01852 ## doq {doke} ; from 01854 ; something crumbling , i . e . fine (as a thin cloth) :-- curtain . ~~1852
01853 ## Diqlah {dik-law'} ; of foreign origin ; Diklah , a region of Arabia :-- Diklah . ~~1852
01751 ## duwq (Aramaic) {dook} ; corresponding to 01854 ; to crumble :-- be broken to pieces . ~~1750
01851 ## daq {dak} ; from 01854 ; crushed , i . e . (by implication) small or thin :-- dwarf , lean [-fleshed ] , very little thing , small , thin . ~~1850
01852 ## doq {doke} ; from 01854 ; something crumbling , i . e . fine (as a thin cloth) :-- curtain . ~~1852
01854 ## daqaq {daw-kak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01915 ] ; to crush (or intransitively) crumble :-- beat in pieces (small) , bruise , make dust , (into) X powder , (be , very) small , stamp (small) . ~~1854
01855 ## d@qaq (Aramaic) {dek-ak'} ; corresponding to 01854 ; to crumble or (trans .) crush :-- break to pieces . ~~1854
01915 ## hadak {haw-dak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01854 ] ; to crush with the foot :-- tread down . ~~1914
01855 ## d@qaq (Aramaic) {dek-ak'} ; corresponding to 01854 ; to crumble or (trans .) crush :-- break to pieces . ~~1854
00920 ## Bidqar {bid-car'} ; probably from 01856 with a prepositional prefix ; by stabbing , i . e . assassin ; Bidkar , an Israelite :-- Bidkar . ~~920
01128 ## Ben-Deqer {ben-deh'- ker} ; from 01121 and a derivative of 01856 ; son of piercing (or of a lance) ; Ben-Deker , an Israelite :-- the son of Dekar . ~~1128
01856 ## daqar {daw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to stab ; by analogy , to starve ; figuratively , to revile :-- pierce , strike (thrust) through , wound . ~~1856
01857 ## Deqer {deh'- ker} ; from 01856 ; a stab ; Deker , an Israelite :-- Dekar . ~~1856
04094 ## madqarah {mad-kaw-raw'} ; from 01856 ; a wound :-- piercing . ~~ 4094
01857 ## Deqer {deh'- ker} ; from 01856 ; a stab ; Deker , an Israelite :-- Dekar . ~~1856
01858 ## dar {dar} ; apparently from the same as 01865 ; properly , a pearl (from its sheen as rapidly turned) ; by analogy , pearl-stone , i . e . mother-of-pearl or alabaster :-- X white . ~~1858
01862 ## Darda` {dar-dah'} ; apparently from 01858 and 01843 ; pearl of knowledge ; Darda , an Israelite :-- Darda . ~~1862
01859 ## dar (Aramaic) {dawr} ; corresponding to 01755 ; an age :-- generation . ~~1858
01860 ## d@ra'own {der-aw-one'} ; or dera'own {day-raw-one ;} ; from an unused root (meaning to repulse) ; an object of aversion :-- abhorring , contempt . ~~1860
01861 ## dorbown {dor-bone'} [also dor-bawn'] ; of uncertain derivation ; a goad :-- goad . ~~1860
01862 ## Darda` {dar-dah'} ; apparently from 01858 and 01843 ; pearl of knowledge ; Darda , an Israelite :-- Darda . ~~1862
01873 ## Dara` {daw-rah'} ; probably a contraction from 01862 ; Dara , an Israelite :-- Dara . ~~1872
01863 ## dardar {dar-dar'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a thorn :-- thistle . ~~1862
01864 ## darowm {daw-rome'} ; of uncertain derivation ; the south ; poet . the south wind :-- south . ~~1864
01858 ## dar {dar} ; apparently from the same as 01865 ; properly , a pearl (from its sheen as rapidly turned) ; by analogy , pearl-stone , i . e . mother-of-pearl or alabaster :-- X white . ~~1858
01865 ## d@rowr {der-ore'} ; from an unused root (meaning to move rapidly) ; freedom ; hence , spontaneity of outflow , and so clear :-- liberty , pure . ~~1864
01866 ## d@rowr {der-ore'} ; the same as 01865 , applied to a bird ; the swift , a kind of swallow :-- swallow . ~~1866
01866 ## d@rowr {der-ore'} ; the same as 01865 , applied to a bird ; the swift , a kind of swallow :-- swallow . ~~1866
01867 ## Dar` yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} ; of Persian origin ; Darejavesh , a title (rather than name) of several Persian kings :-- Darius . ~~1866
01868 ## Dar@yavesh (Aramaic) {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} ; corresponding to 01867 :-- Darius . ~~1868
01868 ## Dar@yavesh (Aramaic) {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} ; corresponding to 01867 :-- Darius . ~~1868
01869 ## darak {daw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to tread ; by implication , to walk ; also to string a bow (by treading on it in bending) :-- archer , bend , come , draw , go (over) , guide , lead (forth) , thresh , tread (down) , walk . ~~1868
01870 ## derek {deh'- rek} ; from 01869 ; a road (as trodden) ; figuratively , a course of life or mode of action , often adverb :-- along , away , because of , + by , conversation , custom , [east-] ward , journey , manner , passenger , through , toward , [high-] [path-] way [-side ] , whither [-soever ] . ~~1870
04096 ## midrak {mid-rawk'} ; from 01869 ; a treading , i . e . a place for stepping on :-- [foot-] breadth . ~~4096
01870 ## derek {deh'- rek} ; from 01869 ; a road (as trodden) ; figuratively , a course of life or mode of action , often adverb :-- along , away , because of , + by , conversation , custom , [east-] ward , journey , manner , passenger , through , toward , [high-] [path-] way [-side ] , whither [-soever ] . ~~1870
01871 ## dark@mown {dar-kem-one'} ; of Pers . origin ; a " drachma , " or coin :-- dram . ~~1870
00153 ## 'edra` (Aramaic) {ed-raw'} ; an orthographical variation for 01872 ; an arm , i . e . (figuratively) power :-- force . ~~152
01872 ## d@ra` (Aramaic) {der-aw'} ; corresponding to 02220 ; an arm :-- arm . ~~1872
01873 ## Dara` {daw-rah'} ; probably a contraction from 01862 ; Dara , an Israelite :-- Dara . ~~1872
01874 ## Darqown {dar-kone'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Darkon , one of " Solomon's servants " :-- Darkon . ~~1874
01875 ## darash {daw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tread or frequent ; usually to follow (for pursuit or search) ; by implication , to seek or ask ; specifically to worship :-- ask , X at all , care for , X diligently , inquire , make inquisition , [necro-] mancer , question , require , search , seek [for , out ] , X surely . ~~1874
04097 ## midrash {mid-rawsh'} ; from 01875 ; properly , an investigation , i . e . (by implication) a treatise or elaborate compilation :-- story . ~~4096
01876 ## dasha {daw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to sprout :-- bring forth , spring . ~~1876
01877 ## deshe'{deh'- sheh} ; from 01876 ; a sprout ; by analogy , grass :-- (tender) grass , green , (tender) herb . ~~1876
01758 ## duwsh {doosh} ; or dowsh {dosh} ; or diysh {deesh} ; a primitive root ; to trample or thresh :-- break , tear , thresh , tread out (down) , at grass [Jer . 50 : 11 , by mistake for 01877 ] . ~~1758
01877 ## deshe'{deh'- sheh} ; from 01876 ; a sprout ; by analogy , grass :-- (tender) grass , green , (tender) herb . ~~1876
01883 ## dethe'(Aramaic) {deh'- thay} ; corresponding to 01877 :-- tender grass . ~~1882
01878 ## dashen {daw-shane'} ; a primitive root ; to be fat ; transitively , to fatten (or regard as fat) ; specifically to anoint ; figuratively , to satisfy ; denominatively (from 01880) to remove (fat) ashes (of sacrifices) :-- accept , anoint , take away the (receive) ashes (from) , make (wax) fat . ~~1878
01879 ## dashen {daw-shane'} ; from 01878 ; fat ; figuratively , rich , fertile :-- fat . ~~1878
01880 ## deshen {deh'- shen} ; from 01878 ; the fat ; abstractly fatness , i . e . (figuratively) abundance ; specifically the (fatty) ashes of sacrifices :-- ashes , fatness . ~~1880
01879 ## dashen {daw-shane'} ; from 01878 ; fat ; figuratively , rich , fertile :-- fat . ~~1878
01878 ## dashen {daw-shane'} ; a primitive root ; to be fat ; transitively , to fatten (or regard as fat) ; specifically to anoint ; figuratively , to satisfy ; denominatively (from 01880) to remove (fat) ashes (of sacrifices) :-- accept , anoint , take away the (receive) ashes (from) , make (wax) fat . ~~1878
01880 ## deshen {deh'- shen} ; from 01878 ; the fat ; abstractly fatness , i . e . (figuratively) abundance ; specifically the (fatty) ashes of sacrifices :-- ashes , fatness . ~~1880
00799 ## 'eshdath {esh-dawth'} ; from 00784 and 01881 ; a fire-law :-- fiery law . ~~798
01881 ## dath {dawth} ; of uncertain (perhaps foreign) derivation : a royal edict or statute :-- commandment , commission , decree , law , manner . ~~1880
01882 ## dath (Aramaic) {dawth} ; corresponding to 01881 ;-- decree , law . ~~1882
01882 ## dath (Aramaic) {dawth} ; corresponding to 01881 ;-- decree , law . ~~1882
01883 ## dethe'(Aramaic) {deh'- thay} ; corresponding to 01877 :-- tender grass . ~~1882
01884 ## d@thabar (Aramaic) {deth-aw-bawr'} ; of Pers . origin ; meaning one skilled in law ; a judge :-- counsellor . ~~1884
01885 ## Dathan {daw-thawn'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dathan , an Israelite :-- Dathan . ~~1884
01886 ## Dothan {do'- thawn} ; or (Aramaic dual) Dothayin (Gen . 37 : 17) {do-thah'- yin} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dothan , a place in Palestine :-- Dothan . ~~1886
01887 ## he'{hay} ; a primitive particle ; lo ! :-- behold , lo . ~~ 1886
01888 ## he'(Aramaic) {hay} ; or ha'(Aramaic) {haw} ; corresponding to 01887 :-- even , lo . ~~1888
01889 ## heach {heh-awkh'} ; from 01887 and 00253 ; aha ! :-- ah , aha , ha . ~~1888
01888 ## he'(Aramaic) {hay} ; or ha'(Aramaic) {haw} ; corresponding to 01887 :-- even , lo . ~~1888
01889 ## heach {heh-awkh'} ; from 01887 and 00253 ; aha ! :-- ah , aha , ha . ~~1888
01890 ## habhab {hab-hawb'} ; by reduplication from 03051 ; gift (in sacrifice) , i . e . holocaust :-- offering . ~~1890
01891 ## habal {haw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to be vain in act , word , or expectation ; specifically to lead astray :-- be (become , make) vain . ~~1890
01892 ## hebel {heh'bel} ; or (rarely in the abs .) habel {hab-ale'} ; from 01891 ; emptiness or vanity ; figuratively , something transitory and unsatisfactory ; often used as an adverb :-- X altogether , vain , vanity . ~~1892
01892 ## hebel {heh'bel} ; or (rarely in the abs .) habel {hab-ale'} ; from 01891 ; emptiness or vanity ; figuratively , something transitory and unsatisfactory ; often used as an adverb :-- X altogether , vain , vanity . ~~1892
01893 ## Hebel {heh'- bel} ; the same as 01892 ; Hebel , the son of Adam :-- Abel . ~~1892
01893 ## Hebel {heh'- bel} ; the same as 01892 ; Hebel , the son of Adam :-- Abel . ~~1892
01894 ## hoben {ho'- ben} ; only in plural , from an unused root meaning to be hard ; ebony :-- ebony . ~~1894
01895 ## habar {haw-bar'} ; a primitive root of uncertain (perhaps foreign) derivation ; to be a horoscopist :-- + (astro-) loger . ~~1894
01896 ## Hege'{hay-gay'} ; or (by permutation) Hegay {hay-gah'- ee} ; probably of Persian origin ; Hege or Hegai , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Hegai , Hege . ~~1896
01897 ## hagah {daw-gaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01901 ] ; to murmur (in pleasure or anger) ; by implication , to ponder :-- imagine , meditate , mourn , mutter , roar , X sore , speak , study , talk , utter . ~~1896
01899 ## hegeh {heh'- geh} ; from 01897 ; a muttering (in sighing , thought , or as thunder) :-- mourning , sound , tale . ~~1898
01900 ## haguwth {haw-gooth'} ; from 01897 ; musing :-- meditation . ~~ 1900
01901 ## hagiyg {haw-gheeg'} ; from an unused root akin to 01897 ; properly , a murmur , i . e . complaint :-- meditation , musing . ~~1900
01902 ## higgayown {hig-gaw-yone'} ; intensive from 01897 ; a murmuring sound , i . e . a musical notation (probably similar to the modern affettuoso to indicate solemnity of movement) ; by implication , a machination :-- device , Higgaion , meditation , solemn sound . ~~1902
01898 ## hagah {haw-gaw'} ; a primitive root ; to remove :-- stay , stay away . ~~1898
01899 ## hegeh {heh'- geh} ; from 01897 ; a muttering (in sighing , thought , or as thunder) :-- mourning , sound , tale . ~~1898