of Persian origin ; quickly or carefully :-- diligently . ~~148
02342 ## chuwl {khool} ; or chiyl {kheel} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner) , i . e . (specifically) to dance , to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear ; figuratively , to wait , to pervert :-- bear , (make to) bring forth , (make to) calve , dance , drive away , fall grievously (with pain) , fear , form , great , grieve , (be) grievous , hope , look , make , be in pain , be much (sore) pained , rest , shake , shapen , (be) sorrow (- ful) , stay , tarry , travail (with pain) , tremble , trust , wait carefully (patiently) , be wounded . ~~2342
08085 ## shama` {shaw-mah'} ; a primitive root ; to hear intelligently (often with implication of attention , obedience , etc . ; causatively , to tell , etc .) :-- X attentively , call (gather) together , X carefully , X certainly , consent , consider , be content , declare , X diligently , discern , give ear , (cause to , let , make to) hear (- ken , tell) , X indeed , listen , make (a) noise , (be) obedient , obey , perceive , (make a) proclaim (- ation) , publish , regard , report , shew (forth) , (make a) sound , X surely , tell , understand , whosoever [heareth ] , witness . ~~8086