00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00540 ## 'aman (Aramaic) {am-an'} ; corresponding to 00539 :-- believe , faithful , sure . ~~540
00550 ## 'Amnown {am-nohn'} ; or'Amiynown {am-ee-nohn'} ; from 00539 ; faithful ; Amnon (or Aminon) , a son of David :-- Amnon . ~~550
00571 ## 'emeth {eh'- meth} ; contracted from 00539 ; stability ; (figuratively) certainty , truth , trustworthiness :-- assured (- ly) , establishment , faithful , right , sure , true (- ly ,-th) , verity . ~~570
01968 ## Heyman {hay-mawn'} ; probably from 00539 ; faithful ; Heman , the name of at least two Israelites :-- Heman . ~~1968
00543 ## 'amen {aw-mane'} ; from 00539 ; sure ; abstract , faithfulness ; adverb , truly :-- Amen , so be it , truth . ~~542
03559 ## kuwn {koon} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be erect (i . e . stand perpendicular) ; hence (causatively) to set up , in a great variety of applications , whether literal (establish , fix , prepare , apply) , or figurative (appoint , render sure , proper or prosperous) :-- certain (- ty) , confirm , direct , faithfulness , fashion , fasten , firm , be fitted , be fixed , frame , be meet , ordain , order , perfect , (make) preparation , prepare (self) , provide , make provision , (be , make) ready , right , set (aright , fast , forth) , be stable , (e-) stablish , stand , tarry , X verydeed ~~3558
03586 ## kechash {kekh-awsh'} ; from 03584 ; faithless :-- lying . ~~ 3586
00662 ## 'aphaq {aw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to contain , i . e . (reflex .) abstain :-- force (oneself) , restrain . ~~662
01849 ## daphaq {daw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to knock ; by analogy , to press severely :-- beat , knock , overdrive . ~~1848
02015 ## haphak {haw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to turn about or over ; by implication , to change , overturn , return , pervert :-- X become , change , come , be converted , give , make [a bed ] , overthrow (- turn) , perverse , retire , tumble , turn (again , aside , back , to the contrary , every way) . ~~2014
05606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'} ; or saphaq (1 Kings 20 : 10 ; Job 27 : 23 ; Isaiah 2 : 6) {saw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to clap the hands (in token of compact , derision , grief , indignation , or punishment) ; by implication of satisfaction , to be enough ; by implication of excess , to vomit :-- clap , smite , strike , suffice , wallow . ~~5606
05606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'} ; or saphaq (1 Kings 20 : 10 ; Job 27 : 23 ; Isaiah 2 : 6) {saw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to clap the hands (in token of compact , derision , grief , indignation , or punishment) ; by implication of satisfaction , to be enough ; by implication of excess , to vomit :-- clap , smite , strike , suffice , wallow . ~~5606
07514 ## raphaq {raw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to recline :-- lean . ~~ 7514
08210 ## shaphak {shaw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to spill forth (blood , a libation , liquid metal ; or even a solid , i . e . to mound up) ; also (figuratively) to expend (life , soul , complaint , money , etc .) ; intensively , to sprawl out :-- cast (up) , gush out , pour (out) , shed (- der , out) , slip . ~~8210
02946 ## taphach {taw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; to flatten out or extend (as a tent) ; figuratively , to nurse a child (as promotive of growth) ; or perhaps a denom . from 02947 , from dandling on the palms :-- span , swaddle . ~~2946
02947 ## tephach {tay'- fakh} ; from 02946 ; a spread of the hand , i . e . a palm-breadth (not " span " of the fingers) ; architecturally , a corbel (as a supporting palm) :-- coping , hand-breadth . ~~2946
02948 ## tophach {to'- fakh} ; from 02946 (the same as 02947) :-- hand-breadth (broad) . ~~2948
03306 ## yaphach {yaw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to breathe hard , i . e . (by implication) to sigh :-- bewail self . ~~3306
05301 ## naphach {naw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; to puff , in various applications (literally , to inflate , blow hard , scatter , kindle , expire ; figuratively , to disesteem) :-- blow , breath , give up , cause to lose [life ] , seething , snuff . ~~5300
05302 ## Nophach {no'- fakh} ; from 05301 ; a gust ; Nophach , a place in Moab :-- Nophah . ~~5302
05596 ## caphach {saw-fakh'} ; or saphach (Isaiah 3 : 17) {saw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrape out , but in certain peculiar senses (of removal or association) :-- abiding , gather together , cleave , smite with the scab . ~~5596
05596 ## caphach {saw-fakh'} ; or saphach (Isaiah 3 : 17) {saw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrape out , but in certain peculiar senses (of removal or association) :-- abiding , gather together , cleave , smite with the scab . ~~5596
06690 ## Tsowphach {tso-fakh'} ; from an unused root meaning to expand , breadth ; Tsophach , an Israelite :-- Zophah . ~~6690
07506 ## Rephach {reh'- fakh} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to sustain ; support ; Rephach , an Israelite :-- Rephah . ~~7506
02950 ## taphal {taw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to stick on as a patch ; figuratively , to impute falsely :-- forge (- r) , sew up . ~~2950
03717 ## kaphal {kaw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fold together ; figuratively , to repeat :-- double . ~~3716
05307 ## naphal {naw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fall , in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative , literal or figurative) :-- be accepted , cast (down , self , [lots ] , out) , cease , die , divide (by lot) , (let) fail , (cause to , let , make , ready to) fall (away , down ,-en ,-ing) , fell (- ing) , fugitive , have [inheritance ] , inferior , be judged [by mistake for 06419 ] , lay (along) , (cause to) lie down , light (down) , be (X hast) lost , lying , overthrow , overwhelm , perish , present (- ed ,-ing) , (make to) rot , slay , smite out , X surely , throw down . ~~5306
06075 ## ` aphal {aw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to swell ; figuratively , be elated :-- be lifted up , presume . ~~6074
01772 ## dayah {dah-yaw'} ; intensive from 01675 ; a falcon (from its rapid flight) :-- vulture . ~~1772
00651 ## 'aphel {aw-fale'} ; from an unused root meaning to set as the sun ; dusky :-- very dark . ~~650
08213 ## shaphel {shaw-fale'} ; a primitive root ; to depress or sink (expec . figuratively , to humiliate , intransitive or transitive) :-- abase , bring (cast , put) down , debase , humble (self) , be (bring , lay , make , put) low (- er) . ~~8214
08602 ## taphel {taw-fale'} ; from an unused root meaning to smear ; plaster (as gummy) or slime ; (figuratively) frivolity :-- foolish things , unsavoury , untempered . ~~8602
01762 ## d@chiy {deh-khee'} ; from 01760 ; a push , i . e . (by implication) a fall :-- falling . ~~1762
01961 ## hayah {haw-yaw} ; a primitive root [compare 01933 ] ; to exist , i . e . be or become , come to pass (always emphatic , and not a mere copula or auxiliary) :-- beacon , X altogether , be (- come) , accomplished , committed , like) , break , cause , come (to pass) , do , faint , fall , + follow , happen , X have , last , pertain , quit (one-) self , require , X use . ~~1960
02181 ## zanah {zaw-naw'} ; a primitive root [highly-fed and therefore wanton ] ; to commit adultery (usually of the female , and less often of simple fornication , rarely of involuntary ravishment) ; figuratively , to commit idolatry (the Jewish people being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah) :-- (cause to) commit fornication , X continually , X great , (be an , play the) harlot , (cause to be , play the) whore , (commit , fall to) whoredom , (cause to) go a-whoring , whorish . ~~2180
02308 ## chadal {khaw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be flabby , i . e . (by implication) desist ; (figuratively) be lacking or idle :-- cease , end , fall , forbear , forsake , leave (off) , let alone , rest , be unoccupied , want . ~~2308
02342 ## chuwl {khool} ; or chiyl {kheel} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner) , i . e . (specifically) to dance , to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear ; figuratively , to wait , to pervert :-- bear , (make to) bring forth , (make to) calve , dance , drive away , fall grievously (with pain) , fear , form , great , grieve , (be) grievous , hope , look , make , be in pain , be much (sore) pained , rest , shake , shapen , (be) sorrow (- ful) , stay , tarry , travail (with pain) , tremble , trust , wait carefully (patiently) , be wounded . ~~2342
02470 ## chalah {khaw-law'} ; a primitive root [compare 02342 , 02470 , 02490 ] ; properly , to be rubbed or worn ; hence (figuratively) to be weak , sick , afflicted ; or (causatively) to grieve , make sick ; also to stroke (in flattering) , entreat :-- beseech , (be) diseased , (put to) grief , be grieved , (be) grievous , infirmity , intreat , lay to , put to pain , X pray , make prayer , be (fall , make) sick , sore , be sorry , make suit (X supplication) , woman in travail , be (become) weak , be wounded . ~~2470
03318 ## yatsa'{yaw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to go (causatively , bring) out , in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively , direct and proxim . :-- X after , appear , X assuredly , bear out , X begotten , break out , bring forth (out , up) , carry out , come (abroad , out , thereat , without) , + be condemned , depart (- ing ,-- ure) , draw forth , in the end , escape , exact , fail , fall (out) , fetch forth (out) , get away (forth , hence , out) , (able to , cause to , let) go abroad (forth , on , out) , going out , grow , have forth (out) , issue out , lay (lie) out , lead out , pluck out , proceed , pull out , put away , be risen , X scarce , send with commandment , shoot forth , spread , spring out , stand out , X still , X surely , take forth (out) , at any time , X to [and fro ] , utter . ~~3318
03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down . ~~3380
03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down . ~~3380
03766 ## kara` {kaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to bend the knee ; by implication , to sink , to prostrate :-- bow (down , self) , bring down (low) , cast down , couch , fall , feeble , kneeling , sink , smite (stoop) down , subdue , X very . ~~3766
03782 ## kashal {kaw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to totter or waver (through weakness of the legs , especially the ankle) ; by implication , to falter , stumble , faint or fall :-- bereave [from the margin ] , cast down , be decayed , (cause to) fail , (cause , make to) fall (down ,-- ing) , feeble , be (the) ruin (- ed , of) , (be) overthrown , (cause to) stumble , X utterly , be weak . ~~3782
03782 ## kashal {kaw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to totter or waver (through weakness of the legs , especially the ankle) ; by implication , to falter , stumble , faint or fall :-- bereave [from the margin ] , cast down , be decayed , (cause to) fail , (cause , make to) fall (down ,-- ing) , feeble , be (the) ruin (- ed , of) , (be) overthrown , (cause to) stumble , X utterly , be weak . ~~3782
03783 ## kishshalown {kish-shaw-lone'} ; from 03782 ; properly , a tottering , i . e . ruin :-- fall . ~~3782
03832 ## labat {law-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to overthrow ; intransposed , to fall :-- fall . ~~3832
03832 ## labat {law-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to overthrow ; intransposed , to fall :-- fall . ~~3832
04131 ## mowt {mote} ; a primitive root ; to waver ; by implication , to slip , shake , fall :-- be carried , cast , be out of course , be fallen in decay , X exceedingly , fall (- ing down) , be (re-) moved , be ready , shake , slide , slip . ~~4130
04131 ## mowt {mote} ; a primitive root ; to waver ; by implication , to slip , shake , fall :-- be carried , cast , be out of course , be fallen in decay , X exceedingly , fall (- ing down) , be (re-) moved , be ready , shake , slide , slip . ~~4130
04132 ## mowt {mote} ; from 04131 ; a wavering , i . e . fall ; by implication , a pole (as shaking) ; hence , a yoke (as essentially a bent pole) :-- bar , be moved , staff , yoke . ~~4132
04383 ## mikshowl {mik-shole'} ; or mikshol {mik-shole'} ; masculine from 03782 ; a stumbling-block , literally or figuratively (obstacle , enticement [specifically an idol ] , scruple) :-- caused to fall , offence , X [no-] thing offered , ruin , stumbling-block . ~~4382
04384 ## makshelah {mak-shay-law'} ; feminine from 03782 ; a stumbling-block , but only figuratively (fall , enticement [idol ]) :-- ruin , stumbling-block . ~~4384
04658 ## mappeleth {map-peh'- leth} ; from 05307 ; fall , i . e . decadence ; concretely , a ruin ; specifically a carcase :-- carcase , fall , ruin . ~~4658
04658 ## mappeleth {map-peh'- leth} ; from 05307 ; fall , i . e . decadence ; concretely , a ruin ; specifically a carcase :-- carcase , fall , ruin . ~~4658
05034 ## nabel {naw-bale'} ; a primitive root ; to wilt ; generally , to fall away , fail , faint ; figuratively , to be foolish or (morally) wicked ; causatively , to despise , disgrace :-- disgrace , dishounour , lightly esteem , fade (away ,-ing) , fall (down ,-ling , off) , do foolishly , come to nought , X surely , make vile , wither . ~~5034
05034 ## nabel {naw-bale'} ; a primitive root ; to wilt ; generally , to fall away , fail , faint ; figuratively , to be foolish or (morally) wicked ; causatively , to despise , disgrace :-- disgrace , dishounour , lightly esteem , fade (away ,-ing) , fall (down ,-ling , off) , do foolishly , come to nought , X surely , make vile , wither . ~~5034
05064 ## nagar {naw-gar'} ; a primitive root ; to flow ; figuratively , to stretch out ; causatively , to pour out or down ; figuratively , to deliver over :-- fall , flow away , pour down (out) , run , shed , spilt , trickle down . ~~5064
05117 ## nuwach {noo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to rest , i . e . settle down ; used in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , intransitive , transitive and causative (to dwell , stay , let fall , place , let alone , withdraw , give comfort , etc .) :-- cease , be confederate , lay , let down , (be) quiet , remain , (cause to , be at , give , have , make to) rest , set down . Compare 03241 . ~~5116
05197 ## nataph {naw-taf'} ; a primitive root ; to ooze , i . e . distil gradually ; by implication , to fall in drops ; figuratively , to speak by inspiration :-- drop (- ping) , prophesy (- et) . ~~5196
05203 ## natash {naw-tash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pound , i . e . smite ; by implication (as if beating out , and thus expanding) to disperse ; also , to thrust off , down , out or upon (inclusively , reject , let alone , permit , remit , etc .) :-- cast off , drawn , let fall , forsake , join [battle ] , leave (off) , lie still , loose , spread (self) abroad , stretch out , suffer . ~~5202
05307 ## naphal {naw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fall , in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative , literal or figurative) :-- be accepted , cast (down , self , [lots ] , out) , cease , die , divide (by lot) , (let) fail , (cause to , let , make , ready to) fall (away , down ,-en ,-ing) , fell (- ing) , fugitive , have [inheritance ] , inferior , be judged [by mistake for 06419 ] , lay (along) , (cause to) lie down , light (down) , be (X hast) lost , lying , overthrow , overwhelm , perish , present (- ed ,-ing) , (make to) rot , slay , smite out , X surely , throw down . ~~5306
05307 ## naphal {naw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fall , in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative , literal or figurative) :-- be accepted , cast (down , self , [lots ] , out) , cease , die , divide (by lot) , (let) fail , (cause to , let , make , ready to) fall (away , down ,-en ,-ing) , fell (- ing) , fugitive , have [inheritance ] , inferior , be judged [by mistake for 06419 ] , lay (along) , (cause to) lie down , light (down) , be (X hast) lost , lying , overthrow , overwhelm , perish , present (- ed ,-ing) , (make to) rot , slay , smite out , X surely , throw down . ~~5306
05308 ## n@phal (Aramaic) {nef-al'} ; corresponding to 05307 :-- fall (down) , have occasion . ~~5308
05456 ## cagad {saw-gad'} ; a primitive root ; to prostrate oneself (in homage) :-- fall down . ~~5456
05597 ## cappachath {sap-pakh'- ath} ; from 05596 ; the mange (as making the hair fall off) :-- scab . ~~5596
05927 ## ` alah {aw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to ascend , intransitively (be high) or actively (mount) ; used in a great variety of senses , primary and secondary , literal and figurative (as follow) :-- arise (up) , (cause to) ascend up , at once , break [the day ] (up) , bring (up) , (cause to) burn , carry up , cast up , + shew , climb (up) , (cause to , make to) come (up) , cut off , dawn , depart , exalt , excel , fall , fetch up , get up , (make to) go (away , up) ; grow (over) increase , lay , leap , levy , lift (self) up , light , [make ] up , X mention , mount up , offer , make to pay , + perfect , prefer , put (on) , raise , recover , restore , (make to) rise (up) , scale , set (up) , shoot forth (up) , (begin to) spring (up) , stir up , take away (up) , work . ~~5926
06293 ## paga` {paw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; to impinge , by accident or violence , or (figuratively) by importunity :-- come (betwixt) , cause to entreat , fall (upon) , make intercession , intercessor , intreat , lay , light [upon ] , meet (together) , pray , reach , run . ~~6292
06584 ## pashat {paw-shat'} ; a primitive root ; to spread out (i . e . deploy in hostile array) ; by analogy , to strip (i . e . unclothe , plunder , flay , etc .) :-- fall upon , flay , invade , make an invasion , pull off , put off , make a road , run upon , rush , set , spoil , spread selves (abroad) , strip (off , self) . ~~6584
07122 ## qara'{kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root : to encounter , whether accidentally or in a hostile manner :-- befall , (by) chance , (cause to) come (upon) , fall out , happen , meet . ~~7122
07257 ## rabats {raw-bats'} ; a primitive root ; to crouch (on all four legs folded , like a recumbent animal) ; be implication , to recline , repose , brood , lurk , imbed :-- crouch (down) , fall down , make a fold , lay , (cause to , make to) lie (down) , make to rest , sit . ~~7256
07264 ## ragaz {raw-gaz'} ; a primitive root ; to quiver (with any violent emotion , especially anger or fear) :-- be afraid , stand in awe , disquiet , fall out , fret , move , provoke , quake , rage , shake , tremble , trouble , be wroth . ~~7264
07411 ## ramah {raw-maw'} ; a primitive root ; to hurl ; specifically , to shoot ; figuratively , to delude or betray (as if causing to fall) :-- beguile , betray , [bow-] man , carry , deceive , throw . ~~7410
07812 ## shachah {shaw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to depress , i . e . prostrate (especially reflexive , in homage to royalty or God) :-- bow (self) down , crouch , fall down (flat) , humbly beseech , do (make) obeisance , do reverence , make to stoop , worship . ~~7812
07825 ## sh@chiyth {shekh-eeth'} ; from 07812 ; a pit-fall (literally or figuratively) :-- destruction , pit . ~~7826
07882 ## shiychah {shee-khaw'} ; for 07745 ; a pit-fall :-- pit . ~~ 7882
07997 ## shalal {shaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to drop or strip ; by implication , to plunder :-- let fall , make self a prey , X of purpose , (make a , [take ]) spoil . ~~7998