03920 ## lakad {law-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to catch (in a net , trap or pit) ; generally , to capture or occupy ; also to choose (by lot) ; figuratively , to cohere :-- X at all , catch (self) , be frozen , be holden , stick together , take ~~3920
00270 ## 'achaz {aw-khaz'} ; a primitive root ; to seize (often with the accessory idea of holding in possession) :-- + be affrighted , bar , (catch , lay , take) hold (back) , come upon , fasten , handle , portion , (get , have or take) possess (- ion) . ~~270
01660 ## gath {gath} ; probably from 05059 (in the sense of treading out grapes) ; a wine-press (or vat for holding the grapes in pressing them) :-- (wine-) press (fat) . ~~1660
02833 ## choshen {kho'- shen} ; from an unused root probably meaning to contain or sparkle ; perhaps a pocket (as holding the Urim and Thummim) , or rich (as containing gems) , used only of the gorget of the highpriest :-- breastplate . ~~2832
02840 ## chishshur {khish-shoor'} ; from an unused root meaning to bind together ; combined , i . e . the nave or hub of a wheel (as holding the spokes together) :-- spoke . ~~2840
04518 ## m@naqqiyth {men-ak-keeth'} ; from 05352 ; a sacrificial basin (for holding blood) :-- bowl . ~~4518
05592 ## caph {saf} ; from 05605 , in its original sense of containing ; a vestibule (as a limit) ; also a dish (for holding blood or wine) :-- bason , bowl , cup , door (post) , gate , post , threshold . ~~5592
06117 ## ` aqab {aw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to swell out or up ; used only as denominative from 06119 , to seize by the heel ; figuratively , to circumvent (as if tripping up the heels) ; also to restrain (as if holding by the heel) :-- take by the heel , stay , supplant , X utterly . ~~6116
00679 ## 'atstsiyl {ats-tseel'} ; from 00680 (in its primary sense of uniting) ; a joint of the hand (i . e . knuckle) ; also (according to some) a party-wall (Ezek . 41 : 8) :-- [arm ] hole , great . ~~678
00953 ## bowr {bore} ; from 00952 (in the sense of 00877) ; a pit hole (especially one used as a cistern or a prison) :-- cistern , dungeon , fountain , pit , well . ~~952
00970 ## bachuwr {baw-khoor'} ; or bachur {baw-khoor'} ; participle passive of 00977 ; properly , selected , i . e . a youth (often collective) :-- (choice) young (man) , chosen , X hole . ~~970
02352 ## chuwr {khoor} ; or (shortened) chur {khoor} ; from an unused root probably meaning to bore ; the crevice of a serpent ; the cell of a prison :-- hole . ~~2352
02356 ## chowr {khore} ; or (shortened) chor {khore} ; the same as 02352 ; a cavity , socket , den :-- cave , hole . ~~2356
02661 ## chaphor {khaf-ore'} ; from 02658 ; a hole ; only in connection with 065l2 , which ought rather to be joined as one word , thus chapharperah {khaf-ar-pay-raw'} ; by reduplication from 02658 ; a burrower , i . e . probably a rat :-- + mole . ~~2660
02735 ## Chor hag-Gidgad {khore hag-ghid-gawd'} ; from 02356 and a collateral (masculine) form of 01412 , with the article interposed ; hole of the cleft : Chor-hag-Gidgad , a place in the Desert :-- Hor-hagidgad . ~~2734
03975 ## m@uwrah {meh-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 00215 ; something lighted , i . e . an aperture ; by implication , a crevice or hole (of a serpent) :-- den . ~~3974
04526 ## micgereth {mis-gheh'- reth} ; from 05462 ; something enclosing , i . e . a margin (of a region , of a panel) ; concretely , a stronghold :-- border , close place , hole . ~~4526
04631 ## m@` arah {meh-aw-raw'} ; from 05783 ; a cavern (as dark) :-- cave , den , hole . ~~4630
04718 ## maqqebeth {mak-keh'- beth} ; from 05344 ; properly , a perforator , i . e . a hammer (as piercing) ; also (intransitively) a perforation , i . e . a quarry :-- hammer , hole . ~~4718
05357 ## naqiyq {naw-keek'} ; from an unused root meaning to bore ; a cleft :-- hole . ~~5356
06310 ## peh {peh} ; from 06284 ; the mouth (as the means of blowing) , whether literal or figurative (particularly speech) ; specifically edge , portion or side ; adverbially (with preposition) according to :-- accord (- ing as ,-ing to) , after , appointment , assent , collar , command (- ment) , X eat , edge , end , entry , + file , hole , X in , mind , mouth , part , portion , X (should) say (- ing) , sentence , skirt , sound , speech , X spoken , talk , tenor , X to , + two-edged , wish , word . ~~6310
06354 ## pachath {pakh'- ath} ; probably from an unused root apparently meaning to dig ; a pit , especially for catching animals :-- hole , pit , snare . ~~6354
06356 ## p@chetheth {pekh-eh'- theth} ; from the same as 06354 ; a hole (by mildew in a garment) :-- fret inward . ~~6356
06512 ## perah {pay-raw'} ; from 06331 ; a hole (as broken , i . e . dug) :-- + mole . Compare 02661 . ~~6512
06596 ## poth {pohth} ; or pothah (Ezek . 13 : 19) {po-thaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to open ; a hole , i . e . hinge or the female pudenda :-- hinge , secret participle ~~6596
00699 ## 'arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; feminine participle passive of 00693 (as if for lurking) ; a lattice ; (by implication) a window , dove-cot (because of the pigeon-holes) , chimney (with its apertures for smoke) , sluice (with openings for water) :-- chimney , window . ~~698
01269 ## Birzowth {beer-zoth'} ; probably feminine plural from an unused root (apparently mean to pierce) ; holes ; Birzoth , an Israelite :-- Birzavith [from the marg . ] . ~~1268
05344 ## naqab {naw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to puncture , literally (to perforate , with more or less violence) or figuratively (to specify , designate , libel) :-- appoint , blaspheme , bore , curse , express , with holes , name , pierce , strike through . ~~5344
08169 ## Sha` albiym {shah-al-beem'} ; or Sha` alabbiyn {shah-al-ab-been'} ; plural from 07776 ; fox-holes ; Shaalbim or Shaalabbin , a place in Palestine :-- Shaalabbin , Shaalbim . ~~8170
02287 ## chagag {khaw-gag'} ; a primitive root [compare 02283 , 02328 ] ; properly , to move in a circle , i . e . (specifically) to march in a sacred procession , to observe a festival ; by implication , to be giddy :-- celebrate , dance , (keep , hold) a (solemn) feast (holiday) , reel to and fro . ~~2286
06116 ## ` atsarah {ats-aw-raw'} ; or` atsereth {ats-eh'- reth} ; from 06113 ; an assembly , especially on a festival or holiday :-- (solemn) assembly (meeting) . ~~6116
07677 ## shabbathown {shab-baw-thone'} ; from 07676 ; a sabbatism or special holiday :-- rest , sabbath . ~~7676
06614 ## p@thiygiyl {peth-eeg-eel'} ; of uncertain derivation ; probably a figured mantle for holidays :-- stomacher . ~~6614
06944 ## qodesh {ko'- desh} ; from 06942 ; a sacred place or thing ; rarely abstract , sanctity :-- consecrated (thing) , dedicated (thing) , hallowed (thing) , holiness , (X most) holy (X day , portion , thing) , saint , sanctuary . ~~6944
00101 ## 'aggan {ag-gawn'} ; probably from 05059 ; a bowl (as pounded out hollow) :-- basin , cup , goblet . ~~100
00178 ## 'owb {obe} ; from the same as 00001 (apparently through the idea of prattling a father's name) ; properly , a mumble , i . e . a water skin (from its hollow sound) ; hence a necromancer (ventriloquist , as from a jar) :-- bottle , familiar spirit . ~~178
00892 ## babah {baw-baw'} ; feminine active participle of an unused root meaning to hollow out ; something hollowed (as a gate) , i . e . pupil of the eye :-- apple [of the eye ] . ~~892
00950 ## buwqah {boo-kaw'} ; feminine passive participle of an unused root (meaning to be hollow) ; emptiness (as adjective) :-- empty . ~~950
00990 ## beten {beh'- ten} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be hollow ; the belly , especially the womb ; also the bosom or body of anything :-- belly , body , + as they be born , + within , womb . ~~990
01354 ## gab {gab} ; from an unused root meaning to hollow or curve ; the back (as rounded [compare 01460 and 01479 ] ; by analogy , the top or rim , a boss , a vault , arch of eye , bulwarks , etc . :-- back , body , boss , eminent (higher) place , [eye ] brows , nave , ring . ~~1354
01479 ## guwph {goof} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hollow or arch , i . e . (figuratively) close ; to shut :-- shut . ~~1478
02754 ## chariyt {khaw-reet'} ; or charit {khaw-reet'} ; from the same as 02747 ; properly , cut out (or hollow) , i . e . (by implication) a pocket :-- bag , crisping pin . ~~2754
03709 ## kaph {kaf} ; from 03721 ; the hollow hand or palm (so of the paw of an animal , of the sole , and even of the bowl of a dish or sling , the handle of a bolt , the leaves of a palm-tree) ; figuratively , power :-- branch , + foot , hand ([-ful ] ,-- dle , [-led ]) , hollow , middle , palm , paw , power , sole , spoon . ~~3708
03709 ## kaph {kaf} ; from 03721 ; the hollow hand or palm (so of the paw of an animal , of the sole , and even of the bowl of a dish or sling , the handle of a bolt , the leaves of a palm-tree) ; figuratively , power :-- branch , + foot , hand ([-ful ] ,-- dle , [-led ]) , hollow , middle , palm , paw , power , sole , spoon . ~~3708
03710 ## keph {kafe} ; from 03721 ; a hollow rock :-- rock . ~~ 3710
03849 ## log {lohg} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to deepen or hollow [like 03537 ] ; a log or measure for liquids :-- log [of oil ] . ~~3848
04388 ## maktesh {mak-taysh'} ; from 03806 ; a mortar ; by analogy , a socket (of a tooth) :-- hollow place , mortar . ~~4388
04934 ## mish` owl {mish-ole'} ; from the same as 08168 ; a hollow , i . e . a narrow passage :-- path . ~~4934
04958 ## masreth {mas-rayth'} ; apparently from an unused root meaning to perforate , i . e . hollow out ; a pan :-- pan . ~~4958
05014 ## nabab {naw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to pierce ; to be hollow , or (figuratively) foolish :-- hollow , vain . ~~5014
05014 ## nabab {naw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to pierce ; to be hollow , or (figuratively) foolish :-- hollow , vain . ~~5014
06794 ## tsinnuwr {tsin-noor'} ; from an unused root perhaps meaning to be hollow ; a culvert :-- gutter , water-spout . ~~6794
06894 ## qab {kab} ; from 06895 ; a hollow , i . e . vessel used as a (dry) measure :-- cab . ~~6894
07086 ## q@` arah {keh-aw-raw'} ; probably from 07167 ; a bowl (as cut out hollow) :-- charger , dish . ~~7086
07298 ## rahat {rah'- hat} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to hollow out ; a channel or watering-box ; by resemblance a ringlet of hair (as forming parallel lines) :-- gallery , gutter , trough . ~~7298
08168 ## sho` al {sho'- al} ; from an unused root meaning to hollow out ; the palm ; by extension , a handful :-- handful , hollow of the hand . ~~8168
08168 ## sho` al {sho'- al} ; from an unused root meaning to hollow out ; the palm ; by extension , a handful :-- handful , hollow of the hand . ~~8168
08258 ## sh@qa` ruwrah {shek-ah-roo-raw'} ; from 08257 ; a depression :-- hollow strake . ~~8258
08473 ## tachara'{takh-ar-aw'} ; from 02734 in the original sense of 02352 or 02353 ; a linen corslet (as white or hollow) :-- habergeon . ~~8474
00892 ## babah {baw-baw'} ; feminine active participle of an unused root meaning to hollow out ; something hollowed (as a gate) , i . e . pupil of the eye :-- apple [of the eye ] . ~~892
01032 ## Beyth Chowrown {bayth kho-rone'} ; from 01004 and 02356 ; house of hollowness ; Beth-Choron , the name of two adjoining places in Palestine :-- Beth-horon . ~~1032
00993 ## Btoniym {bet-o-neem'} ; probably plural from 00992 ; hollows : Betonim , a place in Palestine :-- Betonim . ~~992
03680 ## kacah {kaw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plump , i . e . fill up hollows ; by implication , to cover (for clothing or secrecy) :-- clad self , close , clothe , conceal , cover (self) , (flee to) hide , overwhelm . Compare 03780 . ~~3680
01890 ## habhab {hab-hawb'} ; by reduplication from 03051 ; gift (in sacrifice) , i . e . holocaust :-- offering . ~~1890
05928 ## ` alah (Aramaic) {al-law'} ; corresponding to 05930 ; a holocaust :-- burnt offering . ~~5928
05930 ## ` olah {o-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; feminine active participle of 05927 ; a step or (collectively , stairs , as ascending) ; usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke) :-- ascent , burnt offering (sacrifice) , go up to . See also 05766 . ~~5930
02473 ## Cholown {kho-lone'} ; or (shortened) Cholon {kho-lone'} ; probably from 02344 ; sandy ; Cholon , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Holon . ~~2472
02623 ## chaciyd {khaw-seed'} ; from 02616 ; properly , kind , i . e . (religiously) pious (a saint) :-- godly (man) , good , holy (one) , merciful , saint , [un-] godly . ~~2622
02891 ## taher {taw-hare'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be bright ; i . e . (by implication) to be pure (physical sound , clear , unadulterated ; Levitically , uncontaminated ; morally , innocent or holy) :-- be (make , make self , pronounce) clean , cleanse (self) , purge , purify (- ier , self) . ~~2890
04720 ## miqdash {mik-dawsh'} ; or miqq@dash (Exod . 15 : 17) {mik-ked-awsh'} ; from 06942 ; a consecrated thing or place , especially , a palace , sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum :-- chapel , hallowed part , holy place , sanctuary . ~~4720
06918 ## qadowsh {kaw-doshe'} ; or qadosh {kaw-doshe'} ; from 06942 ; sacred (ceremonially or morally) ; (as noun) God (by eminence) , an angel , a saint , a sanctuary :-- holy (One) , saint . ~~6918
06922 ## qaddiysh (Aramaic) {kad-deesh'} ; corresponding to 06918 .-- holy (One) , saint . ~~6922
06942 ## qadash {kaw-dash'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make , pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally) :-- appoint , bid , consecrate , dedicate , defile , hallow , (be , keep) holy (- er , place) , keep , prepare , proclaim , purify , sanctify (- ied one , self) , X wholly . ~~6942
06944 ## qodesh {ko'- desh} ; from 06942 ; a sacred place or thing ; rarely abstract , sanctity :-- consecrated (thing) , dedicated (thing) , hallowed (thing) , holiness , (X most) holy (X day , portion , thing) , saint , sanctuary . ~~6944