02300 ## chadad {khaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) sharp or (figuratively) severe :-- be fierce , sharpen . ~~2300
02301 ## Chadad {khad-ad'} ; from 02300 ; fierce ; Chadad , an Ishmaelite :-- Hadad . ~~2300
02301 ## Chadad {khad-ad'} ; from 02300 ; fierce ; Chadad , an Ishmaelite :-- Hadad . ~~2300
02302 ## chadah {khaw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; to rejoice :-- make glad , be joined , rejoice . ~~2302
02308 ## chadal {khaw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be flabby , i . e . (by implication) desist ; (figuratively) be lacking or idle :-- cease , end , fall , forbear , forsake , leave (off) , let alone , rest , be unoccupied , want . ~~2308
02314 ## chadar {khaw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to inclose (as a room) , i . e . (by analogy ,) to beset (as in a siege) :-- enter a privy chamber . ~~2314
02316 ## Chadar {khad-ar'} ; another form for 02315 ; chamber ; Chadar , an Ishmaelite :-- Hadar . ~~2316
02316 ## Chadar {khad-ar'} ; another form for 02315 ; chamber ; Chadar , an Ishmaelite :-- Hadar . ~~2316
02318 ## chadash {khaw-dash'} ; a primitive root ; to be new ; causatively , to rebuild :-- renew , repair . ~~2318
02319 ## chadash {khaw-dawsh'} ; from 02318 ; new :-- fresh , new thing . ~~2318
02322 ## Chadashah {khad-aw-shaw'} ; feminine of 02319 ; new ; Chadashah , a place in Palestine :-- Hadashah . ~~2322
02322 ## Chadashah {khad-aw-shaw'} ; feminine of 02319 ; new ; Chadashah , a place in Palestine :-- Hadashah . ~~2322
02323 ## chadath (Aramaic) {khad-ath'} ; corresponding to 02319 ; new :-- new . ~~2322
02675 ## Chatsowr Chadattah {khaw-tsore'khad-at-taw'} ; from 02674 and a Aramaizing form of the feminine of 02319 [compare 02323 ] ; new Chatsor , a place in Palestine :-- Hazor , Hadattah [as if two places ] . ~~2674
05876 ## ` Eyn Chaddah {ane khad-daw'} ; from 05869 and the feminine of a derivative from 02300 ; fountain of sharpness ; En-Chaddah , a place in Palestine :-- En-haddah . ~~5876
05876 ## ` Eyn Chaddah {ane khad-daw'} ; from 05869 and the feminine of a derivative from 02300 ; fountain of sharpness ; En-Chaddah , a place in Palestine :-- En-haddah . ~~5876
00634 ## 'Ecar-Chaddown {ay-sar'Chad-dohn'} ; of foreign derivation ; Esar-chaddon , an Assyrian king :-- Esar-haddon . ~~634
00634 ## 'Ecar-Chaddown {ay-sar'Chad-dohn'} ; of foreign derivation ; Esar-chaddon , an Assyrian king :-- Esar-haddon . ~~634
02303 ## chadduwd {khad-dood'} ; from 02300 ; a point :-- sharp . ~~ 2302
02310 ## chadel {khaw-dale'} ; from 02308 ; vacant , i . e . ceasing or destitute :-- he that forbeareth , frail , rejected . ~~2310
02307 ## Chadiyd {khaw-deed'} ; from 02300 ; a peak ; Chadid , a place in Palestine :-- Hadid . ~~2306
02306 ## chadiy (Aramaic) {khad-ee'} ; corresponding to 02373 ; a breast :-- breast . ~~2306
02307 ## Chadiyd {khaw-deed'} ; from 02300 ; a peak ; Chadid , a place in Palestine :-- Hadid . ~~2306
02311 ## Chadlay {khad-lah'- ee} ; from 02309 ; idle ; Chadlai , an Israelite :-- Hadlai . ~~2310
02311 ## Chadlay {khad-lah'- ee} ; from 02309 ; idle ; Chadlai , an Israelite :-- Hadlai . ~~2310
02317 ## Chadrak {khad-rawk'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Chadrak , a Syrian deity :-- Hadrach . ~~2316
02317 ## Chadrak {khad-rawk'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Chadrak , a Syrian deity :-- Hadrach . ~~2316
04751 ## mar {mar} ; or (feminine) marah {maw-raw'} ; from 04843 ; bitter (literally or figuratively) ; also (as noun) bitterness , or (adverbially) bitterly :-- + angry , bitter (- ly ,-ness) , chafed , discontented , X great , heavy . ~~4750
02842 ## chashash {khaw-shash'} ; by variation for 07179 ; dry grass :-- chaff . ~~2842
04214 ## mizreh {miz-reh'} ; from 02219 ; a winnowing shovel (as scattering the chaff) :-- fan . ~~4214
04651 ## mappal {map-pawl'} ; from 05307 ; a falling off , i . e . chaff ; also something pendulous , i . e . a flap :-- flake , refuse . ~~4650
04671 ## mots {motes} ; or mowts (Zephaniah 2 : 2) {motes} ; from 04160 ; chaff (as pressed out , i . e . winnowed or [rather ] threshed loose) :-- chaff . ~~4670
04671 ## mots {motes} ; or mowts (Zephaniah 2 : 2) {motes} ; from 04160 ; chaff (as pressed out , i . e . winnowed or [rather ] threshed loose) :-- chaff . ~~4670
05784 ## ` uwr (Aramaic) {oor} ; chaff (as the naked husk) :-- chaff . ~~ 5784
05784 ## ` uwr (Aramaic) {oor} ; chaff (as the naked husk) :-- chaff . ~~ 5784
07371 ## rachath {rakh'- ath} ; from 07306 ; a winnowing-fork (as blowing the chaff away) :-- shovel . ~~7370
08401 ## teben {teh'- ben} ; probably from 01129 ; properly , material , i . e . (specifically) refuse haum or stalks of grain (as chopped in threshing and used for fodder) :-- chaff , straw , stubble . ~~8402
00254 ## 'ach {awkh} ; of uncertain derivation ; a fire-pot or chafing dish :-- hearth . ~~254
03595 ## kiyowr {kee-yore'} ; or kiyor {kee-yore'} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , something round (as excavated or bored) , i . e . a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking ; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl ; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform :-- hearth , laver , pan , scaffold . ~~3594
02282 ## chag {khag} ; or chag {khawg} ; from 02287 ; a festival , or a victim therefor :-- (solemn) feast (day) , sacrifice , solemnity . ~~2282
02282 ## chag {khag} ; or chag {khawg} ; from 02287 ; a festival , or a victim therefor :-- (solemn) feast (day) , sacrifice , solemnity . ~~2282
02284 ## chagab {khaw-gawb'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a locust :-- locust . ~~2284
02285 ## Chagab {khaw-gawb'} ; the same as 02284 ; locust ; Chagab , one of the Nethinim :-- Hagab . ~~2284
02285 ## Chagab {khaw-gawb'} ; the same as 02284 ; locust ; Chagab , one of the Nethinim :-- Hagab . ~~2284
02286 ## Chagaba'{khag-aw-baw'} ; or Chagabah {khag-aw-baw'} ; feminine of 02285 ; locust ; Chagaba or Chagabah , one of the Nethinim :-- Hagaba , Hagabah . ~~2286
02286 ## Chagaba'{khag-aw-baw'} ; or Chagabah {khag-aw-baw'} ; feminine of 02285 ; locust ; Chagaba or Chagabah , one of the Nethinim :-- Hagaba , Hagabah . ~~2286
02286 ## Chagaba'{khag-aw-baw'} ; or Chagabah {khag-aw-baw'} ; feminine of 02285 ; locust ; Chagaba or Chagabah , one of the Nethinim :-- Hagaba , Hagabah . ~~2286
02286 ## Chagaba'{khag-aw-baw'} ; or Chagabah {khag-aw-baw'} ; feminine of 02285 ; locust ; Chagaba or Chagabah , one of the Nethinim :-- Hagaba , Hagabah . ~~2286
02287 ## chagag {khaw-gag'} ; a primitive root [compare 02283 , 02328 ] ; properly , to move in a circle , i . e . (specifically) to march in a sacred procession , to observe a festival ; by implication , to be giddy :-- celebrate , dance , (keep , hold) a (solemn) feast (holiday) , reel to and fro . ~~2286
02296 ## chagar {khaw-gar'} ; a primitive root ; to gird on (as a belt , armor , etc .) :-- be able to put on , be afraid , appointed , gird , restrain , X on every side . ~~2296
02288 ## chagav {khag-awv'} ; from an unused root meaning to take refuge ; a rift in rocks :-- cleft . ~~2288
02292 ## Chaggay {khag-gah'- ee} ; from 02282 ; festive ; Chaggai , a Heb . prophet :-- Haggai . ~~2292
02292 ## Chaggay {khag-gah'- ee} ; from 02282 ; festive ; Chaggai , a Heb . prophet :-- Haggai . ~~2292
02291 ## Chaggiy {khag-ghee'} ; from 02287 ; festive , Chaggi , an Israelite ; also (patronymically) a Chaggite , or descendant of the same :-- Haggi , Haggites . ~~2290
02293 ## Chaggiyah {khag-ghee-yaw'} ; from 02282 and 03050 ; festival of Jah ; Chaggijah , an Israelite :-- Haggiah . ~~2292
02291 ## Chaggiy {khag-ghee'} ; from 02287 ; festive , Chaggi , an Israelite ; also (patronymically) a Chaggite , or descendant of the same :-- Haggi , Haggites . ~~2290
02294 ## Chaggiyith {khag-gheeth'} ; feminine of 02291 ; festive ; Chaggith , a wife of David :-- Haggith . ~~2294
02291 ## Chaggiy {khag-ghee'} ; from 02287 ; festive , Chaggi , an Israelite ; also (patronymically) a Chaggite , or descendant of the same :-- Haggi , Haggites . ~~2290
02293 ## Chaggiyah {khag-ghee-yaw'} ; from 02282 and 03050 ; festival of Jah ; Chaggijah , an Israelite :-- Haggiah . ~~2292
02294 ## Chaggiyith {khag-gheeth'} ; feminine of 02291 ; festive ; Chaggith , a wife of David :-- Haggith . ~~2294
02290 ## chagowr {khag-ore'} ; or chagor {khag-ore'} ; and (feminine) chagowrah {khag-o-raw'} ; or chagorah {khag-o-raw'} ; from 02296 ; a belt (for the waist) :-- apron , armour , gird (- le) . ~~2290
02290 ## chagowr {khag-ore'} ; or chagor {khag-ore'} ; and (feminine) chagowrah {khag-o-raw'} ; or chagorah {khag-o-raw'} ; from 02296 ; a belt (for the waist) :-- apron , armour , gird (- le) . ~~2290
02289 ## chagowr {khaw-gore'} ; from 02296 ; belted :-- girded with . ~~ 2288
02290 ## chagowr {khag-ore'} ; or chagor {khag-ore'} ; and (feminine) chagowrah {khag-o-raw'} ; or chagorah {khag-o-raw'} ; from 02296 ; a belt (for the waist) :-- apron , armour , gird (- le) . ~~2290
02290 ## chagowr {khag-ore'} ; or chagor {khag-ore'} ; and (feminine) chagowrah {khag-o-raw'} ; or chagorah {khag-o-raw'} ; from 02296 ; a belt (for the waist) :-- apron , armour , gird (- le) . ~~2290
02283 ## chagra'{khaw-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to revolve [compare 02287 ] ; properly , vertigo , i . e . (figuratively) fear :-- terror . ~~2282
00736 ## 'or@chah {o-rekh-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 00732 ; a caravan :-- (travelling) company . ~~736
00381 ## 'Iysh-Chayil {eesh-khah'- yil} ; from 00376 and 02428 ; man of might ; by defect . transcription (2 Sam . 23 : 20)'Iysh-Chay {eesh-khah'ee} ; as if from 00376 and 02416 ; living man ; Ish-chail (or Ish-chai) , an Israelite :-- a valiant man . ~~380
00381 ## 'Iysh-Chayil {eesh-khah'- yil} ; from 00376 and 02428 ; man of might ; by defect . transcription (2 Sam . 23 : 20)'Iysh-Chay {eesh-khah'ee} ; as if from 00376 and 02416 ; living man ; Ish-chail (or Ish-chai) , an Israelite :-- a valiant man . ~~380
01134 ## Ben-Chayil {ben-khah'- yil} ; from 01121 and 02428 ; son of might ; Ben-Chail , an Israelite :-- Ben-hail . ~~1134
00685 ## 'ets` adah {ets-aw-daw'} ; a variation from 06807 ; properly , a step-chain ; by analogy , a bracelet :-- bracelet , chain . ~~684
00685 ## 'ets` adah {ets-aw-daw'} ; a variation from 06807 ; properly , a step-chain ; by analogy , a bracelet :-- bracelet , chain . ~~684
01380 ## G@bal {gheb-al'} ; from 01379 (in the sense of a chain of hills) ; a mountain ; Gebal , a place in Phoenicia :-- Gebal . ~~1380
01383 ## gabluth {gab-looth'} ; from 01379 ; a twisted chain or lace :-- end . ~~1382
02002 ## hamniyk (Aramaic) {ham-neek'} ; but the text is hamuwnek {ham-oo-nayk'} ; of foreign origin ; a necklace :-- chain . ~~2002
02131 ## ziyqah (Isa . 50 : ll) {zee-kaw'} (feminine) ; and ziq {zeek} ; or zeq {zake} ; from 02187 ; properly , what leaps forth , i . e . flash of fire , or a burning arrow ; also (from the original sense of the root) a bond :-- chain , fetter , firebrand , spark . ~~2130
02397 ## chach {khawkh} ; once (Ezek . 29 : 4) chachiy {khakh-ee'} ; from the same as 02336 ; a ring for the nose (or lips) :-- bracelet , chain , hook . ~~2396
02737 ## charuwz {khaw-rooz'} ; from an unused root meaning to perforate ; properly , pierced , i . e . a bead of pearl , gems or jewels (as strung) :-- chain . ~~2736
03574 ## kowsharah {ko-shaw-raw'} ; from 03787 ; prosperity ; in plural freedom :-- X chain . ~~3574
05178 ## n@chosheth {nekh-o'- sheth} ; for 05154 ; copper , hence , something made of that metal , i . e . coin , a fetter ; figuratively , base (as compared with gold or silver) :-- brasen , brass , chain , copper , fetter (of brass) , filthiness , steel . ~~5178
05188 ## n@tiyphah {net-ee-faw'} ; from 05197 ; a pendant for the ears (especially of pearls) :-- chain , collar . ~~5188
05688 ## ` aboth {ab-oth'} ; or` abowth {ab-oth'} ; or (feminine)` abothah {ab-oth-aw'} ; the same as 05687 ; something intwined , i . e . a string , wreath or foliage :-- band , cord , rope , thick bough (branch) , wreathen (chain) . ~~5688
06059 ## ` anaq {aw-nak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to choke ; used only as denominative from 06060 , to collar , i . e . adorn with a necklace ; figuratively , to fit out with supplies :-- compass about as a chain , furnish , liberally . ~~6058
06060 ## ` anaq {aw-nawk'} ; from 06059 ; a necklace (as if strangling) :-- chain . ~~6060
06807 ## ts@` adah {tseh-aw-daw'} ; feminine of 06806 ; a march ; (concretely) an (ornamental) ankle-chain :-- going , ornament of the legs . ~~6806
07242 ## rabiyd {raw-beed'} ; from 07234 ; a collar (as spread around the neck) :-- chain . ~~7242
07569 ## rattowq {rat-toke'} ; from 07576 ; a chain :-- chain . ~~ 7568
07569 ## rattowq {rat-toke'} ; from 07576 ; a chain :-- chain . ~~ 7568
07572 ## rattiyqah {rat-tee-kaw'} ; from 07576 ; a chain :-- chain . ~~ 7572
07572 ## rattiyqah {rat-tee-kaw'} ; from 07576 ; a chain :-- chain . ~~ 7572
07577 ## r@thuqah {reth-oo-kaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 07576 ; something fastened , i . e . a chain :-- chain . ~~7576
07577 ## r@thuqah {reth-oo-kaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 07576 ; something fastened , i . e . a chain :-- chain . ~~7576
08331 ## sharshah {shar-shaw'} ; from 08327 ; a chain (as rooted , i . e . linked) :-- chain . Compare 08333 . ~~8332
08331 ## sharshah {shar-shaw'} ; from 08327 ; a chain (as rooted , i . e . linked) :-- chain . Compare 08333 . ~~8332
08333 ## sharah@rah {shar-sher-aw'} ; from 08327 [compare 08331 ] ; a chain ; (arch .) probably a garland :-- chain . ~~8334
08333 ## sharah@rah {shar-sher-aw'} ; from 08327 [compare 08331 ] ; a chain ; (arch .) probably a garland :-- chain . ~~8334