02190 ## Za` avan {zah-av-awn'} ; from 02111 ; disquiet ; Zaavan , an Idumaean :-- Zaavan . ~~2190
02191 ## ze` eyr {zeh-ayr'} ; from an unused root [akin (by permutation) to 06819 ] , meaning to dwindle ; small :-- little . ~~2190
02192 ## z@` eyr (Aramaic) {zeh-ayr'} ; corresponding to 02191 :-- little . ~~2192
04213 ## miz` ar {miz-awr'} ; from the same as 02191 ; fewness ; by implication , as superl . diminutiveness :-- few , X very . ~~4212
02192 ## z@` eyr (Aramaic) {zeh-ayr'} ; corresponding to 02191 :-- little . ~~2192
02193 ## za` ak {zaw-ak'} ; a primitive root ; to extinguish :-- be extinct . ~~2192
02194 ## za` am {zaw-am'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to foam at the mouth , i . e . to be enraged :-- abhor , abominable , (be) angry , defy , (have) indignation . ~~2194
02195 ## za` am {zah'- am} ; from 02194 ; strictly froth at the mouth , i . e . (figuratively) fury (especially of God's displeasure with sin) :-- angry , indignation , rage . ~~2194
02195 ## za` am {zah'- am} ; from 02194 ; strictly froth at the mouth , i . e . (figuratively) fury (especially of God's displeasure with sin) :-- angry , indignation , rage . ~~2194
02152 ## zal` aphah {zal-aw-faw'} ; or zil` aphaph {zil-aw-faw'} ; from 02196 ; a glow (of wind or anger) ; also a famine (as consuming) :-- horrible , horror , terrible . ~~2152
02196 ## za` aph {zaw-af'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to boil up , i . e . (figuratively) to be peevish or angry :-- fret , sad , worse liking , be wroth . ~~2196
02197 ## za` aph {zah'- af} ; from 02196 ; anger :-- indignation , rage (- ing) , wrath . ~~2196
02198 ## za` eph {zaw-afe'} ; from 02196 ; angry :-- displeased . ~~ 2198
02197 ## za` aph {zah'- af} ; from 02196 ; anger :-- indignation , rage (- ing) , wrath . ~~2196
02198 ## za` eph {zaw-afe'} ; from 02196 ; angry :-- displeased . ~~ 2198
02199 ## za` aq {zaw-ak'} ; a primitive root ; to shriek (from anguish or danger) ; by analogy , (as a herald) to announce or convene publicly :-- assemble , call (together) , (make a) cry (out) , come with such a company , gather (together) , cause to be proclaimed . ~~2198
02200 ## z@` iq (Aramaic) {zek'- eek} ; corresponding to 02199 ; to make an outcry :-- cry . ~~2200
02201 ## za` aq {zah'- ak} ; and (feminine) z@` aqah {zeh-aw-kaw'} ; from 02199 ; a shriek or outcry :-- cry (- ing) . ~~2200
02200 ## z@` iq (Aramaic) {zek'- eek} ; corresponding to 02199 ; to make an outcry :-- cry . ~~2200
02201 ## za` aq {zah'- ak} ; and (feminine) z@` aqah {zeh-aw-kaw'} ; from 02199 ; a shriek or outcry :-- cry (- ing) . ~~2200
02202 ## Ziphron {zi-frone'} ; from an unused root (meaning to be fragrant) ; Ziphron , a place in Palestine :-- Ziphron . ~~2202
02128 ## Ziyph {zeef} ; from the same as 02203 ; flowing ; Ziph , the name of a place in Palestine ; also of an Israelite :-- Ziph . ~~2128
02203 ## zepheth {zeh'- feth} ; from an unused root (meaning to liquify) ; asphalt (from its tendency to soften in the sun) :-- pitch . ~~2202
02204 ## zaqen {zaw-kane'} ; a primitive root ; to be old :-- aged man , be (wax) old (man) . ~~2204
02205 ## zaqen {zaw-kane'} ; from 02204 ; old :-- aged , ancient (man) , elder (- est) , old (man , men and . . . women) , senator . ~~2204
02206 ## zaqan {zaw-kawn'} ; from 02204 ; the beard (as indicating age) :-- beard . ~~2206
02207 ## zoqen {zo'- ken} ; from 02204 ; old age :-- age . ~~ 2206
02208 ## zaqun {zaw-koon'} ; properly , passive participle of 02204 (used only in the plural as a noun) ; old age :-- old age . ~~2208
02205 ## zaqen {zaw-kane'} ; from 02204 ; old :-- aged , ancient (man) , elder (- est) , old (man , men and . . . women) , senator . ~~2204
02209 ## ziqnah {zik-naw'} ; feminine of 02205 ; old age :-- old (age) . ~~2208
02206 ## zaqan {zaw-kawn'} ; from 02204 ; the beard (as indicating age) :-- beard . ~~2206
02207 ## zoqen {zo'- ken} ; from 02204 ; old age :-- age . ~~ 2206
02208 ## zaqun {zaw-koon'} ; properly , passive participle of 02204 (used only in the plural as a noun) ; old age :-- old age . ~~2208
02209 ## ziqnah {zik-naw'} ; feminine of 02205 ; old age :-- old (age) . ~~2208
02210 ## zaqaph {zaw-kaf'} ; a primitive root ; to life , i . e . (figuratively) comfort :-- raise (up) . ~~2210
02211 ## z@qaph (Aramaic) {zek-af'} ; corresponding to 02210 ; to hang , i . e . impale :-- set up . ~~2210
02211 ## z@qaph (Aramaic) {zek-af'} ; corresponding to 02210 ; to hang , i . e . impale :-- set up . ~~2210
02212 ## zaqaq {zaw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; to strain , (figuratively) extract , clarify :-- fine , pour down , purge , purify , refine . ~~2212
02213 ## zer {zare} ; from 02237 (in the sense of scattering) ; a chaplet (as spread around the top) , i . e . (specifically) a border moulding :-- crown . ~~2212
02214 ## zara'{zaw-raw'} ; from 02114 (in the sense of estrangement) [compare 02219 ] ; disgust :-- loathsome . ~~2214
02215 ## zarab {zaw-rab'} ; a primitive root ; to flow away :-- wax warm . ~~2214
02216 ## Z@rubbabel {zer-oob-baw-bel'} ; from 02215 and 00894 ; descended of (i . e . from) Babylon , i . e . born there ; Zerubbabel , an Israelite :-- Zerubbabel . ~~2216
02216 ## Z@rubbabel {zer-oob-baw-bel'} ; from 02215 and 00894 ; descended of (i . e . from) Babylon , i . e . born there ; Zerubbabel , an Israelite :-- Zerubbabel . ~~2216
02217 ## Z@rubbabel (Aramaic) {zer-oob-baw-bel'} ; corresponding to 02216 :-- Zerubbabel . ~~2216
02217 ## Z@rubbabel (Aramaic) {zer-oob-baw-bel'} ; corresponding to 02216 :-- Zerubbabel . ~~2216
02218 ## Zered {zeh'- red} ; from an unused root meaning to be exuberant in growth ; lined with shrubbery ; Zered , a brook East of the Dead Sea :-- Zared , Zered . ~~2218
02214 ## zara'{zaw-raw'} ; from 02114 (in the sense of estrangement) [compare 02219 ] ; disgust :-- loathsome . ~~2214
02219 ## zarah {zaw-raw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02114 ] ; to toss about ; by implication , to diffuse , winnow :-- cast away , compass , disperse , fan , scatter (away) , spread , strew , winnow . ~~2218
02239 ## zereth {zeh'- reth} ; from 02219 ; the spread of the fingers , i . e . a span :-- span . ~~2238
04214 ## mizreh {miz-reh'} ; from 02219 ; a winnowing shovel (as scattering the chaff) :-- fan . ~~4214
04215 ## m@zareh {mez-aw-reh'} ; apparently from 02219 ; properly , a scatterer , i . e . the north wind (as dispersing clouds ; only in plural) :-- north . ~~4214
00248 ## 'ezrowa` {ez-ro'- a} ; a variation for 02220 ; the arm :-- arm . ~~248
01872 ## d@ra` (Aramaic) {der-aw'} ; corresponding to 02220 ; an arm :-- arm . ~~1872
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~2220
02221 ## zeruwa` {zay-roo'- ah} ; from 02232 ; something sown , i . e . a plant :-- sowing , thing that is sown . ~~2220
02222 ## zarziyph {zar-zeef'} ; by reduplication from an unused root meaning to flow ; a pouring rain :-- water . ~~2222
02223 ## zarziyr {zar-zeer'} ; by reduplication from 02115 ; properly , tightly girt , i . e . probably a racer , or some fleet animal (as being slender in the waist) :-- + greyhound . ~~2222
00249 ## 'ezrach {ez-rawkh'} ; from 02224 (in the sense of springing up) ; a spontaneous growth , i . e . native (tree or persons) :-- bay tree , (home-) born (in the land) , of the (one's own) country (nation) . ~~248
02224 ## zarach {zaw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to irradiate (or shoot forth beams) , i . e . to rise (as the sun) ; specifically , to appear (as a symptom of leprosy) :-- arise , rise (up) , as soon as it is up . ~~2224
02225 ## zerach {zeh'- rakh} ; from 02224 ; a rising of light :-- rising . ~~2224
03156 ## Yizrachyah {yiz-rakh-yaw'} ; from 02224 and 03050 ; Jah will shine ; Jizrachjah , the name of two Israelites :-- Izrahiah , Jezrahiah . ~~3156
04217 ## mizrach {miz-rawkh'} ; from 02224 ; sunrise , i . e . the east :-- east (side ,-ward) , (sun-) rising (of the sun) . ~~4216
02225 ## zerach {zeh'- rakh} ; from 02224 ; a rising of light :-- rising . ~~2224
02226 ## Zerach {zeh'- rakh} ; the same as 02225 ; Zerach , the name of three Israelites , also of an Idumaean and an Ethiopian prince :-- Zarah , Zerah . ~~2226
02228 ## Z@rachyah {zer-akh-yaw'} ; from 02225 and 03050 ; Jah has risen : Zerachjah , the name of two Israelites :-- Zerahiah . ~~2228
02226 ## Zerach {zeh'- rakh} ; the same as 02225 ; Zerach , the name of three Israelites , also of an Idumaean and an Ethiopian prince :-- Zarah , Zerah . ~~2226
02227 ## Zarchiy {zar-khee'} ; patronymically from 02226 ; a Zarchite or descendant of Zerach :-- Zarchite . ~~2226
02227 ## Zarchiy {zar-khee'} ; patronymically from 02226 ; a Zarchite or descendant of Zerach :-- Zarchite . ~~2226
02228 ## Z@rachyah {zer-akh-yaw'} ; from 02225 and 03050 ; Jah has risen : Zerachjah , the name of two Israelites :-- Zerahiah . ~~2228
02229 ## zaram {zaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to gush (as water) :-- carry away as with a flood , pour out . ~~2228
02230 ## zerem {zeh'- rem} ; from 02229 ; a gush of water :-- flood , overflowing , shower , storm , tempest . ~~2230
02230 ## zerem {zeh'- rem} ; from 02229 ; a gush of water :-- flood , overflowing , shower , storm , tempest . ~~2230
02231 ## zirmah {zir-maw'} ; feminine of 02230 ; a gushing of fluid (semen) :-- issue . ~~2230
02231 ## zirmah {zir-maw'} ; feminine of 02230 ; a gushing of fluid (semen) :-- issue . ~~2230
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~2220
02221 ## zeruwa` {zay-roo'- ah} ; from 02232 ; something sown , i . e . a plant :-- sowing , thing that is sown . ~~2220
02232 ## zara` {zaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to sow ; figuratively , to disseminate , plant , fructify :-- bear , conceive seed , set with sow (- er) , yield . ~~2232
02233 ## zera` {zeh'- rah} ; from 02232 ; seed ; figuratively , fruit , plant , sowing-time , posterity :-- X carnally , child , fruitful , seed (- time) , sowing-time . ~~2232
02235 ## zeroa` {zay-ro'- ah} ; or zera` on {zay-raw-ohn'} ; from 02232 ; something sown (only in the plural) , i . e . a vegetable (as food) :-- pulse . ~~2234
03157 ## Yizr@` e'l {yiz-reh-ale'} ; from 02232 and 00410 ; God will sow ; Jizreel , the name of two places in Palestine and of two Israelites :-- Jezreel . ~~3156
04218 ## mizra` {miz-raw'} ; from 02232 ; a planted field :-- thing sown . ~~4218
02233 ## zera` {zeh'- rah} ; from 02232 ; seed ; figuratively , fruit , plant , sowing-time , posterity :-- X carnally , child , fruitful , seed (- time) , sowing-time . ~~2232
02234 ## z@ra` (Aramaic) {zer-ah'} ; corresponding to 02233 ; posterity :-- seed . ~~2234
02234 ## z@ra` (Aramaic) {zer-ah'} ; corresponding to 02233 ; posterity :-- seed . ~~2234
02235 ## zeroa` {zay-ro'- ah} ; or zera` on {zay-raw-ohn'} ; from 02232 ; something sown (only in the plural) , i . e . a vegetable (as food) :-- pulse . ~~2234