01458 ## gav {gav} ; another form for 01460 ; the back :-- back . ~~ 1458
01458 ## gav {gav} ; another form for 01460 ; the back :-- back . ~~ 1458
01459 ## gav (Aramaic) {gav} ; corresponding to 01460 ; the middle :-- midst , same , there-(where-) in . ~~1458
01459 ## gav (Aramaic) {gav} ; corresponding to 01460 ; the middle :-- midst , same , there-(where-) in . ~~1458
01478 ## gava` {gaw-vah'} ; a primitive root ; to breathe out , i . e . (by implication) expire :-- die , be dead , give up the ghost , perish . ~~1478
01460 ## gev {gave} ; from 01342 [corresponding to 01354 ] ; the back ; by analogy , the middle :-- + among , back , body . ~~1460
00148 ## 'adargazer (Aramaic) {ad-ar''- gaw-zare'} ; from the same as 00147 , and 01505 ; a chief diviner , or astrologer :-- judge . ~~148
00417 ## 'elgabiysh {el-gaw-beesh'} ; from 00410 and 01378 ; hail (as if a great pearl) :-- great hail [-stones ] . ~~416
00713 ## 'argaman {ar-gaw-mawn'} ; of foreign origin ; purple (the color or the dyed stuff) :-- purple . ~~712
00798 ## 'Ashdowth hap-Picgah {ash-doth'hap-pis-gaw'} ; from the plural of 00794 and 06449 with the article interposed ; ravines of the Pisgah ; Ashdoth-Pisgah , a place east of the Jordan :-- Ashdoth-pisgah . ~~798
01013 ## Beyth-Gader {bayth-gaw-dare'} ; from 01004 and 01447 ; house of (the) wall ; Beth-Gader , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-gader . ~~1012
01014 ## Beyth Gamuwl {bayth gaw-mool'} ; from 01004 and the passive participle of 01576 ; house of (the) weaned ; Beth-Gamul , a place East of the Jordan :-- Beth-gamul . ~~1014
01083 ## Bilgah {bil-gaw'} ; from 01082 ; desistance ; Bilgah , the name of two Israelites :-- Bilgah . ~~1082
01342 ## ga'ah {gaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to mount up ; hence , in general , to rise , (figuratively) be majestic :-- gloriously , grow up , increase , be risen , triumph . ~~1342
01347 ## ga'own {gaw-ohn'} ; from 01342 ; the same as 01346 :-- arrogancy , excellency (- lent) , majesty , pomp , pride , proud , swelling . ~~1346
01350 ## ga'al {gaw-al'} ; a primitive root , to redeem (according to the Oriental law of kinship) , i . e . to be the next of kin (and as such to buy back a relative's property , marry his widow , etc .) :-- X in any wise , X at all , avenger , deliver , (do , perform the part of near , next) kinsfolk (- man) , purchase , ransom , redeem (- er) , revenger . ~~1350
01351 ## ga'al {gaw-al'} ; a primitive root , [rather identified with 01350 , through the idea of freeing , i . e . repudiating ] ; to soil or (figuratively) desecrate :-- defile , pollute , stain . ~~1350
01361 ## gabahh {gaw-bah'} ; a primitive root ; to soar , i . e . be lofty ; figuratively , to be haughty :-- exalt , be haughty , be (make) high (- er) , lift up , mount up , be proud , raise up great height , upward . ~~1360
01362 ## gabahh {gaw-bawh'} ; from 01361 ; lofty (literally or figuratively) :-- high , proud . ~~1362
01364 ## gaboahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; from 01361 ; elevated (or elated) , powerful , arrogant :-- haughty , height , high (- er) , lofty , proud , X exceeding proudly . ~~1364
01364 ## gaboahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; from 01361 ; elevated (or elated) , powerful , arrogant :-- haughty , height , high (- er) , lofty , proud , X exceeding proudly . ~~1364
01378 ## gabiysh {gaw-beesh'} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to freeze) ; crystal (from its resemblance to ice) :-- pearl . ~~1378
01379 ## gabal {gaw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist as a rope ; only (as a denominative from 01366) to bound (as by a line) :-- be border , set (bounds about) . ~~1378
01396 ## gabar {gaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to be strong ; by implication , to prevail , act insolently :-- exceed , confirm , be great , be mighty , prevail , put to more [strength ] , strengthen , be stronger , be valiant . ~~1396
01413 ## gadad {gaw-dad'} ; a primitive root [compare 01464 ] ; to crowd ; also to gash (as if by pressing into) :-- assemble (selves by troops) , gather (selves together , self in troops) , cut selves . ~~1412
01415 ## gadah {gaw-daw'} ; from an unused root (meaning to cut off) ; a border of a river (as cut into by the stream) :-- bank . ~~1414
01419 ## gadowl {gaw-dole'} ; or (shortened) gadol {gaw-dole'} ; from 01431 ; great (in any sense) ; hence , older ; also insolent :-- + aloud , elder (- est) , + exceeding (- ly) , + far , (man of) great (man , matter , thing ,-er ,-ness) , high , long , loud , mighty , more , much , noble , proud thing , X sore , (X) very . ~~1418
01419 ## gadowl {gaw-dole'} ; or (shortened) gadol {gaw-dole'} ; from 01431 ; great (in any sense) ; hence , older ; also insolent :-- + aloud , elder (- est) , + exceeding (- ly) , + far , (man of) great (man , matter , thing ,-er ,-ness) , high , long , loud , mighty , more , much , noble , proud thing , X sore , (X) very . ~~1418
01424 ## Gadiy {gaw-dee'} ; from 01409 ; fortunate ; Gadi , an Israelite :-- Gadi . ~~1424
01425 ## Gadiy {gaw-dee'} ; patronymically from 01410 ; a Gadite (collectively) or descendants of Gad :-- Gadites , children of Gad . ~~1424
01430 ## gadiysh {gaw-deesh'} ; from an unused root (meaning to heap up) ; a stack of sheaves ; by analogy , a tomb :-- shock (stack) (of corn) , tomb . ~~1430
01431 ## gadal {gaw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist [compare 01434 ] , i . e . to be (causatively make) large (in various senses , as in body , mind , estate or honor , also in pride) :-- advance , boast , bring up , exceed , excellent , be (- come , do , give , make , wax) , great (- er , come to . . . estate , + things) , grow (up) , increase , lift up , magnify (- ifical) , be much set by , nourish (up) , pass , promote , proudly [spoken ] , tower . ~~1430
01432 ## gadel {gaw-dale'} ; from 01431 ; large (literally or figuratively) :-- great , grew . ~~1432
01438 ## gada` {gaw-dah'} ; a primitive root ; to fell a tree ; generally , to destroy anything :-- cut (asunder , in sunder , down , off) , hew down . ~~1438
01442 ## gadaph {gaw-daf'} ; a primitive root ; to hack (with words) , i . e . revile :-- blaspheme , reproach . ~~1442
01443 ## gadar {gaw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to wall in or around :-- close up , fence up , hedge , inclose , make up [a wall ] , mason , repairer . ~~1442
01447 ## gader {gaw-dare'} ; from 01443 ; a circumvallation ; by implication , an inclosure :-- fence , hedge , wall . ~~1446
01455 ## gahah {gaw-haw'} ; a primitive root ; to remove (a bandage from a wound , i . e . heal it) :-- cure . ~~1454
01457 ## gahar {gaw-har'} ; a primitive root ; to prostrate oneself :-- cast self down , stretch self . ~~1456
01478 ## gava` {gaw-vah'} ; a primitive root ; to breathe out , i . e . (by implication) expire :-- die , be dead , give up the ghost , perish . ~~1478
01491 ## gazah {gaw-zaw'} ; a primitive root [akin to 01468 ] ; to cut off , i . e . portion out :-- take . ~~1490
01494 ## gazaz {gaw-zaz'} ; a primitive root [akin to 01468 ] ; to cut off ; specifically to shear a flock or shave the hair ; figuratively to destroy an enemy :-- cut off (down) , poll , shave , ([sheep-]) shear (- er) . ~~1494
01495 ## Gazez {gaw-zaze'} ; from 01494 ; shearer ; Gazez , the name of two Israelites :-- Gazez . ~~1494
01496 ## gaziyth {gaw-zeeth'} ; from 01491 ; something cut , i . e . dressed stone :-- hewed , hewn stone , wrought . ~~1496
01497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck off ; specifically to flay , strip or rob :-- catch , consume , exercise [robbery ] , pluck (off) , rob , spoil , take away (by force , violence) , tear . ~~1496
01498 ## gazel {gaw-zale'} ; from 01497 ; robbery , or (concretely) plunder :-- robbery , thing taken away by violence . ~~1498
01501 ## gazam {gaw-zawm'} ; from an unused root meaning to devour ; a kind of locust :-- palmer-worm . ~~1500
01504 ## gazar {gaw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to cut down or off ; (figuratively) to destroy , divide , exclude , or decide :-- cut down (off) , decree , divide , snatch . ~~1504
01512 ## gachown {gaw-khone'} ; probably from 01518 ; the external abdomen , belly (as the source of the faetus [compare 01521 ]) :-- belly . ~~1512
01540 ## galah {gaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to denude (especially in a disgraceful sense) ; by implication , to exile (captives being usually stripped) ; figuratively , to reveal :-- + advertise , appear , bewray , bring , (carry , lead , go) captive (into captivity) , depart , disclose , discover , exile , be gone , open , X plainly , publish , remove , reveal , X shamelessly , shew , X surely , tell , uncover . ql ~~1540
01546 ## galuwth {gaw-looth'} ; feminine from 01540 ; captivity ; concretely , exiles (collectively) :-- (they that are carried away) captives (- ity) . ~~1546
01547 ## galuwth (Aramaic) {gaw-looth'} ; corresponding to 01546 :-- captivity . ~~1546
01548 ## galach {gaw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be bald , i . e . (causatively) to shave ; figuratively to lay waste :-- poll , shave (off) . ~~1548
01550 ## galiyl {gaw-leel'} ; from 01556 ; a valve of a folding door (as turning) ; also a ring (as round) :-- folding , ring . ~~1550
01551 ## Galiyl {gaw-leel'} ; or (prolonged) Galiylah {gaw-lee-law'} ; the same as 01550 ; a circle (with the article) ; Galil (as a special circuit) in the North of Palestine :-- Galilee . ~~1550
01551 ## Galiyl {gaw-leel'} ; or (prolonged) Galiylah {gaw-lee-law'} ; the same as 01550 ; a circle (with the article) ; Galil (as a special circuit) in the North of Palestine :-- Galilee . ~~1550
01556 ## galal {gaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to roll (literally or figuratively) :-- commit , remove , roll (away , down , together) , run down , seek occasion , trust , wallow . ~~1556
01557 ## galal {gaw-lawl'} ; from 01556 ; dung (as in balls) :-- dung . ~~1556
01558 ## galal {gaw-lawl'} ; from 01556 ; a circumstance (as rolled around) ; only used adverbially , on account of :-- because of , for (sake) . ~~1558
01559 ## Galal {gaw-lawl'} ; from 01556 , in the sense of 01560 ; great ; Galal , the name of two Israelites :-- Galal . ~~1558
01563 ## galam {gaw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to fold :-- wrap together . ~~1562
01566 ## gala` {gaw-lah'} ; a primitive root ; to be obstinate :-- (inter-) meddle (with) . ~~1566
01570 ## galash {gaw-lash'} ; a primitive root ; probably to caper (as a goat) :-- appear . ~~1570
01572 ## gama'{gaw-maw'} ; a primitive root (literally or figuratively) to absorb :-- swallow , drink . ~~1572
01577 ## gamuwl {gaw-mool'} ; passive participle of 01580 ; rewarded ; Gamul , an Israelite :-- Gamul . See also 01014 . ~~1576
01580 ## gamal {gaw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to treat a person (well or ill) , i . e . benefit or requite ; by implication (of toil) , to ripen , i . e . (specifically) to wean :-- bestow on , deal bountifully , do (good) , recompense , requite , reward , ripen , + serve , mean , yield . ~~1580
01581 ## gamal {gaw-mawl'} ; apparently from 01580 (in the sense of labor or burden-bearing) ; a camel :-- camel . ~~1580
01584 ## gamar {gaw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; to end (in the sense of completion or failure) :-- cease , come to an end , fail , perfect , perform . ~~1584
01589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'} ; a primitive root ; to thieve (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to deceive :-- carry away , X indeed , secretly bring , steal (away) , get by stealth . ~~1588
01590 ## gannab {gaw-nab'} ; from 01589 ; a stealer :-- thief . ~~ 1590
01598 ## ganan {gaw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to hedge about , i . e . (generally) protect :-- defend . ~~1598
01600 ## ga` ah {gaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to bellow (as cattle) :-- low . ~~1600
01602 ## ga` al {gaw-al'} ; a primitive root ; to detest ; by implication , to reject :-- abhor , fail , lothe , vilely cast away . ~~1602
01605 ## ga` ar {gaw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to chide :-- corrupt , rebuke , reprove . ~~1604
01607 ## ga` ash {gaw-ash'} ; a primitive root to agitate violently :-- move , shake , toss , trouble . ~~1606
01618 ## garab {gaw-rawb'} ; from an unused root meaning to scratch ; scurf (from itching) :-- scab , scurvy . ~~1618
01619 ## Gareb {gaw-rabe'} ; from the same as 01618 ; scabby ; Gareb , the name of an Israelite , also of a hill near Jerusalem :-- Gareb . ~~1618
01622 ## Girgashiy {ghir-gaw-shee'} ; patrial from an unused name [of uncertain derivation ] ; a Girgashite , one of the native tribes of Canaan :-- Girgashite , Girgasite . ~~1622
01623 ## garad {gaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to abrade :-- scrape . ~~ 1622
01624 ## garah {gaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to grate , i . e . (figuratively) to anger :-- contend , meddle , stir up , strive . ~~1624
01627 ## garown {gaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) garon {gaw-rone'} ; from 01641 ; the throat [compare 01621 ] (as roughened by swallowing) :-- X aloud , mouth , neck , throat . ~~1626
01627 ## garown {gaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) garon {gaw-rone'} ; from 01641 ; the throat [compare 01621 ] (as roughened by swallowing) :-- X aloud , mouth , neck , throat . ~~1626
01629 ## garaz {gaw-raz'} ; a primitive root ; to cut off :-- cut off . ~~1628
01632 ## garol {gaw-role'} ; from the same as 01486 ; harsh :-- man of great [as in the margin which reads 01419 ] . ~~1632
01633 ## garam {gaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to be spare or skeleton-like ; used only as a denominative from 01634 ; (causative) to bone , i . e . denude (by extensive , craunch) the bones :-- gnaw the bones , break . ~~1632
01638 ## garac {gaw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; to crush ; also (intransitively and figuratively) to dissolve :-- break . ~~1638
01639 ## gara` {gaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to scrape off ; by implication , to shave , remove , lessen , withhold :-- abate , clip , (di-) minish , do (take) away , keep back , restrain , make small , withdraw . ~~1638
01640 ## garaph {gaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to bear off violently :-- sweep away . ~~1640
01641 ## garar {gaw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to drag off roughly ; by implication , to bring up the cud (i . e . ruminate) ; by analogy , to saw :-- catch , chew , X continuing , destroy , saw . ~~1640
01644 ## garash {gaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to drive out from a possession ; especially to expatriate or divorce :-- cast up (out) , divorced (woman) , drive away (forth , out) , expel , X surely put away , trouble , thrust out . ~~1644
01652 ## gasham {gaw-sham'} ; a primitive root ; to shower violently :-- (cause to) rain . ~~1652
01659 ## gashash {gaw-shash'} ; a primitive root ; apparently to feel about :-- grope . ~~1658
01674 ## d@'agah {deh-aw-gaw'} ; from 01672 ; anxiety :-- care (- fulness) , fear , heaviness , sorrow . ~~1674
01710 ## dagah {daw-gaw'} ; feminine of 01709 , and meaning the same :-- fish . ~~1710
01711 ## dagah {daw-gaw'} ; a primitive root ; to move rapidly ; used only as a denominative from 01709 ; to spawn , i . e . become numerous :-- grow . ~~1710
01729 ## duwgah {doo-gaw'} ; feminine from the same as 01728 ; properly , fishery , i . e . a hook for fishing :-- fish [hook ] . ~~1728
01897 ## hagah {daw-gaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01901 ] ; to murmur (in pleasure or anger) ; by implication , to ponder :-- imagine , meditate , mourn , mutter , roar , X sore , speak , study , talk , utter . ~~1896
01898 ## hagah {haw-gaw'} ; a primitive root ; to remove :-- stay , stay away . ~~1898
01902 ## higgayown {hig-gaw-yone'} ; intensive from 01897 ; a murmuring sound , i . e . a musical notation (probably similar to the modern affettuoso to indicate solemnity of movement) ; by implication , a machination :-- device , Higgaion , meditation , solemn sound . ~~1902
02014 ## haphugah {haf-oo-gaw'} ; from 06313 ; relaxation :-- intermission . ~~2014
02028 ## haregah {har-ay-gaw'} ; feminine of 02027 ; slaughter :-- slaughter . ~~2028
02283 ## chagra'{khaw-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to revolve [compare 02287 ] ; properly , vertigo , i . e . (figuratively) fear :-- terror . ~~2282
03013 ## yagah {yaw-gaw'} ; a primitive root ; to grieve :-- afflict , cause grief , grieve , sorrowful , vex . ~~3012
03014 ## yagah {yaw-gaw'} ; a primitive root [probably rather the same as 03013 through the common idea of dissatisfaction ] ; to push away ;-- be removed . ~~3014
03022 ## yaga` {yaw-gaw'} ; from 03021 ; earnings (as the product of toil) ;-- that which he laboured for . ~~3022
04095 ## madregah {mad-ray-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to step ; properly , a step ; by implication , a steep or inaccessible place :-- stair , steep place . ~~4094
04207 ## mazleg {maz-layg'} ; or (feminine) mizlagah {miz-law-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to draw up ; a fork :-- fleshhook . ~~4206
04230 ## m@chuwgah {mekk-oo-gaw'} ; from 02328 ; an instrument for marking a circle , i . e . compasses :-- compass . ~~4230
04570 ## ma` gal {mah-gawl'} ; or feminine ma` galah {mah-gaw-law'} ; from the same as 05696 ; a track (literally or figuratively) ; also a rampart (as circular) :-- going , path , trench , way ([-side ]) . ~~4570
04645 ## miphga` {mif-gaw'} ; from 06293 ; an object of attack :-- mark . ~~4644
04653 ## miphlaggah {mif-lag-gaw'} ; from 06385 ; a classification :-- division . ~~4652
04879 ## m@shuwgah {mesh-oo-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to stray ; mistake :-- error . ~~4878
05692 ## ` uggah {oog-gaw'} ; from 05746 ; an ash-cake (as round) :-- cake (upon the hearth) . ~~5692
06170 ## ` aruwgah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; or` arugah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06165 ; something piled up (as if [figuratively ] raised by mental aspiration) , i . e . a paterre :-- bed , furrow . ~~6170
06170 ## ` aruwgah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; or` arugah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06165 ; something piled up (as if [figuratively ] raised by mental aspiration) , i . e . a paterre :-- bed , furrow . ~~6170
06314 ## puwgah {poo-gaw'} ; from 06313 ; intermission :-- rest . ~~ 6314
06390 ## p@laggah {pel-ag-gaw'} ; from 06385 ; a runlet , i . e . gully :-- division , river . ~~6390
06391 ## p@luggah {pel-oog-gaw'} ; from 06385 ; a section :-- division . ~~6390
06392 ## p@luggah (Aramaic) {pel-oog-gaw'} ; corresponding to 06391 :-- division . ~~6392
06449 ## Picgah {pis-gaw'} ; from 06448 ; a cleft ; Pisgah , a mt . East of Jordan :-- Pisgah . ~~6448
07581 ## sh@agah {sheh-aw-gaw'} ; from 07580 ; a rumbling or moan :-- roaring . ~~7580
07679 ## saga'{saw-gaw'} : a primitive root ; to grow , i . e . (causatively) to enlarge , (figuratively) laud :-- increase , magnify . ~~7678
07684 ## sh@gagah {sheg-aw-gaw'} ; from 07683 ; a mistake or inadvertent transgression :-- error , ignorance , at unawares ; unwittingly . ~~7684
07685 ## sagah {saw-gaw'} ; a primitive root ; to enlarge (especially upward , also figuratively) :-- grow (up) , increase . ~~7684
07686 ## shagah {shaw-gaw'} ; a primitive root ; to stray (causatively , mislead) , usually (figuratively) to mistake , especially (morally) to transgress ; by extension (through the idea of intoxication) to reel , (figuratively) be enraptured :-- (cause to) go astray , deceive , err , be ravished , sin through ignorance , (let , make to) wander . ~~7686
07692 ## shiggayown {shig-gaw-yone'} ; or shiggayonah {shig-gaw-yo-naw'} ; from 07686 ; properly , aberration , i . e . (technically) a dithyramb or rambling poem :-- Shiggaion , Shigionoth . ~~7692
07692 ## shiggayown {shig-gaw-yone'} ; or shiggayonah {shig-gaw-yo-naw'} ; from 07686 ; properly , aberration , i . e . (technically) a dithyramb or rambling poem :-- Shiggaion , Shigionoth . ~~7692
07697 ## shigga` own {shig-gaw-yone'} ; from 07696 ; craziness :-- furiously , madness . ~~7696
08424 ## tuwgah {too-gaw'} ; from 03013 ; depression (of spirits) ; concretely a grief :-- heaviness , sorrow . ~~8424