03923 ## Lachiysh {law-keesh'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; Lakish , a place in Palestine :-- Lachish . ~~3922
03946 ## Laqquwm {lak-koom'} ; from an unused root thought to mean to stop up by a barricade ; perhaps fortification ; Lakkum , a place in Palestine :-- Lakum . ~~3946
03946 ## Laqquwm {lak-koom'} ; from an unused root thought to mean to stop up by a barricade ; perhaps fortification ; Lakkum , a place in Palestine :-- Lakum . ~~3946
00536 ## 'umlal {oom-lal'} ; from 00535 ; sick :-- weak . ~~ 536
01101 ## balal {baw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to overflow (specifically with oil) ; by implication to mix ; also (denom . from 01098) to fodder :-- annoint , confound , X fade , mingle , mix (self) , give provender , temper . ~~1100
01556 ## galal {gaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to roll (literally or figuratively) :-- commit , remove , roll (away , down , together) , run down , seek occasion , trust , wallow . ~~1556
01560 ## g@lal (Aramaic) {ghel-awl'} ; from a root corresponding to 01556 ; weight or size (as if rolled) :-- great . ~~1560
01562 ## Gilalay {ghe-lal-ah'- ee} ; from 01561 ; dungy ; Gilalai , an Israelite :-- Gilalai . ~~1562
01809 ## dalal {daw-lal'} ; a primitive root (compare 01802) ; to slacken or be feeble ; figuratively , to be oppressed :-- bring low , dry up , be emptied , be not equal , fail , be impoverished , be made thin . ~~1808
01984 ## halal {haw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to be clear (orig . of sound , but usually of color) ; to shine ; hence , to make a show , to boast ; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish ; to rave ; causatively , to celebrate ; also to stultify :-- (make) boast (self) , celebrate , commend , (deal , make) , fool (- ish ,-- ly) , glory , give [light ] , be (make , feign self) mad (against) , give in marriage , [sing , be worthy of ] praise , rage , renowned , shine . ~~1984
02151 ## zalal {zaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02107 ] ; to shake (as in the wind) , i . e . to quake ; figuratively , to be loose morally , worthless or prodigal :-- blow down , glutton , riotous (eater) , vile . ~~2150
02490 ## chalal {khaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02470 ] ; properly , to bore , i . e . (by implication) to wound , to dissolve ; figuratively , to profane (a person , place or thing) , to break (one's word) , to begin (as if by an " opening wedge ") ; denom . (from 02485) to play (the flute) :-- begin (X men began) , defile , X break , defile , X eat (as common things) , X first , X gather the grape thereof , X take inheritance , pipe , player on instruments , pollute , (cast as) profane (self) , prostitute , slay (slain) , sorrow , stain , wound . ~~2490
02926 ## talal {taw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strew over , i . e . (by implication) to cover in or plate (with beams) :-- cover . ~~2926
02927 ## t@lal (Aramaic) {tel-al'} ; corresponding to 02926 ; to cover with shade :-- have a shadow . ~~2926
03213 ## yalal {yaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to howl (with a wailing tone) or yell (with a boisterous one) :-- (make to) howl , be howling . ~~3212
03634 ## kalal {kaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to complete :-- (make) perfect . ~~3634
03635 ## k@lal (Aramaic) {kel-al'} ; corresponding to 03634 ; to complete :-- finish , make (set) up . ~~3634
03636 ## K@lal {kel-awl'} ; from 03634 ; complete ; Kelal , an Israelite :-- Chelal ~~3636
04122 ## Maher Shalal Chash Baz {mah-hare'shaw-lawl'khawsh baz} ; from 04118 and 07998 and 02363 and 00957 ; hasting (is he [the enemy ] to the) booty , swift (to the) prey ; Maher-Shalal-Chash-Baz ; the symbolical name of the son of Isaiah :-- Maher-sha-lal-bash-baz . ~~4122
04448 ## malal {maw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to speak (mostly poetical) or say :-- say , speak , utter . ~~4448
04449 ## m@lal (Aramaic) {mel-al'} ; corresponding to 04448 ; to speak :-- say , speak (- ing) . ~~4448
04450 ## Milalay {mee-lal-ah'- ee} ; from 04448 ; talkative ; Milalai , an Israelite :-- Milalai . ~~4450
05549 ## calal {saw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to mound up (especially a turnpike) ; figurative , to exalt ; reflexively , to oppose (as by a dam) :-- cast up , exalt (self) , extol , make plain , raise up . ~~5548
05953 ## ` alal {aw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to effect thoroughly ; specifically , to glean (also figuratively) ; by implication (in a bad sense) to overdo , i . e . maltreat , be saucy to , pain , impose (also literal) :-- abuse , affect , X child , defile , do , glean , mock , practise , thoroughly , work (wonderfully) . ~~5952
06419 ## palal {paw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to judge (officially or mentally) ; by extension , to intercede , pray :-- intreat , judge (- ment) , (make) pray (- er ,-ing) , make supplication . ~~6418
06749 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tumble down , i . e . settle by a waving motion :-- sink . Compare 06750 , 06751 . ~~6748
06750 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06749 through the idea of vibration ] ; to tinkle , i . e . rattle together (as the ears in reddening with shame , or the teeth in chattering with fear) :-- quiver , tingle . ~~6750
06751 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06749 through the idea of hovering over (compare 06754) ] ; to shade , as twilight or an opaque object :-- begin to be dark , shadowing . ~~6750
07043 ## qalal {kaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) light , literally (swift , small , sharp , etc .) or figuratively (easy , trifling , vile , etc .) :-- abate , make bright , bring into contempt , (ac-) curse , despise , (be) ease (- y ,-ier) , (be a , make , make somewhat , move , seem a , set) light (- en ,-er ,-ly ,-ly afflict ,-ly esteem , thing) , X slight [-ly ] , be swift (- er) , (be , be more , make , re-) vile , whet . ~~7042
07997 ## shalal {shaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to drop or strip ; by implication , to plunder :-- let fall , make self a prey , X of purpose , (make a , [take ]) spoil . ~~7998
08524 ## talal {taw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to pile up , i . e . elevate :-- eminent . Compare 02048 . ~~8524
03215 ## y@lalah {yel-aw-law'} ; feminine of 03214 ; a howling :-- howling . ~~3214
07045 ## q@lalah {kel-aw-law'} ; from 07043 ; vilification :-- (ac-) curse (- d ,-ing) . ~~7044
01966 ## heylel {hay-lale'} ; from 01984 (in the sense of brightness) ; the morning-star :-- lucifer . ~~1966
03915 ## layil {lah'- yil} ; or (Isa . 21 : 11) leyl {lale} ; also lay@lah {lah'- yel-aw} ; from the same as 03883 ; properly , a twist (away of the light) , i . e . night ; figuratively , adversity :-- ([mid-]) night (season) . ~~3914
05768 ## ` owlel {o-lale'} ; or` olal {o-lawl'} ; from 05763 ; a suckling :-- babe , (young) child , infant , little one . ~~5768
06421 ## P@lalyah {pel-al-yaw'} ; from 06419 and 03050 ; Jah has judged ; Pelaljah , an Israelite :-- Pelaliah . ~~6420
00361 ## 'eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or (shortened)'elam {ay-lawm'} ; or (feminine)'elammah {ay-lam-maw'} ; probably from 00352 ; a pillar-space (or colonnade) , i . e . a pale (or portico) :-- arch . ~~360
00481 ## 'alam {aw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to tie fast ; hence (of the mouth) to be tongue-tied :-- bind , be dumb , put to silence . ~~480
00487 ## 'Allammelek {al-lam-meh'- lek} ; from 00427 and 04428 ; oak of (the) king ; Allammelek , a place in Palestine :-- Alammelech . ~~486
01102 ## balam {baw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to muzzle :-- be held in . ~~1102
01563 ## galam {gaw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to fold :-- wrap together . ~~1562
01986 ## halam {haw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to strike down ; by implication , to hammer , stamp , conquer , disband :-- beat (down) , break (down) , overcome , smite (with the hammer) . ~~1986
02492 ## chalam {khaw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to bind firmly , i . e . (by implication) to be (causatively to make) plump ; also (through the figurative sense of dumbness) to dream :-- (cause to) dream (- er) , be in good liking , recover . ~~2492
03281 ## Ya` lam {yah-lawm'} ; from 05956 ; occult ; Jalam , an Edomite :-- Jalam . ~~3280
04032 ## magowr {maw-gore'} ; or (Lam . 2 : 22) maguwr {maw-goor'} ; from 01481 in the sense of fearing ; a fright (objective or subjective) :-- fear , terror . Compare 04036 . ~~4032
05956 ## ` alam {aw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to veil from sight , i . e . conceal (literally or figuratively) :-- X any ways , blind , dissembler , hide (self) , secret (thing) . ~~5956
05957 ## ` alam (Aramaic) {aw-lam'} ; corresponding to 05769 ; remote time , i . e . the future or past indefinitely ; often adverb , forever :-- for ([n-]) ever (lasting) , old . ~~5956
07759 ## Shuwlammiyth {shoo-lam-meeth'} ; from 07999 ; peaceful (with the article always prefixed , making it a pet name) ; the Shulammith , an epithet of Solomon's queen :-- Shulamite . ~~7760
07999 ## shalam {shaw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to be safe (in mind , body or estate) ; figuratively , to be (causatively , make) completed ; by implication , to be friendly ; by extension , to reciprocate (in various applications) :-- make amends , (make an) end , finish , full , give again , make good , (re-) pay (again) , (make) (to) (be at) peace (- able) , that is perfect , perform , (make) prosper (- ous) , recompense , render , requite , make restitution , restore , reward , X surely . ~~8000
08000 ## sh@lam (Aramaic) {shel-am'} ; corresponding to 07999 ; to complete , to restore :-- deliver , finish . ~~8000
08001 ## sh@lam (Aramaic) {shel-awm'} ; corresponding to 07965 ; prosperity :-- peace . ~~8002
03925 ## lamad {law-mad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to goad , i . e0 . by implication) to teach (the rod being an O riental 0 inentive) : [un-] accustomed , X diligently , expert , instruct , learn , skilful , teach (- er ,-- ing) . ~~3924
00563 ## 'immar (Aramaic) {im-mar'} ; perhaps from 00560 (in the sense of bringing forth) ; a lamb :-- lamb . ~~562
00563 ## 'immar (Aramaic) {im-mar'} ; perhaps from 00560 (in the sense of bringing forth) ; a lamb :-- lamb . ~~562
01121 ## ben {bane} ; from 01129 ; a son (as a builder of the family name) , in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship , including grandson , subject , nation , quality or condition , etc . , [like 00001 , 00251 , etc . ]) :-- + afflicted , age , [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] [Lev-] ite , [anoint-] ed one , appointed to , (+) arrow , [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] [Grec-] ian , one born , bough , branch , breed , + (young) bullock , + (young) calf , X came up in , child , colt , X common , X corn , daughter , X of first , + firstborn , foal , + very fruitful , + postage , X in , + kid , + lamb , (+) man , meet , + mighty , + nephew , old , (+) people , + rebel , + robber , X servant born , X soldier , son , + spark , + steward , + stranger , X surely , them of , + tumultuous one , + valiant [-est ] , whelp , worthy , young (one) , youth . ~~1120
02089 ## zeh (1 Samuel 17 : 34) {zeh} ; by permutation for 07716 ; a sheep :-- lamb . ~~2088
02922 ## t@la'{tel-aw'} ; apparently from 02921 in the (orig .) sense of covering (for protection) ; a lamb [compare 02924 ] :-- lamb . ~~2922
02922 ## t@la'{tel-aw'} ; apparently from 02921 in the (orig .) sense of covering (for protection) ; a lamb [compare 02924 ] :-- lamb . ~~2922
02924 ## taleh {taw-leh'} ; by variation for 02922 ; a lamb :-- lamb . ~~ 2924
02924 ## taleh {taw-leh'} ; by variation for 02922 ; a lamb :-- lamb . ~~ 2924
03532 ## kebes {keh-bes'} ; from an unused root meaning to dominate ; a ram (just old enough to butt) :-- lamb , sheep . ~~3532
03535 ## kibsah {kib-saw'} ; or kabsah {kab-saw'} ; feminine of 03532 ; a ewe :-- (ewe) lamb . ~~3534
03733 ## kar {kar} ; from 03769 in the sense of plumpness ; a ram (as full-grown and fat) , including a battering-ram (as butting) ; hence , a meadow (as for sheep) ; also a pad or camel's saddle (as puffed out) :-- captain , furniture , lamb , (large) pasture , ram . See also 01033 , 03746 . ~~3732
03775 ## keseb {keh'- seb} ; apparently by transposition for 03532 ; a young sheep :-- lamb . ~~3774
03776 ## kisbah {kis-baw'} ; feminine of 03775 ; a young ewe :-- lamb . ~~3776
06629 ## tso'n {tsone} ; or ts@'own (Psalm 144 : 13) {tseh-one'} ; from an unused root meaning to migrate ; a collective name for a flock (of sheep or goats) ; also figuratively (of men) :-- (small) cattle , flock (+-s) , lamb (+-s) , sheep ([-cote ,-fold ,-shearer ,-herds ]) . ~~6628
07716 ## seh {seh} ; or sey {say} ; probably from 07582 through the idea of pushing out to graze ; a member of a flock , i . e . a sheep or goat :-- (lesser , small) cattle , ewe , goat , lamb , sheep . Compare 02089 . ~~7716
02923 ## T@la'iym {tel-aw-eem'} ; from the plural of 02922 ; lambs ; Telaim , a place in Palestine :-- Telaim . ~~2922