04213 ## miz` ar {miz-awr'} ; from the same as 02191 ; fewness ; by implication , as superl . diminutiveness :-- few , X very . ~~4212
00906 ## bad {bad} ; perhaps from 00909 (in the sense of divided fibres) ; flaxen thread or yarn ; hence , a linen garment :-- linen . ~~906
02403 ## chatta'ah {khat-taw-aw'} ; or chatta'th {khat-tawth'} ; from 02398 ; an offence (sometimes habitual sinfulness) , and its penalty , occasion , sacrifice , or expiation ; also (concretely) an offender :-- punishment (of sin) , purifying (- fication for sin) , sin (- ner , offering) . ~~2402
00530 ## 'emuwnah {em-oo-naw') ; or (shortened)'emunah {em-oo-naw'} ; feminine of 00529 ; literally firmness ; figuratively security ; morally fidelity :-- faith (- ful ,-ly ,-ness , [man ]) , set office , stability , steady , truly , truth , verily . ~~530
07187 ## q@showt (Aramaic) {kesh-ote'} ; or q@shot (Aramaic) {kesh-ote'} ; corresponding to 07189 ; fidelity :-- truth . ~~7186
00357 ## 'Ayalown {ah-yaw-lone'} ; from 00354 ; deer-field ; Ajalon , the name of five places in Palestine :-- Aijalon , Ajalon . ~~356
00776 ## 'erets {eh'- rets} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be firm ; the earth (at large , or partitively a land) :-- X common , country , earth , field , ground , land , X natins , way , + wilderness , world . ~~776
00820 ## 'ashman {ash-mawn'} ; probably from 08081 ; a fat-field :-- desolate place . ~~820
01250 ## bar {bawr} ; or bar {bar} ; from 01305 (in the sense of winnowing) ; grain of any kind (even while standing in the field) ; by extens . the open country :-- corn , wheat . ~~1250
01251 ## bar (Aramaic) {bar} ; corresponding to 01250 ; a field :-- field . ~~1250
01251 ## bar (Aramaic) {bar} ; corresponding to 01250 ; a field :-- field . ~~1250
02351 ## chuwts {khoots} ; or (shortened) chuts {khoots} ; (both forms feminine in the plural) from an unused root meaning to sever ; properly , separate by a wall , i . e . outside , outdoors :-- abroad , field , forth , highway , more , out (- side ,-- ward) , street , without . ~~2350
02513 ## chelqah {khel-kaw'} ; feminine of 02506 ; properly , smoothness ; figuratively , flattery ; also an allotment :-- field , flattering (- ry) , ground , parcel , part , piece of land [ground ] , plat , portion , slippery place , smooth (thing) . ~~2512
03010 ## yageb {yaw-gabe'} ; from 03009 ; a plowed field :-- field . ~~ 3010
03010 ## yageb {yaw-gabe'} ; from 03009 ; a plowed field :-- field . ~~ 3010
03759 ## karmel {kar-mel'} ; from 03754 ; a planted field (garden , orchard , vineyard or park) ; by implication , garden produce :-- full (green) ears (of corn) , fruitful field (place) , plentiful (field) . ~~3758
03759 ## karmel {kar-mel'} ; from 03754 ; a planted field (garden , orchard , vineyard or park) ; by implication , garden produce :-- full (green) ears (of corn) , fruitful field (place) , plentiful (field) . ~~3758
03759 ## karmel {kar-mel'} ; from 03754 ; a planted field (garden , orchard , vineyard or park) ; by implication , garden produce :-- full (green) ears (of corn) , fruitful field (place) , plentiful (field) . ~~3758
03760 ## Karmel {kar-mel'} ; the same as 03759 ; Karmel , the name of a hill and of a town in Palestine :-- Carmel , fruitful (plentiful) field , (place) . ~~3760
04057 ## midbar {mid-bawr'} ; from 01696 in the sense of driving ; a pasture (i . e . open field , whither cattle are driven) ; by implication , a desert ; also speech (including its organs) :-- desert , south , speech , wilderness . ~~4056
04218 ## mizra` {miz-raw'} ; from 02232 ; a planted field :-- thing sown . ~~4218
04750 ## miqshah {mik-shaw'} ; denominative from 07180 ; literally , a cucumbered field , i . e . a cucumber patch :-- garden of cucumbers . ~~4750
04924 ## mashman {mash-mawn'} ; from 08080 ; fat , i . e . (literally and abstractly) fatness ; but usually (figuratively and concretely) a rich dish , a fertile field , a robust man :-- fat (one ,-ness ,-test ,-test place) . ~~4924
07493 ## ra` ash {raw-ash} ; a primitive root ; to undulate (as the earth , the sky , etc . ; also a field of grain) , partic . through fear ; specifically , to spring (as a locust) :-- make afraid , (re-) move , quake , (make to) shake , (make to) tremble . ~~7492
07702 ## sadad {saw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to abrade , i . e . harrow a field :-- break clods , harrow . ~~7702
07704 ## sadeh {saw-deh'} ; or saday {saw-dah'- ee} ; from an unused root meaning to spread out ; a field (as flat) :-- country , field , ground , land , soil , X wild . ~~7704
07704 ## sadeh {saw-deh'} ; or saday {saw-dah'- ee} ; from an unused root meaning to spread out ; a field (as flat) :-- country , field , ground , land , soil , X wild . ~~7704
07709 ## sh@demah {shed-ay-maw'} ; apparently from 07704 ; a cultivated field ;-- blasted , field . ~~7708
07709 ## sh@demah {shed-ay-maw'} ; apparently from 07704 ; a cultivated field ;-- blasted , field . ~~7708
07898 ## shayith {shah'- yith} ; from 07896 ; scrub or trash , i . e . wild growth of weeds or briers (as if put on the field) :-- thorns . ~~7898
08309 ## sh@remah {sher-ay-maw'} ; probably by an orthographical error for 07709 ; a common :-- field . ~~8310
00393 ## 'akzar {ak-zawr'} ; from an unused root (apparently meaning to act harshly) ; violent ; by implication deadly ; also (in a good sense) brave :-- cruel , fierce . ~~392
02300 ## chadad {khaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) sharp or (figuratively) severe :-- be fierce , sharpen . ~~2300
02301 ## Chadad {khad-ad'} ; from 02300 ; fierce ; Chadad , an Ishmaelite :-- Hadad . ~~2300
02740 ## charown {khaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) charon {khaw-rone'} ; from 02734 ; a burning of anger :-- sore displeasure , fierce (- ness) , fury , (fierce) wrath (- ful) . ~~2740
02740 ## charown {khaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) charon {khaw-rone'} ; from 02734 ; a burning of anger :-- sore displeasure , fierce (- ness) , fury , (fierce) wrath (- ful) . ~~2740
02750 ## choriy {khor-ee'} ; from 02734 ; a burning (i . e . intense) anger :-- fierce , X great , heat . ~~2750
03267 ## ya` az {yaw-az'} ; a primitive root ; to be bold or obstinate :-- fierce . ~~3266
05794 ## ` az {az} ; from 05810 ; strong , vehement , harsh :-- fierce , + greedy , mighty , power , roughly , strong . ~~5794
07826 ## shachal {shakh'- al} ; from an unused root probably meaning to roar ; a lion (from his characteristic roar) :-- (fierce) lion . ~~7826
00395 ## 'akz@riyuwth {ak-ze-ree-ooth'} ; from 00394 ; fierceness :-- cruel . ~~394
07494 ## ra` ash {rah'- ash} ; from 07493 ; vibration , bounding , uproar :-- commotion , confused noise , earthquake , fierceness , quaking , rattling , rushing , shaking . ~~7494
03833 ## labiy'{law-bee'} ; or (Ezek . 19 : 2) l@biya'{leb-ee-yaw'} ; irreg . masculine plural l@ba'iym {leb-aw-eem'} ; irreg . feminine plural l@ba'owth {leb-aw-oth'} ; from an unused root men . to roar ; a lion (properly , a lioness as the fiercer [although not a roarer ; compare 00738 ]) :-- (great , old , stout) lion , lioness , young [lion ] . ~~3832
07185 ## qashah {kaw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be dense , i . e . tough or severe (in various applications) :-- be cruel , be fiercer , make grievous , be ([ask a ] , be in , have , seem , would) hard (- en , [labour ] ,-ly , thing) , be sore , (be , make) stiff (- en , [-necked ]) . ~~7184
00221 ## 'Uwriy {oo-ree'} ; from 00217 ; fiery ; Uri , the name of three Israelites :-- Uri . ~~220
00688 ## 'eqdach {ek-dawkh'} ; from 06916 ; burning , i . e . a carbuncle or other fiery gem :-- carbuncle . ~~688
00784 ## 'esh {aysh} ; a primitive word ; fire (literally or figuratively) :-- burning , fiery , fire , flaming , hot . ~~784
00799 ## 'eshdath {esh-dawth'} ; from 00784 and 01881 ; a fire-law :-- fiery law . ~~798
05135 ## nuwr (Aramaic) {noor} ; from an unused root (corresponding to that of 05216) meaning to shine ; fire :-- fiery , fire . ~~5134
08314 ## saraph {saw-rawf'} ; from 08313 ; burning , i . e . (figuratively) poisonous (serpent) ; specifically , a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color) :-- fiery (serpent) , seraph . ~~8314
02568 ## chamesh {khaw-maysh'} ; masculine chamishshah {kham-ish-shaw} ; a primitive numeral ; five :-- fif [-teen ] , fifth , five (X apiece) . ~~2568
06235 ## ` eser {eh'ser} ; masculine of term` asarah {as-aw-raw'} ; from 06237 ; ten (as an accumulation to the extent of the digits) :-- ten , [fif-, seven-] teen . ~~6234
06240 ## ` asar {aw-sawr'} ; for 06235 ; ten (only in combination) , i . e .-teen ; also (ordinal)-teenth :-- [eigh-, fif-, four-, nine-, seven-, six-, thir-] teen (- th) , + eleven (- th) , + sixscore thousand , + twelve (- th) . ~~6240
02549 ## chamiyshiy {kham-ee-shee'} ; or chamishshiy {kham-ish-shee'} ; ord . from 02568 ; fifth ; also a fifth :-- fifth (part) . ~~2548
02549 ## chamiyshiy {kham-ee-shee'} ; or chamishshiy {kham-ish-shee'} ; ord . from 02568 ; fifth ; also a fifth :-- fifth (part) . ~~2548
02549 ## chamiyshiy {kham-ee-shee'} ; or chamishshiy {kham-ish-shee'} ; ord . from 02568 ; fifth ; also a fifth :-- fifth (part) . ~~2548
02567 ## chamash {khaw-mash'} ; a denominative from 02568 ; to tax a fifth :-- take up the fifth participle ~~2566
02567 ## chamash {khaw-mash'} ; a denominative from 02568 ; to tax a fifth :-- take up the fifth participle ~~2566
02568 ## chamesh {khaw-maysh'} ; masculine chamishshah {kham-ish-shaw} ; a primitive numeral ; five :-- fif [-teen ] , fifth , five (X apiece) . ~~2568
02569 ## chomesh {kho'- mesh} ; from 02567 ; a fifth tax :-- fifth participle ~~2568
02569 ## chomesh {kho'- mesh} ; from 02567 ; a fifth tax :-- fifth participle ~~2568
02570 ## chomesh {kho'- mesh} ; from an unused root probably meaning , to be stout ; the abdomen (as obese) :-- fifth [rib ] . ~~2570
02572 ## chamishshiym {kham-ish-sheem'} ; multiple of 02568 ; fifty :-- fifty . ~~2572
02572 ## chamishshiym {kham-ish-sheem'} ; multiple of 02568 ; fifty :-- fifty . ~~2572
01063 ## bikkuwrah {bik-koo-raw'} ; feminine of 01061 ; the early fig :-- firstripe (fruit) . ~~1062
01073 ## bakkurah {bak-koo-raw'} ; by orthographical variation for 01063 ; a first-ripe fig :-- firstripe . ~~1072
06291 ## pag {pag} ; from an unused root meaning to be torpid , i . e . crude ; an unripe fig :-- green fig . ~~6290
06291 ## pag {pag} ; from an unused root meaning to be torpid , i . e . crude ; an unripe fig :-- green fig . ~~6290
08384 ## t@'en {teh-ane'} ; or (in the singular , feminine) t@'enah {teh-ay-naw'} ; perhaps of foreign derivation ; the fig (tree or fruit) :-- fig (tree) . ~~8384
08384 ## t@'en {teh-ane'} ; or (in the singular , feminine) t@'enah {teh-ay-naw'} ; perhaps of foreign derivation ; the fig (tree or fruit) :-- fig (tree) . ~~8384
01015 ## Beyth Diblathayim {bayth dib-law-thah'- yim} ; from 01004 and the dual of 01690 ; house of (the) two figcakes ; Beth-Diblathajim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Beth-diblathaim . ~~1014
02502 ## chalats {khaw-lats'} ; a primitive root ; to pull off ; hence (intensively) to strip , (reflex .) to depart ; by implication , to deliver , equip (for fight) ; present , strengthen :-- arm (self) , (go , ready) armed (X man , soldier) , deliver , draw out , make fat , loose , (ready) prepared , put off , take away , withdraw self . ~~2502
03898 ## lacham {law-kham'} ; a primitive root ; to feed on ; figuratively , to consume ; by implication , to battle (as destruction) :-- devour , eat , X ever , fight (- ing) , overcome , prevail , (make) war (- ring) . ~~3898
04421 ## milchamah {mil-khaw-maw'} ; from 03898 (in the sense of fighting) ; a battle (i . e . the engagement) ; generally , war (i . e . warfare) :-- battle , fight (- ing) , war ([-rior ]) . ~~4420
04634 ## ma` arakah {mah-ar-aw-kaw'} ; feminine of 04633 ; an arrangement ; concretely , a pile ; specifically a military array :-- army , fight , be set in order , ordered place , rank , row . ~~4634
06213 ## ` asah {aw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to do or make , in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows) :-- accomplish , advance , appoint , apt , be at , become , bear , bestow , bring forth , bruise , be busy , X certainly , have the charge of , commit , deal (with) , deck , + displease , do , (ready) dress (- ed) , (put in) execute (- ion) , exercise , fashion , + feast , [fight-] ing man , + finish , fit , fly , follow , fulfill , furnish , gather , get , go about , govern , grant , great , + hinder , hold ([a feast ]) , X indeed , + be industrious , + journey , keep , labour , maintain , make , be meet , observe , be occupied , offer , + officer , pare , bring (come) to pass , perform , pracise , prepare , procure , provide , put , requite , X sacrifice , serve , set , shew , X sin , spend , X surely , take , X thoroughly , trim , X very , + vex , be [warr-] ior , work (- man) , yield , use . ~~6212
06633 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to mass (an army or servants) :-- assemble , fight , perform , muster , wait upon , war . ~~6632
06638 ## tsabah {tsaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to amass , i . e . grow turgid ; specifically , to array an army against :-- fight swell . ~~6638