06590 ## p@shar (Aramaic) {pesh-ar'} ; corresponding to 06622 ; to interpret :-- make [interpretations ] , interpreting . ~~6590
03887 ## luwts {loots} ; a primitive root ; properly , to make mouths at , i . e . to scoff ; hence (from the effort to pronounce a foreign language) to interpret , or (generally) intercede :-- ambassador , have in derision , interpreter , make a mock , mocker , scorn (- er ,-- ful) , teacher . ~~3886
06590 ## p@shar (Aramaic) {pesh-ar'} ; corresponding to 06622 ; to interpret :-- make [interpretations ] , interpreting . ~~6590
00518 ## 'im {eem} ; a primitive particle ; used very widely as demonstrative , lo ! ; interrog . , whether ? ; or conditional , if , although ; also Oh that ! , when ; hence , as a negative , not :-- (and , can-, doubtless , if , that) (not) , + but , either , + except , + more (- over if , than) , neither , nevertheless , nor , oh that , or , + save (only ,-ing) , seeing , since , sith , + surely (no more , none , not) , though , + of a truth , + unless , + verily , when , whereas , whether , while , + yet . ~~518
00371 ## 'iyn {een} ; apparently a shortened form of 00369 ; but (like 00370) an interrogative : is it not ? :-- not . ~~370
04100 ## mah {maw} ; or mah {mah} ; or ma {maw} ; or ma {mah} ; also meh {meh} ; a primitive particle ; properly , interrogative what ? (including how ? why ? when ?) ; but also exclamation , what ! (including how !) , or indefinitely what (including whatever , and even relatively , that which) ; often used with prefixes in various adverbial or conjunctive senses :-- how (long , oft , [-soever ]) , [no-] thing , what (end , good , purpose , thing) , whereby (- fore ,-in ,-to ,-with) , (for) why . ~~4100
04310 ## miy {me} ; an interrogative pronoun of persons , as 04100 is of things , who ? (occasionally , by a peculiar idiom , of things) ; also (indefinitely) whoever ; often used in oblique construction with prefix or suffix :-- any (man) , X he , X him , + O that ! what , which , who (- m ,-se ,-soever) , + would to God . ~~4310
04970 ## mathay {maw-thah'ee} ; from an unused root meaning to extend ; properly , extent (of time) ; but used only adverbially (especially with other particle prefixes) , when (either relative or interrogative) :-- long , when . ~~4970
04479 ## man (Aramaic) {mawn} ; from 04101 ; who or what (properly , interrogatively , hence , also indefinitely and relatively) :-- what , who (- msoever , +-so) . ~~4478
02962 ## terem {teh'- rem} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to interrupt or suspend ; properly , non-occurrence ; used adverbially , not yet or before :-- before , ere , not yet . ~~2962
07674 ## shebeth {sheh'- beth} ; from 07673 ; rest , interruption , cessation :-- cease , sit still , loss of time . ~~7674
00822 ## 'eshnab {esh-nawb'} ; apparently from an unused root (probably meaning to leave interstices) ; A latticed window :-- casement , lattice . ~~822
03648 ## kamar {kaw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to intertwine or contract , i . e . (by implication) to shrivel (as with heat) ; figuratively , to be deeply affected with passion (love or pity) :-- be black , be kindled , yearn . ~~3648
03523 ## k@biyr {keb-eer} ; from 03527 in the original sense of plaiting ; a matrass (of intertwined materials) :-- pillow . ~~3522
01143 ## benayim {bay-nah'- yim} ; dual of 00996 ; a double interval , i . e . the space between two armies :-- + champion . ~~1142
07305 ## revach {reh'- vakh} ; from 07304 ; room , literally (an interval) or figuratively (deliverance) :-- enlargement , space . ~~7304
07948 ## shalab {shaw-lawb'} ; from 07947 ; a spacer or raised interval , i . e . the stile in a frame or panel :-- ledge . ~~7948
05259 ## nacak {naw-sak'} ; a primitive root [probably identical with 05258 through the idea of fusion ] ; to interweave , i . e . (figuratively) to overspread :-- that is spread . ~~5258
07636 ## shabiyc {shaw-beece'} ; from an unused root meaning to interweave ; a netting for the hair :-- caul . ~~7636
07660 ## shabats {shaw-bats'} ; a primitive root ; to interweave (colored) threads in squares ; by implication (of reticulation) to inchase gems in gold :-- embroider , set . ~~7660
04374 ## m@kacceh {mek-as-seh'} ; from 03680 ; a covering , i . e . garment ; specifically , a coverlet (for a bed) , an awning (from the sun) ; also the omentum (as covering the intestines) :-- clothing , to cover , that which covereth . ~~4374
04578 ## me` ah {may-aw'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be soft ; used only in plural the intestines , or (collectively) the abdomen , figuratively , sympathy ; by implication , a vest ; by extens . the stomach , the uterus (or of men , the seat of generation) , the heart (figuratively) :-- belly , bowels , X heart , womb . ~~4578
05475 ## cowd {sode} ; from 03245 ; a session , i . e . company of persons (in close deliberation) ; by implication , intimacy , consultation , a secret :-- assembly , consel , inward , secret (counsel) . ~~5474
02713 ## chaqar {khaw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to penetrate ; hence , to examine intimately :-- find out , (make) search (out) , seek (out) , sound , try . ~~2712
00622 ## 'acaph {aw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to gather for any purpose ; hence , to receive , take away , i . e . remove (destroy , leave behind , put up , restore , etc .) :-- assemble , bring , consume , destroy , felch , gather (in , together , up again) , X generally , get (him) , lose , put all together , receive , recover [another from leprosy ] , (be) rereward , X surely , take (away , into , up) , X utterly , withdraw . ~~622
00935 ## bow'{bo} ; a primitive root ; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications) :-- abide , apply , attain , X be , befall , + besiege , bring (forth , in , into , to pass) , call , carry , X certainly , (cause , let , thing for) to come (against , in , out , upon , to pass) , depart , X doubtless again , + eat , + employ , (cause to) enter (in , into ,-tering ,-trance ,-try) , be fallen , fetch , + follow , get , give , go (down , in , to war) , grant , + have , X indeed , [in-] vade , lead , lift [up ] , mention , pull in , put , resort , run (down) , send , set , X (well) stricken [in age ] , X surely , take (in) , way . ~~934
00935 ## bow'{bo} ; a primitive root ; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications) :-- abide , apply , attain , X be , befall , + besiege , bring (forth , in , into , to pass) , call , carry , X certainly , (cause , let , thing for) to come (against , in , out , upon , to pass) , depart , X doubtless again , + eat , + employ , (cause to) enter (in , into ,-tering ,-trance ,-try) , be fallen , fetch , + follow , get , give , go (down , in , to war) , grant , + have , X indeed , [in-] vade , lead , lift [up ] , mention , pull in , put , resort , run (down) , send , set , X (well) stricken [in age ] , X surely , take (in) , way . ~~934
01119 ## b@mow {bem-o'} ; prolongation for prepositional prefix ; in , with , by , etc . :-- for , in into , through . ~~1118
01234 ## baqa` {baw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to cleave ; generally , to rend , break , rip or open :-- make a breach , break forth (into , out , in pieces , through , up) , be ready to burst , cleave (asunder) , cut out , divide , hatch , rend (asunder) , rip up , tear , win . ~~1234
01413 ## gadad {gaw-dad'} ; a primitive root [compare 01464 ] ; to crowd ; also to gash (as if by pressing into) :-- assemble (selves by troops) , gather (selves together , self in troops) , cut selves . ~~1412
01415 ## gadah {gaw-daw'} ; from an unused root (meaning to cut off) ; a border of a river (as cut into by the stream) :-- bank . ~~1414
01540 ## galah {gaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to denude (especially in a disgraceful sense) ; by implication , to exile (captives being usually stripped) ; figuratively , to reveal :-- + advertise , appear , bewray , bring , (carry , lead , go) captive (into captivity) , depart , disclose , discover , exile , be gone , open , X plainly , publish , remove , reveal , X shamelessly , shew , X surely , tell , uncover . ql ~~1540
01854 ## daqaq {daw-kak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01915 ] ; to crush (or intransitively) crumble :-- beat in pieces (small) , bruise , make dust , (into) X powder , (be , very) small , stamp (small) . ~~1854
02007 ## hennah {hane'- naw} ; prolongation for 02004 ; themselves (often used emphatic for the copula , also in indirect relation) :-- X in , X such (and such things) , their , (into) them , thence , therein , these , they (had) , on this side , whose , wherein . ~~2006
02658 ## chaphar {khaw-far'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pry into ; by implication , to delve , to explore :-- dig , paw , search out , seek . ~~2658
02686 ## chatsats {khaw-tsats'} ; a primitive root [compare 02673 ] ; properly , to chop into , pierce or sever ; hence , to curtail , to distribute (into ranks) ; as denom . from 02671 , to shoot an arrow :-- archer , X bands , cut off in the midst . ~~2686
02686 ## chatsats {khaw-tsats'} ; a primitive root [compare 02673 ] ; properly , to chop into , pierce or sever ; hence , to curtail , to distribute (into ranks) ; as denom . from 02671 , to shoot an arrow :-- archer , X bands , cut off in the midst . ~~2686
02885 ## tabba` ath {tab-bah'- ath} ; from 02883 ; properly , a seal (as sunk into the wax) , i . e . signet (for sealing) ; hence (generally) a ring of any kind :-- ring . ~~2884
03333 ## y@tsukah {yets-oo-kaw'} ; passive participle feminine of 03332 ; poured out , i . e . run into a mould :-- when it was cast . ~~3332
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~3334
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~3334
03342 ## yeqeb {yeh'- keb} ; from an unused root meaning to excavate ; a trough (as dug out) ; specifically , a wine-vat (whether the lower one , into which the juice drains ; or the upper , in which the grapes are crushed) :-- fats , presses , press-fat , wine (- press) . ~~3342
03533 ## kabash {kaw-bash'} ; a primitive root ; to tread down ; hence , negatively , to disregard ; positively , to conquer , subjugate , violate :-- bring into bondage , force , keep under , subdue , bring into subjection ~~3532
03533 ## kabash {kaw-bash'} ; a primitive root ; to tread down ; hence , negatively , to disregard ; positively , to conquer , subjugate , violate :-- bring into bondage , force , keep under , subdue , bring into subjection ~~3532
03554 ## kavah {kaw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to prick or penetrate ; hence , to blister (as smarting or eating into) :-- burn . ~~3554
03665 ## kana` {kaw-nah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to bend the knee ; hence , to humiliate , vanquish :-- bring down (low) , into subjection , under , humble (self) , subdue . ~~3664
03778 ## Kasdiy {kas-dee'} ; (occasionally with enclitic) Kasdiymah {kas-dee'- maw} ; towards the Kasdites :-- into Chaldea) , patronymically from 03777 (only in the plural) ; a Kasdite , or descendant of Kesed ; by implication , a Chaldaean (as if so descended) ; also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people :-- Chaldeans , Chaldees , inhabitants of Chaldea . ~~3778
03996 ## mabow'{maw-bo'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance (the place or the act) ; specifically (with or without 08121) sunset or the west ; also (adverb with preposition) towards :-- by which came , as cometh , in coming , as men enter into , entering , entrance into , entry , where goeth , going down , + westward . Compare 04126 . ~~3996
03996 ## mabow'{maw-bo'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance (the place or the act) ; specifically (with or without 08121) sunset or the west ; also (adverb with preposition) towards :-- by which came , as cometh , in coming , as men enter into , entering , entrance into , entry , where goeth , going down , + westward . Compare 04126 . ~~3996
04376 ## makar {maw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to sell , literally (as merchandise , a daughter in marriage , into slavery) , or figuratively (to surrender) :-- X at all , sell (away ,-er , self) . ~~4376
04427 ## malak {maw-lak'} ; a primitive root ; to reign ; inceptively , to ascend the throne ; causatively , to induct into royalty ; hence (by implication) to take counsel :-- consult , X indeed , be (make , set a , set up) king , be (make) queen , (begin to , make to) reign (- ing) , rule , X surely . ~~4426
04482 ## men {mane} ; from an unused root meaning to apportion ; a part ; hence , a musical chord (as parted into strings) :-- in [the same ] (Psalm 68 : 23) , stringed instrument (Psalm 150 : 4) , whereby (Psalm 45 : 8 [defective plural ]) . ~~4482
05148 ## nachah {naw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to guide ; by implication , to transport (into exile , or as colonists) :-- bestow , bring , govern , guide , lead (forth) , put , straiten . ~~5148
05528 ## cakal {saw-kal'} ; for 03688 ; to be silly :-- do (make , play the , turn into) fool (- ish ,-ishly ,-ishness) . ~~5528
05536 ## cal {sal} ; from 05549 ; properly , a willow twig (as pendulous) , i . e . an osier ; but only as woven into a basket :-- basket . ~~5536
05704 ## ` ad {ad} ; properly , the same as 05703 (used as a preposition , adverb or conjunction ; especially with a preposition) ; as far (or long , or much) as , whether of space (even unto) or time (during , while , until) or degree (equally with) :-- against , and , as , at , before , by (that) , even (to) , for (- asmuch as) , [hither-] to , + how long , into , as long (much) as , (so) that , till , toward , until , when , while , (+ as) yet . ~~5704
06284 ## pa'ah {paw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to puff , i . e . blow away :-- scatter into corners . ~~6284
06315 ## puwach {poo'akh} ; a primitive root ; to puff , i . e . blow with the breath or air ; hence , to fan (as a breeze) , to utter , to kindle (a fire) , to scoff :-- blow (upon) , break , puff , bring into a snare , speak , utter . ~~6314
06476 ## patsach {paw-tsakh'} ; a primitive root ; to break out (in joyful sound) :-- break (forth , forth into joy) , make a loud noise . ~~6476
06648 ## tseba` {tseh'- bah} ; from an unused root meaning to dip (into coloring fluid) ; a dye :-- divers , colours . ~~6648
06822 ## tsaphah {tsaw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to lean forward , i . e . to peer into the distance ; by implication , to observe , await :-- behold , espy , look up (well) , wait for , (keep the) watch (- man) . ~~6822
06999 ## qatar {kaw-tar'} ; a primitive root [identical with 07000 through the idea of fumigation in a close place and perhaps thus driving out the occupants ] ; to smoke , i . e . turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship) :-- burn (incense , sacrifice) (upon) , (altar for) incense , kindle , offer (incense , a sacrifice) . ~~6998
07043 ## qalal {kaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) light , literally (swift , small , sharp , etc .) or figuratively (easy , trifling , vile , etc .) :-- abate , make bright , bring into contempt , (ac-) curse , despise , (be) ease (- y ,-ier) , (be a , make , make somewhat , move , seem a , set) light (- en ,-er ,-ly ,-ly afflict ,-ly esteem , thing) , X slight [-ly ] , be swift (- er) , (be , be more , make , re-) vile , whet . ~~7042
07049 ## qala` {kaw-lah'} ; a primitive root : to sling : also to carve (as if a circular motion , or into light forms) :-- carve , sling (out) . ~~7048
07290 ## radam {raw-dam'} ; a primitive root ; to stun , i . e . stupefy (with sleep or death) :-- (be fast a-, be in a deep , cast into a dead , that) sleep (- er ,-eth) . ~~7290
07554 ## raqa` {raw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to pound the earth (as a sign of passion) ; by analogy to expand (by hammering) ; by implication , to overlay (with thin sheets of metal) :-- beat , make broad , spread abroad (forth , over , out , into plates) , stamp , stretch . ~~7554
07617 ## shabah {shaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to transport into captivity :-- (bring away , carry , carry away , lead , lead away , take) captive (- s) , drive (take) away . ~~7616
07618 ## sh@buw {sheb-oo'} ; from an unused root (probably identical with that of 07617 through the idea of subdivision into flashes or streamers [compare 07632 ] meaning to flame ; a gem (from its sparkle) , probably the agate :-- agate . ~~7618
07632 ## shabiyb {shaw-beeb'} ; from the same as 07616 ; flame (as split into tongues) :-- spark . ~~7632
07668 ## sheber {sheh'- ber} ; the same as 07667 ; grain (as if broken into kernels) :-- corn , victuals . ~~7668
07873 ## siyg {seeg} ; from 07734 ; a withdrawal (into a private place) :-- pursuing . ~~7874
07994 ## shalak {shaw-lawk'} ; from 07993 ; bird of prey , usually thought to be the pelican (from casting itself into the sea) :-- cormorant . ~~7994
08027 ## shalash {shaw-lash'} ; a primitive root perhaps originally to intensify , i . e . treble ; but apparently used only as denominative from 07969 , to be (causatively , make) triplicate (by restoration , in portions , strands , days or years) :-- do the third time , (divide into , stay) three (days ,-fold , parts , years old) . ~~8028
08074 ## shamem {shaw-mame'} ; a primitive root ; to stun (or intransitively , grow numb) , i . e . devastate or (figuratively) stupefy (both usually in a passive sense) :-- make amazed , be astonied , (be an) astonish (- ment) , (be , bring into , unto , lay , lie , make) desolate (- ion , places) , be destitute , destroy (self) , (lay , lie , make) waste , wonder . ~~8074
08327 ## sharash {shaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to root , i . e . strike into the soil , or (by implication) to pluck from it :-- (take , cause to take) root (out) . ~~8328
08341 ## shashah {shaw-shaw'} ; a denominative from 08337 ; to sixth or divide into sixths :-- give the sixth participle ~~8342
08585 ## t@` alah {teh-aw-law'} ; from 05927 ; a channel (into which water is raised for irrigation) ; also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound) :-- conduit , cured , healing , little river , trench , watercourse . ~~8586