02429 ## chayil (Aramaic) {khah'- yil} ; corresponding to 02428 ; an army , or strength :-- aloud , army , X most [mighty ] , power . ~~2428
02331 ## chavah {khaw-vah'} ; a primitive root ; [compare 02324 , 0242l ] ; properly , to live ; by implication (intensively) to declare or show :-- show . ~~2330
02430 ## cheylah {khay-law'} ; feminine of 02428 ; an intrenchment :-- bulwark . ~~2430
02431 ## Cheylam {khay-lawm'} ; or Chel'am {khay-lawm'} ; from 02428 ; fortress ; Chelam , a place East of Palestine :-- Helam . ~~2430
02432 ## Chiylen {khee-lane'} ; from 02428 ; fortress ; Chilen , a place in Palestine :-- Hilen . ~~2432
02433 ## chiyn {kheen} ; another form for 02580 ; beauty :-- comely . ~~ 2432
02434 ## chayits {khah'- yits} ; another form for 02351 ; a wall :-- wall . ~~2434
02435 ## chiytsown {khee-tsone'} ; from 02434 ; properly , the (outer) wall side ; hence , exterior ; figuratively , secular (as opposed to sacred) :-- outer , outward , utter , without . ~~2434
02435 ## chiytsown {khee-tsone'} ; from 02434 ; properly , the (outer) wall side ; hence , exterior ; figuratively , secular (as opposed to sacred) :-- outer , outward , utter , without . ~~2434
02436 ## cheyq {khake} ; or cheq {khake} ; and chowq {khoke} ; from an unused root , apparently meaning to inclose ; the bosom (literally or figuratively) :-- bosom , bottom , lap , midst , within . ~~2436
02437 ## Chiyrah {khee-raw'} ; from 02357 in the sense of splendor ; Chirah , an Adullamite :-- Hirah . ~~2436
02361 ## Chuwram {khoo-rawm'} ; probably from 02353 ; whiteness , i . e . noble ; Churam , the name of an Israelite and two Syrians :-- Huram . Compare 02438 . ~~2360
02438 ## Chiyram {khee-rawm'} ; or Chiyrowm {khee-rome'} ; another form of 02361 ; Chiram or Chirom , the name of two Tyrians :-- Hiram , Huram . ~~2438
02439 ## chiysh {kheesh} ; another form of 02363 ; to hurry :-- make haste . ~~2438
02440 ## chiysh {kheesh} ; from 02439 ; properly , a hurry ; hence (adverb) quickly :-- soon . ~~2440
02440 ## chiysh {kheesh} ; from 02439 ; properly , a hurry ; hence (adverb) quickly :-- soon . ~~2440
02441 ## chek {khake} ; probably from 02596 in the sense of tasting ; properly , the palate or inside of the mouth ; hence , the mouth itself (as the organ of speech , taste and kissing) :-- (roof of the) mouth , taste . ~~2440
02442 ## chakah {khaw-kaw'} ; a primitive root [apparently akin to 02707 through the idea of piercing ] ; properly , to adhere to ; hence , to await :-- long , tarry , wait . ~~2442
02443 ## chakkah {khak-kaw'} ; probably from 02442 ; a hook (as adhering) :-- angle , hook . ~~2442
02443 ## chakkah {khak-kaw'} ; probably from 02442 ; a hook (as adhering) :-- angle , hook . ~~2442
02444 ## Chakiylah {khak-ee-law'} ; from the same as 02447 ; dark ; Chakilah , a hill in Palestine :-- Hachilah . ~~2444
02445 ## chakkiym (Aramaic) {khak-keem'} ; from a root corresponding to 02449 ; wise , i . e . a Magian :-- wise . ~~2444
02446 ## Chakalyah {khak-al-yaw'} ; from the base of 02447 and 03050 ; darkness of Jah ; Chakaljah , an Israelite :-- Hachaliah . ~~2446
02444 ## Chakiylah {khak-ee-law'} ; from the same as 02447 ; dark ; Chakilah , a hill in Palestine :-- Hachilah . ~~2444
02446 ## Chakalyah {khak-al-yaw'} ; from the base of 02447 and 03050 ; darkness of Jah ; Chakaljah , an Israelite :-- Hachaliah . ~~2446
02447 ## chakliyl {khak-leel'} ; by reduplication from an unused root apparently meaning to be dark ; darkly flashing (only of the eyes) ; in a good sense , brilliant (as stimulated by wine) :-- red . ~~2446
02448 ## chakliluwth {khak-lee-looth'} ; from 02447 ; flash (of the eyes) ; in a bad sense , blearedness :-- redness . ~~2448
02448 ## chakliluwth {khak-lee-looth'} ; from 02447 ; flash (of the eyes) ; in a bad sense , blearedness :-- redness . ~~2448
02445 ## chakkiym (Aramaic) {khak-keem'} ; from a root corresponding to 02449 ; wise , i . e . a Magian :-- wise . ~~2444
02449 ## chakam {khaw-kam'} ; a primitive root , to be wise (in mind , word or act) :-- X exceeding , teach wisdom , be (make self , shew self) wise , deal (never so) wisely , make wiser . ~~2448
02450 ## chakam {khaw-kawm'} ; from 02449 ; wise , (i . e . intelligent , skilful or artful) :-- cunning (man) , subtil , ([un-]) , wise ([hearted ] , man) . ~~2450
02451 ## chokmah {khok-maw'} ; from 02449 ; wisdom (in a good sense) :-- skilful , wisdom , wisely , wit . ~~2450
02453 ## Cahkmowniy {khak-mo-nee'} ; from 02449 ; skilful ; Chakmoni , an Israelite :-- Hachmoni , Hachmonite . ~~2452
02450 ## chakam {khaw-kawm'} ; from 02449 ; wise , (i . e . intelligent , skilful or artful) :-- cunning (man) , subtil , ([un-]) , wise ([hearted ] , man) . ~~2450
02451 ## chokmah {khok-maw'} ; from 02449 ; wisdom (in a good sense) :-- skilful , wisdom , wisely , wit . ~~2450
02452 ## chokmah (Aramaic) {khok-maw'} ; corresponding to 02451 ; wisdom :-- wisdom . ~~2452
02454 ## chokmowth {khok-moth'} ; or chakmowth {khak-moth'} ; collateral forms of 02451 ; wisdom :-- wisdom , every wise [woman ] . ~~2454
02452 ## chokmah (Aramaic) {khok-maw'} ; corresponding to 02451 ; wisdom :-- wisdom . ~~2452
02453 ## Cahkmowniy {khak-mo-nee'} ; from 02449 ; skilful ; Chakmoni , an Israelite :-- Hachmoni , Hachmonite . ~~2452
08461 ## Tachk@moniy {takh-kem-o-nee'} ; probably for 02453 ; sagacious ; Tachkemoni , an Israelite :-- Tachmonite . ~~8462
02454 ## chokmowth {khok-moth'} ; or chakmowth {khak-moth'} ; collateral forms of 02451 ; wisdom :-- wisdom , every wise [woman ] . ~~2454
02455 ## chol {khole} ; from 02490 ; properly , exposed ; hence , profane :-- common , profane (place) , unholy . ~~2454
02456 ## chala'{khaw-law'} ; a primitive root [compare 02470 ] ; to be sick :-- be diseased . ~~2456
02457 ## chel'ah {khel-aw'} ; from 02456 ; properly , disease ; hence , rust :-- scum . ~~2456
08463 ## tachaluw'{takh-al-oo'} ; or tachalu'{takh-al-oo'} ; from 02456 ; a malady :-- disease , X grievous , (that are) sick (- ness) . ~~8464
02457 ## chel'ah {khel-aw'} ; from 02456 ; properly , disease ; hence , rust :-- scum . ~~2456
02458 ## Chel'ah {khel-aw'} ; the same as 02457 ; Chelah , an Israelitess :-- Helah . ~~2458
02458 ## Chel'ah {khel-aw'} ; the same as 02457 ; Chelah , an Israelitess :-- Helah . ~~2458
00303 ## 'Achlab {akh-lawb'} ; from the same root as 02459 ; fatness (i . e . fertile) ; Achlab , a place in Palestine :-- Ahlab . ~~302
02459 ## cheleb {kheh'- leb} ; or cheleb {khay'- leb} ; from an unused root meaning to be fat ; fat , whether literally or figuratively ; hence , the richest or choice part :-- X best , fat (- ness) , X finest , grease , marrow . ~~2458
02460 ## Cheleb {khay'- leb} ; the same as 02459 ; fatness ; Cheleb , an Israelite :-- Heleb . ~~2460
02461 ## chalab {khaw-lawb'} ; from the same as 02459 ; milk (as the richness of kine) :-- + cheese , milk , sucking . ~~2460
02462 ## Chelbah {khel-baw'} ; feminine of 02459 ; fertility : Chelbah , a place in Palestine :-- Helbah . ~~2462
02463 ## Chelbown {khel-bone'} ; from 02459 ; fruitful ; Chelbon , a place in Syria :-- Helbah . ~~2462
02464 ## chelb@nah {khel-ben-aw'} ; from 02459 ; galbanam , an odorous gum (as if fatty) :-- galbanum . ~~2464
02460 ## Cheleb {khay'- leb} ; the same as 02459 ; fatness ; Cheleb , an Israelite :-- Heleb . ~~2460
02461 ## chalab {khaw-lawb'} ; from the same as 02459 ; milk (as the richness of kine) :-- + cheese , milk , sucking . ~~2460
02462 ## Chelbah {khel-baw'} ; feminine of 02459 ; fertility : Chelbah , a place in Palestine :-- Helbah . ~~2462
02463 ## Chelbown {khel-bone'} ; from 02459 ; fruitful ; Chelbon , a place in Syria :-- Helbah . ~~2462
02464 ## chelb@nah {khel-ben-aw'} ; from 02459 ; galbanam , an odorous gum (as if fatty) :-- galbanum . ~~2464
02465 ## cheled {kheh'- led} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to glide swiftly ; life (as a fleeting portion of time) ; hence , the world (as transient) :-- age , short time , world . ~~2464
02466 ## cheled {khay'- led} ; the same as 02465 ; Cheled , an Israelite :-- Heled . ~~2466
02467 ## choled {kho'- led} ; from the same as 02465 ; a weasel (from its gliding motion) :-- weasel . ~~2466
02466 ## cheled {khay'- led} ; the same as 02465 ; Cheled , an Israelite :-- Heled . ~~2466
02469 ## Chelday {khel-dah'- ee} ; from 02466 ; worldliness ; Cheldai , the name of two Israelites :-- Heldai . ~~2468
02467 ## choled {kho'- led} ; from the same as 02465 ; a weasel (from its gliding motion) :-- weasel . ~~2466
02468 ## Chuldah {khool-daw'} ; feminine of 02467 ; Chuldah , an Israelitess :-- Huldah . ~~2468
02468 ## Chuldah {khool-daw'} ; feminine of 02467 ; Chuldah , an Israelitess :-- Huldah . ~~2468
02649 ## chippazown {khip-paw-zone'} ; from 02468 ; hasty flight :-- haste . ~~2648
02469 ## Chelday {khel-dah'- ee} ; from 02466 ; worldliness ; Cheldai , the name of two Israelites :-- Heldai . ~~2468
02494 ## Chelem {khay'lem} ; from 02492 ; a dream ; Chelem , an Israelite :-- Helem . Compare 02469 . ~~2494
02456 ## chala'{khaw-law'} ; a primitive root [compare 02470 ] ; to be sick :-- be diseased . ~~2456
02470 ## chalah {khaw-law'} ; a primitive root [compare 02342 , 02470 , 02490 ] ; properly , to be rubbed or worn ; hence (figuratively) to be weak , sick , afflicted ; or (causatively) to grieve , make sick ; also to stroke (in flattering) , entreat :-- beseech , (be) diseased , (put to) grief , be grieved , (be) grievous , infirmity , intreat , lay to , put to pain , X pray , make prayer , be (fall , make) sick , sore , be sorry , make suit (X supplication) , woman in travail , be (become) weak , be wounded . ~~2470
02470 ## chalah {khaw-law'} ; a primitive root [compare 02342 , 02470 , 02490 ] ; properly , to be rubbed or worn ; hence (figuratively) to be weak , sick , afflicted ; or (causatively) to grieve , make sick ; also to stroke (in flattering) , entreat :-- beseech , (be) diseased , (put to) grief , be grieved , (be) grievous , infirmity , intreat , lay to , put to pain , X pray , make prayer , be (fall , make) sick , sore , be sorry , make suit (X supplication) , woman in travail , be (become) weak , be wounded . ~~2470
02481 ## chaliy {khal-ee'} ; from 02470 ; a trinket (as polished) :-- jewel , ornament . ~~2480
02483 ## choliy {khol-ee'} ; from 02470 ; malady , anxiety , calamity :-- disease , grief , (is) sick (- ness) . ~~2482
02490 ## chalal {khaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02470 ] ; properly , to bore , i . e . (by implication) to wound , to dissolve ; figuratively , to profane (a person , place or thing) , to break (one's word) , to begin (as if by an " opening wedge ") ; denom . (from 02485) to play (the flute) :-- begin (X men began) , defile , X break , defile , X eat (as common things) , X first , X gather the grape thereof , X take inheritance , pipe , player on instruments , pollute , (cast as) profane (self) , prostitute , slay (slain) , sorrow , stain , wound . ~~2490
04244 ## Machlah {makh-law'} ; from 02470 ; sickness ; Machlah , the name apparently of two Israelitesses :-- Mahlah . ~~4244
04245 ## machaleh {makh-al-eh'} ; or (feminine) machalah {makk-al-aw'} ; from 02470 ; sickness :-- disease , infirmity , sickness . ~~4244
04248 ## Machlown {makh-lone'} ; from 02470 ; sick ; Machlon , an Israelite :-- Mahlon . ~~4248
04249 ## Machliy {makh-lee'} ; from 02470 ; sick ; Machli , the name of two Israelites :-- Mahli . ~~4248
04251 ## machluy {makh-loo'- ee} ; from 02470 ; a disease :-- disease . ~~4250
04257 ## machalath {makh-al-ath'} ; from 02470 ; sickness ; Machalath , probably the title (initial word) of a popular song :-- Mahalath . ~~4256