02741 ## Charuwphiy {khar-oo-fee'} ; a patrial from (probably) a collateral form of 02756 ; a Charuphite or inhabitant of Charuph (or Chariph) :-- Haruphite . ~~2740
02756 ## Chariyph {khaw-reef'} ; from 02778 ; autumnal ; Chariph , the name of two Israelites :-- Hariph . ~~2756
02757 ## chariyts {khaw-reets'} ; or charits {khaw-reets'} ; from 02782 ; properly , incisure or (passively) incised [compare 02742 ] ; hence , a threshing-sledge (with sharp teeth) : also a slice (as cut) :-- + cheese , harrow . ~~2756
02758 ## chariysh {khaw-reesh'} ; from 02790 ; ploughing or its season :-- earing (time) , ground . ~~2758
02759 ## chariyshiy {khar-ee-shee'} ; from 02790 in the sense of silence ; quiet , i . e . sultry (as feminine noun , the sirocco or hot east wind) :-- vehement . ~~2758
02760 ## charak {khaw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to braid (i . e . to entangle or snare) or catch (game) in a net :-- roast . ~~2760
02762 ## cherek {kheh'- rek} ; from 02760 ; properly , a net , i . e . (by analogy) lattice :-- lattice . ~~2762
02761 ## charak (Aramaic) {khar-ak'} ; a root probably allied to the equivalent of 02787 ; to scorch :-- singe . ~~2760
02762 ## cherek {kheh'- rek} ; from 02760 ; properly , a net , i . e . (by analogy) lattice :-- lattice . ~~2762
02739 ## charuwmaph {khar-oo-maf'} ; from passive participle of 02763 and 00639 ; snub-nosed ; Charumaph , an Israelite :-- Harumaph . ~~2738
02763 ## charam {khaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to seclude ; specifically (by a ban) to devote to religious uses (especially destruction) ; physical and reflexive , to be blunt as to the nose :-- make accursed , consecrate , (utterly) destroy , devote , forfeit , have a flat nose , utterly (slay , make away) . ~~2762
02764 ## cherem {khay'- rem} ; or (Zecheriah 14 : 11) cherem {kheh'- rem} ; from 02763 ; physical (as shutting in) a net (either literally or figuratively) ; usually a doomed object ; abstr . extermination :-- (ac-) curse (- d ,-d thing) , dedicated thing , things which should have been utterly destroyed , (appointed to) utter destruction , devoted (thing) , net . ~~2764
02765 ## Chorem {khor-ame'} ; from 02763 ; devoted ; Chorem , a place in Palestine :-- Horem . ~~2764
02766 ## Charim {khaw-reem'} ; from 02763 ; snub-nosed ; Charim , an Israelite :-- Harim . ~~2766
02767 ## Chormah {khor-maw'} ; from 02763 ; devoted ; Chormah , a place in Palestine :-- Hormah . ~~2766
02768 ## Chermown {kher-mone'} ; from 02763 ; abrupt ; Chermon , a mount of Palestine :-- Hermon . ~~2768
02770 ## chermesh {kher-mashe'} ; from 02763 ; a sickle (as cutting) :-- sickle . ~~2770
02764 ## cherem {khay'- rem} ; or (Zecheriah 14 : 11) cherem {kheh'- rem} ; from 02763 ; physical (as shutting in) a net (either literally or figuratively) ; usually a doomed object ; abstr . extermination :-- (ac-) curse (- d ,-d thing) , dedicated thing , things which should have been utterly destroyed , (appointed to) utter destruction , devoted (thing) , net . ~~2764
02765 ## Chorem {khor-ame'} ; from 02763 ; devoted ; Chorem , a place in Palestine :-- Horem . ~~2764
02766 ## Charim {khaw-reem'} ; from 02763 ; snub-nosed ; Charim , an Israelite :-- Harim . ~~2766
02767 ## Chormah {khor-maw'} ; from 02763 ; devoted ; Chormah , a place in Palestine :-- Hormah . ~~2766
01179 ## Ba` al Chermown {bah'- al kher-mone'} ; from 01167 and 02768 ; possessor of Hermon ; Baal-Chermon , a place in Palestine :-- Baal-hermon . ~~1178
02768 ## Chermown {kher-mone'} ; from 02763 ; abrupt ; Chermon , a mount of Palestine :-- Hermon . ~~2768
02769 ## Chermowniym {kher-mo-neem'} ; plural of 02768 ; Hermons , i . e . its peaks :-- the Hermonites . ~~2768
02769 ## Chermowniym {kher-mo-neem'} ; plural of 02768 ; Hermons , i . e . its peaks :-- the Hermonites . ~~2768
02770 ## chermesh {kher-mashe'} ; from 02763 ; a sickle (as cutting) :-- sickle . ~~2770
02771 ## Charan {kaw-rawn'} ; from 02787 ; parched ; Charan , the name of a man and also of a place :-- Haran . ~~2770
02772 ## Choroniy {kho-ro-nee'} ; patrial from 02773 ; a Choronite or inhabitant of Choronaim :-- Horonite . ~~2772
02772 ## Choroniy {kho-ro-nee'} ; patrial from 02773 ; a Choronite or inhabitant of Choronaim :-- Horonite . ~~2772
02773 ## Choronayim {kho-ro-nah'- yim} ; dual of a derivative from 02356 ; double cave-town ; Choronajim , a place in Moab :-- Horonaim . ~~2772
02774 ## Charnepher {khar-neh'fer} ; of uncertain derivation ; Charnepher , an Israelite :-- Harnepher . ~~2774
02745 ## Charchac {khar-khas'} ; from the same as 02775 ; perhaps shining ; Charchas , an Israelite :-- Harhas . ~~2744
02775 ## cherec {kheh'- res} ; or (with a directive enclitic) charcah (khar'- saw} ; from an unused root meaning to scrape ; the itch ; also [perhaps from the mediating idea of 02777 ] the sun :-- itch , sun . ~~2774
02776 ## Cherec {kheh'- res} ; the same as 02775 ; shining ; Cheres , a mountain in Palestine :-- Heres . ~~2776
02777 ## charcuwth {khar-sooth'} ; from 02775 (apparently in the sense of a red tile used for scraping) ; a potsherd , i . e . (by implication) a pottery ; the name of a gate at Jerusalem :-- east . ~~2776
02789 ## cheres {kheh'- res} ; a collateral form mediating between 02775 and 02791 ; a piece of pottery :-- earth (- en) , (pot-) sherd , + stone . ~~2788
08556 ## Timnath Cherec {tim-nath kheh'- res} ; or Timnath Cerach {tim-nath seh'- rakh} ; from 08553 and 02775 ; portion of (the) sun ; Timnath-Cheres , a place in Palestine :-- Timnath-heres , Timnath-serah . ~~8556
02776 ## Cherec {kheh'- res} ; the same as 02775 ; shining ; Cheres , a mountain in Palestine :-- Heres . ~~2776
02775 ## cherec {kheh'- res} ; or (with a directive enclitic) charcah (khar'- saw} ; from an unused root meaning to scrape ; the itch ; also [perhaps from the mediating idea of 02777 ] the sun :-- itch , sun . ~~2774
02777 ## charcuwth {khar-sooth'} ; from 02775 (apparently in the sense of a red tile used for scraping) ; a potsherd , i . e . (by implication) a pottery ; the name of a gate at Jerusalem :-- east . ~~2776
02756 ## Chariyph {khaw-reef'} ; from 02778 ; autumnal ; Chariph , the name of two Israelites :-- Hariph . ~~2756
02778 ## charaph . {khaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to pull off , i . e . (by implication) to expose (as by stripping) ; specifically , to betroth (as if a surrender) ; figuratively , to carp at , i . e . defame ; denominative (from 02779) to spend the winter :-- betroth , blaspheme , defy , jeopard , rail , reproach , upbraid . ~~2778
02779 ## choreph {kho'- ref} ; from 02778 ; properly , the crop gathered , i . e . (by implication) the autumn (and winter) season ; figuratively , ripeness of age :-- cold , winter [-house ] , youth . ~~2778
02780 ## Chareph {khaw-rafe'} ; from 02778 ; reproachful ; Chareph , an Israelite :-- Hareph . ~~2780
02781 ## cherpah {kher-paw'} ; from 02778 ; contumely , disgrace , the pudenda :-- rebuke , reproach (- fully) , shame . ~~2780
00456 ## 'Eliychoreph {el-ee-kho'- ref} ; from 00410 and 02779 ; God of autumn ; Elichoreph , an Israelite :-- Elihoreph . ~~456
02778 ## charaph . {khaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to pull off , i . e . (by implication) to expose (as by stripping) ; specifically , to betroth (as if a surrender) ; figuratively , to carp at , i . e . defame ; denominative (from 02779) to spend the winter :-- betroth , blaspheme , defy , jeopard , rail , reproach , upbraid . ~~2778
02779 ## choreph {kho'- ref} ; from 02778 ; properly , the crop gathered , i . e . (by implication) the autumn (and winter) season ; figuratively , ripeness of age :-- cold , winter [-house ] , youth . ~~2778
02780 ## Chareph {khaw-rafe'} ; from 02778 ; reproachful ; Chareph , an Israelite :-- Hareph . ~~2780
02781 ## cherpah {kher-paw'} ; from 02778 ; contumely , disgrace , the pudenda :-- rebuke , reproach (- fully) , shame . ~~2780
02742 ## charuwts {khaw-roots'} ; or charuts {khaw-roots'} ; passive participle of 02782 ; properly , incised or (active) incisive ; hence (as noun masculine or feminine) a trench (as dug) , gold (as mined) , a threshing-sledge (having sharp teeth) ; (figuratively) determination ; also eager :-- decision , diligent , (fine) gold , pointed things , sharp , threshing instrument , wall . ~~2742
02757 ## chariyts {khaw-reets'} ; or charits {khaw-reets'} ; from 02782 ; properly , incisure or (passively) incised [compare 02742 ] ; hence , a threshing-sledge (with sharp teeth) : also a slice (as cut) :-- + cheese , harrow . ~~2756
02782 ## charats {khaw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to point sharply , i . e . (literally) to wound ; figuratively , to be alert , to decide :-- bestir self , decide , decree , determine , maim , move . ~~2782
02783 ## charats (Aramaic) {khar-ats'} ; from a root corresponding to 02782 in the sense of vigor ; the loin (as the seat of strength) :-- loin . ~~2782
02785 ## chartsan {kchar-tsan'} ; from 02782 ; a sour grape (as sharp in taste) :-- kernel . ~~2784
02783 ## charats (Aramaic) {khar-ats'} ; from a root corresponding to 02782 in the sense of vigor ; the loin (as the seat of strength) :-- loin . ~~2782
02784 ## chartsubbah {khar-tsoob-baw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a fetter ; figuratively , a pain :-- band . ~~2784
02785 ## chartsan {kchar-tsan'} ; from 02782 ; a sour grape (as sharp in taste) :-- kernel . ~~2784
02786 ## charaq {khaw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to grate the teeth :-- gnash . ~~2786
02715 ## chor {khore} ; or (fully) chowr {khore} ; from 02787 ; properly , white or pure (from the cleansing or shining power of fire [compare 02751 ] ; hence (figuratively) noble (in rank) :-- noble . ~~2714
02734 ## charah {khaw-raw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02787 ] ; to glow or grow warm ; figuratively (usually) to blaze up , of anger , zeal , jealousy :-- be angry , burn , be displeased , X earnestly , fret self , grieve , be (wax) hot , be incensed , kindle , X very , be wroth . See 08474 . ~~2734
02746 ## charchur {khar-khoor'} ; from 02787 ; fever (as hot) ;-- extreme burning . ~~2746
02761 ## charak (Aramaic) {khar-ak'} ; a root probably allied to the equivalent of 02787 ; to scorch :-- singe . ~~2760
02771 ## Charan {kaw-rawn'} ; from 02787 ; parched ; Charan , the name of a man and also of a place :-- Haran . ~~2770
02787 ## charar {khaw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to glow , i . e . literally (to melt , burn , dry up) or figuratively (to show or incite passion :-- be angry , burn , dry , kindle . ~~2786
02788 ## charer {khaw-rare'} ; from 02787 ; arid :-- parched place . ~~ 2788
02788 ## charer {khaw-rare'} ; from 02787 ; arid :-- parched place . ~~ 2788
02789 ## cheres {kheh'- res} ; a collateral form mediating between 02775 and 02791 ; a piece of pottery :-- earth (- en) , (pot-) sherd , + stone . ~~2788
07025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'- res} ; or (feminine of the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'- seth} ; from 07023 and 02789 ; fortress of earthenware ; Kir-Cheres or Kir-Chareseth , a place in Moab :-- Kir-haraseth , Kir-hareseth , Kir-haresh , Kir-heres . ~~7024
02758 ## chariysh {khaw-reesh'} ; from 02790 ; ploughing or its season :-- earing (time) , ground . ~~2758
02759 ## chariyshiy {khar-ee-shee'} ; from 02790 in the sense of silence ; quiet , i . e . sultry (as feminine noun , the sirocco or hot east wind) :-- vehement . ~~2758
02790 ## charash {khaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to scratch , i . e . (by implication) to engrave , plough ; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material) ; figuratively , to devise (in a bad sense) ; hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent , to let alone ; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness) :-- X altogether , cease , conceal , be deaf , devise , ear , graven , imagine , leave off speaking , hold peace , plow (- er , man) , be quiet , rest , practise secretly , keep silence , be silent , speak not a word , be still , hold tongue , worker . ~~2790
02791 ## cheresh {kheh'- resh} ; from 02790 ; magical craft ; also silence :-- cunning , secretly . ~~2790
02793 ## choresh {kho'- resh} ; from 02790 ; a forest (perhaps as furnishing the material for fabric) :-- bough , forest , shroud , wood . ~~2792
02794 ## choresh {kho-rashe'} ; active participle of 02790 ; a fabricator or mechanic :-- artificer . ~~2794
02795 ## cheresh {khay-rashe'} ; from 02790 ; deaf (whether literally or spir .) :-- deaf . ~~2794
02796 ## charash {khaw-rawsh'} ; from 02790 ; a fabricator or any material :-- artificer , (+) carpenter , craftsman , engraver , maker , + mason , skilful , (+) smith , worker , workman , such as wrought . ~~2796
02799 ## charosheth {khar-o'- sheth} ; from 02790 ; mechanical work :-- carving , cutting . ~~2798
04281 ## machareshah {makh-ar-ay-shaw'} ; from 02790 ; probably a pick-axe :-- mattock . ~~4280
04282 ## macharesheth {makh-ar-eh'- sheth} ; from 02790 ; probably a hoe :-- share . ~~4282