00041 ## 'Abiynadab {ab-ee-naw-dawb'} ; from 00001 and 05068 ; father of generosity (i . e . liberal) ; Abinadab , the name of four Israelites :-- Abinadab . ~~40
00292 ## 'Achiynadab {akh-ee-naw-dawb'} ; from 00251 and 05068 ; brother of liberality ; Achinadab , an Israelite :-- Ahinadab . ~~292
01125 ## Ben-'Abiynadab {ben-ab-ee''- naw-dawb'} ; from 01121 and 00040 ; (the) son of Abinadab ; Ben-Abinadab , an Israelite :-- the son of Abinadab . ~~1124
03082 ## Y@hownadab {yeh-ho-naw-dawb'} ; from 03068 and 05068 ; Jehovah-largessed ; Jehonadab , the name of an Israelite and of an Arab :-- Jehonadab , Jonadab . Compare 03122 . ~~3082
03122 ## Yawnadab {yo-naw-dawb'} ; a form of 03082 ; Jonadab , the name of an Israelite and of a Rechabite :-- Jonadab . ~~3122
05070 ## Nadab {naw-dawb'} ; from 05068 ; liberal ; Nadab , the name of four Israelites :-- Nadab . ~~5070
05114 ## Nowdab {no-dawb'} ; from 05068 ; noble ; Nodab , an Arab tribe :-- Nodab . ~~5114
05992 ## ` Ammiynadab {am-mee-naw-dawb'} ; from 05971 and 05068 ; people of liberality ; Amminadab , the name of four Israelites :-- Amminadab . ~~5992
00449 ## 'Eliydad {el-ee-dawd'} ; from the same as 00419 ; God of (his) love ; Elidad , an Israelite :-- Elidad . ~~448
00486 ## 'Almowdad {al-mo-dawd'} ; probably of foreign derivation :-Almodad , a son of Joktan :-- Almodad . ~~486
00910 ## badad {baw-dawd'} ; from 00909 ; separate ; adverb , separately :-- alone , desolate , only , solitary . ~~910
01959 ## heydad {hay-dawd'} ; from an unused root (meaning to shout) ; acclamation :-- shout (- ing) . ~~1958
02582 ## Chenadad {khay-naw-dawd'} ; probably from 02580 and 0l908 ; favor of Hadad ; Chenadad , an Israelite :-- Henadad . ~~2582
04312 ## Meydad {may-dawd'} ; from 03032 in the sense of loving ; affectionate ; Medad , an Israelite :-- Medad . ~~4312
04783 ## murdaph {moor-dawf'} ; from 07291 ; persecuted :-- persecuted . ~~4782
01709 ## dag {dawg} ; or (fully) da'g (Nehemiah 13 : 16) {dawg} ; from 01711 ; a fish (as prolific) ; or perhaps rather from 01672 (as timid) ; but still better from 01672 (in the sense of squirming , i . e . moving by the vibratory action of the tail) ; a fish (often used collectively) :-- fish . ~~1708
01709 ## dag {dawg} ; or (fully) da'g (Nehemiah 13 : 16) {dawg} ; from 01711 ; a fish (as prolific) ; or perhaps rather from 01672 (as timid) ; but still better from 01672 (in the sense of squirming , i . e . moving by the vibratory action of the tail) ; a fish (often used collectively) :-- fish . ~~1708
01791 ## dek (Aramaic) {dake} ; or dak (Aramaic) {dawk} ; prolonged from 01668 ; this :-- the same , this . ~~1790
03087 ## Y@howtsadaq {yeh-ho-tsaw-dawk'} ; from 03068 and 06663 ; Jehovah-righted ; Jehotsadak , an Israelite :-- Jehozadek , Josedech . Compare 03136 . ~~3086
03136 ## Yowtsadaq {yo-tsaw-dawk'} ; a form of 03087 ; Jotsadak , an Israelite :-- Jozadak . ~~3136
04781 ## M@rodak {mer-o-dawk'} ; of foreign derivation ; Merodak , a Babylonian idol :-- Merodach . Compare 04757 . ~~4780
00688 ## 'eqdach {ek-dawkh'} ; from 06916 ; burning , i . e . a carbuncle or other fiery gem :-- carbuncle . ~~688
00915 ## badal {baw-dawl'} ; from 00914 ; a part :-- piece . ~~ 914
04026 ## migdal {mig-dawl'} ; also (in plural) feminine migdalah {mig-daw-law'} ; from 01431 ; a tower (from its size or height) ; by analogy , a rostrum ; figuratively , a (pyramidal) bed of flowers :-- castle , flower , tower . Compare the names following . ~~4026
00120 ## 'adam {aw-dawm'} ; from 00119 ; ruddy i . e . a human being (an individual or the species , mankind , etc .) :-- X another , + hypocrite , + common sort , X low , man (mean , of low degree) , person . ~~120
00121 ## 'Adam {aw-dawm'} ; the same as 00120 ; Adam the name of the first man , also of a place in Palestine :-- Adam . ~~120
00125 ## 'adamdam {ad-am-dawm'} ; reduplicated from 00119 ; reddish :-- (somewhat) reddish . ~~124
01818 ## dam {dawm} ; from 01826 (compare 00119) ; blood (as that which when shed causes death) of man or an animal ; by analogy , the juice of the grape ; figuratively (especially in the plural) bloodshed (i . e . drops of blood) :-- blood (- y ,-- guiltiness , [-thirsty ] , + innocent . ~~1818
01917 ## haddam (Aramaic) {had-dawm'} ; from a root corresponding to that of 01916 ; something stamped to pieces , i . e . a bit :-- piece . ~~1916
00012 ## 'abdan {ab-dawn'} ; from 00006 ; a perishing :-- destruction . ~~12
00013 ## 'obdan {ob-dawn'} ; from 00006 ; a perishing :-- destruction . ~~12
00027 ## 'Abiydan {ab-ee-dawn'} ; from 00001 and 01777 ; father of judgment (i . e . judge) ; Abidan , an Israelite :-- Abidan . ~~26
00135 ## 'Addan {ad-dawn'} ; intensive from the same as 00134 ; firm ; Addan , an Israelite :-- Addan . ~~134
00300 ## 'Achiyshachar {akh-ee-shakh'- ar} ; from 00251 and 07837 ; brother of (the) dawn ; Achishachar , an Israelite :-- Ahishar . ~~300
01242 ## boqer {bo'- ker} ; from 01239 ; properly , dawn (as the break of day) ; generally , morning :-- (+) day , early , morning , morrow . ~~1242
01835 ## Dan {dawn} ; from 01777 ; judge ; Dan , one of the sons of Jacob ; also the tribe descended from him , and its territory ; likewise a place in Palestine colonized by them :-- Dan . ~~1834
01842 ## Dan Ya` an {dawn yah'- an} ; from 01835 and (apparently) 03282 ; judge of purpose ; Dan-Jaan , a place in Palestine :-- Dan-jaan . ~~1842
02533 ## Chemdan {khem-dawn'} ; from 02531 ; pleasant ; Chemdan , an Idumaean :-- Hemdan . ~~2532
03086 ## Y@how` addiyn {yeh-ho-ad-deen'} ; or Y@howaddan {yeh-ho-ad-dawn'} ; from 03068 and 05727 ; Jehovah-pleased ; Jehoaddin or Jehoaddan , an Israelitess :-- Jehoaddan . ~~3086
03936 ## La` dan {lah-dawn'} ; from the same as 03935 ; Ladan , the name of two Israelites :-- Laadan . ~~3936
04161 ## mowtsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; or motsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; from 03318 ; a going forth , i . e . (the act) an egress , or (the place) an exit ; hence , a source or product ; specifically , dawn , the rising of the sun (the East) , exportation , utterance , a gate , a fountain , a mine , a meadow (as producing grass) :-- brought out , bud , that which came out , east , going forth , goings out , that which (thing that) is gone out , outgoing , proceeded out , spring , vein , [water-] course [springs ] . ~~4160
04265 ## Machaneh-Dan {makh-an-ay'- dawn} ; from 04264 and 01835 ; camp of Dan ; Machaneh-Dan , a place in Palestine :-- Mahaneh-dan . ~~4264
04757 ## M@ro'dak Bal'adan {mer-o-dak'bal-aw-dawn'} ; of foreign derivation ; Merodak-Baladan , a Babylonian king :-- Merodach-baladan . Compare 04781 . ~~4756
04891 ## mishchar {mish-khawr'} ; from 07836 in the sense of day breaking ; dawn :-- morning . ~~4890
05053 ## nogahh (Aramaic) {no'- gah} ; corresponding to 05051 ; dawn :-- morning . ~~5052
05083 ## nadan {naw-dawn'} ; probably from an unused root meaning to give ; a present (for prostitution) :-- gift . ~~5082
05084 ## nadan {naw-dawn'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a sheath (of a sword) :-- sheath . ~~5084
05732 ## ` iddan (Aramaic) {id-dawn'} ; from a root corresponding to that of 05708 ; a set time ; technically , a year :-- time . ~~5732
05927 ## ` alah {aw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to ascend , intransitively (be high) or actively (mount) ; used in a great variety of senses , primary and secondary , literal and figurative (as follow) :-- arise (up) , (cause to) ascend up , at once , break [the day ] (up) , bring (up) , (cause to) burn , carry up , cast up , + shew , climb (up) , (cause to , make to) come (up) , cut off , dawn , depart , exalt , excel , fall , fetch up , get up , (make to) go (away , up) ; grow (over) increase , lay , leap , levy , lift (self) up , light , [make ] up , X mention , mount up , offer , make to pay , + perfect , prefer , put (on) , raise , recover , restore , (make to) rise (up) , scale , set (up) , shoot forth (up) , (begin to) spring (up) , stir up , take away (up) , work . ~~5926
06307 ## Paddan {pad-dawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to extend ; a plateau ; or Paddan'Aram {pad-dan'ar-awm'} ; from the same and 00758 ; the table-land of Aram ; Paddan or Paddan-Aram , a region of Syria :-- Padan , Padan-aram . ~~6306
06890 ## Tsereth hash-Shachar {tseh'- reth hash-shakh'- ar} ; from the same as 06889 and 07837 with the article interposed ; splendor of the dawn ; Tsereth-hash-Shachar , a place in Palestine :-- Zareth-shahar . ~~6890
07835 ## shachar {shaw-khar'} ; a primitive root [identical with 07836 through the idea of the duskiness of early dawn ] ; to be dim or dark (in color) :-- be black . ~~7836
07836 ## shachar {shaw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to dawn , i . e . (figuratively) be (up) early at any task (with the implication of earnestness) ; by extension , to search for (with painstaking) :-- [do something ] betimes , enquire early , rise (seek) betimes , seek diligently) early , in the morning) . ~~7836
07837 ## shachar {shakh'- ar} ; from 07836 ; dawn (literal , figurative or adverbial) :-- day (- spring) , early , light , morning , whence riseth . ~~7838
07842 ## Shacharayim {shakh-ar-ah'- yim} ; dual of 07837 ; double dawn ; Shacharajim , an Israelite :-- Shaharaim . ~~7842
08238 ## sh@pharphar (Aramaic) {shef-ar-far'} ; from 08231 ; the dawn (as brilliant with aurora) :-- X very early in the morning . ~~8238
05399 ## nesheph {neh'- shef} ; from 05398 ; properly , a breeze , i . e . (by implication) dusk (when the evening breeze prevails) :-- dark , dawning of the day (morning) , night , twilight . ~~5398
06079 ## ` aph` aph {af-af'} ; from 05774 ; an eyelash (as fluttering) ; figuratively , morning ray :-- dawning , eye-lid . ~~6078
06437 ## panah {paw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to turn ; by implication , to face , i . e . appear , look , etc . :-- appear , at [even-] tide , behold , cast out , come on , X corner , dawning , empty , go away , lie , look , mark , pass away , prepare , regard , (have) respect (to) , (re-) turn (aside , away , back , face , self) , X right [early ] . ~~6436
07839 ## shacharuwth {shakh-ar-ooth'} ; from 07836 ; a dawning , i . e . (figuratively) juvenescence :-- youth . ~~7840
00146 ## 'Addar {ad-dawr'} ; intensive from 00142 ; ample ; Addar , a place in Palestine ; also an Israelite :-- Addar . ~~146
01859 ## dar (Aramaic) {dawr} ; corresponding to 01755 ; an age :-- generation . ~~1858
01926 ## hadar {haw-dawr'} ; from 01921 ; magnificence , i . e . ornament or splendor :-- beauty , comeliness , excellency , glorious , glory , goodly , honour , majesty . ~~1926
05853 ## ` Atrowth'Addar {at-roth'ad-dawr'} ; from the same as 05852 and 00146 ; crowns of Addar ; Atroth-Addar , a place in Palestine :-- Ataroth-adar (- addar) . ~~5852
06938 ## Qedar {kay-dawr'} ; from 06937 ; dusky (of the skin or the tent) ; Kedar , a son of Ishmael ; also (collectively) Bedouin (as his descendants or representatives) :-- Kedar . ~~6938
02319 ## chadash {khaw-dawsh'} ; from 02318 ; new :-- fresh , new thing . ~~2318
04720 ## miqdash {mik-dawsh'} ; or miqq@dash (Exod . 15 : 17) {mik-ked-awsh'} ; from 06942 ; a consecrated thing or place , especially , a palace , sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum :-- chapel , hallowed part , holy place , sanctuary . ~~4720
05742 ## ` adash {aw-dawsh'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; a lentil :-- lentile . ~~5742
06394 ## Pildash {pil-dawsh'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Pildash , a relative of Abraham :-- Pildash . ~~6394
00799 ## 'eshdath {esh-dawth'} ; from 00784 and 01881 ; a fire-law :-- fiery law . ~~798
01881 ## dath {dawth} ; of uncertain (perhaps foreign) derivation : a royal edict or statute :-- commandment , commission , decree , law , manner . ~~1880
01882 ## dath (Aramaic) {dawth} ; corresponding to 01881 ;-- decree , law . ~~1882
00215 ## 'owr {ore} ; a primitive root ; to be (causative , make) luminous (literally and metaphorically) :-- X break of day , glorious , kindle , (be , en-, give , show) light (- en ,-ened) , set on fire , shine . ~~214
00216 ## 'owr {ore} ; from 00215 ; illumination or (concrete) luminary (in every sense , including lightning , happiness , etc .) :-- bright , clear , + day , light (- ning) , morning , sun . ~~216
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~864
01242 ## boqer {bo'- ker} ; from 01239 ; properly , dawn (as the break of day) ; generally , morning :-- (+) day , early , morning , morrow . ~~1242
01242 ## boqer {bo'- ker} ; from 01239 ; properly , dawn (as the break of day) ; generally , morning :-- (+) day , early , morning , morrow . ~~1242
01767 ## day {dahee} ; of uncertain derivation ; enough (as noun or adverb) , used chiefly with preposition in phrases :-- able , according to , after (ability) , among , as (oft as) , (more than) enough , from , in , since , (much as is) sufficient (- ly) , too much , very , when . ~~1766
01786 ## dayish {day'- yish} ; from 01758 ; threshing time :-- threshing . ~~1786
01843 ## dea` {day'- ah} ; from 03045 ; knowledge :-- knowledge , opinion . ~~1842
01844 ## de` ah {day-aw'} ; feminine of 01843 ; knowledge :-- knowledge . ~~1844
01860 ## d@ra'own {der-aw-one'} ; or dera'own {day-raw-one ;} ; from an unused root (meaning to repulse) ; an object of aversion :-- abhorring , contempt . ~~1860
02146 ## zikrown {zik-rone'} ; from 02142 ; a memento (or memorable thing , day or writing) :-- memorial , record . ~~2146
02282 ## chag {khag} ; or chag {khawg} ; from 02287 ; a festival , or a victim therefor :-- (solemn) feast (day) , sacrifice , solemnity . ~~2282
03117 ## yowm {yome} ; from an unused root meaning to be hot ; a day (as the warm hours) , whether literal (from sunrise to sunset , or from one sunset to the next) , or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term) , [often used adverb ] :-- age , + always , + chronicals , continually (- ance) , daily , ([birth-] , each , to) day , (now a , two) days (agone) , + elder , X end , + evening , + (for) ever (- lasting ,-- more) , X full , life , as (so) long as (. . live) , (even) now , + old , + outlived , + perpetually , presently , + remaineth , X required , season , X since , space , then , (process of) time , + as at other times , + in trouble , weather , (as) when , (a , the , within a) while (that) , X whole (+ age) , (full) year (- ly) , + younger . ~~3116
03117 ## yowm {yome} ; from an unused root meaning to be hot ; a day (as the warm hours) , whether literal (from sunrise to sunset , or from one sunset to the next) , or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term) , [often used adverb ] :-- age , + always , + chronicals , continually (- ance) , daily , ([birth-] , each , to) day , (now a , two) days (agone) , + elder , X end , + evening , + (for) ever (- lasting ,-- more) , X full , life , as (so) long as (. . live) , (even) now , + old , + outlived , + perpetually , presently , + remaineth , X required , season , X since , space , then , (process of) time , + as at other times , + in trouble , weather , (as) when , (a , the , within a) while (that) , X whole (+ age) , (full) year (- ly) , + younger . ~~3116
03118 ## yowm (Aramaic) {yome} ; corresponding to 03117 ; a day :-- day (by day) , time . ~~3118
03118 ## yowm (Aramaic) {yome} ; corresponding to 03117 ; a day :-- day (by day) , time . ~~3118
03118 ## yowm (Aramaic) {yome} ; corresponding to 03117 ; a day :-- day (by day) , time . ~~3118
03119 ## yowmam {yo-mawm'} ; from 03117 ; daily :-- daily , (by , in the) day (- time) . ~~3118
03205 ## yalad {yaw-lad'} ; a primitive root ; to bear young ; causatively , to beget ; medically , to act as midwife ; specifically , to show lineage :-- bear , beget , birth ([-day ]) , born , (make to) bring forth (children , young) , bring up , calve , child , come , be delivered (of a child) , time of delivery , gender , hatch , labour , (do the office of a) midwife , declare pedigrees , be the son of , (woman in , woman that) travail (- eth ,-- ing woman) . ~~3204
03223 ## Y@muw'el {yem-oo-ale'} ; from 03ll7 and 004l0 ; day of God ; Jemuel , an Israelite :-- Jemuel . ~~3222
04276 ## machatsiyth {makh-ats-eeth'} ; from 02673 ; a halving or the middle :-- half (so much) , mid [-day ] . ~~4276
04283 ## mochorath {mokh-or-awth'} ; or mochoratham (1 Sam . 30 : 17) {mokh-or-aw-thawm'} ; feminine from the same as 04279 ; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow :-- morrow , next day . ~~4282
04550 ## macca` {mas-sah'} ; from 05265 ; a departure (from striking the tents) , i . e . march (not necessarily a single day's travel) ; by implication , a station (or point of departure) :-- journey (- ing) . ~~4550
04891 ## mishchar {mish-khawr'} ; from 07836 in the sense of day breaking ; dawn :-- morning . ~~4890
05399 ## nesheph {neh'- shef} ; from 05398 ; properly , a breeze , i . e . (by implication) dusk (when the evening breeze prevails) :-- dark , dawning of the day (morning) , night , twilight . ~~5398
05927 ## ` alah {aw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to ascend , intransitively (be high) or actively (mount) ; used in a great variety of senses , primary and secondary , literal and figurative (as follow) :-- arise (up) , (cause to) ascend up , at once , break [the day ] (up) , bring (up) , (cause to) burn , carry up , cast up , + shew , climb (up) , (cause to , make to) come (up) , cut off , dawn , depart , exalt , excel , fall , fetch up , get up , (make to) go (away , up) ; grow (over) increase , lay , leap , levy , lift (self) up , light , [make ] up , X mention , mount up , offer , make to pay , + perfect , prefer , put (on) , raise , recover , restore , (make to) rise (up) , scale , set (up) , shoot forth (up) , (begin to) spring (up) , stir up , take away (up) , work . ~~5926
06153 ## ` ereb {eh'- reb} ; from 06150 ; dusk :-- + day , even (- ing , tide) , night . ~~6152
06672 ## tsohar {tso'- har} ; from 06671 ; a light (i . e . window) : dual double light , i . e . noon :-- midday , noon (- day ,-tide) , window . ~~6672
06776 ## tsemed {tseh'- med} ; a yoke or team (i . e . pair) ; hence , an acre (i . e . day's task for a yoke of cattle to plough) :-- acre , couple , X together , two [donkeys ] , yoke (of oxen) . ~~6776
06854 ## ts@phardea` {tsef-ar-day'- ah} ; from 06852 and a word elsewhere unused meaning a swamp ; a marsh-leaper , i . e . frog :-- frog . ~~6854
06944 ## qodesh {ko'- desh} ; from 06942 ; a sacred place or thing ; rarely abstract , sanctity :-- consecrated (thing) , dedicated (thing) , hallowed (thing) , holiness , (X most) holy (X day , portion , thing) , saint , sanctuary . ~~6944
07837 ## shachar {shakh'- ar} ; from 07836 ; dawn (literal , figurative or adverbial) :-- day (- spring) , early , light , morning , whence riseth . ~~7838
07916 ## sakiyr {saw-keer'} ; from 07936 ; a man at wages by the day or year :-- hired (man , servant) , hireling . ~~7916
07992 ## sh@liyshiy {shel-ee-shee'} ; ordinal from 07969 ; third ; feminine a third (part) ; by extension , a third (day , year or time) ; specifically , a third-story cell) :-- third (part , rank , time) , three (years old) . ~~7992
08032 ## shilshowm {shil-shome'} ; or shilshom {shil-shome'} ; from the same as 08028 ; trebly , i . e . (in time) day before yesterday :-- + before (that time ,-time) , excellent things [from the margin ] , + heretofore , three days , + time past . ~~8032
08120 ## sh@mash (Aramaic) {shem-ash'} ; corresponding to the root of 08121 through the idea of activity implied in day-light ; to serve :-- minister . ~~8120
08543 ## t@mowl {tem-ole'} ; or t@mol {tem-ole'} ; probably for 00865 ; properly , ago , i . e . a (short or long) time since ; especially yesterday , or (with 08032) day before yesterday :-- + before (- time) , + these [three ] days , + heretofore , + time past , yesterday . ~~8544
08639 ## tardemah {tar-day-maw'} ; from 07290 ; a lethargy or (by implication) trance :-- deep sleep . ~~8640