07668 ## sheber {sheh'- ber} ; the same as 07667 ; grain (as if broken into kernels) :-- corn , victuals . ~~7668
07026 ## Qeyroc {kay-roce'} ; or Qeroc {kay-roce'} ; from the same as 07166 ; ankled ; Keros , one of the Nethinim :-- Keros . ~~7026
07026 ## Qeyroc {kay-roce'} ; or Qeroc {kay-roce'} ; from the same as 07166 ; ankled ; Keros , one of the Nethinim :-- Keros . ~~7026
03743 ## K@ruwb {ker-oob'} ; the same as 03742 ; Kerub , a place in Bab . :-- Cherub . ~~3742
03682 ## k@cuwth {kes-ooth'} ; from 03680 ; a cover (garment) ; figuratively , a veiling :-- covering , raiment , vesture . ~~3682
03684 ## k@ciyl {kes-eel'} ; from 03688 ; properly , fat , i . e . (figuratively) stupid or silly :-- fool (- ish) . ~~3684
03685 ## K@ciyl {kes-eel'} ; the same as 03684 ; any notable constellation ; specifically Orion (as if a burly one) :-- constellation , Orion . ~~3684
03686 ## K@ciyl {kes-eel'} ; the same as 03684 ; Kesil , a place in Palestine :-- Chesil . ~~3686
03687 ## k@ciyluwth {kes-eel-ooth'} ; from 03684 ; silliness :-- foolish . ~~3686
03693 ## K@calown {kes-aw-lone'} ; from 03688 ; fertile ; Kesalon , a place in Palestine :-- Chesalon . ~~3692
03694 ## K@cullowth {kes-ool-loth'} ; feminine plural of passive participle of 03688 ; fattened ; Kesulloth , a place in Palestine :-- Chesulloth . ~~3694
03702 ## k@caph (Aramaic) {kes-af'} ; corresponding to 03701 :-- money , silver . ~~3702
04371 ## mekec {meh'- kes} ; probably from an unused root meaning to enumerate ; an assessment (as based upon a census) :-- tribute . ~~4370
05233 ## nekec {neh'- kes} ; from an unused root meaning to accumulate ; treasure :-- riches , wealth . ~~5232
05914 ## ` ekec {eh'- kes} ; from 05913 ; a fetter ; hence , an anklet :-- stocks , tinkling ornament . ~~5914
07192 ## q@siytah {kes-ee-taw'} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to weigh out) ; an ingot (as definitely estimated and stamped for a coin) :-- piece of money (silver) . ~~7192
07406 ## rekec {reh'- kes} ; from 07405 ; a mountain ridge (as of tied summits) :-- rough place . ~~7406
07407 ## rokec {ro'- kes} ; from 07405 ; a snare (as of tied meshes) :-- pride . ~~7406
03693 ## K@calown {kes-aw-lone'} ; from 03688 ; fertile ; Kesalon , a place in Palestine :-- Chesalon . ~~3692
03775 ## keseb {keh'- seb} ; apparently by transposition for 03532 ; a young sheep :-- lamb . ~~3774
03777 ## Kesed {keh'- sed} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; Kesed , a relative of Abraham :-- Onesed . ~~3776
03777 ## Kesed {keh'- sed} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; Kesed , a relative of Abraham :-- Onesed . ~~3776
03778 ## Kasdiy {kas-dee'} ; (occasionally with enclitic) Kasdiymah {kas-dee'- maw} ; towards the Kasdites :-- into Chaldea) , patronymically from 03777 (only in the plural) ; a Kasdite , or descendant of Kesed ; by implication , a Chaldaean (as if so descended) ; also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people :-- Chaldeans , Chaldees , inhabitants of Chaldea . ~~3778
03954 ## leqesh {leh'- kesh} ; from 03953 ; the after crop :-- latter growth . ~~3954
06143 ## ` iqq@shuwth {ik-kesh-ooth'} ; from 06141 ; perversity :-- X froward . ~~6142
07187 ## q@showt (Aramaic) {kesh-ote'} ; or q@shot (Aramaic) {kesh-ote'} ; corresponding to 07189 ; fidelity :-- truth . ~~7186
07187 ## q@showt (Aramaic) {kesh-ote'} ; or q@shot (Aramaic) {kesh-ote'} ; corresponding to 07189 ; fidelity :-- truth . ~~7186
07190 ## q@shiy {kesh-ee'} ; from 07185 ; obstinacy :-- stubbornness . ~~ 7190
07409 ## rekesh {reh'- kesh} ; from 07408 ; a relay of animals on a post-route (as stored up for that purpose) ; by implication , a courser :-- dromedary , mule , swift beast . ~~7408
03785 ## kesheph {keh'- shef} ; from 03784 ; magic :-- sorcery , witchcraft . ~~3784
07191 ## Qishyown {kish-yone'} ; from 07190 ; hard ground ; Kishjon , a place in Palestine :-- Kishion , Keshon . ~~7190
03686 ## K@ciyl {kes-eel'} ; the same as 03684 ; Kesil , a place in Palestine :-- Chesil . ~~3686
03694 ## K@cullowth {kes-ool-loth'} ; feminine plural of passive participle of 03688 ; fattened ; Kesulloth , a place in Palestine :-- Chesulloth . ~~3694
03951 ## leqet {leh'- ket} ; from 03950 ; the gleaning :-- gleaning . ~~ 3950
06988 ## q@towrah {ket-o-raw'} ; from 06999 ; perfume :-- incense . ~~ 6988
06989 ## Q@tuwrah {ket-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06999 ; perfumed ; Keturah , a wife of Abraham :-- Keturah . ~~6988
06992 ## q@tal (Aramaic) {ket-al'} ; corresponding to 06991 ; to kill :-- slay . ~~6992
07001 ## q@tar (Aramaic) {ket-ar'} ; from a root corresponding to 07000 ; a knot (as tied up) , i . e . (figuratively) a riddle ; also a vertebra (as if a knot) :-- doubt , joint . ~~7000
07004 ## q@toreth {ket-o'- reth} ; from 06999 ; a fumigation :-- (sweet) incense , perfume . ~~7004
08253 ## sheqet {sheh'- ket} ; from 08252 ; tranquillity :-- quietness . ~~8254
01304 ## bareqeth {baw-reh'- keth} ; or bar@kath {baw-rek-ath'} ; from 01300 ; a gem (as flashing) , perhaps the emerald :-- carbuncle . ~~1304
01816 ## dalleqeth {dal-lek'- keth} : from 01814 ; a burning fever :-- inflammation . ~~1816
03127 ## yowneqeth {yo-neh'- keth} ; feminine of 03126 ; a sprout :-- (tender) branch , young twig . ~~3126
03790 ## k@thab (Aramaic) {keth-ab'} ; corresponding to 03789 :-- write (- ten) . ~~3790
03792 ## k@thab (Aramaic) {keth-awb'} ; corresponding to 03791 :-- prescribing , writing (- ten) . ~~3792
03793 ## k@thobeth {keth-o'- beth} ; from 03789 ; a letter or other mark branded on the skin :-- X any [mark ] . ~~3792
03797 ## k@thal (Aramaic) {keth-al'} ; corresponding to 03796 :-- wall . ~~3796
03801 ## k@thoneth {keth-o'- neth} ; or kuttoneth {koot-to'- neth} ; from an unused root meaning to cover [compare 03802 ] ; a shirt :-- coat , garment , robe . ~~3800
04115 ## mahpeketh {mah-peh'- keth} ; from 02015 ; a wrench , i . e . the stocks :-- prison , stocks . ~~4114
04256 ## machaloqeth {makh-al-o'- keth} ; from 02505 ; a section (of Levites , people or soldiers) :-- company , course , division , portion . See also 05555 . ~~4256
04446 ## m@leketh {mel-eh'- keth} ; from 04427 ; a queen :-- queen . ~~ 4446
04447 ## Moleketh {mo-leh'- keth} ; feminine active participle of 04427 ; queen ; Moleketh , an Israelitess :-- Hammoleketh [including the article ] . ~~4446
04545 ## macceketh {mas-seh'- keth} ; from 05259 in the sense of spreading out ; something expanded , i . e . the warp in a loom (as stretched out to receive the woof) :-- web . ~~4544
04635 ## ma` areketh {mah-ar-eh'- keth} ; from 06186 ; an arrangement , i . e . (concretely) a pile (of loaves) :-- row , shewbread . ~~4634
04665 ## miphreketh {mif-reh'- keth} ; from 06561 ; properly , a fracture , i . e . joint (vertebrae) of the neck :-- neck . ~~4664
06532 ## poreketh {po-reh'- keth} ; feminine active participle of the same as 06531 ; a separatrix , i . e . (the sacred) screen :-- vail . ~~6532
07995 ## shalleketh {shal-leh'- keth} ; from 07993 ; a felling (of trees) :-- when cast . ~~7996
07996 ## Shalleketh {shal-leh'- keth} ; the same as 07995 ; Shalleketh , a gate in Jerusalem :-- Shalleketh . ~~7996
08268 ## shoqeth {sho'- keth} ; from 08248 ; a trough (for watering) :-- trough . ~~8268
03800 ## kethem {keh'- them} ; from 03799 ; properly , something carved out , i . e . ore ; hence , gold (pure as originally mined) :-- ([most ] fine , pure) gold (- en wedge) . ~~3800
03804 ## kether {keh'- ther} ; from 03803 ; properly , a circlet , i . e . a diadem :-- crown . ~~3804
07102 ## q@tsiy` ah {kets-ee-aw'} ; from 07106 ; cassia (as peeled ; plural the bark) :-- cassia . ~~7102
07103 ## Q@tsiy` ah {kets-ee-aw'} ; the same as 07102 ; Ketsiah , a daughter of Job :-- Kezia . ~~7102
07104 ## Q@tsiyts {kets-eets'} ; from 07112 ; abrupt ; Keziz , a valley in Palestine :-- Keziz . ~~7104
07108 ## q@tsaph (Aramaic) {kets-af'} ; corresponding to 07107 ; to become enraged :-- be furious . ~~7108
07109 ## q@tsaph (Aramaic) {kets-af'} ; from 07108 ; rage :-- wrath . ~~ 7108
07111 ## q@tsaphah {kets-aw-faw'} ; from 07107 ; a fragment :-- bark [-ed ] . ~~7110
07113 ## q@tsats (Aramaic) {kets-ats'} ; corresponding to 07112 :-- cut off . ~~7112
07117 ## q@tsath {kets-awth'} ; from 07096 ; a termination (literally or figuratively) ; also (by implication) a portion ; adverbially (with prepositional prefix) after :-- end , part , X some . ~~7116
07118 ## q@tsath (Aramaic) {kets-awth'} ; corresponding to 07117 :-- end , partly . ~~7118
08263 ## sheqets {sheh'- kets} ; from 08262 ; filth , i . e . (figuratively and specifically) an idolatrous object :-- abominable (- tion) . ~~8264
07103 ## Q@tsiy` ah {kets-ee-aw'} ; the same as 07102 ; Ketsiah , a daughter of Job :-- Kezia . ~~7102
00100 ## 'agmown {ag-mone'} ; from the same as 00098 ; a marshy pool [others from a different root , a kettle ] ; by implication a rush (as growing there) ; collectively a rope of rushes :-- bulrush , caldron , hook , rush . ~~100
01731 ## duwd {dood} ; from the same as 01730 ; a pot (for boiling) ; also (by resemblance of shape) a basket :-- basket , caldron , kettle , (seething) pot . ~~1730
04841 ## merqachah {mer-kaw-khaw'} ; feminine of 04840 ; abstractly , a seasoning (with spicery) ; concretely , an unguent-kettle (for preparing spiced oil) :-- pot of ointment , X well . ~~4840
07037 ## qallachath {kal-lakh'- ath} ; apparently but a form for 06747 ; a kettle :-- caldron . ~~7036
00028 ## 'Abiyda` {ab-ee-daw'} ; from 00001 and 03045 ; father of knowledge (i . e . knowing) ; Abida , a son of Abraham by Keturah :-- Abida , Abidah . ~~28
02175 ## Zimran {zim-rawn'} ; from 02167 ; musical ; Zimran , a son of Abraham by Keturah :-- Zimran . ~~2174
06989 ## Q@tuwrah {ket-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06999 ; perfumed ; Keturah , a wife of Abraham :-- Keturah . ~~6988
06989 ## Q@tuwrah {ket-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06999 ; perfumed ; Keturah , a wife of Abraham :-- Keturah . ~~6988
00756 ## 'Ark@vay (Aramaic) {ar-kev-ah'ee} ; patrial from 00751 ; an Arkevite (collectively) or native of Erek :-- Archevite . ~~756
03555 ## k@viyah {kev-ee-yaw'} ; from 03554 ; a branding :-- burning . ~~ 3554
06977 ## q@vutstsah {kev-oots-tsaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06972 in its original sense ; a forelock (as shorn) :-- lock . ~~6976
04668 ## maphteach {maf-tay'- akh} ; from 06605 ; an opener , i . e . a key :-- key . ~~4668
04668 ## maphteach {maf-tay'- akh} ; from 06605 ; an opener , i . e . a key :-- key . ~~4668
03597 ## keylaph {kay-laf'} ; from an unused root meaning to clap or strike with noise ; a club or sledge-hammer :-- hammer . ~~3596
03580 ## K@ziyb {kez-eeb'} ; from 03576 ; falsified ; Kezib , a place in Palestine :-- Chezib . ~~3580
07103 ## Q@tsiy` ah {kets-ee-aw'} ; the same as 07102 ; Ketsiah , a daughter of Job :-- Kezia . ~~7102