05632 ## carek (Aramaic) {saw-rake'} ; of foreign origin ; an emir :-- president . ~~5632
00982 ## batach {baw-takh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hie for refuge [but not so precipitately as 02620 ] ; figuratively , to trust , be confident or sure :-- be bold (confident , secure , sure) , careless (one , woman) , put confidence , (make to) hope , (put , make to) trust . ~~982
07961 ## shalev {shaw-lave'} ; or shaleyv {shaw-lave'} ; feminine sh@levah {shel-ay-vaw'} ; from 07951 ; tranquil ; (in a bad sense) careless ; abstractly , security :-- (being) at ease , peaceable , (in) prosper (- ity) , quiet (- ness) , wealthy . ~~7962
05623 ## Cargown {sar-gone'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sargon , an Assyrian king :-- Sargon . ~~5622
05631 ## cariyc {saw-reece'} ; or caric {saw-reece'} ; from an unused root meaning to castrate ; a eunuch ; by implication , valet (especially of the female apartments) , and thus , a minister of state :-- chamberlain , eunuch , officer . Compare 07249 . ~~5630
07538 ## raqab {raw-kawb'} ; from 07537 ; decay (by caries) :-- rottenness (thing) . ~~7538
07539 ## riqqabown {rik-kaw-bone'} ; from 07538 ; decay (by caries) :-- rotten . ~~7538
05631 ## cariyc {saw-reece'} ; or caric {saw-reece'} ; from an unused root meaning to castrate ; a eunuch ; by implication , valet (especially of the female apartments) , and thus , a minister of state :-- chamberlain , eunuch , officer . Compare 07249 . ~~5630
07249 ## Rab-Cariyc {rab-saw-reece'} ; from 07227 and a foreign word for a eunuch ; chief chamberlain ; Rab-Saris , a Babylonian official :-- Rab-saris . ~~7248
03760 ## Karmel {kar-mel'} ; the same as 03759 ; Karmel , the name of a hill and of a town in Palestine :-- Carmel , fruitful (plentiful) field , (place) . ~~3760
03761 ## Karm@liy {kar-mel-ee'} ; patron from 03760 ; a Karmelite or inhabitant of Karmel (the town) :-- Carmelite . ~~3760
03762 ## Karm@liyth {kar-mel-eeth'} ; feminine of 03761 ; a Karmelitess or female inhabitant of Karmel :-- Carmelitess . ~~3762
03756 ## Karmiy {kar-mee'} ; from 03754 ; gardener ; Karmi , the name of three Israelites :-- Carmi . ~~3756
03758 ## karmiyl {kar-mele'} ; probably of foreign origin ; carmine , a deep red :-- crimson . ~~3758
03757 ## Karmiy {kar-mee'} ; patronymically from 03756 ; a Karmite or descendant of Karmi :-- Carmites . ~~3756
04347 ## makkah {mak-kaw'} ; or (masculine) makkeh {muk-keh'} ; (plural only) from 05221 ; a blow (in 2 Chronicles 2 : 10 , of the flail) ; by implication , a wound ; figuratively , carnage , also pestilence :-- beaten , blow , plague , slaughter , smote , X sore , stripe , stroke , wound ([-ed ]) . ~~4346
04904 ## mishkab {mish-kawb'} ; from 07901 ; a bed (figuratively , a bier) ; abstractly , sleep ; by euphemism , carnal intercourse :-- bed ([-chamber ]) , couch , lieth (lying) with . ~~4904
02233 ## zera` {zeh'- rah} ; from 02232 ; seed ; figuratively , fruit , plant , sowing-time , posterity :-- X carnally , child , fruitful , seed (- time) , sowing-time . ~~2232
07902 ## sh@kabah {shek-aw-baw'} ; from 07901 ; a lying down (of dew , or for the sexual act) :-- X carnally , copulation , X lay , seed . ~~7902
05435 ## cobe'{so'- beh} ; from 05433 ; potation , concretely (wine) , or abstractly (carousal) :-- drink , drunken , wine . ~~5434
02778 ## charaph . {khaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to pull off , i . e . (by implication) to expose (as by stripping) ; specifically , to betroth (as if a surrender) ; figuratively , to carp at , i . e . defame ; denominative (from 02779) to spend the winter :-- betroth , blaspheme , defy , jeopard , rail , reproach , upbraid . ~~2778
05636 ## carpad {sar-pawd'} ; from 05635 ; a nettle (as stinging like a burn) :-- brier . ~~5636
02796 ## charash {khaw-rawsh'} ; from 02790 ; a fabricator or any material :-- artificer , (+) carpenter , craftsman , engraver , maker , + mason , skilful , (+) smith , worker , workman , such as wrought . ~~2796
06086 ## ` ets {ates} ; from 06095 ; a tree (from its firmness) ; hence , wood (plural sticks) :-- + carpenter , gallows , helve , + pine , plank , staff , stalk , stick , stock , timber , tree , wood . ~~6086
08279 ## sered {seh'- red} ; from 08277 ; a (carpenter's) scribing-awl (for pricking or scratching measurements) :-- line . ~~8280
02667 ## Chophesh {kho'- fesh} ; from 02666 ; something spread loosely , i . e . a carpet :-- precious . ~~2666
04055 ## mad {mad} ; or med {made} ; from 04058 ; properly , extent , i . e . height ; also a measure ; by implication , a vesture (as measured) ; also a carpet :-- armour , clothes , garment , judgment , measure , raiment , stature . ~~4054
03520 ## k@buwddah {keb-ood-daw'} ; irreg . feminine passive participle of 03513 ; weightiness , i . e . magnificence , wealth :-- carriage , all glorious , stately . ~~3520
03627 ## k@liy {kel-ee'} ; from 03615 ; something prepared , i . e . any apparatus (as an implement , utensil , dress , vessel or weapon) :-- armour ([-bearer ]) , artillery , bag , carriage , + furnish , furniture , instrument , jewel , that is made of , X one from another , that which pertaineth , pot , + psaltery , sack , stuff , thing , tool , vessel , ware , weapon , + whatsoever ~~3626
05385 ## n@suw'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; or rather , n@su'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; feminine . passive participle of 05375 ; something borne , i . e . a load :-- carriage . ~~5384
00104 ## 'igg@ra'(Aramaic) {ig-er-aw'} ; of Persian origin ; an epistle (as carried by a state courier or postman) :-- letter . ~~104
01473 ## gowlah {go-law'} ; or (shortened) golah {go-law'} ; active participle feminine of 01540 ; exile ; concretely and collectively exiles :-- (carried away) , captive (- ity) , removing . ~~1472
01546 ## galuwth {gaw-looth'} ; feminine from 01540 ; captivity ; concretely , exiles (collectively) :-- (they that are carried away) captives (- ity) . ~~1546
03262 ## Y@` uw'el {yeh-oo-ale'} ; from 03261 and 00410 ; carried away of God ; Jeuel , the name of four Israelites ;-- Jehiel , Jeiel , Jeuel . Compare 03273 . ~~3262
03273 ## Y@` iy'el {yeh-ee-ale'} ; from 0326l and 004l0 ; carried away of God ; Jeiel , the name of six Israelites :-- Jeiel , Jehiel . Compare 03262 . ~~3272
04116 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be liquid or flow easily , i . e . (by implication) ; to hurry (in a good or a bad sense) ; often used (with another verb) adverbially , promptly :-- be carried headlong , fearful , (cause to make , in , make) haste (- n ,-ily) , (be) hasty , (fetch , make ready) X quickly , rash , X shortly , (be so) X soon , make speed , X speedily , X straightway , X suddenly , swift . ~~4116
04131 ## mowt {mote} ; a primitive root ; to waver ; by implication , to slip , shake , fall :-- be carried , cast , be out of course , be fallen in decay , X exceedingly , fall (- ing down) , be (re-) moved , be ready , shake , slide , slip . ~~4130
05038 ## n@belah {neb-ay-law'} ; from 05034 ; a flabby thing , i . e . a carcase or carrion (human or bestial , often collectively) ; figuratively , an idol :-- (dead) body , (dead) carcase , dead of itself , which died , (beast) that (which) dieth of itself . ~~5038
00935 ## bow'{bo} ; a primitive root ; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications) :-- abide , apply , attain , X be , befall , + besiege , bring (forth , in , into , to pass) , call , carry , X certainly , (cause , let , thing for) to come (against , in , out , upon , to pass) , depart , X doubtless again , + eat , + employ , (cause to) enter (in , into ,-tering ,-trance ,-try) , be fallen , fetch , + follow , get , give , go (down , in , to war) , grant , + have , X indeed , [in-] vade , lead , lift [up ] , mention , pull in , put , resort , run (down) , send , set , X (well) stricken [in age ] , X surely , take (in) , way . ~~934
01319 ## basar {baw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be fresh , i . e . full (rosy , (figuratively) cheerful) ; to announce (glad news) :-- messenger , preach , publish , shew forth , (bear , bring , carry , preach , good , tell good) tidings . ~~1318
01540 ## galah {gaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to denude (especially in a disgraceful sense) ; by implication , to exile (captives being usually stripped) ; figuratively , to reveal :-- + advertise , appear , bewray , bring , (carry , lead , go) captive (into captivity) , depart , disclose , discover , exile , be gone , open , X plainly , publish , remove , reveal , X shamelessly , shew , X surely , tell , uncover . ql ~~1540
01541 ## g@lah (Aramaic) {ghel-aw'} ; or g@la'(Aramaic) {ghel-aw'} ; corresponding to 01540 :-- bring over , carry away , reveal . ~~1540
01589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'} ; a primitive root ; to thieve (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to deceive :-- carry away , X indeed , secretly bring , steal (away) , get by stealth . ~~1588
02229 ## zaram {zaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to gush (as water) :-- carry away as with a flood , pour out . ~~2228
02904 ## tuwl {tool} ; a primitive root ; to pitch over or reel ; hence (transitively) to cast down or out :-- carry away , (utterly) cast (down , forth , out) , send out . ~~2904
02986 ## yabal {yaw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to flow ; causatively , to bring (especially with pomp) :-- bring (forth) , carry , lead (forth) . ~~2986
02987 ## y@bal (Aramaic) {yeb-al'} ; corresponding to 02986 ; to bring :-- bring , carry . ~~2986
03212 ## yalak {yaw-lak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01980 ] ; to walk (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to carry (in various senses) :-- X again , away , bear , bring , carry (away) , come (away) , depart , flow , + follow (- ing) , get (away , hence , him) , (cause to , made) go (away ,-- ing ,-- ne , one's way , out) , grow , lead (forth) , let down , march , prosper , + pursue , cause to run , spread , take away ([-journey ]) , vanish , (cause to) walk (- ing) , wax , X be weak . ~~3212
03212 ## yalak {yaw-lak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01980 ] ; to walk (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to carry (in various senses) :-- X again , away , bear , bring , carry (away) , come (away) , depart , flow , + follow (- ing) , get (away , hence , him) , (cause to , made) go (away ,-- ing ,-- ne , one's way , out) , grow , lead (forth) , let down , march , prosper , + pursue , cause to run , spread , take away ([-journey ]) , vanish , (cause to) walk (- ing) , wax , X be weak . ~~3212
03318 ## yatsa'{yaw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to go (causatively , bring) out , in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively , direct and proxim . :-- X after , appear , X assuredly , bear out , X begotten , break out , bring forth (out , up) , carry out , come (abroad , out , thereat , without) , + be condemned , depart (- ing ,-- ure) , draw forth , in the end , escape , exact , fail , fall (out) , fetch forth (out) , get away (forth , hence , out) , (able to , cause to , let) go abroad (forth , on , out) , going out , grow , have forth (out) , issue out , lay (lie) out , lead out , pluck out , proceed , pull out , put away , be risen , X scarce , send with commandment , shoot forth , spread , spring out , stand out , X still , X surely , take forth (out) , at any time , X to [and fro ] , utter . ~~3318
03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down . ~~3380
03947 ## laqach {law-kakh'} ; a primitive root ; to take (in the widest variety of applications) :-- accept , bring , buy , carry away , drawn , fetch , get , infold , X many , mingle , place , receive (- ing) , reserve , seize , send for , take (away ,-- ing , up) , use , win . ~~3946
04853 ## massa'{mas-saw'} ; from 05375 ; a burden ; specifically , tribute , or (abstractly) porterage ; figuratively , an utterance , chiefly a doom , especially singing ; mental , desire :-- burden , carry away , prophecy , X they set , song , tribute . ~~4852
05090 ## nahag {naw-hag'} ; a primitive root ; to drive forth (a person , an animal or chariot) , i . e . lead , carry away ; reflexively , to proceed (i . e . impel or guide oneself) ; also (from the panting induced by effort) , to sigh :-- acquaint , bring (away) , carry away , drive (away) , lead (away , forth) , (be) guide , lead (away , forth) . ~~5090
05090 ## nahag {naw-hag'} ; a primitive root ; to drive forth (a person , an animal or chariot) , i . e . lead , carry away ; reflexively , to proceed (i . e . impel or guide oneself) ; also (from the panting induced by effort) , to sigh :-- acquaint , bring (away) , carry away , drive (away) , lead (away , forth) , (be) guide , lead (away , forth) . ~~5090
05095 ## nahal {naw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to run with a sparkle , i . e . flow ; hence (transitively) , to conduct , and (by inference) to protect , sustain :-- carry , feed , guide , lead (gently , on) . ~~5094
05182 ## n@chath (Aramaic) {nekh-ath'} ; corresponding to 05181 ; to descend ; causatively , to bring away , deposit , depose :-- carry , come down , depose , lay up , place . ~~5182
05186 ## natah {naw-taw'} ; a primitive root ; to stretch or spread out ; by implication , to bend away (including moral deflection) ; used in a great variety of application (as follows) :-- + afternoon , apply , bow (down ,-ing) , carry aside , decline , deliver , extend , go down , be gone , incline , intend , lay , let down , offer , outstretched , overthrown , pervert , pitch , prolong , put away , shew , spread (out) , stretch (forth , out) , take (aside) , turn (aside , away) , wrest , cause to yield . ~~5186
05375 ## nasa'{naw-saw'} ; or nacah (Psalm 4 : 6 [7 ]) {naw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to lift , in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , absol . and rel . (as follows) :-- accept , advance , arise , (able to , [armor ] , suffer to) bear (- er , up) , bring (forth) , burn , carry (away) , cast , contain , desire , ease , exact , exalt (self) , extol , fetch , forgive , furnish , further , give , go on , help , high , hold up , honorable (+ man) , lade , lay , lift (self) up , lofty , marry , magnify , X needs , obtain , pardon , raise (up) , receive , regard , respect , set (up) , spare , stir up , + swear , take (away , up) , X utterly , wear , yield . ~~5374
05376 ## n@sa'(Aramaic) {nes-aw'} ; corresponding to 05375 :-- carry away , make insurrection , take . ~~5376
05437 ## cabab {saw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to revolve , surround , or border ; used in various applications , literally and figuratively (as follows) :-- bring , cast , fetch , lead , make , walk , X whirl , X round about , be about on every side , apply , avoid , beset (about) , besiege , bring again , carry (about) , change , cause to come about , X circuit , (fetch a) compass (about , round) , drive , environ , X on every side , beset (close , come , compass , go , stand) round about , inclose , remove , return , set , sit down , turn (self) (about , aside , away , back) . ~~5436
05445 ## cabal {saw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to carry (literally or figuratively) , or (reflexively) be burdensome ; specifically , to be gravid :-- bear , be a burden , carry , strong to labour . ~~5444
05445 ## cabal {saw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to carry (literally or figuratively) , or (reflexively) be burdensome ; specifically , to be gravid :-- bear , be a burden , carry , strong to labour . ~~5444
05674 ## ` abar {aw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to cross over ; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative ; transitive , intransitive , intensive , causative) ; specifically , to cover (in copulation) :-- alienate , alter , X at all , beyond , bring (over , through) , carry over , (over-) come (on , over) , conduct (over) , convey over , current , deliver , do away , enter , escape , fail , gender , get over , (make) go (away , beyond , by , forth , his way , in , on , over , through) , have away (more) , lay , meddle , overrun , make partition , (cause to , give , make to , over) pass (- age , along , away , beyond , by ,-enger , on , out , over , through) , (cause to , make) + proclaim (- amation) , perish , provoke to anger , put away , rage , + raiser of taxes , remove , send over , set apart , + shave , cause to (make) sound , X speedily , X sweet smelling , take (away) , (make to) transgress (- or) , translate , turn away , [way-] faring man , be wrath . ~~5674
05927 ## ` alah {aw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to ascend , intransitively (be high) or actively (mount) ; used in a great variety of senses , primary and secondary , literal and figurative (as follow) :-- arise (up) , (cause to) ascend up , at once , break [the day ] (up) , bring (up) , (cause to) burn , carry up , cast up , + shew , climb (up) , (cause to , make to) come (up) , cut off , dawn , depart , exalt , excel , fall , fetch up , get up , (make to) go (away , up) ; grow (over) increase , lay , leap , levy , lift (self) up , light , [make ] up , X mention , mount up , offer , make to pay , + perfect , prefer , put (on) , raise , recover , restore , (make to) rise (up) , scale , set (up) , shoot forth (up) , (begin to) spring (up) , stir up , take away (up) , work . ~~5926
06403 ## palat {paw-lat'} ; a primitive root ; to slip out , i . e . escape ; causatively , to deliver :-- calve , carry away safe , deliver , (cause to) escape . ~~6402
07392 ## rakab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to ride (on an animal or in a vehicle) ; causatively , to place upon (for riding or generally) , to despatch :-- bring (on [horse-] back) , carry , get [oneself ] up , on [horse-] back , put , (cause to , make to) ride (in a chariot , on ,-r) , set . ~~7392
07400 ## rakiyl {raw-keel'} ; from 07402 a scandal-monger (as travelling about) :-- slander , carry tales , talebearer . ~~7400
07411 ## ramah {raw-maw'} ; a primitive root ; to hurl ; specifically , to shoot ; figuratively , to delude or betray (as if causing to fall) :-- beguile , betray , [bow-] man , carry , deceive , throw . ~~7410
07617 ## shabah {shaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to transport into captivity :-- (bring away , carry , carry away , lead , lead away , take) captive (- s) , drive (take) away . ~~7616
07617 ## shabah {shaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to transport into captivity :-- (bring away , carry , carry away , lead , lead away , take) captive (- s) , drive (take) away . ~~7616
07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again :-- ([break , build , circumcise , dig , do anything , do evil , feed , lay down , lie down , lodge , make , rejoice , send , take , weep ]) X again , (cause to) answer (+ again) , X in any case (wise) , X at all , averse , bring (again , back , home again) , call [to mind ] , carry again (back) , cease , X certainly , come again (back) , X consider , + continually , convert , deliver (again) , + deny , draw back , fetch home again , X fro , get [oneself ] (back) again , X give (again) , go again (back , home) , [go ] out , hinder , let , [see ] more , X needs , be past , X pay , pervert , pull in again , put (again , up again) , recall , recompense , recover , refresh , relieve , render (again) , requite , rescue , restore , retrieve , (cause to , make to) return , reverse , reward , + say nay , ~~7724