01109 ## Bil` am {bil-awm'} ; probably from 01077 and 05971 ; not (of the) people , i . e . foreigner ; Bilam , a Mesopotamian prophet ; also a place in Palestine :-- Balaam , Bileam . ~~1108
01616 ## ger {gare} ; or (fully) geyr (gare) ; from 01481 ; properly , a guest ; by implication , a foreigner :-- alien , sojourner , stranger . ~~1616
02114 ## zuwr {zoor} ; a primitive root ; to turn aside (especially for lodging) ; hence to be a foreigner , strange , profane ; specifically (active participle) to commit adultery :-- (come from) another (man , place) , fanner , go away , (e-) strange (- r , thing , woman) . ~~2114
03932 ## la` ag {law-ag'} ; a primitive root ; to deride ; by implication (as if imitating a foreigner) to speak unintelligibly :-- have in derision , laugh (to scorn) , mock (on) , stammering . ~~3932
03934 ## la` eg {law-ayg'} ; from 03932 ; a buffoon ; also a foreigner :-- mocker , stammering . ~~3934
05236 ## nekar {nay-kawr'}'from 05234 ; foreign , or (concretely) a foreigner , or (abstractly) heathendom :-- alien , strange (+-er) . ~~5236
05237 ## nokriy {nok-ree'} ; from 05235 (second form) ; strange , in a variety of degrees and applications (foreign , non-relative , adulterous , different , wonderful) :-- alien , foreigner , outlandish , strange (- r , woman) . ~~5236
08453 ## towshab {to-shawb'} ; or toshab (1 Kings 17 : 1) {to-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a dweller (but not outlandish [05237 ]) ; especially (as distinguished from a native citizen [active participle of 03427 ] and a temporary inmate [01616 ] or mere lodger [03885 ]) resident alien :-- foreigner , inhabitant , sojourner , stranger . ~~8454
03103 ## Yowbab {yo-bawb'} ; from 02980 ; howler ; Jobab , the name of two Israelites and of three foreigners :-- Jobab . ~~3102
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~2220
06734 ## tsiytsith {tsee-tseeth'} ; feminine of 06731 ; a floral or wing-like projection , i . e . a forelock of hair , a tassel :-- fringe , lock . ~~6734
06977 ## q@vutstsah {kev-oots-tsaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06972 in its original sense ; a forelock (as shorn) :-- lock . ~~6976
06663 ## tsadaq {tsaw-dak'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) right (in a moral or forensic sense) :-- cleanse , clear self , (be , do) just (- ice ,-ify ,-ify self) , (be turn to) righteous (- ness) . ~~6662
06188 ## ` arel {aw-rale'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strip ; but used as denominative from 06189 ; to expose or remove the prepuce , whether literal (to go naked) or figurative (to refrain from using) :-- count uncircumcised , foreskin to be uncovered . ~~6188
06190 ## ` orlah {or-law'} ; feminine of 06189 ; the prepuce :-- foreskin , + uncircumcised . ~~6190
02793 ## choresh {kho'- resh} ; from 02790 ; a forest (perhaps as furnishing the material for fabric) :-- bough , forest , shroud , wood . ~~2792
02793 ## choresh {kho'- resh} ; from 02790 ; a forest (perhaps as furnishing the material for fabric) :-- bough , forest , shroud , wood . ~~2792
02802 ## Chereth {kheh'- reth} ; from 02801 (but equivalent to 02793) ; forest ; Chereth , a thicket in Palestine :-- Hereth . ~~2802
03264 ## ya` owr {yaw-ore'} ; a variation of 03298 ; a forest :-- wood . ~~3264
03293 ## ya` ar {yah'- ar} from an unused root probably meaning to thicken with verdure ; a copse of bushes ; hence , a forest ; hence , honey in the comb (as hived in trees) :-- [honey-] comb , forest , wood . ~~3292
03293 ## ya` ar {yah'- ar} from an unused root probably meaning to thicken with verdure ; a copse of bushes ; hence , a forest ; hence , honey in the comb (as hived in trees) :-- [honey-] comb , forest , wood . ~~3292
03295 ## ya` arah {yah-ar-aw'} ; feminine of 03293 , and meaning the same :-- [honey-] comb , forest . ~~3294
06508 ## pardec {par-dace'} ; of foreign origin ; a park :-- forest , orchard . ~~6508
03297 ## Y@` ariym {yeh-aw-reem'} ; plural of 03293 ; forests ; Jearim , a place in Palestine :-- Jearim . Compare 07157 . ~~3296
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~7156
00753 ## 'orek {o'rek'} ; from 00748 ; length :-- + forever , length , long . ~~752
05957 ## ` alam (Aramaic) {aw-lam'} ; corresponding to 05769 ; remote time , i . e . the future or past indefinitely ; often adverb , forever :-- for ([n-]) ever (lasting) , old . ~~5956
02325 ## chuwb {khoob} ; also chayab {khaw-yab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to tie , i . e . (figuratively and reflexively) to owe , or (by implication) to forfeit :-- make endanger . ~~2324
02398 ## chata'{khaw-taw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to miss ; hence (figuratively and generally) to sin ; by inference , to forfeit , lack , expiate , repent , (causatively) lead astray , condemn :-- bear the blame , cleanse , commit [sin ] , by fault , harm he hath done , loss , miss , (make) offend (- er) , offer for sin , purge , purify (self) , make reconciliation , (cause , make) sin (- ful ,-- ness) , trespass . ~~2398
02763 ## charam {khaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to seclude ; specifically (by a ban) to devote to religious uses (especially destruction) ; physical and reflexive , to be blunt as to the nose :-- make accursed , consecrate , (utterly) destroy , devote , forfeit , have a flat nose , utterly (slay , make away) . ~~2762
02950 ## taphal {taw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to stick on as a patch ; figuratively , to impute falsely :-- forge (- r) , sew up . ~~2950
04647 ## mappuach {map-poo'- akh} ; from 05301 ; the bellows (i . e . blower) of a forge :-- bellows . ~~4646
03539 ## kadkod {kad-kobe'} ; from the same as 03537 in the sense of striking fire from a metal forged ; a sparkling gem , probably the ruby :-- agate . ~~3538
04300 ## m@tiyl {met-eel'} ; from 02904 in the sense of hammering out ; an iron bar (as forged) :-- bar . ~~4300
04519 ## M@nashsheh {men-ash-sheh'} ; from 05382 ; causing to forget ; Menashsheh , a grandson of Jacob , also the tribe descended from him , and its territory :-- Manasseh . ~~4518
05382 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to forget ; figuratively , to neglect ; causatively , to remit , remove :-- forget , deprive , exact . ~~5382
05382 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to forget ; figuratively , to neglect ; causatively , to remit , remove :-- forget , deprive , exact . ~~5382
07911 ## shakach {shaw-kakh'} ; or shakeach {shaw-kay'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to mislay , i . e . to be oblivious of , from want of memory or attention :-- X at all , (cause to) forget . ~~7912
07913 ## shakeach {shaw-kay'- akh} ; from 07911 ; oblivious :-- forget . ~~7914
05388 ## n@shiyah {nesh-ee-yaw'} ; from 05382 ; oblivion ;-- forgetfulness . ~~5388
03722 ## kaphar {kaw-far'} ; a primitive root ; to cover (specifically with bitumen) ; figuratively , to expiate or condone , to placate or cancel :-- appease , make (an atonement , cleanse , disannul , forgive , be merciful , pacify , pardon , purge (away) , put off , (make) reconcile (- liation) . ~~3722
05375 ## nasa'{naw-saw'} ; or nacah (Psalm 4 : 6 [7 ]) {naw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to lift , in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , absol . and rel . (as follows) :-- accept , advance , arise , (able to , [armor ] , suffer to) bear (- er , up) , bring (forth) , burn , carry (away) , cast , contain , desire , ease , exact , exalt (self) , extol , fetch , forgive , furnish , further , give , go on , help , high , hold up , honorable (+ man) , lade , lay , lift (self) up , lofty , marry , magnify , X needs , obtain , pardon , raise (up) , receive , regard , respect , set (up) , spare , stir up , + swear , take (away , up) , X utterly , wear , yield . ~~5374
05545 ## calach {saw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; to forgive :-- forgive , pardon , spare . ~~5544
05545 ## calach {saw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; to forgive :-- forgive , pardon , spare . ~~5544
05546 ## callach {saw-lawkh'} ; from 05545 ; placable :-- ready to forgive . ~~5546
05547 ## c@liychah {sel-ee-khaw'} ; from 05545 ; pardon :-- forgiveness , pardon . ~~5546
07876 ## shayah {shaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root ; to keep in memory :-- be unmindful . [Render Deuteronomy 32 : 18 , " A Rock bore thee , thou must recollect ; and (yet) thou hast forgotten , " etc . ] ~~7876
07912 ## sh@kach (Aramaic) {shek-akh'} ; corresponding to 07911 through the idea of disclosure of a covered or forgotten thing ; to discover (literally or figuratively) :-- find . ~~7912
03956 ## lashown {law-shone'} ; or lashon {law-shone'} ; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'} ; from 03960 ; the tongue (of man or animals) , used literally (as the instrument of licking , eating , or speech) , and figuratively (speech , an ingot , a fork of flame , a cove of water) :-- + babbler , bay , + evil speaker , language , talker , tongue , wedge . ~~3956
04207 ## mazleg {maz-layg'} ; or (feminine) mizlagah {miz-law-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to draw up ; a fork :-- fleshhook . ~~4206
06563 ## pereq {peh'- rek} ; from 06561 ; rapine ; also a fork (in roads) :-- crossway , robbery . ~~6562
07053 ## qill@shown {kil-lesh-one'} ; from an unused root meaning to prick ; a prong , i . e . hay-fork :-- fork . ~~7052
07053 ## qill@shown {kil-lesh-one'} ; from an unused root meaning to prick ; a prong , i . e . hay-fork :-- fork . ~~7052
07371 ## rachath {rakh'- ath} ; from 07306 ; a winnowing-fork (as blowing the chaff away) :-- shovel . ~~7370
07969 ## shalowsh {shaw-loshe'} ; or shalosh {shaw-loshe'} ; masculine sh@lowshah {shel-o-shaw'} ; or sh@loshah {shel-o-shaw'} ; a primitive number ; three ; occasionally (ordinal) third , or (multipl .) thrice :-- + fork , + often [-times ] , third , thir [-teen ,-teenth ] , three , + thrice . Compare 07991 . ~~7970
00053 ## 'Abiyshalowm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} ; or (shortened)'Abshalowm {ab-shaw-lome'} ; from 00001 and 07965 ; father of peace (i . e . friendly) ; Abshalom , a son of David ; also (the fuller form) a later Israelite :-- Abishalom , Absalom . ~~52
00136 ## 'Adonay {ad-o-noy'} ; am emphatic form of 00113 ; the Lord (used as a proper name of God only) :-- (my) Lord . ~~136
00165 ## 'ehiy {e-hee'} ; apparently an orthographical variation for 00346 ; where :-- I will be (Hos . 13 : 10 , 14) [which is often the rendering of the same Hebrew form from 01961 ] . ~~164
00170 ## 'Oholah {o-hol-aw'} ; in form a feminine of 00168 , but in fact for'Oholahh {o-hol-aw'} ; from 00168 ; her tent (i . e . idolatrous sanctuary) ; Oholah , a symbol . name for Samaria :-- Aholah . ~~170
00176 ## 'ow {o} ; presumed to be the " constructive " or genitival form of'av {av} ; short for 00185 ; desire (and so probably in Prov . 31 : 4) ; hence (by way of alternative) or , also if :-- also , and , either , if , at the least , X nor , or , otherwise , then , whether . ~~176
00241 ## 'ozen {o'- zen} ; from 00238 ; broadness . i . e . (concrete) the ear (from its form in man) :-- + advertise , audience , + displease , ear , hearing , + show . ~~240
00354 ## 'ayal {ah-yawl'} ; an intensive form of 00352 (in the sense of ram) ; a stag or male deer :-- hart . ~~354
00371 ## 'iyn {een} ; apparently a shortened form of 00369 ; but (like 00370) an interrogative : is it not ? :-- not . ~~370
00413 ## 'el {ale} ; (but only used in the shortened constructive form'el {el}) ; a primitive particle ; properly , denoting motion towards , but occasionally used of a quiescent position , i . e . near , with or among ; often in general , to :-- about , according to , after , against , among , as for , at , because (- fore ,-side) , both . . . and , by , concerning , for , from , X hath , in (- to) , near , (out) of , over , through , to (- ward) , under , unto , upon , whether , with (- in) . ~~412
00513 ## 'Eltowlad {el-to-lad'} ; probably from 00410 and a masculine form of 08435 [compare 08434 ] ; God (is) generator ; Eltolad , a place in Palestine :-- Eltolad . ~~512
00546 ## 'omnah {om-naw'} ; feminine form of 00544 (in its usual sense) ; adverb , surely :-- indeed . ~~546
00669 ## 'Ephrayim {ef-rah'- yim} ; dual of masculine form of 00672 ; double fruit ; Ephrajim , a son of Joseph ; also the tribe descended from him , and its territory :-- Ephraim , Ephraimites . ~~668
00673 ## 'Ephrathiy {ef-rawth-ee'} ; patrial form 00672 ; an Ephrathite or an Ephraimite :-- Ephraimite , Ephrathite . ~~672
00805 ## 'Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'} ; or'Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'} ; from a patrial word of the same form as 00804 ; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashur , a district in Palestine :-- Asshurim , Ashurites . ~~804
00830 ## 'ashpoth {ash-pohth'} ; or'ashpowth {ash-pohth'} ; or (contraction) sh@photh {shef-ohth'} ; plural of a noun of the same form as 00827 , from 08192 (in the sense of scraping) ; a heap of rubbish or filth :-- dung (hill) . ~~830
00912 ## Bed@yeah {bay-de-yaw'} ; probably a shortened form 05662 ; servant of Jehovah ; Bedejah , an Israelite :-- Bedeiah . ~~912
00930 ## b@hemowth {be-hay-mohth'} ; in form a plural or 00929 , but really a singular of Egyptian derivation ; a water-ox , i . e . the hippopotamus or Nile-horse :-- Behemoth . ~~930
00948 ## buwts {boots} ; from an unused root (of the same form) meaning to bleach , i . e . (intransitive) be white ; probably cotton (of some sort) :-- fine (white) linen . ~~948
00971 ## bachiyn {bakh-een'} ; another form of 00975 ; a watch-tower of besiegers :-- tower . ~~970
00992 ## boten {bo'- ten} ; from 00990 ; (only in plural) a pistachio-nut (from its form) :-- nut . ~~992
00996 ## beyn {bane} (sometimes in the plural masculine or feminine) ; properly , the constructive form of an otherwise unused noun from 00995 ; a distinction ; but used only as a prep , between (repeated before each noun , often with other particles) ; also as a conjunction , either . . . or :-- among , asunder , at , between (- twixt . . . and) , + from (the widest) , X in , out of , whether (it be . . . or) , within . ~~996
01189 ## Ba` al Ts@phown {bah'- al tsef-one'} ; from 01168 and 06828 (in the sense of cold) [according to others an Egyptian form of Typhon , the destroyer ] ; Baal of winter ; Baal-Tsephon , a place in Eqypt :-- Baal-zephon . ~~1188
01222 ## b@tsar {bets-ar'} ; another form for 01220 ; gold :-- gold . ~~ 1222
01315 ## Bosmath {bos-math'} ; feminine of 01314 (the second form) ; fragrance ; Bosmath , the name of a wife of Esau , and of a daughter of Solomon :-- Bashemath , Basmath . ~~1314
01458 ## gav {gav} ; another form for 01460 ; the back :-- back . ~~ 1458
01594 ## ginnah {ghin-naw'} ; another form for 01593 :-- garden . ~~ 1594
01789 ## Diyshan {dee-shawn'} ; another form of 01787 ; Dishan , an Edomite :-- Dishan , Dishon . ~~1788
01929 ## hahh {haw} ; a shortened form of 00162 ; ah ! expressing grief :-- woe worth . ~~1928
01935 ## howd {hode} ; from an unused root ; grandeur (i . e . an imposing form and appearance) :-- beauty , comeliness , excellency , glorious , glory , goodly , honour , majesty . ~~1934
01937 ## Howd@vah {ho-dev-aw'} ; a form of 01938 ; Hodevah (or Hodevjah) , an Israelite :-- Hodevah . ~~1936
01939 ## Howday@vahuw {ho-dah-yeh-vaw'- hoo} ; a form of 01938 ; Hodajvah , an Israelite :-- Hodaiah . ~~1938
01940 ## Howdiyah {ho-dee-yaw'} ; a form for the feminine of 03064 ; a Jewess :-- Hodiah . ~~1940
01941 ## Howdiyah {ho-dee-yaw'} ; a form of 01938 ; Hodijah , the name of three Israelites :-- Hodijah . ~~1940
01943 ## hovah {ho-vaw'} ; another form for 01942 ; ruin :-- mischief . ~~1942
01945 ## howy {hoh'ee} ; a prolonged form of 01930 [akin to 00188 ] ; oh ! :-- ah , alas , ho , O , woe . ~~1944
01962 ## hayah {hah-yaw'} ; another form for 01943 ; ruin :-- calamity . ~~1962
01963 ## heyk {hake} ; another form for 00349 ; how ? :-- how . ~~ 1962
01967 ## Heymam {hay-mawm'} ; another form for 01950 ; Hemam , an Idumaean :-- Hemam . ~~1966
01973 ## hal@ah {haw-leh-aw'} ; from the primitive form of the article [hal ] ; to the distance , i . e . far away ; also (of time) thus far :-- back , beyond , (hence ,-) forward , hitherto , thence , forth , yonder . ~~1972
01977 ## hallezuw {hal-lay-zoo'} ; another form of 01976 ; that :-- this . ~~1976
02022 ## har {har} ; a shortened form of 02042 ; a mountain or range of hills (sometimes used figuratively) :-- hill (country) , mount (- ain) , X promotion . ~~2022
02023 ## Hor {hore} ; another form of 02022 ; mountain ; Hor , the name of a peak in Idumaea and of one in Syria :-- Hor . ~~2022
02033 ## Harowriy {har-o-ree'} ; another form for 02043 ; a Harorite or mountaineer :-- Harorite . ~~2032
02072 ## Zabbuwd {zab-bood'} ; a form of 02071 ; given ; Zabbud , an Israelite :-- Zabbud . ~~2072
02125 ## Ziyzah {zee-zaw'} ; another form for 02124 ; Zizah , an Israelite :-- Zizah . ~~2124
02177 ## zan {zan} ; from 02109 ; properly , nourished (or fully developed) , i . e . a form or sort :-- divers kinds , X all manner of store . ~~2176
02316 ## Chadar {khad-ar'} ; another form for 02315 ; chamber ; Chadar , an Ishmaelite :-- Hadar . ~~2316
02342 ## chuwl {khool} ; or chiyl {kheel} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner) , i . e . (specifically) to dance , to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear ; figuratively , to wait , to pervert :-- bear , (make to) bring forth , (make to) calve , dance , drive away , fall grievously (with pain) , fear , form , great , grieve , (be) grievous , hope , look , make , be in pain , be much (sore) pained , rest , shake , shapen , (be) sorrow (- ful) , stay , tarry , travail (with pain) , tremble , trust , wait carefully (patiently) , be wounded . ~~2342
02426 ## cheyl {khale} ; or (shortened) chel {khale} ; a collateral form of 02428 ; an army ; also (by analogy ,) an intrenchment :-- army , bulwark , host , + poor , rampart , trench , wall . ~~2426
02433 ## chiyn {kheen} ; another form for 02580 ; beauty :-- comely . ~~ 2432
02434 ## chayits {khah'- yits} ; another form for 02351 ; a wall :-- wall . ~~2434
02438 ## Chiyram {khee-rawm'} ; or Chiyrowm {khee-rome'} ; another form of 02361 ; Chiram or Chirom , the name of two Tyrians :-- Hiram , Huram . ~~2438
02439 ## chiysh {kheesh} ; another form of 02363 ; to hurry :-- make haste . ~~2438
02520 ## Chelqath {khel-kath'} ; a form of 02513 ; smoothness ; Chelkath , a place in Palestine :-- Helkath . ~~2520
02674 ## Chatsowr {khaw-tsore'} ; a collective form of 02691 ; village ; Chatsor , the name (thus simply) of two places in Palestine and of one in Arabia :-- Hazor . ~~2674
02675 ## Chatsowr Chadattah {khaw-tsore'khad-at-taw'} ; from 02674 and a Aramaizing form of the feminine of 02319 [compare 02323 ] ; new Chatsor , a place in Palestine :-- Hazor , Hadattah [as if two places ] . ~~2674
02681 ## chatsiyr {khaw-tseer'} ; a collateral form of 02691 ; a court or abode :-- court . ~~2680
02684 ## chotsen {kho'tsen} ; a collateral form of 02683 , and meaning the same :-- arm , lap . ~~2684
02690 ## chatsar {khaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to surround with a stockade , and thus separate from the open country ; but used only in the reduplicated form chatsotser {khast-o-tsare'} ; or (2 Chronicles 5 : 12) chatsorer {khats-o-rare'} ; asdem . from 02689 ; to trumpet , i . e . blow on that instrument :-- blow , sound , trumpeter . ~~2690
02721 ## choreb {kho'- reb} ; a collaterally form of 02719 ; drought or desolation :-- desolation , drought , dry , heat , X utterly , waste . ~~2720
02735 ## Chor hag-Gidgad {khore hag-ghid-gawd'} ; from 02356 and a collateral (masculine) form of 01412 , with the article interposed ; hole of the cleft : Chor-hag-Gidgad , a place in the Desert :-- Hor-hagidgad . ~~2734
02741 ## Charuwphiy {khar-oo-fee'} ; a patrial from (probably) a collateral form of 02756 ; a Charuphite or inhabitant of Charuph (or Chariph) :-- Haruphite . ~~2740
02744 ## Charchuwr {khar-khoor'} ; a fuller form of 02746 ; inflammation ; Charchur , one of the Nethinim :-- Harhur . ~~2744
02789 ## cheres {kheh'- res} ; a collateral form mediating between 02775 and 02791 ; a piece of pottery :-- earth (- en) , (pot-) sherd , + stone . ~~2788
02933 ## tamah {taw-maw'} ; a collateral form of 02930 ; to be impure in a religious sense :-- be defiled , be reputed vile . ~~2932
03054 ## yahad {yaw-had'} ; denominative from a form corresponding to 03061 ; to Judaize , i . e . become Jewish :-- become Jews . ~~3054
03055 ## Y@hud {yeh-hood'} ; a briefer form of one corresponding to 03061 ; Jehud , a place in Palestine :-- Jehud . ~~3054
03056 ## Yehday {yeh-dah'- ee} ; perhaps from a form corresponding to 03061 ; Judaistic ; Jehdai , an Israelite :-- Jehdai . ~~3056
03061 ## Y@huwd (Aramaic) {yeh-hood'} ; contracted from a form corresponding to 03063 ; properly , Judah , hence , Judaea :-- Jewry , Judah , Judea . ~~3060
03084 ## Y@howceph {yeh-ho-safe'} ; a fuller form of 03130 ; Jehoseph (i . e . Joseph) , a son of Jacob :-- Joseph . ~~3084
03090 ## Y@howshab` ath {yeh-ho-shab-ath'} ; a form of 03089 ; Jehoshabath , an Israelitess :-- Jehoshabeath . ~~3090
03099 ## Yow'achaz {yo-aw-khawz'} ; a form of 03059 ; Joachaz , the name of two Israelites :-- Jehoahaz , Joahaz . ~~3098
03101 ## Yow'ash {yo-awsh'} ; or Yo'ash (2 Chron . 24 : 1) {yo-awsh'} ; a form of 03060 ; Joash , the name of six Israelites :-- Joash . ~~3100
03102 ## Yowb {yobe} ; perhaps a form of 03103 , but more probably by erroneous transcription for 03437 ; Job , an Israelite :-- Job . ~~3102
03107 ## Yowzabad {yo-zaw-bawd'} ; a form of 03075 ; Jozabad , the name of ten Israelites :-- Josabad , Jozabad . ~~3106
03110 ## Yowchanan {yo-khaw-nawn'} ; a form of 03076 ; Jochanan , the name of nine Israelites :-- Johanan . ~~3110
03111 ## Yowyada` {yo-yaw-daw'} ; a form of 03077 ; Jojada , the name of two Israelites :-- Jehoiada , Joiada . ~~3110
03112 ## Yowyakiyn {yo-yaw-keen'} ; a form of 03078 ; Jojakin , an Israelite king :-- Jehoiachin . ~~3112
03113 ## Yowyaqiym {yo-yaw-keem'} ; a form of 03079 ; Jojakim , an Israelite :-- Joiakim . Compare 03137 . ~~3112
03114 ## Yowyariyb {yo-yaw-reeb'} ; a form of 03080 ; Jojarib , the name of four Israelites :-- Joiarib . ~~3114
03116 ## Yuwkal {yoo-kal'} ; a form of 03081 ; Jukal , an Israelite :-- Jucal . ~~3116
03122 ## Yawnadab {yo-naw-dawb'} ; a form of 03082 ; Jonadab , the name of an Israelite and of a Rechabite :-- Jonadab . ~~3122
03129 ## Yownathan {yo-naw-thawn'} ; a form of 03083 ; Jonathan , the name of ten Israelites :-- Jonathan . ~~3128
03136 ## Yowtsadaq {yo-tsaw-dawk'} ; a form of 03087 ; Jotsadak , an Israelite :-- Jozadak . ~~3136
03137 ## Yowqiym {yo-keem'} ; a form of 03113 ; Jokim , an Israelite :-- Jokim . ~~3136
03141 ## Yowram {yo-rawm'} ; a form of 03088 ; Joram , the name of three Israelites and one Syrian :-- Joram . ~~3140
03144 ## Yowshah {yo-shaw'} ; probably a form of 03145 ; Joshah , an Israelite :-- Joshah . ~~3144
03146 ## Yowshaphat {yo-shaw-fawt'} ; a form of 03092 ; Joshaphat , an Israelite :-- Joshaphat . ~~3146
03294 ## Ya` rah {yah-raw'} ; a form of 03295 ; Jarah , an Israelite :-- Jarah . ~~3294
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~3334
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~3334
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~3334
03336 ## yetser {yay'- tser} ; from 03335 ; a form ; figuratively , conception (i . e . purpose) :-- frame , thing framed , imagination , mind , work ~~3336
03426 ## yesh {yaysh} ; perhaps from an unused root meaning to stand out , or exist ; entity ; used adverbially or as a copula for the substantive verb (01961) ; there is or are (or any other form of the verb to be , as may suit the connection) :-- (there) are , (he , it , shall , there , there may , there shall , there should) be , thou do , had , hast , (which) hath , (I , shalt , that) have , (he , it , there) is , substance , it (there) was , (there) were , ye will , thou wilt , wouldest . ~~3426
03588 ## kiy {kee} ; a primitive particle [the full form of the prepositional prefix ] indicating causal relations of all kinds , antecedent or consequent ; (by implication) very widely used as a relative conjunction or adverb [as below ] ; often largely modified by other particles annexed :-- and , + (forasmuch , inasmuch , where-) as , assured [-ly ] , + but , certainly , doubtless , + else , even , + except , for , how , (because , in , so , than) that , + nevertheless , now , rightly , seeing , since , surely , then , therefore , + (al-) though , + till , truly , + until , when , whether , while , whom , yea , yet . ~~3588
03595 ## kiyowr {kee-yore'} ; or kiyor {kee-yore'} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , something round (as excavated or bored) , i . e . a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking ; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl ; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform :-- hearth , laver , pan , scaffold . ~~3594
03599 ## kiyc {keece} ; a form for 03563 ; a cup ; also a bag for money or weights :-- bag , cup , purse . ~~3598
03600 ## kiyr {keer} ; a form for 03564 (only in the dual) ; a cooking range (consisting of two parallel stones , across which the boiler is set) :-- ranges for pots . ~~3600
03612 ## Kaleb {kaw-labe'} ; perhaps a form of 03611 , or else from the same root in the sense of forcible ; Caleb , the name of three Israelites :-- Caleb . ~~3612
03621 ## K@luwbay {kel-oo-bay'- ee} ; a form of 03612 ; Kelubai , an Israelite :-- Chelubai . ~~3620
03630 ## Kilyown {kil-yone'} ; a form of 03631 ; Kiljon , an Israelite :-- Chilion . ~~3630
03644 ## k@mow {kem-o'} ; or kamow {kaw-mo'} ; a form of the prefix " k-" , but used separately [compare 03651 ] ; as , thus , so :-- according to , (such) as (it were , well as) , in comparison of , like (as , to , unto) , thus , when , worth . ~~3644
03820 ## leb {labe} ; a form of 03824 ; the heart ; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings , the will and even the intellect ; likewise for the centre of anything :-- + care for , comfortably , consent , X considered , courag [-eous ] , friend [-ly ] , ([broken-] , [hard-] , [merry-] , [stiff-] , [stout-] , double) heart ([-ed ]) , X heed , X I , kindly , midst , mind (- ed) , X regard ([-ed) ] , X themselves , X unawares , understanding , X well , willingly , wisdom . ~~3820
03867 ## lavah {law-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twine , i . e . (by implication) to unite , to remain ; also to borrow (as a form of obligation) or (caus .) to lend :-- abide with , borrow (- er) , cleave , join (self) , lend (- er) . ~~3866
03896 ## Lechiy {lekh'- ee} ; a form of 03895 ; Lechi , a place in Palestine :-- Lehi . Compare also 07437 . ~~3896
03902 ## Lachmiy {lakh-mee'} ; from 03899 ; foodful ; Lachmi , an Israelite ; or rather probably a brief form (or perhaps erroneous transcription) for 01022 :-- Lahmi . See also 03433 . ~~3902
03909 ## lat {lawt} ; a form of 03814 or else participle from 03874 ; properly , covered , i . e . secret ; by implication , incantation ; also secrecy or (adverb) covertly :-- enchantment , privily , secretly , softly . ~~3908
03914 ## loyah {lo-yaw'} ; a form of 03880 ; a wreath :-- addition . ~~ 3914
03926 ## l@mow {lem-o'} ; aprol . and separable form of the prepositional prefix ; to or for :-- at , for , to , upon . ~~3926
03972 ## m@uwmah {meh-oo'- maw} ; apparently a form of 03971 ; properly , a speck or point , i . e . (by implication) something ; with negative , nothing :-- fault , + no (- ught) , ought , somewhat , any ([no-]) thing . ~~3972
04090 ## m@dan {med-awn'} ; a form of 04066 :-- discord , strife . ~~ 4090
04124 ## Mow'ab {mo-awb} ; from a prolonged form of the prepositional prefix m-and 1 ; from (her [the mother's ]) father ; Moab , an incestuous son of Lot ; also his territory and descendants :-- Moab . ~~4124
04326 ## Miyamin {me-yaw-meem'} ; a form for 04509 ; Mijamin , the name of three Israelites :-- Miamin , Mijamin . ~~4326
04435 ## Milkah {mil-kaw'} ; a form of 04436 ; queen ; Milcah , the name of a Hebrewess and of an Israelite :-- Milcah . ~~4434
04468 ## mamlakuwth {mam-law-kooth'} ; a form of 04467 and equiv . to it :-- kingdom , reign . ~~4468
04522 ## mac {mas} ; or mic {mees} ; from 04549 ; properly , a burden (as causing to faint) , i . e . a tax in the form of forced labor :-- discomfited , levy , task [-master ] , tribute (- tary) . ~~4522
04638 ## Ma` arath {mah-ar-awth'} ; a form of 04630 ; waste ; Maarath , a place in Palestine :-- Maarath . ~~4638
04758 ## mar'eh {mar-eh'} ; from 07200 ; a view (the act of seeing) ; also an appearance (the thing seen) , whether (real) a shape (especially if handsome , comeliness ; often plural the looks) , or (mental) a vision :-- X apparently , appearance (- reth) , X as soon as beautiful (- ly) , countenance , fair , favoured , form , goodly , to look (up) on (to) , look [-eth ] , pattern , to see , seem , sight , visage , vision . ~~4758
04787 ## morrah {mor-raw'} ; a form of 04786 ; trouble :-- bitterness . ~~4786
04902 ## Meshek {meh'- shek} ; the same in form as 04901 , but probably of foreign derivation ; Meshek , a son of Japheth , and the people descended from him :-- Mesech , Meshech . ~~4902
04941 ## mishpat {mish-pawt'} ; from 08199 ; properly , a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially , especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's ] divine law , individual or collective) , including the act , the place , the suit , the crime , and the penalty ; abstractly , justice , including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary) , or even a style :-- + adversary , ceremony , charge , X crime , custom , desert , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion , form , to be judged , judgment , just (- ice ,-ly) , (manner of) law (- ful) , manner , measure , (due) order , ordinance , right , sentence , usest , X worthy , + wrong . ~~4940
04957 ## Masreqah {mas-ray-kaw'} ; a form for 07796 used denominatively ; vineyard ; Masrekah , a place in Idumaea :-- Masrekah . ~~4956
04991 ## mattath {mat-tawth'} ; feminine of 04976 abbreviated form ; a present :-- gift . ~~4990
05035 ## nebel {neh'- bel} ; or nebel {nay'- bel} ; from 05034 ; a skin-bag for liquids (from collapsing when empty) ; hence , a vase (as similar in shape when full) ; also a lyre (as having a body of like form) :-- bottle , pitcher , psaltery , vessel , viol . ~~5034
05237 ## nokriy {nok-ree'} ; from 05235 (second form) ; strange , in a variety of degrees and applications (foreign , non-relative , adulterous , different , wonderful) :-- alien , foreigner , outlandish , strange (- r , woman) . ~~5236
05244 ## n@malah {nem-aw-law'} ; feminine from 05243 ; an ant (probably from its almost bisected form) :-- ant . ~~5244
05271 ## na` uwr {naw-oor'} ; or na` ur {naw-oor'} ; and (feminine) n@` urah {neh-oo-raw'} ; properly , passive participle from 05288 as denominative ; (only in plural collectively or emphatic form) youth , the state (juvenility) or the persons (young people) :-- childhood , youth . ~~5270
05347 ## n@qebah {nek-ay-baw'} ; from 05344 ; female (from the sexual form) :-- female . ~~5346
05411 ## Nathiyn {naw-theen'} ; or Nathuwn (Ezra 8 : 17) {naw-thoon'} (the proper form as passive participle) , from 05414 ; one given , i . e . (in the plural only) the Nethinim , or Temple-servants (as given to that duty) :-- Nethinims . ~~5410
05448 ## cobel {so'- bel} ; [only in the form cubbal {soob-bawl'} ; from 05445 ; a load (figuratively) :-- burden . ~~5448
05578 ## Cancannah {san-san-naw'} ; feminine of a form of 05577 ; a bough ; Sansannah , a place in Palestine :-- Sansannah . ~~5578
06122 ## ` oqbah {ok-baw'} ; feminine of an unused form from 06117 meaning a trick ; trickery :-- subtilty . ~~6122
06215 ## ` Esav {ay-sawv'} ; apparently a form of the passive participle of 06213 in the original sense of handling ; rough (i . e . sensibly felt) ; Esav , a son of Isaac , including his posterity :-- Esau . ~~6214
06380 ## Pokereth Ts@bayiym {po-keh'- reth tseb-aw-yeem'} ; from the active participle (of the same form as the first word) feminine of an unused root (meaning to entrap) and plural of 06643 ; trap of gazelles ; Pokereth-Tsebajim , one of the " servants of Solomon " :-- Pochereth of Zebaim . ~~6380
06432 ## P@lethiy {pel-ay-thee'} ; from the same form as 06431 ; a courier (collectively) or official messenger :-- Pelethites . ~~6432
06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) :-- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you . ~~6440
06699 ## tsuwrah {tsoo-raw'} ; feminine of 06697 ; a rock (Job 28 : 10) ; also a form (as if pressed out) :-- form , rock . ~~6698
06699 ## tsuwrah {tsoo-raw'} ; feminine of 06697 ; a rock (Job 28 : 10) ; also a form (as if pressed out) :-- form , rock . ~~6698
06718 ## tsayid {tsah'- yid} ; from a form of 06679 and meaning the same ; the chase ; also game (thus taken) ; (generally) lunch (especially for a journey) :-- X catcheth , food , X hunter , (that which he took in) hunting , venison , victuals . ~~6718
06736 ## tsiyr {tseer} ; the same as 06735 ; a form (of beauty ; as if pressed out , i . e . carved) ; hence , an (idolatrous) image :-- beauty , idol . ~~6736
06755 ## tselem (Aramaic) {tseh'- lem} ; or ts@lem (Aramaic) {tsel-em'} ; corresponding to 06754 ; an idolatrous figure :-- form , image . ~~6754
06881 ## Tsor` ah {tsor-aw'} ; apparently another form for 06880 ; Tsorah , a place in Palestine :-- Zareah , Zorah , Zoreah . ~~6880
06959 ## qowba` {ko'- bah or ko-bah'} ; a form collateral to 03553 ; a helmet :-- helmet . ~~6958
07037 ## qallachath {kal-lakh'- ath} ; apparently but a form for 06747 ; a kettle :-- caldron . ~~7036
07090 ## qippowd {kip-pode'} ; or qippod {kip-pode'} ; from 07088 ; a species of bird , perhaps the bittern (from its contracted form) :-- bittern . ~~7090
07165 ## qerec {keh'- res} ; from 07164 ; a knob or belaying-pin (from its swelling form) :-- tache . ~~7164
07169 ## qarats {kaw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; to pinch , i . e . (partially) to bite the lips , blink the eyes (as a gesture of malice) , or (fully) to squeeze off (a piece of clay in order to mould a vessel from it) :-- form , move , wink . ~~7168
07299 ## rev (Aramaic) {rave} ; from a root corresponding to 07200 ; aspect :-- form . ~~7298
07348 ## R@chuwm {rekh-oom'} ; a form of 07349 ; Rechum , the name of a Persian and of three Israelites :-- Rehum . ~~7348
07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {raw-moth-neh'- gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; Ramoth-Negeb or Ramath-Negeb , a place in Palestine :-- south Ramoth , Ramath of the south . ~~7418
07891 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or (the original form) shuwr (1 Sam . 18 : 6) {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy ] ; to sing :-- behold [by mistake for 07789 ] , sing (- er ,-ing man ,-ing woman) . ~~7892
08209 ## sappiyr (Aramaic) {shap-peer'} ; intensive of a form corresponding to 08208 ; beautiful :-- fair . ~~8210
08377 ## t@'ow {teh-o'} ; and tow'(the original form) {toh} ; from 08376 ; a species of antelope (probably from the white stripe on the cheek) :-- wild bull (ox) . ~~8378
08389 ## to'ar {to'- ar} ; from 08388 ; outline , i . e . figure or appearance :-- + beautiful , X comely , countenance , + fair , X favoured , form , X goodly , X resemble , visage . ~~8390
08403 ## tabniyth {tab-neeth'} ; from 01129 ; structure ; by implication , a model , resemblance :-- figure , form , likeness , pattern , similitude . ~~8404
08414 ## tohuw {to'- hoo} ; from an unused root meaning to lie waste ; a desolation (of surface) , i . e . desert ; figuratively , a worthless thing ; adverbially , in vain :-- confusion , empty place , without form , nothing , (thing of) nought , vain , vanity , waste , wilderness . ~~8414
08613 ## Tophteh {tof-teh'} ; probably a form of 08612 ; Tophteh , a place of cremation :-- Tophet . ~~8614
08620 ## T@qowa` {tek-o'- ah} ; a form of 08619 ; Tekoa , a place in Palestine :-- Tekoa , Tekoah . ~~8620