02023 ## Hor {hore} ; another form of 02022 ; mountain ; Hor , the name of a peak in Idumaea and of one in Syria :-- Hor . ~~2022
02024 ## Hara'{haw-raw'} ; perhaps from 02022 ; mountainousness ; Hara , a region of Media :-- Hara . ~~2024
00741 ## 'ari'eyl {ar-ee-ale'} ; either by transposition for 00739 or , more probably , an orthographical variation for 02025 ; the altar of the temple :-- altar . ~~740
02025 ## har'el {har-ale'} ; from 02022 and 00410 ; mount of God ; figuratively , the altar of burnt-offering :-- altar . Compare 00739 . ~~2024
02026 ## harag {haw-rag'} ; a primitive root ; to smite with deadly intent :-- destroy , out of hand , kill , murder (- er) , put to [death ] , make [slaughter ] , slay (- er) , X surely . ~~2026
02027 ## hereg {heh'- reg} ; from 02026 ; slaughter :-- be slain , slaughter . ~~2026
02027 ## hereg {heh'- reg} ; from 02026 ; slaughter :-- be slain , slaughter . ~~2026
02028 ## haregah {har-ay-gaw'} ; feminine of 02027 ; slaughter :-- slaughter . ~~2028
02028 ## haregah {har-ay-gaw'} ; feminine of 02027 ; slaughter :-- slaughter . ~~2028
02029 ## harah {haw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) pregnant , conceive (literally or figuratively) :-- been , be with child , conceive , progenitor . ~~2028
02030 ## hareh {haw-reh'} ; or hariy (Hosea 14 : 1) {haw-ree'} ; from 02029 ; pregnant :-- (be , woman) with child , conceive , X great . ~~2030
02031 ## harhor (Aramaic) {har-hor'} ; from a root corresponding to 02029 ; a mental conception :-- thought . ~~2030
02032 ## herown {hay-rone'} ; or herayown {hay-raw-yone'} ; from 02029 ; pregnancy :-- conception . ~~2032
02030 ## hareh {haw-reh'} ; or hariy (Hosea 14 : 1) {haw-ree'} ; from 02029 ; pregnant :-- (be , woman) with child , conceive , X great . ~~2030
02031 ## harhor (Aramaic) {har-hor'} ; from a root corresponding to 02029 ; a mental conception :-- thought . ~~2030
02032 ## herown {hay-rone'} ; or herayown {hay-raw-yone'} ; from 02029 ; pregnancy :-- conception . ~~2032
02033 ## Harowriy {har-o-ree'} ; another form for 02043 ; a Harorite or mountaineer :-- Harorite . ~~2032
02034 ## hariycah {har-ee-saw'} ; from 02040 ; something demolished :-- ruin . ~~2034
02035 ## hariycuwth {har-ee-sooth'} ; from 02040 ; demolition :-- destruction . ~~2034
02036 ## Horam {ho-rawm'} ; from an unused root (meaning to tower up) ; high ; Horam , a Canaanitish king :-- Horam . ~~2036
02037 ## Harum {haw-room'} ; passive participle of the same as 02036 ; high ; Harum , an Israelite :-- Harum . ~~2036
02038 ## harmown {har-mone'} ; from the same as 02036 ; a castle (from its height) :-- palace . ~~2038
02037 ## Harum {haw-room'} ; passive participle of the same as 02036 ; high ; Harum , an Israelite :-- Harum . ~~2036
00759 ## 'armown {ar-mone'} ; from an unused root (meaning to be elevated) ; a citadel (from its height) :-- castle , palace . Compare 02038 . ~~758
02038 ## harmown {har-mone'} ; from the same as 02036 ; a castle (from its height) :-- palace . ~~2038
02039 ## Haran {haw-rawn'} ; perhaps from 02022 ; mountaineer ; Haran , the name of two men :-- Haran . [wl ~~2038
02034 ## hariycah {har-ee-saw'} ; from 02040 ; something demolished :-- ruin . ~~2034
02035 ## hariycuwth {har-ee-sooth'} ; from 02040 ; demolition :-- destruction . ~~2034
02040 ## harac {haw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; to pull down or in pieces , break , destroy :-- beat down , break (down , through) , destroy , overthrow , pluck down , pull down , ruin , throw down , X utterly . ~~2040
02041 ## herec {heh'- res} ; from 02040 ; demolition :-- destruction . ~~ 2040
02041 ## herec {heh'- res} ; from 02040 ; demolition :-- destruction . ~~ 2040
02022 ## har {har} ; a shortened form of 02042 ; a mountain or range of hills (sometimes used figuratively) :-- hill (country) , mount (- ain) , X promotion . ~~2022
02042 ## harar {haw-rawr'} ; from an unused root meaning to loom up ; a mountain :-- hill , mount (- ain) . ~~2042
02043 ## Harariy {hah-raw-ree'} ; or Harariy (2 Sam . 23 : 11) {haw-raw-ree'} ; or Ha'rariy (2 Sam . 23 : 34 , last clause) , {haw-raw-ree'} ; apparently from 02042 ; a mountaineer :-- Hararite . ~~2042
02033 ## Harowriy {har-o-ree'} ; another form for 02043 ; a Harorite or mountaineer :-- Harorite . ~~2032
02043 ## Harariy {hah-raw-ree'} ; or Harariy (2 Sam . 23 : 11) {haw-raw-ree'} ; or Ha'rariy (2 Sam . 23 : 34 , last clause) , {haw-raw-ree'} ; apparently from 02042 ; a mountaineer :-- Hararite . ~~2042
02044 ## Hashem {haw-shame'} ; perhaps from the same as 02828 ; wealthy ; Hashem , an Israelite :-- Hashem . ~~2044
02045 ## hashma` uwth {hashmaw-ooth'} ; from 08085 ; announcement :-- to cause to hear . ~~2044
02046 ## hittuwk {hit-took'} ; from 05413 ; a melting :-- is melted . ~~ 2046
02047 ## Hathak {hath-awk'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Hathak , a Persian eunuch :-- Hatach . ~~2046
02048 ## hathal {haw-thal'} ; a primitive root ; to deride ; by implication , to cheat :-- deal deceitfully , deceive , mock . ~~2048
02049 ## hathol {haw-thole'} ; from 02048 (only in plural collectively) ; a derision :-- mocker . ~~2048
04123 ## mahathallah {mah-hath-al-law'} ; from 02048 ; a delusion :-- deceit . ~~4122
08524 ## talal {taw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to pile up , i . e . elevate :-- eminent . Compare 02048 . ~~8524
02049 ## hathol {haw-thole'} ; from 02048 (only in plural collectively) ; a derision :-- mocker . ~~2048
02050 ## hathath'{haw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to break in upon , i . e . to assail :-- imagine mischief . ~~2050
02051 ## V@dan {ved-awn'} ; perhaps for 05730 ; Vedan (or Aden) , a place in Arabia :-- Dan also . ~~2050
02052 ## Vaheb {vaw-habe'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Vaheb , a place in Moab :-- what he did . ~~2052
02053 ## vav {vaw} ; probably a hook (the name of the sixth Heb . letter) :-- hook . ~~2052
02054 ## vazar {vaw-zawr'} ; presumed to be from an unused root meaning to bear guilt ; crime :-- X strange . ~~2054
02055 ## Vay@zatha'{vah-yez-aw'- thaw} ; of foreign origin ; Vajezatha , a son of Haman :-- Vajezatha . ~~2054
02056 ## valad {vaw-lawd'} ; for 03206 ; a boy :-- child . ~~ 2056
02057 ## Vanyah {van-yaw'} ; perhaps for 06043 ; Vanjah , an Israelite :-- Vaniah . ~~2056
02058 ## Vophciy {vof-see'} ; probably from 03254 ; additional ; Vophsi , an Israelite :-- Vophsi . ~~2058
02059 ## Vashniy {vash-nee'} ; probably from 03461 ; weak ; Vashni , an Israelite :-- Vashni . ~~2058
02060 ## Vashtiy {vash-tee'} ; of Persian origin ; Vashti , the queen of Xerxes :-- Vashti . ~~2060
02061 ## z@'eb {zeh-abe'} ; from an unused root meaning to be yellow ; a wolf :-- wolf . ~~2060
02062 ## Ze'eb {zeh-abe'} ; the same as 02061 ; Zeeb , a Midianitish prince :-- Zeeb . ~~2062
02062 ## Ze'eb {zeh-abe'} ; the same as 02061 ; Zeeb , a Midianitish prince :-- Zeeb . ~~2062
02063 ## zo'th {zothe'} ; irregular feminine of 02089 ; this (often used adverb) :-- hereby (- in ,-- with) , it , likewise , the one (other , same) , she , so (much) , such (deed) , that , therefore , these , this (thing) , thus . ~~2062
02088 ## zeh {zeh} ; a primitive word ; the masculine demonstrative pronoun , this or that :-- he , X hence , X here , it (- self) , X now , X of him , the one . . . the other , X than the other , (X out of) the (self) same , such (a one) that , these , this (hath , man) , on this side . . . on that side , X thus , very , which . Compare 02063 , 02090 , 02097 , 02098 . ~~2088
00443 ## 'Elzabad {el-zaw-bawd'} ; from 00410 and 02064 ; God has bestowed ; Elzabad , the name of two Israelites :-- Elzabad . ~~442
02064 ## zabad {zaw-bad'} ; a primitive root ; to confer :-- endure . ~~ 2064
02065 ## zebed {zeh'- bed} ; from 02064 ; a gift :-- dowry . ~~ 2064
02066 ## Zabad {zaw-bawd'} ; from 02064 ; giver ; Zabad , the name of seven Israelites :-- Zabad . ~~2066
02069 ## Z@badyah {zeb-ad-yaw'} ; or Z@badyahuw {zeb-ad-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02064 and 03050 ; Jah has given ; Zebadjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Zebadiah . ~~2068
02071 ## Zabuwd {zaw-bood'} ; from 02064 ; given , Zabud , an Israelite :-- Zabud . ~~2070
02080 ## Z@biydah {zeb-ee-daw'} ; feminine from 02064 ; giving ; Zebidah , an Israelitess :-- Zebudah . ~~2080
03075 ## Y@howzabad {yeh-ho-zaw-bawd'} ; from 03068 and 02064 ; Jehovah-endowed ; Jehozabad , the name of three Israelites :-- Jehozabad . Compare 03107 . ~~3074
05990 ## ` Ammiyzabad {am-mee-zaw-bawd'} ; from 05971 and 02064 ; people of endowment ; Ammizabad , an Israelite :-- Ammizabad . ~~5990
02065 ## zebed {zeh'- bed} ; from 02064 ; a gift :-- dowry . ~~ 2064
02067 ## Zabdiy {zab-dee'} ; from 02065 ; giving ; Zabdi , the name of four Israelites :-- Zabdi . ~~2066
02068 ## Zabdiy'el {zab-dee-ale'} ; from 02065 and 00410 ; gift of God : zabdiel , the name of two Israelites :-- Zabdiel . ~~2068
02066 ## Zabad {zaw-bawd'} ; from 02064 ; giver ; Zabad , the name of seven Israelites :-- Zabad . ~~2066
02067 ## Zabdiy {zab-dee'} ; from 02065 ; giving ; Zabdi , the name of four Israelites :-- Zabdi . ~~2066
02068 ## Zabdiy'el {zab-dee-ale'} ; from 02065 and 00410 ; gift of God : zabdiel , the name of two Israelites :-- Zabdiel . ~~2068
02069 ## Z@badyah {zeb-ad-yaw'} ; or Z@badyahuw {zeb-ad-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02064 and 03050 ; Jah has given ; Zebadjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Zebadiah . ~~2068
01176 ## Ba` al Z@buwb {bah'- al zeb-oob'} ; from 01168 and 02070 ; Baal of (the) Fly ; Baal-Zebub , a special deity of the Ekronites :-- Baal-zebub . ~~1176
02070 ## z@buwb {zeb-oob'} ; from an unused root (meaning to flit) ; a fly (especially one of a stinging nature) :-- fly . ~~2070
02071 ## Zabuwd {zaw-bood'} ; from 02064 ; given , Zabud , an Israelite :-- Zabud . ~~2070
02072 ## Zabbuwd {zab-bood'} ; a form of 02071 ; given ; Zabbud , an Israelite :-- Zabbud . ~~2072
02072 ## Zabbuwd {zab-bood'} ; a form of 02071 ; given ; Zabbud , an Israelite :-- Zabbud . ~~2072
02073 ## z@buwl {ze-bool'} ; or z@bul {zeb-ool'} ; from 02082 ; a residence :-- dwell in , dwelling , habitation . ~~2072
02083 ## Z@bul {zeb-ool'} ; the same as 02073 ; dwelling ; Zebul , an Israelite :-- Zebul . Compare 02073 . ~~2082
02083 ## Z@bul {zeb-ool'} ; the same as 02073 ; dwelling ; Zebul , an Israelite :-- Zebul . Compare 02073 . ~~2082
02074 ## Z@buwluwn {zeb-oo-loon'} ; or Z@buluwn {zeb-oo-loon'} ; or Z@buwlun {zeb-oo-loon'} ; from 02082 ; habitation ; Zebulon , a son of Jacob ; also his territory and tribe :-- Zebulun . ~~2074
02075 ## Z@buwloniy {zeb-oo-lo-nee'} ; patronymically from 02074 ; a Zebulonite or descendant of Zebulun :-- Zebulonite . ~~2074
02075 ## Z@buwloniy {zeb-oo-lo-nee'} ; patronymically from 02074 ; a Zebulonite or descendant of Zebulun :-- Zebulonite . ~~2074