01133 ## Ben-Chuwr {ben-khoor'} ; from 01121 and 02354 ; son of Chur ; Ben-Chur , an Israelite :-- the son of Hur . ~~1132
02354 ## Chuwr {khoor} ; the same as 02353 or 02352 ; Chur , the name of four Israelites and one Midianite :-- Hur . ~~2354
02355 ## chowr {khore} ; the same as 02353 ; white linen :-- network . Compare 02715 . ~~2354
01032 ## Beyth Chowrown {bayth kho-rone'} ; from 01004 and 02356 ; house of hollowness ; Beth-Choron , the name of two adjoining places in Palestine :-- Beth-horon . ~~1032
02356 ## chowr {khore} ; or (shortened) chor {khore} ; the same as 02352 ; a cavity , socket , den :-- cave , hole . ~~2356
02735 ## Chor hag-Gidgad {khore hag-ghid-gawd'} ; from 02356 and a collateral (masculine) form of 01412 , with the article interposed ; hole of the cleft : Chor-hag-Gidgad , a place in the Desert :-- Hor-hagidgad . ~~2734
02752 ## Choriy {kho-ree'} ; from 02356 ; cave-dweller or troglodyte ; a Chorite or aboriginal Idumaean :-- Horims , Horites . ~~2752
02773 ## Choronayim {kho-ro-nah'- yim} ; dual of a derivative from 02356 ; double cave-town ; Choronajim , a place in Moab :-- Horonaim . ~~2772
06367 ## Pi ha-Chiyroth {pee hah-khee-roth'} ; from 06310 and the feminine plural of a noun (from the same root as 02356) , with the article interpolated ; mouth of the gorges ; Pi-ha-Chiroth , a place in Egypt :-- Pi-hahiroth . [In Numbers 14 : 19 without Pi-. ] ~~6366
02353 ## chuwr {khoor} ; from 02357 ; white linen :-- white . ~~ 2352
02357 ## chavar {khaw-var'} ; a primitive root ; to blanch (as with shame) :-- wax pale . ~~2356
02358 ## chivvar (Aramaic) {khiv-vawr'} ; from a root corresponding to 02357 ; white :-- white . ~~2358
02362 ## Chavran {khav-rawn'} ; apparently from 02357 (in the sense of 02352) ; cavernous ; Chavran , a region East of the Jordan :-- Hauran . ~~2362
02437 ## Chiyrah {khee-raw'} ; from 02357 in the sense of splendor ; Chirah , an Adullamite :-- Hirah . ~~2436
02358 ## chivvar (Aramaic) {khiv-vawr'} ; from a root corresponding to 02357 ; white :-- white . ~~2358
02359 ## Chuwriy {khoo-ree'} ; probably from 02353 ; linen-worker ; Churi , an Israelite :-- Huri . ~~2358
02360 ## Chuwray {khoo-rah'ee} ; probably an orthographical variation for 02359 ; Churai , an Israelite :-- Hurai . ~~2360
02360 ## Chuwray {khoo-rah'ee} ; probably an orthographical variation for 02359 ; Churai , an Israelite :-- Hurai . ~~2360
02361 ## Chuwram {khoo-rawm'} ; probably from 02353 ; whiteness , i . e . noble ; Churam , the name of an Israelite and two Syrians :-- Huram . Compare 02438 . ~~2360
02438 ## Chiyram {khee-rawm'} ; or Chiyrowm {khee-rome'} ; another form of 02361 ; Chiram or Chirom , the name of two Tyrians :-- Hiram , Huram . ~~2438
02362 ## Chavran {khav-rawn'} ; apparently from 02357 (in the sense of 02352) ; cavernous ; Chavran , a region East of the Jordan :-- Hauran . ~~2362
02363 ## chuwsh {koosh} ; a primitive root ; to hurry ; figuratively , to be eager with excitement or enjoyment :-- (make) haste (- n) , ready . ~~2362
02364 ## Chuwshah {khoo-shaw'} ; from 02363 ; haste ; Chushah , an Israelite :-- Hushah . ~~2364
02365 ## Chuwshay {khoo-shah'- ee} ; from 02363 ; hasty ; Chushai , an Israelite :-- Hushai . ~~2364
02366 ## Chuwshiym {khoo-sheem'} ; or Chushiym {khoo-shem'} ; or Chushim {khoo-sheem'} ; plural from 02363 ; hasters ; Chushim , the name of three Israelites :-- Hushim . ~~2366
02367 ## Chuwsham {khoo-shawm'} ; or Chusham {khoo-shawm'} ; from 02363 ; hastily ; Chusham , an Idumaean :-- Husham . ~~2366
02439 ## chiysh {kheesh} ; another form of 02363 ; to hurry :-- make haste . ~~2438
02818 ## chashach (Aramaic) {khash-akh'} ; a collateral root to one corresponding to 02363 in the sense of readiness ; to be necessary (from the idea of convenience) or (transitively) to need :-- careful , have need of . ~~2818
04122 ## Maher Shalal Chash Baz {mah-hare'shaw-lawl'khawsh baz} ; from 04118 and 07998 and 02363 and 00957 ; hasting (is he [the enemy ] to the) booty , swift (to the) prey ; Maher-Shalal-Chash-Baz ; the symbolical name of the son of Isaiah :-- Maher-sha-lal-bash-baz . ~~4122
02364 ## Chuwshah {khoo-shaw'} ; from 02363 ; haste ; Chushah , an Israelite :-- Hushah . ~~2364
02843 ## Chushathiy {khoo-shaw-thee'} ; patronymically from 02364 ; a Chushathite or descendant of Chushah :-- Hushathite . ~~2842
02365 ## Chuwshay {khoo-shah'- ee} ; from 02363 ; hasty ; Chushai , an Israelite :-- Hushai . ~~2364
02366 ## Chuwshiym {khoo-sheem'} ; or Chushiym {khoo-shem'} ; or Chushim {khoo-sheem'} ; plural from 02363 ; hasters ; Chushim , the name of three Israelites :-- Hushim . ~~2366
02367 ## Chuwsham {khoo-shawm'} ; or Chusham {khoo-shawm'} ; from 02363 ; hastily ; Chusham , an Idumaean :-- Husham . ~~2366
02368 ## chowtham {kho-thawm'} ; or chotham {kho-thawm'} ; from 02856 ; a signature-ring :-- seal , signet . ~~2368
02369 ## Chowtham {kho-thawm'} ; the same as 02368 ; seal ; Chotham , the name of two Israelites :-- Hotham , Hothan . ~~2368
02369 ## Chowtham {kho-thawm'} ; the same as 02368 ; seal ; Chotham , the name of two Israelites :-- Hotham , Hothan . ~~2368
02370 ## chaza'(Aramaic) {khaz-aw'} ; or chazah (Aramaic) {khaz-aw'} ; corresponding to 02372 ; to gaze upon ; mentally to dream , be usual (i . e . seem) :-- behold , have [a dream ] , see , be wont . ~~2370
02376 ## chezev (Aramaic) {khay'- zev} ; from 02370 ; a sight :-- look , vision . ~~2376
02379 ## chazowth (Aramaic) {khaz-oth'} ; from 02370 ; a view :-- sight . ~~2378
02371 ## Chaza'el {khaz-aw-ale'} ; or Chazah'el {khaz-aw-ale'} ; from 02372 and 00410 ; God has seen ; Chazael , a king of Syria :-- Hazael . ~~2370
01522 ## Geychaziy {gay-khah-zee'} ; or Gechaziy {gay-khah-zee'} ; apparently from 01516 and 02372 ; valley of a visionary ; Gechazi , the servant of Elisha :-- Gehazi . ~~1522
01957 ## hazah {haw-zaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02372 ] ; to dream :-- sleep . ~~1956
02370 ## chaza'(Aramaic) {khaz-aw'} ; or chazah (Aramaic) {khaz-aw'} ; corresponding to 02372 ; to gaze upon ; mentally to dream , be usual (i . e . seem) :-- behold , have [a dream ] , see , be wont . ~~2370
02371 ## Chaza'el {khaz-aw-ale'} ; or Chazah'el {khaz-aw-ale'} ; from 02372 and 00410 ; God has seen ; Chazael , a king of Syria :-- Hazael . ~~2370
02372 ## chazah {khaw-zaw'} ; a primitive root ; to gaze at ; mentally , to perceive , contemplate (with pleasure) ; specifically , to have a vision of :-- behold , look , prophesy , provide , see . ~~2372
02373 ## chazeh {khaw-zeh'} ; from 02372 ; the breast (as most seen in front) :-- breast . ~~2372
02374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'} ; active participle of 02372 ; a beholder in vision ; also a compact (as looked upon with approval) :-- agreement , prophet , see that , seer , [star-] gazer . ~~2374
02375 ## Chazow {khaz-o'} ; from 02372 ; seer ; Chazo , a nephew of Abraham :-- Hazo . ~~2374
02377 ## chazown {khaw-zone'} ; from 02372 ; a sight (mentally) , i . e . a dream , revelation , or oracle :-- vision . ~~2376
02378 ## chazowth {khaw-zooth'} ; from 02372 ; a revelation :-- vision . ~~2378
02380 ## chazuwth {khaw-zooth'} ; from 02372 ; a look ; hence (figuratively) striking appearance , revelation , or (by implication) compact :-- agreement , notable (one) , vision . ~~2380
02381 ## Chaziy'el {khaz-ee-ale'} ; from 02372 and 00410 ; seen of God ; Chaziel , a Levite :-- Haziel . ~~2380
02382 ## Chazayah {khaz-aw-yaw'} ; from 02372 and 03050 ; Jah has seen ; Chazajah , an Israelite :-- Hazaiah . ~~2382
02383 ## Chezyown {khez-yone'} ; from 02372 ; vision ; Chezjon , a Syrian :-- Hezion . ~~2382
02384 ## chizzayown {khiz-zaw-yone'} ; from 02372 ; a revelation , expectation by dream :-- vision . ~~2384
03166 ## Yachaziy'el {yakh-az-ee-ale'} ; from 02372 and 00410 ; beheld of God ; Jachaziel , the name of five Israelites :-- Jahaziel , Jahziel . ~~3166
03167 ## Yachz@yah {yakh-zeh-yaw'} ; from 02372 and 03050 ; Jah will behold ; Jachzejah , an Israelite :-- Jahaziah . ~~3166
04236 ## machazeh {makh-az-eh'} ; from 02372 ; a vision :-- vision . ~~ 4236
04237 ## mechezah {mekh-ez-aw'} ; from 02372 ; a window :-- light . ~~ 4236
04238 ## Machaziy'owth {makh-az-ee-oth'} ; feminine plural from 02372 ; visions ; Machazioth , an Israelite :-- Mahazioth . ~~4238
02306 ## chadiy (Aramaic) {khad-ee'} ; corresponding to 02373 ; a breast :-- breast . ~~2306
02373 ## chazeh {khaw-zeh'} ; from 02372 ; the breast (as most seen in front) :-- breast . ~~2372
02335 ## Chowzay {kho-zah'- ee} ; from 02374 ; visionary ; Chozai , an Israelite :-- the seers . ~~2334
02374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'} ; active participle of 02372 ; a beholder in vision ; also a compact (as looked upon with approval) :-- agreement , prophet , see that , seer , [star-] gazer . ~~2374
03626 ## Kol-Chozeh {kol-kho-zeh'} ; from 03605 and 02374 ; every seer ; Col-Chozeh , an Israelite :-- Col-hozeh . ~~3626
02375 ## Chazow {khaz-o'} ; from 02372 ; seer ; Chazo , a nephew of Abraham :-- Hazo . ~~2374
02376 ## chezev (Aramaic) {khay'- zev} ; from 02370 ; a sight :-- look , vision . ~~2376
02377 ## chazown {khaw-zone'} ; from 02372 ; a sight (mentally) , i . e . a dream , revelation , or oracle :-- vision . ~~2376
02378 ## chazowth {khaw-zooth'} ; from 02372 ; a revelation :-- vision . ~~2378
02379 ## chazowth (Aramaic) {khaz-oth'} ; from 02370 ; a view :-- sight . ~~2378
02380 ## chazuwth {khaw-zooth'} ; from 02372 ; a look ; hence (figuratively) striking appearance , revelation , or (by implication) compact :-- agreement , notable (one) , vision . ~~2380
02381 ## Chaziy'el {khaz-ee-ale'} ; from 02372 and 00410 ; seen of God ; Chaziel , a Levite :-- Haziel . ~~2380
02382 ## Chazayah {khaz-aw-yaw'} ; from 02372 and 03050 ; Jah has seen ; Chazajah , an Israelite :-- Hazaiah . ~~2382
02383 ## Chezyown {khez-yone'} ; from 02372 ; vision ; Chezjon , a Syrian :-- Hezion . ~~2382
02384 ## chizzayown {khiz-zaw-yone'} ; from 02372 ; a revelation , expectation by dream :-- vision . ~~2384
02385 ## chaziyz {khaw-zeez'} ; from an unused root meaning to glare ; a flash of lightning :-- bright cloud , lightning . ~~2384
02386 ## chaziyr {khaz-eer'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to enclose ; a hog (perhaps as penned) :-- boar , swine . ~~2386
02387 ## Cheziyr {khay-zeer'} ; from the same as 02386 ; perhaps protected ; Chezir , the name of two Israelites :-- Hezir . ~~2386
03170 ## Yachzerah {yakh-zay-raw'} ; from the same as 02386 ; perhaps protection ; Jachzerah , an Israelite :-- Jahzerah . ~~3170
02387 ## Cheziyr {khay-zeer'} ; from the same as 02386 ; perhaps protected ; Chezir , the name of two Israelites :-- Hezir . ~~2386
02388 ## chazaq {khaw-zak'} ; a primitive root ; to fasten upon ; hence , to seize , be strong (figuratively , courageous , causatively strengthen , cure , help , repair , fortify) , obstinate ; to bind , restrain , conquer :-- aid , amend , X calker , catch , cleave , confirm , be constant , constrain , continue , be of good (take) courage (- ous ,-- ly) , encourage (self) , be established , fasten , force , fortify , make hard , harden , help , (lay) hold (fast) , lean , maintain , play the man , mend , become (wax) mighty , prevail , be recovered , repair , retain , seize , be (wax) sore , strengthen (self) , be stout , be (make , shew , wax) strong (- er) , be sure , take (hold) , be urgent , behave self valiantly , withstand . ~~2388
02389 ## chazaq {khaw-zawk'} ; from 02388 ; strong (usu . in a bad sense , hard , bold , violent) :-- harder , hottest , + impudent , loud , mighty , sore , stiff [-hearted ] , strong (- er) . ~~2388
02390 ## chazeq {khaw-zake'} ; from 02388 ; powerful :-- X wax louder , stronger . ~~2390
02391 ## chezeq {khay'- zek} ; from 02388 ; help :-- strength . ~~ 2390
02392 ## chozeq {kho'- zek} ; from 02388 ; power :-- strength . ~~ 2392
02395 ## Chizqiy {khiz-kee'} ; from 02388 ; strong ; Chizki , an Israelite :-- Hezeki . ~~2394
02396 ## Chizqiyah {khiz-kee-yaw'} ; or Chizqiyahuw {khiz-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; also Y@chizqiyah {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'} ; or Y@chizqiyahuw {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02388 and 03050 ; strengthened of Jah ; Chizkijah , a king of Judah , also the name of two other Israelites :-- Hezekiah , Hizkiah , Hizkijah . Compare 03169 . ~~2396
03168 ## Y@chezqe'l {yekh-ez-kale'} ; from 02388 and 00410 ; God will strengthen ; Jechezkel , the name of two Israelites :-- Ezekiel , Jehezekel . ~~3168
05401 ## nashaq {naw-shak'} ; a primitive root [identical with 05400 , through the idea of fastening up ; compare 02388 , 02836 ] ; to kiss , literally or figuratively (touch) ; also (as a mode of attachment) , to equip with weapons :-- armed (men) , rule , kiss , that touched . ~~5400