04981 ## Mithniy {mith-nee'} ; probably patrial from an unused noun meaning slenderness ; a Mithnite , or inhabitant of Methen :-- Mithnite . ~~4980
04989 ## Mithqah {mith-kaw'} ; feminine of 04987 ; sweetness ; Mithkah , a place in the Desert :-- Mithcah . ~~4988
04990 ## Mithr@dath {mith-red-awth'} ; of Persian origin ; Mithredath , the name of two Persians :-- Mithredath . ~~4990
04990 ## Mithr@dath {mith-red-awth'} ; of Persian origin ; Mithredath , the name of two Persians :-- Mithredath . ~~4990
04990 ## Mithr@dath {mith-red-awth'} ; of Persian origin ; Mithredath , the name of two Persians :-- Mithredath . ~~4990
06783 ## ts@miythuth {tsem-ee-thooth'} ; or ts@mithuth {tsem-ee-thooth'} ; from 06789 ; excision , i . e . destruction ; used only (adverbially) with prepositional prefix to extinction , i . e . perpetually :-- ever . ~~6782
04304 ## mitpachath {mit-pakh'- ath} ; from 02946 ; a wide cloak (for a woman) :-- vail , wimple . ~~4304
04701 ## mitsnepheth {mits-neh'- feth} ; from 06801 ; a tiara , i . e . official turban (of a king or high priest) :-- diadem , mitre . ~~4700
06797 ## tsaniyph {tsaw-neef'} ; or tsanowph {tsaw-nofe'} ; or (feminine) tsaniyphah {tsaw-nee-faw'} ; from 06801 ; a head-dress (i . e . piece of cloth wrapped around) :-- diadem , hood , mitre . ~~6796
00067 ## 'Abel Mitsrayim {aw-bale'mits-rah'- yim} ; from 00058 and 04714 ; meadow of Egypt ; Abel-Mitsrajim , a place in Palestine :-- Abel-mizraim . ~~66
04675 ## matstsabah {mats-tsaw-baw'} ; or mitstsabah {mits-tsaw-baw'} ; feminine of 04673 ; a military guard :-- army , garrison . ~~4674
04687 ## mitsvah {mits-vaw'} ; from 06680 ; a command , whether human or divine (collectively , the Law) :-- (which was) commanded (- ment) , law , ordinance , precept . ~~4686
04697 ## mitschah {mits-khaw'} ; from the same as 04696 ; a shin-piece of armor (as prominent) , only plural :-- greaves . ~~4696
04701 ## mitsnepheth {mits-neh'- feth} ; from 06801 ; a tiara , i . e . official turban (of a king or high priest) :-- diadem , mitre . ~~4700
04703 ## mits` ad {mits-awd'} ; from 06805 ; a step ; figuratively , companionship :-- going , step . ~~4702
04703 ## mits` ad {mits-awd'} ; from 06805 ; a step ; figuratively , companionship :-- going , step . ~~4702
04704 ## mitsts@` iyrah {mits-tseh-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 04705 ; properly , littleness ; concretely , diminutive :-- little . ~~4704
04705 ## mits` ar {mits-awr'} ; from 06819 ; petty (in size or number) ; adverbially , a short (time) :-- little one (while) , small . ~~4704
04705 ## mits` ar {mits-awr'} ; from 06819 ; petty (in size or number) ; adverbially , a short (time) :-- little one (while) , small . ~~4704
04706 ## Mits` ar {mits-awr'} ; the same as 04705 ; Mitsar , a peak of Lebanon :-- Mizar . ~~4706
04706 ## Mits` ar {mits-awr'} ; the same as 04705 ; Mitsar , a peak of Lebanon :-- Mizar . ~~4706
04707 ## mitspeh {mits-peh'} ; from 06822 ; an observatory , especially for military purposes :-- watch tower . ~~4706
04708 ## Mitspeh {mits-peh'} ; the same as 04707 ; Mitspeh , the name of five places in Palestine :-- Mizpeh , watch tower . Compare 04709 . ~~4708
04709 ## Mitspah {mits-paw'} ; feminine of 04708 ; Mitspah , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Mitspah . [This seems rather to be only an orthographic variation of 04708 when " in pause " . ] ~~4708
04710 ## mitspun {mits-poon'} ; from 06845 ; a secret (place or thing , perhaps , treasure) :-- hidden thing . ~~4710
04713 ## Mitsriy {mits-ree'} ; from 04714 ; a Mitsrite , or inhabitant of Mitsrajim :-- Egyptian , of Egypt . ~~4712
04714 ## Mitsrayim {mits-rah'- yim} ; dual of 04693 ; Mitsrajim , i . e . Upper and Lower Egypt :-- Egypt , Egyptians , Mizraim . ~~4714
04715 ## mitsreph {mits-rafe'} ; from 06884 ; a crucible :-- fining pot . ~~4714
07434 ## Ramath ham-Mits-peh {raw-math'ham-mits-peh'} ; from 07413 and 04707 with the article interpolated ; height of the watch-tower ; Ramath-ham-Mitspeh , a place in Palestine :-- Ramath-mizpeh . ~~7434
07434 ## Ramath ham-Mits-peh {raw-math'ham-mits-peh'} ; from 07413 and 04707 with the article interpolated ; height of the watch-tower ; Ramath-ham-Mitspeh , a place in Palestine :-- Ramath-mizpeh . ~~7434
04706 ## Mits` ar {mits-awr'} ; the same as 04705 ; Mitsar , a peak of Lebanon :-- Mizar . ~~4706
04697 ## mitschah {mits-khaw'} ; from the same as 04696 ; a shin-piece of armor (as prominent) , only plural :-- greaves . ~~4696
04701 ## mitsnepheth {mits-neh'- feth} ; from 06801 ; a tiara , i . e . official turban (of a king or high priest) :-- diadem , mitre . ~~4700
04709 ## Mitspah {mits-paw'} ; feminine of 04708 ; Mitspah , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Mitspah . [This seems rather to be only an orthographic variation of 04708 when " in pause " . ] ~~4708
04709 ## Mitspah {mits-paw'} ; feminine of 04708 ; Mitspah , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Mitspah . [This seems rather to be only an orthographic variation of 04708 when " in pause " . ] ~~4708
04709 ## Mitspah {mits-paw'} ; feminine of 04708 ; Mitspah , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Mitspah . [This seems rather to be only an orthographic variation of 04708 when " in pause " . ] ~~4708
04707 ## mitspeh {mits-peh'} ; from 06822 ; an observatory , especially for military purposes :-- watch tower . ~~4706
04708 ## Mitspeh {mits-peh'} ; the same as 04707 ; Mitspeh , the name of five places in Palestine :-- Mizpeh , watch tower . Compare 04709 . ~~4708
04708 ## Mitspeh {mits-peh'} ; the same as 04707 ; Mitspeh , the name of five places in Palestine :-- Mizpeh , watch tower . Compare 04709 . ~~4708
07434 ## Ramath ham-Mits-peh {raw-math'ham-mits-peh'} ; from 07413 and 04707 with the article interpolated ; height of the watch-tower ; Ramath-ham-Mitspeh , a place in Palestine :-- Ramath-mizpeh . ~~7434
04710 ## mitspun {mits-poon'} ; from 06845 ; a secret (place or thing , perhaps , treasure) :-- hidden thing . ~~4710
00067 ## 'Abel Mitsrayim {aw-bale'mits-rah'- yim} ; from 00058 and 04714 ; meadow of Egypt ; Abel-Mitsrajim , a place in Palestine :-- Abel-mizraim . ~~66
04713 ## Mitsriy {mits-ree'} ; from 04714 ; a Mitsrite , or inhabitant of Mitsrajim :-- Egyptian , of Egypt . ~~4712
04714 ## Mitsrayim {mits-rah'- yim} ; dual of 04693 ; Mitsrajim , i . e . Upper and Lower Egypt :-- Egypt , Egyptians , Mizraim . ~~4714
00067 ## 'Abel Mitsrayim {aw-bale'mits-rah'- yim} ; from 00058 and 04714 ; meadow of Egypt ; Abel-Mitsrajim , a place in Palestine :-- Abel-mizraim . ~~66
04714 ## Mitsrayim {mits-rah'- yim} ; dual of 04693 ; Mitsrajim , i . e . Upper and Lower Egypt :-- Egypt , Egyptians , Mizraim . ~~4714
04715 ## mitsreph {mits-rafe'} ; from 06884 ; a crucible :-- fining pot . ~~4714
04713 ## Mitsriy {mits-ree'} ; from 04714 ; a Mitsrite , or inhabitant of Mitsrajim :-- Egyptian , of Egypt . ~~4712
04713 ## Mitsriy {mits-ree'} ; from 04714 ; a Mitsrite , or inhabitant of Mitsrajim :-- Egyptian , of Egypt . ~~4712
04704 ## mitsts@` iyrah {mits-tseh-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 04705 ; properly , littleness ; concretely , diminutive :-- little . ~~4704
04675 ## matstsabah {mats-tsaw-baw'} ; or mitstsabah {mits-tsaw-baw'} ; feminine of 04673 ; a military guard :-- army , garrison . ~~4674
04687 ## mitsvah {mits-vaw'} ; from 06680 ; a command , whether human or divine (collectively , the Law) :-- (which was) commanded (- ment) , law , ordinance , precept . ~~4686
04296 ## mittah {mit-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a bed (as extended) for sleeping or eating ; by analogy , a sofa , litter or bier :-- bed ([-chamber ]) , bier . ~~4296
08059 ## sh@mittah {shem-it-taw'} ; from 08058 ; remission (of debt) or suspension of labor) :-- release . ~~8060
01101 ## balal {baw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to overflow (specifically with oil) ; by implication to mix ; also (denom . from 01098) to fodder :-- annoint , confound , X fade , mingle , mix (self) , give provender , temper . ~~1100
01101 ## balal {baw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to overflow (specifically with oil) ; by implication to mix ; also (denom . from 01098) to fodder :-- annoint , confound , X fade , mingle , mix (self) , give provender , temper . ~~1100
04537 ## macak {maw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to mix , especially wine (with spices) :-- mingle . ~~4536
06151 ## ` arab (Aramaic) {ar-ab'} ; corresponding to 06148 ; to commingle :-- mingle (self) , mix . ~~6150
01098 ## b@liyl {bel-eel'} ; from 01101 ; mixed , i . e . (specifically) feed (for cattle) :-- corn , fodder , provender . ~~1098
04107 ## mahal {maw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cut down or reduce , i . e . by implication , to adulterate :-- mixed . ~~4106
04469 ## mamcak {mam-sawk'} ; from 04537 ; mixture , i . e . (specifically) wine mixed (with water or spices) :-- drink-offering , mixed wine . ~~4468
04469 ## mamcak {mam-sawk'} ; from 04537 ; mixture , i . e . (specifically) wine mixed (with water or spices) :-- drink-offering , mixed wine . ~~4468
06154 ## ` ereb {ay'- reb} ; or` ereb (1 Kings 10 : 15) , (with the article prefix) , {eh'- reb} ; from 06148 ; the web (or transverse threads of cloth) ; also a mixture , (or mongrel race) :-- Arabia , mingled people , mixed (multitude) , woof . ~~6154
00628 ## 'acp@cuph {as-pes-oof'} ; by reduplication from 00624 ; gathered up together , i . e . a promiscuous assemblage (of people) :-- mixt multitude . ~~628
04469 ## mamcak {mam-sawk'} ; from 04537 ; mixture , i . e . (specifically) wine mixed (with water or spices) :-- drink-offering , mixed wine . ~~4468
04538 ## mecek {meh'- sek} ; from 04537 ; a mixture , i . e . of wine with spices :-- mixture . ~~4538
04538 ## mecek {meh'- sek} ; from 04537 ; a mixture , i . e . of wine with spices :-- mixture . ~~4538
06154 ## ` ereb {ay'- reb} ; or` ereb (1 Kings 10 : 15) , (with the article prefix) , {eh'- reb} ; from 06148 ; the web (or transverse threads of cloth) ; also a mixture , (or mongrel race) :-- Arabia , mingled people , mixed (multitude) , woof . ~~6154
08397 ## tebel {teh'- bel} ; apparently from 01101 ; mixture , i . e . unnatural bestiality :-- confusion . ~~8398
01824 ## d@miy {dem-ee'} ; or domiy {dom-ee'} ; from 01820 ; quiet :-- cutting off , rest , silence . ~~1824
04310 ## miy {me} ; an interrogative pronoun of persons , as 04100 is of things , who ? (occasionally , by a peculiar idiom , of things) ; also (indefinitely) whoever ; often used in oblique construction with prefix or suffix :-- any (man) , X he , X him , + O that ! what , which , who (- m ,-se ,-soever) , + would to God . ~~4310
07423 ## r@miyah {rem-ee-yaw'} ; from 07411 ; remissness , treachery :-- deceit (- ful ,-fully) , false , guile , idle , slack , slothful . ~~7422
04326 ## Miyamin {me-yaw-meem'} ; a form for 04509 ; Mijamin , the name of three Israelites :-- Miamin , Mijamin . ~~4326
08061 ## Sh@miyda` {shem-ee-daw'} ; apparently from 08034 and 03045 ; name of knowing ; Shemida , an Israelite :-- Shemida , Shemidah . ~~8062
08062 ## Sh@miyda` iy {shem-ee-daw-ee'} ; patronymically from 08061 ; a Shemidaite (collectively) or descendants of Shemida :-- Shemidaites . ~~8062
04316 ## Miyka'{mee-kaw'} ; a variation for 04318 ; Mica , the name of two Israelites :-- Micha . ~~4316
04317 ## Miyka'el {me-kaw-ale'} ; from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 00410 ; who (is) like God ? ; Mikael , the name of an archangel and of nine Israelites :-- Michael . ~~4316
04318 ## Miykah {mee-kaw'} ; an abbrev . of 04320 ; Micah , the name of seven Israelites :-- Micah , Micaiah , Michah . ~~4318
08063 ## s@miykah {sem-ee-kaw'} ; from 05564 ; a run (as sustaining the Oriental sitter) :-- mantle . ~~8064