01790 ## dak {dak} ; from an unused root (comp . , 01794) ; crushed , i . e . (figuratively) injured :-- afflicted , oppressed . ~~1790
01809 ## dalal {daw-lal'} ; a primitive root (compare 01802) ; to slacken or be feeble ; figuratively , to be oppressed :-- bring low , dry up , be emptied , be not equal , fail , be impoverished , be made thin . ~~1808
02541 ## chamowts {khaw-motse'} ; from 02556 ; properly , violent ; by implication , a robber :-- oppressed . ~~2540
03912 ## L@tuwshim {let-oo-sheem'} ; masculine plural of passive participle of 03913 ; hammered (i . e . oppressed) ones ; Letushim , an Arabian tribe :-- Letushim . ~~3912
04582 ## Ma` owk {maw-oke'} ; from 04600 ; oppressed ; Maok , a Philistine :-- Maoch . ~~4582
06037 ## ` anvah {an-vaw'} ; feminine of 06035 ; mildness (royal) ; also (concretely) oppressed :-- gentleness , meekness . ~~6036
06217 ## ` ashuwq {aw-shook'} ; or` ashuq {aw-shook'} ; passive participle of 06231 ; used in plural masculine as abstractly , tyranny :-- oppressed (- ion) . [Doubtful . ] ~~6216
06234 ## ` oshqah {osh-kaw'} ; feminine of 06233 ; anguish :-- oppressed . ~~6234
00343 ## 'eyd {ade} ; from the same as 00181 (in the sense of bending down) ; oppression ; by implication misfortune , ruin :-- calamity , destruction . ~~342
02928 ## Telem {teh'- lem} ; from an unused root meaning to break up or treat violently ; oppression ; Telem , the name of a place in Idumaea , also of a temple doorkeeper :-- Telem . ~~2928
03906 ## lachats {lakh'- ats} ; from 03905 ; distress :-- affliction , oppression . ~~3906
04642 ## ma` ashaqqah {mah-ash-ak-kaw'} ; from 06231 ; oppression :-- oppression , X oppressor . ~~4642
04642 ## ma` ashaqqah {mah-ash-ak-kaw'} ; from 06231 ; oppression :-- oppression , X oppressor . ~~4642
04835 ## m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; from 07533 ; oppression :-- violence . See also 04794 . ~~4834
04939 ## mispach {mis-pawkh'} ; from 05596 ; slaughter :-- oppression . ~~4938
05792 ## ` avvathah {av-vaw-thaw'} ; from 05791 ; oppression :-- wrong . ~~5792
06115 ## ` otser {o'- tser} ; from 06113 ; closure ; also constraint :-- X barren , oppression , X prison . ~~6114
06125 ## ` aqah {aw-kaw'} ; from 05781 ; constraint :-- oppression . ~~ 6124
06232 ## ` Esheq {ay-shek'} ; from 06231 ; oppression ; Eshek , an Israelite :-- Eshek . ~~6232
06233 ## ` osheq {o'- shek} ; from 06231 ; injury , fraud , (subjectively) distress , (concretely) unjust gain :-- cruelly , extortion , oppression , thing [deceitfully gotten ] . ~~6232
07701 ## shod {shode} ; or showd (Job 5 : 21) {shode} ; from 07736 ; violence , ravage :-- desolation , destruction , oppression , robbery , spoil (- ed ,-er ,-ing) , wasting . ~~7700
08496 ## tok {toke} ; or towk (Psa . 72 : 14) {toke} ; from the same base as 08432 (in the sense of cutting to pieces) ; oppression :-- deceit , fraud . ~~8496
02929 ## Talmown {tal-mone'} ; from the same as 02728 ; oppressive ; Talmon , a temple doorkeeper :-- Talmon . ~~2928
06216 ## ` ashowq {aw-shoke'} ; from 06231 ; oppressive (as noun , a tyrant) :-- oppressor . ~~6216
02555 ## chamac {khaw-mawce'} ; from 02554 ; violence ; by implication , wrong ; by meton . unjust gain :-- cruel (- ty) , damage , false , injustice , X oppressor , unrighteous , violence (against , done) , violent (dealing) , wrong . ~~2554
04642 ## ma` ashaqqah {mah-ash-ak-kaw'} ; from 06231 ; oppression :-- oppression , X oppressor . ~~4642
06184 ## ` ariyts {aw-reets'} ; from 06206 ; fearful , i . e . powerful or tyrannical :-- mighty , oppressor , in great power , strong , terrible , violent . ~~6184
06216 ## ` ashowq {aw-shoke'} ; from 06231 ; oppressive (as noun , a tyrant) :-- oppressor . ~~6216
07429 ## ramac {raw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; to tread upon (as a potter , in walking or abusively) :-- oppressor , stamp upon , trample (under feet) , tread (down , upon) . ~~7428
08437 ## towlal {to-lawl'} ; from 03213 ; causing to howl , i . e . an oppressor :-- that wasted . ~~8438
02829 ## Cheshmown {klesh-mone'} ; the same as 02831 ; opulent ; Cheshmon , a place in Palestine :-- Heshmon . ~~2828
07771 ## showa` {sho'- ah} ; from 07768 in the original sense of freedom ; a noble , i . e . liberal , opulent ; also (as noun in the derived sense) a halloo :-- bountiful , crying , rich . ~~7772
06122 ## ` oqbah {ok-baw'} ; feminine of an unused form from 06117 meaning a trick ; trickery :-- subtilty . ~~6122
00001 ## > ab {awb} ; a primitive word ; father , in a literal and immediate , or figurative and remote application) :-- chief , (fore-) father ([-less ]) , X patrimony , principal . Compare names in " Abi-" . ~~0
00008 ## 'obed {o-bade'} ; active of participle of 00006 ; (concrete) wretched or (abstract) destructin :-- perish . ~~8
00018 ## 'ebuwc {ay-booce'} ; from 00075 ; a manger or stall :-- crib . ~~18
00024 ## 'abiyb {aw-beeb'} ; from an unused root (meaning to be tender) ; green , i . e . a young ear of grain ; hence , the name of the month Abib or Nisan :-- Abib , ear , green ears of corn (not maize) . ~~24
00026 ## 'Abiygayil {ab-ee-gah'- yil} or shorter'Abiygal {ab-ee-gal'} ; from 00001 and 01524 ; father (i . e . source) of joy ; Abigail or Abigal , the name of two Israelitesses :-- Abigal . ~~26
00026 ## 'Abiygayil {ab-ee-gah'- yil} or shorter'Abiygal {ab-ee-gal'} ; from 00001 and 01524 ; father (i . e . source) of joy ; Abigail or Abigal , the name of two Israelitesses :-- Abigal . ~~26
00029 ## 'Abiyah {ab-ee-yaw'} ; or prolonged'Abiyahuw {ab-ee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00001 and 03050 ; father (i . e . worshipper) of Jah ; Abijah , the name of several Israelite men and two Israelitesses :-- Abiah , Abijah . ~~28
00032 ## 'Abiyhayil {ab-ee-hah'- yil} ; or (more correctly)'Abiychayil {ab-ee-khah'- yil} ; from 00001 and 02428 ; father (i . e . possessor) of might ; Abihail or Abichail , the name of three Israelites and two Israelitesses :-- Abihail . ~~32
00032 ## 'Abiyhayil {ab-ee-hah'- yil} ; or (more correctly)'Abiychayil {ab-ee-khah'- yil} ; from 00001 and 02428 ; father (i . e . possessor) of might ; Abihail or Abichail , the name of three Israelites and two Israelitesses :-- Abihail . ~~32
00033 ## 'Abiy ha -` Ezriy {ab-ee'- haw-ez-ree'} ; from 00044 with the article inserted ; father of the Ezrite ; an Abiezrite or descendant of Abiezer ;-- Abiezrite . ~~32
00038 ## 'Abiyam {ab-ee-yawm'} ; from 00001 and 03220 ; father of (the) sea (i . e . seaman) ; Abijam (or Abijah) , a king of Judah :-- Abijam . ~~38
00052 ## 'Abiyshay {ab-ee-shah'ee} ; or (shorter)'Abshay {ab-shah'ee} ; from 00001 and 07862 ; father of a gift (i . e . probably generous) ; Abishai , an Israelite :-- Abishai . ~~52
00053 ## 'Abiyshalowm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} ; or (shortened)'Abshalowm {ab-shaw-lome'} ; from 00001 and 07965 ; father of peace (i . e . friendly) ; Abshalom , a son of David ; also (the fuller form) a later Israelite :-- Abishalom , Absalom . ~~52
00061 ## 'abal {ab-awl'} ; apparently from 00056 through the idea of negation ; nay , i . e . truly or yet :-- but , indeed , nevertheless , verily . ~~60
00070 ## 'oben {o'ben} ; from the same as 00068 ; a pair of stones (only dual) ; a potter's wheel or a midwife's stool (consisting alike of two horizontal disks with a support between) :-- wheel , stool . ~~70
00074 ## 'Abner {ab-nare'} ; or (fully)'Abiyner {ab-ee-nare'} ; from 00001 and 05216 ; father of light (i . e . enlightening) ; Abner , an Israelite :-- Abner . ~~74
00090 ## 'Agag {ag-ag'} ; or'Agag {Ag-awg'} ; of uncertain derivation [compare 00089 ] ; flame ; Agag , a title of Amalekitish kings :-- Agag . ~~90
00091 ## 'Agagiy {ag-aw-ghee'} ; patrial or patronymic from 00090 ; an Agagite or descendent (subject) of Agag :-- Agagite . ~~90
00091 ## 'Agagiy {ag-aw-ghee'} ; patrial or patronymic from 00090 ; an Agagite or descendent (subject) of Agag :-- Agagite . ~~90
00092 ## 'aguddah {ag-ood-daw'} ; feminine passive participle of an unused root (meaning to bind) ; a band , bundle , knot , or arch :-- bunch , burden , troop . ~~92
00095 ## 'agowrah {ag-o-raw'} ; from the same as 00094 ; properly , something gathered , i . e . perhaps a grain or berry ; used only of a small (silver) coin :-- piece [of ] silver . ~~94
00096 ## 'egel {eh'- ghel} ; from an unused root (meaning to flow down or together as drops) ; a reservoir :-- drop . ~~96
00102 ## 'aggaph {ag-gawf'} ; probably from 05062 (through the idea of impending) ; a cover or heap ; i . e . (only plural) wings of an army , or crowds of troops :-- bands . ~~102
00102 ## 'aggaph {ag-gawf'} ; probably from 05062 (through the idea of impending) ; a cover or heap ; i . e . (only plural) wings of an army , or crowds of troops :-- bands . ~~102
00104 ## 'igg@ra'(Aramaic) {ig-er-aw'} ; of Persian origin ; an epistle (as carried by a state courier or postman) :-- letter . ~~104
00111 ## 'Adad {ad-ad'} ; probably an orthographical variation for 02301 ; Adad (or Hadad) , an Edomite :-- Hadad . ~~110
00113 ## 'adown {aw-done'} ; or (shortened)'adon {aw-done'} ; from an unused root (meaning to rule) ; sovereign , i . e . controller (human or divine) :-- lord , master , owner . Compare also names beginning with " Adoni-" . ~~112
00113 ## 'adown {aw-done'} ; or (shortened)'adon {aw-done'} ; from an unused root (meaning to rule) ; sovereign , i . e . controller (human or divine) :-- lord , master , owner . Compare also names beginning with " Adoni-" . ~~112
00117 ## 'addiyr {ad-deer'} ; from 00142 ; wide or (generally) large ; figuratively , powerful :-- excellent , famous , gallant , glorious , goodly , lordly , mighty (- ier one) , noble , principal , worthy . ~~116
00119 ## 'adam {aw-dam'} ; to show blood (in the face) , i . e . flush or turn rosy :-- be (dyed , made) red (ruddy) . ~~118
00120 ## 'adam {aw-dawm'} ; from 00119 ; ruddy i . e . a human being (an individual or the species , mankind , etc .) :-- X another , + hypocrite , + common sort , X low , man (mean , of low degree) , person . ~~120
00123 ## 'Edom {ed-ome'} ; or (fully)'Edowm {ed-ome'} ; from 00122 ; red [see Gen . 25 : 25 ] ; Edom , the elder twin-brother of Jacob ; hence the region (Idumaea) occupied by him :-- Edom , Edomites , Idumea . ~~122
00124 ## 'odem {o'- dem} ; from 00119 ; redness , i . e . the ruby , garnet , or some other red gem :-- sardius . ~~124
00130 ## 'Edomiy {ed-o-mee'} ; or (fully)'Edowmiy {ed-o-mee'} ; patronymic from 00123 ; an Edomite , or descendants from (or inhabitants of) Edom :-- Edomite . See 00726 . ~~130
00130 ## 'Edomiy {ed-o-mee'} ; or (fully)'Edowmiy {ed-o-mee'} ; patronymic from 00123 ; an Edomite , or descendants from (or inhabitants of) Edom :-- Edomite . See 00726 . ~~130
00130 ## 'Edomiy {ed-o-mee'} ; or (fully)'Edowmiy {ed-o-mee'} ; patronymic from 00123 ; an Edomite , or descendants from (or inhabitants of) Edom :-- Edomite . See 00726 . ~~130
00132 ## 'admoniy {ad-mo-nee'} ; or (fully)'admowniy {ad-mo-nee'} ; from 00119 ; reddish (of the hair or the complexion) :-- red , ruddy . ~~132
00132 ## 'admoniy {ad-mo-nee'} ; or (fully)'admowniy {ad-mo-nee'} ; from 00119 ; reddish (of the hair or the complexion) :-- red , ruddy . ~~132
00140 ## 'Adoniyqam {ad-o-nee-kawm'} ; from 00113 and 06965 ; lord of rising (i . e . high) ; Adonikam , the name of one or two Israelites :-- Adonikam . ~~140
00142 ## 'adar {aw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to expand , i . e . be great or (figuratively) magnificent :-- (become) glorious , honourable . ~~142
00148 ## 'adargazer (Aramaic) {ad-ar''- gaw-zare'} ; from the same as 00147 , and 01505 ; a chief diviner , or astrologer :-- judge . ~~148
00149 ## 'adrazda'(Aramaic) {ad-raz-daw'} ; probably of Persian origin ; quickly or carefully :-- diligently . ~~148
00150 ## 'adarkon {ad-ar-kone'} ; of Persian origin ; a daric or Persian coin :-- dram . ~~150
00151 ## 'Adoram {ad-o-rawm'} ; contracted for 00141 ; Adoram (or Adoniram) , an Israelite :-- Adoram . ~~150
00157 ## 'ahab {aw-hab'} ; or'aheb {aw-habe'} ; a primitive root ; to have affection for (sexually or otherwise) :-- (be-) love (- d ,-ly ,-r) , like , friend . ~~156
00157 ## 'ahab {aw-hab'} ; or'aheb {aw-habe'} ; a primitive root ; to have affection for (sexually or otherwise) :-- (be-) love (- d ,-ly ,-r) , like , friend . ~~156
00158 ## 'ahab {ah'- hab} ; from 00157 ; affection (in a good or a bad sense) :-- love (- r) . ~~158
00164 ## 'Ehuwd {ay-hood'} from the same as 00161 ; united ; Ehud , the name of two or three Israelites :-- Ehud . ~~164
00174 ## 'ahaliym {a-haw-leem'} ; or (feminine)'ahalowth {a-haw-loth'} (only used thus in the plural) ; of foreign origin ; aloe wood (i . e . sticks) :-- (tree of lign-) aloes . ~~174
00176 ## 'ow {o} ; presumed to be the " constructive " or genitival form of'av {av} ; short for 00185 ; desire (and so probably in Prov . 31 : 4) ; hence (by way of alternative) or , also if :-- also , and , either , if , at the least , X nor , or , otherwise , then , whether . ~~176
00176 ## 'ow {o} ; presumed to be the " constructive " or genitival form of'av {av} ; short for 00185 ; desire (and so probably in Prov . 31 : 4) ; hence (by way of alternative) or , also if :-- also , and , either , if , at the least , X nor , or , otherwise , then , whether . ~~176
00176 ## 'ow {o} ; presumed to be the " constructive " or genitival form of'av {av} ; short for 00185 ; desire (and so probably in Prov . 31 : 4) ; hence (by way of alternative) or , also if :-- also , and , either , if , at the least , X nor , or , otherwise , then , whether . ~~176
00180 ## 'uwbal {oo-bawl'} ; or (shortened)'ubal {oo-bawl'} ; from 02986 (in the sense of 02988) ; a stream :-- river . ~~180
00181 ## 'uwd {ood} ; from an unused root meaning to rake together ; a poker (for turning or gathering embers) :-- (fire-) brand . ~~180
00182 ## 'owdowth {o-doth'} ; or (shortened)'odowth {o-doth'} (only thus in the plural) ; from the same as 00181 ; turnings (i . e . occasions) ; (adverb) on account of :-- (be-) cause , concerning , sake . ~~182
00184 ## 'avah {aw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to extend or mark out :-- point out . ~~184
00194 ## 'uwlay {oo-lah'ee} ; or (shortened)'ulay {oo-lah'ee} ; from 00176 ; if not ; hence perhaps :-- if so be , may be , peradventure , unless . ~~194
00195 ## 'Uwlay {oo-lah'ee} ; of Persian derivation ; the Ulai (or Eulaeus) , a river of Persia :-- Ulai . ~~194
00197 ## 'uwlam {oo-lawm'} ; or (shortened)'ulam {oo-lawm'} ; from 00481 (in the sense of tying) ; a vestibule (as bound to the building) :-- porch . ~~196
00199 ## 'uwlam {oo-lawm'} ; apparently a variation of 00194 ; however or on the contrary :-- as for , but , howbeit , in very deed , surely , truly , wherefore . ~~198
00204 ## 'Own {one} ; or (shortened) ;'On {one} ; of Egyptian derivation ; On , a city of Egypt :-- On . ~~204
00207 ## 'Ownow {o-no'} ; or (shortened)'Onow {o-no'} ; prolonged from 00202 ; strong ; Ono , a place in Palestine :-- Ono . ~~206
00211 ## 'Owphiyr {o-feer'} ; or (shortened)'Ophiyr {o-feer'} ; and'Owphir {o-feer'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Ophir , the name of a son of Joktan , and of a gold region in the East :-- Ophir . ~~210
00212 ## 'owphan {o-fawn'} or (shortened)'ophan {o-fawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to revolve ; a wheel :-- wheel . ~~212
00216 ## 'owr {ore} ; from 00215 ; illumination or (concrete) luminary (in every sense , including lightning , happiness , etc .) :-- bright , clear , + day , light (- ning) , morning , sun . ~~216
00223 ## 'Uwriyah {oo-ree-yaw'} ; or (prolonged)'Uwriyahuw {oo-ree-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00217 and 03050 ; flame of Jah ; Urijah , the name of one Hittite and five Israelites :-- Uriah , Urijah . ~~222
00226 ## 'owth {oth} ; probably from 00225 (in the sense of appearing) ; a signal (literally or figuratively) , as a flag , beacon , monument , omen , prodigy , evidence , etc . :-- mark , miracle , (en-) sign , token . ~~226
00227 ## 'az {awz} ; a demonstrative adverb ; at that time or place ; also as a conjunction , therefore :-- beginning , for , from , hitherto , now , of old , once , since , then , at which time , yet . ~~226
00228 ## 'aza'(Aramaic) {az-zaw'} ; or'azah (Aramaic) {az-aw'} ; to kindle ; (by implication) to heat :-- heat , hot . ~~228
00240 ## 'azen {aw-zane'} ; from 00238 ; a spade or paddle (as having a broad end) :-- weapon . ~~240
00249 ## 'ezrach {ez-rawkh'} ; from 02224 (in the sense of springing up) ; a spontaneous growth , i . e . native (tree or persons) :-- bay tree , (home-) born (in the land) , of the (one's own) country (nation) . ~~248
00250 ## 'Ezrachiy {ez-raw-khee'} ; patronymic from 02246 ; an Ezrachite or descendant of Zerach :-- Ezrahite . ~~250
00251 ## 'ach {awkh} ; a primitive word ; a brother (used in the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical affinity or resemblance [like 00001 ]) :-- another , brother (- ly) ; kindred , like , other . Compare also the proper names beginning with " Ah-" or " Ahi-" . ~~250
00251 ## 'ach {awkh} ; a primitive word ; a brother (used in the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical affinity or resemblance [like 00001 ]) :-- another , brother (- ly) ; kindred , like , other . Compare also the proper names beginning with " Ah-" or " Ahi-" . ~~250
00253 ## 'ach {awkh} ; a variation for 00162 ; Oh ! (expressive of grief or surprise) :-- ah , alas . ~~252
00254 ## 'ach {awkh} ; of uncertain derivation ; a fire-pot or chafing dish :-- hearth . ~~254
00255 ## 'oach {o'- akh} ; probably from 00253 ; a howler or lonesome wild animal :-- doleful creature . ~~254
00258 ## 'achad {aw-khad'} ; perhaps a primitive root ; to unify , i . e . (figuratively) collect (one's thoughts) :-- go one way or other . ~~258
00259 ## 'echad {ekh-awd'} ; a numeral from 00258 ; properly , united , i . e . one ; or (as an ordinal) first :-- a , alike , alone , altogether , and , any (- thing) , apiece , a certain , [dai-] ly , each (one) , + eleven , every , few , first , + highway , a man , once , one , only , other , some , together , ~~258
00260 ## 'achuw {aw'- khoo} ; of uncertain (perhaps Egyptian) derivation ; a bulrush or any marshy grass (particularly that along the Nile) :-- flag , meadow . ~~260
00266 ## 'Achowchiy {akh-o-khee'} ; patronymic from 00264 ; an Achochite or descendant of Achoach :-- Ahohite . ~~266
00268 ## 'achowr {aw-khore'} ; or (shortened)'achor {aw-khore'} ; from 00299 ; the hinder part ; hence (adverb) behind , backward ; also (as facing north) the West :-- after (- ward) , back (part ,-side ,-ward) , hereafter , (be-) hind (- er part) , time to come , without . ~~268
00270 ## 'achaz {aw-khaz'} ; a primitive root ; to seize (often with the accessory idea of holding in possession) :-- + be affrighted , bar , (catch , lay , take) hold (back) , come upon , fasten , handle , portion , (get , have or take) possess (- ion) . ~~270
00274 ## 'Achazyah {akh-az-yaw'} ; or (prolonged)'Achazyahuw {akh-az-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00270 and 03050 ; Jah has seized ; Achazjah , the name of a Jewish and an Israelite king :-- Ahaziah . ~~274
00281 ## 'Achiyah {akh-ee-yaw} ; or (prolonged)'Achiyahuw {akh-ee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00251 and 03050 ; brother (i . e . worshipper) of Jah ; Achijah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Ahiah , Ahijah . ~~280
00289 ## 'Achiyman {akh-ee-man'} ; or'Achiyman {akh-ee-mawn'} ; from 00251 and 04480 ; brother of a portion (i . e . gift) ; Achiman , the name of an Anakite and of an Israelite :-- Ahiman . ~~288
00298 ## 'Achiyramiy {akh-ee-raw-mee'} ; patronymic from 00297 ; an Achiramite or descendant (collectively) of Achiram :-- Ahiramites . ~~298
00305 ## 'achalay {akh-al-ah'ee} ; or'achaley {akh-al-ay'} ; prob from 00253 and a variation of 03863 ; would that ! :-- O that , would God . ~~304
00310 ## 'achar {akh-ar'} ; from 00309 ; properly , the hind part ; generally used as an adverb or conjunction , after (in various senses) :-- after (that ,-ward) , again , at , away from , back (from ,-side) , behind , beside , by , follow (after ,-ing) , forasmuch , from , hereafter , hinder end , + out (over) live , + persecute , posterity , pursuing , remnant , seeing , since , thence [-forth ] , when , with . ~~310
00314 ## 'acharown {akh-ar-one'} ; or (shortened)'acharon {akh-ar-one'} ; from 00309 ; hinder ; generally , late or last ; specifically (as facing the east) western :-- after (- ward) , to come , following , hind (- er ,-ermost ,-most) , last , latter , rereward , ut (ter) most . ~~314
00314 ## 'acharown {akh-ar-one'} ; or (shortened)'acharon {akh-ar-one'} ; from 00309 ; hinder ; generally , late or last ; specifically (as facing the east) western :-- after (- ward) , to come , following , hind (- er ,-ermost ,-most) , last , latter , rereward , ut (ter) most . ~~314
00317 ## 'ochoriy (Aramaic) {okh-or-ee'} ; from 00311 ; other :-- (an-) other . ~~316
00318 ## 'ochoreyn (Aramaic) {okh-or-ane'} ; or (shortened)'ochoren (Aramaic) {okh-or-ane'} ; from 00317 ; last :-- at last . ~~318
00318 ## 'ochoreyn (Aramaic) {okh-or-ane'} ; or (shortened)'ochoren (Aramaic) {okh-or-ane'} ; from 00317 ; last :-- at last . ~~318
00318 ## 'ochoreyn (Aramaic) {okh-or-ane'} ; or (shortened)'ochoren (Aramaic) {okh-or-ane'} ; from 00317 ; last :-- at last . ~~318
00319 ## 'achariyth {akh-ar-eeth'} ; from 00310 ; the last or end , hence , the future ; also posterity :-- (last , latter) end (time) , hinder (utter)-most , length , posterity , remnant , residue , reward . ~~318
00321 ## 'ochoran (Aramaic) {okh-or-awn'} ; from 00311 ; the same as 00317 ; other :-- (an-) other . ~~320
00323 ## 'achashdarpan {akh-ash-dar-pan'} ; of Persian derivation ; a satrap or governor of a main province (of Persia) :-- lieutenant . ~~322
00325 ## 'Achashverowsh {akh-ash-vay-rosh'} ; or (shortened)'Achashrosh {akh-ash-rosh'} (Esth . 10 : 1) ; of Persian origin ; Achashverosh (i . e . Ahasuerus or Artaxerxes , but in this case Xerxes) , the title (rather than name) of a Persian king :-- Ahasuerus . ~~324
00325 ## 'Achashverowsh {akh-ash-vay-rosh'} ; or (shortened)'Achashrosh {akh-ash-rosh'} (Esth . 10 : 1) ; of Persian origin ; Achashverosh (i . e . Ahasuerus or Artaxerxes , but in this case Xerxes) , the title (rather than name) of a Persian king :-- Ahasuerus . ~~324
00329 ## 'atad {aw-tawd'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to pierce or make fast ; a thorn-tree (especially the buckthorn) :-- Atad , bramble , thorn . ~~328
00331 ## 'atam {aw-tam'} ; a primitive root ; to close (the lips or ears) ; by analology to contract (a window by bevelled jambs) :-- narrow , shut , stop . ~~330
00340 ## 'ayab {aw-yab'} ; a primitive root ; to hate (as one of an opposite tribe or party) ; hence to be hostile :-- be an enemy . ~~340
00341 ## 'oyeb {o-yabe'} ; or (fully)'owyeb {o-yabe'} ; active participle of 00340 ; hating ; an adversary :-- enemy , foe . ~~340
00349 ## 'eyk {ake} ; also'eykah {ay-kaw'} ; and'eykakah {ay-kaw'- kah} ; prolonged from 00335 ; how ? or how ! ; also where :-- how , what . ~~348
00352 ## 'ayil {ah'- yil} ; from the same as 00193 ; properly , strength ; hence , anything strong ; specifically a chief (politically) ; also a ram (from his strength) ; a pilaster (as a strong support) ; an oak or other strong tree :-- mighty (man) , lintel , oak , post , ram , tree . ~~352
00354 ## 'ayal {ah-yawl'} ; an intensive form of 00352 (in the sense of ram) ; a stag or male deer :-- hart . ~~354
00355 ## 'ayalah {ah-yaw-law'} ; feminine of 00354 ; a doe or female deer :-- hind . ~~354
00356 ## 'Eylown {ay-lone'} ; or (shortened)'Elown {ay-lone'} ; or Eylon {ay-lone'} ; from 00352 ; oak-grove ; Elon , the name of a place in Palestine , and also of one Hittite , two Israelites :-- Elon . ~~356
00356 ## 'Eylown {ay-lone'} ; or (shortened)'Elown {ay-lone'} ; or Eylon {ay-lone'} ; from 00352 ; oak-grove ; Elon , the name of a place in Palestine , and also of one Hittite , two Israelites :-- Elon . ~~356
00359 ## 'Eylowth {ay-loth'} ; or'Eylath {ay-lath'} ; from 00352 ; trees or a grove (i . e . palms) ; Eloth or Elath , a place on the Red Sea :-- Elath , Eloth . ~~358
00359 ## 'Eylowth {ay-loth'} ; or'Eylath {ay-lath'} ; from 00352 ; trees or a grove (i . e . palms) ; Eloth or Elath , a place on the Red Sea :-- Elath , Eloth . ~~358
00359 ## 'Eylowth {ay-loth'} ; or'Eylath {ay-lath'} ; from 00352 ; trees or a grove (i . e . palms) ; Eloth or Elath , a place on the Red Sea :-- Elath , Eloth . ~~358
00361 ## 'eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or (shortened)'elam {ay-lawm'} ; or (feminine)'elammah {ay-lam-maw'} ; probably from 00352 ; a pillar-space (or colonnade) , i . e . a pale (or portico) :-- arch . ~~360
00361 ## 'eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or (shortened)'elam {ay-lawm'} ; or (feminine)'elammah {ay-lam-maw'} ; probably from 00352 ; a pillar-space (or colonnade) , i . e . a pale (or portico) :-- arch . ~~360
00361 ## 'eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or (shortened)'elam {ay-lawm'} ; or (feminine)'elammah {ay-lam-maw'} ; probably from 00352 ; a pillar-space (or colonnade) , i . e . a pale (or portico) :-- arch . ~~360
00361 ## 'eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or (shortened)'elam {ay-lawm'} ; or (feminine)'elammah {ay-lam-maw'} ; probably from 00352 ; a pillar-space (or colonnade) , i . e . a pale (or portico) :-- arch . ~~360
00367 ## 'eymah {ay-maw'} ; or (shortened)'emah {ay-maw'} ; from the same as 00366 ; fright ; concrete , an idol (as a bugbear) :-- dread , fear , horror , idol , terrible , terror . ~~366
00368 ## 'Eymiym {ay-meem'} ; plural of 00367 ; terrors ; Emim , an early Canaanitish (or Maobitish) tribe :-- Emims . ~~368
00369 ## 'ayin {ah'- yin} ; as if from a primitive root meaning to be nothing or not exist ; a non-entity ; generally used as a negative particle :-- else , except , fail , [father-] less , be gone , in [-curable ] , neither , never , no (where) , none , nor , (any , thing) , not , nothing , to nought , past , un (- searchable) , well-nigh , without . Compare 00370 . ~~368
00373 ## 'Iy` ezriy {ee-ez-ree'} ; patronymic from 00372 ; an Iezrite or descendant of Iezer :-- Jezerite . ~~372
00374 ## 'eyphah {ay-faw'} ; or (shortened)'ephah {ay-faw'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; an ephah or measure for grain ; hence , a measure in general :-- ephah , (divers) measure (- s) . ~~374
00374 ## 'eyphah {ay-faw'} ; or (shortened)'ephah {ay-faw'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; an ephah or measure for grain ; hence , a measure in general :-- ephah , (divers) measure (- s) . ~~374
00375 ## 'eyphoh {ay-fo'} ; from 00335 and 06311 ; what place ? ; also (of time) when ? ; or (of means) how ? ;-- what manner , where . ~~374
00376 ## 'iysh {eesh} ; contracted for 00582 [or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant ] ; a man as an individual or a male person ; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in translation) :-- also , another , any (man) , a certain , + champion , consent , each , every (one) , fellow , [foot-, husband-] man , [good-, great , mighty) man , he , high (degree) , him (that is) , husband , man [-kind ] , + none , one , people , person , + steward , what (man) soever , whoso (- ever) , worthy . Compare 00802 . ~~376
00376 ## 'iysh {eesh} ; contracted for 00582 [or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant ] ; a man as an individual or a male person ; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in translation) :-- also , another , any (man) , a certain , + champion , consent , each , every (one) , fellow , [foot-, husband-] man , [good-, great , mighty) man , he , high (degree) , him (that is) , husband , man [-kind ] , + none , one , people , person , + steward , what (man) soever , whoso (- ever) , worthy . Compare 00802 . ~~376
00380 ## 'iyshown {ee-shone'} ; diminutive from 00376 ; the little man of the eye ; the pupil or ball ; hence , the middle (of night) :-- apple [of the eye ] , black , obscure . ~~380
00381 ## 'Iysh-Chayil {eesh-khah'- yil} ; from 00376 and 02428 ; man of might ; by defect . transcription (2 Sam . 23 : 20)'Iysh-Chay {eesh-khah'ee} ; as if from 00376 and 02416 ; living man ; Ish-chail (or Ish-chai) , an Israelite :-- a valiant man . ~~380
00386 ## 'eythan {ay-thawn'} ; or (shortened)'ethan {ay-thawn'} ; from an unused root (meaning to continue) ; permanence ; hence (concrete) permanent ; specifically a chieftain :-- hard , mighty , rough , strength , strong . ~~386
00398 ## 'akal {aw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; to eat (literally or figuratively) :-- X at all , burn up , consume , devour (- er , up) , dine , eat (- er , up) , feed (with) , food , X freely , X in . . . wise (- deed , plenty) , (lay) meat , X quite . ~~398
00401 ## 'Ukal {oo-kawl'} ; or'Ukkal {ook-kawl'} ; apparently from 00398 ; devoured ; Ucal , a fancy name :-- Ucal . ~~400
00411 ## 'el {ale} ; a demonstrative particle (but only in a plural sense) these or those :-- these , those . Compare 00428 . ~~410
00413 ## 'el {ale} ; (but only used in the shortened constructive form'el {el}) ; a primitive particle ; properly , denoting motion towards , but occasionally used of a quiescent position , i . e . near , with or among ; often in general , to :-- about , according to , after , against , among , as for , at , because (- fore ,-side) , both . . . and , by , concerning , for , from , X hath , in (- to) , near , (out) of , over , through , to (- ward) , under , unto , upon , whether , with (- in) . ~~412
00424 ## 'elah {ay-law'} ; feminine of 00352 ; an oak or other strong tree :-- elm , oak , teil-tree . ~~424
00428 ## 'el-leh {ale'- leh} ; prolonged from 00411 ; these or those :-- an-(the) other ; one sort , so , some , such , them , these (same) , they , this , those , thus , which , who (- m) . ~~428
00433 ## 'elowahh {el-o'- ah ; rarely (shortened)'eloahh {el-o'- ah} ; probably prolonged (emphat .) from 00410 ; a deity or the Deity :-- God , god . See 00430 . ~~432
00436 ## 'elown {ay-lone'} ; prolonged from 00352 ; an oak or other strong tree :-- plain . See also 00356 . ~~436
00440 ## 'Elowniy {ay-lo-nee'} ; or rather (shortened)'Eloniy {ay-lo-nee'} ; patron from 00438 ; an Elonite or descendant (collectively) of Elon :-- Elonites . ~~440
00440 ## 'Elowniy {ay-lo-nee'} ; or rather (shortened)'Eloniy {ay-lo-nee'} ; patron from 00438 ; an Elonite or descendant (collectively) of Elon :-- Elonites . ~~440
00441 ## 'alluwph {al-loof'} ; or (shortened)'alluph {al-loof'} ; from 00502 ; familiar ; a friend , also gentle ; hence , a bullock (as being tame ; applied , although masculine , to a cow) ; and so , a chieftain (as notable , like neat cattle) :-- captain , duke , (chief) friend , governor , guide , ox . ~~440
00448 ## 'Eliy'athah {el-ee-aw-thaw'} ; or (contraction)'Eliyathah {el-ee-yaw-thaw'} ; from 00410 and 00225 ; God of (his) consent ; Eliathah , an Israelite :-- Eliathah . ~~448
00452 ## 'Eliyah {ay-lee-yaw'} ; or prolonged'Eliyahuw {ay-lee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00410 and 03050 ; God of Jehovah ; Elijah , the name of the famous prophet and of two other Israelites :-- Elijah , Eliah . ~~452
00453 ## 'Eliyhuw {el-ee-hoo'} ; or (fully)'Eliyhuw'{el-ee-hoo'} ; from 00410 and 01931 ; God of him ; Elihu , the name of one of Job's friends , and of three Israelites :-- Elihu . ~~452
00454 ## 'Ely@how` eynay {el-ye-ho-ay-nah'ee} ; or (shortened)'Elyow` eynay {el-yo-ay-nah'ee} ; from 00413 and 03068 and 05869 ; towards Jehovah (are) my eyes ; Eljehoenai or Eljoenai , the name of seven Israelites :-- Elihoenai , Elionai . ~~454
00454 ## 'Ely@how` eynay {el-ye-ho-ay-nah'ee} ; or (shortened)'Elyow` eynay {el-yo-ay-nah'ee} ; from 00413 and 03068 and 05869 ; towards Jehovah (are) my eyes ; Eljehoenai or Eljoenai , the name of seven Israelites :-- Elihoenai , Elionai . ~~454
00457 ## 'eliyl {el-eel'} ; apparently from 00408 ; good for nothing , by anal . vain or vanity ; specifically an idol :-- idol , no value , thing of nought . ~~456
00459 ## 'illeyn (Aramaic) {il-lane'} ; or shorter'illen {il-lane'} ; prolonged from 00412 ; these :-- the , these . ~~458
00467 ## 'Eliyphelet {el-ee-feh'- let} ; or (shortened)'Elpelet {el-peh'- let} ; from 00410 and 06405 ; God of deliverance ; Eliphelet or Elpelet , the name of six Israelites :-- Eliphalet , Eliphelet , Elpalet . ~~466
00467 ## 'Eliyphelet {el-ee-feh'- let} ; or (shortened)'Elpelet {el-peh'- let} ; from 00410 and 06405 ; God of deliverance ; Eliphelet or Elpelet , the name of six Israelites :-- Eliphalet , Eliphelet , Elpalet . ~~466
00469 ## 'Eliytsaphan {el-ee-tsaw-fawn'} ; or (shortened)'Eltsaphan {el-tsaw-fawn'} ; from 00410 and 06845 ; God of treasure ; Elitsaphan or Eltsaphan , an Israelite :-- Elizaphan , Elzaphan . ~~468
00469 ## 'Eliytsaphan {el-ee-tsaw-fawn'} ; or (shortened)'Eltsaphan {el-tsaw-fawn'} ; from 00410 and 06845 ; God of treasure ; Elitsaphan or Eltsaphan , an Israelite :-- Elizaphan , Elzaphan . ~~468
00474 ## 'Eliyshuwa` {el-ee-shoo'- ah} ; from 00410 and 07769 ; God of supplication (or of riches) ; Elishua , the son of King David :-- Elishua . ~~474
00485 ## 'alummah {al-oom-maw'} ; or (masculine)'alum {aw-loom'} ; passive participle of 00481 ; something bound ; a sheaf :-- sheaf . ~~484
00492 ## 'almoniy {al-mo-nee'} ; from 00489 in the sense of concealment ; some one (i . e . so and so , without giving the name of the person or place) :-- one , and such . ~~492
00500 ## 'El` ale'{el-aw-lay'} ; or (more properly)'El` aleh {el-aw-lay'} ; from 00410 and 05927 ; God (is) going up ; Elale or Elaleh , a place east of the Jordan :-- Elealeh . ~~500
00500 ## 'El` ale'{el-aw-lay'} ; or (more properly)'El` aleh {el-aw-lay'} ; from 00410 and 05927 ; God (is) going up ; Elale or Elaleh , a place east of the Jordan :-- Elealeh . ~~500
00504 ## 'eleph {eh'- lef} ; from 00502 ; a family ; also (from the sense of yoking or taming) an ox or cow :-- family , kine , oxen . ~~504
00504 ## 'eleph {eh'- lef} ; from 00502 ; a family ; also (from the sense of yoking or taming) an ox or cow :-- family , kine , oxen . ~~504
00506 ## 'alaph (Aramaic) {al-af'} ; or'eleph (Aramaic) {eh'- lef} ; corresponding to 00505 :-- thousand . ~~506
00512 ## 'Elqoshiy {el-ko-shee'} ; patrial from a name of uncertain derivation ; an Elkoshite or native of Elkosh :-- Elkoshite . ~~512
00514 ## 'Elt@qe {el-te-kay'} ; or (more properly)'Elt@qeh {el-te-kay'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Eltekeh or Elteke , a place in Palestine :-- Eltekeh . ~~514
00514 ## 'Elt@qe {el-te-kay'} ; or (more properly)'Elt@qeh {el-te-kay'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Eltekeh or Elteke , a place in Palestine :-- Eltekeh . ~~514
00518 ## 'im {eem} ; a primitive particle ; used very widely as demonstrative , lo ! ; interrog . , whether ? ; or conditional , if , although ; also Oh that ! , when ; hence , as a negative , not :-- (and , can-, doubtless , if , that) (not) , + but , either , + except , + more (- over if , than) , neither , nevertheless , nor , oh that , or , + save (only ,-ing) , seeing , since , sith , + surely (no more , none , not) , though , + of a truth , + unless , + verily , when , whereas , whether , while , + yet . ~~518
00518 ## 'im {eem} ; a primitive particle ; used very widely as demonstrative , lo ! ; interrog . , whether ? ; or conditional , if , although ; also Oh that ! , when ; hence , as a negative , not :-- (and , can-, doubtless , if , that) (not) , + but , either , + except , + more (- over if , than) , neither , nevertheless , nor , oh that , or , + save (only ,-ing) , seeing , since , sith , + surely (no more , none , not) , though , + of a truth , + unless , + verily , when , whereas , whether , while , + yet . ~~518
00519 ## 'amah {aw-maw'} ; apparently a primitive word ; a maid-servant or female slave :-- (hand-) bondmaid (- woman) , maid (- servant) . ~~518
00520 ## 'ammah {am-maw'} ; prolonged from 00517 ; properly , a mother (i . e . unit of measure , or the fore-arm (below the elbow) , i . e . a cubit ; also a door-base (as a bond of the entrance) :-- cubit , + hundred [by exchange for 03967 ] , measure , post . ~~520
00528 ## 'Amown {aw-mone'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Amon (i . e . Ammon or Amn) , a deity of Egypt (used only as an adjunct of 04996) :-- multitude , populous . ~~528
00530 ## 'emuwnah {em-oo-naw') ; or (shortened)'emunah {em-oo-naw'} ; feminine of 00529 ; literally firmness ; figuratively security ; morally fidelity :-- faith (- ful ,-ly ,-ness , [man ]) , set office , stability , steady , truly , truth , verily . ~~530
00533 ## 'ammiyts {am-meets'} ; or (shortened)'ammits {am-meets'} ; from 00553 ; strong or (abstractly) strength :-- courageous , mighty , strong (one) . ~~532
00533 ## 'ammiyts {am-meets'} ; or (shortened)'ammits {am-meets'} ; from 00553 ; strong or (abstractly) strength :-- courageous , mighty , strong (one) . ~~532
00534 ## 'amiyr {aw-meer'} ; apparently from 00559 (in the sense of self-exaltation) ; a summit (of a tree or mountain :-- bough , branch . ~~534
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~538
00550 ## 'Amnown {am-nohn'} ; or'Amiynown {am-ee-nohn'} ; from 00539 ; faithful ; Amnon (or Aminon) , a son of David :-- Amnon . ~~550
00550 ## 'Amnown {am-nohn'} ; or'Amiynown {am-ee-nohn'} ; from 00539 ; faithful ; Amnon (or Aminon) , a son of David :-- Amnon . ~~550
00553 ## 'amats {aw-mats'} ; a primitive root ; to be alert , physically (on foot) or mentally (in courage) :-- confirm , be courageous (of good courage , stedfastly minded , strong , stronger) , establish , fortify , harden , increase , prevail , strengthen (self) , make strong (obstinate , speed) . ~~552
00558 ## 'Amatsyah {am-ats-yaw'} ; or'Amatsyahuw {am-ats-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00553 and 03050 ; strength of Jah ; Amatsjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Amaziah . ~~558
00565 ## 'imrah {im-raw'} ; or'emrah {em-raw'} ; feminine of 00561 , and meaning the same :-- commandment , speech , word . ~~564
00568 ## 'Amaryah {am-ar-yaw'} ; or prolonged'Amaryahuw {am-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00559 and 03050 ; Jah has said (i . e . promised) ; Amarjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Amariah . ~~568
00570 ## 'emesh {eh'- mesh} ; time past , i . e . yesterday or last night :-- former time , yesterday (- night) ~~570
00574 ## 'emtaniy (Aramaic) {em-taw-nee'} ; from a root corresponding to that of 04975 ; well-loined (i . e . burly) or mighty :-- terrible . ~~574
00575 ## 'an {awn} ; or'anah {aw-naw'} ; contracted from 00370 ; where ? ; hence , whither ? , when ? ; also hither and thither :-- + any (no) whither , now , where , whither (- soever) . ~~574
00576 ## 'ana'(Aramaic) {an-aw'} ; or'anah (Aramaic) {an-aw'} ; corresponding to 00589 ; I :-- I , as for me . ~~576
00577 ## 'anna'{awn-naw'} ; or'annah {awn-naw'} ; apparent contracted from 00160 and 04994 ; oh now ! :-- I (me) beseech (pray) thee , O . ~~576
00581 ## 'innuwn (Aramaic) {in-noon'} ; or (feminine)'inniyn (Aramaic) {in-neen'} ; corresponding to 01992 ; they :-- X are , them , these . ~~580
00582 ## 'enowsh {en-oshe'} ; from 00605 ; properly , a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified 00120) ; hence , a man in general (singly or collectively) :-- another , X [blood-] thirsty , certain , chap [-man ] ; divers , fellow , X in the flower of their age , husband , (certain , mortal) man , people , person , servant , some (X of them) , + stranger , those , + their trade . It is often unexpressed in the English versions , especially when used in apposition with another word . Compare 00376 . ~~582
00586 ## 'anachna'(Aramaic) {an-akh'- naw} ; or'anachnah (Aramaic) {an-akh-naw'} ; corresponding to 00587 ; we :-- we . ~~586
00588 ## 'Anacharath {an-aw-kha-rawth'} ; probably from the same root as 05170 ; a gorge or narrow pass ; Anacharath , a place in Palestine :-- Anaharath . ~~588
00590 ## 'oniy {on-ee'} ; probably from 00579 (in the sense of conveyance) ;-a ship or (collectively) a fleet :-- galley , navy (of ships) . ~~590
00605 ## 'anash {aw-nash'} ; a primitive root ; to be frail , feeble , or (figuratively) melancholy :-- desperate (- ly wicked) , incurable , sick , woeful . ~~604
00606 ## 'enash (Aramaic) {en-awsh'} ; or'enash (Aramaic) {en-ash'} ; corresponding to 00582 ; a man :-- man , + whosoever . ~~606
00614 ## 'aciyph {aw-seef'} ; or'aciph {aw-seef'} ; from 00622 ; gathered , i . e . (abstractly) a gathering in of crops :-- ingathering . ~~614
00631 ## 'acar {aw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to yoke or hitch ; by analogy , to fasten in any sense , to join battle :-- bind , fast , gird , harness , hold , keep , make ready , order , prepare , prison (- er) , put in bonds , set in array , tie . ~~630
00632 ## 'ecar {es-sawr'} ; or'iccar {is-sawr'} ; from 00631 ; an obligation or vow (of abstinence) :-- binding , bond . ~~632
00632 ## 'ecar {es-sawr'} ; or'iccar {is-sawr'} ; from 00631 ; an obligation or vow (of abstinence) :-- binding , bond . ~~632
00636 ## 'a` (Aramaic) {aw} ; corresponding to 06086 ; a tree or wood :-- timber , wood . ~~636
00637 ## 'aph {af} ; a primitive particle ; meaning accession (used as an adverb or conjunction) ; also or yea ; adversatively though :-- also , + although , and (furthermore , yet) , but , even , + how much less (more , rather than) , moreover , with , yea . ~~636
00637 ## 'aph {af} ; a primitive particle ; meaning accession (used as an adverb or conjunction) ; also or yea ; adversatively though :-- also , + although , and (furthermore , yet) , but , even , + how much less (more , rather than) , moreover , with , yea . ~~636
00639 ## 'aph {af} ; from 00599 ; properly , the nose or nostril ; hence , the face , and occasionally a person ; also (from the rapid breathing in passion) ire :-- anger (- gry) , + before , countenance , face , + forebearing , forehead , + [long-] suffering , nose , nostril , snout , X worthy , wrath . ~~638
00643 ## 'appeden {ap-peh'- den} ; apparently of foreign derivation ; a pavilion or palace-tent :-- palace . ~~642
00645 ## 'ephow {ay-fo'} ; or'ephow'{ay-fo'} ; from 06311 ; strictly a demonstrative particle , here ; but used of time , now or then :-- here , now , where ? ~~644
00645 ## 'ephow {ay-fo'} ; or'ephow'{ay-fo'} ; from 06311 ; strictly a demonstrative particle , here ; but used of time , now or then :-- here , now , where ? ~~644
00646 ## 'ephowd {ay-fode'} ; rarely'ephod {ay-fode'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; a girdle ; specifically the ephod or high-priest's shoulder-piece ; also generally , an image :-- ephod . ~~646
00650 ## 'aphiyq {aw-feek'} ; from 00622 ; properly , containing , i . e . a tube ; also a bed or valley of a stream ; also a strong thing or a hero :-- brook , channel , mighty , river , + scale , stream , strong piece . ~~650
00650 ## 'aphiyq {aw-feek'} ; from 00622 ; properly , containing , i . e . a tube ; also a bed or valley of a stream ; also a strong thing or a hero :-- brook , channel , mighty , river , + scale , stream , strong piece . ~~650
00657 ## 'ephec {eh'- fes} ; from 00656 ; cessation , i . e . an end (especially of the earth) ; often used adverb , no further ; also (like 06466) the ankle (in the dual) , as being the extremity of the leg or foot :-- ankle , but (only) , end , howbeit , less than nothing , nevertheless (where) , no , none (beside) , not (any ,-withstanding) , thing of nought , save (- ing) , there , uttermost part , want , without (cause) . ~~656
00660 ## 'eph` eh {ef-eh'} ; from 00659 (in the sense of hissing) ; an asp or other venomous serpent :-- viper . ~~660
00663 ## 'Apheq {af-ake'} ; or'Aphiyq {af-eek'} ; from 00662 (in the sense of strength) ; fortress ; Aphek (or Aphik) , the name of three places in Palestine :-- Aphek , Aphik . ~~662
00663 ## 'Apheq {af-ake'} ; or'Aphiyq {af-eek'} ; from 00662 (in the sense of strength) ; fortress ; Aphek (or Aphik) , the name of three places in Palestine :-- Aphek , Aphik . ~~662
00670 ## 'Aphar@cay (Aramaic) {af-aw-re-sah'ee} ; of foreign origin (only in the plural) ; an Apherasite or inhabitant of an unknown region of Assyria :-- Apharsite . ~~670
00671 ## 'Apharc@kay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sek-ah'ee} ; or'Apharcathkay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sath-kah'ee} ; of foreign origin (only in the plural) ; an Apharsekite or Apharsathkite , an unknown Assyrian tribe :-- Apharsachites , Apharasthchites . ~~670
00671 ## 'Apharc@kay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sek-ah'ee} ; or'Apharcathkay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sath-kah'ee} ; of foreign origin (only in the plural) ; an Apharsekite or Apharsathkite , an unknown Assyrian tribe :-- Apharsachites , Apharasthchites . ~~670
00672 ## 'Ephraath {ef-rawth'} ; or'Ephrathah {ef-raw'- thaw} ; from 06509 ; fruitfulness ; Ephrath , another name for Bethlehem ; once (Psa . 00132 : 6) perhaps for Ephraim ; also of an Israelitish woman :-- Ephrath , Ephratah . ~~672
00673 ## 'Ephrathiy {ef-rawth-ee'} ; patrial form 00672 ; an Ephrathite or an Ephraimite :-- Ephraimite , Ephrathite . ~~672
00675 ## 'Etsbown {ets-bone'} ; or'Etsbon {ets-bone'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Etsbon , the name of two Israelites :-- Ezbon . ~~674
00688 ## 'eqdach {ek-dawkh'} ; from 06916 ; burning , i . e . a carbuncle or other fiery gem :-- carbuncle . ~~688
00692 ## 'Ar'eliy {ar-ay-lee'} ; from 00691 ; heroic ; Areli (or an Arelite , collectively) , an Israelite and his descendants :-- Areli , Arelites . ~~692
00698 ## 'orobah {or-ob-aw'} ; feminine of 00696 (only in the plural) ; ambuscades :-- spoils . ~~698
00701 ## 'Arbiy {ar-bee'} ; patrial from 00694 ; an Arbite or native of Arab :-- Arbite . ~~700
00707 ## 'arag {aw-rag'} ; a primitive root ; to plait or weave :-- weaver (- r) . ~~706
00713 ## 'argaman {ar-gaw-mawn'} ; of foreign origin ; purple (the color or the dyed stuff) :-- purple . ~~712
00716 ## 'Ardiy {ar-dee} ; patronymic from 00714 ; an Ardite (collectively) or descendant of Ard :-- Ardites . ~~716
00721 ## 'Arvadiy {ar-vaw-dee'} ; patrial from 00719 ; an Arvadite or citizen of Arvad :-- Arvadite . ~~720
00722 ## 'Arowdiy {ar-o-dee'} ; patronymic from 00721 ; an Arodite or descendant of Arod :-- Arodi , Arodites . ~~722
00723 ## 'urvah {oor-vaw'} ; or'arayah {ar-aw'- yah'} ; from 00717 (in the sense of feeding) ; a herding-place for an animal :-- stall . ~~722
00724 ## 'aruwkah {ar-oo-kaw'} ; or'arukah {ar-oo-kaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 00748 (in the sense of restoring to soundness) ; wholeness (literally or figuratively) :-- health , made up , perfected . ~~724
00724 ## 'aruwkah {ar-oo-kaw'} ; or'arukah {ar-oo-kaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 00748 (in the sense of restoring to soundness) ; wholeness (literally or figuratively) :-- health , made up , perfected . ~~724
00727 ## 'arown {aw-rone'} ; or'aron {aw-rone'} ; from 00717 (in the sense of gathering) ; a box :-- ark , chest , coffin . ~~726
00728 ## 'Aravnah {ar-av-naw'} ; or (by transposition)'Owrnah {ore-naw'} ; or'Arniyah {ar-nee-yaw'} ; all by orthographical variation for 00771 ; Aravnah (or Arnijah or Ornah) , a Jebusite :-- Araunah . ~~728
00728 ## 'Aravnah {ar-av-naw'} ; or (by transposition)'Owrnah {ore-naw'} ; or'Arniyah {ar-nee-yaw'} ; all by orthographical variation for 00771 ; Aravnah (or Arnijah or Ornah) , a Jebusite :-- Araunah . ~~728
00728 ## 'Aravnah {ar-av-naw'} ; or (by transposition)'Owrnah {ore-naw'} ; or'Arniyah {ar-nee-yaw'} ; all by orthographical variation for 00771 ; Aravnah (or Arnijah or Ornah) , a Jebusite :-- Araunah . ~~728
00728 ## 'Aravnah {ar-av-naw'} ; or (by transposition)'Owrnah {ore-naw'} ; or'Arniyah {ar-nee-yaw'} ; all by orthographical variation for 00771 ; Aravnah (or Arnijah or Ornah) , a Jebusite :-- Araunah . ~~728
00734 ## 'orach {o'- rakh} ; from 00732 ; a well-trodden road (literally or figuratively) ; also a caravan :-- manner , path , race , rank , traveller , troop , [by-, high-] way . ~~734
00736 ## 'or@chah {o-rekh-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 00732 ; a caravan :-- (travelling) company . ~~736
00738 ## 'ariy {ar-ee'} ; or (prolonged)` aryeh {ar-yay'} ; from 00717 (in the sense of violence) ; a lion :-- (young) lion , + pierce [from the margin ] . ~~738
00739 ## 'ariy'el {ar-ee-ale'} ; or'ari'el {ar-ee-ale'} ; from 00738 and 00410 ; lion of God ; i . e . heroic :-- lionlike men . ~~738
00741 ## 'ari'eyl {ar-ee-ale'} ; either by transposition for 00739 or , more probably , an orthographical variation for 02025 ; the altar of the temple :-- altar . ~~740
00748 ## 'arak {aw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causative , make) long (literally or figuratively) :-- defer , draw out , lengthen , (be , become , make , pro-) long , + (out-, over-) live , tarry (long) . ~~748
00754 ## 'arka'(Aramaic) {ar-kaw'} ; or'arkah (Aramaic) {ar-kaw'} ; from 00749 ; length :-- lengthening , prolonged . ~~754
00756 ## 'Ark@vay (Aramaic) {ar-kev-ah'ee} ; patrial from 00751 ; an Arkevite (collectively) or native of Erek :-- Archevite . ~~756
00757 ## 'Arkiy {ar-kee'} ; patrial from another place (in Palestine) of similar name with 00751 ; an Arkite or native of Erek :-- Archi , Archite . ~~756
00758 ## 'Aram {arawm'} ; from the same as 00759 ; the highland ; Aram or Syria , and its inhabitants ; also the name of the son of Shem , a grandson of Nahor , and of an Israelite :-- Aram , Mesopotamia , Syria , Syrians . ~~758
00760 ## 'Aram Tsobah {ar-am'tso-baw'} ; from 00758 and 06678 ; Aram of Tsoba (or Coele-Syria) :-- Aram-zobah . ~~760
00761 ## 'Arammiy {ar-am-mee'} ; patrial from 00758 ; an Aramite or Aramaean :-- Syrian , Aramitess . ~~760
00763 ## 'Aram Naharayim {ar-am'nah-har-ah'- yim} ; from 00758 and the dual of 05104 ; Aram of (the) two rivers (Euphrates and Tigris) or Mesopotamia :-- Aham-naharaim , Mesopotamia . ~~762
00769 ## 'Arnown {ar-nohn'} ; or'Arnon {ar-nohn'} ; from 07442 ; a brawling stream ; the Arnon , a river east of the Jordan , also its territory :-- Arnon . ~~768
00771 ## 'Ornan {or-nawn'} ; probably from 00766 ; strong ; Ornan , a Jebusite :-- Ornan . See 00728 . ~~770
00776 ## 'erets {eh'- rets} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be firm ; the earth (at large , or partitively a land) :-- X common , country , earth , field , ground , land , X natins , way , + wilderness , world . ~~776
00780 ## 'Ararat {ar-aw-rat'} ; of foreign origin ; Ararat (or rather Armenia) :-- Ararat , Armenia . ~~780
00783 ## 'Artachshashta'{ar-takh-shash-taw'} ; or'Artachshasht'{ar-takh-shasht'} ; or by permutation'Artachshact'{ar-takh-shast'} ; of foreign origin ; Artachshasta (or Artaxerxes) , a title (rather than name) of several Persian kings :-- Artaxerxes . ~~782
00783 ## 'Artachshashta'{ar-takh-shash-taw'} ; or'Artachshasht'{ar-takh-shasht'} ; or by permutation'Artachshact'{ar-takh-shast'} ; of foreign origin ; Artachshasta (or Artaxerxes) , a title (rather than name) of several Persian kings :-- Artaxerxes . ~~782
00783 ## 'Artachshashta'{ar-takh-shash-taw'} ; or'Artachshasht'{ar-takh-shasht'} ; or by permutation'Artachshact'{ar-takh-shast'} ; of foreign origin ; Artachshasta (or Artaxerxes) , a title (rather than name) of several Persian kings :-- Artaxerxes . ~~782
00784 ## 'esh {aysh} ; a primitive word ; fire (literally or figuratively) :-- burning , fiery , fire , flaming , hot . ~~784
00786 ## 'ish {eesh} ; identical (in origin and formation) with 00784 ; entity , used only adverbially , there is or are :-- are there , none can . Compare 03426 . ~~786
00789 ## 'Ashbeliy {ash-bay-lee'} ; patronymic from 00788 ; an Ashbelite (collectively) or descendant of Ashbel :-- Ashbelites . ~~788
00792 ## 'Eshba` al {esh-bah'- al} ; from 00376 and 01168 ; man of Baal ; Eshbaal (or Ishbosheth) , a son of Saul :-- Eshbaal . ~~792
00796 ## 'Ashdowdiy {ash-do-dee'} ; patrial from 00795 ; an Ashdodite (often collectively) or inhabitant of Asdod :-- Ashdodites , of Ashdod . ~~796
00802 ## 'ishshah {ish-shaw'} ; feminine of 00376 or 00582 ; irregular plural , nashiym {naw-sheem'} ; a woman (used in the same wide sense as 00582) :-- [adulter ] ess , each , every , female , X many , + none , one , + together , wife , woman . Often unexpressed in English . ~~802
00804 ## 'Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'} ; or'Ashshur {ash-shoor'} ; apparently from 00833 (in the sense of successful) ; Ashshur , the second son of Shem ; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i . e . Assyria) , its region and its empire :-- Asshur , Assur , Assyria , Assyrians . See 00838 . ~~804
00805 ## 'Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'} ; or'Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'} ; from a patrial word of the same form as 00804 ; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashur , a district in Palestine :-- Asshurim , Ashurites . ~~804
00805 ## 'Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'} ; or'Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'} ; from a patrial word of the same form as 00804 ; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashur , a district in Palestine :-- Asshurim , Ashurites . ~~804
00809 ## 'ashiyshah {ash-ee-shaw'} ; feminine of 00808 ; something closely pressed together , i . e . a cake of raisins or other comfits :-- flagon . ~~808
00811 ## 'eshkowl {esh-kole'} ; or'eshkol {esh-kole'} ; probably prolonged from 00810 ; a bunch of grapes or other fruit :-- cluster (of grapes) . ~~810
00811 ## 'eshkowl {esh-kole'} ; or'eshkol {esh-kole'} ; probably prolonged from 00810 ; a bunch of grapes or other fruit :-- cluster (of grapes) . ~~810
00816 ## 'asham {aw-sham'} ; or'ashem {aw-shame'} ; a primitive root ; to be guilty ; by implication to be punished or perish :-- X certainly , be (- come , made) desolate , destroy , X greatly , be (- come , found , hold) guilty , offend (acknowledge offence) , trespass . ~~816
00816 ## 'asham {aw-sham'} ; or'ashem {aw-shame'} ; a primitive root ; to be guilty ; by implication to be punished or perish :-- X certainly , be (- come , made) desolate , destroy , X greatly , be (- come , found , hold) guilty , offend (acknowledge offence) , trespass . ~~816
00821 ## 'ashmurah {ash-moo-raw'} ; or'ashmuwrah {ash-moo-raw'} ; or'ashmoreth {ash-mo'- reth} ; (feminine) from 08104 ; a night watch :-- watch . ~~820
00821 ## 'ashmurah {ash-moo-raw'} ; or'ashmuwrah {ash-moo-raw'} ; or'ashmoreth {ash-mo'- reth} ; (feminine) from 08104 ; a night watch :-- watch . ~~820
00827 ## 'ashpah {ash-paw'} ; perhaps (feminine) from the same as 00825 (in the sense of covering) ; a quiver or arrow-case :-- quiver . ~~826
00830 ## 'ashpoth {ash-pohth'} ; or'ashpowth {ash-pohth'} ; or (contraction) sh@photh {shef-ohth'} ; plural of a noun of the same form as 00827 , from 08192 (in the sense of scraping) ; a heap of rubbish or filth :-- dung (hill) . ~~830
00830 ## 'ashpoth {ash-pohth'} ; or'ashpowth {ash-pohth'} ; or (contraction) sh@photh {shef-ohth'} ; plural of a noun of the same form as 00827 , from 08192 (in the sense of scraping) ; a heap of rubbish or filth :-- dung (hill) . ~~830
00830 ## 'ashpoth {ash-pohth'} ; or'ashpowth {ash-pohth'} ; or (contraction) sh@photh {shef-ohth'} ; plural of a noun of the same form as 00827 , from 08192 (in the sense of scraping) ; a heap of rubbish or filth :-- dung (hill) . ~~830
00832 ## 'Eshq@lowniy {esh-kel-o-nee'} ; patrial from 00831 ; Ashkelonite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashkelon :-- Eshkalonites . ~~832
00833 ## 'ashar {aw-shar'} ; or'asher {aw-share'} ; a primitive root ; to be straight (used in the widest sense , especially to be level , right , happy) ; figuratively , to go forward , be honest , proper :-- (call , be) bless (- ed , happy) , go , guide , lead , relieve . ~~832
00838 ## 'ashur {aw-shoor'} ; or ashshur {ash-shoor'} ; from 00833 in the sense of going ; a step :-- going , step . ~~838
00839 ## 'ashur {ash-oor'} ; contracted for 08391 ; the cedar tree or some other light elastic wood :-- Ashurite . ~~838
00842 ## 'asherah {ash-ay-raw'} ; or'asheyrah {ash-ay-raw'} ; from 00833 ; happy ; Asherah (or Astarte) a Phoenician goddess ; also an image of the same :-- grove . Compare 06253 . ~~842
00842 ## 'asherah {ash-ay-raw'} ; or'asheyrah {ash-ay-raw'} ; from 00833 ; happy ; Asherah (or Astarte) a Phoenician goddess ; also an image of the same :-- grove . Compare 06253 . ~~842
00843 ## 'Asheriy {aw-shay-ree'} ; patronymic from 00836 ; an Asherite (collectively) or descendant of Asher :-- Asherites . ~~842
00845 ## 'Asri'eliy {as-ree-ale-ee'} ; patronymic from 00844 ; an Asrielite (collectively) or descendant of Asriel :-- Asrielites . ~~844
00847 ## 'Eshta'ol {esh-taw-ole'} ; or'Eshta'owl {esh-taw-ole'} ; probably from 07592 ; intreaty ; Eshtaol , a place in Palestine :-- Eshtaol . ~~846
00848 ## 'Eshta'uliy {esh-taw-oo-lee'} ; patrial from 00847 ; an Eshtaolite (collectively) or inhabitant of Eshtaol :-- Eshtaulites . ~~848
00851 ## 'Esht@moa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@mowa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@moh {esh-tem-o'} ; from 08085 (in the sense of obedience) ; Eshtemoa or Eshtemoh , a place in Palestine :-- Eshtemoa , Eshtemoh . ~~850
00851 ## 'Esht@moa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@mowa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@moh {esh-tem-o'} ; from 08085 (in the sense of obedience) ; Eshtemoa or Eshtemoh , a place in Palestine :-- Eshtemoa , Eshtemoh . ~~850
00851 ## 'Esht@moa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@mowa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@moh {esh-tem-o'} ; from 08085 (in the sense of obedience) ; Eshtemoa or Eshtemoh , a place in Palestine :-- Eshtemoa , Eshtemoh . ~~850
00853 ## 'eth {ayth} ; apparent contracted from 00226 in the demonstrative sense of entity ; properly , self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition , even or namely) :-- [as such unrepresented in English ] . ~~852
00853 ## 'eth {ayth} ; apparent contracted from 00226 in the demonstrative sense of entity ; properly , self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition , even or namely) :-- [as such unrepresented in English ] . ~~852
00854 ## 'eth {ayth} ; probably from 00579 ; properly , nearness (used only as a preposition or an adverb) , near ; hence , generally , with , by , at , among , etc . :-- against , among , before , by , for , from , in (- to) , (out) of , with . Often with another prepositional prefix . ~~854
00855 ## 'eth {ayth} ; of uncertain derivation ; a hoe or other digging implement :-- coulter , plowshare . ~~854
00857 ## 'athah {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'{aw-thaw'} ; a primitive root [collateral to 00225 contraction ] ; to arrive :-- (be-, things to) come (upon) , bring . ~~856
00858 ## 'athah (Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'(Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 00857 :-- (be-) come , bring . ~~858
00859 ## 'attah {at-taw'} ; or (shortened) ;'atta {at-taw'} ; or'ath {ath} ; feminine (irregular) sometimes'attiy {at-tee'} ; plural masculine'attem {at-tem'} ; feminine'atten {at-ten'} ; or'attenah {at-tay'naw} ; or'attennah {at-tane'- naw} ; a primitive pronoun of the second person ; thou and thee , or (plural) ye and you :-- thee , thou , ye , you . ~~858
00859 ## 'attah {at-taw'} ; or (shortened) ;'atta {at-taw'} ; or'ath {ath} ; feminine (irregular) sometimes'attiy {at-tee'} ; plural masculine'attem {at-tem'} ; feminine'atten {at-ten'} ; or'attenah {at-tay'naw} ; or'attennah {at-tane'- naw} ; a primitive pronoun of the second person ; thou and thee , or (plural) ye and you :-- thee , thou , ye , you . ~~858
00859 ## 'attah {at-taw'} ; or (shortened) ;'atta {at-taw'} ; or'ath {ath} ; feminine (irregular) sometimes'attiy {at-tee'} ; plural masculine'attem {at-tem'} ; feminine'atten {at-ten'} ; or'attenah {at-tay'naw} ; or'attennah {at-tane'- naw} ; a primitive pronoun of the second person ; thou and thee , or (plural) ye and you :-- thee , thou , ye , you . ~~858
00859 ## 'attah {at-taw'} ; or (shortened) ;'atta {at-taw'} ; or'ath {ath} ; feminine (irregular) sometimes'attiy {at-tee'} ; plural masculine'attem {at-tem'} ; feminine'atten {at-ten'} ; or'attenah {at-tay'naw} ; or'attennah {at-tane'- naw} ; a primitive pronoun of the second person ; thou and thee , or (plural) ye and you :-- thee , thou , ye , you . ~~858
00859 ## 'attah {at-taw'} ; or (shortened) ;'atta {at-taw'} ; or'ath {ath} ; feminine (irregular) sometimes'attiy {at-tee'} ; plural masculine'attem {at-tem'} ; feminine'atten {at-ten'} ; or'attenah {at-tay'naw} ; or'attennah {at-tane'- naw} ; a primitive pronoun of the second person ; thou and thee , or (plural) ye and you :-- thee , thou , ye , you . ~~858
00862 ## 'attuwq {at-tooke'} ; or'attiyq {at-teek'} ; from 05423 in the sense of decreasing ; a ledge or offset in a building :-- gallery . ~~862
00862 ## 'attuwq {at-tooke'} ; or'attiyq {at-teek'} ; from 05423 in the sense of decreasing ; a ledge or offset in a building :-- gallery . ~~862
00863 ## 'Ittay {it-tah'ee} ; or'Iythay {ee-thah'ee} ; from 00854 ; near ; Ittai or Ithai , the name of a Gittite and of an Israelite :-- Ithai , Ittai . ~~862
00863 ## 'Ittay {it-tah'ee} ; or'Iythay {ee-thah'ee} ; from 00854 ; near ; Ittai or Ithai , the name of a Gittite and of an Israelite :-- Ithai , Ittai . ~~862
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~864
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~864
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~864
00868 ## 'ethnan {eth-nan'} ; the same as 00866 ; a gift (as the price of harlotry or idolatry) :-- hire , reward . ~~868
00886 ## B@'erothiy {be-ay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 00881 ; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth :-- Beerothite . ~~886
00890 ## bo'shah {bosh-aw'} ; feminine of 00889 ; stink-weed or any other noxious or useless plant :-- cockle . ~~890
00890 ## bo'shah {bosh-aw'} ; feminine of 00889 ; stink-weed or any other noxious or useless plant :-- cockle . ~~890
00898 ## bagad {baw-gad'} ; a primitive root ; to cover (with a garment) ; figuratively , to act covertly ; by implication , to pillage :-- deal deceitfully (treacherously , unfaithfully) , offend , transgress (- or) , (depart) , treacherous (dealer ,-ly , man) , unfaithful (- ly , man) , X very . ~~898
00899 ## beged {behg'- ed} ; from 00898 ; a covering , i . e . clothing ; also treachery or pillage :-- apparel , cloth (- es , ing) , garment , lap , rag , raiment , robe , X very [treacherously ] , vesture , wardrobe . ~~898
00904 ## Bigthan {big-thawn'} ; or Bigthana'{big-thaw'naw} ; of similar derivation to 00903 ; Bigthan or Bigthana , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigthan , Bigthana . ~~904
00904 ## Bigthan {big-thawn'} ; or Bigthana'{big-thaw'naw} ; of similar derivation to 00903 ; Bigthan or Bigthana , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigthan , Bigthana . ~~904
00906 ## bad {bad} ; perhaps from 00909 (in the sense of divided fibres) ; flaxen thread or yarn ; hence , a linen garment :-- linen . ~~906
00907 ## bad {bad} ; from 00908 ; a brag or lie ; also a liar :-- liar , lie . ~~906
00914 ## badal {baw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; to divide (in variation senses literally or figuratively , separate , distinguish , differ , select , etc .) :-- (make , put) difference , divide (asunder) , (make) separate (self ,-ation) , sever (out) , X utterly . ~~914
00919 ## bedeq {beh'- dek} ; from 00918 ; a gap or leak (in a building or a ship) :-- breach , + calker . ~~918
00919 ## bedeq {beh'- dek} ; from 00918 ; a gap or leak (in a building or a ship) :-- breach , + calker . ~~918
00923 ## behat {bah'- hat} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to glisten) ; white marble or perhaps alabaster :-- red [marble ] . ~~922
00926 ## bahal {baw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; to tremble inwardly (or palpitate) , i . e . (figuratively) be (causative , make) (suddenly) alarmed or agitated ; by implication to hasten anxiously :-- be (make) affrighted (afraid , amazed , dismayed , rash) , (be , get , make) haste (- n ,-y ,-ily) , (give) speedy (- ily) , thrust out , trouble , vex . ~~926
00926 ## bahal {baw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; to tremble inwardly (or palpitate) , i . e . (figuratively) be (causative , make) (suddenly) alarmed or agitated ; by implication to hasten anxiously :-- be (make) affrighted (afraid , amazed , dismayed , rash) , (be , get , make) haste (- n ,-y ,-ily) , (give) speedy (- ily) , thrust out , trouble , vex . ~~926
00929 ## b@hemah {be-hay-maw'} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to be mute) ; properly , a dumb beast ; especially any large quadruped or animal (often collective) :-- beast , cattle . ~~928
00930 ## b@hemowth {be-hay-mohth'} ; in form a plural or 00929 , but really a singular of Egyptian derivation ; a water-ox , i . e . the hippopotamus or Nile-horse :-- Behemoth . ~~930
00930 ## b@hemowth {be-hay-mohth'} ; in form a plural or 00929 , but really a singular of Egyptian derivation ; a water-ox , i . e . the hippopotamus or Nile-horse :-- Behemoth . ~~930
00931 ## bohen {bo'- hen} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to be thick ; the thumb of the hand or great toe of the foot :-- thumb , great toe . ~~930
00935 ## bow'{bo} ; a primitive root ; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications) :-- abide , apply , attain , X be , befall , + besiege , bring (forth , in , into , to pass) , call , carry , X certainly , (cause , let , thing for) to come (against , in , out , upon , to pass) , depart , X doubtless again , + eat , + employ , (cause to) enter (in , into ,-tering ,-trance ,-try) , be fallen , fetch , + follow , get , give , go (down , in , to war) , grant , + have , X indeed , [in-] vade , lead , lift [up ] , mention , pull in , put , resort , run (down) , send , set , X (well) stricken [in age ] , X surely , take (in) , way . ~~934
00940 ## Buwziy {boo-zee'} ; patronymic from 00938 ; a Buzite or descendant of Buz :-- Buzite . ~~940
00943 ## buwk {book} ; a primitive root ; to involve (literally or figuratively) :-- be entangled , (perplexed) . ~~942
00947 ## buwc {boos} ; a primitive root ; to trample (literally or figuratively) :-- loath , tread (down , under [foot ]) , be polluted . ~~946
00953 ## bowr {bore} ; from 00952 (in the sense of 00877) ; a pit hole (especially one used as a cistern or a prison) :-- cistern , dungeon , fountain , pit , well . ~~952
00954 ## buwsh {boosh} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pale , i . e . by implication to be ashamed ; also (by implication) to be disappointed or delayed :-- (be , make , bring to , cause , put to , with , a-) shamed (- d) , be (put to) confounded (- fusion) , become dry , delay , be long . ~~954
00969 ## bachown'{baw-khone'} ; from 00974 ; an assayer or metals :-- tower . ~~968
00970 ## bachuwr {baw-khoor'} ; or bachur {baw-khoor'} ; participle passive of 00977 ; properly , selected , i . e . a youth (often collective) :-- (choice) young (man) , chosen , X hole . ~~970
00978 ## Bacharuwmiy {bakh-ar-oo-mee'} ; patrial from 00980 (by transposition) ; a Bacharumite or inhabitant of Bachurim :-- Baharumite . ~~978
00979 ## b@churowth {bekh-oo-rothe'} ; or b@chuwrowth {bekh-oo-roth'} ; feminine plural of 00970 ; also (masculine plural) b@churiym {bekh-oo-reem'} ; youth (collectively and abstractly) :-- young men , youth . ~~978
00980 ## Bachuriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; or Bachuwriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; masculine plural of 00970 ; young men ; Bachurim , a place in Palestine :-- Bahurim . ~~980
00981 ## bata'{baw-taw'} ; or batah {baw-taw'} ; a primitive root ; to babble ; hence , to vociferate angrily :-- pronounce , speak (unadvisedly) . ~~980
00982 ## batach {baw-takh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hie for refuge [but not so precipitately as 02620 ] ; figuratively , to trust , be confident or sure :-- be bold (confident , secure , sure) , careless (one , woman) , put confidence , (make to) hope , (put , make to) trust . ~~982
00983 ## betach {beh'takh} ; from 00982 ; properly , a place of refuge ; abstract , safety , both the fact (security) and the feeling (trust) ; often (adverb with or without preposition) safely :-- assurance , boldly , (without) care (- less) , confidence , hope , safe (- ly ,-ty) , secure , surely . ~~982
00990 ## beten {beh'- ten} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be hollow ; the belly , especially the womb ; also the bosom or body of anything :-- belly , body , + as they be born , + within , womb . ~~990
00994 ## biy {bee} ; perhaps from 01158 (in the sense of asking) ; properly , a request ; used only adverbially (always with " my Lord ") ; Oh that ! ; with leave , or if it please :-- alas , O , oh . ~~994
00995 ## biyn {bene} ; a primitive root ; to separate mentally (or distinguish) , i . e . (generally) understand :-- attend , consider , be cunning , diligently , direct , discern , eloquent , feel , inform , instruct , have intelligence , know , look well to , mark , perceive , be prudent , regard , (can) skill (- full) , teach , think , (cause , make to , get , give , have) understand (- ing) , view , (deal) wise (- ly , man) . ~~994
00996 ## beyn {bane} (sometimes in the plural masculine or feminine) ; properly , the constructive form of an otherwise unused noun from 00995 ; a distinction ; but used only as a prep , between (repeated before each noun , often with other particles) ; also as a conjunction , either . . . or :-- among , asunder , at , between (- twixt . . . and) , + from (the widest) , X in , out of , whether (it be . . . or) , within . ~~996
00996 ## beyn {bane} (sometimes in the plural masculine or feminine) ; properly , the constructive form of an otherwise unused noun from 00995 ; a distinction ; but used only as a prep , between (repeated before each noun , often with other particles) ; also as a conjunction , either . . . or :-- among , asunder , at , between (- twixt . . . and) , + from (the widest) , X in , out of , whether (it be . . . or) , within . ~~996
00996 ## beyn {bane} (sometimes in the plural masculine or feminine) ; properly , the constructive form of an otherwise unused noun from 00995 ; a distinction ; but used only as a prep , between (repeated before each noun , often with other particles) ; also as a conjunction , either . . . or :-- among , asunder , at , between (- twixt . . . and) , + from (the widest) , X in , out of , whether (it be . . . or) , within . ~~996
01002 ## biyrah {bee-raw'} ; of foreign origin ; a castle or palace :-- palace . ~~1002
01010 ## Beyth Ba` al M@` own {bayth bah'- al me-own'} ; from 01004 and 01168 and 04583 ; house of Baal of (the) habitation of [apparently by transposition ] ; or (shorter) Beyth M@` own {bayth me-own'} ; house of habitation of (Baal) ; Beth-Baal-Meon , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-baal-meon . Compare 01186 and 01194 . ~~1010
01017 ## Beyth ha-'Eliy {bayth haw-el-ee'} ; patrial from 01008 with the article interposed ; a Beth-elite , or inhabitant of Bethel :-- Bethelite . ~~1016
01019 ## Beyth hag-Gllgal {bayth hag-gil gawl'} ; from 01004 and 01537 with the article interposed ; house of Gilgal (or rolling) ; Beth-hag-Gilgal , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-gilgal . ~~1018
01022 ## Beyth hal-Lachmiy {bayth hal-lakh-mee'} ; patrial from 01035 with the article inserted ; a Beth-lechemite , or native of Bethlechem :-- Bethlehemite . ~~1022
01024 ## Beyth ham-Marka-bowth {bayth ham-mar-kaw-both'} ; or (shortened) Beyth Mar-kabowth {bayth mar-kaw-both'} ; from 01004 and the plural of 04818 (with or without the article interposed) ; place of (the) chariots ; Beth-ham-Markaboth or Beth-Markaboth , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-marcaboth . ~~1024
01024 ## Beyth ham-Marka-bowth {bayth ham-mar-kaw-both'} ; or (shortened) Beyth Mar-kabowth {bayth mar-kaw-both'} ; from 01004 and the plural of 04818 (with or without the article interposed) ; place of (the) chariots ; Beth-ham-Markaboth or Beth-Markaboth , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-marcaboth . ~~1024
01024 ## Beyth ham-Marka-bowth {bayth ham-mar-kaw-both'} ; or (shortened) Beyth Mar-kabowth {bayth mar-kaw-both'} ; from 01004 and the plural of 04818 (with or without the article interposed) ; place of (the) chariots ; Beth-ham-Markaboth or Beth-Markaboth , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-marcaboth . ~~1024
01030 ## Beyth hash-Shimshiy {bayth hash-shim-shee'} ; patrial from 01053 with the article inserted ; a Beth-shimshite , or inhabitant of Bethshemesh :-- Bethshemite . ~~1030
01037 ## Beyth Millow'{bayth mil-lo'} ; or Beyth Mil-lo'{bayth mil-lo'} ; from 01004 and 04407 ; house of (the) rampart ; Beth-Millo , the name of two citadels :-- house of Millo . ~~1036
01052 ## Beyth Sh@'an {bayth she-awn'} ; or Beyth Shan {bayth shawn'} ; from 01004 and 07599 ; house of ease ; Beth-Shean or Beth-Shan , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-shean , Beth-Shan . ~~1052
01052 ## Beyth Sh@'an {bayth she-awn'} ; or Beyth Shan {bayth shawn'} ; from 01004 and 07599 ; house of ease ; Beth-Shean or Beth-Shan , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-shean , Beth-Shan . ~~1052
01062 ## b@kowrah {bek-o-raw'} ; or (short) b@korah {bek-o-raw'} ; feminine of 01060 ; the firstling of man or beast ; abstractly primogeniture :-- birthright , firstborn (- ling) . ~~1062
01062 ## b@kowrah {bek-o-raw'} ; or (short) b@korah {bek-o-raw'} ; feminine of 01060 ; the firstling of man or beast ; abstractly primogeniture :-- birthright , firstborn (- ling) . ~~1062
01069 ## bakar {baw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to burst the womb , i . e . (causatively) bear or make early fruit (of woman or tree) ; also (as denominative from 01061) to give the birthright :-- make firstborn , be firstling , bring forth first child (new fruit) . ~~1068
01069 ## bakar {baw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to burst the womb , i . e . (causatively) bear or make early fruit (of woman or tree) ; also (as denominative from 01061) to give the birthright :-- make firstborn , be firstling , bring forth first child (new fruit) . ~~1068
01076 ## Bakriy {bak-ree'} ; patronymically from 01071 ; a Bakrite (collectively) or descendants of Beker :-- Bachrites . ~~1076
01082 ## balag {baw-lag'} ; a primitive root ; to break off or loose (in a favorable or unfavorable sense) , i . e . desist (from grief) or invade (with destruction) :-- comfort , (recover) strength (- en) . ~~1082
01082 ## balag {baw-lag'} ; a primitive root ; to break off or loose (in a favorable or unfavorable sense) , i . e . desist (from grief) or invade (with destruction) :-- comfort , (recover) strength (- en) . ~~1082
01082 ## balag {baw-lag'} ; a primitive root ; to break off or loose (in a favorable or unfavorable sense) , i . e . desist (from grief) or invade (with destruction) :-- comfort , (recover) strength (- en) . ~~1082
01094 ## b@low'{bel-o'} ; or (fully) b@lowy {bel-o'ee} ; from 01086 ; (only in plural construction) rags :-- old . ~~1094
01097 ## b@liy {bel-ee'} ; from 01086 ; prop . failure , i . e . nothing or destruction ; usually (with prep .) without , not yet , because not , as long as , etc . :-- corruption , ig [norantly ] , for lack of , where no 0 . . is , so that no , none , not , un [awares ] , without . ~~1096
01107 ## bil` adey {bil-ad-ay'} ; or bal` adey {bal-ad-ay'} ; constructive plural from 01077 and 05703 , not till , i . e . (as preposition or adverb) except , without , besides :-- beside , not (in) , save , without . ~~1106
01107 ## bil` adey {bil-ad-ay'} ; or bal` adey {bal-ad-ay'} ; constructive plural from 01077 and 05703 , not till , i . e . (as preposition or adverb) except , without , besides :-- beside , not (in) , save , without . ~~1106
01108 ## Bal` iy {bel-ee'} ; patronymically from 01106 : a Belaite (collectively) or descendants of Bela :-- Belaites . ~~1108
01112 ## Belsha'tstsar {bale-shats-tsar'} ; or Bel'shatstsar {bale-shats-tsar'} ; of foreign origin (compare 01095) ; Belshatstsar , a Babylonian king :-- Belshazzar . ~~1112
01120 ## Bamowth {baw-moth'} ; plural of 01116 ; heights ; or (fully) Bamowth Ba` al {baw-moth'bah'- al} ; from the same and 01168 ; heights of Baal ; Bamoth or Bamoth-Baal , a place East of the Jordan :-- Bamoth , Bamoth-baal . ~~1120
01120 ## Bamowth {baw-moth'} ; plural of 01116 ; heights ; or (fully) Bamowth Ba` al {baw-moth'bah'- al} ; from the same and 01168 ; heights of Baal ; Bamoth or Bamoth-Baal , a place East of the Jordan :-- Bamoth , Bamoth-baal . ~~1120
01121 ## ben {bane} ; from 01129 ; a son (as a builder of the family name) , in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship , including grandson , subject , nation , quality or condition , etc . , [like 00001 , 00251 , etc . ]) :-- + afflicted , age , [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] [Lev-] ite , [anoint-] ed one , appointed to , (+) arrow , [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] [Grec-] ian , one born , bough , branch , breed , + (young) bullock , + (young) calf , X came up in , child , colt , X common , X corn , daughter , X of first , + firstborn , foal , + very fruitful , + postage , X in , + kid , + lamb , (+) man , meet , + mighty , + nephew , old , (+) people , + rebel , + robber , X servant born , X soldier , son , + spark , + steward , + stranger , X surely , them of , + tumultuous one , + valiant [-est ] , whelp , worthy , young (one) , youth . ~~1120
01124 ## b@na'(Aramaic) {ben-aw'} ; or b@nah (Aramaic) {ben-aw'} ; corresponding to 01129 ; to build :-- build , make . ~~1124
01128 ## Ben-Deqer {ben-deh'- ker} ; from 01121 and a derivative of 01856 ; son of piercing (or of a lance) ; Ben-Deker , an Israelite :-- the son of Dekar . ~~1128
01138 ## Bunniy {boon-nee'} ; or (fuller) Buwniy {boo-nee'} ; from 01129 ; built ; Bunni or Buni , an Israelite :-- Bunni . ~~1138
01138 ## Bunniy {boon-nee'} ; or (fuller) Buwniy {boo-nee'} ; from 01129 ; built ; Bunni or Buni , an Israelite :-- Bunni . ~~1138
01141 ## B@nayah {ben-aw-yaw'} ; or (prolonged) B@nayahuw {ben-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01129 and 03050 ; Jah has built ; Benajah , the name of twelve Israelites :-- Benaiah . ~~1140
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~1144
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~1144
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~1144
01150 ## Bin` a'{bin-aw'} ; or Bin` ah {bin-aw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Bina or Binah , an Israelite :-- Binea , Bineah . ~~1150
01150 ## Bin` a'{bin-aw'} ; or Bin` ah {bin-aw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Bina or Binah , an Israelite :-- Binea , Bineah . ~~1150
01156 ## b@` a'(Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; or b@` ah (Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; corresponding to 01158 ; to seek or ask :-- ask , desire , make [petition ] , pray , request , seek . ~~1156
01156 ## b@` a'(Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; or b@` ah (Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; corresponding to 01158 ; to seek or ask :-- ask , desire , make [petition ] , pray , request , seek . ~~1156
01157 ## b@` ad {beh-ad'} ; from 05704 with prepositional prefix ; in up to or over against ; generally at , beside , among , behind , for , etc . :-- about , at by (means of) , for , over , through , up (- on) , within . ~~1156
01167 ## ba` al {bah'- al} ; from 01166 ; a master ; hence a husband , or (figuratively) owner (often used with another noun in modifications of this latter sense) :-- + archer , + babbler , + bird , captain , chief man , + confederate , + have to do , + dreamer , those to whom it is due , + furious , those that are given to it , great , + hairy , he that hath it , have , + horseman , husband , lord , man , + married , master , person , + sworn , the of . ~~1166
01197 ## ba` ar {baw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to kindle , i . e . consume (by fire or by eating) ; also (as denominative from 01198) to be (- come) brutish :-- be brutish , bring (put , take) away , burn , (cause to) eat (up) , feed , heat , kindle , set ([on fire ]) , waste . ~~1196
01213 ## Batsluwth {bats-looth'} ; or Batsliyth {bats-leeth'} ; from the same as 01211 ; a peeling ; Batsluth or Batslith , an Israelite :-- Bazlith , Bazluth . ~~1212
01213 ## Batsluwth {bats-looth'} ; or Batsliyth {bats-leeth'} ; from the same as 01211 ; a peeling ; Batsluth or Batslith , an Israelite :-- Bazlith , Bazluth . ~~1212
01214 ## batsa` {baw-tsah'} ; a primitive root to break off , i . e . (usually) plunder ; figuratively , to finish , or (intransitively) stop :-- (be) covet (- ous) , cut (off) , finish , fulfill , gain (greedily) , get , be given to [covetousness ] , greedy , perform , be wounded . ~~1214
01219 ## batsar {baw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to clip off ; specifically (as denominative from 01210) to gather grapes ; also to be isolated (i . e . inaccessible by height or fortification) :-- cut off , (de-) fenced , fortify , (grape) gather (- er) , mighty things , restrain , strong , wall (up) , withhold . ~~1218
01234 ## baqa` {baw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to cleave ; generally , to rend , break , rip or open :-- make a breach , break forth (into , out , in pieces , through , up) , be ready to burst , cleave (asunder) , cut out , divide , hatch , rend (asunder) , rip up , tear , win . ~~1234
01239 ## baqar {baw-kar} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plough , or (generally) break forth , i . e . (figuratively) to inspect , admire , care for , consider :-- (make) inquire (- ry) , (make) search , seek out . ~~1238
01241 ## baqar {baw-kawr'} ; from 01239 ; beef cattle or an animal of the ox family of either gender (as used for plowing) ; collectively , a herd :-- beeve , bull (+-- ock) , + calf , + cow , great [cattle ] , + heifer , herd , kine , ox . ~~1240
01245 ## baqash {baw-kash'} ; a primitive root ; to search out (by any method , specifically in worship or prayer) ; by implication , to strive after :-- ask , beg , beseech , desire , enquire , get , make inquisition , procure , (make) request , require , seek (for) . ~~1244
01250 ## bar {bawr} ; or bar {bar} ; from 01305 (in the sense of winnowing) ; grain of any kind (even while standing in the field) ; by extens . the open country :-- corn , wheat . ~~1250
01253 ## bor {bore} ; the same as 01252 ; vegetable lye (from its cleansing) ; used as a soap for washing , or a flux for metals :-- X never so , purely . ~~1252
01265 ## b@rowsh {ber-osh'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a cypress (?) tree ; hence , a lance or a musical instrument (as made of that wood) :-- fir (tree) . ~~1264
01266 ## b@rowth {ber-oth'} ; a variation of 01265 ; the cypress (or some elastic tree) :-- fir . ~~1266
01268 ## Berowthah {bay-ro-thaw'} ; or Berothay {bay-ro-that'- ee} ; probably from 01266 ; cypress or cypresslike ; Berothah or Berothai , a place north of Palestine :-- Berothah , Berothai . ~~1268
01268 ## Berowthah {bay-ro-thaw'} ; or Berothay {bay-ro-that'- ee} ; probably from 01266 ; cypress or cypresslike ; Berothah or Berothai , a place north of Palestine :-- Berothah , Berothai . ~~1268
01268 ## Berowthah {bay-ro-thaw'} ; or Berothay {bay-ro-that'- ee} ; probably from 01266 ; cypress or cypresslike ; Berothah or Berothai , a place north of Palestine :-- Berothah , Berothai . ~~1268
01273 ## Barchumiy {bar-khoo-mee'} ; by transposition for 00978 ; a Barchumite , or native of Bachurim :-- Barhumite . ~~1272
01277 ## bariy'{baw-ree'} ; from 01254 (in the sense of 01262) ; fatted or plump :-- fat ([fleshed ] ,-- ter) , fed , firm , plenteous , rank . ~~1276
01281 ## bariyach {baw-ree'- akh} ; or (shortened) bariach {baw-ree'- akh} ; from 01272 ; a fugitive , i . e . the serpent (as fleeing) , and the constellation by that name :-- crooked , noble , piercing . ~~1280
01284 ## B@riy` iy {ber-ee-ee'} ; patronymically from 01283 ; a Beriite (collectively) or descendants of Beriah :-- Beerites . ~~1284
01288 ## barak {baw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to kneel ; by implication to bless God (as an act of adoration) , and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit) ; also (by euphemism) to curse (God or the king , as treason) :-- X abundantly , X altogether , X at all , blaspheme , bless , congratulate , curse , X greatly , X indeed , kneel (down) , praise , salute , X still , thank . ~~1288
01296 ## Berekyah {beh-rek-yaw'} ; or Berekyahuw {beh-rek-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01290 and 03050 ; knee (i . e . blessing) of Jah ; Berekjah , the name of six Israelites :-- Berachiah , Berechiah . ~~1296
01304 ## bareqeth {baw-reh'- keth} ; or bar@kath {baw-rek-ath'} ; from 01300 ; a gem (as flashing) , perhaps the emerald :-- carbuncle . ~~1304
01307 ## Berothiy {bay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 01268 ; a Berothite , or inhabitant of Berothai :-- Berothite . ~~1306
01309 ## b@sowrah {bes-o-raw'} ; or (shortened) b@sorah {bes-o-raw'} ; feminine from 01319 ; glad tidings ; by implication , reward for good news :-- reward for tidings . ~~1308
01314 ## besem {beh'- sem} ; or bosem {bo'- sem} ; from the same as 01313 ; fragrance ; by implication , spicery ; also the balsam plant :-- smell , spice , sweet (odour) . ~~1314
01324 ## bath {bath} ; probably from the same as 01327 ; a bath or Hebrew measure (as a means of division) of liquids :-- bath . ~~1324
01330 ## b@thuwlah {beth-oo-law'} ; feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to separate ; a virgin (from her privacy) ; sometimes (by continuation) a bride ; also (figuratively) a city or state :-- maid , virgin . ~~1330
01346 ## ga` avah {gah-av-aw'} ; from 01342 ; arrogance or majesty ; by implication , (concretely) ornament :-- excellency , haughtiness , highness , pride , proudly , swelling . ~~1346
01351 ## ga'al {gaw-al'} ; a primitive root , [rather identified with 01350 , through the idea of freeing , i . e . repudiating ] ; to soil or (figuratively) desecrate :-- defile , pollute , stain . ~~1350
01354 ## gab {gab} ; from an unused root meaning to hollow or curve ; the back (as rounded [compare 01460 and 01479 ] ; by analogy , the top or rim , a boss , a vault , arch of eye , bulwarks , etc . :-- back , body , boss , eminent (higher) place , [eye ] brows , nave , ring . ~~1354
01354 ## gab {gab} ; from an unused root meaning to hollow or curve ; the back (as rounded [compare 01460 and 01479 ] ; by analogy , the top or rim , a boss , a vault , arch of eye , bulwarks , etc . :-- back , body , boss , eminent (higher) place , [eye ] brows , nave , ring . ~~1354
01356 ## geb {gabe} ; from 01461 ; a log (as cut out) ; also well or cistern (as dug) :-- beam , ditch , pit . ~~1356
01359 ## Gob {gobe} ; or (fully) Gowb {gobe'} ; from 01461 ; pit ; Gob , a place in Palestine :-- Gob . ~~1358
01362 ## gabahh {gaw-bawh'} ; from 01361 ; lofty (literally or figuratively) :-- high , proud . ~~1362
01364 ## gaboahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; from 01361 ; elevated (or elated) , powerful , arrogant :-- haughty , height , high (- er) , lofty , proud , X exceeding proudly . ~~1364
01364 ## gaboahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; from 01361 ; elevated (or elated) , powerful , arrogant :-- haughty , height , high (- er) , lofty , proud , X exceeding proudly . ~~1364
01366 ## g@buwl {gheb-ool'} ; or (shortened) g@bul {gheb-ool'} ; from 01379 ; properly , a cord (as twisted) , i . e . (by implication) a boundary ; by extens . the territory inclosed :-- border , bound , coast , X great , landmark , limit , quarter , space . ~~1366
01367 ## g@buwlah {gheb-oo-law'} ; or (shortened) g@bulah {gheb-oo-law'} ; feminine of 01366 ; a boundary , region :-- border , bound , coast , landmark . place . ~~1366
01368 ## gibbowr {ghib-bore'} ; or (shortened) gibbor {ghib-bore'} ; intensive from the same as 01397 ; powerful ; by implication , warrior , tyrant :-- champion , chief , X excel , giant , man , mighty (man , one) , strong (man) , valiant man . ~~1368
01369 ## g@buwrah {gheb-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle from the same as 01368 ; force (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , valor , victory :-- force , mastery , might , mighty (act , power) , power , strength . ~~1368
01382 ## Gibliy {ghib-lee'} : patrial from 01380 ; a Gebalite , or inhabitant of Gebal :-- Giblites , stone-squarer . ~~1382
01383 ## gabluth {gab-looth'} ; from 01379 ; a twisted chain or lace :-- end . ~~1382
01384 ## gibben {gib-bane'} ; from an unused root meaning to be arched or contracted ; hunch-backed :-- crookbackt . ~~1384
01386 ## gabnon {gab-nohn'} ; from the same as 01384 ; a hump or peak of hills :-- high . ~~1386
01393 ## Gib` oniy {ghib-o-nee'} ; patrial from 01391 ; a Gibonite , or inhabitant of Gibon :-- Gibeonite . ~~1392
01395 ## Gib` athiy {ghib-aw-thee'} ; patrial from 01390 ; a Gibathite , or inhabitant of Gibath :-- Gibeathite . ~~1394
01397 ## geber {gheh'- ber} ; from 01396 ; properly , a valiant man or warrior ; generally , a person simply :-- every one , man , X mighty . ~~1396
01401 ## gibbar (Aramaic) {ghib-bawr'} ; intensive of 01400 ; valiant , or warrior :-- mighty . ~~1400
01417 ## g@duwd {ghed-ood'} ; or (feminine) g@dudah {ghed-oo-daw'} ; from 01413 ; a furrow (as cut) :-- furrow . ~~1416
01419 ## gadowl {gaw-dole'} ; or (shortened) gadol {gaw-dole'} ; from 01431 ; great (in any sense) ; hence , older ; also insolent :-- + aloud , elder (- est) , + exceeding (- ly) , + far , (man of) great (man , matter , thing ,-er ,-ness) , high , long , loud , mighty , more , much , noble , proud thing , X sore , (X) very . ~~1418
01420 ## g@duwlah {ghed-oo-law'} ; or (shortened) g@dullah {ghed-ool-law'} ; or (less accurately) g@duwllah {ghed-ool-law'} ; feminine of 01419 ; greatness ; (concretely) mighty acts :-- dignity , great things (- ness) , majesty . ~~1420
01420 ## g@duwlah {ghed-oo-law'} ; or (shortened) g@dullah {ghed-ool-law'} ; or (less accurately) g@duwllah {ghed-ool-law'} ; feminine of 01419 ; greatness ; (concretely) mighty acts :-- dignity , great things (- ness) , majesty . ~~1420
01421 ## gidduwph {ghid-doof'} ; or (shortened) gidduph {ghid-doof'} ; and (feminine) gidduphah {ghid-doo-faw'} ; or gidduphah {ghid-doo-faw'} ; from 01422 ; vilification :-- reproach , reviling . ~~1420
01421 ## gidduwph {ghid-doof'} ; or (shortened) gidduph {ghid-doof'} ; and (feminine) gidduphah {ghid-doo-faw'} ; or gidduphah {ghid-doo-faw'} ; from 01422 ; vilification :-- reproach , reviling . ~~1420
01425 ## Gadiy {gaw-dee'} ; patronymically from 01410 ; a Gadite (collectively) or descendants of Gad :-- Gadites , children of Gad . ~~1424
01428 ## gidyah {ghid-yaw'} ; or gadyah {gad-yaw'} ; the same as 01415 ; a river brink :-- bank . ~~1428
01431 ## gadal {gaw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist [compare 01434 ] , i . e . to be (causatively make) large (in various senses , as in body , mind , estate or honor , also in pride) :-- advance , boast , bring up , exceed , excellent , be (- come , do , give , make , wax) , great (- er , come to . . . estate , + things) , grow (up) , increase , lift up , magnify (- ifical) , be much set by , nourish (up) , pass , promote , proudly [spoken ] , tower . ~~1430
01432 ## gadel {gaw-dale'} ; from 01431 ; large (literally or figuratively) :-- great , grew . ~~1432
01433 ## godel {go'- del} ; from 01431 ; magnitude (literally or figuratively) :-- greatness , stout (- ness) . ~~1432
01434 ## g@dil {ghed-eel'} ; from 01431 (in the sense of twisting) ; thread , i . e . a tassel or festoon :-- fringe , wreath . ~~1434
01436 ## G@dalyah {ghed-al-yaw'} ; or (prolonged) G@dalyahuw {ghed-al-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01431 and 03050 ; Jah has become great ; Gedaljah , the name of five Israelites :-- Gedaliah . ~~1436
01443 ## gadar {gaw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to wall in or around :-- close up , fence up , hedge , inclose , make up [a wall ] , mason , repairer . ~~1442
01446 ## G@dor {ghed-ore'} ; or (fully) G@dowr {ghed-ore'} ; from 01443 ; inclosure ; Gedor , a place in Palestine ; also the name of three Israelites :-- Gedor . ~~1446
01451 ## G@deriy {ghed-ay-ree'} ; patrial from 01445 ; a Gederite , or inhabitant of Geder :-- Gederite . ~~1450
01452 ## G@derathiy {ghed-ay-raw-thee'} ; patrial from 01449 ; a Gederathite , or inhabitant of Gederah :-- Gederathite . ~~1452
01469 ## gowzal {go-zawl'} ; or (shortened) gozal {go-zawl'} ; from 01497 ; a nestling (as being comparatively nude of feathers) :-- young (pigeon) . ~~1468
01471 ## gowy {go'- ee} ; rarely (shortened) goy {go'- ee} ; apparently from the same root as 01465 (in the sense of massing) ; a foreign nation ; hence , a Gentile ; also (figuratively) a troop of animals , or a flight of locusts :-- Gentile , heathen , nation , people . ~~1470
01472 ## g@viyah {ghev-ee-yaw'} ; prolonged for 01465 ; a body , whether alive or dead :-- (dead) body , carcase , corpse . ~~1472
01473 ## gowlah {go-law'} ; or (shortened) golah {go-law'} ; active participle feminine of 01540 ; exile ; concretely and collectively exiles :-- (carried away) , captive (- ity) , removing . ~~1472
01477 ## Guwniy {goo-nee'} ; patronymically from 01476 ; a Gunite (collectively with article prefix) or descendants of Guni :-- Gunites . ~~1476
01479 ## guwph {goof} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hollow or arch , i . e . (figuratively) close ; to shut :-- shut . ~~1478
01481 ## guwr {goor} ; a primitive root ; properly , to turn aside from the road (for a lodging or any other purpose) , i . e . sojourn (as a guest) ; also to shrink , fear (as in a strange place) ; also to gather for hostility (as afraid) :-- abide , assemble , be afraid , dwell , fear , gather (together) , inhabitant , remain , sojourn , stand in awe , (be) stranger , X surely . ~~1480
01482 ## guwr {goor} ; or (shortened) gur {goor} ; perhaps from 01481 ; a cub (as still abiding in the lair) , especially of the lion :-- whelp , young one . ~~1482
01484 ## gowr {gore} ; or (feminine) gorah {go-raw'} ; a variation of 01482 :-- whelp . ~~1484
01486 ## gowral {go-rawl'} ; or (shortened) goral {go-ral'} ; from an unused root meaning to be rough (as stone) ; properly , a pebble , i . e . a lot (small stones being used for that purpose) ; figuratively , a portion or destiny (as if determined by lot) :-- lot . ~~1486
01486 ## gowral {go-rawl'} ; or (shortened) goral {go-ral'} ; from an unused root meaning to be rough (as stone) ; properly , a pebble , i . e . a lot (small stones being used for that purpose) ; figuratively , a portion or destiny (as if determined by lot) :-- lot . ~~1486
01487 ## guwsh {goosh} ; or rather (by permutation) giysh {gheesh} ; of uncertain derivation ; a mass of earth :-- clod . ~~1486
01493 ## Gizowniy {ghee-zo-nee'} ; patrial from the unused name of a place apparently in Palestine ; a Gizonite or inhabitant of Gizoh :-- Gizonite . ~~1492
01494 ## gazaz {gaw-zaz'} ; a primitive root [akin to 01468 ] ; to cut off ; specifically to shear a flock or shave the hair ; figuratively to destroy an enemy :-- cut off (down) , poll , shave , ([sheep-]) shear (- er) . ~~1494
01497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck off ; specifically to flay , strip or rob :-- catch , consume , exercise [robbery ] , pluck (off) , rob , spoil , take away (by force , violence) , tear . ~~1496
01498 ## gazel {gaw-zale'} ; from 01497 ; robbery , or (concretely) plunder :-- robbery , thing taken away by violence . ~~1498
01503 ## geza'{geh'- zah} ; from an unused root meaning to cut down (trees) ; the trunk or stump of a tree (as felled or as planted) :-- stem , stock . ~~1502
01503 ## geza'{geh'- zah} ; from an unused root meaning to cut down (trees) ; the trunk or stump of a tree (as felled or as planted) :-- stem , stock . ~~1502
01504 ## gazar {gaw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to cut down or off ; (figuratively) to destroy , divide , exclude , or decide :-- cut down (off) , decree , divide , snatch . ~~1504
01504 ## gazar {gaw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to cut down or off ; (figuratively) to destroy , divide , exclude , or decide :-- cut down (off) , decree , divide , snatch . ~~1504
01508 ## gizrah {ghiz-raw'} ; feminine of 01506 ; the figure or person (as if cut out) ; also an inclosure (as separated) :-- polishing , separate place . ~~1508
01511 ## Gizriy (in the marg .) {ghiz-ree'} ; patrial from 01507 ; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitants of Gezer ; but better (as in the text) by transposition Girziy {gher-zee'} ; patrial of 01630 ; a Grizite (collectively) or member of a native tribe in Palestine :-- Gezrites . ~~1510
01511 ## Gizriy (in the marg .) {ghiz-ree'} ; patrial from 01507 ; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitants of Gezer ; but better (as in the text) by transposition Girziy {gher-zee'} ; patrial of 01630 ; a Grizite (collectively) or member of a native tribe in Palestine :-- Gezrites . ~~1510
01513 ## gechel {geh'- khel} ; or (feminine) gacheleth {gah-kheh'- leth} ; from an unused root meaning to glow or kindle ; an ember :-- (burning) coal . ~~1512
01513 ## gechel {geh'- khel} ; or (feminine) gacheleth {gah-kheh'- leth} ; from an unused root meaning to glow or kindle ; an ember :-- (burning) coal . ~~1512
01516 ## gay'{gah'- ee} ; or (shortened) gay {gah'- ee} ; probably (by transmutation) from the same root as 01466 (abbreviated) ; a gorge (from its lofty sides ; hence , narrow , but not a gully or winter-torrent) :-- valley . ~~1516
01516 ## gay'{gah'- ee} ; or (shortened) gay {gah'- ee} ; probably (by transmutation) from the same root as 01466 (abbreviated) ; a gorge (from its lofty sides ; hence , narrow , but not a gully or winter-torrent) :-- valley . ~~1516
01518 ## giyach {ghee'- akh} ; or (shortened) goach {go'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to gush forth (as water) , generally to issue :-- break forth , labor to bring forth , come forth , draw up , take out . ~~1518
01519 ## giyach (Aramaic) {ghee'- akh} ; or (shortened) guwach (Aramaic) {goo'- akh} ; corresponding to 01518 ; to rush forth :-- strive . ~~1518
01521 ## Giychown {ghee-khone'} ; or (shortened) Gichown {ghee-khone'} ; from 01518 ; stream ; Gichon , a river of Paradise ; also a valley (or pool) near Jerusalem :-- Gihon . ~~1520
01521 ## Giychown {ghee-khone'} ; or (shortened) Gichown {ghee-khone'} ; from 01518 ; stream ; Gichon , a river of Paradise ; also a valley (or pool) near Jerusalem :-- Gihon . ~~1520
01522 ## Geychaziy {gay-khah-zee'} ; or Gechaziy {gay-khah-zee'} ; apparently from 01516 and 02372 ; valley of a visionary ; Gechazi , the servant of Elisha :-- Gehazi . ~~1522
01523 ## giyl {gheel} ; or (by permutation) guwl {gool} ; a primitive root ; properly , to spin round (under the influence of any violent emotion) , i . e . usually rejoice , or (as cringing) fear :---be glad , joy , be joyful , rejoice . ~~1522
01523 ## giyl {gheel} ; or (by permutation) guwl {gool} ; a primitive root ; properly , to spin round (under the influence of any violent emotion) , i . e . usually rejoice , or (as cringing) fear :---be glad , joy , be joyful , rejoice . ~~1522
01525 ## giylah {ghee-law'} ; or giylath {ghee-lath'} ; feminine of 01524 ; joy :-- joy , rejoicing . ~~1524
01526 ## Giyloniy {ghee-lo-nee'} ; patrial from 01542 ; a Gilonite or inhabitant of Giloh :-- Gilonite . ~~1526
01530 ## gal {gal} ; from 01556 ; something rolled , i . e . a heap of stone or dung (plural ruins) , by analogy , a spring of water (plural waves) :-- billow , heap , spring , wave . ~~1530
01541 ## g@lah (Aramaic) {ghel-aw'} ; or g@la'(Aramaic) {ghel-aw'} ; corresponding to 01540 :-- bring over , carry away , reveal . ~~1540
01542 ## Giloh {ghee-lo'} ; or (fully) Giyloh {ghee-lo'} ; from 01540 ; open ; Giloh , a place in Palestine :-- Giloh . ~~1542
01543 ## gullah {gool-law'} ; feminine from 01556 ; a fountain , bowl or globe (all as round) :-- bowl , pommel , spring . ~~1542
01544 ## gilluwl {ghil-lool'} ; or (shortened) gillul {ghil-lool'} ; from 01556 ; properly , a log (as round) ; by implication , an idol :-- idol . ~~1544
01549 ## gillayown {ghil-law-yone'} ; or gilyown {ghil-yone'} ; from 01540 ; a tablet for writing (as bare) ; by analogy , a mirror (as a plate) :-- glass , roll . ~~1548
01551 ## Galiyl {gaw-leel'} ; or (prolonged) Galiylah {gaw-lee-law'} ; the same as 01550 ; a circle (with the article) ; Galil (as a special circuit) in the North of Palestine :-- Galilee . ~~1550
01552 ## g@liylah {ghel-ee-law'} ; feminine of 01550 ; a circuit or region :-- border , coast , country . ~~1552
01556 ## galal {gaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to roll (literally or figuratively) :-- commit , remove , roll (away , down , together) , run down , seek occasion , trust , wallow . ~~1556
01560 ## g@lal (Aramaic) {ghel-awl'} ; from a root corresponding to 01556 ; weight or size (as if rolled) :-- great . ~~1560
01569 ## Gil` adiy {ghil-aw-dee'} ; patronymically from 01568 ; a Giladite or descendant of Gilad :-- Gileadite . ~~1568
01571 ## gam {gam} ; by contraction from an unused root meaning to gather ; properly , assemblage ; used only adverbially also , even , yea , though ; often repeated as correl . both . . . and :-- again , alike , also , (so much) as (soon) , both (so) . . . and , but , either . . . or , even , for all , (in) likewise (manner) , moreover , nay . . . neither , one , then (- refore) , though , what , with , yea . ~~1570
01572 ## gama'{gaw-maw'} ; a primitive root (literally or figuratively) to absorb :-- swallow , drink . ~~1572
01576 ## g@muwl {ghem-ool'} ; from 01580 ; treatment , i . e . an act (of good or ill) ; by implication , service or requital :-- + as hast served , benefit , desert , deserving , that which he hath given , recompense , reward . ~~1576
01576 ## g@muwl {ghem-ool'} ; from 01580 ; treatment , i . e . an act (of good or ill) ; by implication , service or requital :-- + as hast served , benefit , desert , deserving , that which he hath given , recompense , reward . ~~1576
01580 ## gamal {gaw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to treat a person (well or ill) , i . e . benefit or requite ; by implication (of toil) , to ripen , i . e . (specifically) to wean :-- bestow on , deal bountifully , do (good) , recompense , requite , reward , ripen , + serve , mean , yield . ~~1580
01580 ## gamal {gaw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to treat a person (well or ill) , i . e . benefit or requite ; by implication (of toil) , to ripen , i . e . (specifically) to wean :-- bestow on , deal bountifully , do (good) , recompense , requite , reward , ripen , + serve , mean , yield . ~~1580
01581 ## gamal {gaw-mawl'} ; apparently from 01580 (in the sense of labor or burden-bearing) ; a camel :-- camel . ~~1580
01584 ## gamar {gaw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; to end (in the sense of completion or failure) :-- cease , come to an end , fail , perfect , perform . ~~1584
01587 ## G@maryah {ghem-ar-yaw'} ; or G@maryahuw {ghem-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01584 and 03050 ; Jah has perfected ; Gemarjah , the name of two Israelites :-- Gemariah . ~~1586
01589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'} ; a primitive root ; to thieve (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to deceive :-- carry away , X indeed , secretly bring , steal (away) , get by stealth . ~~1588
01599 ## Ginn@thown {ghin-neth-one} ; or Ginn@thow {ghin-neth-o'} ; from 01598 ; gardener ; Ginnethon or Ginnetho , an Israelite :-- Ginnetho , Ginnethon . ~~1598
01599 ## Ginn@thown {ghin-neth-one} ; or Ginn@thow {ghin-neth-o'} ; from 01598 ; gardener ; Ginnethon or Ginnetho , an Israelite :-- Ginnetho , Ginnethon . ~~1598
01610 ## gaph {gaf} ; from an unused root meaning to arch ; the back ; by extensive the body or self :-- + highest places , himself . ~~1610
01613 ## gopher {go'- fer} ; from an unused root , probably meaning to house in ; a kind of tree or wood (as used for building) , apparently the cypress :-- gopher . ~~1612
01616 ## ger {gare} ; or (fully) geyr (gare) ; from 01481 ; properly , a guest ; by implication , a foreigner :-- alien , sojourner , stranger . ~~1616
01626 ## gerah {gay-raw'} ; from 01641 (as in 01625) ; properly , (like 01620) a kernel (round as if scraped) , i . e . a gerah or small weight (and coin) :-- gerah . ~~1626
01627 ## garown {gaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) garon {gaw-rone'} ; from 01641 ; the throat [compare 01621 ] (as roughened by swallowing) :-- X aloud , mouth , neck , throat . ~~1626
01633 ## garam {gaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to be spare or skeleton-like ; used only as a denominative from 01634 ; (causative) to bone , i . e . denude (by extensive , craunch) the bones :-- gnaw the bones , break . ~~1632
01644 ## garash {gaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to drive out from a possession ; especially to expatriate or divorce :-- cast up (out) , divorced (woman) , drive away (forth , out) , expel , X surely put away , trouble , thrust out . ~~1644
01648 ## Ger@shown {gay-resh-one'} ; or Ger@showm {gay-resh-ome'} ; from 01644 ; a refugee ; Gereshon or Gereshom , an Israelite :-- Gershon , Gershom . ~~1648
01648 ## Ger@shown {gay-resh-one'} ; or Ger@showm {gay-resh-ome'} ; from 01644 ; a refugee ; Gereshon or Gereshom , an Israelite :-- Gershon , Gershom . ~~1648
01649 ## Ger@shunniy {gay-resh-oon-nee'} ; patronymically from 01648 ; a Gereshonite or descendant of Gereshon :-- Gershonite , sons of Gershon . ~~1648
01651 ## G@shuwriy {ghe-shoo-ree'} ; patrial from 01650 ; a Geshurite (also collectively) or inhabitants of Geshur :-- Geshuri , Geshurites . ~~1650
01654 ## Geshem {gheh'- shem} ; or (prolonged) Gashmuw {gash-moo'} ; the same as 01653 ; Geshem or Gashmu , an Arabian :-- Geshem , Gashmu ~~1654
01654 ## Geshem {gheh'- shem} ; or (prolonged) Gashmuw {gash-moo'} ; the same as 01653 ; Geshem or Gashmu , an Arabian :-- Geshem , Gashmu ~~1654
01660 ## gath {gath} ; probably from 05059 (in the sense of treading out grapes) ; a wine-press (or vat for holding the grapes in pressing them) :-- (wine-) press (fat) . ~~1660
01662 ## Gath-ha-Chepher {gath-hah-khay'- fer} ; or (abridged) Gittah-Chepher {ghit-taw-khay'- fer} ; from 01660 and 02658 with the article inserted ; wine-press of (the) well ; Gath-Chepher , a place in Palestine :-- Gath-kephr , Gittah-kephr . ~~1662
01663 ## Gittiy {ghit-tee'} ; patrial from 01661 ; a Gittite or inhabitant of Gath :-- Gittite . ~~1662
01673 ## Do'eg {do-ayg'} ; or (fully) Dow'eg {do-ayg'} ; active participle of 01672 ; anxious ; Doeg , an Edomite :-- Doeg . ~~1672
01677 ## dob {dobe} ; or (fully) dowb {dobe} ; from 01680 ; the bear (as slow) :-- bear . ~~1676
01682 ## d@bowrah {deb-o-raw'} ; or (shortened) d@borah {deb-o-raw'} ; from 01696 (in the sense of orderly motion) ; the bee (from its systematic instincts) :-- bee . ~~1682
01683 ## D@bowrah {deb-o-raw'} ; or (shortened) D@borah {deb-o-raw'} ; the same as 01682 ; Deborah , the name of two Hebrewesses :-- Deborah . ~~1682
01687 ## d@biyr {deb-eer'} ; or (shortened) d@bir {deb-eer'} ; from 01696 (apparently in the sense of oracle) ; the shrine or innermost part of the sanctuary :-- oracle . ~~1686
01687 ## d@biyr {deb-eer'} ; or (shortened) d@bir {deb-eer'} ; from 01696 (apparently in the sense of oracle) ; the shrine or innermost part of the sanctuary :-- oracle . ~~1686
01688 ## D@biyr {deb-eer'} ; or (shortened) D@bir (Josh . 13 : 26 [but see 03810 ]) {deb-eer'} ; the same as 01687 ; Debir , the name of an Amoritish king and of two places in Palestine :-- Debir . ~~1688
01692 ## dabaq {daw-bak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to impinge , i . e . cling or adhere ; figuratively , to catch by pursuit :-- abide fast , cleave (fast together) , follow close (hard after) , be joined (together) , keep (fast) , overtake , pursue hard , stick , take . ~~1692
01697 ## dabar {daw-baw'} ; from 01696 ; a word ; by implication , a matter (as spoken of) or thing ; adverbially , a cause :-- act , advice , affair , answer , X any such (thing) , because of , book , business , care , case , cause , certain rate , + chronicles , commandment , X commune (- ication) , + concern [-ing ] , + confer , counsel , + dearth , decree , deed , X disease , due , duty , effect , + eloquent , errand , [evil favoured-] ness , + glory , + harm , hurt , + iniquity , + judgment , language , + lying , manner , matter , message , [no ] thing , oracle , X ought , X parts , + pertaining , + please , portion , + power , promise , provision , purpose , question , rate , reason , report , request , X (as hast) said , sake , saying , sentence , + sign , + so , some [uncleanness ] , somewhat to say , + song , speech , X spoken , talk , task , + that , X there done , thing (concerning) , thought , + thus , tidings , what [-soever ] , + wherewith , which , word , work . ~~1696
01700 ## dibrah {dib-raw'} ; feminine of 01697 ; a reason , suit or style :-- cause , end , estate , order , regard . ~~1700
01709 ## dag {dawg} ; or (fully) da'g (Nehemiah 13 : 16) {dawg} ; from 01711 ; a fish (as prolific) ; or perhaps rather from 01672 (as timid) ; but still better from 01672 (in the sense of squirming , i . e . moving by the vibratory action of the tail) ; a fish (often used collectively) :-- fish . ~~1708
01709 ## dag {dawg} ; or (fully) da'g (Nehemiah 13 : 16) {dawg} ; from 01711 ; a fish (as prolific) ; or perhaps rather from 01672 (as timid) ; but still better from 01672 (in the sense of squirming , i . e . moving by the vibratory action of the tail) ; a fish (often used collectively) :-- fish . ~~1708
01716 ## dagar {daw-gar'} ; a primitive root , to brood over eggs or young :-- gather , sit . ~~1716
01717 ## dad {dad} ; apparently from the same as 01730 ; the breast (as the seat of love , or from its shape) :-- breast , teat . ~~1716
01719 ## D@dan {ded-awn'} ; or (prolonged) D@daneh (Ezek . 25 : 13) {deh-daw'- neh} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dedan , the name of two Cushites and of their territory :-- Dedan . ~~1718
01720 ## D@daniym {ded-aw-neem'} ; plural of 01719 (as patrial) ; Dedanites , the descendants or inhabitants of Dedan :-- Dedanim . ~~1720
01721 ## Dodaniym {do-daw-neem'} ; or (by orthographical error) Rodaniym (1 Chron . 1 : 7) {ro-daw-neem'} ; a plural of uncertain derivation ; Dodanites , or descendants of a son of Javan :-- Dodanim . ~~1720
01721 ## Dodaniym {do-daw-neem'} ; or (by orthographical error) Rodaniym (1 Chron . 1 : 7) {ro-daw-neem'} ; a plural of uncertain derivation ; Dodanites , or descendants of a son of Javan :-- Dodanim . ~~1720
01725 ## dahar {daw-har'} ; a primitive root ; to curvet or move irregularly :-- pause . ~~1724
01730 ## dowd {dode} ; or (shortened) dod {dode} ; from an unused root meaning properly , to boil , i . e . (figuratively) to love ; by implication , a love-token , lover , friend ; specifically an uncle :-- (well-) beloved , father's brother , love , uncle . ~~1730
01736 ## duwday {doo-dah'- ee} ; from 0173l ; a boiler or basket ; also the mandrake (as an aphrodisiac) :-- basket , mandrake . ~~1736
01744 ## duwkiyphath {doo-kee-fath'} ; of uncertain derivation ; the hoopoe or else the grouse :-- lapwing . ~~1744
01752 ## duwr {dure} ; a primitive root ; properly , to gyrate (or move in a circle) , i . e . to remain :-- dwell . ~~1752
01754 ## duwr {dure} ; from 01752 ; a circle , ball or pile :-- ball , turn , round about . ~~1754
01755 ## dowr {dore} ; or (shortened) dor {dore} ; from 01752 ; properly , a revolution of time , i . e . an age or generation ; also a dwelling :-- age , X evermore , generation , [n-] ever , posterity . ~~1754
01755 ## dowr {dore} ; or (shortened) dor {dore} ; from 01752 ; properly , a revolution of time , i . e . an age or generation ; also a dwelling :-- age , X evermore , generation , [n-] ever , posterity . ~~1754
01756 ## Dowr {dore} or (by permutation) Do'r (Josh . 17 : 11 ; 1 Kings 4 : 11) {dore} ; from 01755 ; dwelling ; Dor , a place in Palestine :-- Dor . ~~1756
01757 ## Duwra'(Aramaic) {doo-raw'} ; probably from 01753 ; circle or dwelling ; Dura , a place in Babylonia :-- Dura . ~~1756
01758 ## duwsh {doosh} ; or dowsh {dosh} ; or diysh {deesh} ; a primitive root ; to trample or thresh :-- break , tear , thresh , tread out (down) , at grass [Jer . 50 : 11 , by mistake for 01877 ] . ~~1758
01758 ## duwsh {doosh} ; or dowsh {dosh} ; or diysh {deesh} ; a primitive root ; to trample or thresh :-- break , tear , thresh , tread out (down) , at grass [Jer . 50 : 11 , by mistake for 01877 ] . ~~1758
01758 ## duwsh {doosh} ; or dowsh {dosh} ; or diysh {deesh} ; a primitive root ; to trample or thresh :-- break , tear , thresh , tread out (down) , at grass [Jer . 50 : 11 , by mistake for 01877 ] . ~~1758
01760 ## dachah {daw-khaw'} ; or dachach {Jer . 23 : 12) {daw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to push down :-- chase , drive away (on) , overthrow , outcast , X sore , thrust , totter . ~~1760
01763 ## d@chal (Aramaic) {deh-khal'} ; corresponding to 02119 ; to slink , i . e . (by implication) to fear , or (causatively) be formidable :-- make afraid , dreadful , fear , terrible . ~~1762
01767 ## day {dahee} ; of uncertain derivation ; enough (as noun or adverb) , used chiefly with preposition in phrases :-- able , according to , after (ability) , among , as (oft as) , (more than) enough , from , in , since , (much as is) sufficient (- ly) , too much , very , when . ~~1766
01769 ## Diybown {dee-bome'} ; or (shortened) Diybon {dee-bone'} ; from 01727 ; pining :-Dibon , the name of three places in Palestine :-- Dibon . [Also , with 01410 added , Dibon-gad . ] ~~1768
01777 ## diyn {deen} ; or (Gen . 6 : 3) . duwn {doon} ; a primitive root [comp . 00113 ] ; to rule ; by impl . to judge (as umpire) ; also to strive (as at law) :-- contend , execute (judgment) , judge , minister judgment , plead (the cause) , at strife , strive . ~~1776
01779 ## diyn {deen} ; or (Job 19 : 29) . duwn {doon} ; from 01777 ; judgment (the suit , justice , sentence or tirbunal) ; by impl . also strife :-- cause , judgment , plea , strife . ~~1778
01779 ## diyn {deen} ; or (Job 19 : 29) . duwn {doon} ; from 01777 ; judgment (the suit , justice , sentence or tirbunal) ; by impl . also strife :-- cause , judgment , plea , strife . ~~1778
01781 ## dayan {dah-yawn'} ; from 01777 ; a judge or advocate :-- judge . ~~1780
01784 ## Diynay (Aramaic) {dee-nah'ee} ; patrial from an uncertain primitive ; a Dinaite or inhabitant of some unknown Assyrian province :-- Dinaite . Diyphath . See 07384 . ~~1784
01787 ## Diyshown , Diyshon , Dishown , or Dishon {dee-shone'} ; the same as 01788 ; Dishon , the name of two Edomites :-- Dishon . ~~1786
01791 ## dek (Aramaic) {dake} ; or dak (Aramaic) {dawk} ; prolonged from 01668 ; this :-- the same , this . ~~1790
01792 ## daka'{daw-kaw'} ; a primitive root (compare 01794) ; to crumble ; transitively , to bruise (literally or figuratively) :-- beat to pieces , break (in pieces) , bruise , contrite , crush , destroy , humble , oppress , smite . ~~1792
01793 ## dakka'{dak-kaw'} ; from 01792 ; crushed (literally powder , or figuratively , contrite) :-- contrite , destruction . ~~1792
01794 ## dakah {daw-kaw'} ; a primitive root (compare 01790 , 01792) ; to collapse (phys . or mentally) :-- break (sore) , contrite , crouch . ~~1794
01799 ## dikrown (Aramaic) {dik-rone'} ; or dokran {dok-rawn'} (Aramaic) ; corresponding to 02146 ; a register :-- record . ~~1798
01800 ## dal {dal} ; from 01809 ; properly , dangling , i . e . (by implication) weak or thin :-- lean , needy , poor (man) , weaker . ~~1800
01803 ## dallah {dal-law'} ; from 01802 ; properly , something dangling , i . e . a loose thread or hair ; figuratively , indigent :-- hair , pining sickness , poor (- est sort) . ~~1802
01805 ## d@liy {del-ee'} ; or doliy {dol-ee'} ; from 01802 ; a pail or jar (for drawing water) :-- bucket . ~~1804
01805 ## d@liy {del-ee'} ; or doliy {dol-ee'} ; from 01802 ; a pail or jar (for drawing water) :-- bucket . ~~1804
01806 ## D@layah {del-aw-yaw'} ; or (prolonged) D@layahhuw {del-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01802 and 03050 ; Jah has delivered ; Delajah , the name of five Israelites :-- Dalaiah , Delaiah . ~~1806
01809 ## dalal {daw-lal'} ; a primitive root (compare 01802) ; to slacken or be feeble ; figuratively , to be oppressed :-- bring low , dry up , be emptied , be not equal , fail , be impoverished , be made thin . ~~1808
01814 ## dalaq {daw-lak'} ; a primitive root ; to flame (literally or figuratively) :-- burning , chase , inflame , kindle , persecute (- or) , pursue hotly . ~~1814
01814 ## dalaq {daw-lak'} ; a primitive root ; to flame (literally or figuratively) :-- burning , chase , inflame , kindle , persecute (- or) , pursue hotly . ~~1814
01818 ## dam {dawm} ; from 01826 (compare 00119) ; blood (as that which when shed causes death) of man or an animal ; by analogy , the juice of the grape ; figuratively (especially in the plural) bloodshed (i . e . drops of blood) :-- blood (- y ,-- guiltiness , [-thirsty ] , + innocent . ~~1818
01820 ## damah {daw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to be dumb or silent ; hence , to fail or perish ; trans . to destroy :-- cease , be cut down (off) , destroy , be brought to silence , be undone , X utterly . ~~1820
01820 ## damah {daw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to be dumb or silent ; hence , to fail or perish ; trans . to destroy :-- cease , be cut down (off) , destroy , be brought to silence , be undone , X utterly . ~~1820
01824 ## d@miy {dem-ee'} ; or domiy {dom-ee'} ; from 01820 ; quiet :-- cutting off , rest , silence . ~~1824
01834 ## Dammeseq {dam-meh'- sek} ; or Duwmeseq {doo-meh'- sek} ; or Darmeseq {dar-meh'- sek} ; of foreign origin ; Damascus , a city of Syria :-- Damascus . ~~1834
01834 ## Dammeseq {dam-meh'- sek} ; or Duwmeseq {doo-meh'- sek} ; or Darmeseq {dar-meh'- sek} ; of foreign origin ; Damascus , a city of Syria :-- Damascus . ~~1834
01839 ## Daniy {daw-nee'} ; patronymically from 01835 ; a Danite (often collectively) or descendants (or inhabitants) of Dan :-- Danites , of Dan . ~~1838
01839 ## Daniy {daw-nee'} ; patronymically from 01835 ; a Danite (often collectively) or descendants (or inhabitants) of Dan :-- Danites , of Dan . ~~1838
01840 ## Daniye'l {daw-nee-yale'} ; in Ezekiel it is : Dani'el {daw-nee-ale'} ; from 01835 and 00410 ; judge of God ; Daniel or Danijel , the name of two Israelites :-- Daniel . ~~1840
01846 ## da` ak {daw-ak'} ; a primitive root ; to be extinguished ; figuratively , to expire or be dried up :-- be extinct , consumed , put out , quenched . ~~1846
01851 ## daq {dak} ; from 01854 ; crushed , i . e . (by implication) small or thin :-- dwarf , lean [-fleshed ] , very little thing , small , thin . ~~1850
01854 ## daqaq {daw-kak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01915 ] ; to crush (or intransitively) crumble :-- beat in pieces (small) , bruise , make dust , (into) X powder , (be , very) small , stamp (small) . ~~1854
01855 ## d@qaq (Aramaic) {dek-ak'} ; corresponding to 01854 ; to crumble or (trans .) crush :-- break to pieces . ~~1854
01858 ## dar {dar} ; apparently from the same as 01865 ; properly , a pearl (from its sheen as rapidly turned) ; by analogy , pearl-stone , i . e . mother-of-pearl or alabaster :-- X white . ~~1858
01860 ## d@ra'own {der-aw-one'} ; or dera'own {day-raw-one ;} ; from an unused root (meaning to repulse) ; an object of aversion :-- abhorring , contempt . ~~1860
01870 ## derek {deh'- rek} ; from 01869 ; a road (as trodden) ; figuratively , a course of life or mode of action , often adverb :-- along , away , because of , + by , conversation , custom , [east-] ward , journey , manner , passenger , through , toward , [high-] [path-] way [-side ] , whither [-soever ] . ~~1870
01871 ## dark@mown {dar-kem-one'} ; of Pers . origin ; a " drachma , " or coin :-- dram . ~~1870
01875 ## darash {daw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tread or frequent ; usually to follow (for pursuit or search) ; by implication , to seek or ask ; specifically to worship :-- ask , X at all , care for , X diligently , inquire , make inquisition , [necro-] mancer , question , require , search , seek [for , out ] , X surely . ~~1874
01875 ## darash {daw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tread or frequent ; usually to follow (for pursuit or search) ; by implication , to seek or ask ; specifically to worship :-- ask , X at all , care for , X diligently , inquire , make inquisition , [necro-] mancer , question , require , search , seek [for , out ] , X surely . ~~1874
01875 ## darash {daw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tread or frequent ; usually to follow (for pursuit or search) ; by implication , to seek or ask ; specifically to worship :-- ask , X at all , care for , X diligently , inquire , make inquisition , [necro-] mancer , question , require , search , seek [for , out ] , X surely . ~~1874
01878 ## dashen {daw-shane'} ; a primitive root ; to be fat ; transitively , to fatten (or regard as fat) ; specifically to anoint ; figuratively , to satisfy ; denominatively (from 01880) to remove (fat) ashes (of sacrifices) :-- accept , anoint , take away the (receive) ashes (from) , make (wax) fat . ~~1878
01881 ## dath {dawth} ; of uncertain (perhaps foreign) derivation : a royal edict or statute :-- commandment , commission , decree , law , manner . ~~1880
01886 ## Dothan {do'- thawn} ; or (Aramaic dual) Dothayin (Gen . 37 : 17) {do-thah'- yin} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dothan , a place in Palestine :-- Dothan . ~~1886
01888 ## he'(Aramaic) {hay} ; or ha'(Aramaic) {haw} ; corresponding to 01887 :-- even , lo . ~~1888
01891 ## habal {haw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to be vain in act , word , or expectation ; specifically to lead astray :-- be (become , make) vain . ~~1890
01892 ## hebel {heh'bel} ; or (rarely in the abs .) habel {hab-ale'} ; from 01891 ; emptiness or vanity ; figuratively , something transitory and unsatisfactory ; often used as an adverb :-- X altogether , vain , vanity . ~~1892
01892 ## hebel {heh'bel} ; or (rarely in the abs .) habel {hab-ale'} ; from 01891 ; emptiness or vanity ; figuratively , something transitory and unsatisfactory ; often used as an adverb :-- X altogether , vain , vanity . ~~1892
01896 ## Hege'{hay-gay'} ; or (by permutation) Hegay {hay-gah'- ee} ; probably of Persian origin ; Hege or Hegai , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Hegai , Hege . ~~1896
01896 ## Hege'{hay-gay'} ; or (by permutation) Hegay {hay-gah'- ee} ; probably of Persian origin ; Hege or Hegai , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Hegai , Hege . ~~1896
01897 ## hagah {daw-gaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01901 ] ; to murmur (in pleasure or anger) ; by implication , to ponder :-- imagine , meditate , mourn , mutter , roar , X sore , speak , study , talk , utter . ~~1896
01899 ## hegeh {heh'- geh} ; from 01897 ; a muttering (in sighing , thought , or as thunder) :-- mourning , sound , tale . ~~1898
01903 ## hagiyn {haw-gheen'} ; of uncertain derivation ; perhaps suitable or turning :-- directly . ~~1902
01905 ## Hagriy {hag-ree'} ; or (prolonged) Hagri'{hag-ree'} ; perhaps patronymically from 01904 ; a Hagrite or member of a certain Arabian clan :-- Hagarene , Hagarite , Haggeri . ~~1904
01905 ## Hagriy {hag-ree'} ; or (prolonged) Hagri'{hag-ree'} ; perhaps patronymically from 01904 ; a Hagrite or member of a certain Arabian clan :-- Hagarene , Hagarite , Haggeri . ~~1904
01913 ## Hadowram {had-o-rawm'} ; or Hadoram {had-o-rawm'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Hadoram , a son of Joktan , and the tribe descended from him :-- Hadoram . ~~1912
01919 ## Hadaccah {had-as-saw'} ; feminine of 01918 ; Hadassah (or Esther) :-- Hadassah . ~~1918
01920 ## Hadaph {haw-daf'} ; a prim root ; to push away or down :-- cast away (out) , drive , expel , thrust (away) . ~~1920
01921 ## hadar {haw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to swell up (literally or figuratively , active or passive) ; by implication , to favor or honour , be high or proud :-- countenance , crooked place , glorious , honour , put forth . ~~1920
01921 ## hadar {haw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to swell up (literally or figuratively , active or passive) ; by implication , to favor or honour , be high or proud :-- countenance , crooked place , glorious , honour , put forth . ~~1920
01921 ## hadar {haw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to swell up (literally or figuratively , active or passive) ; by implication , to favor or honour , be high or proud :-- countenance , crooked place , glorious , honour , put forth . ~~1920
01921 ## hadar {haw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to swell up (literally or figuratively , active or passive) ; by implication , to favor or honour , be high or proud :-- countenance , crooked place , glorious , honour , put forth . ~~1920
01926 ## hadar {haw-dawr'} ; from 01921 ; magnificence , i . e . ornament or splendor :-- beauty , comeliness , excellency , glorious , glory , goodly , honour , majesty . ~~1926
01931 ## huw'{hoo} ; of which the feminine (beyond the Pentateuch) is hiy'{he} ; a primitive word , the third person pronoun singular , he (she or it) ; only expressed when emphatic or without a verb ; also (intensively) self , or (especially with the article) the same ; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that ; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are :-- he , as for her , him (- self) , it , the same , she (herself) , such , that (. . . it) , these , they , this , those , which (is) , who . ~~1930
01931 ## huw'{hoo} ; of which the feminine (beyond the Pentateuch) is hiy'{he} ; a primitive word , the third person pronoun singular , he (she or it) ; only expressed when emphatic or without a verb ; also (intensively) self , or (especially with the article) the same ; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that ; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are :-- he , as for her , him (- self) , it , the same , she (herself) , such , that (. . . it) , these , they , this , those , which (is) , who . ~~1930
01931 ## huw'{hoo} ; of which the feminine (beyond the Pentateuch) is hiy'{he} ; a primitive word , the third person pronoun singular , he (she or it) ; only expressed when emphatic or without a verb ; also (intensively) self , or (especially with the article) the same ; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that ; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are :-- he , as for her , him (- self) , it , the same , she (herself) , such , that (. . . it) , these , they , this , those , which (is) , who . ~~1930
01931 ## huw'{hoo} ; of which the feminine (beyond the Pentateuch) is hiy'{he} ; a primitive word , the third person pronoun singular , he (she or it) ; only expressed when emphatic or without a verb ; also (intensively) self , or (especially with the article) the same ; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that ; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are :-- he , as for her , him (- self) , it , the same , she (herself) , such , that (. . . it) , these , they , this , those , which (is) , who . ~~1930
01931 ## huw'{hoo} ; of which the feminine (beyond the Pentateuch) is hiy'{he} ; a primitive word , the third person pronoun singular , he (she or it) ; only expressed when emphatic or without a verb ; also (intensively) self , or (especially with the article) the same ; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that ; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are :-- he , as for her , him (- self) , it , the same , she (herself) , such , that (. . . it) , these , they , this , those , which (is) , who . ~~1930
01932 ## huw (Aramaic) {hoo} ; or (feminine) hiy'(Aramaic) {he} ; corresponding to 01931 :-- X are , it , this . ~~1932
01933 ## hava'{haw-vaw'} ; or havah {haw-vaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 00183 , 01961 ] supposed to mean properly , to breathe ; to be (in the sense of existence) :-- be , X have . ~~1932
01937 ## Howd@vah {ho-dev-aw'} ; a form of 01938 ; Hodevah (or Hodevjah) , an Israelite :-- Hodevah . ~~1936
01949 ## huwm {hoom} ; a primitive root [compare 02000 ] ; to make an uproar , or agitate greatly :-- destroy , move , make a noise , put , ring again . ~~1948
01961 ## hayah {haw-yaw} ; a primitive root [compare 01933 ] ; to exist , i . e . be or become , come to pass (always emphatic , and not a mere copula or auxiliary) :-- beacon , X altogether , be (- come) , accomplished , committed , like) , break , cause , come (to pass) , do , faint , fall , + follow , happen , X have , last , pertain , quit (one-) self , require , X use . ~~1960
01961 ## hayah {haw-yaw} ; a primitive root [compare 01933 ] ; to exist , i . e . be or become , come to pass (always emphatic , and not a mere copula or auxiliary) :-- beacon , X altogether , be (- come) , accomplished , committed , like) , break , cause , come (to pass) , do , faint , fall , + follow , happen , X have , last , pertain , quit (one-) self , require , X use . ~~1960
01964 ## heykal {hay-kawl'} ; probably from 03201 (in the sense of capacity) ; a large public building , such as a palace or temple :-- palace , temple . ~~1964
01969 ## hiyn {heen} ; probably of Egyptian origin ; a hin or liquid measure :-- hin . ~~1968
01972 ## hala'{haw-law'} ; probably denominatively from 01973 ; to remove or be remote :-- cast far off . ~~1972
01975 ## hallaz {hal-lawz'} ; from 01976 ; this or that :-- side , that , this . ~~1974
01979 ## haliykah {hal-ee-kaw'} ; feminine of 01978 ; a walking ; by implication , a procession or march , a caravan :-- company , going , walk , way . ~~1978
01989 ## halmuwth {hal-mooth'} ; from 01986 ; a hammer (or mallet) :-- hammer . ~~1988
01992 ## hem {haym} ; or (prolonged) hemmah {haym'- maw} ; masculine plural from 01981 ; they (only used when emphatic) :-- it , like , X (how , so) many (soever , more as) they (be) , (the) same , X so , X such , their , them , these , they , those , which , who , whom , withal , ye . ~~1992
01993 ## hamah {haw-maw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01949 ] ; to make a loud sound like Engl . " hum ") ; by implication , to be in great commotion or tumult , to rage , war , moan , clamor :-- clamorous , concourse , cry aloud , be disquieted , loud , mourn , be moved , make a noise , rage , roar , sound , be troubled , make in tumult , tumultuous , be in an uproar . ~~1992
01994 ## himmow (Aramaic) {him-mo'} ; or (prolonged) himmown (Aramaic) {him-mone'} ; corresponding to 01992 ; they :-- X are , them , those . ~~1994
01995 ## hamown {haw-mone'} ; or hamon (Ezek . 5 : 7) {haw-mone'} ; from 01993 ; a noise , tumult , crowd ; also disquietude , wealth :-- abundance , company , many , multitude , multiply , noise , riches , rumbling , sounding , store , tumult . ~~1994
01999 ## hamullah {ham-ool-law'} ; or (too fully) hamuwllah (Jer . ll : l6) {ham-ool-law'} ; feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to rush (as rain with a windy roar) ; a sound :-- speech , tumult . ~~1998
02003 ## hamac {haw-mawce'} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to crackle ; a dry twig or brushwood :-- melting . ~~2002
02006 ## hen (Aramaic) {hane} ; corresponding to 02005 : lo ! also there [-fore ] , [un-] less , whether , but , if :-- (that) if , or , whether . ~~2006
02008 ## hennah {hane'- naw} ; from 02004 ; hither or thither (but used both of place and time) :-- here , hither [-to ] , now , on this (that) side , + since , this (that) way , thitherward , + thus far , to . . . fro , + yet . ~~2008
02015 ## haphak {haw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to turn about or over ; by implication , to change , overturn , return , pervert :-- X become , change , come , be converted , give , make [a bed ] , overthrow (- turn) , perverse , retire , tumble , turn (again , aside , back , to the contrary , every way) . ~~2014
02016 ## hephek {heh'- fek} : or hephek {hay'- fek} ; from 02015 ; a turn , i . e . the reverse :-- contrary . ~~2016
02021 ## hotsen {ho'- tsen} ; from an unused root meaning apparently to be sharp or strong ; a weapon of war :-- chariot . ~~2020
02022 ## har {har} ; a shortened form of 02042 ; a mountain or range of hills (sometimes used figuratively) :-- hill (country) , mount (- ain) , X promotion . ~~2022
02029 ## harah {haw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) pregnant , conceive (literally or figuratively) :-- been , be with child , conceive , progenitor . ~~2028
02029 ## harah {haw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) pregnant , conceive (literally or figuratively) :-- been , be with child , conceive , progenitor . ~~2028
02030 ## hareh {haw-reh'} ; or hariy (Hosea 14 : 1) {haw-ree'} ; from 02029 ; pregnant :-- (be , woman) with child , conceive , X great . ~~2030
02032 ## herown {hay-rone'} ; or herayown {hay-raw-yone'} ; from 02029 ; pregnancy :-- conception . ~~2032
02033 ## Harowriy {har-o-ree'} ; another form for 02043 ; a Harorite or mountaineer :-- Harorite . ~~2032
02040 ## harac {haw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; to pull down or in pieces , break , destroy :-- beat down , break (down , through) , destroy , overthrow , pluck down , pull down , ruin , throw down , X utterly . ~~2040
02043 ## Harariy {hah-raw-ree'} ; or Harariy (2 Sam . 23 : 11) {haw-raw-ree'} ; or Ha'rariy (2 Sam . 23 : 34 , last clause) , {haw-raw-ree'} ; apparently from 02042 ; a mountaineer :-- Hararite . ~~2042
02043 ## Harariy {hah-raw-ree'} ; or Harariy (2 Sam . 23 : 11) {haw-raw-ree'} ; or Ha'rariy (2 Sam . 23 : 34 , last clause) , {haw-raw-ree'} ; apparently from 02042 ; a mountaineer :-- Hararite . ~~2042
02051 ## V@dan {ved-awn'} ; perhaps for 05730 ; Vedan (or Aden) , a place in Arabia :-- Dan also . ~~2050
02069 ## Z@badyah {zeb-ad-yaw'} ; or Z@badyahuw {zeb-ad-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02064 and 03050 ; Jah has given ; Zebadjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Zebadiah . ~~2068
02073 ## z@buwl {ze-bool'} ; or z@bul {zeb-ool'} ; from 02082 ; a residence :-- dwell in , dwelling , habitation . ~~2072
02074 ## Z@buwluwn {zeb-oo-loon'} ; or Z@buluwn {zeb-oo-loon'} ; or Z@buwlun {zeb-oo-loon'} ; from 02082 ; habitation ; Zebulon , a son of Jacob ; also his territory and tribe :-- Zebulun . ~~2074
02074 ## Z@buwluwn {zeb-oo-loon'} ; or Z@buluwn {zeb-oo-loon'} ; or Z@buwlun {zeb-oo-loon'} ; from 02082 ; habitation ; Zebulon , a son of Jacob ; also his territory and tribe :-- Zebulun . ~~2074
02075 ## Z@buwloniy {zeb-oo-lo-nee'} ; patronymically from 02074 ; a Zebulonite or descendant of Zebulun :-- Zebulonite . ~~2074
02077 ## zebach {zeh'- bakh} ; from 02076 ; properly , a slaughter , i . e . the flesh of an animal ; by implication , a sacrifice (the victim or the act) :-- offer (- ing) , sacrifice . ~~2076
02079 ## Zabbay {zab-bah'- ee} ; probably by orthographical error for 02140 ; Zabbai (or Zaccai) , an Israelite :-- Zabbai . ~~2078
02088 ## zeh {zeh} ; a primitive word ; the masculine demonstrative pronoun , this or that :-- he , X hence , X here , it (- self) , X now , X of him , the one . . . the other , X than the other , (X out of) the (self) same , such (a one) that , these , this (hath , man) , on this side . . . on that side , X thus , very , which . Compare 02063 , 02090 , 02097 , 02098 . ~~2088
02090 ## zoh {zo} ; for 02088 ; this or that :-- as well as another , it , this , that , thus and thus . ~~2090
02097 ## zow {zo} ; for 02088 ; this or that :-- that , this . ~~ 2096
02098 ## zuw {zoo} ; for 02088 ; this or that :-- that , this , X wherein , which , whom . ~~2098
02099 ## Ziv {zeev'} ; probably from an unused root meaning to be prominent ; properly , brightness [compare 02122 ] , i . e . (figuratively) the month of flowers ; Ziv (corresponding to Ijar or May) :-- Zif . ~~2098
02101 ## zowb {zobe} ; from 02100 ; a seminal or menstrual flux :-- issue . ~~2100
02102 ## zuwd {zood} ; or (by permutation) ziyd {zeed} ; a primitive root ; to seethe ; figuratively , to be insolent :-- be proud , deal proudly , presume , (come) presumptuously , sod . ~~2102
02106 ## zaviyth {zaw-veeth'} ; apparently from the same root as 02099 (in the sense of prominence) ; an angle (as projecting) , i . e . (by implication) a corner-column (or anta) :-- corner (stone) . ~~2106
02118 ## zachach {zaw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to shove or displace :-- loose . ~~2118
02126 ## Ziyna'{zee-naw'} ; from 02109 ; well-fed ; or perhaps an orthographical error for 02124 ; Zina , an Israelite :-- Zina . ~~2126
02130 ## Ziyphiy {zee-fee'} ; patrial from 02128 ; a Ziphite or inhabitant of Ziph :-- Ziphim , Ziphite . ~~2130
02131 ## ziyqah (Isa . 50 : ll) {zee-kaw'} (feminine) ; and ziq {zeek} ; or zeq {zake} ; from 02187 ; properly , what leaps forth , i . e . flash of fire , or a burning arrow ; also (from the original sense of the root) a bond :-- chain , fetter , firebrand , spark . ~~2130
02131 ## ziyqah (Isa . 50 : ll) {zee-kaw'} (feminine) ; and ziq {zeek} ; or zeq {zake} ; from 02187 ; properly , what leaps forth , i . e . flash of fire , or a burning arrow ; also (from the original sense of the root) a bond :-- chain , fetter , firebrand , spark . ~~2130
02132 ## zayith {zay'- yith} ; probably from an unused root [akin to 02099 ] ; an olive (as yielding illuminating oil) , the tree , the branch or the berry :-- olive (tree ,-- yard) , Olivet . ~~2132
02138 ## zakuwr {zaw-koor'} ; properly , passive participle of 02142 , but used for 02145 ; a male (of man or animals) :-- males , men-children . ~~2138
02141 ## zakak {zaw-kak'} ; a primitive root [compare 02135 ] ; to be transparent or clean (phys . or morally) :-- be (make) clean , be pure (- r) . ~~2140
02141 ## zakak {zaw-kak'} ; a primitive root [compare 02135 ] ; to be transparent or clean (phys . or morally) :-- be (make) clean , be pure (- r) . ~~2140
02143 ## zeker {zay'- ker} ; or zeker {zeh'- ker} ; from 02142 ; a memento , abstr . recollection (rarely if ever) ; by implication , commemoration :-- memorial , memory , remembrance , scent . ~~2142
02145 ## zakar {zaw-kawr'} ; from 02142 ; properly , remembered , i . e . a male (of man or animals , as being the most noteworthy sex) :-- X him , male , man (child ,-- kind) . ~~2144
02146 ## zikrown {zik-rone'} ; from 02142 ; a memento (or memorable thing , day or writing) :-- memorial , record . ~~2146
02146 ## zikrown {zik-rone'} ; from 02142 ; a memento (or memorable thing , day or writing) :-- memorial , record . ~~2146
02148 ## Z@karyah {zek-ar-yaw'} ; or Z@karyahuw {zek-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02142 and 03050 ; Jah has remembered ; Zecarjah , the name of twenty-nine Israelites :-- Zachariah , Zechariah . ~~2148
02151 ## zalal {zaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02107 ] ; to shake (as in the wind) , i . e . to quake ; figuratively , to be loose morally , worthless or prodigal :-- blow down , glutton , riotous (eater) , vile . ~~2150
02152 ## zal` aphah {zal-aw-faw'} ; or zil` aphaph {zil-aw-faw'} ; from 02196 ; a glow (of wind or anger) ; also a famine (as consuming) :-- horrible , horror , terrible . ~~2152
02152 ## zal` aphah {zal-aw-faw'} ; or zil` aphaph {zil-aw-faw'} ; from 02196 ; a glow (of wind or anger) ; also a famine (as consuming) :-- horrible , horror , terrible . ~~2152
02154 ## zimmah {zim-maw'} ; or zammah {zam-maw'} ; from 02161 ; a plan , especially a bad one :-- heinous crime , lewd (- ly ,-ness) , mischief , purpose , thought , wicked (device , mind ,-- ness) . ~~2154
02156 ## z@mowrah {zem-o-raw'} ; or z@morah {zem-o-raw'} (feminine) ; and z@mor {zem-ore'} (masculine) ; from 02168 ; a twig (as pruned) :-- vine , branch , slip . ~~2156
02157 ## Zamzom {zam-zome'} ; from 02161 ; intriguing ; a Zamzumite , or native tribe of Palestine :-- Zamzummim . ~~2156
02158 ## zamiyr {zaw-meer'} ; or zamir {zaw-meer'} ; and (feminine) z@mirah {zem-ee-raw'} ; from 02167 ; a song to be accompanied with instrumental music :-- psalm (- ist) , singing , song . ~~2158
02167 ## zamar {zaw-mar'} ; a primitive root [perhaps ident . with 02168 through the idea of striking with the fingers ] ; properly , to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument , i . e . play upon it ; to make music , accompanied by the voice ; hence to celebrate in song and music :-- give praise , sing forth praises , psalms . ~~2166
02169 ## zemer {zeh'- mer} ; apparently from 02167 or 02168 ; a gazelle (from its lightly touching the ground) :-- chamois . ~~2168
02172 ## zimrah {zim-raw'} ; from 02167 ; a musical piece or song to be accompanied by an instrument :-- melody , psalm . ~~2172
02177 ## zan {zan} ; from 02109 ; properly , nourished (or fully developed) , i . e . a form or sort :-- divers kinds , X all manner of store . ~~2176
02177 ## zan {zan} ; from 02109 ; properly , nourished (or fully developed) , i . e . a form or sort :-- divers kinds , X all manner of store . ~~2176
02180 ## zanab {zaw-nawb'} ; from 02179 (in the original sense of flapping) ; the tail (literally or figuratively) :-- tail . ~~2180
02185 ## zonowth {zo-noth'} ; regarded by some as if from 02109 or an unused root , and applied to military equipments ; but evidently the feminine plural active participle of 02181 ; harlots :-- armour . ~~2184
02196 ## za` aph {zaw-af'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to boil up , i . e . (figuratively) to be peevish or angry :-- fret , sad , worse liking , be wroth . ~~2196
02199 ## za` aq {zaw-ak'} ; a primitive root ; to shriek (from anguish or danger) ; by analogy , (as a herald) to announce or convene publicly :-- assemble , call (together) , (make a) cry (out) , come with such a company , gather (together) , cause to be proclaimed . ~~2198
02199 ## za` aq {zaw-ak'} ; a primitive root ; to shriek (from anguish or danger) ; by analogy , (as a herald) to announce or convene publicly :-- assemble , call (together) , (make a) cry (out) , come with such a company , gather (together) , cause to be proclaimed . ~~2198
02201 ## za` aq {zah'- ak} ; and (feminine) z@` aqah {zeh-aw-kaw'} ; from 02199 ; a shriek or outcry :-- cry (- ing) . ~~2200
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~2220
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~2220
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~2220
02223 ## zarziyr {zar-zeer'} ; by reduplication from 02115 ; properly , tightly girt , i . e . probably a racer , or some fleet animal (as being slender in the waist) :-- + greyhound . ~~2222
02224 ## zarach {zaw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to irradiate (or shoot forth beams) , i . e . to rise (as the sun) ; specifically , to appear (as a symptom of leprosy) :-- arise , rise (up) , as soon as it is up . ~~2224
02227 ## Zarchiy {zar-khee'} ; patronymically from 02226 ; a Zarchite or descendant of Zerach :-- Zarchite . ~~2226
02235 ## zeroa` {zay-ro'- ah} ; or zera` on {zay-raw-ohn'} ; from 02232 ; something sown (only in the plural) , i . e . a vegetable (as food) :-- pulse . ~~2234
02236 ## zaraq {zaw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to sprinkle (fluid or solid particles) :-- be here and there , scatter , sprinkle , strew . ~~2236
02250 ## chabbuwrah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chabburah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chaburah {khab-oo-raw'} ; from 02266 ; properly , bound (with stripes) , i . e . a weal (or black-and-blue mark itself) :-- blueness , bruise , hurt , stripe , wound . ~~2250
02250 ## chabbuwrah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chabburah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chaburah {khab-oo-raw'} ; from 02266 ; properly , bound (with stripes) , i . e . a weal (or black-and-blue mark itself) :-- blueness , bruise , hurt , stripe , wound . ~~2250
02250 ## chabbuwrah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chabburah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chaburah {khab-oo-raw'} ; from 02266 ; properly , bound (with stripes) , i . e . a weal (or black-and-blue mark itself) :-- blueness , bruise , hurt , stripe , wound . ~~2250
02251 ## chabat {khaw-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to knock out or off :-- beat (off , out) , thresh . ~~2250
02252 ## Chabayah {khab-ah-yaw'} ; or Chabayah {khab-aw-yaw'} ; from 02247 and 03050 ; Jah has hidden ; Chabajah , an Israelite :-- Habaiah . ~~2252
02256 ## chebel {kheh'- bel} ; or chebel {khay'- bel} ; from 02254 ; a rope (as twisted) , especially a measuring line ; by implication , a district or inheritance (as measured) ; or a noose (as of cords) ; figuratively , a company (as if tied together) ; also a throe (especially of parturition) ; also ruin :-- band , coast , company , cord , country , destruction , line , lot , pain , pang , portion , region , rope , snare , sorrow , tackling . ~~2256
02256 ## chebel {kheh'- bel} ; or chebel {khay'- bel} ; from 02254 ; a rope (as twisted) , especially a measuring line ; by implication , a district or inheritance (as measured) ; or a noose (as of cords) ; figuratively , a company (as if tied together) ; also a throe (especially of parturition) ; also ruin :-- band , coast , company , cord , country , destruction , line , lot , pain , pang , portion , region , rope , snare , sorrow , tackling . ~~2256
02256 ## chebel {kheh'- bel} ; or chebel {khay'- bel} ; from 02254 ; a rope (as twisted) , especially a measuring line ; by implication , a district or inheritance (as measured) ; or a noose (as of cords) ; figuratively , a company (as if tied together) ; also a throe (especially of parturition) ; also ruin :-- band , coast , company , cord , country , destruction , line , lot , pain , pang , portion , region , rope , snare , sorrow , tackling . ~~2256
02257 ## chabal (Aramaic) {khab-al'} ; from 02255 ; harm (personal or pecuniary) :-- damage , hurt . ~~2256
02258 ## chabol {khab-ole'} ; or (feminine) chabolah {khab-o-law'} ; from 02254 ; a pawn (as security for debt) :-- pledge . ~~2258
02263 ## chabaq {khaw-bak'} ; a primitive root ; to clasp (the hands or in embrace) :-- embrace , fold . ~~2262
02266 ## chabar {khaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to join (literally or figuratively) ; specifically (by means of spells) to fascinate :-- charm (- er) , be compact , couple (together) , have fellowship with , heap up , join (self , together) , league . ~~2266
02276 ## Chebrowniy {kheb-ro-nee'} ; or Chebroniy {kheb-ro-nee'} ; patronymically from 02275 ; Chebronite (collectively) , an inhabitant of Chebron :-- Hebronites . ~~2276
02277 ## Chebriy {kheb-ree'} ; patronymically from 02268 ; a Chebrite (collectively) or descendants of Cheber :-- Heberites . ~~2276
02280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'} ; a primitive root ; to wrap firmly (especially a turban , compress , or saddle) ; figuratively , to stop , to rule :-- bind (up) , gird about , govern , healer , put , saddle , wrap about . ~~2280
02282 ## chag {khag} ; or chag {khawg} ; from 02287 ; a festival , or a victim therefor :-- (solemn) feast (day) , sacrifice , solemnity . ~~2282
02282 ## chag {khag} ; or chag {khawg} ; from 02287 ; a festival , or a victim therefor :-- (solemn) feast (day) , sacrifice , solemnity . ~~2282
02286 ## Chagaba'{khag-aw-baw'} ; or Chagabah {khag-aw-baw'} ; feminine of 02285 ; locust ; Chagaba or Chagabah , one of the Nethinim :-- Hagaba , Hagabah . ~~2286
02286 ## Chagaba'{khag-aw-baw'} ; or Chagabah {khag-aw-baw'} ; feminine of 02285 ; locust ; Chagaba or Chagabah , one of the Nethinim :-- Hagaba , Hagabah . ~~2286
02290 ## chagowr {khag-ore'} ; or chagor {khag-ore'} ; and (feminine) chagowrah {khag-o-raw'} ; or chagorah {khag-o-raw'} ; from 02296 ; a belt (for the waist) :-- apron , armour , gird (- le) . ~~2290
02290 ## chagowr {khag-ore'} ; or chagor {khag-ore'} ; and (feminine) chagowrah {khag-o-raw'} ; or chagorah {khag-o-raw'} ; from 02296 ; a belt (for the waist) :-- apron , armour , gird (- le) . ~~2290
02291 ## Chaggiy {khag-ghee'} ; from 02287 ; festive , Chaggi , an Israelite ; also (patronymically) a Chaggite , or descendant of the same :-- Haggi , Haggites . ~~2290
02300 ## chadad {khaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) sharp or (figuratively) severe :-- be fierce , sharpen . ~~2300
02308 ## chadal {khaw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be flabby , i . e . (by implication) desist ; (figuratively) be lacking or idle :-- cease , end , fall , forbear , forsake , leave (off) , let alone , rest , be unoccupied , want . ~~2308
02310 ## chadel {khaw-dale'} ; from 02308 ; vacant , i . e . ceasing or destitute :-- he that forbeareth , frail , rejected . ~~2310
02313 ## Chiddeqel {khid-deh'- kel} ; probably of foreign origin ; the Chiddekel (or Tigris) river :-- Hiddekel . ~~2312
02325 ## chuwb {khoob} ; also chayab {khaw-yab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to tie , i . e . (figuratively and reflexively) to owe , or (by implication) to forfeit :-- make endanger . ~~2324
02331 ## chavah {khaw-vah'} ; a primitive root ; [compare 02324 , 0242l ] ; properly , to live ; by implication (intensively) to declare or show :-- show . ~~2330
02332 ## Chavvah {khav-vaw'} ; causatively from 02331 ; life-giver ; Chavvah (or Eve) , the first woman :-- Eve . ~~2332
02333 ## chavvah {khav-vaw'} ; properly , the same as 02332 (life-giving , i . e . living-place) ; by implication , an encampment or village :-- (small) town . ~~2332
02337 ## chavach {khaw-vawkh'} ; perhaps the same as 02336 ; a dell or crevice (as if pierced in the earth) :-- thicket . ~~2336
02341 ## Chaviylah {khav-ee-law'} ; probably from 02342 ; circular ; Chavilah , the name of two or three eastern regions ; also perhaps of two men :-- Havilah . ~~2340
02342 ## chuwl {khool} ; or chiyl {kheel} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner) , i . e . (specifically) to dance , to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear ; figuratively , to wait , to pervert :-- bear , (make to) bring forth , (make to) calve , dance , drive away , fall grievously (with pain) , fear , form , great , grieve , (be) grievous , hope , look , make , be in pain , be much (sore) pained , rest , shake , shapen , (be) sorrow (- ful) , stay , tarry , travail (with pain) , tremble , trust , wait carefully (patiently) , be wounded . ~~2342
02342 ## chuwl {khool} ; or chiyl {kheel} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner) , i . e . (specifically) to dance , to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear ; figuratively , to wait , to pervert :-- bear , (make to) bring forth , (make to) calve , dance , drive away , fall grievously (with pain) , fear , form , great , grieve , (be) grievous , hope , look , make , be in pain , be much (sore) pained , rest , shake , shapen , (be) sorrow (- ful) , stay , tarry , travail (with pain) , tremble , trust , wait carefully (patiently) , be wounded . ~~2342
02342 ## chuwl {khool} ; or chiyl {kheel} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner) , i . e . (specifically) to dance , to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear ; figuratively , to wait , to pervert :-- bear , (make to) bring forth , (make to) calve , dance , drive away , fall grievously (with pain) , fear , form , great , grieve , (be) grievous , hope , look , make , be in pain , be much (sore) pained , rest , shake , shapen , (be) sorrow (- ful) , stay , tarry , travail (with pain) , tremble , trust , wait carefully (patiently) , be wounded . ~~2342
02342 ## chuwl {khool} ; or chiyl {kheel} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner) , i . e . (specifically) to dance , to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear ; figuratively , to wait , to pervert :-- bear , (make to) bring forth , (make to) calve , dance , drive away , fall grievously (with pain) , fear , form , great , grieve , (be) grievous , hope , look , make , be in pain , be much (sore) pained , rest , shake , shapen , (be) sorrow (- ful) , stay , tarry , travail (with pain) , tremble , trust , wait carefully (patiently) , be wounded . ~~2342
02344 ## chowl {khole} ; from 02342 ; sand (as round or whirling particles) :-- sand . ~~2344
02345 ## chuwm {khoom} ; from an unused root meaning to be warm , i . e . (by implication) sunburnt or swarthy (blackish) :-- brown . ~~2344
02350 ## Chuwphamiy {khoo-faw-mee'} ; patronymically from 02349 ; a Chuphamite or descendant of Chupham :-- Huphamites . ~~2350
02351 ## chuwts {khoots} ; or (shortened) chuts {khoots} ; (both forms feminine in the plural) from an unused root meaning to sever ; properly , separate by a wall , i . e . outside , outdoors :-- abroad , field , forth , highway , more , out (- side ,-- ward) , street , without . ~~2350
02352 ## chuwr {khoor} ; or (shortened) chur {khoor} ; from an unused root probably meaning to bore ; the crevice of a serpent ; the cell of a prison :-- hole . ~~2352
02354 ## Chuwr {khoor} ; the same as 02353 or 02352 ; Chur , the name of four Israelites and one Midianite :-- Hur . ~~2354
02356 ## chowr {khore} ; or (shortened) chor {khore} ; the same as 02352 ; a cavity , socket , den :-- cave , hole . ~~2356
02363 ## chuwsh {koosh} ; a primitive root ; to hurry ; figuratively , to be eager with excitement or enjoyment :-- (make) haste (- n) , ready . ~~2362
02366 ## Chuwshiym {khoo-sheem'} ; or Chushiym {khoo-shem'} ; or Chushim {khoo-sheem'} ; plural from 02363 ; hasters ; Chushim , the name of three Israelites :-- Hushim . ~~2366
02366 ## Chuwshiym {khoo-sheem'} ; or Chushiym {khoo-shem'} ; or Chushim {khoo-sheem'} ; plural from 02363 ; hasters ; Chushim , the name of three Israelites :-- Hushim . ~~2366
02367 ## Chuwsham {khoo-shawm'} ; or Chusham {khoo-shawm'} ; from 02363 ; hastily ; Chusham , an Idumaean :-- Husham . ~~2366
02368 ## chowtham {kho-thawm'} ; or chotham {kho-thawm'} ; from 02856 ; a signature-ring :-- seal , signet . ~~2368
02370 ## chaza'(Aramaic) {khaz-aw'} ; or chazah (Aramaic) {khaz-aw'} ; corresponding to 02372 ; to gaze upon ; mentally to dream , be usual (i . e . seem) :-- behold , have [a dream ] , see , be wont . ~~2370
02371 ## Chaza'el {khaz-aw-ale'} ; or Chazah'el {khaz-aw-ale'} ; from 02372 and 00410 ; God has seen ; Chazael , a king of Syria :-- Hazael . ~~2370
02377 ## chazown {khaw-zone'} ; from 02372 ; a sight (mentally) , i . e . a dream , revelation , or oracle :-- vision . ~~2376
02380 ## chazuwth {khaw-zooth'} ; from 02372 ; a look ; hence (figuratively) striking appearance , revelation , or (by implication) compact :-- agreement , notable (one) , vision . ~~2380
02396 ## Chizqiyah {khiz-kee-yaw'} ; or Chizqiyahuw {khiz-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; also Y@chizqiyah {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'} ; or Y@chizqiyahuw {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02388 and 03050 ; strengthened of Jah ; Chizkijah , a king of Judah , also the name of two other Israelites :-- Hezekiah , Hizkiah , Hizkijah . Compare 03169 . ~~2396
02396 ## Chizqiyah {khiz-kee-yaw'} ; or Chizqiyahuw {khiz-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; also Y@chizqiyah {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'} ; or Y@chizqiyahuw {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02388 and 03050 ; strengthened of Jah ; Chizkijah , a king of Judah , also the name of two other Israelites :-- Hezekiah , Hizkiah , Hizkijah . Compare 03169 . ~~2396
02397 ## chach {khawkh} ; once (Ezek . 29 : 4) chachiy {khakh-ee'} ; from the same as 02336 ; a ring for the nose (or lips) :-- bracelet , chain , hook . ~~2396
02399 ## chet'{khate} ; from 02398 ; a crime or its penalty :-- fault , X grievously , offence , (punishment of) sin . ~~2398
02400 ## chatta'{khat-taw'} ; intensively from 02398 ; a criminal , or one accounted guilty :-- offender , sinful , sinner . ~~2400
02401 ## chata'ah {khat-aw-aw'} ; feminine of 02399 ; an offence , or a sacrifice for it :-- sin (offering) . ~~2400
02402 ## chatta'ah (Aramaic) {khat-taw-aw'} ; corresponding to 02401 ; an offence , and the penalty or sacrifice for it :-- sin (offering) . ~~2402
02403 ## chatta'ah {khat-taw-aw'} ; or chatta'th {khat-tawth'} ; from 02398 ; an offence (sometimes habitual sinfulness) , and its penalty , occasion , sacrifice , or expiation ; also (concretely) an offender :-- punishment (of sin) , purifying (- fication for sin) , sin (- ner , offering) . ~~2402
02403 ## chatta'ah {khat-taw-aw'} ; or chatta'th {khat-tawth'} ; from 02398 ; an offence (sometimes habitual sinfulness) , and its penalty , occasion , sacrifice , or expiation ; also (concretely) an offender :-- punishment (of sin) , purifying (- fication for sin) , sin (- ner , offering) . ~~2402
02404 ## chatab {khaw-tab'} ; a primitive root ; to chop or carve wood :-- cut down , hew (- er) , polish . ~~2404
02406 ## chittah {khit-taw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; wheat , whether the grain or the plant :-- wheat (- en) . ~~2406
02407 ## Chattuwsh {khat-toosh'} ; from an unused root of uncertain signification ; Chattush , the name of four or five Israelites :-- Hattush . ~~2406
02416 ## chay {khah'- ee} ; from 02421 ; alive ; hence , raw (flesh) ; fresh (plant , water , year) , strong ; also (as noun , especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing) , whether literally or figuratively :-- + age , alive , appetite , (wild) beast , company , congregation , life (- time) , live (- ly) , living (creature , thing) , maintenance , + merry , multitude , + (be) old , quick , raw , running , springing , troop . ~~2416
02416 ## chay {khah'- ee} ; from 02421 ; alive ; hence , raw (flesh) ; fresh (plant , water , year) , strong ; also (as noun , especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing) , whether literally or figuratively :-- + age , alive , appetite , (wild) beast , company , congregation , life (- time) , live (- ly) , living (creature , thing) , maintenance , + merry , multitude , + (be) old , quick , raw , running , springing , troop . ~~2416
02418 ## chaya'(Aramaic) {khah-yaw'} ; or chayah (Aramaic) {khah-yaw'} ; corresponding to 02421 ; to live :-- live , keep alive . ~~2418
02421 ## chayah {khaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02331 , 02421 ] ; to live , whether literally or figuratively ; causatively , to revive :-- keep (leave , make) alive , X certainly , give (promise) life , (let , suffer to) live , nourish up , preserve (alive) , quicken , recover , repair , restore (to life) , revive , (X God) save (alive , life , lives) , X surely , be whole . ~~2420
02426 ## cheyl {khale} ; or (shortened) chel {khale} ; a collateral form of 02428 ; an army ; also (by analogy ,) an intrenchment :-- army , bulwark , host , + poor , rampart , trench , wall . ~~2426
02428 ## chayil {khah'- yil} ; from 02342 ; probably a force , whether of men , means or other resources ; an army , wealth , virtue , valor , strength :-- able , activity , (+) army , band of men (soldiers) , company , (great) forces , goods , host , might , power , riches , strength , strong , substance , train , (+) valiant (- ly) , valour , virtuous (- ly) , war , worthy (- ily) . ~~2428
02429 ## chayil (Aramaic) {khah'- yil} ; corresponding to 02428 ; an army , or strength :-- aloud , army , X most [mighty ] , power . ~~2428
02431 ## Cheylam {khay-lawm'} ; or Chel'am {khay-lawm'} ; from 02428 ; fortress ; Chelam , a place East of Palestine :-- Helam . ~~2430
02436 ## cheyq {khake} ; or cheq {khake} ; and chowq {khoke} ; from an unused root , apparently meaning to inclose ; the bosom (literally or figuratively) :-- bosom , bottom , lap , midst , within . ~~2436
02436 ## cheyq {khake} ; or cheq {khake} ; and chowq {khoke} ; from an unused root , apparently meaning to inclose ; the bosom (literally or figuratively) :-- bosom , bottom , lap , midst , within . ~~2436
02438 ## Chiyram {khee-rawm'} ; or Chiyrowm {khee-rome'} ; another form of 02361 ; Chiram or Chirom , the name of two Tyrians :-- Hiram , Huram . ~~2438
02438 ## Chiyram {khee-rawm'} ; or Chiyrowm {khee-rome'} ; another form of 02361 ; Chiram or Chirom , the name of two Tyrians :-- Hiram , Huram . ~~2438
02441 ## chek {khake} ; probably from 02596 in the sense of tasting ; properly , the palate or inside of the mouth ; hence , the mouth itself (as the organ of speech , taste and kissing) :-- (roof of the) mouth , taste . ~~2440
02449 ## chakam {khaw-kam'} ; a primitive root , to be wise (in mind , word or act) :-- X exceeding , teach wisdom , be (make self , shew self) wise , deal (never so) wisely , make wiser . ~~2448
02450 ## chakam {khaw-kawm'} ; from 02449 ; wise , (i . e . intelligent , skilful or artful) :-- cunning (man) , subtil , ([un-]) , wise ([hearted ] , man) . ~~2450
02454 ## chokmowth {khok-moth'} ; or chakmowth {khak-moth'} ; collateral forms of 02451 ; wisdom :-- wisdom , every wise [woman ] . ~~2454
02459 ## cheleb {kheh'- leb} ; or cheleb {khay'- leb} ; from an unused root meaning to be fat ; fat , whether literally or figuratively ; hence , the richest or choice part :-- X best , fat (- ness) , X finest , grease , marrow . ~~2458
02459 ## cheleb {kheh'- leb} ; or cheleb {khay'- leb} ; from an unused root meaning to be fat ; fat , whether literally or figuratively ; hence , the richest or choice part :-- X best , fat (- ness) , X finest , grease , marrow . ~~2458
02459 ## cheleb {kheh'- leb} ; or cheleb {khay'- leb} ; from an unused root meaning to be fat ; fat , whether literally or figuratively ; hence , the richest or choice part :-- X best , fat (- ness) , X finest , grease , marrow . ~~2458
02470 ## chalah {khaw-law'} ; a primitive root [compare 02342 , 02470 , 02490 ] ; properly , to be rubbed or worn ; hence (figuratively) to be weak , sick , afflicted ; or (causatively) to grieve , make sick ; also to stroke (in flattering) , entreat :-- beseech , (be) diseased , (put to) grief , be grieved , (be) grievous , infirmity , intreat , lay to , put to pain , X pray , make prayer , be (fall , make) sick , sore , be sorry , make suit (X supplication) , woman in travail , be (become) weak , be wounded . ~~2470
02470 ## chalah {khaw-law'} ; a primitive root [compare 02342 , 02470 , 02490 ] ; properly , to be rubbed or worn ; hence (figuratively) to be weak , sick , afflicted ; or (causatively) to grieve , make sick ; also to stroke (in flattering) , entreat :-- beseech , (be) diseased , (put to) grief , be grieved , (be) grievous , infirmity , intreat , lay to , put to pain , X pray , make prayer , be (fall , make) sick , sore , be sorry , make suit (X supplication) , woman in travail , be (become) weak , be wounded . ~~2470
02472 ## chalowm {khal-ome'} ; or (shortened) chalom {khal-ome'} ; from 02492 ; a dream :-- dream (- er) . ~~2472
02473 ## Cholown {kho-lone'} ; or (shortened) Cholon {kho-lone'} ; probably from 02344 ; sandy ; Cholon , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Holon . ~~2472
02486 ## chaliylah {khaw-lee'- law} ; or chalilah {khaw-lee'- law} ; a directive from 02490 ; literal for a profaned thing ; used (interj .) far be it ! :-- be far , (X God) forbid . ~~2486
02489 ## chel@ka'{khay-lek-aw'} ; or chel@kah {khay-lek-aw'} ; apparently from an unused root probably meaning to be dark or (figuratively) unhappy ; a wretch , i . e . unfortunate :-- poor . ~~2488
02489 ## chel@ka'{khay-lek-aw'} ; or chel@kah {khay-lek-aw'} ; apparently from an unused root probably meaning to be dark or (figuratively) unhappy ; a wretch , i . e . unfortunate :-- poor . ~~2488
02490 ## chalal {khaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02470 ] ; properly , to bore , i . e . (by implication) to wound , to dissolve ; figuratively , to profane (a person , place or thing) , to break (one's word) , to begin (as if by an " opening wedge ") ; denom . (from 02485) to play (the flute) :-- begin (X men began) , defile , X break , defile , X eat (as common things) , X first , X gather the grape thereof , X take inheritance , pipe , player on instruments , pollute , (cast as) profane (self) , prostitute , slay (slain) , sorrow , stain , wound . ~~2490
02498 ## chalaph {khaw-laf'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to slide by , i . e . (by implication) to hasten away , pass on , spring up , pierce or change :-- abolish , alter , change , cut off , go on forward , grow up , be over , pass (away , on , through) , renew , sprout , strike through . ~~2498
02503 ## Chelets {kheh'- lets} ; or Chelets {khay'- lets ; from 02502 ; perhaps , strength ; Chelets , the name of two Israelites :-- Helez . ~~2502
02505 ## chalaq {khaw-lak'} ; a primitive root ; to be smooth (figuratively) ; by implication (as smooth stones were used for lots) to apportion or separate :-- deal , distribute , divide , flatter , give , (have , im-) part (- ner) , take away a portion , receive , separate self , (be) smooth (- er) . ~~2504
02516 ## Chelqiy {khel-kee'} ; patronymically from 02507 ; a Chelkite or descendant of Chelek :-- Helkites . ~~2516
02518 ## Chilqiyah {khil-kee-yaw'} ; or Chilqiyahuw {khil-kee-yaw'- hoo}'from 02506 and 03050 ; portion of Jah ; {Chilhijah , the name of eight Israelites :-- Hillkiah . ~~2518
02526 ## Cham {khawm} ; the same as 02525 ; hot (from the tropical habitat) ; Cham , a son of Noah ; also (as a patronymic) his descendants or their country :-- Ham . ~~2526
02528 ## chema'(Aramaic) {khem-aw'} ; or chamah (Aramaic) {kham-aw'} ; corresponding to 02534 ; anger :-- fury . ~~2528
02529 ## chem'ah {khem-aw'} ; or (shortened) chemah {khay-maw'} ; from the same root as 02346 ; curdled milk or cheese :-- butter . ~~2528
02529 ## chem'ah {khem-aw'} ; or (shortened) chemah {khay-maw'} ; from the same root as 02346 ; curdled milk or cheese :-- butter . ~~2528
02534 ## chemah {khay-maw'} ; or (Dan . 11 : 44) chema'{khay-maw'} ; from 03179 ; heat ; figuratively , anger , poison (from its fever) :-- anger , bottles , hot displeasure , furious (- ly ,-- ry) , heat , indignation , poison , rage , wrath (- ful) . See 02529 . ~~2534
02537 ## Chamuwtal {kham-oo-tal'} ; or Chamiytal {kham-ee-tal'} ; from 02524 and 02919 ; father-in-law of dew ; Chamutal or Chamital , an Israelitess :-- Hamutal . ~~2536
02537 ## Chamuwtal {kham-oo-tal'} ; or Chamiytal {kham-ee-tal'} ; from 02524 and 02919 ; father-in-law of dew ; Chamutal or Chamital , an Israelitess :-- Hamutal . ~~2536
02539 ## Chamuwliy {khaw-moo-lee'} ; patronymically from 02538 : a Chamulite (collectively) or descendants of Chamul :-- Hamulites . ~~2538
02543 ## chamowr {kham-ore'} ; or (shortened) chamor {kham-ore} ; from 02560 ; a male ass (from its dun red) :-- (he) ass . ~~2542
02545 ## chamowth {kham-oth'} ; or (shortened) chamoth {kham-oth'} ; feminine of 02524 ; a mother-in-law :-- mother in law . ~~2544
02549 ## chamiyshiy {kham-ee-shee'} ; or chamishshiy {kham-ish-shee'} ; ord . from 02568 ; fifth ; also a fifth :-- fifth (part) . ~~2548
02552 ## chamam {khaw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to be hot (literally or figuratively) :-- enflame self , get (have) heat , be (wax) hot , (be , wax) warm (self , at) . ~~2552
02556 ## chamets {khaw-mates'} ; a primitive root ; to be pungent ; i . e . in taste (sour , i . e . literally fermented , or figuratively , harsh) , in color (dazzling) :-- cruel (man) , dyed , be grieved , leavened . ~~2556
02563 ## chomer {kho'mer} ; from 02560 ; properly , a bubbling up , i . e . of water , a wave ; of earth , mire or clay (cement) ; also a heap ; hence , a chomer or dry measure :-- clay , heap , homer , mire , motion . ~~2562
02563 ## chomer {kho'mer} ; from 02560 ; properly , a bubbling up , i . e . of water , a wave ; of earth , mire or clay (cement) ; also a heap ; hence , a chomer or dry measure :-- clay , heap , homer , mire , motion . ~~2562
02577 ## Chamathiy {kham-aw-thee'} ; patrial from 02574 ; a Chamathite or native of Chamath :-- Hamathite . ~~2576
02580 ## chen {khane} ; from 02603 ; graciousness , i . e . subjective (kindness , favor) or objective (beauty) :-- favour , grace (- ious) , pleasant , precious , [well-] favoured . ~~2580
02583 ## chanah {khaw-naw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02603 ] ; properly , to incline ; by implication , to decline (of the slanting rays of evening) ; specifically , to pitch a tent ; gen . to encamp (for abode or siege) :-- abide (in tents) , camp , dwell , encamp , grow to an end , lie , pitch (tent) , rest in tent . ~~2582
02588 ## chanuwth {khaw-nooth'} ; from 02583 ; properly , a vault or cell (with an arch) ; by implication , a prison :-- cabin . ~~2588
02596 ## chanak {khaw-nak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to narrow (compare 026l4) ; figuratively , to initiate or discipline :-- dedicate , train up . ~~2596
02599 ## Chanokiy {khan-o-kee'} ; patronymically from 02585 ; a Chanokite (collectively) or descendants of Chanok :-- Hanochites . ~~2598
02600 ## chinnam {khin-nawm'} ; from 02580 ; gratis , i . e . devoid of cost , reason or advantage :-- without a cause (cost , wages) , causeless , to cost nothing , free (- ly) , innocent , for nothing (nought , in vain . ~~2600
02602 ## chanamal {khan-aw-mawl'} ; of uncertain derivation ; perhaps the aphis or plantlouse :-- frost . ~~2602
02603 ## chanan {khaw-nan'} ; a primitive root [compare 02583 ] ; properly , to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior ; to favor , bestow ; causatively to implore (i . e . move to favor by petition) :-- beseech , X fair , (be , find , shew) favour (- able) , be (deal , give , grant (gracious (- ly) , intreat , (be) merciful , have (shew) mercy (on , upon) , have pity upon , pray , make supplication , X very . ~~2602
02604 ## chanan (Aramaic) {khan-an'} ; corresponding to 02603 ; to favor or (causatively) to entreat :-- shew mercy , make supplication . ~~2604
02608 ## Chananyah {khan-an-yaw'} ; or Chananyahuw {khan-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02603 and 03050 ; Jah has favored ; Chananjah , the name of thirteen Israelites :-- Hananiah . ~~2608
02614 ## chanaq {khaw-nak'} ; a primitive root [compare 02596 ] ; to be narrow ; by implication , to throttle , or (reflex .) to choke oneself to death (by a rope) :-- hang self , strangle . ~~2614
02617 ## checed {kheh'- sed} ; from 02616 ; kindness ; by implication (towards God) piety : rarely (by opposition) reproof , or (subject .) beauty :-- favour , good deed (- liness ,-- ness) , kindly , (loving-) kindness , merciful (kindness) , mercy , pity , reproach , wicked thing . ~~2616
02636 ## chacpac {khas-pas'} ; reduplicated from an unused root meaning apparently to peel ; a shred or scale :-- round thing . ~~2636
02660 ## Chepher {khay'- fer} ; from 02658 or 02659 ; a pit of shame ; Chepher , a place in Palestine ; also the name of three Israelites :-- Hepher . ~~2660
02662 ## Chephriy {khef-ree'} ; patronymically from 02660 ; a Chephrite (collectively) or descendants of Chepher :-- Hepherites . ~~2662
02664 ## chaphas {khaw-fas'} ; a primitive root ; to seek ; causatively , to conceal oneself (i . e . let be sought) , or mask :-- change , (make) diligent (search) , disquise self , hide , search (for , out) . ~~2664
02670 ## chophshiy {khof-shee'} ; from 02666 ; exempt (from bondage , tax or care) :-- free , liberty . ~~2670
02672 ## chatsab {khaw-tsab'} ; or chatseb {khaw-tsabe'} ; a primitive root ; to cut or carve (wood) , stone or other material) ; by implication , to hew , split , square , quarry , engrave :-- cut , dig , divide , grave , hew (out ,-- er) , made , mason . ~~2672
02672 ## chatsab {khaw-tsab'} ; or chatseb {khaw-tsabe'} ; a primitive root ; to cut or carve (wood) , stone or other material) ; by implication , to hew , split , square , quarry , engrave :-- cut , dig , divide , grave , hew (out ,-- er) , made , mason . ~~2672
02672 ## chatsab {khaw-tsab'} ; or chatseb {khaw-tsabe'} ; a primitive root ; to cut or carve (wood) , stone or other material) ; by implication , to hew , split , square , quarry , engrave :-- cut , dig , divide , grave , hew (out ,-- er) , made , mason . ~~2672
02673 ## chatsah {khaw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02086 ]) ; to cut or split in two ; to halve :-- divide , X live out half , reach to the midst , participle ~~2672
02677 ## chetsiy {khay-tsee'} ; from 02673 ; the half or middle :-- half , middle , mid [-night ] , midst , part , two parts . ~~2676
02678 ## chitstsiy {khits-tsee'} ; or chetsiy {chay-tsee'} ; prolongation from 0267l ; an arrow :-- arrow . ~~2678
02680 ## Chatsiy ham-M@nachti {khat-see'ham-men-akh-tee'} ; patronymically from 02679 ; a Chatsi-ham-Menachtite or descendant of Chatsi-ham-Menuchoth :-- half of the Manahethites . ~~2680
02681 ## chatsiyr {khaw-tseer'} ; a collateral form of 02691 ; a court or abode :-- court . ~~2680
02685 ## chatsaph (Aramaic) {khats-af'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to shear or cut close ; figuratively , to be severe :-- hasty , be urgent . ~~2684
02686 ## chatsats {khaw-tsats'} ; a primitive root [compare 02673 ] ; properly , to chop into , pierce or sever ; hence , to curtail , to distribute (into ranks) ; as denom . from 02671 , to shoot an arrow :-- archer , X bands , cut off in the midst . ~~2686
02688 ## Chats@tsown Tamar {khats-ets-one'taw-mawr'} ; or Chatsatson Tamar {khats-ats-one'taw-mawr'} ; from 02686 and 08558 ; division [i . e . perhaps row ] of (the) palm-tree ; Chatsetson-tamar , a place in Palestine :-- Hazezon-tamar . ~~2688
02689 ## chatsots@rah {khats-o-tser-aw'} ; by reduplication from 02690 ; a trumpet (from its sundered or quavering note) :-- trumpet (- er) . ~~2688
02690 ## chatsar {khaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to surround with a stockade , and thus separate from the open country ; but used only in the reduplicated form chatsotser {khast-o-tsare'} ; or (2 Chronicles 5 : 12) chatsorer {khats-o-rare'} ; asdem . from 02689 ; to trumpet , i . e . blow on that instrument :-- blow , sound , trumpeter . ~~2690
02697 ## Chetsrowniy {khets-ro-nee'} ; patronymically from 02696 ; a Chetsronite or (collectively) descendants of Chetsron :-- Hezronites . ~~2696
02706 ## choq {khoke} ; from 02710 ; an enactment ; hence , an appointment (of time , space , quantity , labor or usage) :-- appointed , bound , commandment , convenient , custom , decree (- d) , due , law , measure , X necessary , ordinance (- nary) , portion , set time , statute , task . ~~2706
02710 ## chaqaq {khaw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hack , i . e . engrave (Judges 5 : 14 , to be a scribe simply) ; by implication , to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (gen .) prescribe :-- appoint , decree , governor , grave , lawgiver , note , pourtray , print , set . ~~2710
02710 ## chaqaq {khaw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hack , i . e . engrave (Judges 5 : 14 , to be a scribe simply) ; by implication , to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (gen .) prescribe :-- appoint , decree , governor , grave , lawgiver , note , pourtray , print , set . ~~2710
02712 ## Chuqqog {Khook-koke'} ; or (fully) Chuwqoq {khoo-koke'} ; from 02710 ; appointed ; Chukkok or Chukok , a place in Palestine :-- Hukkok , Hukok . ~~2712
02712 ## Chuqqog {Khook-koke'} ; or (fully) Chuwqoq {khoo-koke'} ; from 02710 ; appointed ; Chukkok or Chukok , a place in Palestine :-- Hukkok , Hukok . ~~2712
02715 ## chor {khore} ; or (fully) chowr {khore} ; from 02787 ; properly , white or pure (from the cleansing or shining power of fire [compare 02751 ] ; hence (figuratively) noble (in rank) :-- noble . ~~2714
02715 ## chor {khore} ; or (fully) chowr {khore} ; from 02787 ; properly , white or pure (from the cleansing or shining power of fire [compare 02751 ] ; hence (figuratively) noble (in rank) :-- noble . ~~2714
02715 ## chor {khore} ; or (fully) chowr {khore} ; from 02787 ; properly , white or pure (from the cleansing or shining power of fire [compare 02751 ] ; hence (figuratively) noble (in rank) :-- noble . ~~2714
02717 ## charab {khaw-rab'} ; or chareb {khaw-rabe'} ; a primitive root ; to parch (through drought) i . e . (by analogy ,) to desolate , destroy , kill :-- decay , (be) desolate , destroy (- er) , (be) dry (up) , slay , X surely , (lay , lie , make) waste . ~~2716
02719 ## chereb {kheh'- reb} ; from 02717 ; drought ; also a cutting instrument (from its destructive effect) , as a knife , sword , or other sharp implement :-- axe , dagger , knife , mattock , sword , tool . ~~2718
02720 ## chareb {khaw-rabe'} ; from 02717 ; parched or ruined :-- desolate , dry , waste . ~~2720
02721 ## choreb {kho'- reb} ; a collaterally form of 02719 ; drought or desolation :-- desolation , drought , dry , heat , X utterly , waste . ~~2720
02726 ## Charbowna'{khar-bo-naw'} ; or Charbownah {khar-bo-naw'} ; of Persian origin ; Charbona or Charbonah , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Harbona , Harbonah . ~~2726
02726 ## Charbowna'{khar-bo-naw'} ; or Charbownah {khar-bo-naw'} ; of Persian origin ; Charbona or Charbonah , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Harbona , Harbonah . ~~2726
02733 ## Charodiy {khar-o-dee'} ; patrial from a derivative of 02729 [compare 05878 ] ; a Charodite , or inhabitant of Charod :-- Harodite . ~~2732
02734 ## charah {khaw-raw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02787 ] ; to glow or grow warm ; figuratively (usually) to blaze up , of anger , zeal , jealousy :-- be angry , burn , be displeased , X earnestly , fret self , grieve , be (wax) hot , be incensed , kindle , X very , be wroth . See 08474 . ~~2734
02737 ## charuwz {khaw-rooz'} ; from an unused root meaning to perforate ; properly , pierced , i . e . a bead of pearl , gems or jewels (as strung) :-- chain . ~~2736
02738 ## charuwl {khaw-rool'} ; or (shortened) charul {khaw-rool'} ; apparently , a passive participle of an unused root probably meaning to be prickly ; properly , pointed , i . e . a bramble or other thorny weed :-- nettle . ~~2738
02738 ## charuwl {khaw-rool'} ; or (shortened) charul {khaw-rool'} ; apparently , a passive participle of an unused root probably meaning to be prickly ; properly , pointed , i . e . a bramble or other thorny weed :-- nettle . ~~2738
02740 ## charown {khaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) charon {khaw-rone'} ; from 02734 ; a burning of anger :-- sore displeasure , fierce (- ness) , fury , (fierce) wrath (- ful) . ~~2740
02741 ## Charuwphiy {khar-oo-fee'} ; a patrial from (probably) a collateral form of 02756 ; a Charuphite or inhabitant of Charuph (or Chariph) :-- Haruphite . ~~2740
02741 ## Charuwphiy {khar-oo-fee'} ; a patrial from (probably) a collateral form of 02756 ; a Charuphite or inhabitant of Charuph (or Chariph) :-- Haruphite . ~~2740
02742 ## charuwts {khaw-roots'} ; or charuts {khaw-roots'} ; passive participle of 02782 ; properly , incised or (active) incisive ; hence (as noun masculine or feminine) a trench (as dug) , gold (as mined) , a threshing-sledge (having sharp teeth) ; (figuratively) determination ; also eager :-- decision , diligent , (fine) gold , pointed things , sharp , threshing instrument , wall . ~~2742
02742 ## charuwts {khaw-roots'} ; or charuts {khaw-roots'} ; passive participle of 02782 ; properly , incised or (active) incisive ; hence (as noun masculine or feminine) a trench (as dug) , gold (as mined) , a threshing-sledge (having sharp teeth) ; (figuratively) determination ; also eager :-- decision , diligent , (fine) gold , pointed things , sharp , threshing instrument , wall . ~~2742
02742 ## charuwts {khaw-roots'} ; or charuts {khaw-roots'} ; passive participle of 02782 ; properly , incised or (active) incisive ; hence (as noun masculine or feminine) a trench (as dug) , gold (as mined) , a threshing-sledge (having sharp teeth) ; (figuratively) determination ; also eager :-- decision , diligent , (fine) gold , pointed things , sharp , threshing instrument , wall . ~~2742
02747 ## cheret {kheh'- ret} ; from a primitive root meaning to engrave ; a chisel or graver ; also a style for writing :-- graving tool , pen . ~~2746
02748 ## chartom {khar-tome'} ; from the same as 02747 ; a horoscopist (as drawing magical lines or circles) :-- magician . ~~2748
02752 ## Choriy {kho-ree'} ; from 02356 ; cave-dweller or troglodyte ; a Chorite or aboriginal Idumaean :-- Horims , Horites . ~~2752
02752 ## Choriy {kho-ree'} ; from 02356 ; cave-dweller or troglodyte ; a Chorite or aboriginal Idumaean :-- Horims , Horites . ~~2752
02753 ## Choriy {kho-ree'} ; or Chowriy {kho-ree'} ; the same as 02752 ; Chori , the name of two men :-- Hori . ~~2752
02754 ## chariyt {khaw-reet'} ; or charit {khaw-reet'} ; from the same as 02747 ; properly , cut out (or hollow) , i . e . (by implication) a pocket :-- bag , crisping pin . ~~2754
02754 ## chariyt {khaw-reet'} ; or charit {khaw-reet'} ; from the same as 02747 ; properly , cut out (or hollow) , i . e . (by implication) a pocket :-- bag , crisping pin . ~~2754
02755 ## charey-yowniym {khar-ay'- yo-neem'} ; from the plural of 02716 and the plural of 03123 ; excrements of doves {or perhaps rather the plural of a single word chara'yown {khar-aw-yone'} ; of similar or uncertain derivation , probably a kind of vegetable :-- doves'dung . ~~2754
02755 ## charey-yowniym {khar-ay'- yo-neem'} ; from the plural of 02716 and the plural of 03123 ; excrements of doves {or perhaps rather the plural of a single word chara'yown {khar-aw-yone'} ; of similar or uncertain derivation , probably a kind of vegetable :-- doves'dung . ~~2754
02757 ## chariyts {khaw-reets'} ; or charits {khaw-reets'} ; from 02782 ; properly , incisure or (passively) incised [compare 02742 ] ; hence , a threshing-sledge (with sharp teeth) : also a slice (as cut) :-- + cheese , harrow . ~~2756
02757 ## chariyts {khaw-reets'} ; or charits {khaw-reets'} ; from 02782 ; properly , incisure or (passively) incised [compare 02742 ] ; hence , a threshing-sledge (with sharp teeth) : also a slice (as cut) :-- + cheese , harrow . ~~2756
02758 ## chariysh {khaw-reesh'} ; from 02790 ; ploughing or its season :-- earing (time) , ground . ~~2758
02759 ## chariyshiy {khar-ee-shee'} ; from 02790 in the sense of silence ; quiet , i . e . sultry (as feminine noun , the sirocco or hot east wind) :-- vehement . ~~2758
02760 ## charak {khaw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to braid (i . e . to entangle or snare) or catch (game) in a net :-- roast . ~~2760
02760 ## charak {khaw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to braid (i . e . to entangle or snare) or catch (game) in a net :-- roast . ~~2760
02764 ## cherem {khay'- rem} ; or (Zecheriah 14 : 11) cherem {kheh'- rem} ; from 02763 ; physical (as shutting in) a net (either literally or figuratively) ; usually a doomed object ; abstr . extermination :-- (ac-) curse (- d ,-d thing) , dedicated thing , things which should have been utterly destroyed , (appointed to) utter destruction , devoted (thing) , net . ~~2764
02764 ## cherem {khay'- rem} ; or (Zecheriah 14 : 11) cherem {kheh'- rem} ; from 02763 ; physical (as shutting in) a net (either literally or figuratively) ; usually a doomed object ; abstr . extermination :-- (ac-) curse (- d ,-d thing) , dedicated thing , things which should have been utterly destroyed , (appointed to) utter destruction , devoted (thing) , net . ~~2764
02772 ## Choroniy {kho-ro-nee'} ; patrial from 02773 ; a Choronite or inhabitant of Choronaim :-- Horonite . ~~2772
02775 ## cherec {kheh'- res} ; or (with a directive enclitic) charcah (khar'- saw} ; from an unused root meaning to scrape ; the itch ; also [perhaps from the mediating idea of 02777 ] the sun :-- itch , sun . ~~2774
02787 ## charar {khaw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to glow , i . e . literally (to melt , burn , dry up) or figuratively (to show or incite passion :-- be angry , burn , dry , kindle . ~~2786
02787 ## charar {khaw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to glow , i . e . literally (to melt , burn , dry up) or figuratively (to show or incite passion :-- be angry , burn , dry , kindle . ~~2786
02794 ## choresh {kho-rashe'} ; active participle of 02790 ; a fabricator or mechanic :-- artificer . ~~2794
02795 ## cheresh {khay-rashe'} ; from 02790 ; deaf (whether literally or spir .) :-- deaf . ~~2794
02796 ## charash {khaw-rawsh'} ; from 02790 ; a fabricator or any material :-- artificer , (+) carpenter , craftsman , engraver , maker , + mason , skilful , (+) smith , worker , workman , such as wrought . ~~2796
02803 ## chashab {khaw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plait or interpenetrate , i . e . (literally) to weave or (gen .) to fabricate ; figuratively , to plot or contrive (usually in a malicious sense) ; hence (from the mental effort) to think , regard , value , compute :-- (make) account (of) , conceive , consider , count , cunning (man , work , workman) , devise , esteem , find out , forecast , hold , imagine , impute , invent , be like , mean , purpose , reckon (- ing be made) , regard , think . ~~2802
02803 ## chashab {khaw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plait or interpenetrate , i . e . (literally) to weave or (gen .) to fabricate ; figuratively , to plot or contrive (usually in a malicious sense) ; hence (from the mental effort) to think , regard , value , compute :-- (make) account (of) , conceive , consider , count , cunning (man , work , workman) , devise , esteem , find out , forecast , hold , imagine , impute , invent , be like , mean , purpose , reckon (- ing be made) , regard , think . ~~2802
02803 ## chashab {khaw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plait or interpenetrate , i . e . (literally) to weave or (gen .) to fabricate ; figuratively , to plot or contrive (usually in a malicious sense) ; hence (from the mental effort) to think , regard , value , compute :-- (make) account (of) , conceive , consider , count , cunning (man , work , workman) , devise , esteem , find out , forecast , hold , imagine , impute , invent , be like , mean , purpose , reckon (- ing be made) , regard , think . ~~2802
02805 ## chesheb {khay'- sheb} ; from 02803 ; a belt or strap (as being interlaced) :-- curious girdle . ~~2804
02810 ## chishshabown {khish-shaw-bone'} ; from 02803 ; a contrivance , i . e . actual (a warlike machine) or mental (a machination) :-- engine , invention . ~~2810
02811 ## Chashabyah {khash-ab-yaw'} ; or Chashabyahuw {khash-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02803 and 03050 ; Jah has regarded ; Chashabjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Hashabiah . ~~2810
02814 ## chashah {khaw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to hush or keep quiet :-- hold peace , keep silence , be silent , (be) still . ~~2814
02815 ## Chashshuwb {khash-shoob'} ; from 02803 ; intelligent ; Chashshub , the name of two or three Israelites :-- Hashub , Hasshub . ~~2814
02817 ## Chasuwpha'{khas-oo-faw'} ; or Chasupha'{khas-oo-faw'} ; from 02834 ; nakedness ; Chasupha , one of the Nethinim :-- Hashupha , Hasupha . ~~2816
02818 ## chashach (Aramaic) {khash-akh'} ; a collateral root to one corresponding to 02363 in the sense of readiness ; to be necessary (from the idea of convenience) or (transitively) to need :-- careful , have need of . ~~2818
02820 ## chasak {khaw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to restrain or (reflex .) refrain ; by implication , to refuse , spare , preserve ; also (by interch . with 02821) to observe :-- assuage , X darken , forbear , hinder , hold back , keep (back) , punish , refrain , reserve , spare , withhold . ~~2820
02825 ## chashekah {khash-ay-kaw'} ; or chashekah {khash-ay-kaw'} ; from 02821 ; darkness ; figuratively , misery :-- darkness . ~~2824
02828 ## Chashum {khaw-shoom'} ; from the same as 02831 ; enriched ; Chashum , the name of two or three Israelites :-- Hashum . ~~2828
02830 ## chashmal {khash-mal'} ; of uncertain derivation ; probably bronze or polished spectrum metal :-- amber . ~~2830
02831 ## chashman {khash-man'} ; from an unused root (probably meaning firm or capacious in resources) ; apparently wealthy :-- princes . ~~2830
02833 ## choshen {kho'- shen} ; from an unused root probably meaning to contain or sparkle ; perhaps a pocket (as holding the Urim and Thummim) , or rich (as containing gems) , used only of the gorget of the highpriest :-- breastplate . ~~2832
02833 ## choshen {kho'- shen} ; from an unused root probably meaning to contain or sparkle ; perhaps a pocket (as holding the Urim and Thummim) , or rich (as containing gems) , used only of the gorget of the highpriest :-- breastplate . ~~2832
02834 ## chasaph {khaw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to strip off , i . e . generally to make naked (for exertion or in disgrace) , to drain away or bail up (a liquid) :-- make bare , clean , discover , draw out , take , uncover . ~~2834
02834 ## chasaph {khaw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to strip off , i . e . generally to make naked (for exertion or in disgrace) , to drain away or bail up (a liquid) :-- make bare , clean , discover , draw out , take , uncover . ~~2834
02836 ## chashaq {khaw-shak'} ; a primitive root ; to cling , i . e . join , (figuratively) to love , delight in ; elliptically (or by interchangeable for 02820) to deliver :-- have a delight , (have a) desire , fillet , long , set (in) love . ~~2836
02838 ## chashuq {khaw-shook'} ; or chashuwq {khaw-shook'} ; past participle of 02836 ; attached , i . e . a fence-rail or rod connecting the posts or pillars :-- fillet . ~~2838
02838 ## chashuq {khaw-shook'} ; or chashuwq {khaw-shook'} ; past participle of 02836 ; attached , i . e . a fence-rail or rod connecting the posts or pillars :-- fillet . ~~2838
02838 ## chashuq {khaw-shook'} ; or chashuwq {khaw-shook'} ; past participle of 02836 ; attached , i . e . a fence-rail or rod connecting the posts or pillars :-- fillet . ~~2838
02839 ## chishshuq {khish-shook'} ; from 02836 ; conjoined , i . e . a wheel-spoke or rod connecting the hub with the rim :-- felloe . ~~2838
02840 ## chishshur {khish-shoor'} ; from an unused root meaning to bind together ; combined , i . e . the nave or hub of a wheel (as holding the spokes together) :-- spoke . ~~2840
02841 ## chashrah {khash-raw'} ; from the same as 02840 ; properly , a combination or gathering , i . e . of watery clouds :-- dark . ~~2840
02843 ## Chushathiy {khoo-shaw-thee'} ; patronymically from 02364 ; a Chushathite or descendant of Chushah :-- Hushathite . ~~2842
02850 ## Chittiy {khit-tee'} ; patronymically from 02845 ; a Chittite , or descendant of Cheth :-- Hittite , Hittities . ~~2850
02865 ## chathath {khaw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to prostrate ; hence , to break down , either (literally) by violence , or (figuratively) by confusion and fear :-- abolish , affright , be (make) afraid , amaze , beat down , discourage , (cause to) dismay , go down , scare , terrify . ~~2864
02873 ## tabach {taw-bakh'} ; a primitive root ; to slaughter (animals or men) :-- kill , (make) slaughter , slay . ~~2872
02874 ## tebach {teh'- bakh} ; from 02873 ; properly , something slaughtered ; hence , a beast (or meat , as butchered) ; abstr . butchery (or concretely , a place of slaughter) :-- X beast , slaughter , X slay , X sore . ~~2874
02874 ## tebach {teh'- bakh} ; from 02873 ; properly , something slaughtered ; hence , a beast (or meat , as butchered) ; abstr . butchery (or concretely , a place of slaughter) :-- X beast , slaughter , X slay , X sore . ~~2874
02889 ## tahowr {taw-hore'} ; or tahor {taw-hore'} ; from 02891 ; pure (in a physical , chemical , ceremonial or moral sense) :-- clean , fair , pure (- ness) . ~~2888
02889 ## tahowr {taw-hore'} ; or tahor {taw-hore'} ; from 02891 ; pure (in a physical , chemical , ceremonial or moral sense) :-- clean , fair , pure (- ness) . ~~2888
02891 ## taher {taw-hare'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be bright ; i . e . (by implication) to be pure (physical sound , clear , unadulterated ; Levitically , uncontaminated ; morally , innocent or holy) :-- be (make , make self , pronounce) clean , cleanse (self) , purge , purify (- ier , self) . ~~2890
02893 ## tohorah {toh-or-aw'} ; feminine of 02892 ; ceremonial purification ; moral purity :-- X is cleansed , cleansing , purification (- fying) . ~~2892
02895 ## towb {tobe} ; a primitive root , to be (transitively , do or make) good (or well) in the widest sense :-- be (do) better , cheer , be (do , seem) good , (make) goodly , X please , (be , do , go , play) well . ~~2894
02895 ## towb {tobe} ; a primitive root , to be (transitively , do or make) good (or well) in the widest sense :-- be (do) better , cheer , be (do , seem) good , (make) goodly , X please , (be , do , go , play) well . ~~2894
02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the feminine , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) :-- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) favour , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([-favoured ]) . ~~2896
02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the feminine , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) :-- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) favour , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([-favoured ]) . ~~2896
02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the feminine , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) :-- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) favour , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([-favoured ]) . ~~2896
02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the feminine , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) :-- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) favour , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([-favoured ]) . ~~2896
02900 ## Towbiyah {to-bee-yaw'} ; or Towbiyahuw {to-bee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02896 and 03050 ; goodness of Jehovah ; Tobijah , the name of three Israelites and of one Samaritan :-- Tobiah , Tobijah . ~~2900
02903 ## towphaphah {to-faw-faw'} ; from an unusued root meaning to go around or bind ; a fillet for the forehead :-- frontlet . ~~2902
02904 ## tuwl {tool} ; a primitive root ; to pitch over or reel ; hence (transitively) to cast down or out :-- carry away , (utterly) cast (down , forth , out) , send out . ~~2904
02904 ## tuwl {tool} ; a primitive root ; to pitch over or reel ; hence (transitively) to cast down or out :-- carry away , (utterly) cast (down , forth , out) , send out . ~~2904
02906 ## tuwr (Aramaic) {toor} ; corresponding to 06697 ; a rock or hill :-- mountain . ~~2906
02910 ## tuwchah {too-khaw'} ; from 02909 (or 02902) in the sense of overlaying ; (in the plural only) the kidneys (as being covered) ; hence (figuratively) the inmost thought :-- inward parts . ~~2910
02914 ## t@chor {tekh-ore'} ; from an unused root meaning to burn ; a boil or ulcer (from the inflammation) , especially a tumor in the anus or pudenda (the piles) :-- emerod . ~~2914
02914 ## t@chor {tekh-ore'} ; from an unused root meaning to burn ; a boil or ulcer (from the inflammation) , especially a tumor in the anus or pudenda (the piles) :-- emerod . ~~2914
02915 ## tiyach {tee'akh} ; from (the equiv . of) 02902 ; mortar or plaster :-- daubing . ~~2914
02916 ## tiyt {teet} ; from an unused root meaning apparently to be sticky [rath perb . a demon . from 02894 , through the idea of dirt to be swept away ] ; mud or clay ; figuratively , calamity :-- clay , dirt , mire . ~~2916
02918 ## tiyrah {tee-raw'} ; feminine of (an equivalent to) 02905 ; a wall ; hence , a fortress or a hamlet :-- (goodly) castle , habitation , palace , row . ~~2918
02921 ## tala'{taw-law'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cover with pieces ; i . e . (by implication) to spot or variegate (as tapestry) :-- clouted , with divers colours , spotted . ~~2920
02925 ## taltelah {tal-tay-law'} ; from 02904 ; overthrow or rejection :-- captivity . ~~2924
02926 ## talal {taw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strew over , i . e . (by implication) to cover in or plate (with beams) :-- cover . ~~2926
02928 ## Telem {teh'- lem} ; from an unused root meaning to break up or treat violently ; oppression ; Telem , the name of a place in Idumaea , also of a temple doorkeeper :-- Telem . ~~2928
02930 ## tame'{taw-may'} ; a primitive root ; to be foul , especially in a ceremial or moral sense (contaminated) :-- defile (self) , pollute (self) , be (make , make self , pronounce) unclean , X utterly . ~~2930
02946 ## taphach {taw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; to flatten out or extend (as a tent) ; figuratively , to nurse a child (as promotive of growth) ; or perhaps a denom . from 02947 , from dandling on the palms :-- span , swaddle . ~~2946
02946 ## taphach {taw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; to flatten out or extend (as a tent) ; figuratively , to nurse a child (as promotive of growth) ; or perhaps a denom . from 02947 , from dandling on the palms :-- span , swaddle . ~~2946
02953 ## t@phar (Aramaic) {tef-ar'} ; from a root corresponding to 06852 , and meaning the same as 06856 ; a finger-nail ; also a hoof or claw :-- nail . ~~2952
02962 ## terem {teh'- rem} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to interrupt or suspend ; properly , non-occurrence ; used adverbially , not yet or before :-- before , ere , not yet . ~~2962
02962 ## terem {teh'- rem} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to interrupt or suspend ; properly , non-occurrence ; used adverbially , not yet or before :-- before , ere , not yet . ~~2962
02963 ## taraph {taw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck off or pull to pieces ; causatively to supply with food (as in morsels) :-- catch , X without doubt , feed , ravin , rend in pieces , X surely , tear (in pieces) . ~~2962
02967 ## Tarp@lay (Aramaic) {tar-pel-ah'- ee} ; from a name of foreign derivation ; a Tarpelite (collectively) or inhabitants of Tarpel , a place in Assyria :-- Tarpelites . ~~2966
02970 ## Ya'azanyah {yah-az-an-yaw'} ; or Ya'azanyahuw {yah-az-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00238 and 03050 ; heard of Jah ; Jaazanjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Jaazaniah . Compare 03153 . ~~2970
02972 ## Ya'iriy {yaw-ee-ree'} ; patronymically from 02971 ; a Jairite or descendant of Jair :-- Jairite . ~~2972
02975 ## y@` or {yeh-ore'} ; of Egyptian origin ; a channel , e . g . a fosse , canal , shaft ; specifically the Nile , as the one river of Egypt , including its collateral trenches ; also the Tigris , as the main river of Assyria :-- brook , flood , river , stream . ~~2974
02977 ## Yo'shiyah {yo-shee-yaw'} ; or {yo-she-yaw'- hoo} ; from the same root as 00803 and 03050 ; founded of Jah ; Joshijah , the name of two Israelites :-- Josiah . ~~2976
02981 ## y@buwl {yeb-ool'} ; from 02986 ; produce , i . e . a crop or (figuratively) wealth :-- fruit , increase . ~~2980
02983 ## Yebuwciy {yeb-oo-see'} ; patrial from 02982 ; a Jebusite or inhabitant of Jebus :-- Jebusite (- s) . ~~2982
03001 ## yabesh {yaw-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; to be ashamed , confused or disappointed ; also (as failing) to dry up (as water) or wither (as herbage) :-- be ashamed , clean , be confounded , (make) dry (up) , (do) shame (- fully) , X utterly , wither (away) . ~~3000
03001 ## yabesh {yaw-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; to be ashamed , confused or disappointed ; also (as failing) to dry up (as water) or wither (as herbage) :-- be ashamed , clean , be confounded , (make) dry (up) , (do) shame (- fully) , X utterly , wither (away) . ~~3000
03009 ## yagab {yaw-gab'} ; a primitive root ; to dig or plow :-- husbandman . ~~3008
03034 ## yadah {yaw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; used only as denominative from 03027 ; literally , to use (i . e . hold out) the hand ; physically , to throw (a stone , an arrow) at or away ; especially to revere or worship (with extended hands) ; intensively , to bemoan (by wringing the hands) :-- cast (out) , (make) confess (- ion) , praise , shoot , (give) thank (- ful ,-- s ,-- sgiving) . ~~3034
03034 ## yadah {yaw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; used only as denominative from 03027 ; literally , to use (i . e . hold out) the hand ; physically , to throw (a stone , an arrow) at or away ; especially to revere or worship (with extended hands) ; intensively , to bemoan (by wringing the hands) :-- cast (out) , (make) confess (- ion) , praise , shoot , (give) thank (- ful ,-- s ,-- sgiving) . ~~3034
03038 ## Y@duwthuwn {yed-oo-thoon'} ; or Y@duthuwn {yed-oo-thoon'} ; or Y@diythuwn {yed-ee-thoon'} ; probably from 03034 ; laudatory ; Jeduthun , an Israelite :-- Jeduthun . ~~3038
03038 ## Y@duwthuwn {yed-oo-thoon'} ; or Y@duthuwn {yed-oo-thoon'} ; or Y@diythuwn {yed-ee-thoon'} ; probably from 03034 ; laudatory ; Jeduthun , an Israelite :-- Jeduthun . ~~3038
03051 ## yahab {yaw-hab'} ; a primitive root ; to give (whether literal or figurative) ; generally , to put ; imperatively (reflexive) come :-- ascribe , bring , come on , give , go , set , take . ~~3050
03062 ## Y@huwda'iy (Aramaic) {yeh-hoo-daw-ee'} ; patrial from 03061 ; a Jehudaite (or Judaite) , i . e . Jew :-- Jew . ~~3062
03063 ## Y@huwdah {yeh-hoo-daw'} ; from 03034 ; celebrated ; Jehudah (or Judah) , the name of five Israelites ; also of the tribe descended from the first , and of its territory :-- Judah . ~~3062
03064 ## Y@huwdiy {yeh-hoo-dee'} ; patronymically from 03063 ; a Jehudite (i . e . Judaite or Jew) , or descendant of Jehudah (i . e . Judah) :-- Jew . ~~3064
03064 ## Y@huwdiy {yeh-hoo-dee'} ; patronymically from 03063 ; a Jehudite (i . e . Judaite or Jew) , or descendant of Jehudah (i . e . Judah) :-- Jew . ~~3064
03068 ## Y@hovah {yeh-ho-vaw'} ; from 01961 ; (the) self-Existent or Eternal ; Jehovah , Jewish national name of God :-- Jehovah , theLord . Compare 03050 , 03069 . ~~3068
03086 ## Y@how` addiyn {yeh-ho-ad-deen'} ; or Y@howaddan {yeh-ho-ad-dawn'} ; from 03068 and 05727 ; Jehovah-pleased ; Jehoaddin or Jehoaddan , an Israelitess :-- Jehoaddan . ~~3086
03086 ## Y@how` addiyn {yeh-ho-ad-deen'} ; or Y@howaddan {yeh-ho-ad-dawn'} ; from 03068 and 05727 ; Jehovah-pleased ; Jehoaddin or Jehoaddan , an Israelitess :-- Jehoaddan . ~~3086
03091 ## Y@howshuwa` {yeh-ho-shoo'- ah} ; or Y@howshu` a {yeh-ho-shoo'- ah} ; from 03068 and 03467 ; Jehovah-saved ; Jehoshua (i . e . Joshua) , the Jewish leader :-- Jehoshua , Jehoshuah , Joshua . Compare 01954 , 03442 . ~~3090
03096 ## Yahats {yah'- hats} ; or Yahtsah {yah'- tsaw ; or (feminine) Yahtsah {yah-tsaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to stamp ; perhaps threshing-floor ; Jahats or Jahtsah , a place East of the Jordan :-- Jahaz , Jahazah , Jahzah . ~~3096
03096 ## Yahats {yah'- hats} ; or Yahtsah {yah'- tsaw ; or (feminine) Yahtsah {yah-tsaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to stamp ; perhaps threshing-floor ; Jahats or Jahtsah , a place East of the Jordan :-- Jahaz , Jahazah , Jahzah . ~~3096
03096 ## Yahats {yah'- hats} ; or Yahtsah {yah'- tsaw ; or (feminine) Yahtsah {yah-tsaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to stamp ; perhaps threshing-floor ; Jahats or Jahtsah , a place East of the Jordan :-- Jahaz , Jahazah , Jahzah . ~~3096
03101 ## Yow'ash {yo-awsh'} ; or Yo'ash (2 Chron . 24 : 1) {yo-awsh'} ; a form of 03060 ; Joash , the name of six Israelites :-- Joash . ~~3100
03104 ## yowbel {yo-bale'} ; or yobel {yob-ale'} ; apparently from 02986 ; the blast of a horn (from its continuous sound) ; specifically , the signal of the silver trumpets ; hence , the instrument itself and the festival thus introduced :-- jubile , ram's horn , trumpet . ~~3104
03117 ## yowm {yome} ; from an unused root meaning to be hot ; a day (as the warm hours) , whether literal (from sunrise to sunset , or from one sunset to the next) , or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term) , [often used adverb ] :-- age , + always , + chronicals , continually (- ance) , daily , ([birth-] , each , to) day , (now a , two) days (agone) , + elder , X end , + evening , + (for) ever (- lasting ,-- more) , X full , life , as (so) long as (. . live) , (even) now , + old , + outlived , + perpetually , presently , + remaineth , X required , season , X since , space , then , (process of) time , + as at other times , + in trouble , weather , (as) when , (a , the , within a) while (that) , X whole (+ age) , (full) year (- ly) , + younger . ~~3116
03117 ## yowm {yome} ; from an unused root meaning to be hot ; a day (as the warm hours) , whether literal (from sunrise to sunset , or from one sunset to the next) , or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term) , [often used adverb ] :-- age , + always , + chronicals , continually (- ance) , daily , ([birth-] , each , to) day , (now a , two) days (agone) , + elder , X end , + evening , + (for) ever (- lasting ,-- more) , X full , life , as (so) long as (. . live) , (even) now , + old , + outlived , + perpetually , presently , + remaineth , X required , season , X since , space , then , (process of) time , + as at other times , + in trouble , weather , (as) when , (a , the , within a) while (that) , X whole (+ age) , (full) year (- ly) , + younger . ~~3116
03125 ## Y@vaniy {yev-aw-nee'} ; patronymically from 03121 ; a Jevanite , or descendant of Javan :-- Grecian . ~~3124
03130 ## Yowceph {yo-safe'} ; future of 03254 ; let him add (or perhaps simply active participle adding) ; Joseph , the name of seven Israelites :-- Joseph . Compare 03084 . ~~3130
03138 ## yowreh {yo-reh'} ; active participle of 03384 ; sprinkling ; hence , a sprinkling (or autumnal showers) :-- first rain , former [rain ] . ~~3138
03148 ## yowther {yo-thare'} ; active participle of 03498 ; properly , redundant ; hence , over and above , as adjective , noun , adverb or conjunction [as follows ] :-- better , more (- over) , over , profit . ~~3148
03153 ## Y@zanyah {yez-an-yaw'} ; or Y@zanyahuw {yez-an-yaw'- hoo} ; probably for 02970 ; Jezanjah , an Israelite :-- Jezaniah . ~~3152
03155 ## Yizrach {yiz-rawkh'} ; a variation for 00250 ; a Jizrach (i . e . Ezrachite or Zarchite) or descendant of Zerach :-- Izrahite . ~~3154
03155 ## Yizrach {yiz-rawkh'} ; a variation for 00250 ; a Jizrach (i . e . Ezrachite or Zarchite) or descendant of Zerach :-- Izrahite . ~~3154
03158 ## Yizr@` e'liy {yiz-reh-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03157 ; a Jizreelite or native of Jizreel :-- Jezreelite . ~~3158
03161 ## yachad {yaw-khad'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) one :-- join , unite . ~~3160
03169 ## Y@chizqiyah {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'} ; or Y@chizqiyahuw {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 03388 and 03050 ; strengthened of Jah ; Jechizkijah , the name of five Israelites :-- Hezekiah , Jehizkiah . Compare 02396 . ~~3168
03171 ## Y@chiy'el {yekh-ee-ale'} ; or (2 Chron . 29 : 14) Y@chav'el {yekh-av-ale'} ; from 02421 and 00410 ; God will live ; Jechiel (or Jechavel) , the name of eight Israelites :-- Jehiel . ~~3170
03171 ## Y@chiy'el {yekh-ee-ale'} ; or (2 Chron . 29 : 14) Y@chav'el {yekh-av-ale'} ; from 02421 and 00410 ; God will live ; Jechiel (or Jechavel) , the name of eight Israelites :-- Jehiel . ~~3170
03172 ## Y@chiy'eliy {yekh-ee-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03171 ; a Jechielite or descendant of Jechiel :-- Jehieli . ~~3172
03178 ## Yachl@'eliy {yakh-leh-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03177 ; a Jachleelite or descendant of Jachleel :-- Jahleelites . ~~3178
03184 ## Yachts@'eliy {yakh-tseh-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03183 ; a Jachtseelite (collectively) or descendants of Jachtseel :-- Jahzeelites . ~~3184
03188 ## yachas {yakh'- as} ; from 03187 ; a pedigree or family list (as growing spontaneously) :-- genealogy . ~~3188
03190 ## yatab {yaw-tab'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causative) make well , literally (sound , beautiful) or figuratively (happy , successful , right) :-- be accepted , amend , use aright , benefit , be (make) better , seem best , make cheerful , be comely , + be content , diligent (- ly) , dress , earnestly , find favour , give , be glad , do (be , make) good ([-ness ]) , be (make) merry , please (+ well) , shew more [kindness ] , skilfully , X very small , surely , make sweet , thoroughly , tire , trim , very , be (can , deal , entreat , go , have) well [said , seen ] . ~~3190
03194 ## Yuttah {yoo-taw'} ; or Yuwtah {yoo-taw'} ; from 05186 ; extended ; Juttah (or Jutah) , a place in Palestine :-- Juttah . ~~3194
03194 ## Yuttah {yoo-taw'} ; or Yuwtah {yoo-taw'} ; from 05186 ; extended ; Juttah (or Jutah) , a place in Palestine :-- Juttah . ~~3194
03197 ## yak {yak} ; by erroneous transcription for 03027 ; a hand or side :-- [way-] side . ~~3196
03198 ## yakach {yaw-kahh'} ; a primitive root ; to be right (i . e . correct) ; reciprocal , to argue ; causatively , to decide , justify or convict :-- appoint , argue , chasten , convince , correct (- ion) , daysman , dispute , judge , maintain , plead , reason (together) , rebuke , reprove (- r) , surely , in any wise . ~~3198
03199 ## Yakiyn {yaw-keen'} ; from 03559 ; he (or it) will establish ; Jakin , the name of three Israelites and of a temple pillar :-- Jachin . ~~3198
03200 ## Yakiyniy {yaw-kee-nee'} ; patronymically from 03199 ; a Jakinite (collectively) or descendants of Jakin :-- Jachinites . ~~3200
03201 ## yakol {yaw-kole'} ; or (fuller) yakowl {yaw-kole'} ; a primitive root ; to be able , literally (can , could) or morally (may , might) :-- be able , any at all (ways) , attain , can (away with , [-not ]) , could , endure , might , overcome , have power , prevail , still , suffer . ~~3200
03201 ## yakol {yaw-kole'} ; or (fuller) yakowl {yaw-kole'} ; a primitive root ; to be able , literally (can , could) or morally (may , might) :-- be able , any at all (ways) , attain , can (away with , [-not ]) , could , endure , might , overcome , have power , prevail , still , suffer . ~~3200
03202 ## y@kel (Aramaic) {yek-ale'} ; or y@kiyl (Aramaic) {yek-eel'} ; to 03201 :-- be able , can , couldest , prevail . ~~3202
03203 ## Y@kolyah {yek-ol-yaw'} ; and Y@kolyahuw {yek-ol-yaw'- hoo} ; or (2 Chronicles 26 : 3) Y@kiyl@yah {yek-ee-leh-yaw'} ; from 03201 and 03050 ; Jah will enable ; Jekoljah or Jekiljah , an Israelitess :-- Jecholiah , Jecoliah . ~~3202
03203 ## Y@kolyah {yek-ol-yaw'} ; and Y@kolyahuw {yek-ol-yaw'- hoo} ; or (2 Chronicles 26 : 3) Y@kiyl@yah {yek-ee-leh-yaw'} ; from 03201 and 03050 ; Jah will enable ; Jekoljah or Jekiljah , an Israelitess :-- Jecholiah , Jecoliah . ~~3202
03204 ## Y@konyah {yek-on-yaw'} ; and Y@konyahuw {yek-on-yaw'- hoo} ; or (Jereremiah 27 : 20) Y@kown@yah {yek-o-neh-yaw'} ; from 03559 and 03050 ; Jah will establish ; Jekonjah , a Jewish king :-- Jeconiah . Compare 03659 . ~~3204
03206 ## yeled {yeh'- led} ; from 03205 ; something born , i . e . a lad or offspring :-- boy , child , fruit , son , young man (one) . ~~3206
03208 ## yalduwth {yal-dooth'} ; abstractly from 03206 ; boyhood (or girlhood) :-- childhood , youth . ~~3208
03212 ## yalak {yaw-lak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01980 ] ; to walk (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to carry (in various senses) :-- X again , away , bear , bring , carry (away) , come (away) , depart , flow , + follow (- ing) , get (away , hence , him) , (cause to , made) go (away ,-- ing ,-- ne , one's way , out) , grow , lead (forth) , let down , march , prosper , + pursue , cause to run , spread , take away ([-journey ]) , vanish , (cause to) walk (- ing) , wax , X be weak . ~~3212
03213 ## yalal {yaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to howl (with a wailing tone) or yell (with a boisterous one) :-- (make to) howl , be howling . ~~3212
03216 ## yala` {yaw-lah'} ; a primitive root ; to blurt or utter inconsiderately :-- devour . ~~3216
03217 ## yallepheth {yal-leh'- feth} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to stick or scrape ; scurf or tetter :-- scabbed . ~~3216
03217 ## yallepheth {yal-leh'- feth} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to stick or scrape ; scurf or tetter :-- scabbed . ~~3216
03220 ## yam {yawm} ; from an unused root meaning to roar ; a sea (as breaking in noisy surf) or large body of water ; specifically (with the article) , the Mediterranean Sea ; sometimes a large river , or an artifical basin ; locally , the west , or (rarely) the south :-- sea (X-- faring man , [-shore ]) , south , west (- ern , side ,-- ward) . ~~3220
03220 ## yam {yawm} ; from an unused root meaning to roar ; a sea (as breaking in noisy surf) or large body of water ; specifically (with the article) , the Mediterranean Sea ; sometimes a large river , or an artifical basin ; locally , the west , or (rarely) the south :-- sea (X-- faring man , [-shore ]) , south , west (- ern , side ,-- ward) . ~~3220
03220 ## yam {yawm} ; from an unused root meaning to roar ; a sea (as breaking in noisy surf) or large body of water ; specifically (with the article) , the Mediterranean Sea ; sometimes a large river , or an artifical basin ; locally , the west , or (rarely) the south :-- sea (X-- faring man , [-shore ]) , south , west (- ern , side ,-- ward) . ~~3220
03225 ## yamiyn {yaw-meen'} ; from 03231 ; the right hand or side (leg , eye) of a person or other object (as the stronger and more dexterous) ; locally , the south :-- + left-handed , right (hand , side) , south . ~~3224
03225 ## yamiyn {yaw-meen'} ; from 03231 ; the right hand or side (leg , eye) of a person or other object (as the stronger and more dexterous) ; locally , the south :-- + left-handed , right (hand , side) , south . ~~3224
03228 ## Y@miyniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; patronymically from 03226 ; a Jeminite (collectively) or descendants of Jamin :-- Jaminites . See also ll45 . ~~3228
03229 ## Yimla'{yeem-law'} ; or Yimlah {yim-law'} ; from 04390 ; full ; Jimla or Jimlah , an Israelite :-- Imla , Imlah ~~3228
03229 ## Yimla'{yeem-law'} ; or Yimlah {yim-law'} ; from 04390 ; full ; Jimla or Jimlah , an Israelite :-- Imla , Imlah ~~3228
03231 ## yaman {yaw-man'} ; a primitive root ; to be (physically) right (i . e . firm) ; but used only as denominative from 03225 and transitive , to be right-handed or take the right-hand side :-- go (turn) to (on , use) the right hand . ~~3230
03238 ## yanah {yaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to rage or be violent : by implication , to suppress , to maltreat :-- destroy , (thrust out by) oppress (- ing ,-- ion ,-- or) , proud , vex , do violence . ~~3238
03238 ## yanah {yaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to rage or be violent : by implication , to suppress , to maltreat :-- destroy , (thrust out by) oppress (- ing ,-- ion ,-- or) , proud , vex , do violence . ~~3238
03239 ## Yanowach {yaw-no'- akh} ; or (with enclitic) Yanowchah {yaw-no'- khaw} ; from 03240 ; quiet ; Janoach or Janochah , a place in Palestine :-- Janoah , Janohah . ~~3238
03239 ## Yanowach {yaw-no'- akh} ; or (with enclitic) Yanowchah {yaw-no'- khaw} ; from 03240 ; quiet ; Janoach or Janochah , a place in Palestine :-- Janoah , Janohah . ~~3238
03242 ## y@niqah {yen-ee-kaw'} ; from 03243 ; a sucker or sapling :-- young twig . ~~3242
03244 ## yanshuwph {yan-shoof'} ; or yanshowph {yan-shofe'} ; apparently from 05398 ; an unclean (acquatic) bird ; probably the heron (perhaps from its blowing cry , or because the night-heron is meant [compare 05399 ]) ] :-- (great) owl . s ~~3244
03244 ## yanshuwph {yan-shoof'} ; or yanshowph {yan-shofe'} ; apparently from 05398 ; an unclean (acquatic) bird ; probably the heron (perhaps from its blowing cry , or because the night-heron is meant [compare 05399 ]) ] :-- (great) owl . s ~~3244
03245 ## yacad {yaw-sad'} ; a primitive root ; to set (literally or figuratively) ; intensively , to found ; reflexively , to sit down together , i . e . settle , consult :-- appoint , take counsel , establish , (lay the , lay for a) found (- ation) , instruct , lay , ordain , set , X sure . ~~3244
03247 ## y@cowd {yes-ode'} ; from 03245 ; a foundation (literally or figuratively) :-- bottom , foundation , repairing ~~3246
03254 ## yacaph {yaw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to add or augment (often adverbial , to continue to do a thing) :-- add , X again , X any more , X cease , X come more , + conceive again , continue , exceed , X further , X gather together , get more , give more-over , X henceforth , increase (more and more) , join , X longer (bring , do , make , much , put) , X (the , much , yet) more (and more) , proceed (further) , prolong , put , be [strong-] er , X yet , yield . ~~3254
03256 ## yacar {yaw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to chastise , literally (with blows) or figuratively (with words) ; hence , to instruct :-- bind , chasten , chastise , correct , instruct , punish , reform , reprove , sore , teach . ~~3256
03259 ## ya` ad {yaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment) ; by implication , to meet (at a stated time) , to summon (to trial) , to direct (in a certain quarter or position) , to engage (for marriage) :-- agree , (maxke an) appoint (- ment , a time) , assemble (selves) , betroth , gather (selves , together) , meet (together) , set (a time) . ~~3258
03259 ## ya` ad {yaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment) ; by implication , to meet (at a stated time) , to summon (to trial) , to direct (in a certain quarter or position) , to engage (for marriage) :-- agree , (maxke an) appoint (- ment , a time) , assemble (selves) , betroth , gather (selves , together) , meet (together) , set (a time) . ~~3258
03267 ## ya` az {yaw-az'} ; a primitive root ; to be bold or obstinate :-- fierce . ~~3266
03270 ## Ya` azeyr {yah-az-ayr'} ; or Ya` zer {yah-zare'} ; from 05826 ; helpful ; Jaazer or Jazer , a place East of the Jordan :-- Jaazer , Jazer . ~~3270
03270 ## Ya` azeyr {yah-az-ayr'} ; or Ya` zer {yah-zare'} ; from 05826 ; helpful ; Jaazer or Jazer , a place East of the Jordan :-- Jaazer , Jazer . ~~3270
03279 ## Ya` ala'{yah-al-aw'} ; or Ya` alah {yah-al-aw'} ; the same as 03280 or direct from 03276 ; Jaala or Jaalah , one of the Nethinim :-- Jaala , Jaalah . ~~3278
03279 ## Ya` ala'{yah-al-aw'} ; or Ya` alah {yah-al-aw'} ; the same as 03280 or direct from 03276 ; Jaala or Jaalah , one of the Nethinim :-- Jaala , Jaalah . ~~3278
03279 ## Ya` ala'{yah-al-aw'} ; or Ya` alah {yah-al-aw'} ; the same as 03280 or direct from 03276 ; Jaala or Jaalah , one of the Nethinim :-- Jaala , Jaalah . ~~3278
03282 ## ya` an {yah'- an} ; from an unused root meaning to pay attention ; properly , heed ; by implication , purpose (sake or account) ; used adverbially to indicate the reason or cause :-- because (that) , forasmuch (+ as) , seeing then , + that , + wheras , + why . ~~3282
03282 ## ya` an {yah'- an} ; from an unused root meaning to pay attention ; properly , heed ; by implication , purpose (sake or account) ; used adverbially to indicate the reason or cause :-- because (that) , forasmuch (+ as) , seeing then , + that , + wheras , + why . ~~3282
03289 ## ya` ats {yaw-ats'} ; a primitive root ; to advise ; reflexively , to deliberate or resolve :-- advertise , take advise , advise (well) , consult , (give , take) counsel (- lor) , determine , devise , guide , purpose ~~3288
03296 ## Ya` arey'Or@giym {yah-ar-ay'o-reg-eem'} ; from the plural of 03293 and the masculine plural active participle of 00707 ; woods of weavers ; Jaare-Oregim , an Israelite :-- Jaare-oregim . ~~3296
03303 ## yapheh {yaw-feh'} ; from 03302 ; beautiful (literally or figuratively) :-- + beautiful , beauty , comely , fair (- est , one) , + goodly , pleasant , well . ~~3302
03305 ## Yapho {yaw-fo'} ; or Yaphow'(Ezra 3 : 7) {yaw-fo'} ; from 03302 ; beautiful ; Japho , a place in Palestine :-- Japha , Joppa . ~~3304
03311 ## Yaphletiy {yaf-lay-tee'} ; patronymically from 03310 ; a Japhletite or descendant of Japhlet :-- Japhleti . ~~3310
03314 ## yiph` ah {yif-aw'} ; from 03313 ; splendor or (figuratively) beauty :-- brightness . ~~3314
03325 ## Yitshariy {yits-haw-ree'} ; patronymically from 03324 ; a Jitsharite or descendant of Jitshar :-- Izeharites , Izharites . ~~3324
03326 ## yatsuwa` {yaw-tsoo'- ah} ; passive participle of 03331 ; spread , i . e . a bed ; (architecture) an extension , i . e . wing or lean-to (a single story or collectively) :-- bed , chamber , couch . ~~3326
03326 ## yatsuwa` {yaw-tsoo'- ah} ; passive participle of 03331 ; spread , i . e . a bed ; (architecture) an extension , i . e . wing or lean-to (a single story or collectively) :-- bed , chamber , couch . ~~3326
03327 ## Yitschaq {yits-khawk'} ; from 06711 ; laughter (i . e . mochery) ; Jitschak (or Isaac) , son of Abraham :-- Isaac . Compare 03446 . ~~3326
03332 ## yatsaq {yaw-tsak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pour out (transitive or intransitive) ; by implication , to melt or cast as metal ; by extension , to place firmly , to stiffen or grow hard :-- cast , cleave fast , be (as) firm , grow , be hard , lay out , molten , overflow , pour (out) , run out , set down , stedfast . ~~3332
03332 ## yatsaq {yaw-tsak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pour out (transitive or intransitive) ; by implication , to melt or cast as metal ; by extension , to place firmly , to stiffen or grow hard :-- cast , cleave fast , be (as) firm , grow , be hard , lay out , molten , overflow , pour (out) , run out , set down , stedfast . ~~3332
03332 ## yatsaq {yaw-tsak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pour out (transitive or intransitive) ; by implication , to melt or cast as metal ; by extension , to place firmly , to stiffen or grow hard :-- cast , cleave fast , be (as) firm , grow , be hard , lay out , molten , overflow , pour (out) , run out , set down , stedfast . ~~3332
03338 ## yatsur {yaw-tsoor'} ; passive participle of 03335 ; structure , i . e . limb or part :-- member . ql ~~3338
03340 ## Yitsriy {yits-ree'} : patronymically from 03337 ; a Jitsrite (collectively) or descendants of Jetser :-- Jezerites . ~~3340
03341 ## yatsath {yaw-tsath'} ; a primitive root ; to burn or set on fire ; figuratively , to desolate :-- burn (up) , be desolate , set (on) fire ([fire ]) , kindle . ~~3340
03342 ## yeqeb {yeh'- keb} ; from an unused root meaning to excavate ; a trough (as dug out) ; specifically , a wine-vat (whether the lower one , into which the juice drains ; or the upper , in which the grapes are crushed) :-- fats , presses , press-fat , wine (- press) . ~~3342
03353 ## yaquwsh {yaw-koosh'} ; passive participle of 03369 ; properly , entangled , i . e . by implication (intransitively) a snare , or (transitive) a snarer :-- fowler , snare . ~~3352
03368 ## yaqar {yaw-kawr'} ; from 03365 ; valuable (obj . or subj .) :-- brightness , clear , costly , excellent , fat , honourable women , precious , reputation . ~~3368
03369 ## yaqosh {yaw-koshe'} ; a primitive root ; to ensnare (literally or figuratively) :-- fowler (lay a) snare . ~~3368
03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down . ~~3380
03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down . ~~3380
03384 ## yarah {yaw-raw'} ; or (2 Chr . 26 : 15) yara'{yaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to flow as water (i . e . to rain) ; transitively , to lay or throw (especially an arrow , i . e . to shoot) ; figuratively , to point out (as if by aiming the finger) , to teach :-- (+) archer , cast , direct , inform , instruct , lay , shew , shoot , teach (- er ,-ing) , through . ~~3384
03384 ## yarah {yaw-raw'} ; or (2 Chr . 26 : 15) yara'{yaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to flow as water (i . e . to rain) ; transitively , to lay or throw (especially an arrow , i . e . to shoot) ; figuratively , to point out (as if by aiming the finger) , to teach :-- (+) archer , cast , direct , inform , instruct , lay , shew , shoot , teach (- er ,-ing) , through . ~~3384
03388 ## Y@ruwsha'{yer-oo-shaw'} ; or Yaruwshah {yer-oo-shaw'} feminine passive participle of 03423 ; possessed ; Jerusha or Jerushah , as Israelitess :-- Jerusha , Jerushah . ~~3388
03388 ## Y@ruwsha'{yer-oo-shaw'} ; or Yaruwshah {yer-oo-shaw'} feminine passive participle of 03423 ; possessed ; Jerusha or Jerushah , as Israelitess :-- Jerusha , Jerushah . ~~3388
03389 ## Y@ruwshalaim {yer-oo-shaw-lah'- im} ; rarely Y@ruwshalayim {yer-oo-shaw-lah'- yim} ; a dual (in allusion to its two main hills [the true pointing , at least of the former reading , seems to be that of 03390 ]) ; probably from (the passive participle of) 03384 and 07999 ; founded peaceful ; Jerushalaim or Jerushalem , the capital city of Palestine :-- Jerusalem . ~~3388
03395 ## Y@rocham {yer-o-khawm'} ; from 07355 ; compassionate ; Jerocham , the name of seven or eight Israelites :-- Jeroham . ~~3394
03397 ## Y@rachm@'eliy {yer-akh-meh-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03396 ; a Jerachmeelite or descendant of Jerachmeel :-- Jerahmeelites . ~~3396
03399 ## yarat {yaw-rat'} ; a primitive root ; to precipitate or hurl (rush) headlong ; (intransitively) to be rash :-- be perverse , turn over . ~~3398
03404 ## Y@riyah {yer-ee-yaw'} ; or Y@riyahuw {yer-ee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 03384 and 03050 ; Jah will throw ; Jerijah , an Israelite :-- Jeriah , Jerijah ~~3404
03405 ## Y@riychow {yer-ee-kho'} ; or Y@rechow {yer-ay-kho'} ; or variation (1 Kings 16 : 34) Y@riychoh {yer-ee-kho'} ; perhaps from 03394 ; its month ; or else from 07306 ; fragrant ; Jericho or Jerecho , a place in Palestine :-- Jericho . ~~3404
03405 ## Y@riychow {yer-ee-kho'} ; or Y@rechow {yer-ay-kho'} ; or variation (1 Kings 16 : 34) Y@riychoh {yer-ee-kho'} ; perhaps from 03394 ; its month ; or else from 07306 ; fragrant ; Jericho or Jerecho , a place in Palestine :-- Jericho . ~~3404
03405 ## Y@riychow {yer-ee-kho'} ; or Y@rechow {yer-ay-kho'} ; or variation (1 Kings 16 : 34) Y@riychoh {yer-ee-kho'} ; perhaps from 03394 ; its month ; or else from 07306 ; fragrant ; Jericho or Jerecho , a place in Palestine :-- Jericho . ~~3404
03405 ## Y@riychow {yer-ee-kho'} ; or Y@rechow {yer-ay-kho'} ; or variation (1 Kings 16 : 34) Y@riychoh {yer-ee-kho'} ; perhaps from 03394 ; its month ; or else from 07306 ; fragrant ; Jericho or Jerecho , a place in Palestine :-- Jericho . ~~3404
03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; feminine plural from 07311 ; elevations ; Jerimoth or Jeremoth , the name of twelve Israelites :-- Jermoth , Jerimoth , and Ramoth [from the margin ] . ~~3406
03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; feminine plural from 07311 ; elevations ; Jerimoth or Jeremoth , the name of twelve Israelites :-- Jermoth , Jerimoth , and Ramoth [from the margin ] . ~~3406
03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; feminine plural from 07311 ; elevations ; Jerimoth or Jeremoth , the name of twelve Israelites :-- Jermoth , Jerimoth , and Ramoth [from the margin ] . ~~3406
03411 ## y@rekah {yer-ay-kaw'} ; feminine of 03409 ; properly , the flank ; but used only figuratively , the rear or recess :-- border , coast , part , quarter , side . ~~3410
03414 ## Yirm@yah {yir-meh-yaw'} ; or Yirm@yahuw {yir-meh-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07311 and 03050 ; Jah will rise ; Jirmejah , the name of eight or nine Israelites :-- Jeremiah . ~~3414
03414 ## Yirm@yah {yir-meh-yaw'} ; or Yirm@yahuw {yir-meh-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07311 and 03050 ; Jah will rise ; Jirmejah , the name of eight or nine Israelites :-- Jeremiah . ~~3414
03418 ## yereq {yeh'- rek} ; from 03417 (in the sense of vacuity of color) ; properly , pallor , i . e . hence , the yellowish green of young and sickly vegetation ; concretely , verdure , i . e . grass or vegetation :-- grass , green (thing) . ~~3418
03420 ## yeraqown {yay-raw-kone'} ; from 03418 ; paleness , whether of persons (from fright) , or of plants (from drought) :-- greenish , yellow . ~~3420
03423 ## yarash {yaw-rash'} ; or yaresh {yaw-raysh'} ; a primitive root ; to occupy (by driving out previous tenants , and possessing in their place) ; by implication , to seize , to rob , to inherit ; also to expel , to impoverish , to ruin :-- cast out , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , drive (- ing) out , enjoy , expel , X without fail , (give to , leave for) inherit (- ance ,-- or) + magistrate , be (make) poor , come to poverty , (give to , make to) possess , get (have) in (take) possession , seize upon , succeed , X utterly . ~~3422
03423 ## yarash {yaw-rash'} ; or yaresh {yaw-raysh'} ; a primitive root ; to occupy (by driving out previous tenants , and possessing in their place) ; by implication , to seize , to rob , to inherit ; also to expel , to impoverish , to ruin :-- cast out , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , drive (- ing) out , enjoy , expel , X without fail , (give to , leave for) inherit (- ance ,-- or) + magistrate , be (make) poor , come to poverty , (give to , make to) possess , get (have) in (take) possession , seize upon , succeed , X utterly . ~~3422
03426 ## yesh {yaysh} ; perhaps from an unused root meaning to stand out , or exist ; entity ; used adverbially or as a copula for the substantive verb (01961) ; there is or are (or any other form of the verb to be , as may suit the connection) :-- (there) are , (he , it , shall , there , there may , there shall , there should) be , thou do , had , hast , (which) hath , (I , shalt , that) have , (he , it , there) is , substance , it (there) was , (there) were , ye will , thou wilt , wouldest . ~~3426
03426 ## yesh {yaysh} ; perhaps from an unused root meaning to stand out , or exist ; entity ; used adverbially or as a copula for the substantive verb (01961) ; there is or are (or any other form of the verb to be , as may suit the connection) :-- (there) are , (he , it , shall , there , there may , there shall , there should) be , thou do , had , hast , (which) hath , (I , shalt , that) have , (he , it , there) is , substance , it (there) was , (there) were , ye will , thou wilt , wouldest . ~~3426
03426 ## yesh {yaysh} ; perhaps from an unused root meaning to stand out , or exist ; entity ; used adverbially or as a copula for the substantive verb (01961) ; there is or are (or any other form of the verb to be , as may suit the connection) :-- (there) are , (he , it , shall , there , there may , there shall , there should) be , thou do , had , hast , (which) hath , (I , shalt , that) have , (he , it , there) is , substance , it (there) was , (there) were , ye will , thou wilt , wouldest . ~~3426
03426 ## yesh {yaysh} ; perhaps from an unused root meaning to stand out , or exist ; entity ; used adverbially or as a copula for the substantive verb (01961) ; there is or are (or any other form of the verb to be , as may suit the connection) :-- (there) are , (he , it , shall , there , there may , there shall , there should) be , thou do , had , hast , (which) hath , (I , shalt , that) have , (he , it , there) is , substance , it (there) was , (there) were , ye will , thou wilt , wouldest . ~~3426
03432 ## Yashubiy {yaw-shoo-bee'} ; patronymically from 03437 ; a Jashubite , or descendant of Jashub :-- Jashubites . ~~3432
03434 ## Yashob` am {yaw-shob-awm'} ; from 07725 and 05971 ; people will return ; Jashobam , the name of two or three Israelites :-- Jashobeam . ~~3434
03437 ## Yashuwb {yaw-shoob'} ; or Yashiyb {yaw-sheeb'} ; from 07725 ; he will return ; Jashub , the name of two Israelites :-- Jashub . ~~3436
03441 ## Yishviy {yish-vee'} ; patronymically from 03440 ; a Jishvite (collectively) or descendants of Jishvi :-- Jesuites . ~~3440
03449 ## Yishshiyah {yish-shee-yaw'} ; or Yishshiyahuw {yish-shee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05383 and 03050 ; Jah will lend ; Jishshijah , the name of five Israelites :-- Ishiah , Isshiah , Ishijah , Jesiah . ~~3448
03459 ## Yishma` e'liy {yish-maw-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03458 ; a Jishmaelite or descendant of Jishmael :-- Ishmaelite . ~~3458
03460 ## Yishma` yah {yish-mah-yaw'} ; or Yishma` yahuw {yish-mah-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08085 and 03050 ; Jah will hear ; Jishmajah , the name of two Israelites :-- Ishmaiah . ~~3460
03462 ## yashen {yaw-shane'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be slack or languid , i . e . (by implication) sleep (figuratively , to die) ; also to grow old , stale or inveterate :-- old (store) , remain long , (make to) sleep ~~3462
03462 ## yashen {yaw-shane'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be slack or languid , i . e . (by implication) sleep (figuratively , to die) ; also to grow old , stale or inveterate :-- old (store) , remain long , (make to) sleep ~~3462
03467 ## yasha` {yaw-shah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be open , wide or free , i . e . (by implication) to be safe ; causatively , to free or succor :-- X at all , avenging , defend , deliver (- er) , help , preserve , rescue , be safe , bring (having) salvation , save (- iour) , get victory . ~~3466
03467 ## yasha` {yaw-shah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be open , wide or free , i . e . (by implication) to be safe ; causatively , to free or succor :-- X at all , avenging , defend , deliver (- er) , help , preserve , rescue , be safe , bring (having) salvation , save (- iour) , get victory . ~~3466
03468 ## yesha` {yeh'- shah} ; or yesha` {yay'- shah} ; from 03467 ; liberty , deliverance , prosperity :-- safety , salvation , saving . ~~3468
03470 ## Y@sha` yah {yesh-ah-yaw'} ; or Y@sha` yahuw {yesh-ah-yaw'- hoo} ; from 03467 and 03050 ; Jah has saved ; Jeshajah , the name of seven Israelites :-- Isaiah , Jesaiah , Jeshaiah . ~~3470
03474 ## yashar {yaw-shar'} ; a primitive root ; to be straight or even ; figuratively , to be (causatively , to make) right , pleasant , prosperous :-- direct , fit , seem good (meet) , + please (will) , be (esteem , go) right (on) , bring (look , make , take the) straight (way) , be upright (- ly) . ~~3474
03477 ## yashar {yaw-shawr'} ; from 03474 ; straight (literally or figuratively) :-- convenient , equity , Jasher , just , meet (- est) , + pleased well right (- eous) , straight , (most) upright (- ly ,-- ness) . ~~3476
03481 ## Yisr@'eliy {yis-reh-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03478 ; a Jisreelite or descendant of Jisrael :-- of Israel , Israelite . ~~3480
03482 ## Yisr@'eliyth {yis-reh-ay-leeth'} ; feminine of 03481 ; a Jisreelitess or female descendant of Jisrael :-- Israelitish . ~~3482
03483 ## yishrah {yish-raw'} ; feminine or 03477 ; rectitude :-- uprightness . ~~3482
03488 ## y@thiyb (Aramaic) {yeth-eeb'} ; corresponding to 03427 ; to sit or dwell :-- dwell , (be) set , sit . ~~3488
03489 ## yathed {yaw-thade'} ; from an unused root meaning to pin through or fast ; a peg :-- nail , paddle , pin , stake . ~~3488
03498 ## yathar {yaw-thar'} ; a primitive root ; to jut over or exceed ; by implication , to excel ; (intransitively) to remain or be left ; causatively , to leave , cause to abound , preserve :-- excel , leave (a remnant) , left behind , too much , make plenteous , preserve , (be , let) remain (- der ,-- ing ,-- nant) , reserve , residue , rest . ~~3498
03498 ## yathar {yaw-thar'} ; a primitive root ; to jut over or exceed ; by implication , to excel ; (intransitively) to remain or be left ; causatively , to leave , cause to abound , preserve :-- excel , leave (a remnant) , left behind , too much , make plenteous , preserve , (be , let) remain (- der ,-- ing ,-- nant) , reserve , residue , rest . ~~3498
03500 ## Yether {yeh'- ther} ; the same as 03499 ; Jether , the name of five or six Israelites and of one Midianite :-- Jether , Jethro . Compare 03503 . ~~3500
03501 ## Yithra'{yith-raw'} ; by variation for 03502 ; Jithra , an Israelite (or Ishmaelite) :-- Ithra . ~~3500
03505 ## Yithriy {yith-ree'} ; patronymically from 03500 ; a Jithrite or descendant of Jether :-- Ithrite . ~~3504
03508 ## yothereth {yo-theh'- reth} ; feminine active participle of 03498 ; the lobe or flap of the liver (as if redundant or outhanging) :-- caul . ~~3508
03508 ## yothereth {yo-theh'- reth} ; feminine active participle of 03498 ; the lobe or flap of the liver (as if redundant or outhanging) :-- caul . ~~3508
03511 ## k@'eb {keh-abe'} ; from 03510 ; suffering (physical or mental) , adversity :-- grief , pain , sorrow . ~~3510
03513 ## kabad {kaw-bad'} ; or kabed {kaw-bade'} ; a primitive root ; to be heavy , i . e . in a bad sense (burdensome , severe , dull) or in a good sense (numerous , rich , honorable ; causatively , to make weighty (in the same two senses) :-- abounding with , more grievously afflict , boast , be chargeable , X be dim , glorify , be (make) glorious (things) , glory , (very) great , be grievous , harden , be (make) heavy , be heavier , lay heavily , (bring to , come to , do , get , be had in) honour (self) , (be) honourable (man) , lade , X more be laid , make self many , nobles , prevail , promote (to honour) , be rich , be (go) sore , stop . ~~3512
03513 ## kabad {kaw-bad'} ; or kabed {kaw-bade'} ; a primitive root ; to be heavy , i . e . in a bad sense (burdensome , severe , dull) or in a good sense (numerous , rich , honorable ; causatively , to make weighty (in the same two senses) :-- abounding with , more grievously afflict , boast , be chargeable , X be dim , glorify , be (make) glorious (things) , glory , (very) great , be grievous , harden , be (make) heavy , be heavier , lay heavily , (bring to , come to , do , get , be had in) honour (self) , (be) honourable (man) , lade , X more be laid , make self many , nobles , prevail , promote (to honour) , be rich , be (go) sore , stop . ~~3512
03515 ## kabed {kaw-bade'} ; from 03513 ; heavy ; figuratively in a good sense (numerous) or in a bad sense (severe , difficult , stupid) :-- (so) great , grievous , hard (- ened) , (too) heavy (- ier) , laden , much , slow , sore , thick . ~~3514
03518 ## kabah {kaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to expire or (causatively) to extinguish (fire , light , anger) :-- go (put) out , quench . ~~3518
03519 ## kabowd {kaw-bode'} ; rarely kabod {kaw-bode'} ; from 03513 ; properly , weight , but only figuratively in a good sense , splendor or copiousness :-- glorious (- ly) , glory , honour (- able) . ~~3518
03524 ## kabbiyr {kab-beer'} ; from 03527 ; vast , whether in extent (figuratively , of power , mighty ; of time , aged) , or in number , many :-- + feeble , mighty , most , much , strong , valiant . ~~3524
03525 ## kebel {keh'- bel} ; from an unused root meaning to twine or braid together ; a fetter :-- fetter . ~~3524
03526 ## kabac {kaw-bas'} ; a primitive root ; to trample ; hence , to wash (properly , by stamping with the feet) , whether literal (including the fulling process) or figurative :-- fuller , wash (- ing) . ~~3526
03527 ## kabar {kaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plait together , i . e . (figuratively) to augment (especially in number or quantity , to accumulate) :-- in abundance , multiply . ~~3526
03535 ## kibsah {kib-saw'} ; or kabsah {kab-saw'} ; feminine of 03532 ; a ewe :-- (ewe) lamb . ~~3534
03540 ## K@dorla` omer {ked-or-law-o'- mer} ; of foreign origin ; Kedorlaomer , an early Persian king :-- Chedorlaomer . ~~3540
03541 ## koh {ko} ; from the prefix k and 01931 ; properly , like this , i . e . by implication , (of manner) thus (or so) ; also (of place) here (or hither) ; or (of time) now :-- also , here , + hitherto , like , on the other side , so (and much) , such , on that manner , (on) this (manner , side , way , way and that way) , + mean while , yonder . ~~3540
03541 ## koh {ko} ; from the prefix k and 01931 ; properly , like this , i . e . by implication , (of manner) thus (or so) ; also (of place) here (or hither) ; or (of time) now :-- also , here , + hitherto , like , on the other side , so (and much) , such , on that manner , (on) this (manner , side , way , way and that way) , + mean while , yonder . ~~3540
03541 ## koh {ko} ; from the prefix k and 01931 ; properly , like this , i . e . by implication , (of manner) thus (or so) ; also (of place) here (or hither) ; or (of time) now :-- also , here , + hitherto , like , on the other side , so (and much) , such , on that manner , (on) this (manner , side , way , way and that way) , + mean while , yonder . ~~3540
03543 ## kahah {kaw-haw'} ; a primitive root ; to be weak , i . e . (figuratively) to despond (causatively , rebuke) , or (of light , the eye) to grow dull :-- darken , be dim , fail , faint , restrain , X utterly . ~~3542
03553 ## kowba` {ko'- bah} ; from an unused root meaning to be high or rounded ; a helmet (as arched) :-- helmet . Compare 06959 . ~~3552
03554 ## kavah {kaw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to prick or penetrate ; hence , to blister (as smarting or eating into) :-- burn . ~~3554
03554 ## kavah {kaw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to prick or penetrate ; hence , to blister (as smarting or eating into) :-- burn . ~~3554
03556 ## kowkab {ko-kawb'} ; probably from the same as 03522 (in the sense of rolling) or 03554 (in the sense of blazing) ; a star (as round or as shining) ; figuratively , a prince :-- star ([-gazer ]) . ~~3556
03556 ## kowkab {ko-kawb'} ; probably from the same as 03522 (in the sense of rolling) or 03554 (in the sense of blazing) ; a star (as round or as shining) ; figuratively , a prince :-- star ([-gazer ]) . ~~3556
03559 ## kuwn {koon} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be erect (i . e . stand perpendicular) ; hence (causatively) to set up , in a great variety of applications , whether literal (establish , fix , prepare , apply) , or figurative (appoint , render sure , proper or prosperous) :-- certain (- ty) , confirm , direct , faithfulness , fashion , fasten , firm , be fitted , be fixed , frame , be meet , ordain , order , perfect , (make) preparation , prepare (self) , provide , make provision , (be , make) ready , right , set (aright , fast , forth) , be stable , (e-) stablish , stand , tarry , X verydeed ~~3558
03559 ## kuwn {koon} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be erect (i . e . stand perpendicular) ; hence (causatively) to set up , in a great variety of applications , whether literal (establish , fix , prepare , apply) , or figurative (appoint , render sure , proper or prosperous) :-- certain (- ty) , confirm , direct , faithfulness , fashion , fasten , firm , be fitted , be fixed , frame , be meet , ordain , order , perfect , (make) preparation , prepare (self) , provide , make provision , (be , make) ready , right , set (aright , fast , forth) , be stable , (e-) stablish , stand , tarry , X verydeed ~~3558
03564 ## kuwr {koor} ; from an unused root meaning properly , to dig through ; a pot or furnace (as if excavated) :-- furnace . Compare 03600 . ~~3564
03566 ## Kowresh {ko'- resh} ; or (Ezra 1 : 1 [last time ] , 2) Koresh {ko'- resh} ; from the Persians ; Koresh (or Cyrus) , the Persian king :-- Cyrus . ~~3566
03566 ## Kowresh {ko'- resh} ; or (Ezra 1 : 1 [last time ] , 2) Koresh {ko'- resh} ; from the Persians ; Koresh (or Cyrus) , the Persian king :-- Cyrus . ~~3566
03568 ## Kuwsh {koosh} ; probably of foreign origin ; Cush (or Ethiopia) , the name of a son of Ham , and of his territory ; also of an Israelite :-- Chush , Cush , Ethiopia . ~~3568
03569 ## Kuwshiy {koo-shee'} ; patronymically from 03568 ; a Cushite , or descendant of Cush :-- Cushi , Cushite , Ethiopian (- s) . ~~3568
03575 ## Kuwth {kooth} ; or (feminine) Kuwthah {koo-thaw'} ; of foreign origin ; Cuth or Cuthah , a province of Assyria :-- Cuth . ~~3574
03575 ## Kuwth {kooth} ; or (feminine) Kuwthah {koo-thaw'} ; of foreign origin ; Cuth or Cuthah , a province of Assyria :-- Cuth . ~~3574
03576 ## kazab {kaw-zab'} ; a primitive root ; to lie (i . e . deceive) , literally or figuratively :-- fail , (be found a , make a) liar , lie , lying , be in vain . ~~3576
03577 ## kazab {kaw-zawb'} ; from 03576 ; falsehood ; literally (untruth) or figuratively (idol) :-- deceitful , false , leasing , + liar , lie , lying . ~~3576
03581 ## koach {ko'- akh} ; or (Dan . 11 : 6) kowach {ko'- akh} ; from an unused root meaning to be firm ; vigor , literally (force , in a good or a bad sense) or figuratively (capacity , means , produce) ; also (from its hardiness) a large lizard :-- ability , able , chameleon , force , fruits , might , power (- ful) , strength , substance , wealth . ~~3580
03581 ## koach {ko'- akh} ; or (Dan . 11 : 6) kowach {ko'- akh} ; from an unused root meaning to be firm ; vigor , literally (force , in a good or a bad sense) or figuratively (capacity , means , produce) ; also (from its hardiness) a large lizard :-- ability , able , chameleon , force , fruits , might , power (- ful) , strength , substance , wealth . ~~3580
03581 ## koach {ko'- akh} ; or (Dan . 11 : 6) kowach {ko'- akh} ; from an unused root meaning to be firm ; vigor , literally (force , in a good or a bad sense) or figuratively (capacity , means , produce) ; also (from its hardiness) a large lizard :-- ability , able , chameleon , force , fruits , might , power (- ful) , strength , substance , wealth . ~~3580
03582 ## kachad {kaw-khad'} ; a primitive root ; to secrete , by act or word ; hence (intensively) to destroy :-- conceal , cut down (off) , desolate , hide . ~~3582
03584 ## kachash {kaw-khash'} ; a primitive root ; to be untrue , in word (to lie , feign , disown) or deed (to disappoint , fail , cringe) :-- deceive , deny , dissemble , fail , deal falsely , be found liars , (be-) lie , lying , submit selves ~~3584
03587 ## kiy {kee} ; from 03554 ; a brand or scar :-- burning . ~~ 3586
03588 ## kiy {kee} ; a primitive particle [the full form of the prepositional prefix ] indicating causal relations of all kinds , antecedent or consequent ; (by implication) very widely used as a relative conjunction or adverb [as below ] ; often largely modified by other particles annexed :-- and , + (forasmuch , inasmuch , where-) as , assured [-ly ] , + but , certainly , doubtless , + else , even , + except , for , how , (because , in , so , than) that , + nevertheless , now , rightly , seeing , since , surely , then , therefore , + (al-) though , + till , truly , + until , when , whether , while , whom , yea , yet . ~~3588
03588 ## kiy {kee} ; a primitive particle [the full form of the prepositional prefix ] indicating causal relations of all kinds , antecedent or consequent ; (by implication) very widely used as a relative conjunction or adverb [as below ] ; often largely modified by other particles annexed :-- and , + (forasmuch , inasmuch , where-) as , assured [-ly ] , + but , certainly , doubtless , + else , even , + except , for , how , (because , in , so , than) that , + nevertheless , now , rightly , seeing , since , surely , then , therefore , + (al-) though , + till , truly , + until , when , whether , while , whom , yea , yet . ~~3588
03594 ## Kiyuwn {kee-yoon'} ; from 03559 ; properly , a statue , i . e . idol ; but used (by euphemism) for some heathen deity (perhaps corresponding to Priapus or Baal-peor) :-- Chiun . ~~3594
03595 ## kiyowr {kee-yore'} ; or kiyor {kee-yore'} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , something round (as excavated or bored) , i . e . a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking ; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl ; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform :-- hearth , laver , pan , scaffold . ~~3594
03595 ## kiyowr {kee-yore'} ; or kiyor {kee-yore'} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , something round (as excavated or bored) , i . e . a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking ; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl ; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform :-- hearth , laver , pan , scaffold . ~~3594
03595 ## kiyowr {kee-yore'} ; or kiyor {kee-yore'} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , something round (as excavated or bored) , i . e . a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking ; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl ; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform :-- hearth , laver , pan , scaffold . ~~3594
03595 ## kiyowr {kee-yore'} ; or kiyor {kee-yore'} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , something round (as excavated or bored) , i . e . a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking ; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl ; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform :-- hearth , laver , pan , scaffold . ~~3594
03596 ## kiylay {kee-lah'- ee} ; or kelay {kay-lah'- ee} ; from 03557 in the sense of withholding ; niggardly :-- churl . ~~3596
03597 ## keylaph {kay-laf'} ; from an unused root meaning to clap or strike with noise ; a club or sledge-hammer :-- hammer . ~~3596
03597 ## keylaph {kay-laf'} ; from an unused root meaning to clap or strike with noise ; a club or sledge-hammer :-- hammer . ~~3596
03599 ## kiyc {keece} ; a form for 03563 ; a cup ; also a bag for money or weights :-- bag , cup , purse . ~~3598
03601 ## kiyshowr {kee-shore'} ; from 03787 ; literally , a director , i . e . the spindle or shank of a distaff (06418) , by which it is twirled :-- spindle . ~~3600
03602 ## kakah {kaw'- kaw} ; from 03541 ; just so , referring to the previous or following context :-- after that (this) manner , this matter , (even) so , in such a case , thus . ~~3602
03603 ## kikkar {kik-kawr'} ; from 03769 ; a circle , i . e . (by implication) a circumjacent tract or region , expec . the Ghor or valley of the Jordan ; also a (round) loaf ; also a talent (or large [round ] coin) :-- loaf , morsel , piece , plain , talent ~~3602
03603 ## kikkar {kik-kawr'} ; from 03769 ; a circle , i . e . (by implication) a circumjacent tract or region , expec . the Ghor or valley of the Jordan ; also a (round) loaf ; also a talent (or large [round ] coin) :-- loaf , morsel , piece , plain , talent ~~3602
03603 ## kikkar {kik-kawr'} ; from 03769 ; a circle , i . e . (by implication) a circumjacent tract or region , expec . the Ghor or valley of the Jordan ; also a (round) loaf ; also a talent (or large [round ] coin) :-- loaf , morsel , piece , plain , talent ~~3602
03605 ## kol {kole} ; or (Jer . 33 : 8) kowl {kole} ; from 03634 ; properly , the whole ; hence , all , any or every (in the singular only , but often in a plural sense) :-- (in) all (manner , [ye ]) , altogether , any (manner) , enough , every (one , place , thing) , howsoever , as many as , [no-] thing , ought , whatsoever , (the) whole , whoso (- ever) . ~~3604
03605 ## kol {kole} ; or (Jer . 33 : 8) kowl {kole} ; from 03634 ; properly , the whole ; hence , all , any or every (in the singular only , but often in a plural sense) :-- (in) all (manner , [ye ]) , altogether , any (manner) , enough , every (one , place , thing) , howsoever , as many as , [no-] thing , ought , whatsoever , (the) whole , whoso (- ever) . ~~3604
03607 ## kala'{kaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to restrict , by act (hold back or in) or word (prohibit) :-- finish , forbid , keep (back) , refrain , restrain , retain , shut up , be stayed , withhold ~~3606
03607 ## kala'{kaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to restrict , by act (hold back or in) or word (prohibit) :-- finish , forbid , keep (back) , refrain , restrain , retain , shut up , be stayed , withhold ~~3606
03611 ## keleb {keh'- leb} ; from an unused root means . to yelp , or else to attack ; a dog ; hence (by euphemism) a male prostitute :-- dog . ~~3610
03612 ## Kaleb {kaw-labe'} ; perhaps a form of 03611 , or else from the same root in the sense of forcible ; Caleb , the name of three Israelites :-- Caleb . ~~3612
03614 ## Kalibbow {kaw-lib-bo'} ; probably by erroneous transcription for Kalebiy {kaw-lay-bee'} ; patronymically from 03612 ; a Calebite or descendant of Caleb :-- of the house of Caleb . ~~3614
03615 ## kalah {kaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to end , whether intransitive (to cease , be finished , perish) or transitived (to complete , prepare , consume) :-- accomplish , cease , consume (away) , determine , destroy (utterly) , be (when . . were) done , (be an) end (of) , expire , (cause to) fail , faint , finish , fulfil , X fully , X have , leave (off) , long , bring to pass , wholly reap , make clean riddance , spend , quite take away , waste . ~~3614
03619 ## k@lub {kel-oob'} ; from the same as 03611 ; a bird-trap (as furnished with a clap-stick or treadle to spring it) ; hence , a basket (as resembling a wicker cage) :-- basket , cage . ~~3618
03627 ## k@liy {kel-ee'} ; from 03615 ; something prepared , i . e . any apparatus (as an implement , utensil , dress , vessel or weapon) :-- armour ([-bearer ]) , artillery , bag , carriage , + furnish , furniture , instrument , jewel , that is made of , X one from another , that which pertaineth , pot , + psaltery , sack , stuff , thing , tool , vessel , ware , weapon , + whatsoever ~~3626
03628 ## k@liy'{kel-ee'} ; or k@luw'{kel-oo'} ; from 03607 [compare 03608 ] ; a prison :-- prison . ~~3628
03637 ## kalam {kaw-lawm'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to wound ; but only figuratively , to taunt or insult :-- be (make) ashamed , blush , be confounded , be put to confusion , hurt , reproach , (do , put to) shame . ~~3636
03641 ## Kalneh {kal-neh'} ; or Kalneh {kal-nay'} ; also Kalnow {kal-no'} ; of foreign derivation ; Calneh or Calno , a place in the Assyrian empire :-- Calneh , Calno . Compare 03656 . ~~3640
03641 ## Kalneh {kal-neh'} ; or Kalneh {kal-nay'} ; also Kalnow {kal-no'} ; of foreign derivation ; Calneh or Calno , a place in the Assyrian empire :-- Calneh , Calno . Compare 03656 . ~~3640
03644 ## k@mow {kem-o'} ; or kamow {kaw-mo'} ; a form of the prefix " k-" , but used separately [compare 03651 ] ; as , thus , so :-- according to , (such) as (it were , well as) , in comparison of , like (as , to , unto) , thus , when , worth . ~~3644
03645 ## K@mowsh {kem-oshe'} ; or (Jer . 48 : 7) K@miysh {kem-eesh'} ; from an unused root meaning to subdue ; the powerful ; Kemosh , the god of the Moabites :-- Chemosh . ~~3644
03646 ## kammon {kam-mone'} ; from an unused root meaning to store up or preserve ; " cummin " (from its use as a condiment) :-- cummin . ~~3646
03648 ## kamar {kaw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to intertwine or contract , i . e . (by implication) to shrivel (as with heat) ; figuratively , to be deeply affected with passion (love or pity) :-- be black , be kindled , yearn . ~~3648
03648 ## kamar {kaw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to intertwine or contract , i . e . (by implication) to shrivel (as with heat) ; figuratively , to be deeply affected with passion (love or pity) :-- be black , be kindled , yearn . ~~3648
03651 ## ken {kane} ; from 03559 ; properly , set upright ; hence (figuratively as adjective) just ; but usually (as adverb or conjunction) rightly or so (in various applications to manner , time and relation ; often with other particles) :-- + after that (this ,-- ward ,-- wards) , as . . as , + [for-] asmuch as yet , + be (for which) cause , + following , howbeit , in (the) like (manner ,-- wise) , X the more , right , (even) so , state , straightway , such (thing) , surely , + there (where)-fore , this , thus , true , well , X you . ~~3650
03651 ## ken {kane} ; from 03559 ; properly , set upright ; hence (figuratively as adjective) just ; but usually (as adverb or conjunction) rightly or so (in various applications to manner , time and relation ; often with other particles) :-- + after that (this ,-- ward ,-- wards) , as . . as , + [for-] asmuch as yet , + be (for which) cause , + following , howbeit , in (the) like (manner ,-- wise) , X the more , right , (even) so , state , straightway , such (thing) , surely , + there (where)-fore , this , thus , true , well , X you . ~~3650
03653 ## ken {kane} ; the same as 03651 , used as a noun ; a stand , i . e 0 . edestal or station :-- base , estate , foot , office , place , well . 0 [q ~~3652
03660 ## k@nema'(Aramaic) {ken-ay-maw'} ; corresponding to 03644 ; so or thus :-- so , (in) this manner (sort) , thus . ~~3660
03663 ## K@nanyah {ken-an-yaw'} ; or K@nanyahuw {ken-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 03661 and 03050 ; Jah has planted ; Kenanjah , an Israelite :-- Chenaniah . ~~3662
03669 ## K@na` aniy {ken-ah-an-ee'} ; patrial from 03667 ; a Kenaanite or inhabitant of Kenaan ; by implication , a pedlar (the Canaanites standing for their neighbors the Ishmaelites , who conducted mercantile caravans) :-- Canaanite , merchant , trafficker . ~~3668
03671 ## kanaph {kaw-nawf'} ; from 03670 ; an edge or extremity ; specifically (of a bird or army) a wing , (of a garment or bed-clothing) a flap , (of the earth) a quarter , (of a building) a pinnacle :-- + bird , border , corner , end , feather [-ed ] , X flying , + (one an-) other , overspreading , X quarters , skirt , X sort , uttermost part , wing ([-ed ]) . ~~3670
03671 ## kanaph {kaw-nawf'} ; from 03670 ; an edge or extremity ; specifically (of a bird or army) a wing , (of a garment or bed-clothing) a flap , (of the earth) a quarter , (of a building) a pinnacle :-- + bird , border , corner , end , feather [-ed ] , X flying , + (one an-) other , overspreading , X quarters , skirt , X sort , uttermost part , wing ([-ed ]) . ~~3670
03671 ## kanaph {kaw-nawf'} ; from 03670 ; an edge or extremity ; specifically (of a bird or army) a wing , (of a garment or bed-clothing) a flap , (of the earth) a quarter , (of a building) a pinnacle :-- + bird , border , corner , end , feather [-ed ] , X flying , + (one an-) other , overspreading , X quarters , skirt , X sort , uttermost part , wing ([-ed ]) . ~~3670
03672 ## Kinn@rowth {kin-ner-oth'} ; or Kinnereth {kin-neh'- reth} ; respectively plural and singular feminine from the same as 03658 ; perhaps harp-shaped ; Kinneroth or Kinnereth , a place in Palestine :-- Chinnereth , Chinneroth , Cinneroth . ~~3672
03672 ## Kinn@rowth {kin-ner-oth'} ; or Kinnereth {kin-neh'- reth} ; respectively plural and singular feminine from the same as 03658 ; perhaps harp-shaped ; Kinneroth or Kinnereth , a place in Palestine :-- Chinnereth , Chinneroth , Cinneroth . ~~3672
03677 ## kece'{keh'- seh} ; or keceh {keh'- seh} ; apparently from 03680 ; properly , fulness or the full moon , i . e . its festival :-- (time) appointed . ~~3676
03677 ## kece'{keh'- seh} ; or keceh {keh'- seh} ; apparently from 03680 ; properly , fulness or the full moon , i . e . its festival :-- (time) appointed . ~~3676
03678 ## kicce'{kis-say'} ; or kicceh {kis-say'} ; from 03680 ; properly , covered , i . e . a throne (as canopied) :-- seat , stool , throne . ~~3678
03680 ## kacah {kaw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plump , i . e . fill up hollows ; by implication , to cover (for clothing or secrecy) :-- clad self , close , clothe , conceal , cover (self) , (flee to) hide , overwhelm . Compare 03780 . ~~3680
03684 ## k@ciyl {kes-eel'} ; from 03688 ; properly , fat , i . e . (figuratively) stupid or silly :-- fool (- ish) . ~~3684
03689 ## kecel {keh'- sel} ; from 03688 ; properly , fatness , i . e . by implication (literally) the loin (as the seat of the leaf fat) or (generally) the viscera ; also (figuratively) silliness or (in a good sense) trust :-- confidence , flank , folly , hope , loin ~~3688
03689 ## kecel {keh'- sel} ; from 03688 ; properly , fatness , i . e . by implication (literally) the loin (as the seat of the leaf fat) or (generally) the viscera ; also (figuratively) silliness or (in a good sense) trust :-- confidence , flank , folly , hope , loin ~~3688
03704 ## keceth {keh'- seth} ; from 03680 ; a cushion or pillow (as covering a seat or bed) :-- pillow . ~~3704
03704 ## keceth {keh'- seth} ; from 03680 ; a cushion or pillow (as covering a seat or bed) :-- pillow . ~~3704
03706 ## k@` eneth (Aramaic) {keh-eh'- neth} ; or k@` eth (Aramaic) {keh-eth'} ; feminine of 03705 ; thus (only in the formula " and so forth ") :-- at such a time . ~~3706
03708 ## ka` ac {kah'- as} ; or (in Job) ka` as {kah'- as} ; from 03707 ; vexation :-- anger , angry , grief , indignation , provocation , provoking , X sore , sorrow , spite , wrath . ~~3708
03709 ## kaph {kaf} ; from 03721 ; the hollow hand or palm (so of the paw of an animal , of the sole , and even of the bowl of a dish or sling , the handle of a bolt , the leaves of a palm-tree) ; figuratively , power :-- branch , + foot , hand ([-ful ] ,-- dle , [-led ]) , hollow , middle , palm , paw , power , sole , spoon . ~~3708
03709 ## kaph {kaf} ; from 03721 ; the hollow hand or palm (so of the paw of an animal , of the sole , and even of the bowl of a dish or sling , the handle of a bolt , the leaves of a palm-tree) ; figuratively , power :-- branch , + foot , hand ([-ful ] ,-- dle , [-led ]) , hollow , middle , palm , paw , power , sole , spoon . ~~3708
03711 ## kaphah {kaw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to bend , i . e . (figuratively) to tame or subdue :-- pacify . ~~3710
03713 ## k@phowr {kef-ore'} ; from 03722 ; properly , a cover , i . e . (by implication) a tankard (or covered goblet) ; also white frost (as covering the ground) :-- bason , hoar (- y) frost . ~~3712
03722 ## kaphar {kaw-far'} ; a primitive root ; to cover (specifically with bitumen) ; figuratively , to expiate or condone , to placate or cancel :-- appease , make (an atonement , cleanse , disannul , forgive , be merciful , pacify , pardon , purge (away) , put off , (make) reconcile (- liation) . ~~3722
03722 ## kaphar {kaw-far'} ; a primitive root ; to cover (specifically with bitumen) ; figuratively , to expiate or condone , to placate or cancel :-- appease , make (an atonement , cleanse , disannul , forgive , be merciful , pacify , pardon , purge (away) , put off , (make) reconcile (- liation) . ~~3722
03730 ## kaphtor {kaf-tore'} ; or (Am . 9 : 1) kaphtowr {kaf-tore'} ; probably from an unused root meaning to encircle ; a chaplet ; but used only in an architectonic sense , i . e . the capital of a column , or a wreath-like button or disk on the candelabrum :-- knop , (upper) lintel . ~~3730
03730 ## kaphtor {kaf-tore'} ; or (Am . 9 : 1) kaphtowr {kaf-tore'} ; probably from an unused root meaning to encircle ; a chaplet ; but used only in an architectonic sense , i . e . the capital of a column , or a wreath-like button or disk on the candelabrum :-- knop , (upper) lintel . ~~3730
03730 ## kaphtor {kaf-tore'} ; or (Am . 9 : 1) kaphtowr {kaf-tore'} ; probably from an unused root meaning to encircle ; a chaplet ; but used only in an architectonic sense , i . e . the capital of a column , or a wreath-like button or disk on the candelabrum :-- knop , (upper) lintel . ~~3730
03731 ## Kaphtor {kaf-tore'} ; or (Am . 9 : 7) Kaphtowr {kaf-tore'} ; apparently the same as 03730 ; Caphtor (i . e . a wreath-shaped island) , the original seat of the Philistines :-- Caphtor . ~~3730
03732 ## Kaphtoriy {kaf-to-ree'} ; patrial from 03731 ; a Caphtorite (collectively) or native of Caphtor :-- Caphthorim , Caphtorim (- s) . ~~3732
03733 ## kar {kar} ; from 03769 in the sense of plumpness ; a ram (as full-grown and fat) , including a battering-ram (as butting) ; hence , a meadow (as for sheep) ; also a pad or camel's saddle (as puffed out) :-- captain , furniture , lamb , (large) pasture , ram . See also 01033 , 03746 . ~~3732
03734 ## kor {kore} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , a deep round vessel , i . e . (specifically) a cor or measure for things dry :-- cor , measure . Aramaic the same . ~~3734
03736 ## karbel {kar-bale'} ; from the same as 03525 ; to gird or clothe :-- clothed . ~~3736
03738 ## karah {kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to dig ; figuratively , to plot ; generally , to bore or open :-- dig , X make (a banquet) , open . ~~3738
03742 ## k@ruwb {ker-oob'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a cherub or imaginary figure :-- cherub , [plural ] cherubims . ~~3742
03749 ## karkob {kar-kobe'} ; expanded from the same as 03522 ; a rim or top margin :-- compass . ~~3748
03754 ## kerem {keh'- rem} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; a garden or vineyard :-- vines , (increase of the) vineyard (- s) , vintage . See also 01021 . ~~3754
03755 ## korem {ko-rame'} ; active participle of an imaginary denominative from 03754 ; a vinedresser :-- vine dresser [as one or two words ] ~~3754
03757 ## Karmiy {kar-mee'} ; patronymically from 03756 ; a Karmite or descendant of Karmi :-- Carmites . ~~3756
03759 ## karmel {kar-mel'} ; from 03754 ; a planted field (garden , orchard , vineyard or park) ; by implication , garden produce :-- full (green) ears (of corn) , fruitful field (place) , plentiful (field) . ~~3758
03761 ## Karm@liy {kar-mel-ee'} ; patron from 03760 ; a Karmelite or inhabitant of Karmel (the town) :-- Carmelite . ~~3760
03762 ## Karm@liyth {kar-mel-eeth'} ; feminine of 03761 ; a Karmelitess or female inhabitant of Karmel :-- Carmelitess . ~~3762
03767 ## kara` {kaw-raw'} ; from 03766 ; the leg (from the knee to the ankle) of men or locusts (only in the dual) :-- leg . ~~3766
03768 ## karpac {kar-pas'} ; of foreign origin ; byssus or fine vegetable wool :-- green . ~~3768
03770 ## k@res {ker-ace'} ; by variation from 07164 ; the paunch or belly (as swelling out) :-- belly . ~~3770
03772 ## karath {kaw-rath'} ; a primitive root ; to cut (off , down or asunder) ; by implication , to destroy or consume ; specifically , to covenant (i . e . make an alliance or bargain , originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces) :-- be chewed , be con-[feder-] ate , covenant , cut (down , off) , destroy , fail , feller , be freed , hew (down) , make a league ([covenant ]) , X lose , perish , X utterly , X want . ~~3772
03772 ## karath {kaw-rath'} ; a primitive root ; to cut (off , down or asunder) ; by implication , to destroy or consume ; specifically , to covenant (i . e . make an alliance or bargain , originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces) :-- be chewed , be con-[feder-] ate , covenant , cut (down , off) , destroy , fail , feller , be freed , hew (down) , make a league ([covenant ]) , X lose , perish , X utterly , X want . ~~3772
03772 ## karath {kaw-rath'} ; a primitive root ; to cut (off , down or asunder) ; by implication , to destroy or consume ; specifically , to covenant (i . e . make an alliance or bargain , originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces) :-- be chewed , be con-[feder-] ate , covenant , cut (down , off) , destroy , fail , feller , be freed , hew (down) , make a league ([covenant ]) , X lose , perish , X utterly , X want . ~~3772
03774 ## K@rethiy {ker-ay-thee'} ; probably from 03772 in the sense of executioner ; a Kerethite or life-guardsman [compare 02876 ] (only collectively in the singular as plural) :-- Cherethims , Cherethites . ~~3774
03778 ## Kasdiy {kas-dee'} ; (occasionally with enclitic) Kasdiymah {kas-dee'- maw} ; towards the Kasdites :-- into Chaldea) , patronymically from 03777 (only in the plural) ; a Kasdite , or descendant of Kesed ; by implication , a Chaldaean (as if so descended) ; also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people :-- Chaldeans , Chaldees , inhabitants of Chaldea . ~~3778
03779 ## Kasday (Aramaic) {kas-dah'- ee} ; corresponding to 03778 ; a Chaldaean or inhabitant of Chaldaea ; by implication , a Magian or professional astrologer :-- Chaldean . ~~3778
03779 ## Kasday (Aramaic) {kas-dah'- ee} ; corresponding to 03778 ; a Chaldaean or inhabitant of Chaldaea ; by implication , a Magian or professional astrologer :-- Chaldean . ~~3778
03782 ## kashal {kaw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to totter or waver (through weakness of the legs , especially the ankle) ; by implication , to falter , stumble , faint or fall :-- bereave [from the margin ] , cast down , be decayed , (cause to) fail , (cause , make to) fall (down ,-- ing) , feeble , be (the) ruin (- ed , of) , (be) overthrown , (cause to) stumble , X utterly , be weak . ~~3782
03782 ## kashal {kaw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to totter or waver (through weakness of the legs , especially the ankle) ; by implication , to falter , stumble , faint or fall :-- bereave [from the margin ] , cast down , be decayed , (cause to) fail , (cause , make to) fall (down ,-- ing) , feeble , be (the) ruin (- ed , of) , (be) overthrown , (cause to) stumble , X utterly , be weak . ~~3782
03784 ## kashaph {kaw-shaf'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to whisper a spell , i . e . to inchant or practise magic :-- sorcerer , (use) witch (- craft) . ~~3784
03787 ## kasher {kaw-share'} ; a primitive root properly , to be straight or right ; by implication , to be acceptable ; also to succeed or prosper :-- direct , be right , prosper . ~~3786
03787 ## kasher {kaw-share'} ; a primitive root properly , to be straight or right ; by implication , to be acceptable ; also to succeed or prosper :-- direct , be right , prosper . ~~3786
03791 ## kathab {kaw-thawb'} ; from 03789 ; something written , i . e . a writing , record or book :-- register , scripture , writing . ~~3790
03793 ## k@thobeth {keth-o'- beth} ; from 03789 ; a letter or other mark branded on the skin :-- X any [mark ] . ~~3792
03794 ## Kittiy {kit-tee'} or Kittiyiy {kit-tee-ee'} ; patrial from an unused name denoting Cyprus (only in the plural) ; a Kittite or Cypriote ; hence , an islander in general , i . e . the Greeks or Romans on the shores opposite Palestine :-- Chittim , Kittim . ~~3794
03794 ## Kittiy {kit-tee'} or Kittiyiy {kit-tee-ee'} ; patrial from an unused name denoting Cyprus (only in the plural) ; a Kittite or Cypriote ; hence , an islander in general , i . e . the Greeks or Romans on the shores opposite Palestine :-- Chittim , Kittim . ~~3794
03794 ## Kittiy {kit-tee'} or Kittiyiy {kit-tee-ee'} ; patrial from an unused name denoting Cyprus (only in the plural) ; a Kittite or Cypriote ; hence , an islander in general , i . e . the Greeks or Romans on the shores opposite Palestine :-- Chittim , Kittim . ~~3794
03799 ## katham {kaw-tham'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to carve or engrave , i . e . (by implication) to inscribe indelibly :-- mark . ~~3798
03801 ## k@thoneth {keth-o'- neth} ; or kuttoneth {koot-to'- neth} ; from an unused root meaning to cover [compare 03802 ] ; a shirt :-- coat , garment , robe . ~~3800
03802 ## katheph {kaw-thafe'} ; from an unused root meaning to clothe ; the shoulder (proper , i . e . upper end of the arm ; as being the spot where the garments hang) ; figuratively , side-piece or lateral projection of anything :-- arm , corner , shoulder (- piece) , side , undersetter . ~~3802
03806 ## kathash {kaw-thash'} ; a primitive root ; to butt or pound :-- bray . ~~3806
03807 ## kathath {kaw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; to bruise or violently strike :-- beat (down , to pieces) , break in pieces , crushed , destroy , discomfit , smite , stamp . ~~3806
03808 ## lo'{lo} ; or low'{lo} ; or loh (Deut . 3 : 11) {lo} ; a primitive particle ; not (the simple or abs . negation) ; by implication , no ; often used with other particles (as follows) :-- X before , + or else , ere , + except , ig [-norant ] , much , less , nay , neither , never , no ([-ne ] ,-- r , [-thing ]) , (X as though . . . , [can-] , for) not (out of) , of nought , otherwise , out of , + surely , + as truly as , + of a truth , + verily , for want , + whether , without . ~~3808
03808 ## lo'{lo} ; or low'{lo} ; or loh (Deut . 3 : 11) {lo} ; a primitive particle ; not (the simple or abs . negation) ; by implication , no ; often used with other particles (as follows) :-- X before , + or else , ere , + except , ig [-norant ] , much , less , nay , neither , never , no ([-ne ] ,-- r , [-thing ]) , (X as though . . . , [can-] , for) not (out of) , of nought , otherwise , out of , + surely , + as truly as , + of a truth , + verily , for want , + whether , without . ~~3808
03808 ## lo'{lo} ; or low'{lo} ; or loh (Deut . 3 : 11) {lo} ; a primitive particle ; not (the simple or abs . negation) ; by implication , no ; often used with other particles (as follows) :-- X before , + or else , ere , + except , ig [-norant ] , much , less , nay , neither , never , no ([-ne ] ,-- r , [-thing ]) , (X as though . . . , [can-] , for) not (out of) , of nought , otherwise , out of , + surely , + as truly as , + of a truth , + verily , for want , + whether , without . ~~3808
03808 ## lo'{lo} ; or low'{lo} ; or loh (Deut . 3 : 11) {lo} ; a primitive particle ; not (the simple or abs . negation) ; by implication , no ; often used with other particles (as follows) :-- X before , + or else , ere , + except , ig [-norant ] , much , less , nay , neither , never , no ([-ne ] ,-- r , [-thing ]) , (X as though . . . , [can-] , for) not (out of) , of nought , otherwise , out of , + surely , + as truly as , + of a truth , + verily , for want , + whether , without . ~~3808
03809 ## la'(Aramaic) {law} ; or lah (Aramaic) (Dan . 4 : 32) {law} ; corresponding to 03808 :-- or even , neither , no (- ne ,-- r) , ([can-]) not , as nothing , without . ~~3808
03809 ## la'(Aramaic) {law} ; or lah (Aramaic) (Dan . 4 : 32) {law} ; corresponding to 03808 :-- or even , neither , no (- ne ,-- r) , ([can-]) not , as nothing , without . ~~3808
03810 ## Lo'D@bar {lo deb-ar'} ; or Low D@bar (2 Samuel 9 : 4 , 5) {lo deb-ar'} ; or Lidbir (Joshua 13 : 26) {lid-beer'} ; [probably rather Lod@bar {lo-deb-ar'} ] ; from 03808 and 01699 ; pastureless ; Lo-Debar , a place in Palestine :-- Debir , Lo-debar . ~~3810
03810 ## Lo'D@bar {lo deb-ar'} ; or Low D@bar (2 Samuel 9 : 4 , 5) {lo deb-ar'} ; or Lidbir (Joshua 13 : 26) {lid-beer'} ; [probably rather Lod@bar {lo-deb-ar'} ] ; from 03808 and 01699 ; pastureless ; Lo-Debar , a place in Palestine :-- Debir , Lo-debar . ~~3810
03811 ## la'ah {law-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tire ; (figuratively) to be (or make) disgusted :-- faint , grieve , lothe , (be , make) weary (selves) . ~~3810
03814 ## la't {lawt} ; from 03813 (or perhaps for active participle of 03874) ; properly , muffled , i . e . silently :-- softly . ~~3814
03816 ## l@om {leh-ome'} or l@'owm {leh-ome'} ; from an unused root meaning to gather ; a community :-- nation , people . ~~3816
03823 ## labab {law-bab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be enclosed (as if with fat) ; by implication (as denominative from 03824) to unheart , i . e . (in a good sense) transport (with love) , or (in a bad sense) stultify ; also (as denominative from 03834) to make cakes :-- make cakes , ravish , be wise . ~~3822
03828 ## l@bownah {leb-o-naw'} ; or l@bonah {leb-o-naw'} ; from 03836 ; frankincense (from its whiteness or perhaps that of its smoke) :-- (frank-) incense . ~~3828
03828 ## l@bownah {leb-o-naw'} ; or l@bonah {leb-o-naw'} ; from 03836 ; frankincense (from its whiteness or perhaps that of its smoke) :-- (frank-) incense . ~~3828
03830 ## l@buwsh {leb-oosh'} ; or l@bush {leb-oosh'} ; from 03847 ; a garment (literally or figuratively) ; by implication (euphem .) a wife :-- apparel , clothed with , clothing , garment , raiment , vestment , vesture . ~~3830
03830 ## l@buwsh {leb-oosh'} ; or l@bush {leb-oosh'} ; from 03847 ; a garment (literally or figuratively) ; by implication (euphem .) a wife :-- apparel , clothed with , clothing , garment , raiment , vestment , vesture . ~~3830
03833 ## labiy'{law-bee'} ; or (Ezek . 19 : 2) l@biya'{leb-ee-yaw'} ; irreg . masculine plural l@ba'iym {leb-aw-eem'} ; irreg . feminine plural l@ba'owth {leb-aw-oth'} ; from an unused root men . to roar ; a lion (properly , a lioness as the fiercer [although not a roarer ; compare 00738 ]) :-- (great , old , stout) lion , lioness , young [lion ] . ~~3832
03834 ## labiybah {law-bee-baw'} ; or rather l@bibah {leb-ee-baw'} ; from 03823 in its original sense of fatness (or perhaps of folding) ; a cake (either as fried or turned) :-- cake . ~~3834
03834 ## labiybah {law-bee-baw'} ; or rather l@bibah {leb-ee-baw'} ; from 03823 in its original sense of fatness (or perhaps of folding) ; a cake (either as fried or turned) :-- cake . ~~3834
03834 ## labiybah {law-bee-baw'} ; or rather l@bibah {leb-ee-baw'} ; from 03823 in its original sense of fatness (or perhaps of folding) ; a cake (either as fried or turned) :-- cake . ~~3834
03835 ## laban {law-ban'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) white ; also (as denominative from 03843) to make bricks :-- make brick , be (made , make) white (- r) . ~~3834
03836 ## laban {law-bawn'} ; or (Gen . 49 : 12) laben {law-bane'} ; from 03835 ; white :-- white . ~~3836
03838 ## L@bana'{leb-aw-naw'} ; or L@banah {leb-aw-naw'} ; the same as 03842 ; Lebana or Lebanah , one of the Nethinim :-- Lebana , Lebanah . ~~3838
03838 ## L@bana'{leb-aw-naw'} ; or L@banah {leb-aw-naw'} ; the same as 03842 ; Lebana or Lebanah , one of the Nethinim :-- Lebana , Lebanah . ~~3838
03846 ## Libniy {lib-nee'} ; patronymically from 03845 ; a Libnite or descendants of Libni (collectively) :-- Libnites . ~~3846
03847 ## labash {law-bash'} ; or labesh {law-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; properly , wrap around , i . e . (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe (oneself , or another) , literally or figuratively :-- (in) apparel , arm , array (self) , clothe (self) , come upon , put (on , upon) , wear . ~~3846
03847 ## labash {law-bash'} ; or labesh {law-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; properly , wrap around , i . e . (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe (oneself , or another) , literally or figuratively :-- (in) apparel , arm , array (self) , clothe (self) , come upon , put (on , upon) , wear . ~~3846
03847 ## labash {law-bash'} ; or labesh {law-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; properly , wrap around , i . e . (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe (oneself , or another) , literally or figuratively :-- (in) apparel , arm , array (self) , clothe (self) , come upon , put (on , upon) , wear . ~~3846
03847 ## labash {law-bash'} ; or labesh {law-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; properly , wrap around , i . e . (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe (oneself , or another) , literally or figuratively :-- (in) apparel , arm , array (self) , clothe (self) , come upon , put (on , upon) , wear . ~~3846
03849 ## log {lohg} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to deepen or hollow [like 03537 ] ; a log or measure for liquids :-- log [of oil ] . ~~3848
03849 ## log {lohg} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to deepen or hollow [like 03537 ] ; a log or measure for liquids :-- log [of oil ] . ~~3848
03851 ## lahab {lah'- hab} ; from an usused root meaning to gleam ; a flash ; figuratively , a sharply polished blade or point of a weapon :-- blade , bright , flame , glittering . ~~3850
03852 ## lehabah {leh-aw-baw'} ; or lahebeth {lah-eh'- beth} ; feminine of 03851 , and meaning the same :-- flame (- ming) , head [of a spear ] . ~~3852
03855 ## Lahad {lah'- had} ; from an unused root meaning to glow [compare 03851 ] or else to be earnest [compare 03854 ] ; Lahad , an Israelite :-- Lahad . ~~3854
03860 ## lahen {law-hane'} ; from the prepositional prefix meaning to or for and 02005 ; popularly for if ; hence , therefore :-- for them [by mistake for prepositional suffix ] . ~~3860
03863 ## luw'{loo} ; or lu'{loo} ; or luw {loo} ; a conditional particle ; if ; by implication (interj . as a wish) would that ! :-- if (haply) , peradventure , I pray thee , though , I would , would God (that) . ~~3862
03863 ## luw'{loo} ; or lu'{loo} ; or luw {loo} ; a conditional particle ; if ; by implication (interj . as a wish) would that ! :-- if (haply) , peradventure , I pray thee , though , I would , would God (that) . ~~3862
03864 ## Luwbiy {loo-bee'} ; or Lubbiy (Dan . 11 : 43) {loob-bee'} ; partrial from a name probably derived from an unused root meaning to thirst , i . e . a dry region ; apparently a Libyan or inhabitant of interior Africa (only in plural) :-- Lubim (- s) , Libyans . ~~3864
03864 ## Luwbiy {loo-bee'} ; or Lubbiy (Dan . 11 : 43) {loob-bee'} ; partrial from a name probably derived from an unused root meaning to thirst , i . e . a dry region ; apparently a Libyan or inhabitant of interior Africa (only in plural) :-- Lubim (- s) , Libyans . ~~3864
03866 ## Luwdiy {loo-dee'} ; or Luwdiyiy {loo-dee-ee'} ; patrial from 03865 ; a Ludite or inhabitants of Lud (only in plural) :-- Ludim . Lydians . ~~3866
03866 ## Luwdiy {loo-dee'} ; or Luwdiyiy {loo-dee-ee'} ; patrial from 03865 ; a Ludite or inhabitants of Lud (only in plural) :-- Ludim . Lydians . ~~3866
03867 ## lavah {law-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twine , i . e . (by implication) to unite , to remain ; also to borrow (as a form of obligation) or (caus .) to lend :-- abide with , borrow (- er) , cleave , join (self) , lend (- er) . ~~3866
03871 ## luwach {loo'- akh} ; or luach {loo'- akh} ; from a primitive root ; probably meaning to glisten ; a tablet (as polished) , of stone , wood or metal :-- board , plate , table . ~~3870
03871 ## luwach {loo'- akh} ; or luach {loo'- akh} ; from a primitive root ; probably meaning to glisten ; a tablet (as polished) , of stone , wood or metal :-- board , plate , table . ~~3870
03872 ## Luwchiyth {loo-kheeth'} ; or Luchowth (Jer . 48 : 5) {loo-khoth'} ; from the same as 03871 ; floored ; Luchith , a place East of the Jordan :-- Luhith . ~~3872
03881 ## Leviyiy {lay-vee-ee'} ; or Leviy {lay-vee'} ; patronymically from 03878 ; a Levite or descendant of Levi :-- Leviite . ~~3880
03881 ## Leviyiy {lay-vee-ee'} ; or Leviy {lay-vee'} ; patronymically from 03878 ; a Levite or descendant of Levi :-- Leviite . ~~3880
03882 ## livyathan {liv-yaw-thawn'} ; from 03867 ; a wreathed animal , i . e . a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea-monster) ; figuratively , the constellation of the dragon ; also as a symbol of Bab . :-- leviathan , mourning . ~~3882
03884 ## luwle'{loo-lay'} ; or luwley {loo lay'} ; from 03863 and 03808 ; if not :-- except , had not , if (. . . not) , unless , were it not that . ~~3884
03885 ## luwn {loon} ; or liyn {leen} ; a primitive root ; to stop (usually over night) ; by implication , to stay permanently ; hence (in a bad sense) to be obstinate (especially in words , to complain) :-- abide (all night) , continue , dwell , endure , grudge , be left , lie all night , (cause to) lodge (all night , in ,-- ing , this night) , (make to) murmur , remain , tarry (all night , that night) . ~~3884
03887 ## luwts {loots} ; a primitive root ; properly , to make mouths at , i . e . to scoff ; hence (from the effort to pronounce a foreign language) to interpret , or (generally) intercede :-- ambassador , have in derision , interpreter , make a mock , mocker , scorn (- er ,-- ful) , teacher . ~~3886
03892 ## lach {lakh} ; from an unused root meaning to be new ; fresh , i . e . unused or undried :-- green , moist . ~~3892
03894 ## lachuwm {law-khoom'} ; or lachum {law-khoom'} ; passive participle of 03898 ; properly , eaten , i . e . food ; also flesh , i . e . body :-- while . . . is eating , flesh . ~~3894
03899 ## lechem {lekh'- em} ; from 03898 ; food (for man or beast) , especially bread , or grain (for making it) :-- ([shew-]) bread , X eat , food , fruit , loaf , meat , victuals . See also 01036 . ~~3898
03899 ## lechem {lekh'- em} ; from 03898 ; food (for man or beast) , especially bread , or grain (for making it) :-- ([shew-]) bread , X eat , food , fruit , loaf , meat , victuals . See also 01036 . ~~3898
03902 ## Lachmiy {lakh-mee'} ; from 03899 ; foodful ; Lachmi , an Israelite ; or rather probably a brief form (or perhaps erroneous transcription) for 01022 :-- Lahmi . See also 03433 . ~~3902
03902 ## Lachmiy {lakh-mee'} ; from 03899 ; foodful ; Lachmi , an Israelite ; or rather probably a brief form (or perhaps erroneous transcription) for 01022 :-- Lahmi . See also 03433 . ~~3902
03903 ## Lachmac {lakh-maws'} ; probably by erroneous transcription for Lachmam {lakh-mawm'} ; from 03899 ; food-like ; Lachmam or Lachmas , a place in Palestine :-- Lahmam . ~~3902
03905 ## lachats {law-khats'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to press , i . e . (figuratively) to distress :-- afflict , crush , force , hold fast , oppress (- or) , thrust self . ~~3904
03909 ## lat {lawt} ; a form of 03814 or else participle from 03874 ; properly , covered , i . e . secret ; by implication , incantation ; also secrecy or (adverb) covertly :-- enchantment , privily , secretly , softly . ~~3908
03909 ## lat {lawt} ; a form of 03814 or else participle from 03874 ; properly , covered , i . e . secret ; by implication , incantation ; also secrecy or (adverb) covertly :-- enchantment , privily , secretly , softly . ~~3908
03915 ## layil {lah'- yil} ; or (Isa . 21 : 11) leyl {lale} ; also lay@lah {lah'- yel-aw} ; from the same as 03883 ; properly , a twist (away of the light) , i . e . night ; figuratively , adversity :-- ([mid-]) night (season) . ~~3914
03920 ## lakad {law-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to catch (in a net , trap or pit) ; generally , to capture or occupy ; also to choose (by lot) ; figuratively , to cohere :-- X at all , catch (self) , be frozen , be holden , stick together , take ~~3920
03920 ## lakad {law-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to catch (in a net , trap or pit) ; generally , to capture or occupy ; also to choose (by lot) ; figuratively , to cohere :-- X at all , catch (self) , be frozen , be holden , stick together , take ~~3920
03926 ## l@mow {lem-o'} ; aprol . and separable form of the prepositional prefix ; to or for :-- at , for , to , upon . ~~3926
03927 ## L@muw'el {lem-oo-ale'} ; or L@mow'el {lem-o-ale'} ; from 03926 and 00410 ; (belonging) to God ; Lemuel or Lemoel , a symbolic name of Solomon :-- Lemuel . ~~3926
03927 ## L@muw'el {lem-oo-ale'} ; or L@mow'el {lem-o-ale'} ; from 03926 and 00410 ; (belonging) to God ; Lemuel or Lemoel , a symbolic name of Solomon :-- Lemuel . ~~3926
03928 ## limmuwd {lim-mood'} ; or limmud {lim-mood'} ; from 03925 ; instructed :-- accustomed , disciple , learned , taught , used . ~~3928
03940 ## lappiyd {lap-peed'} ; or lappid {lap-peed'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to shine ; a flambeau , lamp or flame :-- (fire-) brand , (burning) lamp , lightning , torch . ~~3940
03940 ## lappiyd {lap-peed'} ; or lappid {lap-peed'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to shine ; a flambeau , lamp or flame :-- (fire-) brand , (burning) lamp , lightning , torch . ~~3940
03942 ## liphnay {lif-nah'ee} ; from the prepositional prefix (to or for) and 06440 ; anterior :-- before . ~~3942
03943 ## laphath {law-fath'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to bend , i . e . (by implication) to clasp ; also (reflexively) to turn around or aside :-- take hold , turn aside (self) . ~~3942
03948 ## leqach {leh'- kakh} ; from 03947 ; properly , something received , i . e . (mentally) instruction (whether on the part of the teacher or hearer) ; also (in an active and sinister sense) inveiglement :-- doctrine , learning , fair speech . ~~3948
03952 ## laqaq {law-kak'} ; a primitive root ; to lick or lap :-- lap , lick . ~~3952
03955 ## l@shad {lesh-ad'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; apparently juice , i . e . (figuratively) vigor ; also a sweet or fat cake :-- fresh , moisture . ~~3954
03956 ## lashown {law-shone'} ; or lashon {law-shone'} ; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'} ; from 03960 ; the tongue (of man or animals) , used literally (as the instrument of licking , eating , or speech) , and figuratively (speech , an ingot , a fork of flame , a cove of water) :-- + babbler , bay , + evil speaker , language , talker , tongue , wedge . ~~3956
03956 ## lashown {law-shone'} ; or lashon {law-shone'} ; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'} ; from 03960 ; the tongue (of man or animals) , used literally (as the instrument of licking , eating , or speech) , and figuratively (speech , an ingot , a fork of flame , a cove of water) :-- + babbler , bay , + evil speaker , language , talker , tongue , wedge . ~~3956
03956 ## lashown {law-shone'} ; or lashon {law-shone'} ; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'} ; from 03960 ; the tongue (of man or animals) , used literally (as the instrument of licking , eating , or speech) , and figuratively (speech , an ingot , a fork of flame , a cove of water) :-- + babbler , bay , + evil speaker , language , talker , tongue , wedge . ~~3956
03957 ## lishkah {lish-kaw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; a room in a building (whether for storage , eating , or lodging) :-- chamber , parlour . Compare 05393 . ~~3956
03966 ## m@` od {meh-ode'} ; from the same as 00181 ; properly , vehemence , i . e . (with or without preposition) vehemently ; by implication , wholly , speedily , etc . (often with other words as an intensive or superlative ; especially when repeated) :-- diligently , especially , exceeding (- ly) , far , fast , good , great (- ly) , X louder and louder , might (- ily ,-- y) , (so) much , quickly , (so) sore , utterly , very (+ much , sore) , well . ~~3966
03966 ## m@` od {meh-ode'} ; from the same as 00181 ; properly , vehemence , i . e . (with or without preposition) vehemently ; by implication , wholly , speedily , etc . (often with other words as an intensive or superlative ; especially when repeated) :-- diligently , especially , exceeding (- ly) , far , fast , good , great (- ly) , X louder and louder , might (- ily ,-- y) , (so) much , quickly , (so) sore , utterly , very (+ much , sore) , well . ~~3966
03967 ## me'ah {may-aw'} ; or me'yah {may-yaw'} ; properly , a primitive numeral ; a hundred ; also as a multiplicative and a fraction :-- hundred ([-fold ] ,-- th) , + sixscore . ~~3966
03971 ## m'uwm {moom} ; usually muwm {moom} ; as if passive participle from an unused root probably meaning to stain ; a blemish (physically or morally) :-- blemish , blot , spot . ~~3970
03972 ## m@uwmah {meh-oo'- maw} ; apparently a form of 03971 ; properly , a speck or point , i . e . (by implication) something ; with negative , nothing :-- fault , + no (- ught) , ought , somewhat , any ([no-]) thing . ~~3972
03974 ## ma'owr {maw-ore'} ; or ma'or {maw-ore'} ; also (in plural) feminine m@'owrah {meh-o-raw'} ; or m@orah {meh-o-raw'} ; from 002l5 ; properly , a luminous body or luminary , i . e . (abstractly) light (as an element) : figuratively , brightness , i . e . cheerfulness ; specifically , a chandelier :-- bright , light ~~3974
03974 ## ma'owr {maw-ore'} ; or ma'or {maw-ore'} ; also (in plural) feminine m@'owrah {meh-o-raw'} ; or m@orah {meh-o-raw'} ; from 002l5 ; properly , a luminous body or luminary , i . e . (abstractly) light (as an element) : figuratively , brightness , i . e . cheerfulness ; specifically , a chandelier :-- bright , light ~~3974
03974 ## ma'owr {maw-ore'} ; or ma'or {maw-ore'} ; also (in plural) feminine m@'owrah {meh-o-raw'} ; or m@orah {meh-o-raw'} ; from 002l5 ; properly , a luminous body or luminary , i . e . (abstractly) light (as an element) : figuratively , brightness , i . e . cheerfulness ; specifically , a chandelier :-- bright , light ~~3974
03974 ## ma'owr {maw-ore'} ; or ma'or {maw-ore'} ; also (in plural) feminine m@'owrah {meh-o-raw'} ; or m@orah {meh-o-raw'} ; from 002l5 ; properly , a luminous body or luminary , i . e . (abstractly) light (as an element) : figuratively , brightness , i . e . cheerfulness ; specifically , a chandelier :-- bright , light ~~3974
03975 ## m@uwrah {meh-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 00215 ; something lighted , i . e . an aperture ; by implication , a crevice or hole (of a serpent) :-- den . ~~3974
03992 ## ma'ar {maw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to be bitter or (causatively) to embitter , i . e . be painful :-- fretting , picking . ~~3992
03996 ## mabow'{maw-bo'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance (the place or the act) ; specifically (with or without 08121) sunset or the west ; also (adverb with preposition) towards :-- by which came , as cometh , in coming , as men enter into , entering , entrance into , entry , where goeth , going down , + westward . Compare 04126 . ~~3996
03996 ## mabow'{maw-bo'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance (the place or the act) ; specifically (with or without 08121) sunset or the west ; also (adverb with preposition) towards :-- by which came , as cometh , in coming , as men enter into , entering , entrance into , entry , where goeth , going down , + westward . Compare 04126 . ~~3996
03996 ## mabow'{maw-bo'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance (the place or the act) ; specifically (with or without 08121) sunset or the west ; also (adverb with preposition) towards :-- by which came , as cometh , in coming , as men enter into , entering , entrance into , entry , where goeth , going down , + westward . Compare 04126 . ~~3996
04007 ## mabbat {mab-bawt'} ; or mebbat {meb-bawt'} ; from 05027 ; something expected , i . e . (abstractly) expectation :-- expectation . ~~4006
04009 ## mibtach {mib-tawkh'} ; from 00982 ; properly , a refuge , i . e . (objective) security , or (subjective) assurance :-- confidence , hope , sure , trust . ~~4008
04010 ## mabliygiyth {mab-leeg-eeth'} ; from 01082 ; desistance (or rather desolation) :-- comfort self . ~~4010
04013 ## mibtsar {mib-tsawr'} ; also (in plural) feminine (Dan . 11 : l5) mibtsarah {mib-tsaw-raw'} ; from 01219 ; a fortification , castle , or fortified city ; figuratively , a defender :-- (de-, most) fenced , fortress , (most) strong (hold) . ~~4012
04019 ## Magbiysh {mag-beesh'} ; from the same as 01378 ; stiffening ; Magbish , an Israelite , or a place in Palestine :-- Magbish . ~~4018
04022 ## meged {meh'- ghed} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be eminent ; properly , a distinguished thing ; hence something valuable , as a product or fruit :-- pleasant , precious fruit (thing) . ~~4022
04023 ## M@giddown (Zech . 12 : 11) {meg-id-done'} ; or M@giddow {meg-id-do'} ; from 01413 ; rendezvous ; Megiddon or Megiddo , a place in Palestine :-- Megiddo , Megiddon . ~~4022
04023 ## M@giddown (Zech . 12 : 11) {meg-id-done'} ; or M@giddow {meg-id-do'} ; from 01413 ; rendezvous ; Megiddon or Megiddo , a place in Palestine :-- Megiddo , Megiddon . ~~4022
04024 ## Migdowl {mig-dole'} ; or Migdol {mig-dole'} ; probably of Egyptian origin ; Migdol , a place in Egypt :-- Migdol , tower . ~~4024
04026 ## migdal {mig-dawl'} ; also (in plural) feminine migdalah {mig-daw-law'} ; from 01431 ; a tower (from its size or height) ; by analogy , a rostrum ; figuratively , a (pyramidal) bed of flowers :-- castle , flower , tower . Compare the names following . ~~4026
04032 ## magowr {maw-gore'} ; or (Lam . 2 : 22) maguwr {maw-goor'} ; from 01481 in the sense of fearing ; a fright (objective or subjective) :-- fear , terror . Compare 04036 . ~~4032
04032 ## magowr {maw-gore'} ; or (Lam . 2 : 22) maguwr {maw-goor'} ; from 01481 in the sense of fearing ; a fright (objective or subjective) :-- fear , terror . Compare 04036 . ~~4032
04033 ## maguwr {maw-goor'} ; or magur {maw-goor'} ; from 01481 in the sense of lodging ; a temporary abode ; by extension , a permanent residence :-- dwelling , pilgrimage , where sojourn , be a stranger . Compare 04032 . ~~4032
04035 ## m@guwrah {meg-oo-raw'} ; feminine of 04032 or of 04033 ; a fright ; also a granary :-- barn , fear . ~~4034
04041 ## m@gammah {meg-am-maw'} ; from the same as 01571 ; properly , accumulation , i . e . impulse or direction :-- sup up . ~~4040
04043 ## magen {maw-gane'} ; also (in plural) feminine m@ginnah {meg-in-naw'} ; from 01598 ; a shield (i . e . the small one or buckler) ; figuratively , a protector ; also the scaly hide of the crocodile :-- X armed , buckler , defence , ruler , + scale , shield . ~~4042
04044 ## m@ginnah {meg-in-naw'} ; from 04042 ; a covering (in a bad sense) , i . e . blindness or obduracy :-- sorrow . See also 04043 . ~~4044
04047 ## Magpiy` ash {mag-pee-awsh'} ; apparently from 01479 or 05062 and 06211 ; exterminator of (the) moth ; Magpiash , an Israelite :-- Magpiash . ~~4046
04052 ## migra` ah {mig-raw-aw'} ; from 01639 ; a ledge or offset :-- narrowed rest . ~~4052
04054 ## migrash {mig-rawsh'} ; also (in plural) feminine (Ezek . 27 : 28) migrashah {mig-raw-shaw'} ; from 01644 ; a suburb (i . e . open country whither flocks are driven from pasture) ; hence , the area around a building , or the margin of the sea :-- cast out , suburb . ~~4054
04055 ## mad {mad} ; or med {made} ; from 04058 ; properly , extent , i . e . height ; also a measure ; by implication , a vesture (as measured) ; also a carpet :-- armour , clothes , garment , judgment , measure , raiment , stature . ~~4054
04060 ## middah {mid-daw'} ; feminine of 04055 ; properly , extension , i . e . height or breadth ; also a measure (including its standard) ; hence a portion (as measured) or a vestment ; specifically , tribute (as measured) :-- garment , measure (- ing , meteyard , piece , size , (great) stature , tribute , wide . ~~4060
04060 ## middah {mid-daw'} ; feminine of 04055 ; properly , extension , i . e . height or breadth ; also a measure (including its standard) ; hence a portion (as measured) or a vestment ; specifically , tribute (as measured) :-- garment , measure (- ing , meteyard , piece , size , (great) stature , tribute , wide . ~~4060
04061 ## middah (Aramaic) {mid-daw'} or mindah (Aramaic) {min-daw'} ; corresponding to 04060 ; tribute in money :-- toll , tribute . ~~4060
04066 ## madown {maw-dohn'} ; from 01777 ; a contest or quarrel :-- brawling , contention (- ous) , discord , strife . Compare 04079 , 04090 . ~~4066
04069 ## madduwa` {mad-doo'- ah} ; or maddua` {mad-doo'- ah} ; from 04100 and the passive participle of 03045 ; what (is) known ? ; i . e . (by implication) (adverbially) why ? :-- how , wherefore , why . ~~4068
04070 ## m@dowr (Aramaic) {med-ore'} ; or m@dor (Aramaic) {med-ore'} ; or m@dar (Aramaic) {med-awr'} ; from 01753 ; a dwelling :-- dwelling . ~~4070
04070 ## m@dowr (Aramaic) {med-ore'} ; or m@dor (Aramaic) {med-ore'} ; or m@dar (Aramaic) {med-awr'} ; from 01753 ; a dwelling :-- dwelling . ~~4070
04071 ## m@duwrah {med-oo-raw'} ; or m@durah {med-oo-raw'} ; from 01752 in the sense of accumulation ; a pile of fuel :-- pile (for fire) . ~~4070
04075 ## Maday {maw-dah'- ee} ; patrial from 04074 ; a Madian or native of Madai :-- Mede . ~~4074
04084 ## Midyaniy {mid-yaw-nee'} ; patronymical or patrial from 04080 ; a Midjanite or descend . (native) of Midjan :-- Midianite . Compare 04092 . ~~4084
04084 ## Midyaniy {mid-yaw-nee'} ; patronymical or patrial from 04080 ; a Midjanite or descend . (native) of Midjan :-- Midianite . Compare 04092 . ~~4084
04093 ## madda` {mad-daw'} ; or madda` {mad-dah'} ; from 03045 ; intelligence or consciousness :-- knowledge , science , thought . ~~4092
04093 ## madda` {mad-daw'} ; or madda` {mad-dah'} ; from 03045 ; intelligence or consciousness :-- knowledge , science , thought . ~~4092
04095 ## madregah {mad-ray-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to step ; properly , a step ; by implication , a steep or inaccessible place :-- stair , steep place . ~~4094
04097 ## midrash {mid-rawsh'} ; from 01875 ; properly , an investigation , i . e . (by implication) a treatise or elaborate compilation :-- story . ~~4096
04100 ## mah {maw} ; or mah {mah} ; or ma {maw} ; or ma {mah} ; also meh {meh} ; a primitive particle ; properly , interrogative what ? (including how ? why ? when ?) ; but also exclamation , what ! (including how !) , or indefinitely what (including whatever , and even relatively , that which) ; often used with prefixes in various adverbial or conjunctive senses :-- how (long , oft , [-soever ]) , [no-] thing , what (end , good , purpose , thing) , whereby (- fore ,-in ,-to ,-with) , (for) why . ~~4100
04100 ## mah {maw} ; or mah {mah} ; or ma {maw} ; or ma {mah} ; also meh {meh} ; a primitive particle ; properly , interrogative what ? (including how ? why ? when ?) ; but also exclamation , what ! (including how !) , or indefinitely what (including whatever , and even relatively , that which) ; often used with prefixes in various adverbial or conjunctive senses :-- how (long , oft , [-soever ]) , [no-] thing , what (end , good , purpose , thing) , whereby (- fore ,-in ,-to ,-with) , (for) why . ~~4100
04100 ## mah {maw} ; or mah {mah} ; or ma {maw} ; or ma {mah} ; also meh {meh} ; a primitive particle ; properly , interrogative what ? (including how ? why ? when ?) ; but also exclamation , what ! (including how !) , or indefinitely what (including whatever , and even relatively , that which) ; often used with prefixes in various adverbial or conjunctive senses :-- how (long , oft , [-soever ]) , [no-] thing , what (end , good , purpose , thing) , whereby (- fore ,-in ,-to ,-with) , (for) why . ~~4100
04100 ## mah {maw} ; or mah {mah} ; or ma {maw} ; or ma {mah} ; also meh {meh} ; a primitive particle ; properly , interrogative what ? (including how ? why ? when ?) ; but also exclamation , what ! (including how !) , or indefinitely what (including whatever , and even relatively , that which) ; often used with prefixes in various adverbial or conjunctive senses :-- how (long , oft , [-soever ]) , [no-] thing , what (end , good , purpose , thing) , whereby (- fore ,-in ,-to ,-with) , (for) why . ~~4100
04100 ## mah {maw} ; or mah {mah} ; or ma {maw} ; or ma {mah} ; also meh {meh} ; a primitive particle ; properly , interrogative what ? (including how ? why ? when ?) ; but also exclamation , what ! (including how !) , or indefinitely what (including whatever , and even relatively , that which) ; often used with prefixes in various adverbial or conjunctive senses :-- how (long , oft , [-soever ]) , [no-] thing , what (end , good , purpose , thing) , whereby (- fore ,-in ,-to ,-with) , (for) why . ~~4100
04102 ## mahahh {maw-hah'} ; apparently a denominative from 04100 ; properly , to question or hesitate , i . e . (by implication) to be reluctant :-- delay , linger , stay selves , tarry . ~~4102
04103 ## m@huwmah {meh-hoo-maw'} ; from 01949 ; confusion or uproar :-- destruction , discomfiture , trouble , tumult , vexation , vexed . ~~4102
04106 ## mahiyr {maw-here'} ; or mahir {maw-here'} ; from 04116 ; quick ; hence , skilful :-- diligent , hasty , ready . ~~4106
04107 ## mahal {maw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cut down or reduce , i . e . by implication , to adulterate :-- mixed . ~~4106
04109 ## mahalak {mah-hal-awk'} ; from 01980 ; a walk , i . e . a passage or a distance :-- journey , walk . ~~4108
04116 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be liquid or flow easily , i . e . (by implication) ; to hurry (in a good or a bad sense) ; often used (with another verb) adverbially , promptly :-- be carried headlong , fearful , (cause to make , in , make) haste (- n ,-ily) , (be) hasty , (fetch , make ready) X quickly , rash , X shortly , (be so) X soon , make speed , X speedily , X straightway , X suddenly , swift . ~~4116
04116 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be liquid or flow easily , i . e . (by implication) ; to hurry (in a good or a bad sense) ; often used (with another verb) adverbially , promptly :-- be carried headlong , fearful , (cause to make , in , make) haste (- n ,-ily) , (be) hasty , (fetch , make ready) X quickly , rash , X shortly , (be so) X soon , make speed , X speedily , X straightway , X suddenly , swift . ~~4116
04125 ## Mow'abiy {mo-aw-bee'} ; feminine Mow'abiyah {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} ; or Mowabiyth {mo-aw-beeth'} ; patronymical from 04124 ; a Moabite or Moabitess , i . e . a descendant from Moab :-- (woman) of Moab , Moabite (- ish ,-ss) . ~~4124
04125 ## Mow'abiy {mo-aw-bee'} ; feminine Mow'abiyah {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} ; or Mowabiyth {mo-aw-beeth'} ; patronymical from 04124 ; a Moabite or Moabitess , i . e . a descendant from Moab :-- (woman) of Moab , Moabite (- ish ,-ss) . ~~4124
04127 ## muwg {moog} ; a primitive root ; to melt , i . e . literally (to soften , flow down , disappear) , or figuratively (to fear , faint) :-- consume , dissolve , (be) faint (- hearted) , melt (away) , make soft . ~~4126
04129 ## mowda` {mo-dah'} ; or rather moda` {mo-daw'} ; from 03045 ; an acquaintance :-- kinswoman . ~~4128
04133 ## mowtah {mo-taw'} ; feminine of 04132 ; a pole ; by implication , an ox-bow ; hence , a yoke (either literal or figurative) :-- bands , heavy , staves , yoke . ~~4132
04136 ## muwl {mool} ; or mowl (Deuteronomy 1 : 1) {mole} ; or mow'l (Nehemiah 12 : 38) {mole} ; or mul (Numbers 22 : 5) {mool} ; from 04135 ; properly , abrupt , i . e . a precipice ; by implication , the front ; used only adverbially (with prepositional prefix) opposite :-- (over) against , before , [fore-] front , from , [God-] ward , toward , with . ~~4136
04136 ## muwl {mool} ; or mowl (Deuteronomy 1 : 1) {mole} ; or mow'l (Nehemiah 12 : 38) {mole} ; or mul (Numbers 22 : 5) {mool} ; from 04135 ; properly , abrupt , i . e . a precipice ; by implication , the front ; used only adverbially (with prepositional prefix) opposite :-- (over) against , before , [fore-] front , from , [God-] ward , toward , with . ~~4136
04136 ## muwl {mool} ; or mowl (Deuteronomy 1 : 1) {mole} ; or mow'l (Nehemiah 12 : 38) {mole} ; or mul (Numbers 22 : 5) {mool} ; from 04135 ; properly , abrupt , i . e . a precipice ; by implication , the front ; used only adverbially (with prepositional prefix) opposite :-- (over) against , before , [fore-] front , from , [God-] ward , toward , with . ~~4136
04142 ## muwcabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; or mucabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; feminine of 04141 ; a reversal , i . e . the backside (of a gem) , fold (of a double-leaved door) , transmutation (of a name) :-- being changed , inclosed , be set , turning . ~~4142
04146 ## mowcadah {mo-saw-daw'} ; or mocadah {mo-saw-daw'} ; feminine of 04144 ; a foundation :-- foundation . ~~4146
04147 ## mowcer {mo-sare'} ; also (in plural) feminine mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or moc@rah {mo-ser-aw'} ; from 03256 ; properly , chastisement , i . e . (by implication) a halter ; figuratively , restraint :-- band , bond . ~~4146
04148 ## muwcar {moo-sawr'} ; from 03256 ; properly , chastisement ; figuratively , reproof , warning or instruction ; also restraint :-- bond , chastening ([-eth ]) , chastisement , check , correction , discipline , doctrine , instruction , rebuke . ~~4148
04149 ## Mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or (plural) Moc@rowth {mo-ser-othe'} feminine of 04147 ; correction or corrections ; Moserah or Moseroth , a place in the Desert :-- Mosera , Moseroth . ~~4148
04149 ## Mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or (plural) Moc@rowth {mo-ser-othe'} feminine of 04147 ; correction or corrections ; Moserah or Moseroth , a place in the Desert :-- Mosera , Moseroth . ~~4148
04149 ## Mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or (plural) Moc@rowth {mo-ser-othe'} feminine of 04147 ; correction or corrections ; Moserah or Moseroth , a place in the Desert :-- Mosera , Moseroth . ~~4148
04150 ## mow` ed {mo-ade'} ; or mo` ed {mo-ade'} ; or (feminine) mow` adah (2 Chronicles 8 : 13) {mo-aw-daw'} ; from 03259 ; properly , an appointment , i . e . a fixed time or season ; specifically , a festival ; conventionally a year ; by implication , an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose) ; technically the congregation ; by extension , the place of meeting ; also a signal (as appointed beforehand) :-- appointed (sign , time) , (place of , solemn) assembly , congregation , (set , solemn) feast , (appointed , due) season , solemn (- ity) , synogogue , (set) time (appointed) . ~~4150
04150 ## mow` ed {mo-ade'} ; or mo` ed {mo-ade'} ; or (feminine) mow` adah (2 Chronicles 8 : 13) {mo-aw-daw'} ; from 03259 ; properly , an appointment , i . e . a fixed time or season ; specifically , a festival ; conventionally a year ; by implication , an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose) ; technically the congregation ; by extension , the place of meeting ; also a signal (as appointed beforehand) :-- appointed (sign , time) , (place of , solemn) assembly , congregation , (set , solemn) feast , (appointed , due) season , solemn (- ity) , synogogue , (set) time (appointed) . ~~4150
04150 ## mow` ed {mo-ade'} ; or mo` ed {mo-ade'} ; or (feminine) mow` adah (2 Chronicles 8 : 13) {mo-aw-daw'} ; from 03259 ; properly , an appointment , i . e . a fixed time or season ; specifically , a festival ; conventionally a year ; by implication , an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose) ; technically the congregation ; by extension , the place of meeting ; also a signal (as appointed beforehand) :-- appointed (sign , time) , (place of , solemn) assembly , congregation , (set , solemn) feast , (appointed , due) season , solemn (- ity) , synogogue , (set) time (appointed) . ~~4150
04158 ## Mowpha` ath (Jer . 48 : 21) {mo-fah'- ath} ; or meyphaath {may-fah'- ath} ; or mephaath {may-fah'- ath ; from 03313 ; illuminative ; Mophaath or Mephaath , a place in Palestine :-- Mephaath . ~~4158
04158 ## Mowpha` ath (Jer . 48 : 21) {mo-fah'- ath} ; or meyphaath {may-fah'- ath} ; or mephaath {may-fah'- ath ; from 03313 ; illuminative ; Mophaath or Mephaath , a place in Palestine :-- Mephaath . ~~4158
04158 ## Mowpha` ath (Jer . 48 : 21) {mo-fah'- ath} ; or meyphaath {may-fah'- ath} ; or mephaath {may-fah'- ath ; from 03313 ; illuminative ; Mophaath or Mephaath , a place in Palestine :-- Mephaath . ~~4158
04159 ## mowpheth {mo-faith'} ; or mopheth {mo-faith'} ; from 03302 in the sense of conspicuousness ; a miracle ; by implication , a token or omen :-- miracle , sign , wonder (- ed at) . ~~4158
04159 ## mowpheth {mo-faith'} ; or mopheth {mo-faith'} ; from 03302 in the sense of conspicuousness ; a miracle ; by implication , a token or omen :-- miracle , sign , wonder (- ed at) . ~~4158
04161 ## mowtsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; or motsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; from 03318 ; a going forth , i . e . (the act) an egress , or (the place) an exit ; hence , a source or product ; specifically , dawn , the rising of the sun (the East) , exportation , utterance , a gate , a fountain , a mine , a meadow (as producing grass) :-- brought out , bud , that which came out , east , going forth , goings out , that which (thing that) is gone out , outgoing , proceeded out , spring , vein , [water-] course [springs ] . ~~4160
04161 ## mowtsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; or motsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; from 03318 ; a going forth , i . e . (the act) an egress , or (the place) an exit ; hence , a source or product ; specifically , dawn , the rising of the sun (the East) , exportation , utterance , a gate , a fountain , a mine , a meadow (as producing grass) :-- brought out , bud , that which came out , east , going forth , goings out , that which (thing that) is gone out , outgoing , proceeded out , spring , vein , [water-] course [springs ] . ~~4160
04161 ## mowtsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; or motsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; from 03318 ; a going forth , i . e . (the act) an egress , or (the place) an exit ; hence , a source or product ; specifically , dawn , the rising of the sun (the East) , exportation , utterance , a gate , a fountain , a mine , a meadow (as producing grass) :-- brought out , bud , that which came out , east , going forth , goings out , that which (thing that) is gone out , outgoing , proceeded out , spring , vein , [water-] course [springs ] . ~~4160
04164 ## muwtsaq {moo-tsak'} ; or muwtsaq {moo-tsawk'} ; from 03332 ; narrowness ; figuratively , distress :-- anguish , is straitened , straitness . ~~4164
04166 ## muwtsaqah {moo-tsaw-kaw'} ; or mutsaqah {moo-tsaw-kaw'} ; from 03332 ; properly , something poured out , i . e . a casting (of metal) ; by implication , a tube (as cast) :-- when it was cast , pipe . ~~4166
04168 ## mowqed {mo-kade'} ; from 03344 ; a fire or fuel ; abstractly , a conflagration :-- burning , hearth . ~~4168
04170 ## mowqesh {mo-kashe'} ; or moqesh {mo-kashe'} ; from 03369 ; a noose (for catching animals) (literally or figuratively) : by implication , a hook (for the nose) :-- be ensnared , gin , (is) snare (- d) , trap . ~~4170
04170 ## mowqesh {mo-kashe'} ; or moqesh {mo-kashe'} ; from 03369 ; a noose (for catching animals) (literally or figuratively) : by implication , a hook (for the nose) :-- be ensnared , gin , (is) snare (- d) , trap . ~~4170
04172 ## mowra'{mo-raw'} ; or mora'{mo-raw'} ; or morah (Psa . 9 : 20) {mo-raw'} ; from 03372 ; fear ; by implication , a fearful thing or deed :-- dread , (that ought to be) fear (- ed) , terribleness , terror . ~~4172
04172 ## mowra'{mo-raw'} ; or mora'{mo-raw'} ; or morah (Psa . 9 : 20) {mo-raw'} ; from 03372 ; fear ; by implication , a fearful thing or deed :-- dread , (that ought to be) fear (- ed) , terribleness , terror . ~~4172
04172 ## mowra'{mo-raw'} ; or mora'{mo-raw'} ; or morah (Psa . 9 : 20) {mo-raw'} ; from 03372 ; fear ; by implication , a fearful thing or deed :-- dread , (that ought to be) fear (- ed) , terribleness , terror . ~~4172
04173 ## mowrag {mo-rag'} ; or morag {mo-rag'} ; from an unused root meaning to triturate ; a threshing sledge :-- threshing instrument . ~~4172
04175 ## mowreh {mo-reh'} ; from 03384 ; an archer ; also teacher or teaching ; also the early rain [see 03138 ] :-- (early) rain . ~~4174
04176 ## Mowreh {mo-reh'} ; or Moreh {mo-reh'} ; the same as 04175 ; Moreh , a Canaanite ; also a hill (perhaps named from him) :-- Moreh . ~~4176
04179 ## Mowriyah {mo-ree-yaw'} ; or Moriyah {mo-ree-yaw'} ; from 07200 and 03050 ; seen of Jah ; Morijah , a hill in Palestine :-- Moriah . ~~4178
04183 ## Morashtiy {mo-rash-tee'} ; patrial from 04182 ; a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth-Gath :-- Morashthite . ~~4182
04185 ## muwsh {moosh} ; a primitive root [perhaps rather the same as 04184 through the idea of receding by contact ] ; to withdraw (both literally and figuratively , whether intransitive or transitive) :-- cease , depart , go back , remove , take away . ~~4184
04186 ## mowshab {mo-shawb'} ; or moshab {mo-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a seat ; figuratively , a site ; abstractly , a session ; by extension an abode (the place or the time) ; by implication , population :-- assembly , dwell in , dwelling (- place) , wherein (that) dwelt (in) , inhabited place , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning . ~~4186
04186 ## mowshab {mo-shawb'} ; or moshab {mo-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a seat ; figuratively , a site ; abstractly , a session ; by extension an abode (the place or the time) ; by implication , population :-- assembly , dwell in , dwelling (- place) , wherein (that) dwelt (in) , inhabited place , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning . ~~4186
04187 ## Muwshiy {moo-shee'} ; or Mushshiy {mush-shee'} ; from 04184 ; sensitive ; Mushi , a Levite :-- Mushi . ~~4186
04188 ## Muwshiy {moo-shee'} ; patronymical from 04187 ; a Mushite (collectively) or descendants of Mushi :-- Mushites . ~~4188
04191 ## muwth {mooth} ; a primitive root : to die (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to kill :-- X at all , X crying , (be) dead (body , man , one) , (put to , worthy of) death , destroy (- er) , (cause to , be like to , must) die , kill , necro [-mancer ] , X must needs , slay , X surely , X very suddenly , X in [no ] wise . ~~4190
04192 ## Muwth (Psalm 48 : 14) {mooth} ; or Muwth lab-ben {mooth lab-bane'} ; from 04191 and 01121 with the preposition and article interposed ; " To die for the son " , probably the title of a popular song :-- death , Muthlabben . ~~4192
04194 ## maveth {maw'- veth} ; from 04191 ; death (natural or violent) ; concretely , the dead , their place or state (hades) ; figuratively , pestilence , ruin :-- (be) dead ([-ly ]) , death , die (- d) . ~~4194
04194 ## maveth {maw'- veth} ; from 04191 ; death (natural or violent) ; concretely , the dead , their place or state (hades) ; figuratively , pestilence , ruin :-- (be) dead ([-ly ]) , death , die (- d) . ~~4194
04201 ## m@zuwzah {mez-oo-zaw'} ; or m@zuzah {mez-oo-zaw'} ; from the same as 02123 ; a door-post (as prominent) :-- (door , side) post . ~~4200
04205 ## mazowr {maw-zore'} ; or mazor {maw-zore'} ; from 02115 in the sense of binding up ; a bandage , i . e . remedy ; hence , a sore (as needing a compress) :-- bound up , wound . ~~4204
04206 ## maziyach {maw-zee'- akh} ; or mezach {may-zakh'} ; from 02118 ; a belt (as movable) :-- girdle , strength . ~~4206
04207 ## mazleg {maz-layg'} ; or (feminine) mizlagah {miz-law-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to draw up ; a fork :-- fleshhook . ~~4206
04222 ## macha'{maw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rub or strike the hands together (in exultation) :-- clap . ~~4222
04224 ## machabe'{makh-ab-ay'} ; or machabo'{makh-ab-o'} ; from 02244 ; a refuge :-- hiding (lurking) place . ~~4224
04225 ## machbereth {makh-beh'- reth} ; from 02266 ; a junction , i . e . seam or sewed piece :-- coupling . ~~4224
04226 ## m@chabb@rah {mekh-ab-ber-aw'} ; from 02266 ; a joiner , i . e . brace or cramp :-- coupling , joining . ~~4226
04229 ## machah {maw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to stroke or rub ; by implication , to erase ; also to smooth (as if with oil) , i . e . grease or make fat ; also to touch , i . e . reach to :-- abolish , blot out , destroy , full of marrow , put out , reach unto , X utterly , wipe (away , out) . ~~4228
04229 ## machah {maw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to stroke or rub ; by implication , to erase ; also to smooth (as if with oil) , i . e . grease or make fat ; also to touch , i . e . reach to :-- abolish , blot out , destroy , full of marrow , put out , reach unto , X utterly , wipe (away , out) . ~~4228
04232 ## M@chuwya'el {mekh-oo-yaw-ale'} ; or M@chiyya'el {mekh-ee-yaw-ale'} ; from 04229 and 00410 ; smitten of God ; Mechujael or Mechijael , an anxediluvian patriarch :-- Mehujael . ~~4232
04232 ## M@chuwya'el {mekh-oo-yaw-ale'} ; or M@chiyya'el {mekh-ee-yaw-ale'} ; from 04229 and 00410 ; smitten of God ; Mechujael or Mechijael , an anxediluvian patriarch :-- Mehujael . ~~4232
04233 ## Machaviym {makh-av-eem'} ; apparently a patrial , but from an unknown place (in the plural only for a singular) ; a Machavite or inhabitant of some place named Machaveh :-- Mahavite . ~~4232
04245 ## machaleh {makh-al-eh'} ; or (feminine) machalah {makk-al-aw'} ; from 02470 ; sickness :-- disease , infirmity , sickness . ~~4244
04250 ## Machliy {makh-lee'} ; patronymical from 04249 ; a Machlite or (collectively) descendants of Machli :-- Mahlites . ~~4250
04256 ## machaloqeth {makh-al-o'- keth} ; from 02505 ; a section (of Levites , people or soldiers) :-- company , course , division , portion . See also 05555 . ~~4256
04259 ## M@cholathiy {mekh-o-law-thee'} ; patrial from 65 ; a Mecholathite or inhabitant of Abel-Mecholah :-- Mecholathite . ~~4258
04261 ## machmad {makh-mawd'} ; from 02530 ; delightful ; hence , a delight , i . e . object of affection or desire :-- beloved , desire , goodly , lovely , pleasant (thing) . ~~4260
04262 ## machmud {makh-mood'} ; or machmuwd {makh-mood'} ; from 02530 ; desired ; hence , a valuable :-- pleasant thing . ~~4262
04264 ## machaneh {makh-an-eh'} ; from 02583 ; an encampment (of travellers or troops) ; hence , an army , whether literal (of soldiers) or figurative (of dancers , angels , cattle , locusts , stars ; or even the sacred courts) :-- army , band , battle , camp , company , drove , host , tents . ~~4264
04264 ## machaneh {makh-an-eh'} ; from 02583 ; an encampment (of travellers or troops) ; hence , an army , whether literal (of soldiers) or figurative (of dancers , angels , cattle , locusts , stars ; or even the sacred courts) :-- army , band , battle , camp , company , drove , host , tents . ~~4264
04264 ## machaneh {makh-an-eh'} ; from 02583 ; an encampment (of travellers or troops) ; hence , an army , whether literal (of soldiers) or figurative (of dancers , angels , cattle , locusts , stars ; or even the sacred courts) :-- army , band , battle , camp , company , drove , host , tents . ~~4264
04268 ## machaceh {makh-as-eh'} ; or machceh {makh-seh'} ; from 02620 ; a shelter (literally or figuratively) :-- hope , (place of) refuge , shelter , trust . ~~4268
04268 ## machaceh {makh-as-eh'} ; or machceh {makh-seh'} ; from 02620 ; a shelter (literally or figuratively) :-- hope , (place of) refuge , shelter , trust . ~~4268
04270 ## machcowr {makh-sore'} ; or machcor {makh-sore'} ; from 02637 ; deficiency ; hence , impoverishment :-- lack , need , penury , poor , poverty , want . ~~4270
04272 ## machats {maw-khats'} ; a primitive root ; to dash asunder ; by implication , to crush , smash or violently plunge ; figuratively , to subdue or destroy :-- dip , pierce (through) , smite (through) , strike through , wound . ~~4272
04272 ## machats {maw-khats'} ; a primitive root ; to dash asunder ; by implication , to crush , smash or violently plunge ; figuratively , to subdue or destroy :-- dip , pierce (through) , smite (through) , strike through , wound . ~~4272
04276 ## machatsiyth {makh-ats-eeth'} ; from 02673 ; a halving or the middle :-- half (so much) , mid [-day ] . ~~4276
04283 ## mochorath {mokh-or-awth'} ; or mochoratham (1 Sam . 30 : 17) {mokh-or-aw-thawm'} ; feminine from the same as 04279 ; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow :-- morrow , next day . ~~4282
04283 ## mochorath {mokh-or-awth'} ; or mochoratham (1 Sam . 30 : 17) {mokh-or-aw-thawm'} ; feminine from the same as 04279 ; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow :-- morrow , next day . ~~4282
04283 ## mochorath {mokh-or-awth'} ; or mochoratham (1 Sam . 30 : 17) {mokh-or-aw-thawm'} ; feminine from the same as 04279 ; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow :-- morrow , next day . ~~4282
04283 ## mochorath {mokh-or-awth'} ; or mochoratham (1 Sam . 30 : 17) {mokh-or-aw-thawm'} ; feminine from the same as 04279 ; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow :-- morrow , next day . ~~4282
04284 ## machashabah {makh-ash-aw-baw'} ; or machashebeth {makh-ash-eh'- beth} ; from 02803 ; a contrivance , i . e . (concretely) a texture , machine , or (abstractly) intention , plan (whether bad , a plot ; or good , advice) :-- cunning (work) , curious work , device (- sed) , imagination , invented , means , purpose , thought . ~~4284
04284 ## machashabah {makh-ash-aw-baw'} ; or machashebeth {makh-ash-eh'- beth} ; from 02803 ; a contrivance , i . e . (concretely) a texture , machine , or (abstractly) intention , plan (whether bad , a plot ; or good , advice) :-- cunning (work) , curious work , device (- sed) , imagination , invented , means , purpose , thought . ~~4284
04284 ## machashabah {makh-ash-aw-baw'} ; or machashebeth {makh-ash-eh'- beth} ; from 02803 ; a contrivance , i . e . (concretely) a texture , machine , or (abstractly) intention , plan (whether bad , a plot ; or good , advice) :-- cunning (work) , curious work , device (- sed) , imagination , invented , means , purpose , thought . ~~4284
04288 ## m@chittah {mekh-it-taw'} ; from 02846 ; properly , a dissolution ; concretely , a ruin , or (abstractly) consternation :-- destruction , dismaying , ruin , terror . ~~4288
04291 ## m@ta'(Aramaic) {met-aw'} ; or m@tah (Aramaic) {met-aw'} ; apparently corresponding to 04672 in the intransitive sense of being found present ; to arrive , extend or happen :-- come , reach . ~~4290
04291 ## m@ta'(Aramaic) {met-aw'} ; or m@tah (Aramaic) {met-aw'} ; apparently corresponding to 04672 in the intransitive sense of being found present ; to arrive , extend or happen :-- come , reach . ~~4290
04294 ## matteh {mat-teh'} ; or (feminine) mattah {mat-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a branch (as extending) ; figuratively , a tribe ; also a rod , whether for chastising (figuratively , correction) , ruling (a sceptre) , throwing (a lance) , or walking (a staff ; figuratively , a support of life , e . g . bread) :-- rod , staff , tribe . ~~4294
04294 ## matteh {mat-teh'} ; or (feminine) mattah {mat-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a branch (as extending) ; figuratively , a tribe ; also a rod , whether for chastising (figuratively , correction) , ruling (a sceptre) , throwing (a lance) , or walking (a staff ; figuratively , a support of life , e . g . bread) :-- rod , staff , tribe . ~~4294
04295 ## mattah {mat'- taw} ; from 05786 with directive enclitic appended ; downward , below or beneath ; often adverbially with or without prefixes :-- beneath , down (- ward) , less , very low , under (- neath) . ~~4294
04295 ## mattah {mat'- taw} ; from 05786 with directive enclitic appended ; downward , below or beneath ; often adverbially with or without prefixes :-- beneath , down (- ward) , less , very low , under (- neath) . ~~4294
04296 ## mittah {mit-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a bed (as extended) for sleeping or eating ; by analogy , a sofa , litter or bier :-- bed ([-chamber ]) , bier . ~~4296
04296 ## mittah {mit-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a bed (as extended) for sleeping or eating ; by analogy , a sofa , litter or bier :-- bed ([-chamber ]) , bier . ~~4296
04301 ## matmown {mat-mone'} ; or matmon {mat-mone'} ; or matmun {mat-moon'} ; from 02934 ; a secret storehouse ; hence , a secreted valuable (buried) ; generally money :-- hidden riches , (hid) treasure (- s) . ~~4300
04301 ## matmown {mat-mone'} ; or matmon {mat-mone'} ; or matmun {mat-moon'} ; from 02934 ; a secret storehouse ; hence , a secreted valuable (buried) ; generally money :-- hidden riches , (hid) treasure (- s) . ~~4300
04302 ## matta` {mat-taw'} ; from 05193 ; something planted , i . e . the place (a garden or vineyard) , or the thing (a plant , figuratively or men) ; by implication , the act , planting :-- plant (- ation ,-ing) . ~~4302
04302 ## matta` {mat-taw'} ; from 05193 ; something planted , i . e . the place (a garden or vineyard) , or the thing (a plant , figuratively or men) ; by implication , the act , planting :-- plant (- ation ,-ing) . ~~4302
04302 ## matta` {mat-taw'} ; from 05193 ; something planted , i . e . the place (a garden or vineyard) , or the thing (a plant , figuratively or men) ; by implication , the act , planting :-- plant (- ation ,-ing) . ~~4302
04303 ## mat` am {mat-am'} ; or (feminine) mat` ammah {mat-am-maw'} ; from 02938 ; a delicacy :-- dainty (meat) , savoury meat . ~~4302
04307 ## mattara'{mat-taw-raw'} ; or mattarah {mat-taw-raw'} ; from 05201 ; a jail (as a guard-house) ; also an aim (as being closely watched) :-- mark , prison . ~~4306
04310 ## miy {me} ; an interrogative pronoun of persons , as 04100 is of things , who ? (occasionally , by a peculiar idiom , of things) ; also (indefinitely) whoever ; often used in oblique construction with prefix or suffix :-- any (man) , X he , X him , + O that ! what , which , who (- m ,-se ,-soever) , + would to God . ~~4310
04321 ## Miykay@huw {me-kaw-yeh-hoo'} ; or Mikay@huw (Jeremiah 36 : 11) {me-kaw-yeh-hoo'} ; abbrev . for 04322 ; Mikajah , the name of three Israelites :-- Micah , Micaiah , Michaiah . ~~4320
04334 ## miyshowr {mee-shore'} ; or miyshor {mee-shore'} ; from 03474 ; a level , i . e . a plain (often used [with the article prefix ] as a properly , name of certain districts) ; figuratively , concord ; also straightness , i . e . (figuratively) justice (sometimes adverbially , justly) :-- equity , even place , plain , right (- eously) , (made) straight , uprightness . ~~4334
04339 ## meyshar {may-shawr'} ; from 03474 ; evenness , i . e . (figuratively) prosperity or concord ; also straightness , i . e . (figuratively) rectitude (only in plural with singular sense ; often adverbially) :-- agreement , aright , that are equal , equity , (things that are) right (- eously , things) , sweetly , upright (- ly ,-ness) . ~~4338
04340 ## meythar {may-thar'} ; from 03498 ; a cord (of a tent) [compare 03499 ] or the string (of a bow) :-- cord , string . ~~4340
04341 ## mak'ob {mak-obe'} ; sometimes mak'owb {mak-obe'} ; also (feminine Isaiah 53 : 3) mak'obah {mak-o-baw'} ; from 03510 ; anguish or (figuratively) affliction :-- grief , pain , sorrow . ~~4340
04344 ## Makbannay {mak-ban-nah'- ee} ; patrial from 04343 ; a Macbannite or native of Macbena :-- Machbanai . ~~4344
04347 ## makkah {mak-kaw'} ; or (masculine) makkeh {muk-keh'} ; (plural only) from 05221 ; a blow (in 2 Chronicles 2 : 10 , of the flail) ; by implication , a wound ; figuratively , carnage , also pestilence :-- beaten , blow , plague , slaughter , smote , X sore , stripe , stroke , wound ([-ed ]) . ~~4346
04350 ## m@kownah {mek-o-naw'} ; or m@konah {mek-o-naw'} ; feminine of 04349 ; a pedestal , also a spot :-- base . ~~4350
04351 ## m@kuwrah {mek-oo-raw'} ; or m@korah {mek-o-raw'} ; from the same as 03564 in the sense of dipping ; origin (as if a mine) :-- birth , habitation , nativity . ~~4350
04354 ## Makiyriy {maw-kee-ree'} ; patronymical from 04353 ; a Makirite or descend . of Makir :-- of Machir . ~~4354
04356 ## mikla'ah {mik-law-aw'} ; or miklah {mik-law'} ; from 03607 ; a pen (for flocks) :-- ([sheep-]) fold . Compare 04357 . ~~4356
04363 ## Mikmac (Ezra 2 : 27 ; Neh . 7 : 31) {mik-maws'} ; or Mikmash {mik-mawsh'} ; or Mikmash (Neh . 11 : 31) {mik-mash'} ; from 03647 ; hidden ; Mikmas or Mikmash , a place in Palestine :-- Mikmas , Mikmash . ~~4362
04363 ## Mikmac (Ezra 2 : 27 ; Neh . 7 : 31) {mik-maws'} ; or Mikmash {mik-mawsh'} ; or Mikmash (Neh . 11 : 31) {mik-mash'} ; from 03647 ; hidden ; Mikmas or Mikmash , a place in Palestine :-- Mikmas , Mikmash . ~~4362
04363 ## Mikmac (Ezra 2 : 27 ; Neh . 7 : 31) {mik-maws'} ; or Mikmash {mik-mawsh'} ; or Mikmash (Neh . 11 : 31) {mik-mash'} ; from 03647 ; hidden ; Mikmas or Mikmash , a place in Palestine :-- Mikmas , Mikmash . ~~4362
04364 ## makmar {mak-mawr'} ; or mikmor {mik-more'} ; from 03648 in the sense of blackening by heat ; a (hunter's) net (as dark from concealment) :-- net . ~~4364
04365 ## mikmereth {mik-meh'- reth} ; or mikmoreth {mik-mo'- reth} ; feminine of 04364 ; a (fisher's) net :-- drag , net . ~~4364
04376 ## makar {maw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to sell , literally (as merchandise , a daughter in marriage , into slavery) , or figuratively (to surrender) :-- X at all , sell (away ,-er , self) . ~~4376
04382 ## M@kerathiy {mek-ay-raw-thee'} ; patrial from an unused name (the same as 04380) of a place in Palestine : a Mekerathite , or inhabitant of Mekerah :-- Mecherathite . ~~4382
04383 ## mikshowl {mik-shole'} ; or mikshol {mik-shole'} ; masculine from 03782 ; a stumbling-block , literally or figuratively (obstacle , enticement [specifically an idol ] , scruple) :-- caused to fall , offence , X [no-] thing offered , ruin , stumbling-block . ~~4382
04383 ## mikshowl {mik-shole'} ; or mikshol {mik-shole'} ; masculine from 03782 ; a stumbling-block , literally or figuratively (obstacle , enticement [specifically an idol ] , scruple) :-- caused to fall , offence , X [no-] thing offered , ruin , stumbling-block . ~~4382
04385 ## miktab {mik-tawb'} ; from 03789 ; a thing written , the characters , or a document (letter , copy , edict , poem) :-- writing . ~~4384
04390 ## male'{maw-lay'} ; or mala'(Esth . 7 : 5) {maw-law'} ; a primitive root , to fill or (intransitively) be full of , in a wide application (literally and figuratively) :-- accomplish , confirm , + consecrate , be at an end , be expired , be fenced , fill , fulfil , (be , become , X draw , give in , go) full (- ly ,-ly set , tale) , [over-] flow , fulness , furnish , gather (selves , together) , presume , replenish , satisfy , set , space , take a [hand-] full , + have wholly . ~~4390
04390 ## male'{maw-lay'} ; or mala'(Esth . 7 : 5) {maw-law'} ; a primitive root , to fill or (intransitively) be full of , in a wide application (literally and figuratively) :-- accomplish , confirm , + consecrate , be at an end , be expired , be fenced , fill , fulfil , (be , become , X draw , give in , go) full (- ly ,-ly set , tale) , [over-] flow , fulness , furnish , gather (selves , together) , presume , replenish , satisfy , set , space , take a [hand-] full , + have wholly . ~~4390
04392 ## male'{maw-lay'} ; from 04390 ; full (literally or figuratively) or filling (literally) ; also (concretely) fulness ; adverbially , fully :-- X she that was with child , fill (- ed ,-ed with) , full (- ly) , multitude , as is worth . ~~4392
04392 ## male'{maw-lay'} ; from 04390 ; full (literally or figuratively) or filling (literally) ; also (concretely) fulness ; adverbially , fully :-- X she that was with child , fill (- ed ,-ed with) , full (- ly) , multitude , as is worth . ~~4392
04393 ## m@lo'{mel-o'} ; rarely m@low'{mel-o'} ; or m@low (Ezekiel 41 : 8) , {mel-o'} ; from 04390 ; fulness (literally or figuratively) :-- X all along , X all that is (there-) in , fill , (X that whereof . . . was) full , fulness , [hand-] full , multitude . ~~4392
04393 ## m@lo'{mel-o'} ; rarely m@low'{mel-o'} ; or m@low (Ezekiel 41 : 8) , {mel-o'} ; from 04390 ; fulness (literally or figuratively) :-- X all along , X all that is (there-) in , fill , (X that whereof . . . was) full , fulness , [hand-] full , multitude . ~~4392
04394 ## millu'{mil-loo'} ; from 04390 ; a fulfilling (only in plural) , i . e . (literally) a setting (of gems) , or (technically) consecration (also concretely , a dedicatory sacrifice) :-- consecration , be set . ~~4394
04397 ## mal'ak {mal-awk'} ; from an unused root meaning to despatch as a deputy ; a messenger ; specifically , of God , i . e . an angel (also a prophet , priest or teacher) :-- ambassador , angel , king , messenger . ~~4396
04399 ## m@la'kah {mel-aw-kaw'} ; from the same as 04397 ; properly , deputyship , i . e . ministry ; generally , employment (never servile) or work (abstractly or concretely) ; also property (as the result of labor) :-- business , + cattle , + industrious , occupation , (+-pied) , + officer , thing (made) , use , (manner of) work ([-man ] ,-manship) . ~~4398
04399 ## m@la'kah {mel-aw-kaw'} ; from the same as 04397 ; properly , deputyship , i . e . ministry ; generally , employment (never servile) or work (abstractly or concretely) ; also property (as the result of labor) :-- business , + cattle , + industrious , occupation , (+-pied) , + officer , thing (made) , use , (manner of) work ([-man ] ,-manship) . ~~4398
04403 ## malbuwsh {mal-boosh'} ; or malbush {mal-boosh'} ; from 03847 ; a garment , or (collectively) clothing :-- apparel , raiment , vestment . ~~4402
04403 ## malbuwsh {mal-boosh'} ; or malbush {mal-boosh'} ; from 03847 ; a garment , or (collectively) clothing :-- apparel , raiment , vestment . ~~4402
04406 ## millah (Aramaic) {mil-law'} ; corresponding to 04405 ; a word , command , discourse , or subject :-- commandment , matter , thing . word . ~~4406
04407 ## millow'{mil-lo'} ; or mil-lo'(2 Kings 12 : 20) {mil-lo'} ; from 04390 ; a rampart (as filled in) , i . e . the citadel :-- Millo . See also 01037 . ~~4406
04409 ## Malluwk {mal-luke'} ; or Malluwkiy (Neh . 12 : 14) {mal-loo-kee'} ; from 04427 ; remnant ; Malluk , the name of five Israelites :-- Malluch , Melichu [from the margin ] . ~~4408
04411 ## malown {maw-lone'} ; from 03885 ; a lodgment , i . e . caravanserai or encampment :-- inn , place where . . . lodge , lodging (place) . ~~4410
04414 ## malach {maw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to rub to pieces or pulverize ; intransitively , to disappear as dust ; also (as denominative from 04417) to salt whether internally (to season with salt) or externally (to rub with salt) :-- X at all , salt , season , temper together , vanish away . ~~4414
04414 ## malach {maw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to rub to pieces or pulverize ; intransitively , to disappear as dust ; also (as denominative from 04417) to salt whether internally (to season with salt) or externally (to rub with salt) :-- X at all , salt , season , temper together , vanish away . ~~4414
04418 ## malach {maw-lawkh'} ; from 04414 in its original sense ; a rag or old garment :-- rotten rag . ~~4418
04422 ## malat {maw-lat'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be smooth , i . e . (by implication) to escape (as if by slipperiness) ; causatively , to release or rescue ; specifically , to bring forth young , emit sparks :-- deliver (self) , escape , lay , leap out , let alone , let go , preserve , save , X speedily , X surely . ~~4422
04437 ## malkuw (Aramaic) {mal-koo'} ; corresponding to 04438 ; dominion (abstractly or concretely) :-- kingdom , kingly , realm , reign . ~~4436
04438 ## malkuwth {mal-kooth'} ; or malkuth {mal-kooth'} ; or (in plural) malkuyah {mal-koo-yah'} ; from 04427 ; a rule ; concretely , a dominion :-- empire , kingdom , realm , reign , royal . ~~4438
04438 ## malkuwth {mal-kooth'} ; or malkuth {mal-kooth'} ; or (in plural) malkuyah {mal-koo-yah'} ; from 04427 ; a rule ; concretely , a dominion :-- empire , kingdom , realm , reign , royal . ~~4438
04440 ## Malkiy'eliy {mal-kee-ay-lee'} ; patronymical from 04439 ; a Malkielite or descendant of Malkiel :-- Malchielite . ~~4440
04441 ## Malkiyah {mal-kee-yaw'} ; or Malkiyahuw (Jer . 38 : 6) , {mal-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 04428 and 03050 ; king of (i . e . appointed by) Jah ; Malkijah , the name of ten Israelites :-- Malchiah , Malchijah . ~~4440
04445 ## Malkam {mal-kawm'} ; or Milkowm {mil-kome'} ; from 04428 for 04432 ; Malcam or Milcom , the national idol of the Ammonites :-- Malcham , Milcom . ~~4444
04445 ## Malkam {mal-kawm'} ; or Milkowm {mil-kome'} ; from 04428 for 04432 ; Malcam or Milcom , the national idol of the Ammonites :-- Malcham , Milcom . ~~4444
04448 ## malal {maw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to speak (mostly poetical) or say :-- say , speak , utter . ~~4448
04453 ## meltsar {mel-tsawr'} ; of Persian derivation ; the butler or other officer in the Babylonian court :-- Melzar . ~~4452
04457 ## melqach {mel-kawkh'} ; or malqach {mal-kawkh'} ; from 03947 ; (only in dual) tweezers :-- snuffers , tongs . ~~4456
04462 ## M@muwkan {mem-oo-kawn'} ; or (transp .) Mowmukan (Esth . 1 : 16) {mo-moo-kawn'} ; of Persian derivation ; Memucan or Momucan , a Persian satrap :-- Memucan . ~~4462
04462 ## M@muwkan {mem-oo-kawn'} ; or (transp .) Mowmukan (Esth . 1 : 16) {mo-moo-kawn'} ; of Persian derivation ; Memucan or Momucan , a Persian satrap :-- Memucan . ~~4462
04467 ## mamlakah {mam-law-kaw'} ; from 04427 ; dominion , i . e . (abstractly) the estate (rule) or (concretely) the country (realm) :-- kingdom , king's , reign , royal . ~~4466
04469 ## mamcak {mam-sawk'} ; from 04537 ; mixture , i . e . (specifically) wine mixed (with water or spices) :-- drink-offering , mixed wine . ~~4468
04474 ## mimshal {mim-shawl'} ; from 04910 ; a ruler or (abstractly) rule :-- dominion , that ruled . ~~4474
04475 ## memshalah {mem-shaw-law'} ; feminine of 04474 ; rule ; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler :-- dominion , government , power , to rule . ~~4474
04477 ## mamtaq {mam-tak'} ; from 04985 ; something sweet (literally or figuratively) :-- (most) sweet . ~~4476
04479 ## man (Aramaic) {mawn} ; from 04101 ; who or what (properly , interrogatively , hence , also indefinitely and relatively) :-- what , who (- msoever , +-so) . ~~4478
04480 ## min {min} ; or minniy {min-nee'} ; or minney (constructive plural) {min-nay'} ; (Isaiah 30 : 11) ; for 04482 ; properly , a part of ; hence (prepositionally) , from or out of in many senses (as follows) :-- above , after , among , at , because of , by (reason of) , from (among) , in , X neither , X nor , (out) of , over , since , X then , through , X whether , with . ~~4480
04480 ## min {min} ; or minniy {min-nee'} ; or minney (constructive plural) {min-nay'} ; (Isaiah 30 : 11) ; for 04482 ; properly , a part of ; hence (prepositionally) , from or out of in many senses (as follows) :-- above , after , among , at , because of , by (reason of) , from (among) , in , X neither , X nor , (out) of , over , since , X then , through , X whether , with . ~~4480
04480 ## min {min} ; or minniy {min-nee'} ; or minney (constructive plural) {min-nay'} ; (Isaiah 30 : 11) ; for 04482 ; properly , a part of ; hence (prepositionally) , from or out of in many senses (as follows) :-- above , after , among , at , because of , by (reason of) , from (among) , in , X neither , X nor , (out) of , over , since , X then , through , X whether , with . ~~4480
04483 ## m@na'(Aramaic) {men-aw'} ; or m@nah (Aramaic) {men-aw'} ; corresponding to 04487 ; to count , appoint :-- number , ordain , set . ~~4482
04486 ## manda` (Aramaic) {man-dah'} ; corresponding to 04093 ; wisdom or intelligence :-- knowledge , reason , understanding . ~~4486
04487 ## manah {maw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to weigh out ; by implication , to allot or constitute officially ; also to enumerate or enroll :-- appoint , count , number , prepare , set , tell . ~~4486
04487 ## manah {maw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to weigh out ; by implication , to allot or constitute officially ; also to enumerate or enroll :-- appoint , count , number , prepare , set , tell . ~~4486
04488 ## maneh {maw-neh'} ; from 04487 ; properly , a fixed weight or measured amount , i . e . (techn .) a maneh or mina :-- maneh , pound . ~~4488
04488 ## maneh {maw-neh'} ; from 04487 ; properly , a fixed weight or measured amount , i . e . (techn .) a maneh or mina :-- maneh , pound . ~~4488
04492 ## minharah {min-haw-raw'} ; from 05102 ; properly , a channel or fissure , i . e . (by implication) a cavern :-- den . ~~4492
04493 ## manowd {maw-node'} ; from 05110 a nodding or toss (of the head in derision) :-- shaking . ~~4492
04494 ## manowach {maw-no'- akh} ; from 05117 ; quiet , i . e . (concretely) a settled spot , or (figuratively) a home :-- (place of) rest . ~~4494
04496 ## m@nuwchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; or m@nuchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; feminine of 04495 ; repose or (adverbially) peacefully ; figuratively , consolation (specifically , matrimony) ; hence (concretely) an abode :-- comfortable , ease , quiet , rest (- ing place) , still . ~~4496
04496 ## m@nuwchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; or m@nuchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; feminine of 04495 ; repose or (adverbially) peacefully ; figuratively , consolation (specifically , matrimony) ; hence (concretely) an abode :-- comfortable , ease , quiet , rest (- ing place) , still . ~~4496
04498 ## manowc {maw-noce'} ; from 05127 ; a retreat (literally or figuratively) ; abstractly , a fleeing :-- X apace , escape , way to flee , flight , refuge . ~~4498
04499 ## m@nuwcah {men-oo-saw'} ; or m@nucah {men-oo-saw'} ; feminine of 04498 ; retreat :-- fleeing , flight . ~~4498
04501 ## m@nowrah {men-o-raw'} ; or m@norah {men-o-raw'} ; feminine of 04500 (in the original sense of 05216) ; a chandelier :-- candlestick . ~~4500
04513 ## mana` {maw-nah'} ; a primitive root ; to debar (negatively or positively) from benefit or injury :-- deny , keep (back) , refrain , restrain , withhold . ~~4512
04513 ## mana` {maw-nah'} ; a primitive root ; to debar (negatively or positively) from benefit or injury :-- deny , keep (back) , refrain , restrain , withhold . ~~4512
04514 ## man` uwl {man-ool'} ; or man` ul {man-ool'} ; from 05274 ; a bolt :-- lock . ~~4514
04520 ## M@nashshiy {men-ash-shee'} ; from 04519 ; a Menashshite or descendant of Menashsheh :-- of Manasseh , Manassites . ~~4520
04521 ## m@nath {men-awth'} ; from 04487 ; an allotment (by courtesy , law or providence) :-- portion . ~~4520
04522 ## mac {mas} ; or mic {mees} ; from 04549 ; properly , a burden (as causing to faint) , i . e . a tax in the form of forced labor :-- discomfited , levy , task [-master ] , tribute (- tary) . ~~4522
04524 ## mecab {may-sab'} ; plural masculine m@cibbiym {mes-ib-beem'} ; or feminine m@cibbowth {mes-ib-bohth'} ; from 05437 ; a divan (as enclosing the room) ; abstractly (adverbial) around :-- that compass about , (place) round about , at table . ~~4524
04528 ## micd@rown {mis-der-ohn'} ; from the same as 05468 ; a colonnade or internal portico (from its rows of pillars) :-- porch . ~~4528
04531 ## maccah {mas-saw'} ; from 05254 ; a testing , of men (judicial) or of God (querulous) :-- temptation , trial . ~~4530
04535 ## maccach {mas-sawkh'} ; from 05255 in the sense of staving off ; a cordon , (adverbially) or (as a) military barrier :-- broken down . ~~4534
04546 ## m@cillah {mes-il-law'} ; from 05549 ; a thoroughfare (as turnpiked) , literally or figuratively ; specifically a viaduct , a staircase :-- causeway , course , highway , path , terrace . ~~4546
04548 ## macmer {mas-mare'} ; or micmer {mis-mare'} ; also (feminine) macm@rah {mas-mer-aw'} ; or micm@rah {mis-mer-aw'} ; or even masm@rah (Eccles . 12 : 11) {mas-mer-aw'} ; from 05568 ; a peg (as bristling from the surface) :-- nail . ~~4548
04548 ## macmer {mas-mare'} ; or micmer {mis-mare'} ; also (feminine) macm@rah {mas-mer-aw'} ; or micm@rah {mis-mer-aw'} ; or even masm@rah (Eccles . 12 : 11) {mas-mer-aw'} ; from 05568 ; a peg (as bristling from the surface) :-- nail . ~~4548
04548 ## macmer {mas-mare'} ; or micmer {mis-mare'} ; also (feminine) macm@rah {mas-mer-aw'} ; or micm@rah {mis-mer-aw'} ; or even masm@rah (Eccles . 12 : 11) {mas-mer-aw'} ; from 05568 ; a peg (as bristling from the surface) :-- nail . ~~4548
04549 ## macac {maw-sas'} ; a primitive root ; to liquefy ; figuratively , to waste (with disease) , to faint (with fatigue , fear or grief) :-- discourage , faint , be loosed , melt (away) , refuse , X utterly . ~~4548
04550 ## macca` {mas-sah'} ; from 05265 ; a departure (from striking the tents) , i . e . march (not necessarily a single day's travel) ; by implication , a station (or point of departure) :-- journey (- ing) . ~~4550
04551 ## macca` {mas-saw'} ; from 05265 in the sense of projecting ; a missile (spear or arrow) ; also a quarry (whence stones are , as it were , ejected) :-- before it was brought , dart . ~~4550
04557 ## micpar {mis-pawr'} ; from 05608 ; a number , definite (arithmetical) or indefinite (large , innumerable ; small , a few) ; also (abstractly) narration :-- + abundance , account , X all , X few , [in-] finite , (certain) number (- ed) , tale , telling , + time . ~~4556
04560 ## macar {maw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to sunder , i . e . (transitively) set apart , or (reflex .) apostatize :-- commit , deliver . ~~4560
04569 ## ma` abar {mah-ab-awr'} ; or feminine ma` abarah {mah-ab-aw-raw'} ; from 05674 ; a crossing-place (of a river , a ford ; of a mountain , a pass) ; abstractly , a transit , i . e . (figuratively) overwhelming :-- ford , place where . . . pass , passage . ~~4568
04570 ## ma` gal {mah-gawl'} ; or feminine ma` galah {mah-gaw-law'} ; from the same as 05696 ; a track (literally or figuratively) ; also a rampart (as circular) :-- going , path , trench , way ([-side ]) . ~~4570
04570 ## ma` gal {mah-gawl'} ; or feminine ma` galah {mah-gaw-law'} ; from the same as 05696 ; a track (literally or figuratively) ; also a rampart (as circular) :-- going , path , trench , way ([-side ]) . ~~4570
04574 ## ma` adan {mah-ad-awn'} ; or (feminine) ma` adannah {mah-ad-an-naw'} ; from 05727 ; a delicacy or (abstractly) pleasure (adverbially , cheerfully) :-- dainty , delicately , delight . ~~4574
04574 ## ma` adan {mah-ad-awn'} ; or (feminine) ma` adannah {mah-ad-an-naw'} ; from 05727 ; a delicacy or (abstractly) pleasure (adverbially , cheerfully) :-- dainty , delicately , delight . ~~4574
04577 ## m@` ah (Aramaic) {meh-aw'} ; or m@` a'(Aramaic) {meh-aw'} ; corresponding to 04578 ; only in plural the bowels :-- belly . ~~4576
04578 ## me` ah {may-aw'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be soft ; used only in plural the intestines , or (collectively) the abdomen , figuratively , sympathy ; by implication , a vest ; by extens . the stomach , the uterus (or of men , the seat of generation) , the heart (figuratively) :-- belly , bowels , X heart , womb . ~~4578
04578 ## me` ah {may-aw'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be soft ; used only in plural the intestines , or (collectively) the abdomen , figuratively , sympathy ; by implication , a vest ; by extens . the stomach , the uterus (or of men , the seat of generation) , the heart (figuratively) :-- belly , bowels , X heart , womb . ~~4578
04581 ## ma` owz {maw-oze'} (also ma` uwz {maw-ooz'}) ; or ma` oz {maw-oze'} (also ma` uz {maw-ooz'} ; from 05810 ; a fortified place ; figuratively , a defence :-- force , fort (- ress) , rock , strength (- en) , (X most) strong (hold) . ~~4580
04583 ## ma` own {maw-ohn'} ; or ma` iyn (1 Chronicles 4 : 41) {maw-een'} ; from the same as 05772 ; an abode , of God (the Tabernacle or the Temple) , men (their home) or animals (their lair) ; hence , a retreat (asylum) :-- den , dwelling ([-] place) , habitation . ~~4582
04583 ## ma` own {maw-ohn'} ; or ma` iyn (1 Chronicles 4 : 41) {maw-een'} ; from the same as 05772 ; an abode , of God (the Tabernacle or the Temple) , men (their home) or animals (their lair) ; hence , a retreat (asylum) :-- den , dwelling ([-] place) , habitation . ~~4582
04583 ## ma` own {maw-ohn'} ; or ma` iyn (1 Chronicles 4 : 41) {maw-een'} ; from the same as 05772 ; an abode , of God (the Tabernacle or the Temple) , men (their home) or animals (their lair) ; hence , a retreat (asylum) :-- den , dwelling ([-] place) , habitation . ~~4582
04585 ## m@` ownah {meh-o-naw'} ; or m@` onah {meh-o-naw'} ; feminine of 04583 , and meaning the same :-- den , habitation , (dwelling) place , refuge . ~~4584
04586 ## M@` uwniy {meh-oo-nee'} ; or M@` iyniy {meh-ee-nee'} ; probably patrial from 04584 ; a Meunite , or inhabitant of Maon (only in plural) :-- Mehunim (- s) , Meunim . ~~4586
04586 ## M@` uwniy {meh-oo-nee'} ; or M@` iyniy {meh-ee-nee'} ; probably patrial from 04584 ; a Meunite , or inhabitant of Maon (only in plural) :-- Mehunim (- s) , Meunim . ~~4586
04590 ## Ma` azyah {mah-az-yaw'} ; or Ma` azyahuw {mah-az-yaw'- hoo} ; probably from 05756 (in the sense of protection) and 03050 ; rescue of Jah ; Maazjah , the name of two Israelites :-- Maaziah . ~~4590
04591 ## ma` at {maw-at'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pare off , i . e . lessen ; intransitively , to be (or causatively , to make) small or few (or figuratively , ineffective) :-- suffer to decrease , diminish , (be , X borrow a , give , make) few (in number ,-ness) , gather least (little) , be (seem) little , (X give the) less , be minished , bring to nothing . ~~4590
04591 ## ma` at {maw-at'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pare off , i . e . lessen ; intransitively , to be (or causatively , to make) small or few (or figuratively , ineffective) :-- suffer to decrease , diminish , (be , X borrow a , give , make) few (in number ,-ness) , gather least (little) , be (seem) little , (X give the) less , be minished , bring to nothing . ~~4590
04591 ## ma` at {maw-at'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pare off , i . e . lessen ; intransitively , to be (or causatively , to make) small or few (or figuratively , ineffective) :-- suffer to decrease , diminish , (be , X borrow a , give , make) few (in number ,-ness) , gather least (little) , be (seem) little , (X give the) less , be minished , bring to nothing . ~~4590
04592 ## m@` at {meh-at'} ; or m@` at {meh-awt'} ; from 04591 ; a little or few (often adverbial or compar .) :-- almost (some , very) few (- er ,-est) , lightly , little (while) , (very) small (matter , thing) , some , soon , X very . ~~4592
04592 ## m@` at {meh-at'} ; or m@` at {meh-awt'} ; from 04591 ; a little or few (often adverbial or compar .) :-- almost (some , very) few (- er ,-est) , lightly , little (while) , (very) small (matter , thing) , some , soon , X very . ~~4592
04592 ## m@` at {meh-at'} ; or m@` at {meh-awt'} ; from 04591 ; a little or few (often adverbial or compar .) :-- almost (some , very) few (- er ,-est) , lightly , little (while) , (very) small (matter , thing) , some , soon , X very . ~~4592
04599 ## ma` yan {mah-yawn'} ; or ma` y@now (Psa . 00114 : 8) {mah-yen-o'} ; or (feminine) ma` yanah {mah-yaw-naw'} ; from 05869 (as a denominative in the sense of a spring) ; a fountain (also collectively) , figuratively , a source (of satisfaction) :-- fountain , spring , well . ~~4598
04599 ## ma` yan {mah-yawn'} ; or ma` y@now (Psa . 00114 : 8) {mah-yen-o'} ; or (feminine) ma` yanah {mah-yaw-naw'} ; from 05869 (as a denominative in the sense of a spring) ; a fountain (also collectively) , figuratively , a source (of satisfaction) :-- fountain , spring , well . ~~4598
04601 ## Ma` akah {mah-ak-aw'} ; or Ma` akath (Josh . 13 : 13) {mah-ak-awth'} ; from 04600 ; depression ; Maakah (or Maakath) , the name of a place in Syria , also of a Mesopotamian , of three Israelites , and of four Israelitesses and one Syrian woman :-- Maachah , Maachathites . See also 01038 . ~~4600
04601 ## Ma` akah {mah-ak-aw'} ; or Ma` akath (Josh . 13 : 13) {mah-ak-awth'} ; from 04600 ; depression ; Maakah (or Maakath) , the name of a place in Syria , also of a Mesopotamian , of three Israelites , and of four Israelitesses and one Syrian woman :-- Maachah , Maachathites . See also 01038 . ~~4600
04602 ## Ma` akathiy {mah-ak-aw-thee'} ; patrial from 04601 ; a Maakathite , or inhabitant of Maakah :-- Maachathite . ~~4602
04608 ## ma` aleh {mah-al-eh'} ; from 05927 ; an elevation , i . e . (concretely) acclivity or platform ; abstractly (the relation or state) a rise or (figuratively) priority :-- ascent , before , chiefest , cliff , that goeth up , going up , hill , mounting up , stairs . ~~4608
04608 ## ma` aleh {mah-al-eh'} ; from 05927 ; an elevation , i . e . (concretely) acclivity or platform ; abstractly (the relation or state) a rise or (figuratively) priority :-- ascent , before , chiefest , cliff , that goeth up , going up , hill , mounting up , stairs . ~~4608
04608 ## ma` aleh {mah-al-eh'} ; from 05927 ; an elevation , i . e . (concretely) acclivity or platform ; abstractly (the relation or state) a rise or (figuratively) priority :-- ascent , before , chiefest , cliff , that goeth up , going up , hill , mounting up , stairs . ~~4608
04609 ## ma` alah {mah-al-aw'} ; feminine of 04608 ; elevation , i . e . the act (literally , a journey to a higher place , figuratively , a thought arising) , or (concretely) the condition (literally , a step or grade-mark , figuratively , a superiority of station) ; specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms) :-- things that come up , (high) degree , deal , go up , stair , step , story . ~~4608
04609 ## ma` alah {mah-al-aw'} ; feminine of 04608 ; elevation , i . e . the act (literally , a journey to a higher place , figuratively , a thought arising) , or (concretely) the condition (literally , a step or grade-mark , figuratively , a superiority of station) ; specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms) :-- things that come up , (high) degree , deal , go up , stair , step , story . ~~4608
04611 ## ma` alal {mah-al-awl'} ; from 05953 ; an act (good or bad) :-- doing , endeavour , invention , work . ~~4610
04616 ## ma` an {mah'- an} ; from 06030 ; properly , heed , i . e . purpose ; used only adverbially , on account of (as a motive or an aim) , teleologically , in order that :-- because of , to the end (intent) that , for (to , . . .'s sake) , + lest , that , to . ~~4616
04617 ## ma` aneh {mah-an-eh'} ; from 06030 ; a reply (favorable or contradictory) :-- answer , X himself . ~~4616
04618 ## ma` anah {mah-an-aw'} ; from 06031 , in the sense of depression or tilling ; a furrow :-- + acre , furrow . ~~4618
04626 ## ma` ar {mah'- ar} ; from 06168 ; a nude place , i . e . (literally) the pudenda , or (figuratively) a vacant space :-- nakedness , proportion . ~~4626
04628 ## ma` arab {mah-ar-awb'} ; or (feminine) ma` arabah {mah-ar-aw-baw'} ; from 06150 , in the sense of shading ; the west (as a region of the evening sun) :-- west . ~~4628
04639 ## ma` aseh {mah-as-eh'} ; from 06213 ; an action (good or bad) ; generally , a transaction ; abstractly , activity ; by implication , a product (specifically , a poem) or (generally) property :-- act , art , + bakemeat , business , deed , do (- ing) , labor , thing made , ware of making , occupation , thing offered , operation , possession , X well , ([handy-, needle-, net-]) work (ing ,-manship) , wrought . ~~4638
04639 ## ma` aseh {mah-as-eh'} ; from 06213 ; an action (good or bad) ; generally , a transaction ; abstractly , activity ; by implication , a product (specifically , a poem) or (generally) property :-- act , art , + bakemeat , business , deed , do (- ing) , labor , thing made , ware of making , occupation , thing offered , operation , possession , X well , ([handy-, needle-, net-]) work (ing ,-manship) , wrought . ~~4638
04641 ## Ma` aseyah {mah-as-ay-yaw'} ; or Ma` aseyahuw {mah-as-ay-yaw'- hoo} ; from 04639 and 03050 ; work of Jah ; Maasejah , the name of sixteen Israelites :-- Maaseiah . ~~4640
04643 ## ma` aser {mah-as-ayr'} ; or ma` asar {mah-as-ar'} ; and (in plural) feminine ma` asrah {mah-as-raw'} ; from 06240 ; a tenth ; especially a tithe :-- tenth (part) , tithe (- ing) . ~~4642
04648 ## M@phiybosheth {mef-ee-bo'- sheth} ; or M@phibosheth {mef-ee-bo'- sheth} ; probably from 06284 and 01322 ; dispeller of shame (i . e . of Baal) ; Mephibosheth , the name of two Israelites :-- Mephibosheth . ~~4648
04654 ## mappalah {map-paw-law'} ; or mappelah {map-pay-law'} ; from 05307 ; something fallen , i . e . a ruin :-- ruin (- ous) . ~~4654
04659 ## miph` al {mif-awl'} ; or (feminine) miph` alah {mif-aw-law'} ; from 06466 ; a performance :-- work . ~~4658
04671 ## mots {motes} ; or mowts (Zephaniah 2 : 2) {motes} ; from 04160 ; chaff (as pressed out , i . e . winnowed or [rather ] threshed loose) :-- chaff . ~~4670
04671 ## mots {motes} ; or mowts (Zephaniah 2 : 2) {motes} ; from 04160 ; chaff (as pressed out , i . e . winnowed or [rather ] threshed loose) :-- chaff . ~~4670
04672 ## matsa'{maw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to come forth to , i . e . appear or exist ; transitively , to attain , i . e . find or acquire ; figuratively , to occur , meet or be present :-- + be able , befall , being , catch , X certainly , (cause to) come (on , to , to hand) , deliver , be enough (cause to) find (- ing , occasion , out) , get (hold upon) , X have (here) , be here , hit , be left , light (up-) on , meet (with) , X occasion serve , (be) present , ready , speed , suffice , take hold on . ~~4672
04672 ## matsa'{maw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to come forth to , i . e . appear or exist ; transitively , to attain , i . e . find or acquire ; figuratively , to occur , meet or be present :-- + be able , befall , being , catch , X certainly , (cause to) come (on , to , to hand) , deliver , be enough (cause to) find (- ing , occasion , out) , get (hold upon) , X have (here) , be here , hit , be left , light (up-) on , meet (with) , X occasion serve , (be) present , ready , speed , suffice , take hold on . ~~4672
04672 ## matsa'{maw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to come forth to , i . e . appear or exist ; transitively , to attain , i . e . find or acquire ; figuratively , to occur , meet or be present :-- + be able , befall , being , catch , X certainly , (cause to) come (on , to , to hand) , deliver , be enough (cause to) find (- ing , occasion , out) , get (hold upon) , X have (here) , be here , hit , be left , light (up-) on , meet (with) , X occasion serve , (be) present , ready , speed , suffice , take hold on . ~~4672
04675 ## matstsabah {mats-tsaw-baw'} ; or mitstsabah {mits-tsaw-baw'} ; feminine of 04673 ; a military guard :-- army , garrison . ~~4674
04676 ## matstsebah {mats-tsay-baw'} ; feminine (causatively) participle of 05324 ; something stationed , i . e . a column or (memorial stone) ; by analogy , an idol :-- garrison , (standing) image , pillar . ~~4676
04679 ## m@tsad {mets-ad'} ; or m@tsad {mets-awd'} ; or (feminine) m@tsadah {mets-aw-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a fastness (as a covert of ambush) :-- castle , fort , (strong) hold , munition . ~~4678
04679 ## m@tsad {mets-ad'} ; or m@tsad {mets-awd'} ; or (feminine) m@tsadah {mets-aw-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a fastness (as a covert of ambush) :-- castle , fort , (strong) hold , munition . ~~4678
04682 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'} ; from 04711 in the sense of greedily devouring for sweetness ; properly , sweetness ; concretely , sweet (i . e . not soured or bittered with yeast) ; specifically , an unfermented cake or loaf , or (elliptically) the festival of Passover (because no leaven was then used) :-- unleaved (bread , cake) , without leaven . ~~4682
04682 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'} ; from 04711 in the sense of greedily devouring for sweetness ; properly , sweetness ; concretely , sweet (i . e . not soured or bittered with yeast) ; specifically , an unfermented cake or loaf , or (elliptically) the festival of Passover (because no leaven was then used) :-- unleaved (bread , cake) , without leaven . ~~4682
04682 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'} ; from 04711 in the sense of greedily devouring for sweetness ; properly , sweetness ; concretely , sweet (i . e . not soured or bittered with yeast) ; specifically , an unfermented cake or loaf , or (elliptically) the festival of Passover (because no leaven was then used) :-- unleaved (bread , cake) , without leaven . ~~4682
04684 ## matshalah {mats-haw-law'} ; from 06670 ; a whinnying (through impatience for battle or lust) :-- neighing . ~~4684
04685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'} ; or (feminine) m@tsowdah {mets-o-daw'} ; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a net (for capturing animals or fishes) :-also (by interchange for 04679) a fastness or (beseiging) tower :-- bulwark , hold , munition , net , snare . ~~4684
04685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'} ; or (feminine) m@tsowdah {mets-o-daw'} ; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a net (for capturing animals or fishes) :-also (by interchange for 04679) a fastness or (beseiging) tower :-- bulwark , hold , munition , net , snare . ~~4684
04685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'} ; or (feminine) m@tsowdah {mets-o-daw'} ; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a net (for capturing animals or fishes) :-also (by interchange for 04679) a fastness or (beseiging) tower :-- bulwark , hold , munition , net , snare . ~~4684
04685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'} ; or (feminine) m@tsowdah {mets-o-daw'} ; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a net (for capturing animals or fishes) :-also (by interchange for 04679) a fastness or (beseiging) tower :-- bulwark , hold , munition , net , snare . ~~4684
04686 ## matsuwd {maw-tsood'} ; or (feminine) m@tsuwdah {mets-oo-daw'} ; or m@tsudah {mets-oo-daw'} ; for 04685 ; a net , or (abstractly) capture ; also a fastness ;-- castle , defense , fort (- ress) , (strong) hold , be hunted , net , snare , strong place . ~~4686
04686 ## matsuwd {maw-tsood'} ; or (feminine) m@tsuwdah {mets-oo-daw'} ; or m@tsudah {mets-oo-daw'} ; for 04685 ; a net , or (abstractly) capture ; also a fastness ;-- castle , defense , fort (- ress) , (strong) hold , be hunted , net , snare , strong place . ~~4686
04686 ## matsuwd {maw-tsood'} ; or (feminine) m@tsuwdah {mets-oo-daw'} ; or m@tsudah {mets-oo-daw'} ; for 04685 ; a net , or (abstractly) capture ; also a fastness ;-- castle , defense , fort (- ress) , (strong) hold , be hunted , net , snare , strong place . ~~4686
04687 ## mitsvah {mits-vaw'} ; from 06680 ; a command , whether human or divine (collectively , the Law) :-- (which was) commanded (- ment) , law , ordinance , precept . ~~4686
04688 ## m@tsowlah {mets-o-law'} ; or m@tsolah {mets-o-law'} ; also m@tsuwlah {mets-oo-law'} ; or m@tsulah {mets-oo-law'} ; from the same as 06683 ; a deep place (of water or mud) :-- bottom , deep , depth . ~~4688
04688 ## m@tsowlah {mets-o-law'} ; or m@tsolah {mets-o-law'} ; also m@tsuwlah {mets-oo-law'} ; or m@tsulah {mets-oo-law'} ; from the same as 06683 ; a deep place (of water or mud) :-- bottom , deep , depth . ~~4688
04688 ## m@tsowlah {mets-o-law'} ; or m@tsolah {mets-o-law'} ; also m@tsuwlah {mets-oo-law'} ; or m@tsulah {mets-oo-law'} ; from the same as 06683 ; a deep place (of water or mud) :-- bottom , deep , depth . ~~4688
04689 ## matsowq {maw-tsoke'} ; from 06693 ; a narrow place , i . e . (abstractly and figuratively) confinement or disability :-- anguish , distress , straitness . ~~4688
04690 ## matsuwq {maw-tsook'} ; or matsuq {maw-tsook'} ; from 06693 ; something narrow , i . e . a column or hilltop :-- pillar , situate . ~~4690
04690 ## matsuwq {maw-tsook'} ; or matsuq {maw-tsook'} ; from 06693 ; something narrow , i . e . a column or hilltop :-- pillar , situate . ~~4690
04691 ## m@tsuwqah {mets-oo-kaw'} ; or m@tsuqah {mets-oo-kaw'} ; feminine of 04690 ; narrowness , i . e . (figuratively) trouble :-- anguish , distress . ~~4690
04692 ## matsowr {maw-tsore'} ; or matsuwr {maw-tsoor'} ; from 06696 ; something hemming in , i . e . (objectively) a mound (of besiegers) , (abstractly) a siege , (figuratively) distress ; or (subjectively) a fastness :-- besieged , bulwark , defence , fenced , fortress , siege , strong (hold) , tower . ~~4692
04692 ## matsowr {maw-tsore'} ; or matsuwr {maw-tsoor'} ; from 06696 ; something hemming in , i . e . (objectively) a mound (of besiegers) , (abstractly) a siege , (figuratively) distress ; or (subjectively) a fastness :-- besieged , bulwark , defence , fenced , fortress , siege , strong (hold) , tower . ~~4692
04694 ## m@tsuwrah {mets-oo-raw'} ; or m@tsurah {mets-oo-raw'} ; feminine of 04692 ; a hemming in , i . e . (objectively) a mound (of siege) , or (subjectively) a rampart (of protection) , (abstractly) fortification :-- fenced (city , fort , munition , strong hold . ~~4694
04694 ## m@tsuwrah {mets-oo-raw'} ; or m@tsurah {mets-oo-raw'} ; feminine of 04692 ; a hemming in , i . e . (objectively) a mound (of siege) , or (subjectively) a rampart (of protection) , (abstractly) fortification :-- fenced (city , fort , munition , strong hold . ~~4694
04701 ## mitsnepheth {mits-neh'- feth} ; from 06801 ; a tiara , i . e . official turban (of a king or high priest) :-- diadem , mitre . ~~4700
04705 ## mits` ar {mits-awr'} ; from 06819 ; petty (in size or number) ; adverbially , a short (time) :-- little one (while) , small . ~~4704
04710 ## mitspun {mits-poon'} ; from 06845 ; a secret (place or thing , perhaps , treasure) :-- hidden thing . ~~4710
04713 ## Mitsriy {mits-ree'} ; from 04714 ; a Mitsrite , or inhabitant of Mitsrajim :-- Egyptian , of Egypt . ~~4712
04720 ## miqdash {mik-dawsh'} ; or miqq@dash (Exod . 15 : 17) {mik-ked-awsh'} ; from 06942 ; a consecrated thing or place , especially , a palace , sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum :-- chapel , hallowed part , holy place , sanctuary . ~~4720
04720 ## miqdash {mik-dawsh'} ; or miqq@dash (Exod . 15 : 17) {mik-ked-awsh'} ; from 06942 ; a consecrated thing or place , especially , a palace , sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum :-- chapel , hallowed part , holy place , sanctuary . ~~4720
04720 ## miqdash {mik-dawsh'} ; or miqq@dash (Exod . 15 : 17) {mik-ked-awsh'} ; from 06942 ; a consecrated thing or place , especially , a palace , sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum :-- chapel , hallowed part , holy place , sanctuary . ~~4720
04720 ## miqdash {mik-dawsh'} ; or miqq@dash (Exod . 15 : 17) {mik-ked-awsh'} ; from 06942 ; a consecrated thing or place , especially , a palace , sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum :-- chapel , hallowed part , holy place , sanctuary . ~~4720
04721 ## maqhel {mak-hale'} ; or (feminine) maqhelah {mak-hay-law'} ; from 06950 ; an assembly :-- congregation . ~~4720
04723 ## miqveh {mik-veh'} ; or miqveh (1 Kings 10 : 28) {mik-vay'} ; or miqve'(2 Chron . 1 : 16) {mik-vay'} ; from 06960 ; something waited for , i . e . confidence (objective or subjective) ; also a collection , i . e . (of water) a pond , or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove :-- abiding , gathering together , hope , linen yarn , plenty [of water ] , pool . ~~4722
04723 ## miqveh {mik-veh'} ; or miqveh (1 Kings 10 : 28) {mik-vay'} ; or miqve'(2 Chron . 1 : 16) {mik-vay'} ; from 06960 ; something waited for , i . e . confidence (objective or subjective) ; also a collection , i . e . (of water) a pond , or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove :-- abiding , gathering together , hope , linen yarn , plenty [of water ] , pool . ~~4722
04723 ## miqveh {mik-veh'} ; or miqveh (1 Kings 10 : 28) {mik-vay'} ; or miqve'(2 Chron . 1 : 16) {mik-vay'} ; from 06960 ; something waited for , i . e . confidence (objective or subjective) ; also a collection , i . e . (of water) a pond , or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove :-- abiding , gathering together , hope , linen yarn , plenty [of water ] , pool . ~~4722
04723 ## miqveh {mik-veh'} ; or miqveh (1 Kings 10 : 28) {mik-vay'} ; or miqve'(2 Chron . 1 : 16) {mik-vay'} ; from 06960 ; something waited for , i . e . confidence (objective or subjective) ; also a collection , i . e . (of water) a pond , or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove :-- abiding , gathering together , hope , linen yarn , plenty [of water ] , pool . ~~4722
04723 ## miqveh {mik-veh'} ; or miqveh (1 Kings 10 : 28) {mik-vay'} ; or miqve'(2 Chron . 1 : 16) {mik-vay'} ; from 06960 ; something waited for , i . e . confidence (objective or subjective) ; also a collection , i . e . (of water) a pond , or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove :-- abiding , gathering together , hope , linen yarn , plenty [of water ] , pool . ~~4722
04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also (feminine) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) :-- country , X home , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] . ~~4724
04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also (feminine) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) :-- country , X home , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] . ~~4724
04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also (feminine) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) :-- country , X home , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] . ~~4724
04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also (feminine) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) :-- country , X home , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] . ~~4724
04726 ## maqowr {maw-kore'} ; or maqor {maw-kore'} ; from 06979 ; properly , something dug , i . e . a (general) source (of water , even when naturally flowing ; also of tears , blood [by euphemism , of the female pudenda ] ; figuratively , of happiness , wisdom , progeny) :-- fountain , issue , spring , well (- spring) . ~~4726
04731 ## maqqel {mak-kale ;} ; or (feminine) maqq@lah {mak-kel-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning apparently to germinate ; a shoot , i . e . stick (with leaves on , or for walking , striking , guiding , divining) :-- rod , ([hand-]) staff . ~~4730
04731 ## maqqel {mak-kale ;} ; or (feminine) maqq@lah {mak-kel-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning apparently to germinate ; a shoot , i . e . stick (with leaves on , or for walking , striking , guiding , divining) :-- rod , ([hand-]) staff . ~~4730
04732 ## Miqlowth {mik-lohth'} ; (or perhaps mik-kel-ohth') plural of (feminine) 04731 ; rods ; Mikloth , a place in the Desert :-- Mikloth . ~~4732
04736 ## miqnah {mik-naw'} ; feminine of 04735 ; properly , a buying , i . e . acquisition ; concretely , a piece of property (land or living) ; also the sum paid :-- (he that is) bought , possession , piece , purchase . ~~4736
04740 ## maqtsowa` {mak-tso'- ah} ; or maqtsoa` {mak-tso-ah} ; or (feminine) maqtso` ah {mak-tso-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle or recess :-- corner , turning . ~~4740
04740 ## maqtsowa` {mak-tso'- ah} ; or maqtsoa` {mak-tso-ah} ; or (feminine) maqtso` ah {mak-tso-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle or recess :-- corner , turning . ~~4740
04740 ## maqtsowa` {mak-tso'- ah} ; or maqtsoa` {mak-tso-ah} ; or (feminine) maqtso` ah {mak-tso-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle or recess :-- corner , turning . ~~4740
04744 ## miqra'{mik-raw'} ; from 07121 ; something called out , i . e . a public meeting (the act , the persons , or the place) ; also a rehearsal :-- assembly , calling , convocation , reading . ~~4744
04745 ## miqreh {mik-reh'} ; from 07136 ; something met with , i . e . an accident or fortune :-- something befallen , befalleth , chance , event , hap (- peneth) . ~~4744
04751 ## mar {mar} ; or (feminine) marah {maw-raw'} ; from 04843 ; bitter (literally or figuratively) ; also (as noun) bitterness , or (adverbially) bitterly :-- + angry , bitter (- ly ,-ness) , chafed , discontented , X great , heavy . ~~4750
04751 ## mar {mar} ; or (feminine) marah {maw-raw'} ; from 04843 ; bitter (literally or figuratively) ; also (as noun) bitterness , or (adverbially) bitterly :-- + angry , bitter (- ly ,-ness) , chafed , discontented , X great , heavy . ~~4750
04751 ## mar {mar} ; or (feminine) marah {maw-raw'} ; from 04843 ; bitter (literally or figuratively) ; also (as noun) bitterness , or (adverbially) bitterly :-- + angry , bitter (- ly ,-ness) , chafed , discontented , X great , heavy . ~~4750
04753 ## more {mor} ; or mowr {more} ; from 04843 ; myrrh (as distilling in drops , and also as bitter) :-- myrrh . ~~4752
04758 ## mar'eh {mar-eh'} ; from 07200 ; a view (the act of seeing) ; also an appearance (the thing seen) , whether (real) a shape (especially if handsome , comeliness ; often plural the looks) , or (mental) a vision :-- X apparently , appearance (- reth) , X as soon as beautiful (- ly) , countenance , fair , favoured , form , goodly , to look (up) on (to) , look [-eth ] , pattern , to see , seem , sight , visage , vision . ~~4758
04762 ## Mar'eshah {mar-ay-shaw'} ; or Mareshah {mar-ay-shaw'} ; formed like 04761 ; summit ; Mareshah , the name of two Israelites and of a place in Palestine :-- Mareshah . ~~4762
04763 ## m@ra'ashah {mer-ah-ash-aw'} ; formed like 04761 ; properly , a headpiece , i . e . (plural for adverbial) at (or as) the head-rest (or pillow) :-- bolster , head , pillow . Compare 04772 . ~~4762
04763 ## m@ra'ashah {mer-ah-ash-aw'} ; formed like 04761 ; properly , a headpiece , i . e . (plural for adverbial) at (or as) the head-rest (or pillow) :-- bolster , head , pillow . Compare 04772 . ~~4762
04766 ## marbeh {mar-beh'} ; from 07235 ; properly , increasing ; as noun , greatness , or (adverbially) greatly :-- great , increase . ~~4766
04772 ## marg@lah {mar-ghel-aw'} ; denominative from 07272 ; (plural for collective) a footpiece , i . e . (adverbially) at the foot , or (direct .) the foot itself :-- feet . Compare 04763 . ~~4772
04784 ## marah {maw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) bitter (or unpleasant) ; (figuratively) to rebel (or resist ; causatively , to provoke) :-- bitter , change , be disobedient , disobey , grievously , provocation , provoke (- ing) , (be) rebel (against ,-lious) . ~~4784
04784 ## marah {maw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) bitter (or unpleasant) ; (figuratively) to rebel (or resist ; causatively , to provoke) :-- bitter , change , be disobedient , disobey , grievously , provocation , provoke (- ing) , (be) rebel (against ,-lious) . ~~4784
04791 ## marowm {maw-rome'} ; from 07311 ; altitude , i . e . concretely (an elevated place) , abstractly (elevation , figuratively (elation) , or adverbially (aloft) :-- (far) above , dignity , haughty , height , (most , on) high (one , place) , loftily , upward . ~~4790
04794 ## m@ruwtsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; or m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; feminine of 04793 ; a race (the act) , whether the manner or the progress :-- course , running . Compare 04835 . ~~4794
04794 ## m@ruwtsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; or m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; feminine of 04793 ; a race (the act) , whether the manner or the progress :-- course , running . Compare 04835 . ~~4794
04799 ## marach {maw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to soften by rubbing or pressure ; hence (medicinally) to apply as an emollient :-- lay for a plaister . ~~4798
04800 ## merchab {mer-khawb'} ; from 07337 ; enlargement , either literally (an open space , usually in a good sense) , or figuratively (liberty) :-- breadth , large place (room) . ~~4800
04805 ## m@riy {mer-ee'} ; from 04784 ; bitterness , i . e . (figuratively) rebellion ; concretely , bitter , or rebellious :-- bitter , (most) rebel (- lion ,-lious) . ~~4804
04823 ## mirmac {meer-mawce'} ; from 07429 ; abasement (the act or the thing) :-- tread (down)-ing , (to be) trodden (down) under foot . ~~4822
04824 ## Meronothiy {may-ro-no-thee'} ; patrial from an unused noun ; a Meronothite , or inhabitant of some (otherwise unknown) Meronoth . :-- Meronothite . ~~4824
04829 ## mir` eh {meer-eh'} ; from 07462 in the sense of feeding ; pasture (the place or the act) ; also the haunt of wild animals :-- feeding place , pasture . ~~4828
04832 ## marpe'{mar-pay'} ; from 07495 ; properly , curative , i . e . literally (concretely) a medicine , or (abstractly) a cure ; figuratively (concretely) deliverance , or (abstractly) placidity :-- ([in-]) cure (- able) , healing (- lth) , remedy , sound , wholesome , yielding . ~~4832
04832 ## marpe'{mar-pay'} ; from 07495 ; properly , curative , i . e . literally (concretely) a medicine , or (abstractly) a cure ; figuratively (concretely) deliverance , or (abstractly) placidity :-- ([in-]) cure (- able) , healing (- lth) , remedy , sound , wholesome , yielding . ~~4832
04834 ## marats {maw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to press , i . e . (figuratively) to be pungent or vehement ; to irritate :-- embolden , be forcible , grievous , sore . ~~4834
04843 ## marar {maw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to trickle [see 04752 ] ; but used only as a denominative from 04751 ; to be (causatively , make) bitter (literally or figuratively) :-- (be , be in , deal , have , make) bitter (- ly ,-ness) , be moved with choler , (be , have sorely , it) grieved (- eth) , provoke , vex . ~~4842
04844 ## m@ror {mer-ore'} ; or m@rowr {mer-ore'} ; from 04843 ; a bitter herb :-- bitter (- ness) . ~~4844
04846 ## m@rorah {mer-o-raw'} ; or m@rowrah {mer-o-raw'} ; from 04843 ; properly , bitterness ; concretely , a bitter thing ; specifically bile ; also venom (of a serpent) :-- bitter (thing) , gall . ~~4846
04848 ## M@rariy {mer-aw-ree'} ; from 04847 ; a Merarite (collectively) , or decendants of Merari :-- Merarites . ~~4848
04853 ## massa'{mas-saw'} ; from 05375 ; a burden ; specifically , tribute , or (abstractly) porterage ; figuratively , an utterance , chiefly a doom , especially singing ; mental , desire :-- burden , carry away , prophecy , X they set , song , tribute . ~~4852
04864 ## mas'eth {mas-ayth'} ; from 05375 ; properly , (abstractly) a raising (as of the hands in prayer) , or rising (of flame) ; figuratively , an utterance ; concretely , a beacon (as raised) ; a present (as taken) , mess , or tribute ; figuratively , a reproach (as a burden) :-- burden , collection , sign of fire , (great) flame , gift , lifting up , mess , oblation , reward . ~~4864
04864 ## mas'eth {mas-ayth'} ; from 05375 ; properly , (abstractly) a raising (as of the hands in prayer) , or rising (of flame) ; figuratively , an utterance ; concretely , a beacon (as raised) ; a present (as taken) , mess , or tribute ; figuratively , a reproach (as a burden) :-- burden , collection , sign of fire , (great) flame , gift , lifting up , mess , oblation , reward . ~~4864
04869 ## misgab {mis-gawb'} ; from 07682 ; properly , a cliff (or other lofty or inaccessible place) ; abstractly , altitude ; figuratively , a refuge :-- defence , high fort (tower) , refuge , Misgab , a place in Moab :-- Misgab . ~~4868
04869 ## misgab {mis-gawb'} ; from 07682 ; properly , a cliff (or other lofty or inaccessible place) ; abstractly , altitude ; figuratively , a refuge :-- defence , high fort (tower) , refuge , Misgab , a place in Moab :-- Misgab . ~~4868
04871 ## mashah {maw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to pull out (literally or figuratively) :-- draw (out) . ~~4870
04875 ## m@show'ah {meh-o-aw'} ; or m@sho'ah {mesh-o-aw'} ; from the same as 07722 ; (a) ruin , abstractly (the act) or concretely (the wreck) :-- desolation , waste . ~~4874
04875 ## m@show'ah {meh-o-aw'} ; or m@sho'ah {mesh-o-aw'} ; from the same as 07722 ; (a) ruin , abstractly (the act) or concretely (the wreck) :-- desolation , waste . ~~4874
04876 ## masshuw'ah {mash-shoo-aw'} ; or mashshu'ah {mash-shoo-aw'} ; for 04875 ; ruin :-- desolation , destruction . ~~4876
04878 ## m@shuwbah {mesh-oo-baw'} ; or m@shubah {mesh-oo-baw'} ; from 07725 ; apostasy :-- backsliding , turning away . ~~4878
04880 ## mashowt {maw-shote'} ; or mishshowt {mish-shote'} ; from 07751 ; an oar :-- oar . ~~4880
04881 ## m@suwkah {mes-oo-kaw'} ; or m@sukah {mes-oo-kaw'} ; from 07753 ; a hedge :-- hedge . ~~4880
04885 ## masows {maw-soce'} ; from 07797 ; delight , concretely (the cause or object) or abstractly (the feeling) :-- joy , mirth , rejoice . ~~4884
04885 ## masows {maw-soce'} ; from 07797 ; delight , concretely (the cause or object) or abstractly (the feeling) :-- joy , mirth , rejoice . ~~4884
04888 ## mishchah {meesh-khaw'} ; or moshchah {mosh-khaw'} ; from 04886 ; unction (the act) ; by implication , a consecratory gift :-- (to be) anointed (- ing) , ointment . ~~4888
04889 ## mashchiyth {mash-kheeth'} ; from 07843 ; destructive , i . e . (as noun) destruction , literally (specifically a snare) or figuratively (corruption) :-- corruption , (to) destroy (- ing) , destruction , trap , X utterly . ~~4888
04893 ## mishchath {mish-khawth'} ; or moshchath {mosh-khawth'} ; from 07843 ; disfigurement :-- corruption , marred . ~~4892
04894 ## mishtowach {mish-to'- akh} ; or mishtach {mish-takh'} ; from 07849 ; a spreading-place :-- (to) spread (forth ,-ing , upon) . ~~4894
04899 ## mashiyach {maw-shee'- akh} ; from 04886 ; anointed ; usually a consecrated person (as a king , priest , or saint) ; specifically , the Messiah :-- anointed , Messiah . ~~4898
04906 ## maskiyth {mas-keeth'} ; from the same as 07906 ; a figure (carved on stone , the wall , or any object) ; figuratively , imagination :-- conceit , image (- ry) , picture , X wish . ~~4906
04909 ## maskoreth {mas-koh'- reth} ; from 07936 ; wages or a reward :-- reward , wages . ~~4908
04911 ## mashal {maw-shal'} ; denominative from 04912 ; to liken , i . e . (transitively) to use figurative language (an allegory , adage , song or the like) ; intransitively , to resemble :-- be (- come) like , compare , use (as a) proverb , speak (in proverbs) , utter . ~~4910
04916 ## mishlowach {mish-lo'- akh} ; or mishloach {mish-lo'- akh} ; also mishlach {mish-lawkh'} ; from 07971 ; a sending out , i . e . (abstractly) presentation (favorable) , or seizure (unfavorable) ; also (concretely) a place of dismissal , or a business to be discharged :-- to lay , to put , sending (forth) , to set . ~~4916
04916 ## mishlowach {mish-lo'- akh} ; or mishloach {mish-lo'- akh} ; also mishlach {mish-lawkh'} ; from 07971 ; a sending out , i . e . (abstractly) presentation (favorable) , or seizure (unfavorable) ; also (concretely) a place of dismissal , or a business to be discharged :-- to lay , to put , sending (forth) , to set . ~~4916
04916 ## mishlowach {mish-lo'- akh} ; or mishloach {mish-lo'- akh} ; also mishlach {mish-lawkh'} ; from 07971 ; a sending out , i . e . (abstractly) presentation (favorable) , or seizure (unfavorable) ; also (concretely) a place of dismissal , or a business to be discharged :-- to lay , to put , sending (forth) , to set . ~~4916
04917 ## mishlachath {mish-lakh'- ath} ; feminine of 04916 ; a mission , i . e . (abstractly) and favorable) release , or (concretely and unfavorable) an army :-- discharge , sending . ~~4916
04920 ## M@shelemyah {mesh-eh-lem-yaw'} ; or M@shelemyahuw {mesh-eh-lem-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07999 and 03050 ; ally of Jah ; Meshelemjah , an Israelite :-- Meshelemiah . ~~4920
04923 ## m@shammah {mesh-am-maw'} ; from 08074 ; a waste or amazement :-- astonishment , desolate . ~~4922
04929 ## mishmar {mish-mawr'} ; from 08104 ; a guard (the man , the post , or the prison) ; figuratively a deposit ; allso (as observed) a usage (abstractly) , or an example (concr .) :-- diligence , guard , office , prison , ward , watch . ~~4928
04929 ## mishmar {mish-mawr'} ; from 08104 ; a guard (the man , the post , or the prison) ; figuratively a deposit ; allso (as observed) a usage (abstractly) , or an example (concr .) :-- diligence , guard , office , prison , ward , watch . ~~4928
04931 ## mishmereth {mish-meh'- reth} ; feminine of 04929 ; watch , i . e . the act (custody) or (transitively) the sentry , the post ; objectively , preservation , or (concretely) safe ; figuratively , observance , i . e . (abstractly) duty , or (objectively) a usage or party :-- charge , keep , to be kept , office , ordinance , safeguard , ward , watch . ~~4930
04931 ## mishmereth {mish-meh'- reth} ; feminine of 04929 ; watch , i . e . the act (custody) or (transitively) the sentry , the post ; objectively , preservation , or (concretely) safe ; figuratively , observance , i . e . (abstractly) duty , or (objectively) a usage or party :-- charge , keep , to be kept , office , ordinance , safeguard , ward , watch . ~~4930
04931 ## mishmereth {mish-meh'- reth} ; feminine of 04929 ; watch , i . e . the act (custody) or (transitively) the sentry , the post ; objectively , preservation , or (concretely) safe ; figuratively , observance , i . e . (abstractly) duty , or (objectively) a usage or party :-- charge , keep , to be kept , office , ordinance , safeguard , ward , watch . ~~4930
04931 ## mishmereth {mish-meh'- reth} ; feminine of 04929 ; watch , i . e . the act (custody) or (transitively) the sentry , the post ; objectively , preservation , or (concretely) safe ; figuratively , observance , i . e . (abstractly) duty , or (objectively) a usage or party :-- charge , keep , to be kept , office , ordinance , safeguard , ward , watch . ~~4930
04932 ## mishneh {mish-neh'} ; from 08138 ; properly , a repetition , i . e . a duplicate (copy of a document) , or a double (in amount) ; by implication , a second (in order , rank , age , quality or location) :-- college , copy , double , fatlings , next , second (order) , twice as much . ~~4932
04932 ## mishneh {mish-neh'} ; from 08138 ; properly , a repetition , i . e . a duplicate (copy of a document) , or a double (in amount) ; by implication , a second (in order , rank , age , quality or location) :-- college , copy , double , fatlings , next , second (order) , twice as much . ~~4932
04937 ## mish` en {mish-ane'} ; or mish` an {mish-awn'} ; from 08172 ; a support (concretely) , i . e . (figuratively) a protector or sustenance :-- stay . ~~4936
04937 ## mish` en {mish-ane'} ; or mish` an {mish-awn'} ; from 08172 ; a support (concretely) , i . e . (figuratively) a protector or sustenance :-- stay . ~~4936
04938 ## mish` enah {mish-ay-naw'} ; or mish` eneth {mish-eh'- neth} ; feminine of 04937 ; support (abstractly) , i . e . (figuratively) sustenance or (concretely) a walking-stick :-- staff . ~~4938
04938 ## mish` enah {mish-ay-naw'} ; or mish` eneth {mish-eh'- neth} ; feminine of 04937 ; support (abstractly) , i . e . (figuratively) sustenance or (concretely) a walking-stick :-- staff . ~~4938
04940 ## mishpachah {mish-paw-khaw'} ; from 08192 [compare 08198 ] ; a family , i . e . circle of relatives ; figuratively , a class (of persons) , a species (of animals) or sort (of things) ; by extens . a tribe or people :-- family , kind (- red) . ~~4940
04940 ## mishpachah {mish-paw-khaw'} ; from 08192 [compare 08198 ] ; a family , i . e . circle of relatives ; figuratively , a class (of persons) , a species (of animals) or sort (of things) ; by extens . a tribe or people :-- family , kind (- red) . ~~4940
04941 ## mishpat {mish-pawt'} ; from 08199 ; properly , a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially , especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's ] divine law , individual or collective) , including the act , the place , the suit , the crime , and the penalty ; abstractly , justice , including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary) , or even a style :-- + adversary , ceremony , charge , X crime , custom , desert , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion , form , to be judged , judgment , just (- ice ,-ly) , (manner of) law (- ful) , manner , measure , (due) order , ordinance , right , sentence , usest , X worthy , + wrong . ~~4940
04941 ## mishpat {mish-pawt'} ; from 08199 ; properly , a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially , especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's ] divine law , individual or collective) , including the act , the place , the suit , the crime , and the penalty ; abstractly , justice , including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary) , or even a style :-- + adversary , ceremony , charge , X crime , custom , desert , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion , form , to be judged , judgment , just (- ice ,-ly) , (manner of) law (- ful) , manner , measure , (due) order , ordinance , right , sentence , usest , X worthy , + wrong . ~~4940
04941 ## mishpat {mish-pawt'} ; from 08199 ; properly , a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially , especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's ] divine law , individual or collective) , including the act , the place , the suit , the crime , and the penalty ; abstractly , justice , including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary) , or even a style :-- + adversary , ceremony , charge , X crime , custom , desert , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion , form , to be judged , judgment , just (- ice ,-ly) , (manner of) law (- ful) , manner , measure , (due) order , ordinance , right , sentence , usest , X worthy , + wrong . ~~4940
04941 ## mishpat {mish-pawt'} ; from 08199 ; properly , a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially , especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's ] divine law , individual or collective) , including the act , the place , the suit , the crime , and the penalty ; abstractly , justice , including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary) , or even a style :-- + adversary , ceremony , charge , X crime , custom , desert , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion , form , to be judged , judgment , just (- ice ,-ly) , (manner of) law (- ful) , manner , measure , (due) order , ordinance , right , sentence , usest , X worthy , + wrong . ~~4940
04941 ## mishpat {mish-pawt'} ; from 08199 ; properly , a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially , especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's ] divine law , individual or collective) , including the act , the place , the suit , the crime , and the penalty ; abstractly , justice , including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary) , or even a style :-- + adversary , ceremony , charge , X crime , custom , desert , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion , form , to be judged , judgment , just (- ice ,-ly) , (manner of) law (- ful) , manner , measure , (due) order , ordinance , right , sentence , usest , X worthy , + wrong . ~~4940
04941 ## mishpat {mish-pawt'} ; from 08199 ; properly , a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially , especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's ] divine law , individual or collective) , including the act , the place , the suit , the crime , and the penalty ; abstractly , justice , including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary) , or even a style :-- + adversary , ceremony , charge , X crime , custom , desert , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion , form , to be judged , judgment , just (- ice ,-ly) , (manner of) law (- ful) , manner , measure , (due) order , ordinance , right , sentence , usest , X worthy , + wrong . ~~4940
04941 ## mishpat {mish-pawt'} ; from 08199 ; properly , a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially , especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's ] divine law , individual or collective) , including the act , the place , the suit , the crime , and the penalty ; abstractly , justice , including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary) , or even a style :-- + adversary , ceremony , charge , X crime , custom , desert , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion , form , to be judged , judgment , just (- ice ,-ly) , (manner of) law (- ful) , manner , measure , (due) order , ordinance , right , sentence , usest , X worthy , + wrong . ~~4940
04949 ## mishqeleth {mish-keh'- leth} ; or mishqoleth {mish-ko'- leth} ; feminine of 04948 or 04947 ; a weight , i . e . a plummet (with line attached) :-- plummet . ~~4948
04949 ## mishqeleth {mish-keh'- leth} ; or mishqoleth {mish-ko'- leth} ; feminine of 04948 or 04947 ; a weight , i . e . a plummet (with line attached) :-- plummet . ~~4948
04954 ## Mishra` iy {mish-raw-ee'} ; patrial from an unused noun from an unused root ; probably meaning to stretch out ; extension ; a Mishraite , or inhabitant (collectively) of Mishra :-- Mishraites . ~~4954
04955 ## misraphah {mis-raw-faw'} ; from 08313 ; combustion , i . e . cremation (of a corpse) , or calcination (of lime) :-- burning . ~~4954
04960 ## mishteh {mish-teh'} ; from 08354 ; drink , by implication , drinking (the act) ; also (by implication) a banquet or (generally) feast :-- banquet , drank , drink , feast ([-ed ] ,-ing) . ~~4960
04966 ## mathowq {maw-thoke'} ; or mathuwq {maw-thook'} ; from 04985 ; sweet :-- sweet (- er ,-ness) . ~~4966
04970 ## mathay {maw-thah'ee} ; from an unused root meaning to extend ; properly , extent (of time) ; but used only adverbially (especially with other particle prefixes) , when (either relative or interrogative) :-- long , when . ~~4970
04971 ## mathkoneth {math-ko'- neth} ; or mathkuneth {math-koo'- neth} ; from 08505 in the transferred sense of measuring ; proportion (in size , number or ingredients) :-- composition , measure , state , tale . ~~4970
04971 ## mathkoneth {math-ko'- neth} ; or mathkuneth {math-koo'- neth} ; from 08505 in the transferred sense of measuring ; proportion (in size , number or ingredients) :-- composition , measure , state , tale . ~~4970
04975 ## mothen {mo'- then} ; from an unused root meaning to be slender ; properly , the waist or small of the back ; only in plural the loins :-- + greyhound , loins , side . ~~4974
04981 ## Mithniy {mith-nee'} ; probably patrial from an unused noun meaning slenderness ; a Mithnite , or inhabitant of Methen :-- Mithnite . ~~4980
04983 ## Mattanyah {mat-tan-yaw'} ; or Mattanyahuw {mat-tan-yaw'- hoo} ; from 04976 and 03050 ; gift of Jah ; Mattanjah , the name of ten Israelites :-- Mattaniah . ~~4982
04985 ## mathaq {maw-thak'} ; a primitive root ; to suck , by implication , to relish , or (intransitively) be sweet :-- be (made , X take) sweet . ~~4984
04993 ## Mattithyah {mat-tith-yaw'} ; or Mattithyahuw {mat-tith-yaw'- hoo} ; from 04991 and 03050 ; gift of Jah ; Mattithjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Mattithiah . ~~4992
04994 ## na'{naw} ; a primitive particle of incitement and entreaty , which may usually be rendered : " I pray , " " now , " or " then " ; added mostly to verbs (in the Imperative or Future) , or to interjections , occasionally to an adverb or conjunction :-- I beseech (pray) thee (you) , go to , now , oh . ~~4994
04994 ## na'{naw} ; a primitive particle of incitement and entreaty , which may usually be rendered : " I pray , " " now , " or " then " ; added mostly to verbs (in the Imperative or Future) , or to interjections , occasionally to an adverb or conjunction :-- I beseech (pray) thee (you) , go to , now , oh . ~~4994
04994 ## na'{naw} ; a primitive particle of incitement and entreaty , which may usually be rendered : " I pray , " " now , " or " then " ; added mostly to verbs (in the Imperative or Future) , or to interjections , occasionally to an adverb or conjunction :-- I beseech (pray) thee (you) , go to , now , oh . ~~4994
04994 ## na'{naw} ; a primitive particle of incitement and entreaty , which may usually be rendered : " I pray , " " now , " or " then " ; added mostly to verbs (in the Imperative or Future) , or to interjections , occasionally to an adverb or conjunction :-- I beseech (pray) thee (you) , go to , now , oh . ~~4994
04997 ## no'd {node} ; or no'wd {node} ; also (feminine) no'dah {no-daw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain signification ; a (skin or leather) bag (for fluids) :-- bottle . ~~4996
04997 ## no'd {node} ; or no'wd {node} ; also (feminine) no'dah {no-daw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain signification ; a (skin or leather) bag (for fluids) :-- bottle . ~~4996
04998 ## na'ah {naw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be at home , i . e . (by implication) to be pleasant (or suitable) , i . e . beautiful :-- be beautiful , become , be comely . ~~4998
05000 ## na'veh {naw-veh'} ; from 04998 or 05116 ; suitable , or beautiful :-- becometh , comely , seemly . ~~5000
05000 ## na'veh {naw-veh'} ; from 04998 or 05116 ; suitable , or beautiful :-- becometh , comely , seemly . ~~5000
05006 ## na'ats {naw-ats'} ; a primitive root ; to scorn ; or (Ecclesiastes 12 : 5) by interchange for 05132 , to bloom :-- abhor , (give occasion to) blaspheme , contemn , despise , flourish , X great , provoke . ~~5006
05007 ## n@'atsah {neh-aw-tsaw'} ; or ne'atsah {neh-aw-tsaw'} ; from 05006 ; scorn :-- blasphemy . ~~5006
05012 ## naba'{naw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to prophesy , i . e . speak (or sing) by inspiration (in prediction or simple discourse) :-- prophesy (- ing) , make self a prophet . ~~5012
05012 ## naba'{naw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to prophesy , i . e . speak (or sing) by inspiration (in prediction or simple discourse) :-- prophesy (- ing) , make self a prophet . ~~5012
05014 ## nabab {naw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to pierce ; to be hollow , or (figuratively) foolish :-- hollow , vain . ~~5014
05016 ## n@buw'ah {neb-oo-aw'} ; from 05012 ; a prediction (spoken or written) :-- prophecy . ~~5016
05019 ## N@buwkadne'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@bukadne'tstsar (2 Kings 24 : 1 , 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2 : 6 ; Daniel 1 : 18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsowr (Ezra 2 : 1 ; Jeremiah 49 : 28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsore'} ; or foreign derivation ; Nebukadnetstsar (or-retstsar , or-retstsor) , king of Babylon :-- Nebuchadnezzar , Nebuchadrezzar . ~~5018
05019 ## N@buwkadne'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@bukadne'tstsar (2 Kings 24 : 1 , 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2 : 6 ; Daniel 1 : 18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsowr (Ezra 2 : 1 ; Jeremiah 49 : 28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsore'} ; or foreign derivation ; Nebukadnetstsar (or-retstsar , or-retstsor) , king of Babylon :-- Nebuchadnezzar , Nebuchadrezzar . ~~5018
05019 ## N@buwkadne'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@bukadne'tstsar (2 Kings 24 : 1 , 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2 : 6 ; Daniel 1 : 18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsowr (Ezra 2 : 1 ; Jeremiah 49 : 28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsore'} ; or foreign derivation ; Nebukadnetstsar (or-retstsar , or-retstsor) , king of Babylon :-- Nebuchadnezzar , Nebuchadrezzar . ~~5018
05019 ## N@buwkadne'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@bukadne'tstsar (2 Kings 24 : 1 , 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2 : 6 ; Daniel 1 : 18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsowr (Ezra 2 : 1 ; Jeremiah 49 : 28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsore'} ; or foreign derivation ; Nebukadnetstsar (or-retstsar , or-retstsor) , king of Babylon :-- Nebuchadnezzar , Nebuchadrezzar . ~~5018
05019 ## N@buwkadne'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@bukadne'tstsar (2 Kings 24 : 1 , 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2 : 6 ; Daniel 1 : 18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsowr (Ezra 2 : 1 ; Jeremiah 49 : 28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsore'} ; or foreign derivation ; Nebukadnetstsar (or-retstsar , or-retstsor) , king of Babylon :-- Nebuchadnezzar , Nebuchadrezzar . ~~5018
05019 ## N@buwkadne'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@bukadne'tstsar (2 Kings 24 : 1 , 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2 : 6 ; Daniel 1 : 18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsowr (Ezra 2 : 1 ; Jeremiah 49 : 28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsore'} ; or foreign derivation ; Nebukadnetstsar (or-retstsar , or-retstsor) , king of Babylon :-- Nebuchadnezzar , Nebuchadrezzar . ~~5018
05019 ## N@buwkadne'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@bukadne'tstsar (2 Kings 24 : 1 , 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2 : 6 ; Daniel 1 : 18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'} ; or N@buwkadre'tstsowr (Ezra 2 : 1 ; Jeremiah 49 : 28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsore'} ; or foreign derivation ; Nebukadnetstsar (or-retstsar , or-retstsor) , king of Babylon :-- Nebuchadnezzar , Nebuchadrezzar . ~~5018
05027 ## nabat {naw-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to scan , i . e . look intently at ; by implication , to regard with pleasure , favor or care :-- (cause to) behold , consider , look (down) , regard , have respect , see . ~~5026
05030 ## nabiy'{naw-bee'} ; from 05012 ; a prophet or (generally) inspired man :-- prophecy , that prophesy , prophet . ~~5030
05031 ## n@biy'ah {neb-ee-yaw'} ; feminine of 05030 ; a prophetess or (generally) inspired woman ; by implication , a poetess ; by association a prophet's wife :-- prophetess . ~~5030
05032 ## N@bayowth {neb-aw-yoth'} ; or N@bayoth {neb-aw-yoth'} ; feminine plural from 05107 ; fruitfulnesses ; Nebajoth , a son of Ismael , and the country settled by him :-- Nebaioth , Nebajoth . ~~5032
05034 ## nabel {naw-bale'} ; a primitive root ; to wilt ; generally , to fall away , fail , faint ; figuratively , to be foolish or (morally) wicked ; causatively , to despise , disgrace :-- disgrace , dishounour , lightly esteem , fade (away ,-ing) , fall (down ,-ling , off) , do foolishly , come to nought , X surely , make vile , wither . ~~5034
05035 ## nebel {neh'- bel} ; or nebel {nay'- bel} ; from 05034 ; a skin-bag for liquids (from collapsing when empty) ; hence , a vase (as similar in shape when full) ; also a lyre (as having a body of like form) :-- bottle , pitcher , psaltery , vessel , viol . ~~5034
05038 ## n@belah {neb-ay-law'} ; from 05034 ; a flabby thing , i . e . a carcase or carrion (human or bestial , often collectively) ; figuratively , an idol :-- (dead) body , (dead) carcase , dead of itself , which died , (beast) that (which) dieth of itself . ~~5038
05038 ## n@belah {neb-ay-law'} ; from 05034 ; a flabby thing , i . e . a carcase or carrion (human or bestial , often collectively) ; figuratively , an idol :-- (dead) body , (dead) carcase , dead of itself , which died , (beast) that (which) dieth of itself . ~~5038
05042 ## naba` {naw-bah'} ; a primitive root ; to gush forth ; figuratively , to utter (good or bad words) ; specifically , to emit (a foul odor) :-- belch out , flowing , pour out , send forth , utter (abundantly) . ~~5042
05045 ## negeb {neh'- gheb} ; from an unused root meaning to be parched ; the south (from its drought) ; specifically , the Negeb or southern district of Judah , occasionally , Egypt (as south to Palestine) :-- south (country , side ,-ward) . ~~5044
05048 ## neged {neh'- ghed} ; from 05046 ; a front , i . e . part opposite ; specifically a counterpart , or mate ; usually (adverbial , especially with preposition) over against or before :-- about , (over) against , X aloof , X far (off) , X from , over , presence , X other side , sight , X to view . ~~5048
05048 ## neged {neh'- ghed} ; from 05046 ; a front , i . e . part opposite ; specifically a counterpart , or mate ; usually (adverbial , especially with preposition) over against or before :-- about , (over) against , X aloof , X far (off) , X from , over , presence , X other side , sight , X to view . ~~5048
05051 ## nogahh {no'- gah} ; from 05050 ; brilliancy (literally or figuratively) :-- bright (- ness) , light , (clear) shining . ~~5050
05057 ## nagiyd {naw-gheed'} ; or nagid {naw-gheed'} ; from 05046 ; a commander (as occupying the front) , civil , military or religious ; generally (abstractly , plural) , honorable themes :-- captain , chief , excellent thing , (chief) governor , leader , noble , prince , (chief) ruler . ~~5056
05057 ## nagiyd {naw-gheed'} ; or nagid {naw-gheed'} ; from 05046 ; a commander (as occupying the front) , civil , military or religious ; generally (abstractly , plural) , honorable themes :-- captain , chief , excellent thing , (chief) governor , leader , noble , prince , (chief) ruler . ~~5056
05058 ## n@giynah {neg-ee-naw'} ; or n@giynath (Psa . 61 : title) {neg-ee-nath'} ; from 05059 ; properly , instrumental music ; by implication , a stringed instrument ; by extension , a poem set to music ; specifically , an epigram :-- stringed instrument , musick , Neginoth [plural ] , song . ~~5058
05061 ## nega` {neh'- gah} ; from 05060 ; a blow (figuratively , infliction) ; also (by implication) a spot (concretely , a leprous person or dress) :-- plague , sore , stricken , stripe , stroke , wound . ~~5060
05064 ## nagar {naw-gar'} ; a primitive root ; to flow ; figuratively , to stretch out ; causatively , to pour out or down ; figuratively , to deliver over :-- fall , flow away , pour down (out) , run , shed , spilt , trickle down . ~~5064
05065 ## nagas {naw-gas'} ; a primitive root ; to drive (an animal , a workman , a debtor , an army) ; by implication , to tax , harass , tyrannize :-- distress , driver , exact (- or) , oppress (- or) , X raiser of taxes , taskmaster . ~~5064
05065 ## nagas {naw-gas'} ; a primitive root ; to drive (an animal , a workman , a debtor , an army) ; by implication , to tax , harass , tyrannize :-- distress , driver , exact (- or) , oppress (- or) , X raiser of taxes , taskmaster . ~~5064
05066 ## nagash {naw-gash'} ; a primitive root ; to be or come (causatively , bring) near (for any purpose) ; euphemistically , to lie with a woman ; as an enemy , to attack ; relig . to worship ; causatively , to present ; figuratively , to adduce an argument ; by reversal , to stand back :-- (make to) approach (nigh) , bring (forth , hither , near) , (cause to) come (hither , near , nigh) , give place , go hard (up) , (be , draw , go) near (nigh) , offer , overtake , present , put , stand . ~~5066
05069 ## n@dab (Aramaic) {ned-ab'} ; corresponding to 05068 ; be (or give) liberal (- ly) :-- (be minded of . . . own) freewill (offering) , offer freely (willingly) . ~~5068
05071 ## n@dabah {ned-aw-baw'} ; from 05068 ; properly (abstractly) spontaneity , or (adjectively) spontaneous ; also (concretely) a spontaneous or (by inference , in plural) abundant gift :-- free (- will) offering , freely , plentiful , voluntary (- ily , offering) , willing (- ly) , offering) . ~~5070
05071 ## n@dabah {ned-aw-baw'} ; from 05068 ; properly (abstractly) spontaneity , or (adjectively) spontaneous ; also (concretely) a spontaneous or (by inference , in plural) abundant gift :-- free (- will) offering , freely , plentiful , voluntary (- ily , offering) , willing (- ly) , offering) . ~~5070
05074 ## nadad {naw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to wave to and fro (rarely to flap up and down) ; figuratively , to rove , flee , or (causatively) to drive away :-- chase (away) , X could not , depart , flee (X apace , away) , (re-) move , thrust away , wander (abroad ,-er ,-ing) . ~~5074
05077 ## nadah {naw-daw'} ; or nada'(2 Kings 17 : 21) {naw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to toss ; figuratively , to exclude , i . e . banish , postpone , prohibit :-- cast out , drive , put far away . ~~5076
05079 ## niddah {nid-daw'} ; from 05074 ; properly , rejection ; by implication , impurity , especially personal (menstruation) or moral (idolatry , incest) :-- X far , filthiness , X flowers , menstruous (woman) , put apart , X removed (woman) , separation , set apart , unclean (- ness , thing , with filthiness) . ~~5078
05087 ## nadar {naw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to promise (pos . , to do or give something to God) :-- (make a) vow . ~~5086
05088 ## neder {neh'- der} ; or neder {nay'- der} ; from 05087 ; a promise (to God) ; also (concretely) a thing promised :-- vow ([-ed ]) . ~~5088
05090 ## nahag {naw-hag'} ; a primitive root ; to drive forth (a person , an animal or chariot) , i . e . lead , carry away ; reflexively , to proceed (i . e . impel or guide oneself) ; also (from the panting induced by effort) , to sigh :-- acquaint , bring (away) , carry away , drive (away) , lead (away , forth) , (be) guide , lead (away , forth) . ~~5090
05090 ## nahag {naw-hag'} ; a primitive root ; to drive forth (a person , an animal or chariot) , i . e . lead , carry away ; reflexively , to proceed (i . e . impel or guide oneself) ; also (from the panting induced by effort) , to sigh :-- acquaint , bring (away) , carry away , drive (away) , lead (away , forth) , (be) guide , lead (away , forth) . ~~5090
05094 ## n@hiyr (Aramaic) {neh-heere'} ; or nehiyruw (Aramaic) {neh-hee-roo'} ; from the same as 05105 ; illumination , i . e . (figuratively) wisdom :-- light . ~~5094
05096 ## Nahalal {nah-hal-awl'} ; or Nahalol {nah-hal-ole'} ; the same as 05097 ; Nahalal or Nahalol , a place in Palestine :-- Nahalal , Nahallal , Nahalol . ~~5096
05096 ## Nahalal {nah-hal-awl'} ; or Nahalol {nah-hal-ole'} ; the same as 05097 ; Nahalal or Nahalol , a place in Palestine :-- Nahalal , Nahallal , Nahalol . ~~5096
05106 ## nuw'{noo} ; a primitive root ; to refuse , forbid , dissuade , or neutralize :-- break , disallow , discourage , make of none effect . ~~5106
05108 ## nowb {nobe} ; or neyb {nabe} ; from 05107 ; produce , literally or figuratively :-- fruit . ~~5108
05108 ## nowb {nobe} ; or neyb {nabe} ; from 05107 ; produce , literally or figuratively :-- fruit . ~~5108
05110 ## nuwd {nood} ; a primitive root ; to nod , i . e . waver ; figuratively , to wander , flee , disappear ; also (from shaking the head in sympathy) , to console , deplore , or (from tossing the head in scorn) taunt :-- bemoan , flee , get , mourn , make to move , take pity , remove , shake , skip for joy , be sorry , vagabond , way , wandering . ~~5110
05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) :-- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried . ~~5116
05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) :-- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried . ~~5116
05118 ## nuwach {noo'- akh} ; or nowach {no'- akh} ; from 05117 ; quiet :-- rest (- ed ,-ing place) . ~~5118
05122 ## n@valuw (Aramaic) {nev-aw-loo'} ; or n@valiy (Aramaic) {nev-aw-lee'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be foul ; a sink :-- dunghill . ~~5122
05126 ## Nuwn {noon} ; or Nown (1 Chron . 7 : 27) {nohn} ; from 05125 ; perpetuity , Nun or Non , the father of Joshua :-- Non , Nun . ~~5126
05126 ## Nuwn {noon} ; or Nown (1 Chron . 7 : 27) {nohn} ; from 05125 ; perpetuity , Nun or Non , the father of Joshua :-- Non , Nun . ~~5126
05130 ## nuwph {noof} ; a primitive root ; to quiver (i . e . vibrate up and down , or rock to and fro) ; used in a great variety of applications (including sprinkling , beckoning , rubbing , bastinadoing , sawing , waving , etc .) :-- lift up , move , offer , perfume , send , shake , sift , strike , wave . ~~5130
05133 ## nowtsah {no-tsaw'} ; or notsah {no-tsaw'} ; feminine active participle of 05327 in the sense of flying ; a pinion (or wing feather) ; often (collectively) plumage :-- feather (- s) , ostrich . ~~5132
05133 ## nowtsah {no-tsaw'} ; or notsah {no-tsaw'} ; feminine active participle of 05327 in the sense of flying ; a pinion (or wing feather) ; often (collectively) plumage :-- feather (- s) , ostrich . ~~5132
05139 ## naziyr {naw-zeer'} ; or nazir {naw-zeer'} ; from 05144 ; separate , i . e . consecrated (as prince , a Nazirite) ; hence (figuratively from the latter) an unpruned vine (like an unshorn Nazirite) :-- Nazarite [by a false alliteration with Nazareth ] , separate (- d) , vine undressed . ~~5138
05140 ## nazal {naw-zal'} ; a primitive root ; to drip , or shed by trickling :-- distil , drop , flood , (cause to) flow (- ing) , gush out , melt , pour (down) , running water , stream . ~~5140
05145 ## nezer {neh'- zer} ; or nezer {nay'- zer} ; from 05144 ; properly , something set apart , i . e . (abstractly) dedication (of a priet or Nazirite) ; hence (concretely) unshorn locks ; also (by implication) a chaplet (especially of royalty) :-- consecration , crown , hair , separation . ~~5144
05145 ## nezer {neh'- zer} ; or nezer {nay'- zer} ; from 05144 ; properly , something set apart , i . e . (abstractly) dedication (of a priet or Nazirite) ; hence (concretely) unshorn locks ; also (by implication) a chaplet (especially of royalty) :-- consecration , crown , hair , separation . ~~5144
05148 ## nachah {naw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to guide ; by implication , to transport (into exile , or as colonists) :-- bestow , bring , govern , guide , lead (forth) , put , straiten . ~~5148
05150 ## nichuwm {nee-khoom'} ; or nichum {nee-khoom'} ; from 05162 ; properly , consoled ; abstractly , solace :-- comfort (- able) , repenting . ~~5150
05153 ## nachuwsh {naw-khoosh'} ; apparently passive participle of 05172 (perhaps in the sense of ringing , i . e . bell-metal ; or from the red color of the throat of a serpent [05175 , as denominative ] when hissing) ; coppery , i . e . (figuratively) hard :-- of brass . ~~5152
05154 ## n@chuwshah {nekh-oo-shaw'} ; or n@chushah {nekh-oo-shaw'} ; feminine of 05153 ; copper :-- brass , steel . Compare 05176 . ~~5154
05157 ## nachal {naw-khal'} ; a primitive root ; to inherit (as a [figurative ] mode of descent) , or (generally) to occupy ; causatively , to bequeath , or (generally) distribute , instate :-- divide , have ([inheritance ]) , take as a heritage , (cause to , give to , make to) inherit , (distribute for , divide [for , for an , by ] , give for , have , leave for , take [for ]) inheritance , (have in , cause to , be made to) possess (- ion) . ~~5156
05157 ## nachal {naw-khal'} ; a primitive root ; to inherit (as a [figurative ] mode of descent) , or (generally) to occupy ; causatively , to bequeath , or (generally) distribute , instate :-- divide , have ([inheritance ]) , take as a heritage , (cause to , give to , make to) inherit , (distribute for , divide [for , for an , by ] , give for , have , leave for , take [for ]) inheritance , (have in , cause to , be made to) possess (- ion) . ~~5156
05158 ## nachal {nakh'- al} ; or (feminine) nachlah (Psalm 124 : 4) {nakh'- law} ; or nachalah (Ezekiel 47 : 19 ; 48 : 28) {nakh-al-aw'} ; from 05157 in its original sense ; a stream , especially a winter torrent ; (by implication) a (narrow) valley (in which a brook runs) ; also a shaft (of a mine) :-- brook , flood , river , stream , valley . ~~5158
05158 ## nachal {nakh'- al} ; or (feminine) nachlah (Psalm 124 : 4) {nakh'- law} ; or nachalah (Ezekiel 47 : 19 ; 48 : 28) {nakh-al-aw'} ; from 05157 in its original sense ; a stream , especially a winter torrent ; (by implication) a (narrow) valley (in which a brook runs) ; also a shaft (of a mine) :-- brook , flood , river , stream , valley . ~~5158
05159 ## nachalah {nakh-al-aw'} ; from 05157 (in its usual sense) ; properly , something inherited , i . e . (abstractly) occupancy , or (concretely) an heirloom ; generally an estate , patrimony or portion :-- heritage , to inherit , inheritance , possession . Compare 05158 . ~~5158
05159 ## nachalah {nakh-al-aw'} ; from 05157 (in its usual sense) ; properly , something inherited , i . e . (abstractly) occupancy , or (concretely) an heirloom ; generally an estate , patrimony or portion :-- heritage , to inherit , inheritance , possession . Compare 05158 . ~~5158
05161 ## Nechelamiy {nekh-el-aw-mee'} ; apparently a patronymic from an unused name (apparently passive participle of 02492) ; dreamed ; a Nechelamite , or descendant of Nechlam :-- Nehelamite . ~~5160
05162 ## nacham {naw-kham'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sigh , i . e . breathe strongly ; by implication , to be sorry , i . e . (in a favorable sense) to pity , console or (reflexively) rue ; or (unfavorably) to avenge (oneself) :-- comfort (self) , ease [one's self ] , repent (- er ,-ing , self) . ~~5162
05162 ## nacham {naw-kham'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sigh , i . e . breathe strongly ; by implication , to be sorry , i . e . (in a favorable sense) to pity , console or (reflexively) rue ; or (unfavorably) to avenge (oneself) :-- comfort (self) , ease [one's self ] , repent (- er ,-ing , self) . ~~5162
05170 ## nachar {nakh'- ar} ; and (feminine) nacharah {nakh-ar-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to snort or snore ; a snorting :-- nostrils , snorting . ~~5170
05171 ## Nacharay {nakh-ar-ah'- ee} ; or Nachray {nakh-rah'- ee} ; from the same as 05170 ; snorer ; Nacharai or Nachrai , an Israelite :-- Naharai , Nahari . ~~5170
05171 ## Nacharay {nakh-ar-ah'- ee} ; or Nachray {nakh-rah'- ee} ; from the same as 05170 ; snorer ; Nacharai or Nachrai , an Israelite :-- Naharai , Nahari . ~~5170
05173 ## nachash {nakh'- ash} ; from 05172 ; an incantation or augury :-- enchantment . ~~5172
05178 ## n@chosheth {nekh-o'- sheth} ; for 05154 ; copper , hence , something made of that metal , i . e . coin , a fetter ; figuratively , base (as compared with gold or silver) :-- brasen , brass , chain , copper , fetter (of brass) , filthiness , steel . ~~5178
05181 ## nachath {naw-khath'} ; a primitive root ; to sink , i . e . descend ; causatively , to press or lead down :-- be broken , (cause to) come down , enter , go down , press sore , settle , stick fast . ~~5180
05183 ## Nachath {nakh'- ath} ; from 05182 ; a descent , i . e . imposition , unfavorable (punishment) or favorable (food) ; also (intransitively ; perhaps from 05117) , restfulness :-- lighting down , quiet (- ness) , to rest , be set on . ~~5182
05186 ## natah {naw-taw'} ; a primitive root ; to stretch or spread out ; by implication , to bend away (including moral deflection) ; used in a great variety of application (as follows) :-- + afternoon , apply , bow (down ,-ing) , carry aside , decline , deliver , extend , go down , be gone , incline , intend , lay , let down , offer , outstretched , overthrown , pervert , pitch , prolong , put away , shew , spread (out) , stretch (forth , out) , take (aside) , turn (aside , away) , wrest , cause to yield . ~~5186
05193 ## nata` {naw-tah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strike in , i . e . fix ; specifically , to plant (literally or figuratively) :-- fastened , plant (- er) . ~~5192
05200 ## N@tophathiy {net-o-faw-thee'} ; patronymic from 05199 ; a Netophathite , or inhabitant of Netophah :-- Netophathite . ~~5200
05203 ## natash {naw-tash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pound , i . e . smite ; by implication (as if beating out , and thus expanding) to disperse ; also , to thrust off , down , out or upon (inclusively , reject , let alone , permit , remit , etc .) :-- cast off , drawn , let fall , forsake , join [battle ] , leave (off) , lie still , loose , spread (self) abroad , stretch out , suffer . ~~5202
05207 ## nichowach {nee-kho'- akh} ; or niychoach {nee-kho'- akh} ; from 05117 ; properly , restful , i . e . pleasant ; abstractly , delight :-- sweet (odour) . ~~5206
05208 ## niychowach (Aramaic) {nee-kho'- akh} ; or (shorter) niychoach (Aramaic) {nee-kho'- akh} ; corresponding to 05207 ; pleasure :-- sweet odour (savour) . ~~5208
05215 ## niyr {neer} ; or nir {neer} ; from 05214 ; properly , plowing , i . e . (concretely) freshly plowed land :-- fallow ground , plowing , tillage . ~~5214
05216 ## niyr {neer} or nir {neer} ; also neyr {nare} ; or ner {nare} ; or (feminine) nerah {nay-raw'} ; from a primitive root [see 05214 ; 05135 ] properly , meaning to glisten ; a lamp (i . e . the burner) or light (literally or figuratively) :-- candle , lamp , light . ~~5216
05216 ## niyr {neer} or nir {neer} ; also neyr {nare} ; or ner {nare} ; or (feminine) nerah {nay-raw'} ; from a primitive root [see 05214 ; 05135 ] properly , meaning to glisten ; a lamp (i . e . the burner) or light (literally or figuratively) :-- candle , lamp , light . ~~5216
05216 ## niyr {neer} or nir {neer} ; also neyr {nare} ; or ner {nare} ; or (feminine) nerah {nay-raw'} ; from a primitive root [see 05214 ; 05135 ] properly , meaning to glisten ; a lamp (i . e . the burner) or light (literally or figuratively) :-- candle , lamp , light . ~~5216
05216 ## niyr {neer} or nir {neer} ; also neyr {nare} ; or ner {nare} ; or (feminine) nerah {nay-raw'} ; from a primitive root [see 05214 ; 05135 ] properly , meaning to glisten ; a lamp (i . e . the burner) or light (literally or figuratively) :-- candle , lamp , light . ~~5216
05216 ## niyr {neer} or nir {neer} ; also neyr {nare} ; or ner {nare} ; or (feminine) nerah {nay-raw'} ; from a primitive root [see 05214 ; 05135 ] properly , meaning to glisten ; a lamp (i . e . the burner) or light (literally or figuratively) :-- candle , lamp , light . ~~5216
05218 ## nake'{naw-kay'} ; or naka'{naw-kaw'} ; from 05217 ; smitten , i . e . (figuratively) afflicted :-- broken , stricken , wounded . ~~5218
05221 ## nakah {naw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to strike (lightly or severely , literally or figuratively) :-- beat , cast forth , clap , give [wounds ] , X go forward , X indeed , kill , make [slaughter ] , murderer , punish , slaughter , slay (- er ,-ing) , smite (- r ,-ing) , strike , be stricken , (give) stripes , X surely , wound . ~~5220
05221 ## nakah {naw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to strike (lightly or severely , literally or figuratively) :-- beat , cast forth , clap , give [wounds ] , X go forward , X indeed , kill , make [slaughter ] , murderer , punish , slaughter , slay (- er ,-ing) , smite (- r ,-ing) , strike , be stricken , (give) stripes , X surely , wound . ~~5220
05223 ## nakeh {naw-keh'} ; smitten , i . e . (literally) maimed , or (figuratively) dejected :-- contrite , lame . ~~5222
05228 ## nakoach {naw-ko'- akh} ; from the same as 05226 ; straightforward , i . e . (figuratively) , equitable , correct , or (abstractly) , integrity :-- plain , right , uprightness . ~~5228
05229 ## n@kochah {nek-o-khaw'} ; feminine of 05228 ; properly , straightforwardness , i . e . (figuratively) integrity , or (concretely) a truth :-- equity , right (thing) , uprightness . ~~5228
05234 ## nakar {naw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrutinize , i . e . look intently at ; hence (with recognition implied) , to acknowledge , be acquainted with , care for , respect , revere , or (with suspicion implied) , to disregard , ignore , be strange toward , reject , resign , dissimulate (as if ignorant or disowning) :-- acknowledge , X could , deliver , discern , dissemble , estrange , feign self to be another , know , take knowledge (notice) , perceive , regard , (have) respect , behave (make) self strange (- ly) . ~~5234
05234 ## nakar {naw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrutinize , i . e . look intently at ; hence (with recognition implied) , to acknowledge , be acquainted with , care for , respect , revere , or (with suspicion implied) , to disregard , ignore , be strange toward , reject , resign , dissimulate (as if ignorant or disowning) :-- acknowledge , X could , deliver , discern , dissemble , estrange , feign self to be another , know , take knowledge (notice) , perceive , regard , (have) respect , behave (make) self strange (- ly) . ~~5234
05235 ## neker {neh'- ker} ; or noker {no'- ker} ; from 05234 ; something strange , i . e . unexpected calamity :-- strange . ~~5234
05236 ## nekar {nay-kawr'}'from 05234 ; foreign , or (concretely) a foreigner , or (abstractly) heathendom :-- alien , strange (+-er) . ~~5236
05236 ## nekar {nay-kawr'}'from 05234 ; foreign , or (concretely) a foreigner , or (abstractly) heathendom :-- alien , strange (+-er) . ~~5236
05242 ## N@muw'eliy {nem-oo-ay-lee'} ; from 05241 ; a Nemuelite , or descendant of Nemuel :-- Nemuelite . ~~5242
05243 ## namal {naw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to become clipped or (specifically) circumcised :-- (branch to) be cut down (off) , circumcise . ~~5242
05246 ## namer {naw-mare'} ; from an unused root meaning properly , to filtrate , i . e . be limpid [comp 05247 and 05249 ] ; and thus to spot or stain as if by dripping ; a leopard (from its stripes) :-- leopard . ~~5246
05248 ## Nimrowd {nim-rode'} ; or Nimrod {nim-rode'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Nimrod , a son of Cush :-- Nimrod . ~~5248
05252 ## n@cibbah {nes-ib-baw'} ; feminine participle passive of 05437 ; properly , an environment , i . e . circumstance or turn of affairs :-- cause . ~~5252
05258 ## nacak {naw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to pour out , especially a libation , or to cast (metal) ; by analogy , to anoint a king :-- cover , melt , offer , (cause to) pour (out) , set (up) . ~~5258
05262 ## necek {neh'- sek} ; or necek {nay'- sek} ; from 05258 ; a libation ; also a cast idol :-- cover , drink offering , molten image . ~~5262
05264 ## nacac {naw-sas'} ; a primitive root ; to gleam from afar , i . e . to be conspicuous as a signal ; or rather perhaps a denominative from 05251 [and identical with 05263 , through the idea of a flag as fluttering in the wind ] ; to raise a beacon :-- lift up as an ensign . ~~5264
05271 ## na` uwr {naw-oor'} ; or na` ur {naw-oor'} ; and (feminine) n@` urah {neh-oo-raw'} ; properly , passive participle from 05288 as denominative ; (only in plural collectively or emphatic form) youth , the state (juvenility) or the persons (young people) :-- childhood , youth . ~~5270
05271 ## na` uwr {naw-oor'} ; or na` ur {naw-oor'} ; and (feminine) n@` urah {neh-oo-raw'} ; properly , passive participle from 05288 as denominative ; (only in plural collectively or emphatic form) youth , the state (juvenility) or the persons (young people) :-- childhood , youth . ~~5270
05271 ## na` uwr {naw-oor'} ; or na` ur {naw-oor'} ; and (feminine) n@` urah {neh-oo-raw'} ; properly , passive participle from 05288 as denominative ; (only in plural collectively or emphatic form) youth , the state (juvenility) or the persons (young people) :-- childhood , youth . ~~5270
05273 ## na` iym {naw-eem'} ; from 05276 ; delightful (objective or subjective , literal or figurative) :-- pleasant (- ure) , sweet . ~~5272
05273 ## na` iym {naw-eem'} ; from 05276 ; delightful (objective or subjective , literal or figurative) :-- pleasant (- ure) , sweet . ~~5272
05274 ## na` al {naw-al'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to fasten up , i . e . with a bar or cord ; hence (denominative from 05275) , to sandal , i . e . furnish with slippers :-- bolt , inclose , lock , shoe , shut up . ~~5274
05275 ## na` al {nah'- al} ; or (feminine) na` alah {nah-al-aw'} ; from 05274 ; properly , a sandal tongue ; by extens . a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of occupancy , a refusal to marry , or of something valueless) :-- dryshod , (pair of) shoe ([-latchet ] ,-s) . ~~5274
05275 ## na` al {nah'- al} ; or (feminine) na` alah {nah-al-aw'} ; from 05274 ; properly , a sandal tongue ; by extens . a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of occupancy , a refusal to marry , or of something valueless) :-- dryshod , (pair of) shoe ([-latchet ] ,-s) . ~~5274
05275 ## na` al {nah'- al} ; or (feminine) na` alah {nah-al-aw'} ; from 05274 ; properly , a sandal tongue ; by extens . a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of occupancy , a refusal to marry , or of something valueless) :-- dryshod , (pair of) shoe ([-latchet ] ,-s) . ~~5274
05276 ## na` em {naw-ame'} ; a primitive root ; to be agreeable (literally or figuratively) :-- pass in beauty , be delight , be pleasant , be sweet . ~~5276
05278 ## no` am {no'- am} ; from 05276 ; agreeableness , i . e . delight , suitableness , splendor or grace :-- beauty , pleasant (- ness) . ~~5278
05280 ## Na` amiy {nah-am-ee'} ; patronymic from 05283 ; a Naamanite , or descendant of Naaman (collectively) :-- Naamites . ~~5280
05284 ## Na` amathiy {nah-am-aw-thee'} ; patrial from a place corresponding in name (but not identical) with 05279 ; a Naamathite , or inhabitant of Naamah :-- Naamathite . ~~5284
05303 ## n@phiyl {nef-eel'} ; or n@phil {nef-eel'} ; from 05307 ; properly , a feller , i . e . a bully or tyrant :-- giant . ~~5302
05303 ## n@phiyl {nef-eel'} ; or n@phil {nef-eel'} ; from 05307 ; properly , a feller , i . e . a bully or tyrant :-- giant . ~~5302
05307 ## naphal {naw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fall , in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative , literal or figurative) :-- be accepted , cast (down , self , [lots ] , out) , cease , die , divide (by lot) , (let) fail , (cause to , let , make , ready to) fall (away , down ,-en ,-ing) , fell (- ing) , fugitive , have [inheritance ] , inferior , be judged [by mistake for 06419 ] , lay (along) , (cause to) lie down , light (down) , be (X hast) lost , lying , overthrow , overwhelm , perish , present (- ed ,-ing) , (make to) rot , slay , smite out , X surely , throw down . ~~5306
05307 ## naphal {naw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fall , in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative , literal or figurative) :-- be accepted , cast (down , self , [lots ] , out) , cease , die , divide (by lot) , (let) fail , (cause to , let , make , ready to) fall (away , down ,-en ,-ing) , fell (- ing) , fugitive , have [inheritance ] , inferior , be judged [by mistake for 06419 ] , lay (along) , (cause to) lie down , light (down) , be (X hast) lost , lying , overthrow , overwhelm , perish , present (- ed ,-ing) , (make to) rot , slay , smite out , X surely , throw down . ~~5306
05309 ## nephel {neh'- fel} ; or nephel {nay'- fel} ; from 05307 ; something fallen , i . e . an abortion :-- untimely birth . ~~5308
05310 ## naphats {naw-fats'} ; a primitive root ; to dash to pieces , or scatter :-- be beaten in sunder , break (in pieces) , broken , dash (in pieces) , cause to be discharged , dispersed , be overspread , scatter . ~~5310
05315 ## nephesh {neh'- fesh} ; from 05314 ; properly , a breathing creature , i . e . animal of (abstractly) vitality ; used very widely in a literal , accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental) :-- any , appetite , beast , body , breath , creature , X dead (- ly) , desire , X [dis-] contented , X fish , ghost , + greedy , he , heart (- y) , (hath , X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy) , lust , man , me , mind , mortally , one , own , person , pleasure , (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self , them (your)-selves , + slay , soul , + tablet , they , thing , (X she) will , X would have it . ~~5314
05315 ## nephesh {neh'- fesh} ; from 05314 ; properly , a breathing creature , i . e . animal of (abstractly) vitality ; used very widely in a literal , accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental) :-- any , appetite , beast , body , breath , creature , X dead (- ly) , desire , X [dis-] contented , X fish , ghost , + greedy , he , heart (- y) , (hath , X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy) , lust , man , me , mind , mortally , one , own , person , pleasure , (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self , them (your)-selves , + slay , soul , + tablet , they , thing , (X she) will , X would have it . ~~5314
05324 ## natsab {naw-tsab'} ; a prim root ; to station , in various applications (literally or figuratively) :-- appointed , deputy , erect , establish , X Huzzah [by mistake for a proper name ] , lay , officer , pillar , present , rear up , set (over , up) , settle , sharpen , establish , (make to) stand (- ing , still , up , upright) , best state . ~~5324
05331 ## netsach {neh'- tsakh} ; or netsach {nay'- tsakh} ; from 05329 ; properly , a goal , i . e . the bright object at a distance travelled towards ; hence (figuratively) , splendor , or (subjectively) truthfulness , or (objectively) confidence ; but usually (adverbially) , continually (i . e . to the most distant point of view) ;-- alway (- s) , constantly , end , (+ n-) ever (more) , perpetual , strength , victory . ~~5330
05331 ## netsach {neh'- tsakh} ; or netsach {nay'- tsakh} ; from 05329 ; properly , a goal , i . e . the bright object at a distance travelled towards ; hence (figuratively) , splendor , or (subjectively) truthfulness , or (objectively) confidence ; but usually (adverbially) , continually (i . e . to the most distant point of view) ;-- alway (- s) , constantly , end , (+ n-) ever (more) , perpetual , strength , victory . ~~5330
05331 ## netsach {neh'- tsakh} ; or netsach {nay'- tsakh} ; from 05329 ; properly , a goal , i . e . the bright object at a distance travelled towards ; hence (figuratively) , splendor , or (subjectively) truthfulness , or (objectively) confidence ; but usually (adverbially) , continually (i . e . to the most distant point of view) ;-- alway (- s) , constantly , end , (+ n-) ever (more) , perpetual , strength , victory . ~~5330
05333 ## n@tsiyb {nets-eeb'} ; or n@tsib {nets-eeb'} ; from 05324 ; something stationary , i . e . a prefect , a military post , a statue :-- garrison , officer , pillar . ~~5332
05337 ## natsal {naw-tsal'} ; a primitive root ; to snatch away , whether in a good or a bad sense :-- X at all , defend , deliver (self) , escape , X without fail , part , pluck , preserve , recover , rescue , rid , save , spoil , strip , X surely , take (out) . ~~5336
05341 ## natsar {naw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to guard , in a good sense (to protect , maintain , obey , etc .) or a bad one (to conceal , etc .) :-- besieged , hidden thing , keep (- er ,-ing) , monument , observe , preserve (- r) , subtil , watcher (- man) . ~~5340
05344 ## naqab {naw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to puncture , literally (to perforate , with more or less violence) or figuratively (to specify , designate , libel) :-- appoint , blaspheme , bore , curse , express , with holes , name , pierce , strike through . ~~5344
05344 ## naqab {naw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to puncture , literally (to perforate , with more or less violence) or figuratively (to specify , designate , libel) :-- appoint , blaspheme , bore , curse , express , with holes , name , pierce , strike through . ~~5344
05348 ## naqod {naw-kode'} ; from an unused root meaning to mark (by puncturing or branding) ; spotted :-- speckled . ~~5348
05349 ## noqed {no-kade'} ; active participle from the same as 05348 ; a spotter (of sheep or cattle) , i . e . the owner or tender (who thus marks them) :-- herdman , sheepmaster . ~~5348
05349 ## noqed {no-kade'} ; active participle from the same as 05348 ; a spotter (of sheep or cattle) , i . e . the owner or tender (who thus marks them) :-- herdman , sheepmaster . ~~5348
05352 ## naqah {naw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or make) clean (literally or figuratively) ; by implication (in an adverse sense) to be bare , i . e . extirpated :-- acquit X at all , X altogether , be blameless , cleanse , (be) clear (- ing) , cut off , be desolate , be free , be (hold) guiltless , be (hold) innocent , X by no means , be quit , be (leave) unpunished , X utterly , X wholly . ~~5352
05352 ## naqah {naw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or make) clean (literally or figuratively) ; by implication (in an adverse sense) to be bare , i . e . extirpated :-- acquit X at all , X altogether , be blameless , cleanse , (be) clear (- ing) , cut off , be desolate , be free , be (hold) guiltless , be (hold) innocent , X by no means , be quit , be (leave) unpunished , X utterly , X wholly . ~~5352
05355 ## naqiy {naw-kee'} ; or naqiy'(Joel 4 : 19 ; Jonah 1 : 14) , {naw-kee'} ; from 05352 ; innocent :-- blameless , clean , clear , exempted , free , guiltless , innocent , quit . ~~5354
05356 ## niqqayown {nik-kaw-yone'} ; or niqqayon {nik-kaw-yone'} ; from 05352 ; clearness (literally or figuratively) :-- cleanness , innocency . ~~5356
05356 ## niqqayown {nik-kaw-yone'} ; or niqqayon {nik-kaw-yone'} ; from 05352 ; clearness (literally or figuratively) :-- cleanness , innocency . ~~5356
05358 ## naqam {naw-kam'} ; a primitive root ; to grudge , i . e . avenge or punish :-- avenge (- r , self) , punish , revenge (self) , X surely , take vengeance . ~~5358
05362 ## naqaph {naw-kaf'} ; a primitive root ; to strike with more or less violence (beat , fell , corrode) ; by implication (of attack) to knock together , i . e . surround or circulate :-- compass (about ,-ing) , cut down , destroy , go round (about) , inclose , round . ~~5362
05362 ## naqaph {naw-kaf'} ; a primitive root ; to strike with more or less violence (beat , fell , corrode) ; by implication (of attack) to knock together , i . e . surround or circulate :-- compass (about ,-ing) , cut down , destroy , go round (about) , inclose , round . ~~5362
05367 ## naqash {naw-kash'} ; a primitive root ; to entrap (with a noose) , literally or figuratively :-- catch (lay a) snare . ~~5366
05374 ## Neriyah {nay-ree-yaw'} ; or Neriyahuw {nay-ree-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05216 and 03050 ; light of Jah ; Nerijah , an Israelite :-- Neriah . ~~5374
05375 ## nasa'{naw-saw'} ; or nacah (Psalm 4 : 6 [7 ]) {naw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to lift , in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , absol . and rel . (as follows) :-- accept , advance , arise , (able to , [armor ] , suffer to) bear (- er , up) , bring (forth) , burn , carry (away) , cast , contain , desire , ease , exact , exalt (self) , extol , fetch , forgive , furnish , further , give , go on , help , high , hold up , honorable (+ man) , lade , lay , lift (self) up , lofty , marry , magnify , X needs , obtain , pardon , raise (up) , receive , regard , respect , set (up) , spare , stir up , + swear , take (away , up) , X utterly , wear , yield . ~~5374
05377 ## nasha'{naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to lead astray , i . e . (mentally) to delude , or (morally) to seduce :-- beguile , deceive , X greatly , X utterly . ~~5376
05381 ## nasag {naw-sag'} ; a primitive root ; to reach (literally or figuratively) :-- ability , be able , attain (unto) , (be able to , can) get , lay at , put , reach , remove , wax rich , X surely , (over-) take (hold of , on , upon) . ~~5380
05383 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 05382 , in the sense of 05378 ] ; to lend or (by reciprocity) borrow on security or interest :-- creditor , exact , extortioner , lend , usurer , lend on (taker on) usury . ~~5382
05383 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 05382 , in the sense of 05378 ] ; to lend or (by reciprocity) borrow on security or interest :-- creditor , exact , extortioner , lend , usurer , lend on (taker on) usury . ~~5382
05384 ## nasheh {naw-sheh'} ; from 05382 , in the sense of failure ; rheumatic or crippled (from the incident to Jacob) :-- which shrank . ~~5384
05385 ## n@suw'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; or rather , n@su'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; feminine . passive participle of 05375 ; something borne , i . e . a load :-- carriage . ~~5384
05387 ## nasiy'{naw-see'} ; or nasi'{naw-see'} ; from 05375 ; properly , an exalted one , i . e . a king or sheik ; also a rising mist :-- captain , chief , cloud , governor , prince , ruler , vapour . ~~5386
05387 ## nasiy'{naw-see'} ; or nasi'{naw-see'} ; from 05375 ; properly , an exalted one , i . e . a king or sheik ; also a rising mist :-- captain , chief , cloud , governor , prince , ruler , vapour . ~~5386
05394 ## nashal {naw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck off , i . e . divest , eject or drop :-- cast (out) , drive , loose , put off (out) , slip . ~~5394
05397 ## n@shamah {nesh-aw-maw'} ; from 05395 ; a puff , i . e . wind , angry or vital breath , divine inspiration , intellect . or (concretely) an animal :-- blast , (that) breath (- eth) , inspiration , soul , spirit . ~~5396
05397 ## n@shamah {nesh-aw-maw'} ; from 05395 ; a puff , i . e . wind , angry or vital breath , divine inspiration , intellect . or (concretely) an animal :-- blast , (that) breath (- eth) , inspiration , soul , spirit . ~~5396
05401 ## nashaq {naw-shak'} ; a primitive root [identical with 05400 , through the idea of fastening up ; compare 02388 , 02836 ] ; to kiss , literally or figuratively (touch) ; also (as a mode of attachment) , to equip with weapons :-- armed (men) , rule , kiss , that touched . ~~5400
05402 ## nesheq {neh'- shek} ; or nesheq {nay'- shek} ; from 05401 ; military equipment , i . e . (collectively) arms (offensive or defensive) , or (concretely) an arsenal :-- armed men , armour (- y) , battle , harness , weapon . ~~5402
05402 ## nesheq {neh'- shek} ; or nesheq {nay'- shek} ; from 05401 ; military equipment , i . e . (collectively) arms (offensive or defensive) , or (concretely) an arsenal :-- armed men , armour (- y) , battle , harness , weapon . ~~5402
05402 ## nesheq {neh'- shek} ; or nesheq {nay'- shek} ; from 05401 ; military equipment , i . e . (collectively) arms (offensive or defensive) , or (concretely) an arsenal :-- armed men , armour (- y) , battle , harness , weapon . ~~5402
05404 ## nesher {neh'- sher} ; from an unused root meaning to lacerate ; the eagle (or other large bird of prey) :-- eagle . ~~5404
05410 ## nathiyb {naw-theeb'} ; or (feminine) n@thiybah {neth-ee-baw'} ; or n@thibah (Jeremiah 6 : 16) {neth-ee-baw'} ; from an unused root meaning to tramp ; a (beaten) track :-- path ([-way ]) , X travel [-ler ] , way . ~~5410
05410 ## nathiyb {naw-theeb'} ; or (feminine) n@thiybah {neth-ee-baw'} ; or n@thibah (Jeremiah 6 : 16) {neth-ee-baw'} ; from an unused root meaning to tramp ; a (beaten) track :-- path ([-way ]) , X travel [-ler ] , way . ~~5410
05411 ## Nathiyn {naw-theen'} ; or Nathuwn (Ezra 8 : 17) {naw-thoon'} (the proper form as passive participle) , from 05414 ; one given , i . e . (in the plural only) the Nethinim , or Temple-servants (as given to that duty) :-- Nethinims . ~~5410
05411 ## Nathiyn {naw-theen'} ; or Nathuwn (Ezra 8 : 17) {naw-thoon'} (the proper form as passive participle) , from 05414 ; one given , i . e . (in the plural only) the Nethinim , or Temple-servants (as given to that duty) :-- Nethinims . ~~5410
05413 ## nathak {naw-thak'} ; a primitive root ; to flow forth (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to liquify :-- drop , gather (together) , melt , pour (forth , out) . ~~5412
05418 ## N@thanyah {neth-an-yaw'} ; or N@thanyahuw {neth-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05414 and 03050 ; given of Jah ; Nethanjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Nethaniah . ~~5418
05429 ## c@'ah {seh-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to define ; a seah , or certain measure (as determinative) for grain :-- measure . ~~5428
05435 ## cobe'{so'- beh} ; from 05433 ; potation , concretely (wine) , or abstractly (carousal) :-- drink , drunken , wine . ~~5434
05436 ## C@ba'iy {seb-aw-ee'} ; patrial from 05434 ; a Sebaite , or inhabitant of Seba :-- Sabean . ~~5436
05437 ## cabab {saw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to revolve , surround , or border ; used in various applications , literally and figuratively (as follows) :-- bring , cast , fetch , lead , make , walk , X whirl , X round about , be about on every side , apply , avoid , beset (about) , besiege , bring again , carry (about) , change , cause to come about , X circuit , (fetch a) compass (about , round) , drive , environ , X on every side , beset (close , come , compass , go , stand) round about , inclose , remove , return , set , sit down , turn (self) (about , aside , away , back) . ~~5436
05439 ## cabiyb {saw-beeb'} ; or (feminine) c@biybah {seb-ee-baw'} ; from 05437 ; (as noun) a circle , neighbour , or environs ; but chiefly (as adverb , with or without preposition) around :-- (place , round) about , circuit , compass , on every side . ~~5438
05439 ## cabiyb {saw-beeb'} ; or (feminine) c@biybah {seb-ee-baw'} ; from 05437 ; (as noun) a circle , neighbour , or environs ; but chiefly (as adverb , with or without preposition) around :-- (place , round) about , circuit , compass , on every side . ~~5438
05439 ## cabiyb {saw-beeb'} ; or (feminine) c@biybah {seb-ee-baw'} ; from 05437 ; (as noun) a circle , neighbour , or environs ; but chiefly (as adverb , with or without preposition) around :-- (place , round) about , circuit , compass , on every side . ~~5438
05443 ## cabb@ka'(Aramaic) {sab-bek-aw'} ; or sabb@ka'(Aramaic) {sab-bek-aw'} ; from a root corresponding to 05440 ; a lyre :-- sackbut . ~~5442
05445 ## cabal {saw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to carry (literally or figuratively) , or (reflexively) be burdensome ; specifically , to be gravid :-- bear , be a burden , carry , strong to labour . ~~5444
05445 ## cabal {saw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to carry (literally or figuratively) , or (reflexively) be burdensome ; specifically , to be gravid :-- bear , be a burden , carry , strong to labour . ~~5444
05447 ## cebel {say'- bel} ; from 05445 ; a load (literally or figuratively) :-- burden , charge . ~~5446
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~5454
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~5454
05467 ## C@dom {sed-ome'} ; from an unused root meaning to scorch ; burnt (i . e . volcanic or bituminous) district ; Sedom , a place near the Dead Sea :-- Sodom . ~~5466
05472 ## cuwg {soog} ; a primitive root ; properly , to flinch , i . e . (by implication) to go back , literally (to retreat) or figuratively (to apostatize) :-- backslider , drive , go back , turn (away , back) . ~~5472
05481 ## cuwmpown@yah (Aramaic) {soom-po-neh-yaw'} ; or cuwmpon@yah (Aramaic) {soom-po-neh-yaw'} ; or ciyphon@ya'(Dan . 3 : 10) (Aramaic) {see-fo-neh-yaw'} ; of Greek origin ; a bagpipe (with a double pipe) :-- dulcimer . ~~5480
05481 ## cuwmpown@yah (Aramaic) {soom-po-neh-yaw'} ; or cuwmpon@yah (Aramaic) {soom-po-neh-yaw'} ; or ciyphon@ya'(Dan . 3 : 10) (Aramaic) {see-fo-neh-yaw'} ; of Greek origin ; a bagpipe (with a double pipe) :-- dulcimer . ~~5480
05483 ## cuwc {soos} ; or cuc {soos} ; from an unused root meaning to skip (properly , for joy) ; a horse (as leaping) ; also a swallow (from its rapid flight) :-- crane , horse ([-back ,-hoof ]) . Compare 06571 . ~~5482
05493 ## cuwr {soor} ; or suwr (Hosea 9 : 12) {soor} ; a primitive root ; to turn off (literal or figurative) :-- be [-head ] , bring , call back , decline , depart , eschew , get [you ] , go (aside) , X grievous , lay away (by) , leave undone , be past , pluck away , put (away , down) , rebel , remove (to and fro) , revolt , X be sour , take (away , off) , turn (aside , away , in) , withdraw , be without . ~~5492
05493 ## cuwr {soor} ; or suwr (Hosea 9 : 12) {soor} ; a primitive root ; to turn off (literal or figurative) :-- be [-head ] , bring , call back , decline , depart , eschew , get [you ] , go (aside) , X grievous , lay away (by) , leave undone , be past , pluck away , put (away , down) , rebel , remove (to and fro) , revolt , X be sour , take (away , off) , turn (aside , away , in) , withdraw , be without . ~~5492
05508 ## cochereth {so-kheh'- reth} ; similar to 05507 ; probably a (black) tile (or tessara) for laying borders with :-- black marble . ~~5508
05509 ## ciyg {seeg} ; or cuwg (Ezek . 22 : 18) {soog} ; from 05472 in the sense of refuse ; scoria :-- dross . ~~5508
05511 ## Ciychown {see-khone'} ; or Ciychon {see-khone'} ; from the same as 05477 ; tempestuous ; Sichon , an Amoritish king :-- Sihon . ~~5510
05513 ## Ciynay {see-nee'} ; from an otherwise unknown name of a man ; a Sinite , or descendant of one of the sons of Canaan :-- Sinite . ~~5512
05517 ## Ciy` a'{see-ah'} ; or Ciy` aha'{see-ah-haw'} ; from an unused root meaning to converse ; congregation ; Sia or Siaha , one of the Nethinim :-- Sia , Siaha . ~~5516
05517 ## Ciy` a'{see-ah'} ; or Ciy` aha'{see-ah-haw'} ; from an unused root meaning to converse ; congregation ; Sia or Siaha , one of the Nethinim :-- Sia , Siaha . ~~5516
05518 ## ciyr {seer} ; or (feminine) ciyrah {see-raw'} ; or cirah (Jeremiah 52 : 18) {see-raw'} ; from a primitive root meaning to boil up ; a pot ; also a thorn (as springing up rapidly) ; by implication , a hook :-- caldron , fishhook , pan , ([wash-]) pot , thorn . ~~5518
05518 ## ciyr {seer} ; or (feminine) ciyrah {see-raw'} ; or cirah (Jeremiah 52 : 18) {see-raw'} ; from a primitive root meaning to boil up ; a pot ; also a thorn (as springing up rapidly) ; by implication , a hook :-- caldron , fishhook , pan , ([wash-]) pot , thorn . ~~5518
05521 ## cukkah {sook-kaw'} ; fem of 05520 ; a hut or lair :-- booth , cottage , covert , pavilion , tabernacle , tent . ~~5520
05523 ## Cukkowth {sook-kohth'} ; or Cukkoth {sook-kohth'} ; plural of 05521 ; booths ; Succoth , the name of a place in Egypt and of three in Palestine :-- Succoth . ~~5522
05525 ## Cukkiy {sook-kee'} ; patrial from an unknown name (perhaps 05520) ; a Sukkite , or inhabitant of some place near Egypt (i . e . hut-dwellers) :-- Sukkiims . ~~5524
05526 ## cakak {saw-kak'} ; or sakak (Exod . 33 : 22) {saw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to entwine as a screen ; by implication , to fence in , cover over , (figuratively) protect :-- cover , defence , defend , hedge in , join together , set , shut up . ~~5526
05531 ## cikluwth {sik-looth'} ; or sikluwth (Eccl . 1 : 17) {sik-looth'} ; from 05528 ; silliness :-- folly , foolishness . ~~5530
05541 ## calah {saw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to hang up , i . e . weigh , or (figuratively) contemn :-- tread down (under foot) , value . ~~5540
05543 ## Calluw {sal-loo'} ; or Calluw'{sal-loo'} ; or Caluw {sal-loo'} ; or Callay {sal-lah'- ee} ; from 05541 ; weighed ; Sallu or Sallai , the name of two Israelites :-- Sallai , Sallu , Salu . ~~5542
05543 ## Calluw {sal-loo'} ; or Calluw'{sal-loo'} ; or Caluw {sal-loo'} ; or Callay {sal-lah'- ee} ; from 05541 ; weighed ; Sallu or Sallai , the name of two Israelites :-- Sallai , Sallu , Salu . ~~5542
05543 ## Calluw {sal-loo'} ; or Calluw'{sal-loo'} ; or Caluw {sal-loo'} ; or Callay {sal-lah'- ee} ; from 05541 ; weighed ; Sallu or Sallai , the name of two Israelites :-- Sallai , Sallu , Salu . ~~5542
05543 ## Calluw {sal-loo'} ; or Calluw'{sal-loo'} ; or Caluw {sal-loo'} ; or Callay {sal-lah'- ee} ; from 05541 ; weighed ; Sallu or Sallai , the name of two Israelites :-- Sallai , Sallu , Salu . ~~5542
05544 ## cillown {sil-lone'} ; or callown {sal-one'} ; from 05541 ; a prickle (as if pendulous) ;-- brier , thorn . ~~5544
05550 ## col@lah {so-lel-aw'} ; or cowl@lah {so-lel-aw'} ; active participle feminine of 05549 , but used passively ; a military mound , i . e . rampart of besiegers :-- bank , mount . ~~5550
05553 ## cela` {seh'- lah} ; from an unused root meaning to be lofty ; a craggy rock , literally or figuratively (a fortress) :-- (ragged) rock , stone (- ny) , strong hold . ~~5552
05564 ## camak {saw-mak'} ; a primitive root ; to prop (literally or figuratively) ; reflexively , to lean upon or take hold of (in a favorable or unfavorable sense) :-- bear up , establish , (up-) hold , lay , lean , lie hard , put , rest self , set self , stand fast , stay (self) , sustain . ~~5564
05564 ## camak {saw-mak'} ; a primitive root ; to prop (literally or figuratively) ; reflexively , to lean upon or take hold of (in a favorable or unfavorable sense) :-- bear up , establish , (up-) hold , lay , lean , lie hard , put , rest self , set self , stand fast , stay (self) , sustain . ~~5564
05564 ## camak {saw-mak'} ; a primitive root ; to prop (literally or figuratively) ; reflexively , to lean upon or take hold of (in a favorable or unfavorable sense) :-- bear up , establish , (up-) hold , lay , lean , lie hard , put , rest self , set self , stand fast , stay (self) , sustain . ~~5564
05566 ## cemel {seh'- mel} ; or cemel {say'- mel} ; from an unused root meaning to resemble ; a likeness :-- figure , idol , image . ~~5566
05574 ## C@nuw'ah {sen-oo-aw'} ; or C@nu'ah {sen-oo-aw'} from the same as 05570 ; pointed ; (used with the article as a proper name) Senuah , the name of two Israelites :-- Hasenuah [including the art ] , Senuah . ~~5574
05587 ## ca` iph {saw-eef'} or sa` iph {saw-eef'} ; from 05586 ; divided (in mind) , i . e . (abstractly) a sentiment :-- opinion . ~~5586
05590 ## ca` ar {saw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to rush upon ; by implication , to toss (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) :-- be (toss with) tempest (- uous) , be sore , troubled , come out as a (drive with the , scatter with a) whirlwind . ~~5590
05590 ## ca` ar {saw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to rush upon ; by implication , to toss (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) :-- be (toss with) tempest (- uous) , be sore , troubled , come out as a (drive with the , scatter with a) whirlwind . ~~5590
05591 ## ca` ar {sah'- ar} ; or (feminine) c@` arah {seh-aw-raw'} ; from 05590 ; a hurricane :-- storm (- y) , tempest , whirlwind . ~~5590
05592 ## caph {saf} ; from 05605 , in its original sense of containing ; a vestibule (as a limit) ; also a dish (for holding blood or wine) :-- bason , bowl , cup , door (post) , gate , post , threshold . ~~5592
05595 ## caphah {saw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrape (literally , to shave ; but usually figuratively) together (i . e . to accumulate or increase) or away (i . e . to scatter , remove , or ruin ; intransitively , to perish) :-- add , augment , consume , destroy , heap , join , perish , put . ~~5594
05595 ## caphah {saw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrape (literally , to shave ; but usually figuratively) together (i . e . to accumulate or increase) or away (i . e . to scatter , remove , or ruin ; intransitively , to perish) :-- add , augment , consume , destroy , heap , join , perish , put . ~~5594
05595 ## caphah {saw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrape (literally , to shave ; but usually figuratively) together (i . e . to accumulate or increase) or away (i . e . to scatter , remove , or ruin ; intransitively , to perish) :-- add , augment , consume , destroy , heap , join , perish , put . ~~5594
05596 ## caphach {saw-fakh'} ; or saphach (Isaiah 3 : 17) {saw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrape out , but in certain peculiar senses (of removal or association) :-- abiding , gather together , cleave , smite with the scab . ~~5596
05596 ## caphach {saw-fakh'} ; or saphach (Isaiah 3 : 17) {saw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrape out , but in certain peculiar senses (of removal or association) :-- abiding , gather together , cleave , smite with the scab . ~~5596
05603 ## caphan {saw-fan'} ; a primitive root ; to hide by covering ; specifically , to roof (passive participle as noun , a roof) or wainscot ; figuratively , to reserve :-- cieled , cover , seated . ~~5602
05606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'} ; or saphaq (1 Kings 20 : 10 ; Job 27 : 23 ; Isaiah 2 : 6) {saw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to clap the hands (in token of compact , derision , grief , indignation , or punishment) ; by implication of satisfaction , to be enough ; by implication of excess , to vomit :-- clap , smite , strike , suffice , wallow . ~~5606
05606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'} ; or saphaq (1 Kings 20 : 10 ; Job 27 : 23 ; Isaiah 2 : 6) {saw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to clap the hands (in token of compact , derision , grief , indignation , or punishment) ; by implication of satisfaction , to be enough ; by implication of excess , to vomit :-- clap , smite , strike , suffice , wallow . ~~5606
05607 ## cepheq {say'- fek} ; or sepheq (Job 20 : 22 ; 36 : 18) {seh'- fek} ; from 05606 ; chastisement ; also satiety :-- stroke , sufficiency . ~~5606
05608 ## caphar {saw-far'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to score with a mark as a tally or record , i . e . (by implication) to inscribe , and also to enumerate ; intensively , to recount , i . e . celebrate :-- commune , (ac-) count ; declare , number , + penknife , reckon , scribe , shew forth , speak , talk , tell (out) , writer . ~~5608
05612 ## cepher {say'- fer} ; or (feminine) ciphrah (Psa . 56 : 8 [9 ]) {sif-raw'} ; from 05608 ; properly , writing (the art or a document) ; by implication , a book :-- bill , book , evidence , X learn [-ed ] (- ing) , letter , register , scroll . ~~5612
05612 ## cepher {say'- fer} ; or (feminine) ciphrah (Psa . 56 : 8 [9 ]) {sif-raw'} ; from 05608 ; properly , writing (the art or a document) ; by implication , a book :-- bill , book , evidence , X learn [-ed ] (- ing) , letter , register , scroll . ~~5612
05613 ## capher (Aramaic) {saw-fare'} ; from the same as 05609 ; a scribe (secular or sacred) :-- scribe . ~~5612
05616 ## C@pharviy {sef-ar-vee'} ; patrial from 05617 ; a Sepharvite or inhabitant of Sepharvain :-- Sepharvite . ~~5616
05617 ## C@pharvayim (dual) {sef-ar-vah'- yim} ; or C@phariym (plural) {sef-aw-reem'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sepharvajim or Sepharim , a place in Assyria :-- Sepharviam . ~~5616
05617 ## C@pharvayim (dual) {sef-ar-vah'- yim} ; or C@phariym (plural) {sef-aw-reem'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sepharvajim or Sepharim , a place in Assyria :-- Sepharviam . ~~5616
05619 ## caqal {saw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be weighty ; but used only in the sense of lapidation or its contrary (as if a delapidation) :-- (cast , gather out , throw) stone (- s) , X surely . ~~5618
05625 ## Cardiy {sar-dee'} ; patron from 05624 ; a Seredite (collectively) or descendants of Sered :-- Sardites . ~~5624
05631 ## cariyc {saw-reece'} ; or caric {saw-reece'} ; from an unused root meaning to castrate ; a eunuch ; by implication , valet (especially of the female apartments) , and thus , a minister of state :-- chamberlain , eunuch , officer . Compare 07249 . ~~5630
05640 ## catham {saw-tham'} ; or satham (Numbers 24 : 15) {saw-tham'} ; a primitive root ; to stop up ; by implication , to repair ; figuratively , to keep secret :-- closed up , hidden , secret , shut out (up) , stop . ~~5640
05641 ## cathar {saw-thar'} ; a primitive root ; to hide (by covering) , literally or figuratively :-- be absent , keep close , conceal , hide (self) , (keep) secret , X surely . ~~5640
05643 ## cether {say'- ther} ; or (feminine) cithrah (Deut . 32 : 38) , {sith-raw'} ; from 05641 ; a cover (in a good or a bad , a literal or a figurative sense) :-- backbiting , covering , covert , X disguise [-th ] , hiding place , privily , protection , secret (- ly , place) . ~~5642
05643 ## cether {say'- ther} ; or (feminine) cithrah (Deut . 32 : 38) , {sith-raw'} ; from 05641 ; a cover (in a good or a bad , a literal or a figurative sense) :-- backbiting , covering , covert , X disguise [-th ] , hiding place , privily , protection , secret (- ly , place) . ~~5642
05643 ## cether {say'- ther} ; or (feminine) cithrah (Deut . 32 : 38) , {sith-raw'} ; from 05641 ; a cover (in a good or a bad , a literal or a figurative sense) :-- backbiting , covering , covert , X disguise [-th ] , hiding place , privily , protection , secret (- ly , place) . ~~5642
05645 ## ` ab {awb} (masculine and feminine) ; from 05743 ; properly , an envelope , i . e . darkness (or density , 2 Chron . 4 : 17) ; specifically , a (scud) cloud ; also a copse :-- clay , (thick) cloud , X thick , thicket . Compare 05672 . ~~5644
05646 ## ` ab {awb} ; or` ob {obe} ; from an unused root meaning to cover ; properly , equivalent to 05645 ; but used only as an architectural term , an architrave (as shading the pillars) :-- thick (beam , plant) . ~~5646
05656 ## ` abodah {ab-o-daw'} ; or` abowdah {ab-o-daw'} ; from 05647 ; work of any kind :-- act , bondage , + bondservant , effect , labour , ministering (- try) , office , service (- ile ,-itude) , tillage , use , work , X wrought . ~~5656
05662 ## ` Obadyah {o-bad-yaw'} ; or` Obadyahuw {o-bad-yaw'- hoo} ; active participle of 05647 and 03050 ; serving Jah ; Obadjah , the name of thirteen Israelites :-- Obadiah . ~~5662
05667 ## ` abowt {ab-ote'} ; or` abot {ab-ote'} ; from 05670 ; a pawn :-- pledge . ~~5666
05668 ## ` abuwr {aw-boor'} ; or` abur {aw-boor'} ; passive participle of 05674 ; properly , crossed , i . e . (abstractly) transit ; used only adverbially , on account of , in order that :-- because of , for (. . .'s sake) , (intent) that , to . ~~5668
05672 ## ` abiy {ab-ee'} ; or` obiy {ob-ee'} ; from 05666 ; density , i . e . depth or width :-- thick (- ness) . Compare 05645 . ~~5672
05672 ## ` abiy {ab-ee'} ; or` obiy {ob-ee'} ; from 05666 ; density , i . e . depth or width :-- thick (- ness) . Compare 05645 . ~~5672
05673 ## ` abiydah (Aramaic) {ab-ee-daw'} ; from 05648 ; labor or business :-- affairs , service , work . ~~5672
05674 ## ` abar {aw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to cross over ; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative ; transitive , intransitive , intensive , causative) ; specifically , to cover (in copulation) :-- alienate , alter , X at all , beyond , bring (over , through) , carry over , (over-) come (on , over) , conduct (over) , convey over , current , deliver , do away , enter , escape , fail , gender , get over , (make) go (away , beyond , by , forth , his way , in , on , over , through) , have away (more) , lay , meddle , overrun , make partition , (cause to , give , make to , over) pass (- age , along , away , beyond , by ,-enger , on , out , over , through) , (cause to , make) + proclaim (- amation) , perish , provoke to anger , put away , rage , + raiser of taxes , remove , send over , set apart , + shave , cause to (make) sound , X speedily , X sweet smelling , take (away) , (make to) transgress (- or) , translate , turn away , [way-] faring man , be wrath . ~~5674
05674 ## ` abar {aw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to cross over ; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative ; transitive , intransitive , intensive , causative) ; specifically , to cover (in copulation) :-- alienate , alter , X at all , beyond , bring (over , through) , carry over , (over-) come (on , over) , conduct (over) , convey over , current , deliver , do away , enter , escape , fail , gender , get over , (make) go (away , beyond , by , forth , his way , in , on , over , through) , have away (more) , lay , meddle , overrun , make partition , (cause to , give , make to , over) pass (- age , along , away , beyond , by ,-enger , on , out , over , through) , (cause to , make) + proclaim (- amation) , perish , provoke to anger , put away , rage , + raiser of taxes , remove , send over , set apart , + shave , cause to (make) sound , X speedily , X sweet smelling , take (away) , (make to) transgress (- or) , translate , turn away , [way-] faring man , be wrath . ~~5674
05676 ## ` eber {ay'- ber} ; from 05674 ; properly , a region across ; but used only adverbially (with or without a preposition) on the opposite side (especially of the Jordan ; ususally meaning the east) :-- X against , beyond , by , X from , over , passage , quarter , (other , this) side , straight . ~~5676
05680 ## ` Ibriy {ib-ree'} ; patronymic from 05677 ; an Eberite (i . e . Hebrew) or descendant of Eber :-- Hebrew (- ess , woman) . ~~5680
05687 ## ` aboth {aw-both'} ; or` abowth {aw-both'} ; from 05686 ; intwined , i . e . dense :-- thick . ~~5686
05688 ## ` aboth {ab-oth'} ; or` abowth {ab-oth'} ; or (feminine)` abothah {ab-oth-aw'} ; the same as 05687 ; something intwined , i . e . a string , wreath or foliage :-- band , cord , rope , thick bough (branch) , wreathen (chain) . ~~5688
05688 ## ` aboth {ab-oth'} ; or` abowth {ab-oth'} ; or (feminine)` abothah {ab-oth-aw'} ; the same as 05687 ; something intwined , i . e . a string , wreath or foliage :-- band , cord , rope , thick bough (branch) , wreathen (chain) . ~~5688
05688 ## ` aboth {ab-oth'} ; or` abowth {ab-oth'} ; or (feminine)` abothah {ab-oth-aw'} ; the same as 05687 ; something intwined , i . e . a string , wreath or foliage :-- band , cord , rope , thick bough (branch) , wreathen (chain) . ~~5688
05696 ## ` agol {aw-gole'} ; or` agowl {aw-gole'} ; from an unused root meaning to revolve , circular :-- round . ~~5696
05703 ## ` ad {ad} ; from 05710 ; properly , a (peremptory) terminus , i . e . (by implication) duration , in the sense of advance or perpetuity (substantially as a noun , either with or without a preposition) :-- eternity , ever (- lasting ,-more) , old , perpetually , + world without end . ~~5702
05703 ## ` ad {ad} ; from 05710 ; properly , a (peremptory) terminus , i . e . (by implication) duration , in the sense of advance or perpetuity (substantially as a noun , either with or without a preposition) :-- eternity , ever (- lasting ,-more) , old , perpetually , + world without end . ~~5702
05704 ## ` ad {ad} ; properly , the same as 05703 (used as a preposition , adverb or conjunction ; especially with a preposition) ; as far (or long , or much) as , whether of space (even unto) or time (during , while , until) or degree (equally with) :-- against , and , as , at , before , by (that) , even (to) , for (- asmuch as) , [hither-] to , + how long , into , as long (much) as , (so) that , till , toward , until , when , while , (+ as) yet . ~~5704
05704 ## ` ad {ad} ; properly , the same as 05703 (used as a preposition , adverb or conjunction ; especially with a preposition) ; as far (or long , or much) as , whether of space (even unto) or time (during , while , until) or degree (equally with) :-- against , and , as , at , before , by (that) , even (to) , for (- asmuch as) , [hither-] to , + how long , into , as long (much) as , (so) that , till , toward , until , when , while , (+ as) yet . ~~5704
05704 ## ` ad {ad} ; properly , the same as 05703 (used as a preposition , adverb or conjunction ; especially with a preposition) ; as far (or long , or much) as , whether of space (even unto) or time (during , while , until) or degree (equally with) :-- against , and , as , at , before , by (that) , even (to) , for (- asmuch as) , [hither-] to , + how long , into , as long (much) as , (so) that , till , toward , until , when , while , (+ as) yet . ~~5704
05704 ## ` ad {ad} ; properly , the same as 05703 (used as a preposition , adverb or conjunction ; especially with a preposition) ; as far (or long , or much) as , whether of space (even unto) or time (during , while , until) or degree (equally with) :-- against , and , as , at , before , by (that) , even (to) , for (- asmuch as) , [hither-] to , + how long , into , as long (much) as , (so) that , till , toward , until , when , while , (+ as) yet . ~~5704
05704 ## ` ad {ad} ; properly , the same as 05703 (used as a preposition , adverb or conjunction ; especially with a preposition) ; as far (or long , or much) as , whether of space (even unto) or time (during , while , until) or degree (equally with) :-- against , and , as , at , before , by (that) , even (to) , for (- asmuch as) , [hither-] to , + how long , into , as long (much) as , (so) that , till , toward , until , when , while , (+ as) yet . ~~5704
05709 ## ` ada'(Aramaic) {ad-aw'} ; or` adah (Aramaic) {ad-aw'} ; corresponding to 05710 :-- alter , depart , pass (away) , remove , take (away) . ~~5708
05710 ## ` adah {aw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; to advance , i . e . pass on or continue ; causatively , to remove ; specifically , to bedeck (i . e . bring an ornament upon) :-- adorn , deck (self) , pass by , take away . ~~5710
05712 ## ` edah {ay-daw'} ; feminine of 05707 in the original sense of fixture ; a stated assemblage (specifically , a concourse , or generally , a family or crowd) :-- assembly , company , congregation , multitude , people , swarm . Compare 05713 . ~~5712
05712 ## ` edah {ay-daw'} ; feminine of 05707 in the original sense of fixture ; a stated assemblage (specifically , a concourse , or generally , a family or crowd) :-- assembly , company , congregation , multitude , people , swarm . Compare 05713 . ~~5712
05714 ## ` Iddow {id-do'} ; or` Iddow'{id-do'} ; or` Iddiy'{id-dee'} ; from 05710 ; timely ; Iddo (or Iddi) , the name of five Israelites :-- Iddo . Compare 03035 , 03260 . ~~5714
05714 ## ` Iddow {id-do'} ; or` Iddow'{id-do'} ; or` Iddiy'{id-dee'} ; from 05710 ; timely ; Iddo (or Iddi) , the name of five Israelites :-- Iddo . Compare 03035 , 03260 . ~~5714
05714 ## ` Iddow {id-do'} ; or` Iddow'{id-do'} ; or` Iddiy'{id-dee'} ; from 05710 ; timely ; Iddo (or Iddi) , the name of five Israelites :-- Iddo . Compare 03035 , 03260 . ~~5714
05718 ## ` Adayah {ad-aw-yaw'} ; or` Adayahuw {ad-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05710 and 03050 ; Jah has adorned ; Adajah , the name of eight Israelites :-- Adaiah . ~~5718
05726 ## ` Adullamiy {ad-ool-law-mee'} ; patrial from 05725 ; an Adullamite or native of Adullam :-- Adullamite . ~~5726
05727 ## ` adan {aw-dan'} ; a primitive root ; to be soft or pleasant ; figuratively and reflexively , to live voluptuously :-- delight self . ~~5726
05728 ## ` aden {ad-en'} ; or` adennah {ad-en'- naw} ; from 05704 and 02004 ; till now :-- yet . ~~5728
05730 ## ` eden {ay'- den} ; or (feminine)` ednah {ed-naw'} ; from 05727 ; pleasure :-- delicate , delight , pleasure . See also 01040 . ~~5730
05737 ## ` adar {aw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to arrange , as a battle , a vineyard (to hoe) ; hence , to muster and so to miss (or find wanting) :-- dig , fail , keep (rank) , lack . ~~5736
05743 ## ` uwb {oob} ; a primitive root ; to be dense or dark , i . e . to becloud :-- cover with a cloud . ~~5742
05748 ## ` uwgab {oo-gawb'} ; or` uggab {oog-gawb'} ; from 05689 in the original sense of breathing ; a reed-instrument of music :-- organ . ~~5748
05749 ## ` uwd {ood} ; a primitive root ; to duplicate or repeat ; by implication , to protest , testify (as by reiteration) ; intensively , to encompass , restore (as a sort of reduplication) :-- admonish , charge , earnestly , lift up , protest , call (take) to record , relieve , rob , solemnly , stand upright , testify , give warning , (bear , call to , give , take to) witness . ~~5748
05750 ## ` owd {ode} ; or` od {ode} ; from 05749 ; properly , iteration or continuance ; used only adverbially (with or without preposition) , again , repeatedly , still , more :-- again , X all life long , at all , besides , but , else , further (- more) , henceforth , (any) longer , (any) more (- over) , X once , since , (be) still , when , (good , the) while (having being) , (as , because , whether , while) yet (within) . ~~5750
05750 ## ` owd {ode} ; or` od {ode} ; from 05749 ; properly , iteration or continuance ; used only adverbially (with or without preposition) , again , repeatedly , still , more :-- again , X all life long , at all , besides , but , else , further (- more) , henceforth , (any) longer , (any) more (- over) , X once , since , (be) still , when , (good , the) while (having being) , (as , because , whether , while) yet (within) . ~~5750
05750 ## ` owd {ode} ; or` od {ode} ; from 05749 ; properly , iteration or continuance ; used only adverbially (with or without preposition) , again , repeatedly , still , more :-- again , X all life long , at all , besides , but , else , further (- more) , henceforth , (any) longer , (any) more (- over) , X once , since , (be) still , when , (good , the) while (having being) , (as , because , whether , while) yet (within) . ~~5750
05752 ## ` Owded {o-dade'} ; or` Oded {o-dade'} ; from 05749 ; reiteration ; Oded , the name of two Israelites :-- Oded . ~~5752
05753 ## ` avah {aw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to crook , literally or figuratively (as follows) :-- do amiss , bow down , make crooked , commit iniquity , pervert , (do) perverse (- ly) , trouble , X turn , do wickedly , do wrong . ~~5752
05755 ## ` Ivvah {iv-vaw'} ; or` Avva'(2 Kings 17 : 24) {av-vaw'} ; for 05754 ; Ivvah or Avva , a region of Assyria :-- Ava , Ivah . ~~5754
05755 ## ` Ivvah {iv-vaw'} ; or` Avva'(2 Kings 17 : 24) {av-vaw'} ; for 05754 ; Ivvah or Avva , a region of Assyria :-- Ava , Ivah . ~~5754
05757 ## ` Avviy {av-vee'} ; patrial from 05755 ; an Avvite or native of Avvah (only plural) :-- Avims , Avites . ~~5756
05762 ## ` Aviyth {av-veeth'} ; or [perhaps` Ayowth {ah-yoth'} , as if plural of 05857 ]` Ayuwth {ah-yoth'} ; from 05753 ; ruin ; Avvith (or Avvoth) , a place in Palestine :-- Avith . ~~5762
05762 ## ` Aviyth {av-veeth'} ; or [perhaps` Ayowth {ah-yoth'} , as if plural of 05857 ]` Ayuwth {ah-yoth'} ; from 05753 ; ruin ; Avvith (or Avvoth) , a place in Palestine :-- Avith . ~~5762
05766 ## ` evel {eh'- vel} ; or` avel {aw'- vel} ; and (feminine)` avlah {av-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; or` olah {o-law'} ; from 05765 ; (moral) evil :-- iniquity , perverseness , unjust (- ly) , unrighteousness (- ly) ; wicked (- ness) . ~~5766
05766 ## ` evel {eh'- vel} ; or` avel {aw'- vel} ; and (feminine)` avlah {av-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; or` olah {o-law'} ; from 05765 ; (moral) evil :-- iniquity , perverseness , unjust (- ly) , unrighteousness (- ly) ; wicked (- ness) . ~~5766
05766 ## ` evel {eh'- vel} ; or` avel {aw'- vel} ; and (feminine)` avlah {av-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; or` olah {o-law'} ; from 05765 ; (moral) evil :-- iniquity , perverseness , unjust (- ly) , unrighteousness (- ly) ; wicked (- ness) . ~~5766
05768 ## ` owlel {o-lale'} ; or` olal {o-lawl'} ; from 05763 ; a suckling :-- babe , (young) child , infant , little one . ~~5768
05769 ## ` owlam {o-lawm'} ; or` olam {o-lawm'} ; from 05956 ; properly , concealed , i . e . the vanishing point ; generally , time out of mind (past or future) , i . e . (practically) eternity ; frequentatively , adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always :-- alway (- s) , ancient (time) , any more , continuance , eternal , (for , [n-]) ever (- lasting ,-more , of old) , lasting , long (time) , (of) old (time) , perpetual , at any time , (beginning of the) world (+ without end) . Compare 05331 , 05703 . ~~5768
05769 ## ` owlam {o-lawm'} ; or` olam {o-lawm'} ; from 05956 ; properly , concealed , i . e . the vanishing point ; generally , time out of mind (past or future) , i . e . (practically) eternity ; frequentatively , adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always :-- alway (- s) , ancient (time) , any more , continuance , eternal , (for , [n-]) ever (- lasting ,-more , of old) , lasting , long (time) , (of) old (time) , perpetual , at any time , (beginning of the) world (+ without end) . Compare 05331 , 05703 . ~~5768
05771 ## ` avon {aw-vone'} ; or` avown (2 Kings 7 : 9 ; Psalm 51 : 5 [7 ]) {aw-vone'} ; from 05753 ; perversity , i . e . (moral) evil :-- fault , iniquity , mischeif , punishment (of iniquity) , sin . ~~5770
05774 ## ` uwph {oof} ; a primitive root ; to cover (with wings or obscurity) ; hence (as denominative from 05775) to fly ; also (by implication of dimness) to faint (from the darkness of swooning) :-- brandish , be (wax) faint , flee away , fly (away) , X set , shine forth , weary . ~~5774
05775 ## ` owph {ofe} ; from 05774 ; a bird (as covered with feathers , or rather as covering with wings) , often collectively :-- bird , that flieth , flying , fowl . ~~5774
05777 ## ` owphereth {o-feh'- reth} ; or` ophereth {o-feh'- reth} ; feminine participle active of 06080 ; lead (from its dusty color) :-- lead . ~~5776
05782 ## ` uwr {oor} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 05783 through the idea of opening the eyes ] ; to wake (literally or figuratively) :-- (a-) wake (- n , up) , lift up (self) , X master , raise (up) , stir up (self) . ~~5782
05787 ## ` ivver {iv-vare'} ; intensive from 05786 ; blind (literally or figuratively) :-- blind (men , people) . ~~5786
05797 ## ` oz {oze} ; or (fully)` owz {oze} ; from 05810 ; strength in various applications (force , security , majesty , praise) :-- boldness , loud , might , power , strength , strong . ~~5796
05798 ## ` Uzza'{ooz-zaw'} ; or` Uzzah {ooz-zaw'} ; feminine of 05797 ; strength ; Uzza or Uzzah , the name of five Israelites :-- Uzza , Uzzah . ~~5798
05798 ## ` Uzza'{ooz-zaw'} ; or` Uzzah {ooz-zaw'} ; feminine of 05797 ; strength ; Uzza or Uzzah , the name of five Israelites :-- Uzza , Uzzah . ~~5798
05801 ## ` izzabown {iz-zaw-bone'} ; from 05800 in the sense of letting go (for a price , i . e . selling) ; trade , i . e . the place (mart) or the payment (revenue) :-- fair , ware . ~~5800
05809 ## ` Azzuwr {az-zoor'} ; or` Azzur {az-zoor'} ; from 05826 ; helpful ; Azzur , the name of three Israelites :-- Azur , Azzur . ~~5808
05810 ## ` azaz {aw-zaz'} ; a primitive root ; to be stout (literally or figuratively) :-- harden , impudent , prevail , strengthen (self) , be strong . ~~5810
05817 ## ` Ozziy'eliy {oz-zee-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 05816 ; an Uzzielite (collectively) or descendants of Uzziel :-- Uzzielites . ~~5816
05818 ## ` Uzziyah {ooz-zee-yaw'} ; or Uzziyahuw {ooz-zee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05797 and 03050 ; strength of Jah ; Uzzijah , the name of five Israelites :-- Uzziah . ~~5818
05826 ## ` azar {aw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to surround , i . e . protect or aid :-- help , succour . ~~5826
05833 ## ` ezrah {ez-raw'} ; or` ezrath (Psa . 60 : 11 [13 ] ; 00108 : 12 [13 ]) {ez-rawth'} ; feminine of 05828 ; aid :-- help (- ed ,-er) . ~~5832
05838 ## ` Azaryah {az-ar-yaw'} ; or` Azaryahuw {az-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05826 and 03050 ; Jah has helped ; Azarjah , the name of nineteen Israelites :-- Azariah . ~~5838
05841 ## ` Azzathiy {az-zaw-thee'} ; patrial from 05804 ; an Azzathite or inhabitant of Azzah :-- Gazathite , Gazite . ~~5840
05842 ## ` et {ate} ; from 05860 (contracted) in the sense of swooping , i . e . side-long stroke ; a stylus or marking stick :-- pen . ~~5842
05844 ## ` atah {aw-taw'} ; a primitive root ; to wrap , i . e . cover , veil , cloth , or roll :-- array self , be clad , (put a) cover (- ing , self) , fill , put on , X surely , turn aside . ~~5844
05848 ## ` ataph {aw-taf'} ; a primitive root ; to shroud , i . e . clothe (whether transitive or reflex .) ; hence (from the idea of darkness) to languish :-- cover (over) , fail , faint , feebler , hide self , be overwhelmed , swoon . ~~5848
05849 ## ` atar {aw-tar'} ; a primitive root ; to encircle (for attack or protection) ; especially to crown (literally or figuratively) :-- compass , crown . ~~5848
05849 ## ` atar {aw-tar'} ; a primitive root ; to encircle (for attack or protection) ; especially to crown (literally or figuratively) :-- compass , crown . ~~5848
05852 ## ` Atarowth {at-aw-roth'} ; or` Ataroth {at-aw-roth'} ; plural of 05850 ; Ataroth , the name (thus simply) of two places in Palestine :-- Ataroth . ~~5852
05857 ## ` Ay {ah'ee} ; or (feminine)` Aya'(Neh . 11 : 31) {ah-yaw'} ; or` Ayath (Isaiah 10 : 28) {ah-yawth'} ; for 05856 ; Ai , Aja or Ajath , a place in Palestine :-- Ai , Aija , Aijath , Hai . ~~5856
05857 ## ` Ay {ah'ee} ; or (feminine)` Aya'(Neh . 11 : 31) {ah-yaw'} ; or` Ayath (Isaiah 10 : 28) {ah-yawth'} ; for 05856 ; Ai , Aja or Ajath , a place in Palestine :-- Ai , Aija , Aijath , Hai . ~~5856
05857 ## ` Ay {ah'ee} ; or (feminine)` Aya'(Neh . 11 : 31) {ah-yaw'} ; or` Ayath (Isaiah 10 : 28) {ah-yawth'} ; for 05856 ; Ai , Aja or Ajath , a place in Palestine :-- Ai , Aija , Aijath , Hai . ~~5856
05860 ## ` iyt {eet} ; a primitive root ; to swoop down upon (literally or figuratively) :-- fly , rail . ~~5860
05861 ## ` ayit {ah'- yit} ; from 05860 ; a hawk or other bird of prey :-- bird , fowl , ravenous (bird) . ~~5860
05867 ## ` Eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or` Owlam (Ezra 10 : 2 ; Jeremiah 49 : 36) {o-lawm'} ; probably from 05956 ; hidden , i . e . distant ; Elam , a son of Shem and his descendants , with their country ; also of six Israelites :-- Elam . ~~5866
05869 ## ` ayin {ah'- yin} ; probably a primitive word ; an eye (literally or figuratively) ; by analogy , a fountain (as the eye of the landscape) :-- affliction , outward appearance , + before , + think best , colour , conceit , + be content , countenance , + displease , eye ([-brow ] , [-d ] ,-sight) , face , + favour , fountain , furrow [from the margin ] , X him , + humble , knowledge , look , (+ well) , X me , open (- ly) , + (not) please , presence , + regard , resemblance , sight , X thee , X them , + think , X us , well , X you (- rselves) . ~~5868
05874 ## ` Eyn-Do'r {ane-dore'} ; or` Eyn Dowr {ane dore} ; or` Eyn-Dor {ane-dore'} ; from 05869 and 01755 ; fountain of dwelling ; En-Dor , a place in Palestine :-- En-dor . ~~5874
05874 ## ` Eyn-Do'r {ane-dore'} ; or` Eyn Dowr {ane dore} ; or` Eyn-Dor {ane-dore'} ; from 05869 and 01755 ; fountain of dwelling ; En-Dor , a place in Palestine :-- En-dor . ~~5874
05879 ## ` Eynayim {ay-nah'- yim} ; or` Eynam {ay-nawm'} ; dual of 05869 ; double fountain ; Enajim or Enam , a place in Palestine :-- Enaim , openly (Genesis 38 : 21) . ~~5878
05879 ## ` Eynayim {ay-nah'- yim} ; or` Eynam {ay-nawm'} ; dual of 05869 ; double fountain ; Enajim or Enam , a place in Palestine :-- Enaim , openly (Genesis 38 : 21) . ~~5878
05892 ## ` iyr {eer} ; or (in the plural)` ar {awr} ; or` ayar (Judges 10 : 4) {aw-yar'} ; from 05782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post) :-- Ai [from margin ] , city , court [from margin ] , town . ~~5892
05892 ## ` iyr {eer} ; or (in the plural)` ar {awr} ; or` ayar (Judges 10 : 4) {aw-yar'} ; from 05782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post) :-- Ai [from margin ] , city , court [from margin ] , town . ~~5892
05892 ## ` iyr {eer} ; or (in the plural)` ar {awr} ; or` ayar (Judges 10 : 4) {aw-yar'} ; from 05782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post) :-- Ai [from margin ] , city , court [from margin ] , town . ~~5892
05892 ## ` iyr {eer} ; or (in the plural)` ar {awr} ; or` ayar (Judges 10 : 4) {aw-yar'} ; from 05782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post) :-- Ai [from margin ] , city , court [from margin ] , town . ~~5892
05903 ## ` eyrom {ay-rome'} ; or` erom {ay-rome'} ; from 06191 ; nudity :-- naked (- ness) . ~~5902
05906 ## ` Ayish {ah'- yish} ; or` Ash {awsh} ; from 05789 ; the constellation of the Great Bear (perhaps from its migration through the heavens) :-- Arcturus . ~~5906
05916 ## ` akar {aw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to roil water ; figuratively , to disturb or affict :-- trouble , stir . ~~5916
05921 ## ` al {al} ; properly , the same as 05920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix , or as conjunction with a particle following) ; above , over , upon , or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow) :-- above , according to (- ly) , after , (as) against , among , and , X as , at , because of , beside (the rest of) , between , beyond the time , X both and , by (reason of) , X had the charge of , concerning for , in (that) , (forth , out) of , (from) (off) , (up-) on , over , than , through (- out) , to , touching , X with . ~~5920
05921 ## ` al {al} ; properly , the same as 05920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix , or as conjunction with a particle following) ; above , over , upon , or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow) :-- above , according to (- ly) , after , (as) against , among , and , X as , at , because of , beside (the rest of) , between , beyond the time , X both and , by (reason of) , X had the charge of , concerning for , in (that) , (forth , out) of , (from) (off) , (up-) on , over , than , through (- out) , to , touching , X with . ~~5920
05921 ## ` al {al} ; properly , the same as 05920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix , or as conjunction with a particle following) ; above , over , upon , or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow) :-- above , according to (- ly) , after , (as) against , among , and , X as , at , because of , beside (the rest of) , between , beyond the time , X both and , by (reason of) , X had the charge of , concerning for , in (that) , (forth , out) of , (from) (off) , (up-) on , over , than , through (- out) , to , touching , X with . ~~5920
05923 ## ` ol {ole} ; or` owl {ole} ; from 05953 ; a yoke (as imposed on the neck) , literally or figuratively :-- yoke . ~~5922
05923 ## ` ol {ole} ; or` owl {ole} ; from 05953 ; a yoke (as imposed on the neck) , literally or figuratively :-- yoke . ~~5922
05927 ## ` alah {aw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to ascend , intransitively (be high) or actively (mount) ; used in a great variety of senses , primary and secondary , literal and figurative (as follow) :-- arise (up) , (cause to) ascend up , at once , break [the day ] (up) , bring (up) , (cause to) burn , carry up , cast up , + shew , climb (up) , (cause to , make to) come (up) , cut off , dawn , depart , exalt , excel , fall , fetch up , get up , (make to) go (away , up) ; grow (over) increase , lay , leap , levy , lift (self) up , light , [make ] up , X mention , mount up , offer , make to pay , + perfect , prefer , put (on) , raise , recover , restore , (make to) rise (up) , scale , set (up) , shoot forth (up) , (begin to) spring (up) , stir up , take away (up) , work . ~~5926
05930 ## ` olah {o-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; feminine active participle of 05927 ; a step or (collectively , stairs , as ascending) ; usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke) :-- ascent , burnt offering (sacrifice) , go up to . See also 05766 . ~~5930
05930 ## ` olah {o-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; feminine active participle of 05927 ; a step or (collectively , stairs , as ascending) ; usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke) :-- ascent , burnt offering (sacrifice) , go up to . See also 05766 . ~~5930
05933 ## ` Alvah {al-vaw'} ; or` Alyah {al-yaw'} ; the same as 05932 ; Alvah or Aljah , an Idumaean :-- Aliah , Alvah . ~~5932
05933 ## ` Alvah {al-vaw'} ; or` Alyah {al-yaw'} ; the same as 05932 ; Alvah or Aljah , an Idumaean :-- Aliah , Alvah . ~~5932
05935 ## ` Alvan {al-vawn'} ; or` Alyan {al-yawn'} ; from 05927 ; lofty ; Alvan or Aljan , an Idumaean :-- Alian , Alvan . ~~5934
05935 ## ` Alvan {al-vawn'} ; or` Alyan {al-yawn'} ; from 05927 ; lofty ; Alvan or Aljan , an Idumaean :-- Alian , Alvan . ~~5934
05944 ## ` aliyah {al-ee-yaw'} ; feminine from 05927 ; something lofty , i . e . a stair-way ; also a second-story room (or even one on the roof) ; figuratively , the sky :-- ascent , (upper) chamber , going up , loft , parlour . ~~5944
05949 ## ` aliylah {al-ee-law'} ; or` alilah {al-ee-law'} ; from 05953 in the sense of effecting ; an exploit (of God) , or a performance (of man , often in a bad sense) ; by implication , an opportunity :-- act (- ion) , deed , doing , invention , occasion , work . ~~5948
05949 ## ` aliylah {al-ee-law'} ; or` alilah {al-ee-law'} ; from 05953 in the sense of effecting ; an exploit (of God) , or a performance (of man , often in a bad sense) ; by implication , an opportunity :-- act (- ion) , deed , doing , invention , occasion , work . ~~5948
05956 ## ` alam {aw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to veil from sight , i . e . conceal (literally or figuratively) :-- X any ways , blind , dissembler , hide (self) , secret (thing) . ~~5956
05957 ## ` alam (Aramaic) {aw-lam'} ; corresponding to 05769 ; remote time , i . e . the future or past indefinitely ; often adverb , forever :-- for ([n-]) ever (lasting) , old . ~~5956
05959 ## ` almah {al-maw'} ; feminine of 05958 ; a lass (as veiled or private) :-- damsel , maid , virgin . ~~5958
05961 ## ` Alamowth {al-aw-moth'} ; plural of 05959 ; properly , girls , i . e . the soprano or female voice , perhaps falsetto :-- Alamoth . ~~5960
05962 ## ` Almiy (Aramaic) {al-mee'} ; patrial from a name corresponding to 05867 contracted ; an Elamite or inhabitant of Elam :-- Elamite . ~~5962
05968 ## ` alaph {aw-laf'} ; a primitive root ; to veil or cover ; figuratively , to be languid :-- faint , overlaid , wrap self . ~~5968
05971 ## ` am {am} ; from 06004 ; a people (as a congregated unit) ; specifically , a tribe (as those of Israel) ; hence (collectively) troops or attendants ; figuratively , a flock :-- folk , men , nation , people . ~~5970
05973 ## ` im {eem} ; from 06004 ; adverb or preposition , with (i . e . in conjunction with) , in varied applications ; specifically , equally with ; often with prepositional prefix (and then usually unrepresented in English) :-- accompanying , against , and , as (X long as) , before , beside , by (reason of) , for all , from (among , between) , in , like , more than , of , (un-) to , with (- al) . ~~5972
05980 ## ` ummah {oom-maw'} ; from 06004 ; conjunction , i . e . society ; mostly adverb or preposition (with prepositional prefix) , near , beside , along with :-- (over) against , at , beside , hard by , in points . ~~5980
05982 ## ` ammuwd {am-mood'} ; or` ammud {am-mood'} ; from 05975 ; a column (as standing) ; also a stand , i . e . platform :-- X apiece , pillar . ~~5982
05984 ## ` Ammowniy {am-mo-nee'} ; patronymically from 05983 ; an Ammonite or (the adjective) Ammonitish :-- Ammonite (- s) . ~~5984
05988 ## ` Ammiy'el {am-mee-ale'} ; from 05971 and 00410 ; people of God ; Ammiel , the name of three or four Israelites :-- Ammiel . ~~5988
05997 ## ` amiyth {aw-meeth'} ; from a primitive root meaning to associate ; companionship ; hence (concretely) a comrade or kindred man :-- another , fellow , neighbour . ~~5996
05999 ## ` amal {aw-mawl'} ; from 05998 ; toil , i . e . wearing effort ; hence , worry , wheth . of body or mind :-- grievance (- vousness) , iniquity , labour , mischief , miserable (- sery) , pain (- ful) , perverseness , sorrow , toil , travail , trouble , wearisome , wickedness . ~~5998
06003 ## ` Amaleqiy {am-aw-lay-kee'} ; patronymically from 06002 ; an Amalekite (or collectively the Amalekites) or descendants of Amalek :-- Amalekite (- s) . ~~6002
06003 ## ` Amaleqiy {am-aw-lay-kee'} ; patronymically from 06002 ; an Amalekite (or collectively the Amalekites) or descendants of Amalek :-- Amalekite (- s) . ~~6002
06006 ## ` amac {aw-mas'} ; or` amas {aw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; to load , i . e . impose a burden (or figuratively , infliction) :-- be borne , (heavy) burden (self) , lade , load , put . ~~6006
06006 ## ` amac {aw-mas'} ; or` amas {aw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; to load , i . e . impose a burden (or figuratively , infliction) :-- be borne , (heavy) burden (self) , lade , load , put . ~~6006
06009 ## ` amaq {aw-mak'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) deep (literally or figuratively) :-- (be , have , make , seek) deep (- ly) , depth , be profound . ~~6008
06012 ## ` ameq {aw-make'} ; from 06009 ; deep (literally or figuratively) :-- deeper , depth , strange . ~~6012
06013 ## ` amoq {aw-moke'} ; from 06009 ; deep (literally or figuratively) :-- (X exceeding) deep (thing) . ~~6012
06020 ## ` Amramiy {am-raw-mee'} ; from 06019 ; an Amramite or descendant of Amram :-- Amramite . ~~6020
06026 ## ` anag {aw-nag'} ; a primitive root ; to be soft or pliable , i . e . (figuratively) effeminate or luxurious :-- delicate (- ness) , (have) delight (self) , sport self . ~~6026
06026 ## ` anag {aw-nag'} ; a primitive root ; to be soft or pliable , i . e . (figuratively) effeminate or luxurious :-- delicate (- ness) , (have) delight (self) , sport self . ~~6026
06030 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to eye or (generally) to heed , i . e . pay attention ; by implication , to respond ; by extens . to begin to speak ; specifically to sing , shout , testify , announce :-- give account , afflict [by mistake for 06031 ] , (cause to , give) answer , bring low [by mistake for 06031 ] , cry , hear , Leannoth , lift up , say , X scholar , (give a) shout , sing (together by course) , speak , testify , utter , (bear) witness . See also 01042 , 01043 . ~~6030
06031 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root [possibly rather ident . with 06030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating ] ; to depress literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (in various applications , as follows) :-- abase self , afflict (- ion , self) , answer [by mistake for 06030 ] , chasten self , deal hardly with , defile , exercise , force , gentleness , humble (self) , hurt , ravish , sing [by mistake for 06030 ] , speak [by mistake for 06030 ] , submit self , weaken , X in any wise . ~~6030
06031 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root [possibly rather ident . with 06030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating ] ; to depress literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (in various applications , as follows) :-- abase self , afflict (- ion , self) , answer [by mistake for 06030 ] , chasten self , deal hardly with , defile , exercise , force , gentleness , humble (self) , hurt , ravish , sing [by mistake for 06030 ] , speak [by mistake for 06030 ] , submit self , weaken , X in any wise . ~~6030
06031 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root [possibly rather ident . with 06030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating ] ; to depress literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (in various applications , as follows) :-- abase self , afflict (- ion , self) , answer [by mistake for 06030 ] , chasten self , deal hardly with , defile , exercise , force , gentleness , humble (self) , hurt , ravish , sing [by mistake for 06030 ] , speak [by mistake for 06030 ] , submit self , weaken , X in any wise . ~~6030
06035 ## ` anav {aw-nawv'} ; or [by intermixture with 06041 ]` anayv {aw-nawv'} ; from 06031 ; depressed (figuratively) , in mind (gentle) or circumstances (needy , especially saintly) :-- humble , lowly , meek , poor . Compare 06041 . ~~6034
06035 ## ` anav {aw-nawv'} ; or [by intermixture with 06041 ]` anayv {aw-nawv'} ; from 06031 ; depressed (figuratively) , in mind (gentle) or circumstances (needy , especially saintly) :-- humble , lowly , meek , poor . Compare 06041 . ~~6034
06038 ## ` anavah {an-aw-vaw'} ; from 06035 ; condescension , human and subjective (modesty) , or divine and objective (clemency) :-- gentleness , humility , meekness . ~~6038
06041 ## ` aniy {aw-nee'} ; from 06031 ; depressed , in mind or circumstances [practically the same as 06035 , although the margin constantly disputes this , making 06035 subjective and 06041 objective ] :-- afflicted , humble , lowly , needy , poor . ~~6040
06045 ## ` inyan {in-yawn'} ; from 06031 ; ado , i . e . (generally) employment or (specifically) an affair :-- business , travail . ~~6044
06051 ## ` anan {aw-nawn'} ; from 06049 ; a cloud (as covering the sky) , i . e . the nimbus or thunder-cloud :-- cloud (- y) . ~~6050
06056 ## ` anaph (Aramaic) {an-af'} ; or` eneph (Aramaic) {eh'- nef} ; corresponding to 06057 :-- bough , branch . ~~6056
06062 ## ` Anaqiy {an-aw-kee'} ; patronymically from 06061 ; an Anakite or descendant of Anak :-- Anakim . ~~6062
06069 ## ` Anthothiy {an-tho-thee'} ; or` Ann@thowthiy {an-ne-tho-thee'} ; patrial from 06068 ; a Antothite or inhabitant of Anathoth :-- of Anathoth , Anethothite , Anetothite , Antothite . ~~6068
06069 ## ` Anthothiy {an-tho-thee'} ; or` Ann@thowthiy {an-ne-tho-thee'} ; patrial from 06068 ; a Antothite or inhabitant of Anathoth :-- of Anathoth , Anethothite , Anetothite , Antothite . ~~6068
06071 ## ` aciyc {aw-sees'} ; from 06072 ; must or fresh grape-juice (as just trodden out) :-- juice , new (sweet) wine . ~~6070
06078 ## ` Ophniy {of-nee'} ; from an unused noun [denoting a place in Palestine ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ] ; an Ophnite (collectively) or inhabitants of Ophen :-- Ophni . ~~6078
06080 ## ` aphar {aw-far'} : a primitive root : meaning either to be gray or perhaps rather to pulverize ; used only as denominative from 06083 , to be dust :-- cast [dust ] . ~~6080
06083 ## ` aphar {aw-fawr'} ; from 06080 ; dust (as powdered or gray) ; hence , clay , earth , mud :-- ashes , dust , earth , ground , morter , powder , rubbish . ~~6082
06087 ## ` atsab {aw-tsab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to carve , i . e . fabricate or fashion ; hence (in a bad sense) to worry , pain or anger :-- displease , grieve , hurt , make , be sorry , vex , worship , wrest . ~~6086
06087 ## ` atsab {aw-tsab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to carve , i . e . fabricate or fashion ; hence (in a bad sense) to worry , pain or anger :-- displease , grieve , hurt , make , be sorry , vex , worship , wrest . ~~6086
06089 ## ` etseb {eh'- tseb} ; from 06087 ; an earthen vessel ; usually (painful) toil ; also a pang (whether of body or mind) :-- grievous , idol , labor , sorrow . ~~6088
06090 ## ` otseb {o'- tseb} ; a variation of 06089 ; an idol (as fashioned) ; also pain (bodily or mental) :-- idol , sorrow , X wicked . ~~6090
06093 ## ` itstsabown {its-tsaw-bone'} ; from 06087 ; worrisomeness , i . e . labor or pain :-- sorrow , toil . ~~6092
06094 ## ` atstsebeth {ats-tseh'- beth} ; from 06087 ; a idol ; also , a pain or wound :-- sorrow , wound . ~~6094
06095 ## ` atsah {aw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to fasten (or make firm) , i . e . to close (the eyes) :-- shut . ~~6094
06098 ## ` etsah {ay-tsaw'} ; from 03289 ; advice ; by implication , plan ; also prudence :-- advice , advisement , counsel (l-[or ]) , purpose . ~~6098
06099 ## ` atsuwm {aw-tsoom'} ; or` atsum {aw-tsoom'} ; passive participle of 06105 ; powerful (specifically , a paw) ; by implication , numerous :-- + feeble , great , mighty , must , strong . ~~6098
06101 ## ` atsal {aw-tsal'} ; a primitive root ; to lean idly , i . e . to be indolent or slack :-- be slothful . ~~6100
06105 ## ` atsam {aw-tsam'} ; a primitive root ; to bind fast , i . e . close (the eyes) ; intransitively , to be (causatively , make) powerful or numerous ; denominatively (from 06106) to crunch the bones :-- break the bones , close , be great , be increased , be (wax) mighty (- ier) , be more , shut , be (- come , make) strong (- er) . ~~6104
06111 ## ` Atsmown {ats-mone'} ; or` Atsmon {ats-mone'} ; from 06107 ; bone-like ; Atsmon , a place near Palestine :-- Azmon . ~~6110
06112 ## ` etsen {ay'- tsen} ; from an unused root meaning to be sharp or strong ; a spear :-- Eznite [from the margin ] . ~~6112
06116 ## ` atsarah {ats-aw-raw'} ; or` atsereth {ats-eh'- reth} ; from 06113 ; an assembly , especially on a festival or holiday :-- (solemn) assembly (meeting) . ~~6116
06116 ## ` atsarah {ats-aw-raw'} ; or` atsereth {ats-eh'- reth} ; from 06113 ; an assembly , especially on a festival or holiday :-- (solemn) assembly (meeting) . ~~6116
06117 ## ` aqab {aw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to swell out or up ; used only as denominative from 06119 , to seize by the heel ; figuratively , to circumvent (as if tripping up the heels) ; also to restrain (as if holding by the heel) :-- take by the heel , stay , supplant , X utterly . ~~6116
06118 ## ` eqeb {ay'- keb} ; from 06117 in the sense of 06119 ; a heel , i . e . (figuratively) the last of anything (used adverbially , for ever) ; also result , i . e . compensation ; and so (adverb with preposition or relatively) on account of :-- X because , by , end , for , if , reward . ~~6118
06119 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; or (feminine)` iqq@bah {ik-keb-aw'} ; from 06117 ; a heel (as protuberant) ; hence , a track ; figuratively , the rear (of an army) :-- heel , [horse-] hoof , last , lier in wait [by mistake for 06120 ] , (foot-) step . ~~6118
06121 ## ` aqob {aw-kobe'} ; from 06117 ; in the original sense , a knoll (as swelling up) ; in the denominative sense (transitive) fraudulent or (intransitive) tracked :-- crooked , deceitful , polluted . ~~6120
06135 ## ` aqar {aw-kawr'} ; from 06131 ; sterile (as if extirpated in the generative organs) :-- (X male or female) barren (woman) . ~~6134
06137 ## ` aqrab {ak-rawb'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a scorpion ; figuratively , a scourge or knotted whip :-- scorpion . ~~6136
06139 ## ` Eqrowniy {ek-ro-nee'} ; or` Eqroniy {ek-ro-nee'; patrial from 06138 ; an Ekronite or inhabitant of Ekron :-- Ekronite . ~~6138
06139 ## ` Eqrowniy {ek-ro-nee'} ; or` Eqroniy {ek-ro-nee'; patrial from 06138 ; an Ekronite or inhabitant of Ekron :-- Ekronite . ~~6138
06140 ## ` aqash {aw-kash'} ; a primitive root ; to knot or distort ; figuratively , to pervert (act or declare perverse) :-- make crooked , (prove , that is) perverse (- rt) . ~~6140
06140 ## ` aqash {aw-kash'} ; a primitive root ; to knot or distort ; figuratively , to pervert (act or declare perverse) :-- make crooked , (prove , that is) perverse (- rt) . ~~6140
06148 ## ` arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root ; to braid , i . e . intermix ; technically , to traffic (as if by barter) ; also or give to be security (as a kind of exchange) :-- engage , (inter-) meddle (with) , mingle (self) , mortgage , occupy , give pledges , be (- come , put in) surety , undertake . ~~6148
06152 ## ` Arab {ar-awb'} or` Arab {ar-ab'} ; from 06150 in the figurative sense of sterility ; Arab (i . e . Arabia) , a country East of Palestine :-- Arabia . ~~6152
06154 ## ` ereb {ay'- reb} ; or` ereb (1 Kings 10 : 15) , (with the article prefix) , {eh'- reb} ; from 06148 ; the web (or transverse threads of cloth) ; also a mixture , (or mongrel race) :-- Arabia , mingled people , mixed (multitude) , woof . ~~6154
06154 ## ` ereb {ay'- reb} ; or` ereb (1 Kings 10 : 15) , (with the article prefix) , {eh'- reb} ; from 06148 ; the web (or transverse threads of cloth) ; also a mixture , (or mongrel race) :-- Arabia , mingled people , mixed (multitude) , woof . ~~6154
06154 ## ` ereb {ay'- reb} ; or` ereb (1 Kings 10 : 15) , (with the article prefix) , {eh'- reb} ; from 06148 ; the web (or transverse threads of cloth) ; also a mixture , (or mongrel race) :-- Arabia , mingled people , mixed (multitude) , woof . ~~6154
06158 ## ` oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` owreb {o-rabe'} ; from 06150 ; a raven (from its dusky hue) :-- raven . ~~6158
06159 ## ` Oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` Owreb {o-rabe'} ; the same as 06158 ; Oreb , the name of a Midianite and of the cliff near the Jordan :-- Oreb . ~~6158
06161 ## ` arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06048 in the sense of a bargain or exchange ; something given as security , i . e . (literally) a token (of safety) or (metaphorically) a bondsman :-- pledge , surety . ~~6160
06161 ## ` arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06048 in the sense of a bargain or exchange ; something given as security , i . e . (literally) a token (of safety) or (metaphorically) a bondsman :-- pledge , surety . ~~6160
06163 ## ` Arabiy {ar-aw-bee'} ; or` Arbiy {ar-bee'} ; patrial from 06152 ; an Arabian or inhabitant of Arab (i . e . Arabia) :-- Arabian . ~~6162
06163 ## ` Arabiy {ar-aw-bee'} ; or` Arbiy {ar-bee'} ; patrial from 06152 ; an Arabian or inhabitant of Arab (i . e . Arabia) :-- Arabian . ~~6162
06164 ## ` Arbathiy {ar-baw-thee'} ; patrial from 01026 ; an Arbathite or inhabitant of (Beth-) Arabah :-- Arbahite . ~~6164
06170 ## ` aruwgah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; or` arugah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06165 ; something piled up (as if [figuratively ] raised by mental aspiration) , i . e . a paterre :-- bed , furrow . ~~6170
06172 ## ` ervah {er-vaw'} ; from 06168 ; nudity , literally (especially the pudenda) or figuratively (disgrace , blemish) :-- nakedness , shame , unclean (- ness) . ~~6172
06174 ## ` arowm {aw-rome'} ; or` arom {aw-rome'} ; from 06191 (in its original sense) ; nude , either partially or totally :-- naked . ~~6174
06174 ## ` arowm {aw-rome'} ; or` arom {aw-rome'} ; from 06191 (in its original sense) ; nude , either partially or totally :-- naked . ~~6174
06176 ## ` arow` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` ar` ar {ar-awr'} ; from 06209 reduplicated ; a juniper (from its nudity of situation) :-- health . ~~6176
06177 ## ` Arow` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Aro` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Ar` owr {ar-ore'} ; the same as 06176 ; nudity of situation ; Aroer , the name of three places in or near Palestine :-- Aroer . ~~6176
06177 ## ` Arow` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Aro` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Ar` owr {ar-ore'} ; the same as 06176 ; nudity of situation ; Aroer , the name of three places in or near Palestine :-- Aroer . ~~6176
06177 ## ` Arow` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Aro` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Ar` owr {ar-ore'} ; the same as 06176 ; nudity of situation ; Aroer , the name of three places in or near Palestine :-- Aroer . ~~6176
06178 ## ` aruwts {aw-roots'} ; passive participle of 06206 ; feared , i . e . (concretely) a horrible place or chasm :-- cliffs . ~~6178
06180 ## ` Eriy {ay-ree'} ; patronymically of 06179 ; a Erite (collectively) or descendants of Eri :-- Erites . ~~6180
06184 ## ` ariyts {aw-reets'} ; from 06206 ; fearful , i . e . powerful or tyrannical :-- mighty , oppressor , in great power , strong , terrible , violent . ~~6184
06188 ## ` arel {aw-rale'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strip ; but used as denominative from 06189 ; to expose or remove the prepuce , whether literal (to go naked) or figurative (to refrain from using) :-- count uncircumcised , foreskin to be uncovered . ~~6188
06188 ## ` arel {aw-rale'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strip ; but used as denominative from 06189 ; to expose or remove the prepuce , whether literal (to go naked) or figurative (to refrain from using) :-- count uncircumcised , foreskin to be uncovered . ~~6188
06190 ## ` orlah {or-law'} ; feminine of 06189 ; the prepuce :-- foreskin , + uncircumcised . ~~6190
06191 ## ` aram {aw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be (or make) bare ; but used only in the derivative sense (through the idea perhaps of smoothness) to be cunning (usually in a bad sense) :-- X very , beware , take crafty [counsel ] , be prudent , deal subtilly . ~~6190
06194 ## ` arem (Jer . 50 : 26) {aw-rame'} ; or (feminine)` aremah {ar-ay-maw'} ; from 06192 ; a heap ; specifically , a sheaf :-- heap (of corn) , sheaf . ~~6194
06195 ## ` ormah {or-maw'} ; feminine of 06193 ; trickery ; or (in a good sense) discretion :-- guile , prudence , subtilty , wilily , wisdom . ~~6194
06195 ## ` ormah {or-maw'} ; feminine of 06193 ; trickery ; or (in a good sense) discretion :-- guile , prudence , subtilty , wilily , wisdom . ~~6194
06198 ## ` Eraniy {ay-raw-nee'} ; patronymically from 06197 ; an Eranite or descendant (collectively) of Eran :-- Eranites . ~~6198
06200 ## ` Aro` eriy {ar-o-ay-ree'} ; patronymically from 06177 ; an Aroerite or inhabitant of Aroer :-- Aroerite . ~~6200
06203 ## ` oreph {o-ref'} ; from 06202 ; the nape or back of the neck (as declining) ; hence , the back generally (whether literal or figurative) :-- back ([stiff-] neck ([-ed) . ~~6202
06203 ## ` oreph {o-ref'} ; from 06202 ; the nape or back of the neck (as declining) ; hence , the back generally (whether literal or figurative) :-- back ([stiff-] neck ([-ed) . ~~6202
06204 ## ` Orpah {or-paw'} ; feminine of 06203 ; mane ; Orpah , a Moabites :-- Orpah . ~~6204
06206 ## ` arats {aw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; to awe or (intransitive) to dread ; hence , to harass :-- be affrighted (afraid , dread , feared , terrified) , break , dread , fear , oppress , prevail , shake terribly . ~~6206
06208 ## ` Arqiy {ar-kee'} ; patrial from an unused name meaning a tush ; an Arkite or inhabitant of Erek :-- Arkite . ~~6208
06211 ## ` ash {awsh} ; from 06244 ; a moth :-- moth . See also 05906 . or 06211 . ## ` asab (Aramaic) {as-ab'} ; 06212 :-- grass . ~~6210
06212 ## ` eseb {eh'seb} ; from an unused root meaning to glisten (or be green) ; grass (or any tender shoot) :-- grass , herb . ~~6212
06212 ## ` eseb {eh'seb} ; from an unused root meaning to glisten (or be green) ; grass (or any tender shoot) :-- grass , herb . ~~6212
06213 ## ` asah {aw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to do or make , in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows) :-- accomplish , advance , appoint , apt , be at , become , bear , bestow , bring forth , bruise , be busy , X certainly , have the charge of , commit , deal (with) , deck , + displease , do , (ready) dress (- ed) , (put in) execute (- ion) , exercise , fashion , + feast , [fight-] ing man , + finish , fit , fly , follow , fulfill , furnish , gather , get , go about , govern , grant , great , + hinder , hold ([a feast ]) , X indeed , + be industrious , + journey , keep , labour , maintain , make , be meet , observe , be occupied , offer , + officer , pare , bring (come) to pass , perform , pracise , prepare , procure , provide , put , requite , X sacrifice , serve , set , shew , X sin , spend , X surely , take , X thoroughly , trim , X very , + vex , be [warr-] ior , work (- man) , yield , use . ~~6212
06217 ## ` ashuwq {aw-shook'} ; or` ashuq {aw-shook'} ; passive participle of 06231 ; used in plural masculine as abstractly , tyranny :-- oppressed (- ion) . [Doubtful . ] ~~6216
06218 ## ` asowr {aw-sore'} ; or` asor {aw-sore'} ; from 06235 ; ten ; by abbrev . ten strings , and so a decachord :-- (instrument of) ten (strings ,-th) . ~~6218
06222 ## ` Asayah {aw-saw-yaw'} ; from 06213 and 03050 ; Jah has made ; Asajah , the name of three or four Israelites :-- Asaiah . ~~6222
06223 ## ` ashiyr {aw-sheer'} ; from 06238 ; rich , whether literal or figurative (noble) :-- rich (man) . ~~6222
06224 ## ` asiyriy {as-ee-ree'} ; from 06235 ; tenth ; by abbreviation , tenth month or (feminine) part :-- tenth (part) . ~~6224
06225 ## ` ashan {aw-shan'} ; a primitive root ; to smoke , whether literal or figurative :-- be angry (be on a) smoke . ~~6224
06227 ## ` ashan {aw-shawn'} ; from 06225 ; smoke , literally or figuratively (vapor , dust , anger) :-- smoke (- ing) . ~~6226
06231 ## ` ashaq {aw-shak'} ; a primitive root (compare 06229) ; to press upon , i . e . oppress , defraud , violate , overflow :-- get deceitfully , deceive , defraud , drink up , (use) oppress ([-ion ]) ,-or) , do violence (wrong) . ~~6230
06237 ## ` asar {aw-sar'} ; a primitive root (ident . with 06238) ; to accumulate ; but used only as denominative from 06235 ; to tithe , i . e . to take or give a tenth :-- X surely , give (take) the tenth , (have , take) tithe (- ing ,-s) , X truly . ~~6236
06241 ## ` issarown {is-saw-rone'} ; or` issaron {is-saw-rone'} ; from 06235 ; (fractional) a tenth part :-- tenth deal . ~~6240
06249 ## ` ashtey {ash-tay'} ; apparently masculine plural construction of 06247 in the sense of an afterthought (used only in connection with 06240 in lieu of 00259) eleven or (ordinal) eleventh :-- + eleven (- th) . ~~6248
06252 ## ` Ashtarowth {ash-taw-roth'} ; or` Ashtaroth {ash-taw-roth'} ; plural of 06251 ; Ashtaroth , the name of a Sidonian deity , and of a place East of the Jordan :-- Asharoth , Astaroth . See also 01045 , 06253 , 06255 . ~~6252
06254 ## ` Asht@rathiy {ash-ter-aw-thee'} ; patrial from 06252 ; an Ashterathite or inhabitant of Ashtaroth :-- Ashterathite . ~~6254
06258 ## ` attah {at-taw'} ; from 06256 ; at this time , whether adverb , conjunction or expletive :-- henceforth , now , straightway , this time , whereas . ~~6258
06260 ## ` attuwd {at-tood'} ; or` attud {at-tood'} ; from 06257 ; prepared , i . e . full grown ; spoken only (in plural) of he-goats , or (figuratively) leaders of the people :-- chief one , (he) goat , ram . ~~6260
06260 ## ` attuwd {at-tood'} ; or` attud {at-tood'} ; from 06257 ; prepared , i . e . full grown ; spoken only (in plural) of he-goats , or (figuratively) leaders of the people :-- chief one , (he) goat , ram . ~~6260
06266 ## ` athiyq {aw-theek'} ; from 06275 ; properly , antique , i . e . venerable or splendid :-- durable . ~~6266
06271 ## ` Athalyah {ath-al-yaw'} ; or` Athalyahuw {ath-al-yaw'- hoo} ; from the same as 06270 and 03050 ; Jah has constrained ; Athaljah , the name of an Israelitess and two Israelites :-- Athaliah . ~~6270
06275 ## ` athaq {aw-thak'} ; a primitive root ; to remove (intransitive or transitive) figuratively , to grow old ; specifically , to transcribe :-- copy out , leave off , become (wax) old , remove . ~~6274
06288 ## p@'orah {peh-o-raw'} ; or pora'h {po-raw'} ; or pu'rah {poo-raw'} ; from 06286 ; properly , ornamentation , i . e . (plural) foliage (including the limbs) as bright green :-- bough , branch , sprig . ~~6288
06288 ## p@'orah {peh-o-raw'} ; or pora'h {po-raw'} ; or pu'rah {poo-raw'} ; from 06286 ; properly , ornamentation , i . e . (plural) foliage (including the limbs) as bright green :-- bough , branch , sprig . ~~6288
06292 ## pigguwl {pig-gool'} ; or piggul {pig-gool'} ; from an unused root meaning to stink ; properly , fetid , i . e . (figuratively) unclean (ceremonially) :-- abominable (- tion , thing) . ~~6292
06293 ## paga` {paw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; to impinge , by accident or violence , or (figuratively) by importunity :-- come (betwixt) , cause to entreat , fall (upon) , make intercession , intercessor , intreat , lay , light [upon ] , meet (together) , pray , reach , run . ~~6292
06293 ## paga` {paw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; to impinge , by accident or violence , or (figuratively) by importunity :-- come (betwixt) , cause to entreat , fall (upon) , make intercession , intercessor , intreat , lay , light [upon ] , meet (together) , pray , reach , run . ~~6292
06297 ## peger {peh'gher} ; from 06296 ; a carcase (as limp) , whether of man or beast ; figuratively , an idolatrous image :-- carcase , corpse , dead body . ~~6296
06298 ## pagash {paw-gash'} ; a primitive root ; to come in contact with , whether by accident or violence ; figuratively , to concur :-- meet (with , together) . ~~6298
06304 ## p@duwth {ped-ooth'} ; or p@duth {ped-ooth'} ; from 06929 ; distinction ; also deliverance :-- division , redeem , redemption . ~~6304
06305 ## P@dayah {ped-aw-yaw'} ; or P@dayahuw {ped-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 06299 and 03050 ; Jah has ransomed ; Pedajah , the name of six Israelites :-- Pedaiah . ~~6304
06306 ## pidyowm {pid-yome'} ; or pidyom {pid-yome'} ; also pidyown {pid-yone'} ; or pidyon {pid-yone'} ; from 06299 ; a ransom ;-- ransom , that were redeemed , redemption . ~~6306
06306 ## pidyowm {pid-yome'} ; or pidyom {pid-yome'} ; also pidyown {pid-yone'} ; or pidyon {pid-yone'} ; from 06299 ; a ransom ;-- ransom , that were redeemed , redemption . ~~6306
06307 ## Paddan {pad-dawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to extend ; a plateau ; or Paddan'Aram {pad-dan'ar-awm'} ; from the same and 00758 ; the table-land of Aram ; Paddan or Paddan-Aram , a region of Syria :-- Padan , Padan-aram . ~~6306
06307 ## Paddan {pad-dawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to extend ; a plateau ; or Paddan'Aram {pad-dan'ar-awm'} ; from the same and 00758 ; the table-land of Aram ; Paddan or Paddan-Aram , a region of Syria :-- Padan , Padan-aram . ~~6306
06310 ## peh {peh} ; from 06284 ; the mouth (as the means of blowing) , whether literal or figurative (particularly speech) ; specifically edge , portion or side ; adverbially (with preposition) according to :-- accord (- ing as ,-ing to) , after , appointment , assent , collar , command (- ment) , X eat , edge , end , entry , + file , hole , X in , mind , mouth , part , portion , X (should) say (- ing) , sentence , skirt , sound , speech , X spoken , talk , tenor , X to , + two-edged , wish , word . ~~6310
06310 ## peh {peh} ; from 06284 ; the mouth (as the means of blowing) , whether literal or figurative (particularly speech) ; specifically edge , portion or side ; adverbially (with preposition) according to :-- accord (- ing as ,-ing to) , after , appointment , assent , collar , command (- ment) , X eat , edge , end , entry , + file , hole , X in , mind , mouth , part , portion , X (should) say (- ing) , sentence , skirt , sound , speech , X spoken , talk , tenor , X to , + two-edged , wish , word . ~~6310
06311 ## poh {po} ; or po'(Job 38 : 11) {po} ; or pow {po} ; probably from a primitive inseparable particle " p " (of demonstrative force) and 01931 ; this place (French ici) , i . e . here or hence :-- here , hither , the one (other , this , that) side . ~~6310
06311 ## poh {po} ; or po'(Job 38 : 11) {po} ; or pow {po} ; probably from a primitive inseparable particle " p " (of demonstrative force) and 01931 ; this place (French ici) , i . e . here or hence :-- here , hither , the one (other , this , that) side . ~~6310
06311 ## poh {po} ; or po'(Job 38 : 11) {po} ; or pow {po} ; probably from a primitive inseparable particle " p " (of demonstrative force) and 01931 ; this place (French ici) , i . e . here or hence :-- here , hither , the one (other , this , that) side . ~~6310
06312 ## Puw'ah {poo-aw'} or Puvvah {poov-vaw'} ; from 06284 ; a blast ; Puah or Puvvah , the name of two Israelites :-- Phuvah , Pua , Puah . ~~6312
06312 ## Puw'ah {poo-aw'} or Puvvah {poov-vaw'} ; from 06284 ; a blast ; Puah or Puvvah , the name of two Israelites :-- Phuvah , Pua , Puah . ~~6312
06315 ## puwach {poo'akh} ; a primitive root ; to puff , i . e . blow with the breath or air ; hence , to fan (as a breeze) , to utter , to kindle (a fire) , to scoff :-- blow (upon) , break , puff , bring into a snare , speak , utter . ~~6314
06316 ## Puwt {poot} ; of foreign origin ; Put , a son of Ham , also the name of his descendants or their region , and of a Persian tribe :-- Phut , Put . ~~6316
06324 ## Puwniy {poo-nee'} ; patronymically from an unused name meaning a turn ; a Punite (collectively) or descendants of an unknown Pun :-- Punites . ~~6324
06327 ## puwts {poots} ; a primitive root ; to dash in pieces , literally or figuratively (especially to disperse) :-- break (dash , shake) in (to) pieces , cast (abroad) , disperse (selves) , drive , retire , scatter (abroad) , spread abroad . ~~6326
06332 ## Puwr {poor} ; also (plural) Puwriym {poo-reem'} ; or Puriym {poo-reem'} ; from 06331 ; a lot (as by means of a broken piece) :-- Pur , Purim . ~~6332
06336 ## Puwthiy {poo-thee'} ; patronymically from an unused name meaning a hinge ; a Puthite (collectively) or descendants of an unknown Puth :-- Puhites [as if from 06312 ] . ~~6336
06340 ## pazar {paw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to scatter , whether in enmity or bounty :-- disperse , scatter (abroad) . ~~6340
06346 ## pechah {peh-khaw'} ; of foreign origin ; a prefect (of a city or small district) :-- captain , deputy , governor . ~~6346
06348 ## pachaz {paw-khaz'} ; a primitive root ; to bubble up or froth (as boiling water) , i . e . (figuratively) to be unimportant :-- light . ~~6348
06352 ## pecham {peh-khawm'} ; perhaps from an unused root probably meaning to be black ; a coal , whether charred or live :-- coals . ~~6352
06362 ## patar {paw-tar'} ; a primitive root ; to cleave or burst through , i . e . (causatively) to emit , whether literal or figurative (gape) :-- dismiss , free , let (shoot) out , slip away . ~~6362
06362 ## patar {paw-tar'} ; a primitive root ; to cleave or burst through , i . e . (causatively) to emit , whether literal or figurative (gape) :-- dismiss , free , let (shoot) out , slip away . ~~6362
06363 ## peter {peh'- ter} ; or pitrah {pit-raw'} ; from 06362 ; a fissure , i . e . (concretely) firstling (as opening the matrix) :-- firstling , openeth , such as open . ~~6362
06366 ## peyah {pay-aw'} ; or piyah {pee-yaw'} ; feminine of 06310 ; an edge :-- (two-) edge (- d) . ~~6366
06368 ## piyach {pee'- akh} ; from 06315 ; a powder (as easily puffed away) , i . e . ashes or dust :-- ashes . ~~6368
06370 ## piylegesh {pee-leh'- ghesh} ; or pilegesh {pee-leh'- ghesh} ; of uncertain derivation ; a concubine ; also (masculine) a paramour :-- concubine , paramour . ~~6370
06374 ## piyphiyah {pee-fee-yaw'} ; for 06366 ; an edge or tooth :-- tooth , X two-edged . ~~6374
06381 ## pala'{paw-law'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to separate , i . e . distinguish (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to be (causatively , make) great , difficult , wonderful :-- accomplish , (arise . . . too , be too) hard , hidden , things too high , (be , do , do a , shew) marvelous (- ly ,-els , things , work) , miracles , perform , separate , make singular , (be , great , make) wonderful (- ers ,-ly , things , works) , wondrous (things , works ,-ly) . ~~6380
06383 ## pil'iy {pil-ee'} ; or paliy'{paw-lee'} ; from 06381 ; remarkable :-- secret , wonderful . ~~6382
06384 ## Pallu'iy {pal-loo-ee'} ; patronymically from 06396 ; a Palluite (collectively) or descendants of Pallu :-- Palluites . ~~6384
06385 ## palag {paw-lag'} ; a primitive root ; to split (literally or figuratively) :-- divide . ~~6384
06395 ## palah {paw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to distinguish (literally or figuratively) :-- put a difference , show marvellous , separate , set apart , sever , make wonderfully . ~~6394
06397 ## P@lowniy {pel-o-nee'} ; patronymically from an unused name (from 06395) meaning separate ; a Pelonite or inhabitant of an unknown Palon :-- Pelonite . ~~6396
06398 ## palach {paw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; to slice , i . e . break open or pierce :-- bring forth , cleave , cut , shred , strike through . ~~6398
06399 ## p@lach (Aramaic) {pel-akh'} ; corresponding to 06398 ; to serve or worship :-- minister , serve . ~~6398
06407 ## Paltiy {pal-tee'} ; patronymically from 06406 ; a Paltite or descendant of Palti :-- Paltite . ~~6406
06410 ## P@latyah {pel-at-yaw'} ; or P@latyahuw {pel-at-yaw'- hoo} ; from 06403 and 03050 ; Jah has delivered ; Pelatjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Pelatiah . ~~6410
06411 ## P@layah {pel-aw-yaw'} ; or P@la'yah {pel-aw-yaw'} ; from 06381 and 03050 ; Jah has distinguished ; Pelajah , the name of three Israelites :-- Pelaiah . ~~6410
06412 ## paliyt {paw-leet'} ; or paleyt {paw-late'} ; or palet {paw-late'} ; from 06403 ; a refugee :-- (that have) escape (- d ,-th) , fugitive . ~~6412
06412 ## paliyt {paw-leet'} ; or paleyt {paw-late'} ; or palet {paw-late'} ; from 06403 ; a refugee :-- (that have) escape (- d ,-th) , fugitive . ~~6412
06413 ## p@leytah {pel-ay-taw'} ; or p@letah {pel-ay-taw'} ; feminine of 06412 ; deliverance ; concretely , an escaped portion :-- deliverance , (that is) escape (- d) , remnant . ~~6412
06419 ## palal {paw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to judge (officially or mentally) ; by extension , to intercede , pray :-- intreat , judge (- ment) , (make) pray (- er ,-ing) , make supplication . ~~6418
06430 ## P@lishtiy {pel-ish-tee'} ; patrial from 06429 ; a Pelishtite or inhabitant of Pelesheth :-- Philistine . ~~6430
06432 ## P@lethiy {pel-ay-thee'} ; from the same form as 06431 ; a courier (collectively) or official messenger :-- Pelethites . ~~6432
06433 ## pum (Aramaic) {poom} ; probably for 06310 ; the mouth (literally or figuratively) :-- mouth . ~~6432
06434 ## pen {pane} ; from an unused root meaning to turn ; an angle (of a street or wall) :-- corner . ~~6434
06439 ## P@nuw'el {pen-oo-ale'} ; or (more properly ,) P@niy'el {pen-oo-ale'} ; from 06437 and 00410 ; face of God ; Penuel or Peniel , a place East of Jordan ; also (as Penuel) the name of two Israelites :-- Peniel , Penuel . ~~6438
06439 ## P@nuw'el {pen-oo-ale'} ; or (more properly ,) P@niy'el {pen-oo-ale'} ; from 06437 and 00410 ; face of God ; Penuel or Peniel , a place East of Jordan ; also (as Penuel) the name of two Israelites :-- Peniel , Penuel . ~~6438
06443 ## paniyn {paw-neen'} ; or paniy {paw-nee'} ; from the same as 06434 ; probably a pearl (as round) :-- ruby . ~~6442
06446 ## pac {pas} ; from 06461 ; properly , the palm (of the hand) or sole (of the foot) [compare 06447 ] ; by implication (plural) a long and sleeved tunic (perhaps simply a wide one ; from the original sense of the root , i . e . of many breadths) :-- (divers) colours . ~~6446
06452 ## pacach {paw-sakh'} ; a primitive root ; to hop , i . e . (figuratively) skip over (or spare) ; by implication , to hesitate ; also (literally) to limp , to dance :-- halt , become lame , leap , pass over . ~~6452
06453 ## pecach {peh'- sakh} ; from 06452 ; a pretermission , i . e . exemption ; used only techically of the Jewish Passover (the festival or the victim) :-- passover (offering) . ~~6452
06458 ## pacal {paw-sal'} ; a primitive root ; to carve , whether wood or stone :-- grave , hew . ~~6458
06460 ## p@canteriyn (Aramaic) {pes-an-tay-reen'} ; or p@canteriyn {pes-an-tay-reen'} ; a transliteration of the Gr . psalterion ; a lyre :-- psaltery . ~~6460
06464 ## Pa` uw {paw-oo'} ; or Pa` iy {paw-ee'} ; from 06463 ; screaming ; Pau or Pai , a place in Edom :-- Pai , Pau . ~~6464
06464 ## Pa` uw {paw-oo'} ; or Pa` iy {paw-ee'} ; from 06463 ; screaming ; Pau or Pai , a place in Edom :-- Pai , Pau . ~~6464
06466 ## pa` al {paw-al'} ; a primitive root ; to do or make (systematically and habitually) , especially to practise :-- commit , [evil-] do (- er) , make (- r) , ordain , work (- er) . ~~6466
06467 ## po` al {po'- al} ; from 06466 ; an act or work (concretely) :-- act , deed , do , getting , maker , work . ~~6466
06470 ## pa` am {paw-am'} ; a primitive root ; to tap , i . e . beat regularly ; hence (generally) to impel or agitate :-- move , trouble . ~~6470
06471 ## pa` am {pah'- am} ; or (feminine) pa` amah {pah-am-aw'} ; from 06470 ; a stroke , literally or figuratively (in various applications , as follow) :-- anvil , corner , foot (- step) , going , [hundred-] fold , X now , (this) + once , order , rank , step , + thrice , ([often-]) , second , this , two) time (- s) , twice , wheel . ~~6470
06471 ## pa` am {pah'- am} ; or (feminine) pa` amah {pah-am-aw'} ; from 06470 ; a stroke , literally or figuratively (in various applications , as follow) :-- anvil , corner , foot (- step) , going , [hundred-] fold , X now , (this) + once , order , rank , step , + thrice , ([often-]) , second , this , two) time (- s) , twice , wheel . ~~6470
06473 ## pa` ar {paw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to yawn , i . e . open wide (literally or figuratively) :-- gape , open (wide) . ~~6472
06484 ## patsar {paw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to peck at , i . e . (figuratively) stun or dull :-- press , urge , stubbornness . ~~6484
06485 ## paqad {paw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent) ; by analogy , to oversee , muster , charge , care for , miss , deposit , etc . :-- appoint , X at all , avenge , bestow , (appoint to have the , give a) charge , commit , count , deliver to keep , be empty , enjoin , go see , hurt , do judgment , lack , lay up , look , make , X by any means , miss , number , officer , (make) overseer , have (the) oversight , punish , reckon , (call to) remember (- brance) , set (over) , sum , X surely , visit , want . ~~6484
06490 ## piqquwd {pik-kood'} ; or piqqud {pik-kood'} ; from 06485 ; properly , appointed , i . e . a mandate (of God ; plural only , collectively , for the Law) :-- commandment , precept , statute . ~~6490
06496 ## paqiyd {paw-keed'} ; from 06485 ; a superintendent (civil , military or religious) :-- which had the charge , governor , office , overseer , [that ] was set . ~~6496
06499 ## par {par} ; or par {pawr} ; from 06565 ; a bullock (apparently as breaking forth in wild strength , or perhaps as dividing the hoof) :-- (+ young) bull (- ock) , calf , ox . ~~6498
06499 ## par {par} ; or par {pawr} ; from 06565 ; a bullock (apparently as breaking forth in wild strength , or perhaps as dividing the hoof) :-- (+ young) bull (- ock) , calf , ox . ~~6498
06501 ## pere'{peh'- reh} ; or pereh (Jeremiah 2 : 24) {peh'- reh} ; from 06500 in the secondary sense of running wild ; the onager :-- wild (ass) . ~~6500
06503 ## Parbar {par-bawr'} ; or Parvar {par-vawr'} ; of foreign origin ; Parbar or Parvar , a quarter of Jerusalem :-- Parbar , suburb . ~~6502
06503 ## Parbar {par-bawr'} ; or Parvar {par-vawr'} ; of foreign origin ; Parbar or Parvar , a quarter of Jerusalem :-- Parbar , suburb . ~~6502
06504 ## parad {paw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to break through , i . e . spread or separate (oneself) :-- disperse , divide , be out of joint , part , scatter (abroad) , separate (self) , sever self , stretch , sunder . ~~6504
06509 ## parah {paw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to bear fruit (literally or figuratively) :-- bear , bring forth (fruit) , (be , cause to be , make) fruitful , grow , increase . ~~6508
06514 ## P@ruwda'{per-oo-daw'} ; or P@riyda'{per-ee-daw'} ; from 06504 ; dispersion ; Peruda or Perida , one of " Solomon's servants " :-- Perida , Peruda . ~~6514
06514 ## P@ruwda'{per-oo-daw'} ; or P@riyda'{per-ee-daw'} ; from 06504 ; dispersion ; Peruda or Perida , one of " Solomon's servants " :-- Perida , Peruda . ~~6514
06517 ## paruwr {paw-roor'} ; passive participle of 06565 in the sense of spreading out [compare 06524 ] ; a skillet (as flat or deep) :-- pan , pot . ~~6516
06521 ## p@raziy {per-aw-zee'} ; or p@rowziy {per-o-zee'} ; from 06519 ; a rustic :-- village . ~~6520
06525 ## perach {peh'- rakh} ; from 06524 ; a calyx (natural or artificial) ; generally , bloom :-- blossom , bud , flower . ~~6524
06527 ## parat {paw-rat'} ; a primitive root ; to scatter words , i . e . prate (or hum) :-- chant . ~~6526
06528 ## peret {peh'- ret} ; from 06527 ; a stray or single berry :-- grape . ~~6528
06529 ## p@riy {per-ee'} ; from 06509 ; fruit (literally or figuratively) :-- bough , ([first-]) fruit ([-ful ]) , reward . ~~6528
06541 ## parcah {par-saw'} ; feminine of 06538 ; a claw or split hoof :-- claw , [cloven-] footed , hoof . ~~6540
06542 ## Parciy {par-see'} ; patrial from 06539 ; a Parsite (i . e . Persian) , or inhabitant of Peres :-- Persian . ~~6542
06549 ## Par` oh N@koh {par-o'nek-o'} ; or Par` oh N@kow {par-o'nek-o'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh-Nekoh (or-Neko) , an Egyptian king :-- Pharaoh-necho , Pharaoh-nechoh . ~~6548
06549 ## Par` oh N@koh {par-o'nek-o'} ; or Par` oh N@kow {par-o'nek-o'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh-Nekoh (or-Neko) , an Egyptian king :-- Pharaoh-necho , Pharaoh-nechoh . ~~6548
06553 ## Pir` athowniy {pir-aw-tho-nee'} ; or Pir` athoniy {pir-aw-tho-nee'} ; patrial from 06552 ; a Pirathonite or inhabitant of Pirathon :-- Pirathonite . ~~6552
06553 ## Pir` athowniy {pir-aw-tho-nee'} ; or Pir` athoniy {pir-aw-tho-nee'} ; patrial from 06552 ; a Pirathonite or inhabitant of Pirathon :-- Pirathonite . ~~6552
06556 ## perets {peh'- rets} ; from 06555 ; a break (literally or figuratively) :-- breach , breaking forth (in) , X forth , gap . ~~6556
06558 ## Partsiy {par-tsee'} ; patronymically from 06557 ; a Partsite (collectively) or descendants of Perets :-- Pharzites . ~~6558
06561 ## paraq {paw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to break off or crunch ; figuratively , to deliver :-- break (off) , deliver , redeem , rend (in pieces) , tear in pieces . ~~6560
06567 ## parash {paw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to separate , literally (to disperse) or figuratively (to specify) ; also (by implication) to wound :-- scatter , declare , distinctly , shew , sting . ~~6566
06572 ## parshegen {par-sheh'- ghen} ; or pathshegen {path-sheh'- gen} ; of foreign origin ; a transcript :-- copy . ~~6572
06574 ## parsh@don {par-shed-one'} ; perhaps by compounding 06567 and 06504 (in the sense of straddling) [compare 06576 ] ; the crotch (or anus) :-- dirt . ~~6574
06580 ## pash {pash} ; probably from an unused root meaning to disintegrate ; stupidity (as a result of grossness or of degeneracy) :-- extremity . ~~6580
06586 ## pasha` {paw-shah'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06585 through the idea of expansion ] ; to break away (from just authority) , i . e . trespass , apostatize , quarrel :-- offend , rebel , revolt , transgress (- ion ,-or) . ~~6586
06588 ## pesha` {peh'- shah} ; from 06586 ; a revolt (national , moral or religious) :-- rebellion , sin , transgression , trespass . ~~6588
06589 ## pasaq {paw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to dispart (the feet or lips) , i . e . become licentious :-- open (wide) . ~~6588
06596 ## poth {pohth} ; or pothah (Ezek . 13 : 19) {po-thaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to open ; a hole , i . e . hinge or the female pudenda :-- hinge , secret participle ~~6596
06596 ## poth {pohth} ; or pothah (Ezek . 13 : 19) {po-thaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to open ; a hole , i . e . hinge or the female pudenda :-- hinge , secret participle ~~6596
06597 ## pith'owm {pith-ome'} ; or pith'om {pith-ome'} ; from 06621 ; instantly :-- straightway , sudden (- ly) . ~~6596
06600 ## pithgam (Aramaic) {pith-gawm'} ; corresponding to 06599 ; a word , answer , letter or decree :-- answer , letter , matter , word . ~~6600
06601 ## pathah {paw-thaw'} ; a primitive root ; to open , i . e . be (causatively , make) roomy ; usually figuratively (in a mental or moral sense) to be (causatively , make) simple or (in a sinister way) delude :-- allure , deceive , enlarge , entice , flatter , persuade , silly (one) . ~~6600
06601 ## pathah {paw-thaw'} ; a primitive root ; to open , i . e . be (causatively , make) roomy ; usually figuratively (in a mental or moral sense) to be (causatively , make) simple or (in a sinister way) delude :-- allure , deceive , enlarge , entice , flatter , persuade , silly (one) . ~~6600
06603 ## pittuwach {pit-too'- akh} ; or pittuach {pit-too'- akh ; passive participle of 06605 ; sculpture (in low or high relief or even intaglio) :-- carved (work) (are , en-) grave (- ing ,-n) . ~~6602
06603 ## pittuwach {pit-too'- akh} ; or pittuach {pit-too'- akh ; passive participle of 06605 ; sculpture (in low or high relief or even intaglio) :-- carved (work) (are , en-) grave (- ing ,-n) . ~~6602
06603 ## pittuwach {pit-too'- akh} ; or pittuach {pit-too'- akh ; passive participle of 06605 ; sculpture (in low or high relief or even intaglio) :-- carved (work) (are , en-) grave (- ing ,-n) . ~~6602
06605 ## pathach {paw-thakh'} ; a primitive root ; to open wide (literally or figuratively) ; specifically , to loosen , begin , plough , carve :-- appear , break forth , draw (out) , let go free , (en-) grave (- n) , loose (self) , (be , be set) open (- ing) , put off , ungird , unstop , have vent . ~~6604
06607 ## pethach {peh'- thakh} ; from 06605 ; an opening (literally) , i . e . door (gate) or entrance way :-- door , entering (in) , entrance (- ry) , gate , opening , place . ~~6606
06612 ## p@thiy {peth-ee'} ; or pethiy {peh'- thee} ; or p@tha'iy {peth-aw-ee'} ; from 06601 ; silly (i . e . seducible) :-- foolish , simple (- icity , one) . ~~6612
06612 ## p@thiy {peth-ee'} ; or pethiy {peh'- thee} ; or p@tha'iy {peth-aw-ee'} ; from 06601 ; silly (i . e . seducible) :-- foolish , simple (- icity , one) . ~~6612
06617 ## pathal {paw-thal'} ; a primitive root ; to twine , i . e . (literally) to struggle or (figuratively) be (morally) tortuous :-- (shew self) froward , shew self unsavoury , wrestle . ~~6616
06621 ## petha` {peh'- thah} ; from an unused root meaning to open (the eyes) ; a wink , i . e . moment [compare 06597 ] (used only [with or without preposition ] adverbially , quickly or unexpectedly) :-- at an instant , suddenly , X very . ~~6620
06621 ## petha` {peh'- thah} ; from an unused root meaning to open (the eyes) ; a wink , i . e . moment [compare 06597 ] (used only [with or without preposition ] adverbially , quickly or unexpectedly) :-- at an instant , suddenly , X very . ~~6620
06623 ## pithrown {pith-rone'} ; or pithron {pith-rone'} ; from 06622 ; interpretation (of a dream) :-- interpretation . ~~6622
06625 ## Pathruciy {path-roo-see'} ; patrial from 06624 ; a Pathrusite , or inhabitant of Pathros :-- Pathrusim . ~~6624
06629 ## tso'n {tsone} ; or ts@'own (Psalm 144 : 13) {tseh-one'} ; from an unused root meaning to migrate ; a collective name for a flock (of sheep or goats) ; also figuratively (of men) :-- (small) cattle , flock (+-s) , lamb (+-s) , sheep ([-cote ,-fold ,-shearer ,-herds ]) . ~~6628
06629 ## tso'n {tsone} ; or ts@'own (Psalm 144 : 13) {tseh-one'} ; from an unused root meaning to migrate ; a collective name for a flock (of sheep or goats) ; also figuratively (of men) :-- (small) cattle , flock (+-s) , lamb (+-s) , sheep ([-cote ,-fold ,-shearer ,-herds ]) . ~~6628
06632 ## tsab {tsawb} ; from an unused root meaning to establish ; a palanquin or canopy (as a fixture) ; also a species of lizard (probably as clinging fast) :-- covered , litter , tortoise . ~~6632
06633 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to mass (an army or servants) :-- assemble , fight , perform , muster , wait upon , war . ~~6632
06635 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; or (feminine) ts@ba'ah {tseb-aw-aw'} ; from 06633 ; a mass of persons (or figuratively , things) , especially reg . organized for war (an army) ; by implication , a campaign , literally or figuratively (specifically , hardship , worship) :-- appointed time , (+) army , (+) battle , company , host , service , soldiers , waiting upon , war (- fare) . ~~6634
06635 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; or (feminine) ts@ba'ah {tseb-aw-aw'} ; from 06633 ; a mass of persons (or figuratively , things) , especially reg . organized for war (an army) ; by implication , a campaign , literally or figuratively (specifically , hardship , worship) :-- appointed time , (+) army , (+) battle , company , host , service , soldiers , waiting upon , war (- fare) . ~~6634
06635 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; or (feminine) ts@ba'ah {tseb-aw-aw'} ; from 06633 ; a mass of persons (or figuratively , things) , especially reg . organized for war (an army) ; by implication , a campaign , literally or figuratively (specifically , hardship , worship) :-- appointed time , (+) army , (+) battle , company , host , service , soldiers , waiting upon , war (- fare) . ~~6634
06636 ## Ts@bo'iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; or (more correctly) Ts@biyiym {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; or Ts@biyim {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; plural of 06643 ; gazelles ; Tseboim or Tsebijim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboiim , Zeboim . ~~6636
06636 ## Ts@bo'iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; or (more correctly) Ts@biyiym {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; or Ts@biyim {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; plural of 06643 ; gazelles ; Tseboim or Tsebijim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboiim , Zeboim . ~~6636
06636 ## Ts@bo'iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; or (more correctly) Ts@biyiym {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; or Ts@biyim {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; plural of 06643 ; gazelles ; Tseboim or Tsebijim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboiim , Zeboim . ~~6636
06655 ## tsad (Aramaic) {tsad} ; corresponding to 06654 ; used adverbially (with preposition) at or upon the side of :-- against , concerning . ~~6654
06659 ## Tsadowq {tsaw-doke'} ; from 06663 ; just ; Tsadok , the name of eight or nine Israelites :-- Zadok . ~~6658
06663 ## tsadaq {tsaw-dak'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) right (in a moral or forensic sense) :-- cleanse , clear self , (be , do) just (- ice ,-ify ,-ify self) , (be turn to) righteous (- ness) . ~~6662
06664 ## tsedeq {tseh'- dek} ; from 06663 ; the right (natural , moral or legal) ; also (abstractly) equity or (figuratively) prosperity :-- X even , (X that which is altogether) just (- ice) , ([un-]) right (- eous) (cause ,-ly ,-ness) . ~~6664
06664 ## tsedeq {tseh'- dek} ; from 06663 ; the right (natural , moral or legal) ; also (abstractly) equity or (figuratively) prosperity :-- X even , (X that which is altogether) just (- ice) , ([un-]) right (- eous) (cause ,-ly ,-ness) . ~~6664
06666 ## ts@daqah {tsed-aw-kaw'} ; from 06663 ; rightness (abstractly) , subjectively (rectitude) , objectively (justice) , morally (virtue) or figuratively (prosperity) :-- justice , moderately , right (- eous) (act ,-ly ,-ness) . ~~6666
06667 ## Tsidqiyah {tsid-kee-yaw'} ; or Tsidqiyahuw {tsid-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 06664 and 03050 ; right of Jah ; Tsidkijah , the name of six Israelites :-- Zedekiah , Zidkijah . ~~6666
06670 ## tsahal {tsaw-hal'} ; a prim root ; to gleam , i . e . (figuratively) be cheerful ; by transf . to sound clear (of various animal or human expressions) :-- bellow , cry aloud (out) , lift up , neigh , rejoice , make to shine , shout . ~~6670
06673 ## tsav {tsav} ; or tsav {tsawv} ; from 06680 ; an injunction :-- commandment , precept . ~~6672
06674 ## tsow'{tso} ; or tso'{tso} ; from an unused root meaning to issue ; soiled (as if excrementitious) :-- filthy . ~~6674
06675 ## tsow'ah {tso-aw'} ; or tso'ah {tso-aw'} : feminine of 06674 ; excrement ; generally , dirt ; figuratively , pollution :-- dung , filth (- iness) . Marg . for 02716 . ~~6674
06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or (feminine) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the neck (as that on which burdens are bound) :-- neck . ~~6676
06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or (feminine) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the neck (as that on which burdens are bound) :-- neck . ~~6676
06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or (feminine) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the neck (as that on which burdens are bound) :-- neck . ~~6676
06678 ## Tsowba'{tso-baw'} ; or Tsowbah {tso-baw'} ; or Tsobah {tso-baw'} ; from an unused root meaning to station ; a station ; Zoba or Zobah , a region of Syria :-- Zoba , Zobah . ~~6678
06678 ## Tsowba'{tso-baw'} ; or Tsowbah {tso-baw'} ; or Tsobah {tso-baw'} ; from an unused root meaning to station ; a station ; Zoba or Zobah , a region of Syria :-- Zoba , Zobah . ~~6678
06678 ## Tsowba'{tso-baw'} ; or Tsowbah {tso-baw'} ; or Tsobah {tso-baw'} ; from an unused root meaning to station ; a station ; Zoba or Zobah , a region of Syria :-- Zoba , Zobah . ~~6678
06685 ## tsowm {tsome} ; or tsom {tsome} ; from from 06684 ; a fast :-- fast (- ing) . ~~6684
06689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof} ; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'- ee} ; or Tsiyph {tseef} ; from 06688 ; honey-comb ; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph , the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine :-- Zophai , Zuph . ~~6688
06689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof} ; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'- ee} ; or Tsiyph {tseef} ; from 06688 ; honey-comb ; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph , the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine :-- Zophai , Zuph . ~~6688
06689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof} ; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'- ee} ; or Tsiyph {tseef} ; from 06688 ; honey-comb ; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph , the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine :-- Zophai , Zuph . ~~6688
06689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof} ; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'- ee} ; or Tsiyph {tseef} ; from 06688 ; honey-comb ; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph , the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine :-- Zophai , Zuph . ~~6688
06693 ## tsuwq {tsook} ; a primitive root ; to compress , i . e . (figuratively) oppress , distress :-- constrain , distress , lie sore , (op-) press (- or) , straiten . ~~6692
06695 ## tsowq {tsoke} ; or (feminine) tsuwqah {tsoo-kaw'} ; from 06693 ; a strait , i . e . (figuratively) distress :-- anguish , X troublous . ~~6694
06696 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; a primitive root ; to cramp , i . e . confine (in many applications , literally and figuratively , formative or hostile) :-- adversary , assault , beset , besiege , bind (up) , cast , distress , fashion , fortify , inclose , lay siege , put up in bags . ~~6696
06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) :-- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 . ~~6696
06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) :-- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 . ~~6696
06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) :-- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 . ~~6696
06711 ## tsachaq {tsaw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to laugh outright (in merriment or scorn) ; by implication , to sport :-- laugh , mock , play , make sport . ~~6710
06712 ## ts@choq {tsekh-oke'} ; from 06711 ; laughter (in pleasure or derision) :-- laugh (- ed to scorn) . ~~6712
06720 ## tseydah {tsay-daw'} ; or tsedah {tsay-daw'} ; feminine of 06718 ; food :-- meat , provision , venison , victuals . ~~6720
06721 ## Tsiydown {tsee-done'} ; or Tsiydon {tsee-done'} ; from 06679 in the sense of catching fish ; fishery ; Tsidon , the name of a son of Canaan , and of a place in Palestine :-- Sidon , Zidon . ~~6720
06722 ## Tsiydoniy {tsee-do-nee'} ; patrial from 06721 ; a Tsidonian or inhabitant of Tsidon :-- Sidonian , of Sidon , Zidonian . ~~6722
06725 ## tsiyuwn {tsee-yoon'} ; from the same as 06723 in the sense of conspicuousness [compare 05329 ] ; a monumental or guiding pillar :-- sign , title , waymark . ~~6724
06727 ## Tsiycha'{tsee-khaw'} ; or Tsicha'{tsee-khaw'} ; as if feminine of 06704 ; drought ; Tsicha , the name of two Nethinim :-- Ziha . ~~6726
06728 ## tsiyiy {tsee-ee'} ; from the same as 06723 ; a desert-dweller , i . e . nomad or wild beast :-- wild beast of the desert , that dwell in (inhabiting) the wilderness . ~~6728
06730 ## Tsiy` or {tsee-ore'} ; from 06819 ; small ; Tsior , a place in Palestine :-- Zior . ~~6730
06731 ## tsiyts {tseets} ; or tsits {tseets} ; from 06692 ; properly , glistening , i . e . a burnished plate ; also a flower (as bright-colored) ; a wing (as gleaming in the air) :-- blossom , flower , plate , wing . ~~6730
06734 ## tsiytsith {tsee-tseeth'} ; feminine of 06731 ; a floral or wing-like projection , i . e . a forelock of hair , a tassel :-- fringe , lock . ~~6734
06735 ## tsiyr {tseer} ; from 06696 ; a hinge (as pressed in turning) ; also a throe (as a phys . or mental pressure) ; also a herald or errand-doer (as constrained by the principal) :-- ambassador , hinge , messenger , pain , pang , sorrow . Compare 06736 . ~~6734
06735 ## tsiyr {tseer} ; from 06696 ; a hinge (as pressed in turning) ; also a throe (as a phys . or mental pressure) ; also a herald or errand-doer (as constrained by the principal) :-- ambassador , hinge , messenger , pain , pang , sorrow . Compare 06736 . ~~6734
06738 ## tsel {tsale} ; from 06751 ; shade , whether literal or figurative :-- defence , shade (- ow) . ~~6738
06742 ## ts@luwl {tsel-ool'} ; from 06749 in the sense of rolling ; a (round or flattened) cake :-- cake . ~~6742
06743 ## tsalach {tsaw-lakh'} ; or tsaleach {tsaw-lay'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to push forward , in various senses (literal or figurative , transitive or intransitive) :-- break out , come (mightily) , go over , be good , be meet , be profitable , (cause to , effect , make to , send) prosper (- ity ,-ous ,-ously) . ~~6742
06743 ## tsalach {tsaw-lakh'} ; or tsaleach {tsaw-lay'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to push forward , in various senses (literal or figurative , transitive or intransitive) :-- break out , come (mightily) , go over , be good , be meet , be profitable , (cause to , effect , make to , send) prosper (- ity ,-ous ,-ously) . ~~6742
06743 ## tsalach {tsaw-lakh'} ; or tsaleach {tsaw-lay'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to push forward , in various senses (literal or figurative , transitive or intransitive) :-- break out , come (mightily) , go over , be good , be meet , be profitable , (cause to , effect , make to , send) prosper (- ity ,-ous ,-ously) . ~~6742
06744 ## ts@lach (Aramaic) {tsel-akh'} ; corresponding to 06743 ; to advance (transitive or intransitive) :-- promote , prosper . ~~6744
06745 ## tselachah {tsay-law-khaw'} ; from 06743 ; something protracted or flattened out , i . e . a platter :-- pan . ~~6744
06746 ## ts@lochiyth {tsel-o-kheeth'} ; from 06743 ; something prolonged or tall , i . e . a vial or salt-cellar :-- cruse . ~~6746
06746 ## ts@lochiyth {tsel-o-kheeth'} ; from 06743 ; something prolonged or tall , i . e . a vial or salt-cellar :-- cruse . ~~6746
06747 ## tsallachath {tsal-lakh'- ath} ; from 06743 ; something advanced or deep , i . e . a bowl ; figuratively , the bosom :-- bosom , dish . ~~6746
06750 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06749 through the idea of vibration ] ; to tinkle , i . e . rattle together (as the ears in reddening with shame , or the teeth in chattering with fear) :-- quiver , tingle . ~~6750
06751 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06749 through the idea of hovering over (compare 06754) ] ; to shade , as twilight or an opaque object :-- begin to be dark , shadowing . ~~6750
06755 ## tselem (Aramaic) {tseh'- lem} ; or ts@lem (Aramaic) {tsel-em'} ; corresponding to 06754 ; an idolatrous figure :-- form , image . ~~6754
06761 ## tsela` {tseh'- lah} ; from 06760 ; a limping or full (figuratively) :-- adversity , halt (- ing) . ~~6760
06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or (feminine) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) :-- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) . ~~6762
06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or (feminine) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) :-- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) . ~~6762
06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or (feminine) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) :-- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) . ~~6762
06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or (feminine) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) :-- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) . ~~6762
06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or (feminine) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) :-- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) . ~~6762
06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or (feminine) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) :-- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) . ~~6762
06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or (feminine) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) :-- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) . ~~6762
06770 ## tsame'{tsaw-may'} ; a primitive root ; to thirst (literally or figuratively) :-- (be a-, suffer) thirst (- y) . ~~6770
06771 ## tsame'{tsaw-may'} ; from 06770 ; thirsty (literally or figuratively) :-- (that) thirst (- eth ,-y) . ~~6770
06772 ## tsama'{tsaw-maw'} ; from 06770 ; thirst (literally or figuratively) :-- thirst (- y) . ~~6772
06776 ## tsemed {tseh'- med} ; a yoke or team (i . e . pair) ; hence , an acre (i . e . day's task for a yoke of cattle to plough) :-- acre , couple , X together , two [donkeys ] , yoke (of oxen) . ~~6776
06779 ## tsamach {tsaw-makh'} ; a primitive root ; to sprout (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) :-- bear , bring forth , (cause to , make to) bud (forth) , (cause to , make to) grow (again , up) , (cause to) spring (forth , up) . ~~6778
06779 ## tsamach {tsaw-makh'} ; a primitive root ; to sprout (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) :-- bear , bring forth , (cause to , make to) bud (forth) , (cause to , make to) grow (again , up) , (cause to) spring (forth , up) . ~~6778
06780 ## tsemach {tseh'- makh} ; from 06779 ; a sprout (usually concrete) , literal or figurative :-- branch , bud , that which (where) grew (upon) , spring (- ing) . ~~6780
06781 ## tsamiyd {tsaw-meed'} ; or tsamid {tsaw-meed'} ; from 06775 ; a bracelet or arm-clasp ; generally , a lid :-- bracelet , covering . ~~6780
06781 ## tsamiyd {tsaw-meed'} ; or tsamid {tsaw-meed'} ; from 06775 ; a bracelet or arm-clasp ; generally , a lid :-- bracelet , covering . ~~6780
06783 ## ts@miythuth {tsem-ee-thooth'} ; or ts@mithuth {tsem-ee-thooth'} ; from 06789 ; excision , i . e . destruction ; used only (adverbially) with prepositional prefix to extinction , i . e . perpetually :-- ever . ~~6782
06786 ## Ts@mariy {tsem-aw-ree'} ; patrial from an unused name of a place in Palestine ; a Tsemarite or branch of the Canaanites :-- Zemarite . ~~6786
06789 ## tsamath {tsaw-math'} ; a primitive root ; to extirpate (literally or figuratively) :-- consume , cut off , destroy , vanish . ~~6788
06792 ## tsone'{tso-nay'} ; or tsoneh {tso-neh'} ; for 06629 ; a flock :-- sheep . ~~6792
06796 ## tsaniyn {tsaw-neen'} ; or tsanin {tsaw-neen'} ; from the same as 06791 ; a thorn :-- thorn . ~~6796
06797 ## tsaniyph {tsaw-neef'} ; or tsanowph {tsaw-nofe'} ; or (feminine) tsaniyphah {tsaw-nee-faw'} ; from 06801 ; a head-dress (i . e . piece of cloth wrapped around) :-- diadem , hood , mitre . ~~6796
06797 ## tsaniyph {tsaw-neef'} ; or tsanowph {tsaw-nofe'} ; or (feminine) tsaniyphah {tsaw-nee-faw'} ; from 06801 ; a head-dress (i . e . piece of cloth wrapped around) :-- diadem , hood , mitre . ~~6796
06798 ## tsanam {tsaw-nam'} ; a primitive root ; to blast or shrink :-- withered . ~~6798
06801 ## tsanaph {tsaw-naf'} ; a primitive root ; to wrap , i . e . roll or dress :-- be attired , X surely , violently turn . ~~6800
06806 ## tsa` ad {tsah'- ad} ; from 06804 ; a pace or regular step :-- pace , step . ~~6806
06808 ## tsa` ah {tsaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tip over (for the purpose of spilling or pouring out) , i . e . (figuratively) depopulate ; by implication , to imprison or conquer ; (reflexive) to lie down (for coitus) :-- captive exile , travelling , (cause to) wander (- er) . ~~6808
06808 ## tsa` ah {tsaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tip over (for the purpose of spilling or pouring out) , i . e . (figuratively) depopulate ; by implication , to imprison or conquer ; (reflexive) to lie down (for coitus) :-- captive exile , travelling , (cause to) wander (- er) . ~~6808
06810 ## tsa` iyr {tsaw-eer'} ; or tsa` owr {tsaw-ore'} ; from 06819 ; little ; (in number) few ; (in age) young , (in value) ignoble :-- least , little (one) , small (one) , + young (- er ,-est) . ~~6810
06815 ## Tsa` ananniym {tsah-an-an-neem'} ; or (dual) Tsa` anayim {tsah-an-ah'- yim} ; plural from 06813 ; removals ; Tsaanannim or Tsaanajim , a place in Palestine :-- Zaannannim , Zaanaim . ~~6814
06815 ## Tsa` ananniym {tsah-an-an-neem'} ; or (dual) Tsa` anayim {tsah-an-ah'- yim} ; plural from 06813 ; removals ; Tsaanannim or Tsaanajim , a place in Palestine :-- Zaannannim , Zaanaim . ~~6814
06825 ## Ts@phow {tsef-o'} ; or Ts@phiy {tsef-ee'} ; from 06822 ; observant ; Tsepho or Tsephi , an Idumaean :-- Zephi , Zepho . ~~6824
06825 ## Ts@phow {tsef-o'} ; or Ts@phiy {tsef-ee'} ; from 06822 ; observant ; Tsepho or Tsephi , an Idumaean :-- Zephi , Zepho . ~~6824
06828 ## tsaphown {tsaw-fone'} ; or tsaphon {tsaw-fone'} ; from 06845 ; properly , hidden , i . e . dark ; used only of the north as a quarter (gloomy and unknown) :-- north (- ern , side ,-ward , wind) . ~~6828
06831 ## Ts@phowniy {tsef-o-nee'} ; patronymically from 06827 ; a Tsephonite , or (collectively) descendants of Tsephon :-- Zephonites . ~~6830
06833 ## tsippowr {tsip-pore'} ; or tsippor {tsip-pore'} ; from 06852 ; a little bird (as hopping) :-- bird , fowl , sparrow . ~~6832
06845 ## tsaphan {tsaw-fan'} ; a primitive root ; to hide (by covering over) ; by implication , to hoard or reserve ; figuratively to deny ; specifically (favorably) to protect , (unfavorably) to lurk :-- esteem , hide (- den one , self) , lay up , lurk (be set) privily , (keep) secret (- ly , place) . ~~6844
06846 ## Ts@phanyah {tsef-an-yaw'} ; or Ts@phanyahuw {tsef-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 06845 and 03050 ; Jah has secreted ; Tsephanjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Zephaniah . ~~6846
06848 ## tsepha` {tseh'- fah ; or tsiph` oniy {tsif-o-nee'} ; from an unused root meaning to extrude ; a viper (as thrusting out the tongue , i . e . hissing) :-- adder , cockatrice . ~~6848
06850 ## tsaphaph {tsaw-faf'} ; a primitive root ; to coo or chirp (as a bird) :-- chatter , peep , whisper . ~~6850
06856 ## tsipporen {tsip-po'- ren} ; from 06852 (in the denominative sense [from 06833 ] of scratching) ; properly , a claw , i . e . (human) nail ; also the point of a style (or pen , tipped with adamant) :-- nail , point . ~~6856
06860 ## Tsiqlag {tsik-lag'} ; or Tsiyq@lag (1 Chronicles 12 : 1 , 20) {tsee-kel-ag'} ; of uncertain derivation : Tsiklag or Tsikelag , a place in Palestine :-- Ziklag . ~~6860
06860 ## Tsiqlag {tsik-lag'} ; or Tsiyq@lag (1 Chronicles 12 : 1 , 20) {tsee-kel-ag'} ; of uncertain derivation : Tsiklag or Tsikelag , a place in Palestine :-- Ziklag . ~~6860
06862 ## tsar {tsar} ; or tsar {tsawr} ; from 06887 ; narrow ; (as a noun) a tight place (usually figuratively , i . e . trouble) ; also a pebble (as in 06864) ; (transitive) an opponent (as crowding) :-- adversary , afflicted (- tion) , anguish , close , distress , enemy , flint , foe , narrow , small , sorrow , strait , tribulation , trouble . ~~6862
06864 ## tsor {tsore} ; from 06696 ; a stone (as if pressed hard or to a point) ; (by implication , of use) a knife :-- flint , sharp stone . ~~6864
06865 ## Tsor {tsore} ; or Tsowr {tsore} ; the same as 06864 ; a rock ; Tsor , a place in Palestine :-- Tyre , Tyrus . ~~6864
06867 ## tsarebeth {tsaw-reh'- beth} ; from 06686 ; conflagration (of fire or disease) :-- burning , inflammation . ~~6866
06868 ## Ts@redah {tser-ay-daw'} ; or Ts@redathah {tser-ay-daw'- thaw} ; apparently from an unused root meaning to pierce ; puncture ; Tseredah , a place in Palestine :-- Zereda , Zeredathah . ~~6868
06872 ## ts@rowr {tser-ore'} ; or (shorter) ts@ror {tser-ore'} ; from 06887 ; a parcel (as packed up) ; also a kernel or particle (as if a package) :-- bag , X bendeth , bundle , least grain , small stone . ~~6872
06872 ## ts@rowr {tser-ore'} ; or (shorter) ts@ror {tser-ore'} ; from 06887 ; a parcel (as packed up) ; also a kernel or particle (as if a package) :-- bag , X bendeth , bundle , least grain , small stone . ~~6872
06875 ## ts@riy {tser-ee'} ; or tsoriy {tsor-ee'} ; from an unused root meaning to crack [as by pressure ] , hence , to leak ; distillation , i . e . balsam :-- balm . ~~6874
06876 ## Tsoriy {tso-ree'} ; patrial from 06865 ; a Tsorite or inhabitant of Tsor (i . e . Syrian) :-- (man) of Tyre . ~~6876
06882 ## Tsor` iy {tsor-ee'} ; or Tsor` athiy {tsor-aw-thee'} ; patrial from 06881 ; a Tsorite or Tsorathite , i . e . inhabitants of Tsorah :-- Zorites , Zareathites , Zorathites . ~~6882
06882 ## Tsor` iy {tsor-ee'} ; or Tsor` athiy {tsor-aw-thee'} ; patrial from 06881 ; a Tsorite or Tsorathite , i . e . inhabitants of Tsorah :-- Zorites , Zareathites , Zorathites . ~~6882
06884 ## tsaraph {tsaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to fuse (metal) , i . e . refine (literally or figuratively) :-- cast , (re-) fine (- er) , founder , goldsmith , melt , pure , purge away , try . ~~6884
06887 ## tsarar {tsaw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to cramp , literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (as follows) :-- adversary , (be in) afflict (- ion) , beseige , bind (up) , (be in , bring) distress , enemy , narrower , oppress , pangs , shut up , be in a strait (trouble) , vex . ~~6886
06887 ## tsarar {tsaw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to cramp , literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (as follows) :-- adversary , (be in) afflict (- ion) , beseige , bind (up) , (be in , bring) distress , enemy , narrower , oppress , pangs , shut up , be in a strait (trouble) , vex . ~~6886
06892 ## qe'{kay} ; or qiy'{kee} ; from 06958 ; vomit :-- vomit . ~~ 6892
06895 ## qabab {kaw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to scoop out , i . e . (figuratively) to malign or execrate (i . e . stab with words) :-- X at all , curse . ~~6894
06896 ## qebah {kay-baw'} ; from 06895 ; the paunch (as a cavity) or first stomach of ruminants :-- maw . ~~6896
06900 ## q@buwrah {keb-oo-raw'} ; or q@burah {keb-oo-raw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06912 ; sepulture ; (concretely) a sepulchre :-- burial , burying place , grave , sepulchre . ~~6900
06901 ## qabal {kaw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to admit , i . e . take (literally or figuratively) :-- choose , (take) hold , receive , (under-) take . ~~6900
06903 ## q@bel (Aramaic) {keb-ale'} ; or qobel (Aramaic) {kob-ale'} ; (corresponding to 06905 ; (adverbially) in front of ; usually (with other particles) on account of , so as , since , hence :-- + according to , + as , + because , before , + for this cause , + forasmuch as , + by this means , over against , by reason of , + that , + therefore , + though , + wherefore . ~~6902
06913 ## qeber {keh'- ber} ; or (feminine) qibrah {kib-raw'} ; from 06912 ; a sepulchre :-- burying place , grave , sepulchre . ~~6912
06915 ## qadad {kaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to shrivel up , i . e . contract or bend the body (or neck) in deference :-- bow (down) (the) head , stoop . ~~6914
06915 ## qadad {kaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to shrivel up , i . e . contract or bend the body (or neck) in deference :-- bow (down) (the) head , stoop . ~~6914
06918 ## qadowsh {kaw-doshe'} ; or qadosh {kaw-doshe'} ; from 06942 ; sacred (ceremonially or morally) ; (as noun) God (by eminence) , an angel , a saint , a sanctuary :-- holy (One) , saint . ~~6918
06918 ## qadowsh {kaw-doshe'} ; or qadosh {kaw-doshe'} ; from 06942 ; sacred (ceremonially or morally) ; (as noun) God (by eminence) , an angel , a saint , a sanctuary :-- holy (One) , saint . ~~6918
06921 ## qadiym {kaw-deem'} ; or qadim {kaw-deem'} ; from 06923 ; the fore or front part ; hence (by orientation) the East (often adverbially , eastward , for brevity the east wind) :-- east (- ward , wind) . ~~6920
06921 ## qadiym {kaw-deem'} ; or qadim {kaw-deem'} ; from 06923 ; the fore or front part ; hence (by orientation) the East (often adverbially , eastward , for brevity the east wind) :-- east (- ward , wind) . ~~6920
06924 ## qedem {keh'- dem} ; or qedmah {kayd'- maw} ; from 06923 ; the front , of place (absolutely , the fore part , relatively the East) or time (antiquity) ; often used adverbially (before , anciently , eastward) :-- aforetime , ancient (time) , before , east (end , part , side ,-ward) , eternal , X ever (- lasting) , forward , old , past . Compare 06926 . ~~6924
06924 ## qedem {keh'- dem} ; or qedmah {kayd'- maw} ; from 06923 ; the front , of place (absolutely , the fore part , relatively the East) or time (antiquity) ; often used adverbially (before , anciently , eastward) :-- aforetime , ancient (time) , before , east (end , part , side ,-ward) , eternal , X ever (- lasting) , forward , old , past . Compare 06926 . ~~6924
06925 ## qodam (Aramaic) {kod-awm'} ; or q@dam (Aramaic) (Daniel 7 : l3) {ked-awm'} ; corresponding to 06924 ; before :-- before , X from , X I (thought) , X me , + of , X it pleased , presence . ~~6924
06926 ## qidmah {kid-maw'} ; feminine of 06924 ; the forward part (or relatively) East (often adverbially , on the east or in front) :-- east (- ward) . ~~6926
06926 ## qidmah {kid-maw'} ; feminine of 06924 ; the forward part (or relatively) East (often adverbially , on the east or in front) :-- east (- ward) . ~~6926
06931 ## qadmowniy {kad-mo-nee'} ; or qadmoniy {kad-mo-nee'} ; from 06930 ; (of time) anterior or (of place) oriental :-- ancient , they that went before , east , (thing of) old . ~~6930
06931 ## qadmowniy {kad-mo-nee'} ; or qadmoniy {kad-mo-nee'} ; from 06930 ; (of time) anterior or (of place) oriental :-- ancient , they that went before , east , (thing of) old . ~~6930
06937 ## qadar {kaw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to be ashy , i . e . dark-colored ; by implication , to mourn (in sackcloth or sordid garments) :-- be black (- ish) , be (make) dark (- en) , X heavily , (cause to) mourn . ~~6936
06938 ## Qedar {kay-dawr'} ; from 06937 ; dusky (of the skin or the tent) ; Kedar , a son of Ishmael ; also (collectively) Bedouin (as his descendants or representatives) :-- Kedar . ~~6938
06938 ## Qedar {kay-dawr'} ; from 06937 ; dusky (of the skin or the tent) ; Kedar , a son of Ishmael ; also (collectively) Bedouin (as his descendants or representatives) :-- Kedar . ~~6938
06942 ## qadash {kaw-dash'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make , pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally) :-- appoint , bid , consecrate , dedicate , defile , hallow , (be , keep) holy (- er , place) , keep , prepare , proclaim , purify , sanctify (- ied one , self) , X wholly . ~~6942
06942 ## qadash {kaw-dash'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make , pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally) :-- appoint , bid , consecrate , dedicate , defile , hallow , (be , keep) holy (- er , place) , keep , prepare , proclaim , purify , sanctify (- ied one , self) , X wholly . ~~6942
06944 ## qodesh {ko'- desh} ; from 06942 ; a sacred place or thing ; rarely abstract , sanctity :-- consecrated (thing) , dedicated (thing) , hallowed (thing) , holiness , (X most) holy (X day , portion , thing) , saint , sanctuary . ~~6944
06956 ## Qohathiy {ko-haw-thee'} ; patronymically from 06955 ; a Kohathite (collectively) or descendants of Kehath :-- Kohathites . ~~6956
06957 ## qav {kav} ; or qav {kawv} ; from 06960 [compare 06961 ] ; a cord (as connecting) , especially for measuring ; figuratively , a rule ; also a rim , a musical string or accord :-- line . Compare 06978 . ~~6956
06957 ## qav {kav} ; or qav {kawv} ; from 06960 [compare 06961 ] ; a cord (as connecting) , especially for measuring ; figuratively , a rule ; also a rim , a musical string or accord :-- line . Compare 06978 . ~~6956
06958 ## qow'{ko} ; or qayah (Jer . 25 : 27) {kaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root ; to vomit :-- spue (out) , vomit (out , up , up again) . ~~6958
06959 ## qowba` {ko'- bah or ko-bah'} ; a form collateral to 03553 ; a helmet :-- helmet . ~~6958
06963 ## qowl {kole} ; or qol {kole} ; from an unused root meaning to call aloud ; a voice or sound :-- + aloud , bleating , crackling , cry (+ out) , fame , lightness , lowing , noise , + hold peace , [pro-] claim , proclamation , + sing , sound , + spark , thunder (- ing) , voice , + yell . ~~6962
06963 ## qowl {kole} ; or qol {kole} ; from an unused root meaning to call aloud ; a voice or sound :-- + aloud , bleating , crackling , cry (+ out) , fame , lightness , lowing , noise , + hold peace , [pro-] claim , proclamation , + sing , sound , + spark , thunder (- ing) , voice , + yell . ~~6962
06969 ## quwn {koon} ; a primitive root ; to strike a musical note , i . e . chant or wail (at a funeral) :-- lament , mourning woman . ~~6968
06971 ## qowph {kofe} ; or qoph {kofe} ; probably of foreign origin ; a monkey :-- ape . ~~6970
06973 ## quwts {koots} ; a primitive root [identical with 06972 through the idea of severing oneself from (compare 06962) ] ; to be (causatively , make) disgusted or anxious :-- abhor , be distressed , be grieved , loathe , vex , be weary . ~~6972
06974 ## quwts {koots} ; a primitive root [identical with 06972 through the idea of abruptness in starting up from sleep (compare 03364) ] ; to awake (literally or figuratively) :-- arise , (be) (a-) wake , watch . ~~6974
06975 ## qowts {kotse} ; or qots {kotse} ; from 06972 (in the sense of pricking) ; a thorn :-- thorn . ~~6974
06979 ## quwr {koor} ; a primitive root ; to trench ; by implication , to throw forth ; also (denominative from 07023) to wall up , whether literal (to build a wall) or figurative (to estop) :-- break down , cast out , destroy , dig . ~~6978
06981 ## Qowre'{ko-ray'} ; or Qore'(1 Chronicles 26 : 1) {ko-ray'} ; active participle of 07121 ; crier ; Kore , the name of two Israelites :-- Kore . ~~6980
06982 ## qowrah {ko-raw'} ; or qorah {ko-raw'} ; from 06979 ; a rafter (forming trenches as it were) ; by implication , a roof :-- beam , roof . ~~6982
06994 ## qaton {kaw-tone'} ; a primitive root [rather denominative from 06996 ] ; to diminish , i . e . be (causatively , make) diminutive or (figuratively) of no account :-- be a (make) small (thing) , be not worthy . ~~6994
06996 ## qatan {kaw-tawn'} ; or qaton {kaw-tone'} ; from 06962 ; abbreviated , i . e . diminutive , literally (in quantity , size or number) or figuratively (in age or importance) :-- least , less (- er) , little (one) , small (- est , one , quantity , thing) , young (- er ,-est) . ~~6996
06996 ## qatan {kaw-tawn'} ; or qaton {kaw-tone'} ; from 06962 ; abbreviated , i . e . diminutive , literally (in quantity , size or number) or figuratively (in age or importance) :-- least , less (- er) , little (one) , small (- est , one , quantity , thing) , young (- er ,-est) . ~~6996
06996 ## qatan {kaw-tawn'} ; or qaton {kaw-tone'} ; from 06962 ; abbreviated , i . e . diminutive , literally (in quantity , size or number) or figuratively (in age or importance) :-- least , less (- er) , little (one) , small (- est , one , quantity , thing) , young (- er ,-est) . ~~6996
06996 ## qatan {kaw-tawn'} ; or qaton {kaw-tone'} ; from 06962 ; abbreviated , i . e . diminutive , literally (in quantity , size or number) or figuratively (in age or importance) :-- least , less (- er) , little (one) , small (- est , one , quantity , thing) , young (- er ,-est) . ~~6996
07008 ## qiytowr {kee-tore'} ; or qiytor {kee-tore'} ; from 06999 ; a fume , i . e . cloud :-- smoke , vapour . ~~7008
07015 ## qiynah {kee-naw'} ; from 06969 ; a dirge (as accompanied by beating the breasts or on instruments) :-- lamentation . ~~7014
07017 ## Qeyniy {kay-nee'} ; or Qiyniy (1 Chron . 2 : 55) {kee-nee'} ; patronymic from 07014 ; a Kenite or member of the tribe of Kajin :-- Kenite . ~~7016
07017 ## Qeyniy {kay-nee'} ; or Qiyniy (1 Chron . 2 : 55) {kee-nee'} ; patronymic from 07014 ; a Kenite or member of the tribe of Kajin :-- Kenite . ~~7016
07019 ## qayits {kah'- yits} ; from 06972 ; harvest (as the crop) , whether the product (grain or fruit) or the (dry) season :-- summer (fruit , house) . ~~7018
07019 ## qayits {kah'- yits} ; from 06972 ; harvest (as the crop) , whether the product (grain or fruit) or the (dry) season :-- summer (fruit , house) . ~~7018
07023 ## qiyr {keer} ; or qir (Isa . 22 : 5) {keer} ; or (feminine) qiyrah {kee-raw'} ; from 06979 ; a wall (as built in a trench) :-- + mason , side , town , X very , wall . ~~7022
07023 ## qiyr {keer} ; or qir (Isa . 22 : 5) {keer} ; or (feminine) qiyrah {kee-raw'} ; from 06979 ; a wall (as built in a trench) :-- + mason , side , town , X very , wall . ~~7022
07025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'- res} ; or (feminine of the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'- seth} ; from 07023 and 02789 ; fortress of earthenware ; Kir-Cheres or Kir-Chareseth , a place in Moab :-- Kir-haraseth , Kir-hareseth , Kir-haresh , Kir-heres . ~~7024
07025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'- res} ; or (feminine of the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'- seth} ; from 07023 and 02789 ; fortress of earthenware ; Kir-Cheres or Kir-Chareseth , a place in Moab :-- Kir-haraseth , Kir-hareseth , Kir-haresh , Kir-heres . ~~7024
07026 ## Qeyroc {kay-roce'} ; or Qeroc {kay-roce'} ; from the same as 07166 ; ankled ; Keros , one of the Nethinim :-- Keros . ~~7026
07033 ## qalah {kaw-law'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 07034 through the idea of shrinkage by heat ] ; to toast , i . e . scorch partially or slowly :-- dried , loathsome , parch , roast . ~~7032
07039 ## qaliy {kaw-lee'} ; or qaliy'{kaw-lee'} ; from 07033 ; roasted ears of grain :-- parched corn . ~~7038
07043 ## qalal {kaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) light , literally (swift , small , sharp , etc .) or figuratively (easy , trifling , vile , etc .) :-- abate , make bright , bring into contempt , (ac-) curse , despise , (be) ease (- y ,-ier) , (be a , make , make somewhat , move , seem a , set) light (- en ,-er ,-ly ,-ly afflict ,-ly esteem , thing) , X slight [-ly ] , be swift (- er) , (be , be more , make , re-) vile , whet . ~~7042
07049 ## qala` {kaw-lah'} ; a primitive root : to sling : also to carve (as if a circular motion , or into light forms) :-- carve , sling (out) . ~~7048
07050 ## qela` {keh'- lah} ; from 07049 ; a sling ; also a (door) screen (as if slung across) , or the valve (of the door) itself :-- hanging , leaf , sling . ~~7050
07057 ## qimmowsh {kim-moshe'} ; or qiymowsh {kee-moshe'} ; from an unused root meaning to sting ; a prickly plant :-- nettle . Compare 07063 . ~~7056
07064 ## qen {kane} ; contracted from 07077 ; a nest (as fixed) , sometimes including the nestlings ; figuratively , a chamber or dwelling :-- nest , room . ~~7064
07065 ## qana'{kaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) zealous , i . e . (in a bad sense) jealous or envious :-- (be) envy (- ious) , be (move to , provoke to) jealous (- y) , X very , (be) zeal (- ous) . ~~7064
07068 ## qin'ah {kin-aw'} ; from 07065 ; jealousy or envy :-- envy (- ied) , jealousy , X sake , zeal . ~~7068
07069 ## qanah {kaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to erect , i . e . create ; by extension , to procure , especially by purchase (causatively , sell) ; by implication to own :-- attain , buy (- er) , teach to keep cattle , get , provoke to jealousy , possess (- or) , purchase , recover , redeem , X surely , X verily . ~~7068
07072 ## qannow'{kan-no'} ; for 07067 ; jealous or angry :-- jealous . ~~ 7072
07074 ## Q@nizziy {ken-iz-zee'} ; patronymic from 07073 , a Kenizzite or descendant of Kenaz :-- Kenezite , Kenizzites . ~~7074
07077 ## qanan {kaw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to erect ; but used only as denominative from 07064 ; to nestle , i . e . build or occupy as a nest :-- make . . . nest . ~~7076
07080 ## qacam {kaw-sam'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to distribute , i . e . determine by lot or magical scroll ; by implication , to divine :-- divine (- r ,-ation) , prudent , soothsayer , use [divination ] . ~~7080
07083 ## qeceth {keh'- seth} ; from the same as 03563 (or as 07185) ; properly , a cup , i . e . an ink-stand :-- inkhorn . ~~7082
07085 ## qa` aqa` {kah-ak-ah'} ; from the same as 06970 ; an incision or gash :-- + mark . ~~7084
07090 ## qippowd {kip-pode'} ; or qippod {kip-pode'} ; from 07088 ; a species of bird , perhaps the bittern (from its contracted form) :-- bittern . ~~7090
07094 ## qatsab {kaw-tsab'} ; a primitive root ; to clip , or (generally) chop :-- cut down , shorn . ~~7094
07097 ## qatseh {kaw-tseh'} ; or (negative only) qetseh {kay'- tseh} ; from 07096 : an extremity (used in a great variety of applications and idioms ; compare 07093) :-- X after , border , brim , brink , edge , end , [in-] finite , frontier , outmost coast , quarter , shore , (out-) side , X some , ut (- ter-) most (part) . ~~7096
07101 ## qatsiyn {kaw-tseen'} ; from 07096 in the sense of determining ; a magistrate (as deciding) or other leader :-- captain , guide , prince , ruler . Compare 06278 . ~~7100
07105 ## qatsiyr {kaw-tseer'} ; from 07114 ; severed , i . e . harvest (as reaped) , the crop , the time , the reaper , or figuratively ; also a limb (of a tree , or simply foliage) :-- bough , branch , harvest (man) . ~~7104
07105 ## qatsiyr {kaw-tseer'} ; from 07114 ; severed , i . e . harvest (as reaped) , the crop , the time , the reaper , or figuratively ; also a limb (of a tree , or simply foliage) :-- bough , branch , harvest (man) . ~~7104
07110 ## qetseph {keh'- tsef} ; from 07107 ; a splinter (as chipped off) ; figuratively , rage or strife :-- foam , indignation , X sore , wrath . ~~7110
07112 ## qatsats {kaw-tsats'} ; a primitive root ; to chop off (literally or figuratively) :-- cut (asunder , in pieces , in sunder , off) , X utmost . ~~7112
07114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to dock off , i . e . curtail (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) ; especially to harvest (grass or grain) :-- X at all , cut down , much discouraged , grieve , harvestman , lothe , mourn , reap (- er) , (be , wax) short (- en ,-er) , straiten , trouble , vex . ~~7114
07114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to dock off , i . e . curtail (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) ; especially to harvest (grass or grain) :-- X at all , cut down , much discouraged , grieve , harvestman , lothe , mourn , reap (- er) , (be , wax) short (- en ,-er) , straiten , trouble , vex . ~~7114
07114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to dock off , i . e . curtail (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) ; especially to harvest (grass or grain) :-- X at all , cut down , much discouraged , grieve , harvestman , lothe , mourn , reap (- er) , (be , wax) short (- en ,-er) , straiten , trouble , vex . ~~7114
07116 ## qatser {kaw-tsare'} ; from 07114 ; short (whether in size , number , life , strength or temper) :-- few , hasty , small , soon . ~~7116
07117 ## q@tsath {kets-awth'} ; from 07096 ; a termination (literally or figuratively) ; also (by implication) a portion ; adverbially (with prepositional prefix) after :-- end , part , X some . ~~7116
07122 ## qara'{kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root : to encounter , whether accidentally or in a hostile manner :-- befall , (by) chance , (cause to) come (upon) , fall out , happen , meet . ~~7122
07125 ## qir'ah {keer-aw'} ; from 07122 ; an encountering , accidental , friendly or hostile (also adverbially , opposite) :-- X against (he come) , help , meet , seek , X to , X in the way . ~~7124
07130 ## qereb {keh'- reb} ; from 07126 ; properly , the nearest part , i . e . the center , whether literal , figurative or adverbial (especially with preposition) :-- X among , X before , bowels , X unto charge , + eat (up) , X heart , X him , X in , inward (X-ly , part ,-s , thought) , midst , + out of , purtenance , X therein , X through , X within self . ~~7130
07133 ## qorban {kor-bawn'} ; or qurban {koor-bawn'} ; from 07126 ; something brought near the altar , i . e . a sacrificial present :-- oblation , that is offered , offering . ~~7132
07136 ## qarah {kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to light upon (chiefly by accident) ; causatively , to bring about ; specifically , to impose timbers (for roof or floor) :-- appoint , lay (make) beams , befall , bring , come (to pass unto) , floor , [hap ] was , happen (unto) , meet , send good speed . ~~7136
07138 ## qarowb {kaw-robe'} ; or qarob {kaw-robe'} ; from 07126 ; near (in place , kindred or time) :-- allied , approach , at hand , + any of kin , kinsfold (- sman) , (that is) near (of kin) , neighbour , (that is) next , (them that come) nigh (at hand) , more ready , short (- ly) . ~~7138
07138 ## qarowb {kaw-robe'} ; or qarob {kaw-robe'} ; from 07126 ; near (in place , kindred or time) :-- allied , approach , at hand , + any of kin , kinsfold (- sman) , (that is) near (of kin) , neighbour , (that is) next , (them that come) nigh (at hand) , more ready , short (- ly) . ~~7138
07140 ## qerach {keh'- rakh} ; or qorach {ko'- rakh} ; from 07139 ; ice (as if bald , i . e . smooth) ; hence , hail ; by resemblance , rock crystal :-- crystal , frost , ice . ~~7140
07144 ## qorchah {kor-khaw'} ; or qorcha'(Ezek . 27 : 31) {kor-khaw'} ; from 07139 ; baldness :-- bald (- ness) , X utterly . ~~7144
07145 ## Qorchiy {kor-khee'} ; patronymic from 07141 ; a Korchite (collectively) or descendants of Korach :-- Korahite , Korathite , sons of Kore , Korhite . ~~7144
07149 ## qirya'(Aramaic) {keer-yaw'} ; or qiryah (Aramaic) {keer-yaw'} ; corresponding to 07151 :-- city . ~~7148
07153 ## Qiryath` Arba` {keer-yath'ar-bah'} ; or (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha-'Arba` (Neh . 11 : 25) {keer-yath'haw-ar-bah'} ; from 07151 and 00704 or 00702 ; city of Arba , or city of the four (giants) ; Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-arba . ~~7152
07153 ## Qiryath` Arba` {keer-yath'ar-bah'} ; or (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha-'Arba` (Neh . 11 : 25) {keer-yath'haw-ar-bah'} ; from 07151 and 00704 or 00702 ; city of Arba , or city of the four (giants) ; Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-arba . ~~7152
07153 ## Qiryath` Arba` {keer-yath'ar-bah'} ; or (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha-'Arba` (Neh . 11 : 25) {keer-yath'haw-ar-bah'} ; from 07151 and 00704 or 00702 ; city of Arba , or city of the four (giants) ; Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-arba . ~~7152
07153 ## Qiryath` Arba` {keer-yath'ar-bah'} ; or (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha-'Arba` (Neh . 11 : 25) {keer-yath'haw-ar-bah'} ; from 07151 and 00704 or 00702 ; city of Arba , or city of the four (giants) ; Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-arba . ~~7152
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~7156
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~7156
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~7156
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~7156
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~7156
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~7156
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~7158
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~7158
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~7158
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~7158
07160 ## qaran {kaw-ran'} ; a primitive root ; to push or gore ; used only as denominative from 07161 , to shoot out horns ; figuratively , rays :-- have horns , shine . ~~7160
07162 ## qeren (Aramaic) {keh'- ren} ; corresponding to 07161 ; a horn (literally or for sound) :-- horn , cornet . ~~7162
07165 ## qerec {keh'- res} ; from 07164 ; a knob or belaying-pin (from its swelling form) :-- tache . ~~7164
07166 ## qarcol {kar-sole'} ; from 07164 ; an ankle (as a protuberance or joint) :-- foot . ~~7166
07167 ## qara` {kaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to rend , literally or figuratively (revile , paint the eyes , as if enlarging them) :-- cut out , rend , X surely , tear . ~~7166
07169 ## qarats {kaw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; to pinch , i . e . (partially) to bite the lips , blink the eyes (as a gesture of malice) , or (fully) to squeeze off (a piece of clay in order to mould a vessel from it) :-- form , move , wink . ~~7168
07172 ## qarqa` {kar-kah'} ; from 07167 ; floor (as if a pavement of pieces or tesseroe) , of a building or the sea :-- bottom , (X one side of the) floor . ~~7172
07172 ## qarqa` {kar-kah'} ; from 07167 ; floor (as if a pavement of pieces or tesseroe) , of a building or the sea :-- bottom , (X one side of the) floor . ~~7172
07175 ## qeresh {keh'- resh} ; from an unused root meaning to split off ; a slab or plank ; by implication , a deck of a ship :-- bench , board . ~~7174
07183 ## qashshab {kash-shawb'} ; or qashshub {kash-shoob'} ; from 07181 ; hearkening :-- attent (- ive) . ~~7182
07184 ## qasah {kaw-saw'} ; or qasvah {kas-vaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to be round ; a jug (from its shape) :-- cover , cup . ~~7184
07185 ## qashah {kaw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be dense , i . e . tough or severe (in various applications) :-- be cruel , be fiercer , make grievous , be ([ask a ] , be in , have , seem , would) hard (- en , [labour ] ,-ly , thing) , be sore , (be , make) stiff (- en , [-necked ]) . ~~7184
07187 ## q@showt (Aramaic) {kesh-ote'} ; or q@shot (Aramaic) {kesh-ote'} ; corresponding to 07189 ; fidelity :-- truth . ~~7186
07189 ## qoshet {ko'- shet} ; or qosht {kosht} ; from an unused root meaning to balance ; equity (as evenly weighed) , i . e . reality :-- truth . ~~7188
07193 ## qasqeseth {kas-keh'- seth} ; by reduplication from an unused root meaning to shale off as bark ; a scale (of a fish) ; hence a coat of mail (as composed of or covered with jointed plates of metal) :-- mail , scale . ~~7192
07194 ## qashar {kaw-shar'} ; a primitive root : to tie , physically (gird , confine , compact) or mentally (in love , league) :-- bind (up) , (make a) conspire (- acy ,-ator) , join together , knit , stronger , work [treason ] . ~~7194
07197 ## qashash {kaw-shash'} ; a primitive root ; to become sapless through drought ; used only as denominative from 07179 ; to forage for straw , stubble or wood ; figuratively , to assemble :-- gather (selves) (together) . ~~7196
07198 ## qesheth {keh'- sheth} ; from 07185 in the original sense (of 06983) of bending : a bow , for shooting (hence , figuratively , strength) or the iris :-- X arch (- er) , + arrow , bow ([-man ,-shot ]) . ~~7198
07200 ## ra'ah {raw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to see , literally or figuratively (in numerous applications , direct and implied , transitive , intransitive and causative) :-- advise self , appear , approve , behold , X certainly , consider , discern , (make to) enjoy , have experience , gaze , take heed , X indeed , X joyfully , lo , look (on , one another , one on another , one upon another , out , up , upon) , mark , meet , X be near , perceive , present , provide , regard , (have) respect , (fore-, cause to , let) see (- r ,-m , one another) , shew (self) , X sight of others , (e-) spy , stare , X surely , X think , view , visions . ~~7200
07206 ## R@'uwbeniy {reh-oob-ay-nee'} ; patronymic from 07205 ; a Reubenite or descendant of Reuben :-- children of Reuben , Reubenites . ~~7206
07210 ## ro'iy {ro-ee'} ; from 07200 ; sight , whether abstractly (vision) or concretely (a spectacle) :-- gazingstock , look to , (that) see (- th) . ~~7210
07214 ## r@'em {reh-ame'} ; or r@'eym {reh-ame'} ; or reym {rame} ; or rem {rame} ; from 07213 ; a wild bull (from its conspicuousness) :-- unicorn . ~~7214
07214 ## r@'em {reh-ame'} ; or r@'eym {reh-ame'} ; or reym {rame} ; or rem {rame} ; from 07213 ; a wild bull (from its conspicuousness) :-- unicorn . ~~7214
07214 ## r@'em {reh-ame'} ; or r@'eym {reh-ame'} ; or reym {rame} ; or rem {rame} ; from 07213 ; a wild bull (from its conspicuousness) :-- unicorn . ~~7214
07216 ## Ra'mowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth {raw-moth'} ; plural of 07215 ; heights ; Ramoth , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Ramoth . ~~7216
07218 ## ro'sh {roshe} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to shake ; the head (as most easily shaken) , whether literal or figurative (in many applications , of place , time , rank , itc .) :-- band , beginning , captain , chapiter , chief (- est place , man , things) , company , end , X every [man ] , excellent , first , forefront , ([be-]) head , height , (on) high (- est part , [priest ]) , X lead , X poor , principal , ruler , sum , top . ~~7218
07219 ## ro'sh {roshe} ; or rowsh (Deut . 32 : 32) {roshe} ; apparently the same as 07218 ; a poisonous plant , probably the poppy (from its conspicuous head) ; generally poison (even of serpents) :-- gall , hemlock , poison , venom . ~~7218
07223 ## ri'shown {ree-shone'} ; or ri'shon {ree-shone'} ; from 07221 ; first , in place , time or rank (as adjective or noun) :-- ancestor , (that were) before (- time) , beginning , eldest , first , fore [-father ] (- most) , former (thing) , of old time , past . ~~7222
07223 ## ri'shown {ree-shone'} ; or ri'shon {ree-shone'} ; from 07221 ; first , in place , time or rank (as adjective or noun) :-- ancestor , (that were) before (- time) , beginning , eldest , first , fore [-father ] (- most) , former (thing) , of old time , past . ~~7222
07223 ## ri'shown {ree-shone'} ; or ri'shon {ree-shone'} ; from 07221 ; first , in place , time or rank (as adjective or noun) :-- ancestor , (that were) before (- time) , beginning , eldest , first , fore [-father ] (- most) , former (thing) , of old time , past . ~~7222
07225 ## re'shiyth {ray-sheeth'} ; from the same as 07218 ; the first , in place , time , order or rank (specifically , a firstfruit) :-- beginning , chief (- est) , first (- fruits , part , time) , principal thing . ~~7224
07228 ## rab {rab} ; by contraction from 07232 ; an archer [or perhaps the same as 07227 ] :-- archer . ~~7228
07233 ## r@babah {reb-aw-baw'} ; from 07231 ; abundance (in number) , i . e . (specifically) a myriad (whether definite or indefinite) :-- many , million , X multiply , ten thousand . ~~7232
07239 ## ribbow {rib-bo'} ; from 07231 ; or ribbow'{rib-bo'} from 07231 ; a myriad , i . e . indefinitely , large number :-- great things , ten ([eight ]-een , [for ]-ty , + sixscore , + threescore , X twenty , [twen ]-ty) thousand . ~~7238
07243 ## r@biy` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; or r@bi` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; from 07251 ; fourth ; also (fractionally) a fourth :-- foursquare , fourth (part) . ~~7242
07250 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root ; to squat or lie out flat , i . e . (specifically) in copulation :-- let gender , lie down . ~~7250
07251 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 07250 through the idea of sprawling " at all fours " (or possibly the reverse is the order of deriv .) ; compare 00702 ] ; properly , to be four (sided) ; used only as denominative of 07253 ; to be quadrate :-- (four-) square (- d) . ~~7250
07253 ## reba` {reh'- bah} ; from 07251 ; a fourth (part or side) :-- fourth part , side , square . ~~7252
07258 ## rebets {reh'- bets} ; from 07257 ; a couch or place of repose :-- where each lay , lie down in , resting place . ~~7258
07264 ## ragaz {raw-gaz'} ; a primitive root ; to quiver (with any violent emotion , especially anger or fear) :-- be afraid , stand in awe , disquiet , fall out , fret , move , provoke , quake , rage , shake , tremble , trouble , be wroth . ~~7264
07285 ## regesh {reh'- ghesh} ; or (feminine) rigshah {rig-shaw'} ; from 07283 ; a tumultuous crowd :-- company , insurrection . ~~7284
07286 ## radad {raw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to tread in pieces , i . e . (figuratively) to conquer , or (specifically) to overlay :-- spend , spread , subdue . ~~7286
07290 ## radam {raw-dam'} ; a primitive root ; to stun , i . e . stupefy (with sleep or death) :-- (be fast a-, be in a deep , cast into a dead , that) sleep (- er ,-eth) . ~~7290
07291 ## radaph {raw-daf'} ; a primitive root ; to run after (usually with hostile intent ; figuratively [of time ] gone by) :-- chase , put to flight , follow (after , on) , hunt , (be under) persecute (- ion ,-or) , pursue (- r) . ~~7290
07298 ## rahat {rah'- hat} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to hollow out ; a channel or watering-box ; by resemblance a ringlet of hair (as forming parallel lines) :-- gallery , gutter , trough . ~~7298
07300 ## ruwd {rood} ; a primitive root ; to tramp about , i . e . ramble (free or disconsolate) :-- have the dominion , be lord , mourn , rule . ~~7300
07305 ## revach {reh'- vakh} ; from 07304 ; room , literally (an interval) or figuratively (deliverance) :-- enlargement , space . ~~7304
07306 ## ruwach {roo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; properly , to blow , i . e . breathe ; only (literally) to smell or (by implication , perceive (figuratively , to anticipate , enjoy) :-- accept , smell , X touch , make of quick understanding . ~~7306
07307 ## ruwach {roo'- akh} ; from 07306 ; wind ; by resemblance breath , i . e . a sensible (or even violent) exhalation ; figuratively , life , anger , unsubstantiality ; by extension , a region of the sky ; by resemblance spirit , but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions) :-- air , anger , blast , breath , X cool , courage , mind , X quarter , X side , spirit ([-ual ]) , tempest , X vain , ([whirl-]) wind (- y) . ~~7306
07311 ## ruwm {room} ; a primitive root ; to be high actively , to rise or raise (in various applications , literally or figuratively) :-- bring up , exalt (self) , extol , give , go up , haughty , heave (up) , (be , lift up on , make on , set up on , too) high (- er , one) , hold up , levy , lift (- er) up , (be) lofty , (X a-) loud , mount up , offer (up) , + presumptuously , (be) promote (- ion) , proud , set up , tall (- er) , take (away , off , up) , breed worms . ~~7310
07311 ## ruwm {room} ; a primitive root ; to be high actively , to rise or raise (in various applications , literally or figuratively) :-- bring up , exalt (self) , extol , give , go up , haughty , heave (up) , (be , lift up on , make on , set up on , too) high (- er , one) , hold up , levy , lift (- er) up , (be) lofty , (X a-) loud , mount up , offer (up) , + presumptuously , (be) promote (- ion) , proud , set up , tall (- er) , take (away , off , up) , breed worms . ~~7310
07312 ## ruwm {room} ; or rum {room} ; from 07311 ; (literally) elevation or (figuratively) elation :-- haughtiness , height , X high . ~~7312
07312 ## ruwm {room} ; or rum {room} ; from 07311 ; (literally) elevation or (figuratively) elation :-- haughtiness , height , X high . ~~7312
07320 ## Rowmamtiy` Ezer (or Romamtiy) {ro-mam'- tee eh'- zer} ; from 07311 and 05828 ; I have raised up a help ; Romamti-Ezer , an Israelite :-- Romamti-ezer . ~~7320
07321 ## ruwa` {roo-ah'} ; a primitive root ; to mar (especially by breaking) ; figuratively , to split the ears (with sound) , i . e . shout (for alarm or joy) :-- blow an alarm , cry (alarm , aloud , out) , destroy , make a joyful noise , smart , shout (for joy) , sound an alarm , triumph . ~~7320
07324 ## ruwq {rook} ; a primitive root ; to pour out (literally or figuratively) , i . e . empty :-- X arm , cast out , draw (out) , (make) empty , pour forth (out) . ~~7324
07325 ## ruwr {roor} ; a primitive root ; to slaver (with spittle) , i . e . (by analogy) to emit a fluid (ulcerous or natural) :-- run . ~~7324
07329 ## razah {raw-zaw'} ; a primitive root ; to emaciate , i . e . make (become) thin (literally or figuratively) :-- famish , wax lean . ~~7328
07337 ## rachab {raw-khab'} ; a primitive root ; to broaden (intransitive or transitive , literal or figurative) :-- be an en-(make) large (- ing) , make room , make (open) wide . ~~7336
07337 ## rachab {raw-khab'} ; a primitive root ; to broaden (intransitive or transitive , literal or figurative) :-- be an en-(make) large (- ing) , make room , make (open) wide . ~~7336
07339 ## r@chob {rekh-obe'} ; or r@chowb {rekh-obe'} ; from 07337 ; a width , i . e . (concretely) avenue or area :-- broad place (way) , street . See also 01050 . ~~7338
07339 ## r@chob {rekh-obe'} ; or r@chowb {rekh-obe'} ; from 07337 ; a width , i . e . (concretely) avenue or area :-- broad place (way) , street . See also 01050 . ~~7338
07340 ## R@chob {rekh-obe'} ; or R@chowb {rekh-obe'} ; the same as 07339 ; Rechob , the name of a place in Syria , also of a Syrian and an Israelite :-- Rehob . ~~7340
07341 ## rochab {ro'- khab} ; from 07337 ; width (literally or figuratively) :-- breadth , broad , largeness , thickness , wideness . ~~7340
07342 ## rachab {raw-khawb'} ; from 07337 ; roomy , in any (or every) direction , literally or figuratively :-- broad , large , at liberty , proud , wide . ~~7342
07342 ## rachab {raw-khawb'} ; from 07337 ; roomy , in any (or every) direction , literally or figuratively :-- broad , large , at liberty , proud , wide . ~~7342
07344 ## R@chobowth {rekh-o-both'} ; or R@choboth {rekh-o-both'} ; plural of 07339 ; streets ; Rechoboth , a place in Assyria and one in Palestine :-- Rehoboth . ~~7344
07345 ## R@chabyah {rekh-ab-yaw'} ; or R@chabyahuw {rek-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07337 and 03050 ; Jah has enlarged ; Rechabjah , an Israelite :-- Rehabiah . ~~7344
07350 ## rachowq {raw-khoke'} ; or rachoq {raw-khoke'} ; from 07368 ; remote , literally or figuratively , of place or time ; specifically , precious ; often used adverbially (with preposition) :-- (a-) far (abroad , off) , long ago , of old , space , great while to come . ~~7350
07350 ## rachowq {raw-khoke'} ; or rachoq {raw-khoke'} ; from 07368 ; remote , literally or figuratively , of place or time ; specifically , precious ; often used adverbially (with preposition) :-- (a-) far (abroad , off) , long ago , of old , space , great while to come . ~~7350
07350 ## rachowq {raw-khoke'} ; or rachoq {raw-khoke'} ; from 07368 ; remote , literally or figuratively , of place or time ; specifically , precious ; often used adverbially (with preposition) :-- (a-) far (abroad , off) , long ago , of old , space , great while to come . ~~7350
07360 ## racham {raw-khawm'} ; or (feminine) rachamah {raw-khaw-maw'} ; from 07355 ; a kind of vulture (supposed to be tender towards its young) :-- gier-eagle . ~~7360
07364 ## rachats {raw-khats'} ; a primitive root ; to lave (the whole or a part of a thing) :-- bathe (self) , wash (self) . ~~7364
07368 ## rachaq {raw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to widen (in any direction) , i . e . (intransitively) recede or (transitively) remove (literally or figuratively , of place or relation) :-- (a-, be , cast , drive , get , go , keep [self ] , put , remove , be too , [wander ] , withdraw) far (away , off) , loose , X refrain , very , (be) a good way (off) . ~~7368
07368 ## rachaq {raw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to widen (in any direction) , i . e . (intransitively) recede or (transitively) remove (literally or figuratively , of place or relation) :-- (a-, be , cast , drive , get , go , keep [self ] , put , remove , be too , [wander ] , withdraw) far (away , off) , loose , X refrain , very , (be) a good way (off) . ~~7368
07368 ## rachaq {raw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to widen (in any direction) , i . e . (intransitively) recede or (transitively) remove (literally or figuratively , of place or relation) :-- (a-, be , cast , drive , get , go , keep [self ] , put , remove , be too , [wander ] , withdraw) far (away , off) , loose , X refrain , very , (be) a good way (off) . ~~7368
07378 ## riyb {reeb} ; or ruwb {roob} ; a primitive root ; properly , to toss , i . e . grapple ; mostly figuratively , to wrangle , i . e . hold a controversy ; (by implication) to defend :-- adversary , chide , complain , contend , debate , X ever , X lay wait , plead , rebuke , strive , X thoroughly . ~~7378
07379 ## riyb {reeb} ; or rib {reeb} ; from 07378 ; a contest (personal or legal) :-- + adversary , cause , chiding , contend (- tion) , controversy , multitude [from the margin ] , pleading , strife , strive (- ing) , suit . ~~7378
07379 ## riyb {reeb} ; or rib {reeb} ; from 07378 ; a contest (personal or legal) :-- + adversary , cause , chiding , contend (- tion) , controversy , multitude [from the margin ] , pleading , strife , strive (- ing) , suit . ~~7378
07383 ## riyphah {ree-faw'} ; or riphah {ree-faw'} ; from 07322 ; (only plural) , grits (as pounded) :-- ground corn , wheat . ~~7382
07384 ## Riyphath {ree-fath'} ; or (probably by orthographical error) Diyphath {dee-fath'} ; of foreign origin ; Riphath , a grandson of Japheth and his descendants :-- Riphath . ~~7384
07386 ## reyq {rake} ; or (shorter) req {rake} ; from 07324 ; empty ; figuratively , worthless :-- emptied (- ty) , vain (fellow , man) . ~~7386
07389 ## reysh {raysh} ; or re'sh {raysh} ; or riysh {reesh} ; from 07326 ; poverty :-- poverty . ~~7388
07389 ## reysh {raysh} ; or re'sh {raysh} ; or riysh {reesh} ; from 07326 ; poverty :-- poverty . ~~7388
07390 ## rak {rak} ; from 07401 ; tender (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , weak :-- faint ([-hearted ] , soft , tender ([-hearted ] , one) , weak . ~~7390
07392 ## rakab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to ride (on an animal or in a vehicle) ; causatively , to place upon (for riding or generally) , to despatch :-- bring (on [horse-] back) , carry , get [oneself ] up , on [horse-] back , put , (cause to , make to) ride (in a chariot , on ,-r) , set . ~~7392
07392 ## rakab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to ride (on an animal or in a vehicle) ; causatively , to place upon (for riding or generally) , to despatch :-- bring (on [horse-] back) , carry , get [oneself ] up , on [horse-] back , put , (cause to , make to) ride (in a chariot , on ,-r) , set . ~~7392
07399 ## r@kuwsh {rek-oosh'} ; or r@kush {rek-oosh'} ; from passive participle of 07408 ; property (as gathered) :-- good , riches , substance . ~~7398
07401 ## rakak {raw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; to soften (intransitively or transitively) , used figuratively :-- (be) faint ([-hearted ]) , mollify , (be , make) soft (- er) , be tender . ~~7400
07411 ## ramah {raw-maw'} ; a primitive root ; to hurl ; specifically , to shoot ; figuratively , to delude or betray (as if causing to fall) :-- beguile , betray , [bow-] man , carry , deceive , throw . ~~7410
07415 ## rimmah {rim-maw'} ; from 07426 in the sense of breading [compare 07311 ] ; a maggot (as rapidly bred) , literally or figuratively :-- worm . ~~7414
07416 ## rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or rimmon {rim-mone'} ; from 07426 ; a pomegranate , the tree (from its upright growth) or the fruit (also an artificial ornament) :-- pomegranate . ~~7416
07416 ## rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or rimmon {rim-mone'} ; from 07426 ; a pomegranate , the tree (from its upright growth) or the fruit (also an artificial ornament) :-- pomegranate . ~~7416
07417 ## Rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or (shorter) Rimmon {rim-mone'} ; or Rimmownow (1 Chronicles 6 : 62 [ 00077 ]) {rim-mo-no'} ; the same as 07416 ; Rimmon , the name of a Syrian deity , also of five places in Palestine :-- Remmon , Rimmon . The addition "-methoar " (Josh . 19 : 13) is ham-m@tho'ar (ham-meth-o-awr') ; passive participle of 08388 with the article ; the (one) marked off , i . e . which pertains ; mistaken for part of the name . ~~7416
07417 ## Rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or (shorter) Rimmon {rim-mone'} ; or Rimmownow (1 Chronicles 6 : 62 [ 00077 ]) {rim-mo-no'} ; the same as 07416 ; Rimmon , the name of a Syrian deity , also of five places in Palestine :-- Remmon , Rimmon . The addition "-methoar " (Josh . 19 : 13) is ham-m@tho'ar (ham-meth-o-awr') ; passive participle of 08388 with the article ; the (one) marked off , i . e . which pertains ; mistaken for part of the name . ~~7416
07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {raw-moth-neh'- gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; Ramoth-Negeb or Ramath-Negeb , a place in Palestine :-- south Ramoth , Ramath of the south . ~~7418
07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {raw-moth-neh'- gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; Ramoth-Negeb or Ramath-Negeb , a place in Palestine :-- south Ramoth , Ramath of the south . ~~7418
07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {raw-moth-neh'- gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; Ramoth-Negeb or Ramath-Negeb , a place in Palestine :-- south Ramoth , Ramath of the south . ~~7418
07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {raw-moth-neh'- gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; Ramoth-Negeb or Ramath-Negeb , a place in Palestine :-- south Ramoth , Ramath of the south . ~~7418
07426 ## ramam {raw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to rise (literally or figuratively) :-- exalt , get [oneself ] up , lift up (self) , mount up . ~~7426
07429 ## ramac {raw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; to tread upon (as a potter , in walking or abusively) :-- oppressor , stamp upon , trample (under feet) , tread (down , upon) . ~~7428
07430 ## ramas {raw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to glide swiftly , i . e . to crawl or move with short steps ; by analogy to swarm :-- creep , move . ~~7430
07431 ## remes {reh'- mes} ; from 07430 ; a reptile or any other rapidly moving animal :-- that creepeth , creeping (moving) thing . ~~7430
07433 ## Ramowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth Gil` ad (2 Chronicles 22 : 5) {raw-moth'gil-awd'} ; from the plural of 07413 and 01568 ; heights of Gilad ; Ramoth-Gilad , a place East of the Jordan :-- Ramoth-gilead , Ramoth in Gilead . See also 07216 . ~~7432
07435 ## Ramathiy {raw-maw-thee'} ; patronymic of 07414 ; a Ramathite or inhabitant of Ramah :-- Ramathite . ~~7434
07440 ## rinnah {rin-naw'} ; from 07442 ; properly , a creaking (or shrill sound) , i . e . shout (of joy or grief) :-- cry , gladness , joy , proclamation , rejoicing , shouting , sing (- ing) , triumph . ~~7440
07440 ## rinnah {rin-naw'} ; from 07442 ; properly , a creaking (or shrill sound) , i . e . shout (of joy or grief) :-- cry , gladness , joy , proclamation , rejoicing , shouting , sing (- ing) , triumph . ~~7440
07442 ## ranan {raw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to creak (or emit a stridulous sound) , i . e . to shout (usually for joy) :-- aloud for joy , cry out , be joyful (greatly , make to) rejoice , (cause to) shout (for joy) , (cause to) sing (aloud , for joy , out) , triumph . ~~7442
07451 ## ra` {rah} ; from 07489 ; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral) :-- adversity , affliction , bad , calamity , + displease (- ure) , distress , evil ([-favouredness ] , man , thing) , + exceedingly , X great , grief (- vous) , harm , heavy , hurt (- ful) , ill (favoured) , + mark , mischief (- vous) , misery , naught (- ty) , noisome , + not please , sad (- ly) , sore , sorrow , trouble , vex , wicked (- ly ,-ness , one) , worse (- st) , wretchedness , wrong . [Incl . feminine ra` ah ; as adjective or noun . ] . ~~7450
07451 ## ra` {rah} ; from 07489 ; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral) :-- adversity , affliction , bad , calamity , + displease (- ure) , distress , evil ([-favouredness ] , man , thing) , + exceedingly , X great , grief (- vous) , harm , heavy , hurt (- ful) , ill (favoured) , + mark , mischief (- vous) , misery , naught (- ty) , noisome , + not please , sad (- ly) , sore , sorrow , trouble , vex , wicked (- ly ,-ness , one) , worse (- st) , wretchedness , wrong . [Incl . feminine ra` ah ; as adjective or noun . ] . ~~7450
07451 ## ra` {rah} ; from 07489 ; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral) :-- adversity , affliction , bad , calamity , + displease (- ure) , distress , evil ([-favouredness ] , man , thing) , + exceedingly , X great , grief (- vous) , harm , heavy , hurt (- ful) , ill (favoured) , + mark , mischief (- vous) , misery , naught (- ty) , noisome , + not please , sad (- ly) , sore , sorrow , trouble , vex , wicked (- ly ,-ness , one) , worse (- st) , wretchedness , wrong . [Incl . feminine ra` ah ; as adjective or noun . ] . ~~7450
07453 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; or reya` {ray'- ah} ; from 07462 ; an associate (more or less close) :-- brother , companion , fellow , friend , husband , lover , neighbour , X (an-) other . ~~7452
07453 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; or reya` {ray'- ah} ; from 07462 ; an associate (more or less close) :-- brother , companion , fellow , friend , husband , lover , neighbour , X (an-) other . ~~7452
07455 ## roa` {ro'- ah} ; from 07489 ; badness (as marring) , physically or morally :-- X be so bad , badness , (X be so) evil , naughtiness , sadness , sorrow , wickedness . ~~7454
07457 ## ra` eb {raw-abe'} ; from 07456 ; hungry (more or less intensely) :-- hunger bitten , hungry . ~~7456
07458 ## ra` ab {raw-awb'} ; from 07456 ; hunger (more or less extensive) :-- dearth , famine , + famished , hunger . ~~7458
07400 ## ra` ad {raw-ad'} ; a primitive root : to shudder (more or less violently) :-- tremble . ~~7460
07461 ## ra` ad {rah'- ad} ; or (feminine) r@adah {reh-aw-daw'} ; from 07460 ; a shudder :-- trembling . ~~7460
07462 ## ra` ah {raw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tend a flock ; i . e . pasture it ; intransitively , to graze (literally or figuratively) ; generally to rule ; by extension , to associate with (as a friend) :-- X break , companion , keep company with , devour , eat up , evil entreat , feed , use as a friend , make friendship with , herdman , keep [sheep ] (- er) , pastor , + shearing house , shepherd , wander , waste . ~~7462
07486 ## Ra` m@cec {rah-mes-ace'} ; or Ra` amcec {rah-am-sace'} ; of Egyptian origin ; Rameses or Raamses , a place in Egypt :-- Raamses , Rameses . ~~7486
07486 ## Ra` m@cec {rah-mes-ace'} ; or Ra` amcec {rah-am-sace'} ; of Egyptian origin ; Rameses or Raamses , a place in Egypt :-- Raamses , Rameses . ~~7486
07489 ## ra` a` {raw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to spoil (literally , by breaking to pieces) ; figuratively , to make (or be) good for nothing , i . e . bad (physically , socially or morally) :-- afflict , associate selves [by mistake for 07462 ] , break (down , in pieces) , + displease , (be , bring , do) evil (doer , entreat , man) , show self friendly [by mistake for 07462 ] , do harm , (do) hurt , (behave self , deal) ill , X indeed , do mischief , punish , still , vex , (do) wicked (doer ,-ly) , be (deal , do) worse . ~~7488
07489 ## ra` a` {raw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to spoil (literally , by breaking to pieces) ; figuratively , to make (or be) good for nothing , i . e . bad (physically , socially or morally) :-- afflict , associate selves [by mistake for 07462 ] , break (down , in pieces) , + displease , (be , bring , do) evil (doer , entreat , man) , show self friendly [by mistake for 07462 ] , do harm , (do) hurt , (behave self , deal) ill , X indeed , do mischief , punish , still , vex , (do) wicked (doer ,-ly) , be (deal , do) worse . ~~7488
07495 ## rapha'{raw-faw'} ; or raphah {raw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to mend (by stitching) , i . e . (figuratively) to cure :-- cure , (cause to) heal , physician , repair , X thoroughly , make whole . See 07503 . ~~7494
07497 ## rapha'{raw-faw'} ; or raphah {raw-faw'} ; from 07495 in the sense of invigorating ; a giant :-- giant , Rapha , Rephaim (- s) . See also 01051 . ~~7496
07498 ## Rapha'{raw-faw'} ; or Raphah {raw-faw'} ; probably the same as 07497 ; giant ; Rapha or Raphah , the name of two Israelites :-- Rapha . ~~7498
07498 ## Rapha'{raw-faw'} ; or Raphah {raw-faw'} ; probably the same as 07497 ; giant ; Rapha or Raphah , the name of two Israelites :-- Rapha . ~~7498
07503 ## raphah {raw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; to slacken (in many applications , literal or figurative) :-- abate , cease , consume , draw [toward evening ] , fail , (be) faint , be (wax) feeble , forsake , idle , leave , let alone (go , down) , (be) slack , stay , be still , be slothful , (be) weak (- en) . See 07495 . ~~7502
07504 ## rapheh {raw-feh'} ; from 07503 ; slack (in body or mind) :-- weak . ~~7504
07522 ## ratsown {raw-tsone'} ; or ratson {raw-tsone'} ; from 07521 ; delight (especially as shown) :-- (be) acceptable (- ance ,-ed) , delight , desire , favour , (good) pleasure , (own , self , voluntary) will , as . . . (what) would . ~~7522
07533 ## ratsats {raw-tsats'} ; a primitive root ; to crack in pieces , literally or figuratively :-- break , bruise , crush , discourage , oppress , struggle together . ~~7532
07535 ## raq {rak} ; the same as 07534 as a noun ; properly , leanness , i . e . (figuratively) limitation ; only adverbial , merely , or conjunctional , although :-- but , even , except , howbeit howsoever , at the least , nevertheless , nothing but , notwithstanding , only , save , so [that ] , surely , yet (so) , in any wise . ~~7534
07540 ## raqad {raw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to stamp , i . e . to spring about (wildly or for joy) :-- dance , jump , leap , skip . ~~7540
07549 ## raqiya` {raw-kee'- ah} ; from 07554 ; properly , an expanse , i . e . the firmament or (apparently) visible arch of the sky :-- firmament . ~~7548
07561 ## rasha` {raw-shah'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , do or declare) wrong ; by implication , to disturb , violate :-- condemn , make trouble , vex , be (commit , deal , depart , do) wicked (- ly ,-ness) . ~~7560
07574 ## rethem {reh'- them} ; or rothem {ro'- them} ; from 07573 ; the Spanish broom (from its pole-like stems) :-- juniper (tree) . ~~7574
07580 ## sha'ag {shaw-ag'} ; a primitive root ; to rumble or moan :-- X mightily , roar . ~~7580
07581 ## sh@agah {sheh-aw-gaw'} ; from 07580 ; a rumbling or moan :-- roaring . ~~7580
07585 ## sh@'owl {sheh-ole'} ; or sh@ol {sheh-ole'} ; from 07592 ; Hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat) , including its accessories and inmates :-- grave , hell , pit . ~~7584
07585 ## sh@'owl {sheh-ole'} ; or sh@ol {sheh-ole'} ; from 07592 ; Hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat) , including its accessories and inmates :-- grave , hell , pit . ~~7584
07587 ## Sha'uwliy {shaw-oo-lee'} ; patronymic from 07856 ; a Shaulite or descendant of Shaul :-- Shaulites . ~~7586
07592 ## sha'al {shaw-al'} ; or sha'el {shaw-ale'} ; a primitive root ; to inquire ; by implication , to request ; by extension , to demand :-- ask (counsel , on) , beg , borrow , lay to charge , consult , demand , desire , X earnestly , enquire , + greet , obtain leave , lend , pray , request , require , + salute , X straitly , X surely , wish . ~~7592
07595 ## sh@'ela'(Aramaic) {sheh-ay-law'} ; from 07593 ; properly , a question (at law) , i . e . judicial decision or mandate :-- demand . ~~7594
07596 ## sh@'elah {sheh-ay-law'} ; or shelah (1 Samuel 1 : 17) {shay-law'} ; from 07592 ; a petition ; by implication , a loan :-- loan , petition , request . ~~7596
07597 ## Sh@'altiy'el {sheh-al-tee-ale'} ; or Shaltiy'el {shal-tee-ale'} ; from 07592 and 00410 ; I have asked God ; Shealtiel , an Israelite :-- Shalthiel , Shealtiel . ~~7596
07603 ## s@'or {seh-ore'} ; from 07604 ; barm or yeast-cake (as swelling by fermentation) :-- leaven . ~~7602
07603 ## s@'or {seh-ore'} ; from 07604 ; barm or yeast-cake (as swelling by fermentation) :-- leaven . ~~7602
07607 ## sh@'er {sheh-ayr'} ; from 07604 ; flesh (as swelling out) , as living or for food ; generally food of any kind ; figuratively , kindred by blood :-- body , flesh , food , (near) kin (- sman ,-swoman) , near (nigh) [of kin ] . ~~7606
07611 ## sh@'eriyth {sheh-ay-reeth'} ; from 07604 ; a remainder or residual (surviving , final) portion :-- that had escaped , be left , posterity , remain (- der) , remnant , residue , rest . ~~7610
07613 ## s@'eth {seh-ayth'} ; from 05375 ; an elevation or leprous scab ; figuratively , elation or cheerfulness ; exaltation in rank or character :-- be accepted , dignity , excellency , highness , raise up self , rising . ~~7612
07613 ## s@'eth {seh-ayth'} ; from 05375 ; an elevation or leprous scab ; figuratively , elation or cheerfulness ; exaltation in rank or character :-- be accepted , dignity , excellency , highness , raise up self , rising . ~~7612
07613 ## s@'eth {seh-ayth'} ; from 05375 ; an elevation or leprous scab ; figuratively , elation or cheerfulness ; exaltation in rank or character :-- be accepted , dignity , excellency , highness , raise up self , rising . ~~7612
07615 ## Sh@ba'iy {sheb-aw-ee'} ; patronymic from 07614 ; a Shebaite or descendant of Sheba :-- Sabean . ~~7614
07618 ## sh@buw {sheb-oo'} ; from an unused root (probably identical with that of 07617 through the idea of subdivision into flashes or streamers [compare 07632 ] meaning to flame ; a gem (from its sparkle) , probably the agate :-- agate . ~~7618
07619 ## Sh@buw'el {sheb-oo-ale'} ; or Shuwba'el {shoo-baw-ale'} ; from 07617 (abbrev .) or 07725 and 00410 ; captive (or returned) of God ; Shebuel or Shubael , the name of two Israelites :-- Shebuel , Shubael . ~~7618
07619 ## Sh@buw'el {sheb-oo-ale'} ; or Shuwba'el {shoo-baw-ale'} ; from 07617 (abbrev .) or 07725 and 00410 ; captive (or returned) of God ; Shebuel or Shubael , the name of two Israelites :-- Shebuel , Shubael . ~~7618
07619 ## Sh@buw'el {sheb-oo-ale'} ; or Shuwba'el {shoo-baw-ale'} ; from 07617 (abbrev .) or 07725 and 00410 ; captive (or returned) of God ; Shebuel or Shubael , the name of two Israelites :-- Shebuel , Shubael . ~~7618
07619 ## Sh@buw'el {sheb-oo-ale'} ; or Shuwba'el {shoo-baw-ale'} ; from 07617 (abbrev .) or 07725 and 00410 ; captive (or returned) of God ; Shebuel or Shubael , the name of two Israelites :-- Shebuel , Shubael . ~~7618
07620 ## shabuwa` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; or shabua` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; also (feminine) sh@bu` ah {sheb-oo-aw'} ; properly , passive participle of 07650 as a denominative of 07651 ; literal , sevened , i . e . a week (specifically , of years) :-- seven , week . ~~7620
07622 ## sh@buwth {sheb-ooth'} ; or sh@biyth {sheb-eeth'} ; from 07617 ; exile , concretely , prisoners ; figuratively , a former state of prosperity :-- captive (- ity) . ~~7622
07626 ## shebet {shay'- bet} ; from an unused root probably meaning to branch off ; a scion , i . e . (literally) a stick (for punishing , writing , fighting , ruling , walking , etc .) or (figuratively) a clan :-- X correction , dart , rod , sceptre , staff , tribe . ~~7626
07628 ## sh@biy {sheb-ee'} ; from 07618 ; exiled ; captured ; as noun , exile (abstractly or concretely and collectively) ; by extension , booty :-- captive (- ity) , prisoners , X take away , that was taken . ~~7628
07633 ## shibyah {shib-yaw'} ; feminine of 07628 ; exile (abstractly or concretely and collectively) :-- captives (- ity) . ~~7632
07635 ## shabiyl {shaw-beel'} ; from the same as 07640 ; a track or passage-way (as if flowing along) :-- path . ~~7634
07637 ## sh@biy` iy {sheb-ee-ee'} ; or sh@bi` iy {sheb-ee-ee'} ; ordinal from 07657 ; seventh :-- seventh (time) . ~~7636
07641 ## shibbol {shib-bole} ; or (feminine) shibboleth {shib-bo'- leth} ; from the same as 07640 ; a stream (as flowing) ; also an ear of grain (as growing out) ; by analogy , a branch :-- branch , channel , ear (of corn) , ([water-]) flood , Shibboleth . Compare 05451 . ~~7640
07643 ## S@bam {seb-awm'} ; or (feminine) Sibmah {sib-maw'} ; probably from 01313 ; spice ; Sebam or Sibmah , a place in Moab :-- Shebam , Shibmah , Sibmah . ~~7642
07643 ## S@bam {seb-awm'} ; or (feminine) Sibmah {sib-maw'} ; probably from 01313 ; spice ; Sebam or Sibmah , a place in Moab :-- Shebam , Shibmah , Sibmah . ~~7642
07644 ## Shebna'{sheb-naw'} : or Shebnah {sheb-naw'} ; from an unused root meaning to grow ; growth ; Shebna or Shebnah , an Israelite :-- Shebna , Shebnah . ~~7644
07644 ## Shebna'{sheb-naw'} : or Shebnah {sheb-naw'} ; from an unused root meaning to grow ; growth ; Shebna or Shebnah , an Israelite :-- Shebna , Shebnah . ~~7644
07645 ## Sh@banyah {sheb-an-yaw'} ; or Sh@banyahuw {sheb-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from the same as 07644 and 03050 ; Jah has grown (i . e . prospered) ; Shebanjah , the name of three or four Israelites :-- Shebaniah . ~~7644
07645 ## Sh@banyah {sheb-an-yaw'} ; or Sh@banyahuw {sheb-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from the same as 07644 and 03050 ; Jah has grown (i . e . prospered) ; Shebanjah , the name of three or four Israelites :-- Shebaniah . ~~7644
07646 ## saba` {saw-bah'} ; or sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to sate , i . e . fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively) :-- have enough , fill (full , self , with) , be (to the) full (of) , have plenty of , be satiate , satisfy (with) , suffice , be weary of . ~~7646
07646 ## saba` {saw-bah'} ; or sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to sate , i . e . fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively) :-- have enough , fill (full , self , with) , be (to the) full (of) , have plenty of , be satiate , satisfy (with) , suffice , be weary of . ~~7646
07648 ## soba` {so'- bah} ; from 07646 ; satisfaction (of food or [figuratively ] joy) :-- fill , full (- ness) , satisfying , be satisfied . ~~7648
07649 ## sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; from 07646 ; satiated (in a pleasant or disagreeable sense) :-- full (of) , satisfied (with) . ~~7648
07651 ## sheba` {sheh'- bah} ; or (masculine) shib` ah {shib-aw'} ; from 07650 ; a primitive cardinal number ; seven (as the sacred full one) ; also (adverbially) seven times ; by implication , a week ; by extension , an indefinite number :-- (+ by) seven [-fold ] ,-s , [-teen ,-teenth ] ,-th , times) . Compare 07658 . ~~7650
07665 ## shabar {shaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to burst (literally or figuratively) :-- break (down , off , in pieces , up) , broken ([-hearted ]) , bring to the birth , crush , destroy , hurt , quench , X quite , tear , view [by mistake for 07663 ] . ~~7664
07667 ## sheber {sheh'- ber} ; or sheber {shay'- ber} ; from 07665 ; a fracture , figuratively , ruin ; specifically , a solution (of a dream) :-- affliction , breach , breaking , broken [-footed ,-handed ] , bruise , crashing , destruction , hurt , interpretation , vexation . ~~7666
07673 ## shabath {shaw-bath'} ; a primitive root ; to repose , i . e . desist from exertion ; used in many implied relations (causative , figurative or specific) :-- (cause to , let , make to) cease , celebrate , cause (make) to fail , keep (sabbath) , suffer to be lacking , leave , put away (down) , (make to) rest , rid , still , take away . ~~7672
07675 ## shebeth {sheh'- beth} ; infinitive of 03427 ; properly , session ; but used also concretely , an abode or locality :-- place , seat . Compare 03429 . ~~7674
07677 ## shabbathown {shab-baw-thone'} ; from 07676 ; a sabbatism or special holiday :-- rest , sabbath . ~~7676
07683 ## shagag {shaw-gag'} ; a primitive root ; to stray , i . e . (figuratively) sin (with more or less apology) :-- X also for that , deceived , err , go astray , sin ignorantly . ~~7682
07684 ## sh@gagah {sheg-aw-gaw'} ; from 07683 ; a mistake or inadvertent transgression :-- error , ignorance , at unawares ; unwittingly . ~~7684
07690 ## saggiy'(Aramaic) {sag-ghee'} ; corresponding to 07689 ; large (in size , quantity or number , also adverbial) :-- exceeding , great (- ly) ; many , much , sore , very . ~~7690
07692 ## shiggayown {shig-gaw-yone'} ; or shiggayonah {shig-gaw-yo-naw'} ; from 07686 ; properly , aberration , i . e . (technically) a dithyramb or rambling poem :-- Shiggaion , Shigionoth . ~~7692
07692 ## shiggayown {shig-gaw-yone'} ; or shiggayonah {shig-gaw-yo-naw'} ; from 07686 ; properly , aberration , i . e . (technically) a dithyramb or rambling poem :-- Shiggaion , Shigionoth . ~~7692
07699 ## shad {shad} ; or shod {shode} ; probably from 07736 (in its original sense) contracted ; the breast of a woman or animal (as bulging) :-- breast , pap , teat . ~~7698
07699 ## shad {shad} ; or shod {shode} ; probably from 07736 (in its original sense) contracted ; the breast of a woman or animal (as bulging) :-- breast , pap , teat . ~~7698
07701 ## shod {shode} ; or showd (Job 5 : 21) {shode} ; from 07736 ; violence , ravage :-- desolation , destruction , oppression , robbery , spoil (- ed ,-er ,-ing) , wasting . ~~7700
07704 ## sadeh {saw-deh'} ; or saday {saw-dah'- ee} ; from an unused root meaning to spread out ; a field (as flat) :-- country , field , ground , land , soil , X wild . ~~7704
07711 ## sh@dephah {shed-ay-faw'} ; or shiddaphown {shid-daw-fone'} ; from 07710 ; blight :-- blasted (- ing) . ~~7710
07716 ## seh {seh} ; or sey {say} ; probably from 07582 through the idea of pushing out to graze ; a member of a flock , i . e . a sheep or goat :-- (lesser , small) cattle , ewe , goat , lamb , sheep . Compare 02089 . ~~7716
07716 ## seh {seh} ; or sey {say} ; probably from 07582 through the idea of pushing out to graze ; a member of a flock , i . e . a sheep or goat :-- (lesser , small) cattle , ewe , goat , lamb , sheep . Compare 02089 . ~~7716
07722 ## show'{sho} ; or (feminine) show'ah {sho-aw'} ; or sho'ah {sho-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to rush over ; a tempest ; by implication , devastation :-- desolate (- ion) , destroy , destruction , storm , wasteness . ~~7722
07722 ## show'{sho} ; or (feminine) show'ah {sho-aw'} ; or sho'ah {sho-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to rush over ; a tempest ; by implication , devastation :-- desolate (- ion) , destroy , destruction , storm , wasteness . ~~7722
07723 ## shav'{shawv} ; or shav {shav} ; from the same as 07722 in the sense of desolating ; evil (as destructive) , literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile) ; figuratively idolatry (as false , subjective) , uselessness (as deceptive , objective ; also adverbially , in vain) :-- false (- ly) , lie , lying , vain , vanity . ~~7722
07723 ## shav'{shawv} ; or shav {shav} ; from the same as 07722 in the sense of desolating ; evil (as destructive) , literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile) ; figuratively idolatry (as false , subjective) , uselessness (as deceptive , objective ; also adverbially , in vain) :-- false (- ly) , lie , lying , vain , vanity . ~~7722
07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again :-- ([break , build , circumcise , dig , do anything , do evil , feed , lay down , lie down , lodge , make , rejoice , send , take , weep ]) X again , (cause to) answer (+ again) , X in any case (wise) , X at all , averse , bring (again , back , home again) , call [to mind ] , carry again (back) , cease , X certainly , come again (back) , X consider , + continually , convert , deliver (again) , + deny , draw back , fetch home again , X fro , get [oneself ] (back) again , X give (again) , go again (back , home) , [go ] out , hinder , let , [see ] more , X needs , be past , X pay , pervert , pull in again , put (again , up again) , recall , recompense , recover , refresh , relieve , render (again) , requite , rescue , restore , retrieve , (cause to , make to) return , reverse , reward , + say nay , ~~7724
07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again :-- ([break , build , circumcise , dig , do anything , do evil , feed , lay down , lie down , lodge , make , rejoice , send , take , weep ]) X again , (cause to) answer (+ again) , X in any case (wise) , X at all , averse , bring (again , back , home again) , call [to mind ] , carry again (back) , cease , X certainly , come again (back) , X consider , + continually , convert , deliver (again) , + deny , draw back , fetch home again , X fro , get [oneself ] (back) again , X give (again) , go again (back , home) , [go ] out , hinder , let , [see ] more , X needs , be past , X pay , pervert , pull in again , put (again , up again) , recall , recompense , recover , refresh , relieve , render (again) , requite , rescue , restore , retrieve , (cause to , make to) return , reverse , reward , + say nay , ~~7724
07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again :-- send back , set again , slide back , still , X surely , take back (off) , (cause to , make to) turn (again , self again , away , back , back again , backward , from , off) , withdraw . ~~7726
07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again :-- send back , set again , slide back , still , X surely , take back (off) , (cause to , make to) turn (again , self again , away , back , back again , backward , from , off) , withdraw . ~~7726
07728 ## showbeb {sho-babe'} ; from 07725 ; apostate , i . e . heathenish or (actually) heathen :-- backsliding . ~~7728
07743 ## shuwach {shoo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to sink , literally or figuratively :-- bow down , incline , humble . ~~7744
07747 ## Shuchiy {shoo-khee'} ; patronymic from 07744 ; a Shuchite or descendant of Shuach :-- Shuhite . ~~7748
07750 ## suwt {soot} ; or (by permutation) cuwt {soot} ; a primitive root ; to detrude , i . e . (intransitively and figuratively) become derelict (wrongly practise ; namely , idolatry) :-- turn aside to . ~~7750
07752 ## showt {shote} ; from 07751 ; a lash (literally or figuratively) :-- scourge , whip . ~~7752
07753 ## suwk {sook} ; a primitive root ; to entwine , i . e . shut in (for formation , protection or restraint) :-- fence , (make an) hedge (up) . ~~7754
07754 ## sowk {soke} ; or (feminine) sowkah {so-kaw'} ; from 07753 ; a branch (as interleaved) :-- bough . ~~7754
07755 ## Sowkoh {so-ko'} ; or Sokoh {so-ko'} ; or Sowkow {so-ko'} ; from 07753 ; Sokoh or Soko , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Shocho , Shochoh , Sochoh , Soco , Socoh . ~~7756
07755 ## Sowkoh {so-ko'} ; or Sokoh {so-ko'} ; or Sowkow {so-ko'} ; from 07753 ; Sokoh or Soko , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Shocho , Shochoh , Sochoh , Soco , Socoh . ~~7756
07755 ## Sowkoh {so-ko'} ; or Sokoh {so-ko'} ; or Sowkow {so-ko'} ; from 07753 ; Sokoh or Soko , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Shocho , Shochoh , Sochoh , Soco , Socoh . ~~7756
07756 ## Suwkathiy {soo-kaw-thee'} ; probably patronymic from a name corresponding to 07754 (feminine) ; a Sukathite or descendant of an unknown Israelite named Sukah :-- Suchathite . ~~7756
07758 ## showlal {sho-lawl'} ; or sheylal (Micah 1 : 8) {shay-lawl'} ; from 07997 ; nude (especially bare-foot) ; by implication , captive :-- spoiled , stripped . ~~7758
07760 ## suwm {soom} ; or siym {seem} ; a primitive root ; to put (used in a great variety of applications , literal , figurative , inferentially , and elliptically) :-- X any wise , appoint , bring , call [a name ] , care , cast in , change , charge , commit , consider , convey , determine , + disguise , dispose , do , get , give , heap up , hold , impute , lay (down , up) , leave , look , make (out) , mark , + name , X on , ordain , order , + paint , place , preserve , purpose , put (on) , + regard , rehearse , reward , (cause to) set (on , up) , shew , + stedfastly , take , X tell , + tread down , ([over-]) turn , X wholly , work . ~~7760
07763 ## Showmer {sho-mare'} ; or Shomer {sho-mare'} ; active participle of 08104 ; keeper ; Shomer , the name of two Israelites :-- Shomer . ~~7764
07765 ## Shuwniy {shoo-nee'} ; patronymic from 07764 ; a Shunite (collectively) or descendants of Shuni :-- Shunites . ~~7766
07767 ## Shuwnammiyth {shoo-nam-meeth'} ; patrial from 07766 ; a Shunammitess , or female inhabitant of Shunem :-- Shunamite . ~~7768
07776 ## shuw` al {shoo-awl'} ; or shu` al {shoo-awl'} ; from the same as 08168 ; a jackal (as a burrower) :-- fox . ~~7776
07778 ## show` er {sho-are'} ; or sho` er {sho-are'} : active participle of 08176 (as denominative from 08179) ; a janitor :-- doorkeeper , porter . ~~7778
07781 ## Shuwphamiy {shoo-faw-mee'} ; patronymic from 08197 ; a Shuphamite (collectively) or descendants of Shephupham :-- Shuphamite . ~~7782
07782 ## showphar {sho-far'} ; or shophar {sho-far'} ; from 08231 in the original sense of incising ; a cornet (as giving a clear sound) or curved horn :-- cornet , trumpet . ~~7782
07782 ## showphar {sho-far'} ; or shophar {sho-far'} ; from 08231 in the original sense of incising ; a cornet (as giving a clear sound) or curved horn :-- cornet , trumpet . ~~7782
07783 ## shuwq {shook} ; a primitive root ; to run after or over , i . e . overflow :-- overflow , water . ~~7784
07788 ## shuwr {shoor} ; a primitive root ; properly , to turn , i . e . travel about (as a harlot or a merchant) :-- go , singular See also 07891 . ~~7788
07797 ## suws {soos} ; or siys {sece} ; a primitive root ; to be bright , i . e . cheerful :-- be glad , X greatly , joy , make mirth , rejoice . ~~7798
07799 ## shuwshan {shoo-shan'} ; or showshan {sho-shawn'} ; or shoshan {sho-shawn'} ; and (feminine) showshannah {sho-shan-naw'} ; from 07797 ; a lily (from its whiteness) , as a flower of arch . ornament ; also a (straight) trumpet (from the tubular shape) :-- lily , Shoshannim . ~~7800
07799 ## shuwshan {shoo-shan'} ; or showshan {sho-shawn'} ; or shoshan {sho-shawn'} ; and (feminine) showshannah {sho-shan-naw'} ; from 07797 ; a lily (from its whiteness) , as a flower of arch . ornament ; also a (straight) trumpet (from the tubular shape) :-- lily , Shoshannim . ~~7800
07801 ## Shuwshankiy (Aramaic) {shoo-shan-kee'} ; of foreign origin ; a Shushankite (collectively) or inhabitants of some unknown place in Assyrian :-- Susanchites . ~~7802
07802 ## Shuwshan` Eduwth {shoo-shan'ay-dooth'} ; or (plural of former) Showshanniym` Eduwth {sho-shan-neem'ay-dooth'} ; from 07799 and 05715 ; lily (or trumpet) of assemblage ; Shushan-Eduth or Shoshannim-Eduth , the title of a popular song :-- Shoshannim-Eduth , Shushan-eduth . ~~7802
07802 ## Shuwshan` Eduwth {shoo-shan'ay-dooth'} ; or (plural of former) Showshanniym` Eduwth {sho-shan-neem'ay-dooth'} ; from 07799 and 05715 ; lily (or trumpet) of assemblage ; Shushan-Eduth or Shoshannim-Eduth , the title of a popular song :-- Shoshannim-Eduth , Shushan-eduth . ~~7802
07802 ## Shuwshan` Eduwth {shoo-shan'ay-dooth'} ; or (plural of former) Showshanniym` Eduwth {sho-shan-neem'ay-dooth'} ; from 07799 and 05715 ; lily (or trumpet) of assemblage ; Shushan-Eduth or Shoshannim-Eduth , the title of a popular song :-- Shoshannim-Eduth , Shushan-eduth . ~~7802
07810 ## shachad {shakh'- ad} ; from 07809 ; a donation (venal or redemptive) :-- bribe (- ry) , gift , present , reward . ~~7810
07812 ## shachah {shaw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to depress , i . e . prostrate (especially reflexive , in homage to royalty or God) :-- bow (self) down , crouch , fall down (flat) , humbly beseech , do (make) obeisance , do reverence , make to stoop , worship . ~~7812
07814 ## s@chowq {sekh-oke'} ; or s@choq {sekh-oke'} ; from 07832 ; laughter (in merriment or defiance) :-- derision , laughter (- ed to scorn ,-ing) , mocked , sport . ~~7814
07814 ## s@chowq {sekh-oke'} ; or s@choq {sekh-oke'} ; from 07832 ; laughter (in merriment or defiance) :-- derision , laughter (- ed to scorn ,-ing) , mocked , sport . ~~7814
07817 ## shachach {shaw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to sink or depress (reflexive or causative) :-- bend , bow (down) , bring (cast) down , couch , humble self , be (bring) low , stoop . ~~7818
07817 ## shachach {shaw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to sink or depress (reflexive or causative) :-- bend , bow (down) , bring (cast) down , couch , humble self , be (bring) low , stoop . ~~7818
07819 ## shachat {shaw-khat'} ; a primitive root ; to slaughter (in sacrifice or massacre) :-- kill , offer , shoot out , slay , slaughter . ~~7820
07823 ## shachiyc {shaw-khece'} ; or cachiysh {saw-kheesh'} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to sprout ; after-growth :-- (that) which springeth of the same . ~~7824
07825 ## sh@chiyth {shekh-eeth'} ; from 07812 ; a pit-fall (literally or figuratively) :-- destruction , pit . ~~7826
07827 ## sh@cheleth {shekh-ay'- leth} ; apparently from the same as 07826 through some obscure idea , perhaps that of peeling off by concussion of sound ; a scale or shell , i . e . the aromatic mussel . :-- onycha . ~~7828
07832 ## sachaq {saw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to laugh (in pleasure or detraction) ; by implication , to play :-- deride , have in derision , laugh , make merry , mock (- er) , play , rejoice , (laugh to) scorn , be in (make) sport . ~~7832
07833 ## shachaq {shaw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to comminate (by trituration or attrition) :-- beat , wear . ~~7834
07835 ## shachar {shaw-khar'} ; a primitive root [identical with 07836 through the idea of the duskiness of early dawn ] ; to be dim or dark (in color) :-- be black . ~~7836
07837 ## shachar {shakh'- ar} ; from 07836 ; dawn (literal , figurative or adverbial) :-- day (- spring) , early , light , morning , whence riseth . ~~7838
07838 ## shachor {shaw-khore'} ; or shachowr {shaw-khore'} ; from 07835 ; properly , dusky , but also (absol .) jetty :-- black . ~~7838
07843 ## shachath {shaw-khath'} ; a primitive root ; to decay , i . e . (causatively) ruin (literally or figuratively) :-- batter , cast off , corrupt (- er , thing) , destroy (- er ,-uction) , lose , mar , perish , spill , spoiler , X utterly , waste (- r) . ~~7844
07846 ## set {sayte} ; or cet {sayt} ; from 07750 ; a departure from right , i . e . sin :-- revolter , that turn aside . ~~7846
07858 ## sheteph {sheh'- tef} ; or sheteph {shay'- tef} ; from 07857 ; a deluge (literally or figuratively) :-- flood , outrageous , overflowing . ~~7858
07858 ## sheteph {sheh'- tef} ; or sheteph {shay'- tef} ; from 07857 ; a deluge (literally or figuratively) :-- flood , outrageous , overflowing . ~~7858
07860 ## shoter {sho-tare'} ; active participle of an otherwise unused root probably meaning to write ; properly , a scribe , i . e . (by analogy or implication) an official superintendent or magistrate :-- officer , overseer , ruler . ~~7860
07860 ## shoter {sho-tare'} ; active participle of an otherwise unused root probably meaning to write ; properly , a scribe , i . e . (by analogy or implication) an official superintendent or magistrate :-- officer , overseer , ruler . ~~7860
07878 ## siyach {see'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to ponder , i . e . (by implication) converse (with oneself , and hence , aloud) or (transitively) utter :-- commune , complain , declare , meditate , muse , pray , speak , talk (with) . ~~7878
07880 ## siyach {see'- akh} ; from 07878 ; a shoot (as if uttered or put forth) , i . e . (generally) shrubbery :-- bush , plant , shrub . ~~7880
07883 ## Shiychowr {shee-khore'} ; or Shichowr {shee-khore'} ; or Shichor {shee-khore'} ; probably from 07835 ; dark , i . e . turbid ; Shichor , a stream of Egypt :-- Shihor , Sihor . ~~7884
07883 ## Shiychowr {shee-khore'} ; or Shichowr {shee-khore'} ; or Shichor {shee-khore'} ; probably from 07835 ; dark , i . e . turbid ; Shichor , a stream of Egypt :-- Shihor , Sihor . ~~7884
07887 ## Shiyloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiylow {shee-lo'} ; or Shilow {shee-lo'} ; from the same as 07886 ; Shiloh , a place in Palestine :-- Shiloh . ~~7888
07887 ## Shiyloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiylow {shee-lo'} ; or Shilow {shee-lo'} ; from the same as 07886 ; Shiloh , a place in Palestine :-- Shiloh . ~~7888
07887 ## Shiyloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiylow {shee-lo'} ; or Shilow {shee-lo'} ; from the same as 07886 ; Shiloh , a place in Palestine :-- Shiloh . ~~7888
07888 ## Shiylowniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiyloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; from 07887 ; a Shilonite or inhabitant of Shiloh :-- Shilonite . ~~7888
07888 ## Shiylowniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiyloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; from 07887 ; a Shilonite or inhabitant of Shiloh :-- Shilonite . ~~7888
07888 ## Shiylowniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiyloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; or Shiloniy {shee-lo-nee'} ; from 07887 ; a Shilonite or inhabitant of Shiloh :-- Shilonite . ~~7888
07891 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or (the original form) shuwr (1 Sam . 18 : 6) {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy ] ; to sing :-- behold [by mistake for 07789 ] , sing (- er ,-ing man ,-ing woman) . ~~7892
07892 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or feminine shiyrah {shee-raw'} ; from 07891 ; a song ; abstractly , singing :-- musical (- ick) , X sing (- er ,-ing) , song . ~~7892
07895 ## Shiyshaq {shee-shak'} ; or Shuwshaq {shoo-shak'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Shishak , an Egyptian king :-- Shishak . ~~7896
07898 ## shayith {shah'- yith} ; from 07896 ; scrub or trash , i . e . wild growth of weeds or briers (as if put on the field) :-- thorns . ~~7898
07898 ## shayith {shah'- yith} ; from 07896 ; scrub or trash , i . e . wild growth of weeds or briers (as if put on the field) :-- thorns . ~~7898
07901 ## shakab {shaw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to lie down (for rest , sexual connection , decease or any other purpose) :-- X at all , cast down , ([lover-]) lay (self) (down) , (make to) lie (down , down to sleep , still with) , lodge , ravish , take rest , sleep , stay . ~~7902
07902 ## sh@kabah {shek-aw-baw'} ; from 07901 ; a lying down (of dew , or for the sexual act) :-- X carnally , copulation , X lay , seed . ~~7902
07909 ## shakkuwl {shak-kool'} ; or shakkul {shak-kool'} ; from 07921 ; bereaved :-- barren , bereaved (robbed) of children (whelps) . ~~7910
07910 ## shikkowr {shik-kore'} ; or shikkor {shik-kore'} ; from 07937 ; intoxicated , as a state or a habit :-- drunk (- ard ,-en ,-en man) . ~~7910
07910 ## shikkowr {shik-kore'} ; or shikkor {shik-kore'} ; from 07937 ; intoxicated , as a state or a habit :-- drunk (- ard ,-en ,-en man) . ~~7910
07911 ## shakach {shaw-kakh'} ; or shakeach {shaw-kay'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to mislay , i . e . to be oblivious of , from want of memory or attention :-- X at all , (cause to) forget . ~~7912
07911 ## shakach {shaw-kakh'} ; or shakeach {shaw-kay'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to mislay , i . e . to be oblivious of , from want of memory or attention :-- X at all , (cause to) forget . ~~7912
07912 ## sh@kach (Aramaic) {shek-akh'} ; corresponding to 07911 through the idea of disclosure of a covered or forgotten thing ; to discover (literally or figuratively) :-- find . ~~7912
07912 ## sh@kach (Aramaic) {shek-akh'} ; corresponding to 07911 through the idea of disclosure of a covered or forgotten thing ; to discover (literally or figuratively) :-- find . ~~7912
07915 ## sakkiyn {sak-keen'} ; intensive perhaps from the same as 07906 in the sense of 07753 ; a knife (as pointed or edged) :-- knife . ~~7916
07916 ## sakiyr {saw-keer'} ; from 07936 ; a man at wages by the day or year :-- hired (man , servant) , hireling . ~~7916
07919 ## sakal {saw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make or act) circumspect and hence , intelligent :-- consider , expert , instruct , prosper , (deal) prudent (- ly) , (give) skill (- ful) , have good success , teach , (have , make to) understand (- ing) , wisdom , (be , behave self , consider , make) wise (- ly) , guide wittingly . ~~7920
07921 ## shakol {shaw-kole'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to miscarry , i . e . suffer abortion ; by analogy , to bereave (literally or figuratively) :-- bereave (of children) , barren , cast calf (fruit , young) , be (make) childless , deprive , destroy , X expect , lose children , miscarry , rob of children , spoil . ~~7922
07922 ## sekel {seh'- kel} ; or sekel {say'- kel} ; from 07919 ; intelligence ; by implication , success :-- discretion , knowledge , policy , prudence , sense , understanding , wisdom , wise . ~~7922
07925 ## shakam {shaw-kam'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to incline (the shoulder to a burden) ; but used only as denominative from 07926 ; literally , to load up (on the back of man or beast) , i . e . to start early in the morning :-- (arise , be up , get [oneself ] up , rise up) early (betimes) , morning . ~~7926
07930 ## Shikmiy {shik-mee'} ; patronymic from 07928 ; a Shikmite (collectively) , or descendants of Shekem :-- Shichemites . ~~7930
07931 ## shakan {shaw-kan'} ; a primitive root [apparently akin (by transmission) to 07901 through the idea of lodging ; compare 05531 , 07925 ] ; to reside or permanently stay (literally or figuratively) :-- abide , continue , (cause to , make to) dwell (- er) , have habitation , inhabit , lay , place , (cause to) remain , rest , set (up) . ~~7932
07931 ## shakan {shaw-kan'} ; a primitive root [apparently akin (by transmission) to 07901 through the idea of lodging ; compare 05531 , 07925 ] ; to reside or permanently stay (literally or figuratively) :-- abide , continue , (cause to , make to) dwell (- er) , have habitation , inhabit , lay , place , (cause to) remain , rest , set (up) . ~~7932
07935 ## Sh@kanyah {shek-an-yaw'} ; or (prol .) Sh@kanyahuw {shek-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07931 and 03050 ; Jah has dwelt ; Shekanjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Shecaniah , Shechaniah . ~~7936
07936 ## sakar {saw-kar'} ; or (by permutation) cakar (Ezra 4 : 5) {saw-kar'} ; a primitive root [apparently akin (by prosthesis) to 03739 through the idea of temporary purchase ; compare 07937 ] ; to hire :-- earn wages , hire (out self) , reward , X surely . ~~7936
07937 ## shakar {shaw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to become tipsy ; in a qualified sense , to satiate with a stimulating drink or (figuratively) influence :-- (be filled with) drink (abundantly) , (be , make) drunk (- en) , be merry . [Superlative of 08248 . ] ~~7938
07948 ## shalab {shaw-lawb'} ; from 07947 ; a spacer or raised interval , i . e . the stile in a frame or panel :-- ledge . ~~7948
07948 ## shalab {shaw-lawb'} ; from 07947 ; a spacer or raised interval , i . e . the stile in a frame or panel :-- ledge . ~~7948
07951 ## shalah {shaw-law'} ; or shalav (Job 3 : 26) {shaw-lav'} ; a primitive root ; to be tranquil , i . e . secure or successful :-- be happy , prosper , be in safety . ~~7952
07951 ## shalah {shaw-law'} ; or shalav (Job 3 : 26) {shaw-lav'} ; a primitive root ; to be tranquil , i . e . secure or successful :-- be happy , prosper , be in safety . ~~7952
07953 ## shalah {shaw-law'} ; a primitive root [rather cognate (by contraction) to the base of 05394 , 07997 and their congeners through the idea of extracting ] ; to draw out or off , i . e . remove (the soul by death) :-- take away . ~~7954
07958 ## s@lav {sel-awv'} ; or s@layv {sel-awv'} ; by orthographical variation from 07951 through the idea of sluggishness ; the quail collectively (as slow in flight from its weight) :-- quails . ~~7958
07960 ## shaluw (Aramaic) {shaw-loo'} ; or shaluwth (Aramaic) {shaw-looth'} ; from the same as 07955 ; a fault :-- error , X fail , thing amiss . ~~7960
07961 ## shalev {shaw-lave'} ; or shaleyv {shaw-lave'} ; feminine sh@levah {shel-ay-vaw'} ; from 07951 ; tranquil ; (in a bad sense) careless ; abstractly , security :-- (being) at ease , peaceable , (in) prosper (- ity) , quiet (- ness) , wealthy . ~~7962
07962 ## shalvah {shal-vaw'} ; from 07951 ; security (genuine or false) :-- abundance , peace (- ably) , prosperity , quietness . ~~7962
07964 ## shilluwach {shil-loo'- akh} ; or shilluach {shil-loo'- akh} ; from 07971 ; (only in plural) a dismissal , i . e . (of a wife) divorce (especially the document) ; also (of a daughter) dower :-- presents , have sent back . ~~7964
07965 ## shalowm {shaw-lome'} ; or shalom {shaw-lome'} ; from 07999 ; safe , i . e . (figuratively) well , happy , friendly ; also (abstractly) welfare , i . e . health , prosperity , peace :-- X do , familiar , X fare , favour , + friend , X great , (good) health , (X perfect , such as be at) peace (- able ,-ably) , prosper (- ity ,-ous) , rest , safe (- ty) , salute , welfare , (X all is , be) well , X wholly . ~~7966
07966 ## shilluwm {shil-loom'} ; or shillum {shil-loom'} ; from 07999 ; a requital , i . e . (secure) retribution , (venal) a fee :-- recompense , reward . ~~7966
07967 ## Shalluwm {shal-loom'} ; or (shorter) Shallum {shal-loom'} ; the same as 07966 ; Shallum , the name of fourteen Israelites :-- Shallum . ~~7968
07969 ## shalowsh {shaw-loshe'} ; or shalosh {shaw-loshe'} ; masculine sh@lowshah {shel-o-shaw'} ; or sh@loshah {shel-o-shaw'} ; a primitive number ; three ; occasionally (ordinal) third , or (multipl .) thrice :-- + fork , + often [-times ] , third , thir [-teen ,-teenth ] , three , + thrice . Compare 07991 . ~~7970
07969 ## shalowsh {shaw-loshe'} ; or shalosh {shaw-loshe'} ; masculine sh@lowshah {shel-o-shaw'} ; or sh@loshah {shel-o-shaw'} ; a primitive number ; three ; occasionally (ordinal) third , or (multipl .) thrice :-- + fork , + often [-times ] , third , thir [-teen ,-teenth ] , three , + thrice . Compare 07991 . ~~7970
07969 ## shalowsh {shaw-loshe'} ; or shalosh {shaw-loshe'} ; masculine sh@lowshah {shel-o-shaw'} ; or sh@loshah {shel-o-shaw'} ; a primitive number ; three ; occasionally (ordinal) third , or (multipl .) thrice :-- + fork , + often [-times ] , third , thir [-teen ,-teenth ] , three , + thrice . Compare 07991 . ~~7970
07970 ## sh@lowshiym {shel-o-sheem'} ; or sh@loshiym {shel-o-sheem'} ; multiple of 07969 ; thirty ; or (ordinal) thirtieth :-- thirty , thirtieth . Compare 07991 . ~~7970
07970 ## sh@lowshiym {shel-o-sheem'} ; or sh@loshiym {shel-o-sheem'} ; multiple of 07969 ; thirty ; or (ordinal) thirtieth :-- thirty , thirtieth . Compare 07991 . ~~7970
07971 ## shalach {shaw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; to send away , for , or out (in a great variety of applications) :-- X any wise , appoint , bring (on the way) , cast (away , out) , conduct , X earnestly , forsake , give (up) , grow long , lay , leave , let depart (down , go , loose) , push away , put (away , forth , in , out) , reach forth , send (away , forth , out) , set , shoot (forth , out) , sow , spread , stretch forth (out) . ~~7972
07975 ## Shiloach {shee-lo'- akh} ; or (in imitation of 07974) Shelach (Neh . 3 : 15) {sheh'- lakh} ; from 07971 ; rill ; Shiloach , a fountain of Jerusalem :-- Shiloah , Siloah . ~~7976
07978 ## Shilchiym {shil-kheem'} ; plural of 07973 ; javelins or sprouts ; Shilchim , a place in Palestine :-- Shilhim . ~~7978
07984 ## shiltown (Aramaic) {shil-tone'} ; or shilton {shil-tone'} ; corresponding to 07983 :-- ruler . ~~7984
07985 ## sholtan (Aramaic) {shol-tawn'} ; from 07981 ; empire (abstractly or concretely) :-- dominion . ~~7986
07988 ## shilyah {shil-yaw'} ; feminine from 07953 ; a fetus or babe (as extruded in birth) :-- young one . ~~7988
07989 ## shalliyt {shal-leet'} ; from 07980 ; potent ; concretely , a prince or warrior :-- governor , mighty , that hath power , ruler . ~~7990
07991 ## shaliysh {shaw-leesh'} ; or shalowsh (1 Chron . 11 : 11 ; 12 : 18) {shaw-loshe'} ; or shalosh (2 Sam . 23 : 13) {shaw-loshe'} ; from 07969 ; a triple , i . e . (as a musical instrument) a triangle (or perhaps rather three-stringed lute) ; also (as an indefinite , great quantity) a three-fold measure (perhaps a treble ephah) ; also (as an officer) a general of the third rank (upward , i . e . the highest) :-- captain , instrument of musick , (great) lord , (great) measure , prince , three [from the margin ] . ~~7992
07991 ## shaliysh {shaw-leesh'} ; or shalowsh (1 Chron . 11 : 11 ; 12 : 18) {shaw-loshe'} ; or shalosh (2 Sam . 23 : 13) {shaw-loshe'} ; from 07969 ; a triple , i . e . (as a musical instrument) a triangle (or perhaps rather three-stringed lute) ; also (as an indefinite , great quantity) a three-fold measure (perhaps a treble ephah) ; also (as an officer) a general of the third rank (upward , i . e . the highest) :-- captain , instrument of musick , (great) lord , (great) measure , prince , three [from the margin ] . ~~7992
07991 ## shaliysh {shaw-leesh'} ; or shalowsh (1 Chron . 11 : 11 ; 12 : 18) {shaw-loshe'} ; or shalosh (2 Sam . 23 : 13) {shaw-loshe'} ; from 07969 ; a triple , i . e . (as a musical instrument) a triangle (or perhaps rather three-stringed lute) ; also (as an indefinite , great quantity) a three-fold measure (perhaps a treble ephah) ; also (as an officer) a general of the third rank (upward , i . e . the highest) :-- captain , instrument of musick , (great) lord , (great) measure , prince , three [from the margin ] . ~~7992
07992 ## sh@liyshiy {shel-ee-shee'} ; ordinal from 07969 ; third ; feminine a third (part) ; by extension , a third (day , year or time) ; specifically , a third-story cell) :-- third (part , rank , time) , three (years old) . ~~7992
07993 ## shalak {shaw-lak} ; a primitive root ; to throw out , down or away (literally or figuratively) :-- adventure , cast (away , down , forth , off , out) , hurl , pluck , throw . ~~7994
07993 ## shalak {shaw-lak} ; a primitive root ; to throw out , down or away (literally or figuratively) :-- adventure , cast (away , down , forth , off , out) , hurl , pluck , throw . ~~7994
07997 ## shalal {shaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to drop or strip ; by implication , to plunder :-- let fall , make self a prey , X of purpose , (make a , [take ]) spoil . ~~7998
07999 ## shalam {shaw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to be safe (in mind , body or estate) ; figuratively , to be (causatively , make) completed ; by implication , to be friendly ; by extension , to reciprocate (in various applications) :-- make amends , (make an) end , finish , full , give again , make good , (re-) pay (again) , (make) (to) (be at) peace (- able) , that is perfect , perform , (make) prosper (- ous) , recompense , render , requite , make restitution , restore , reward , X surely . ~~8000
08003 ## shalem {shaw-lame'} ; from 07999 ; complete (literally or figuratively) ; especially friendly :-- full , just , made ready , peaceable , perfect (- ed) , quiet , Shalem [by mistake for a name ] , whole . ~~8004
08016 ## Shillemiy {shil-lay-mee'} ; patronymically from 08006 ; a Shilemite (collectively) or descendants of Shillem :-- Shillemites . ~~8016
08018 ## Shelemyah {shel-em-yaw'} ; or Shelemyahuw {shel-em-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08002 and 03050 ; thank-offering of Jah ; Shelemjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Shelemiah . ~~8018
08019 ## Sh@lomiyth {shel-o-meeth'} ; or Sh@lowmiyth (Ezra 8 : 10) {shel-o-meeth'} ; from 07965 ; peaceableness ; Shelomith , the name of five Israelites and three Israelitesses :-- Shelomith . ~~8020
08024 ## Shelaniy {shay-law-nee'} ; from 07956 ; a Shelanite (collectively) , or descendants of Shelah :-- Shelanites . ~~8024
08025 ## shalaph {saw-laf'} ; a primitive root ; to pull out , up or off :-- draw (off) , grow up , pluck off . ~~8026
08027 ## shalash {shaw-lash'} ; a primitive root perhaps originally to intensify , i . e . treble ; but apparently used only as denominative from 07969 , to be (causatively , make) triplicate (by restoration , in portions , strands , days or years) :-- do the third time , (divide into , stay) three (days ,-fold , parts , years old) . ~~8028
08032 ## shilshowm {shil-shome'} ; or shilshom {shil-shome'} ; from the same as 08028 ; trebly , i . e . (in time) day before yesterday :-- + before (that time ,-time) , excellent things [from the margin ] , + heretofore , three days , + time past . ~~8032
08033 ## sham {shawm} ; a primitive particle [rather from the relative pronoun , 00834 ] ; there (transferring to time) then ; often thither , or thence :-- in it , + thence , there (- in , + of , + out) , + thither , + whither . ~~8034
08034 ## shem {shame} ; a primitive word [perhaps rather from 07760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position ; compare 08064 ] ; an appellation , as a mark or memorial of individuality ; by implication honor , authority , character :-- + base , [in-] fame [-ous ] , named (- d) , renown , report . ~~8034
08040 ## s@mo'wl {sem-ole'} ; or s@mo'l {sem-ole'} ; a primitive word [rather perhaps from the same as 08071 (by insertion of the aleph) through the idea of wrapping up ] ; properly , dark (as enveloped) , i . e . the north ; hence (by orientation) , the left hand :-- left (hand , side) . ~~8040
08041 ## sama'l {saw-mal'} ; a primitive root [denominative from 08040 ] ; to use the left hand or pass in that direction) :-- (go , turn) (on the , to the) left . ~~8042
08055 ## samach {saw-makh'} ; a primitive root ; probably to brighten up , i . e . (figuratively) be (causatively , make) blithe or gleesome :-- cheer up , be (make) glad , (have , make) joy (- ful) , be (make) merry , (cause to , make to) rejoice , X very . ~~8056
08056 ## sameach {saw-may'- akh} ; from 08055 ; blithe or gleeful :-- (be) glad , joyful , (making) merry ([-hearted ] ,-ily) , rejoice (- ing) . ~~8056
08057 ## simchah {sim-khaw'} ; from 08056 ; blithesomeness or glee , (religious or festival) :-- X exceeding (- ly) , gladness , joy (- fulness) , mirth , pleasure , rejoice (- ing) . ~~8058
08057 ## simchah {sim-khaw'} ; from 08056 ; blithesomeness or glee , (religious or festival) :-- X exceeding (- ly) , gladness , joy (- fulness) , mirth , pleasure , rejoice (- ing) . ~~8058
08059 ## sh@mittah {shem-it-taw'} ; from 08058 ; remission (of debt) or suspension of labor) :-- release . ~~8060
08062 ## Sh@miyda` iy {shem-ee-daw-ee'} ; patronymically from 08061 ; a Shemidaite (collectively) or descendants of Shemida :-- Shemidaites . ~~8062
08070 ## Sh@miyramowth {shem-ee-raw-moth'} ; or Sh@mariymowth {shem-aw-ree-moth'} ; probably from 08034 and plural of 07413 ; name of heights ; Shemiramoth , the name of two Israelites :-- Shemiramoth . ~~8070
08074 ## shamem {shaw-mame'} ; a primitive root ; to stun (or intransitively , grow numb) , i . e . devastate or (figuratively) stupefy (both usually in a passive sense) :-- make amazed , be astonied , (be an) astonish (- ment) , (be , bring into , unto , lay , lie , make) desolate (- ion , places) , be destitute , destroy (self) , (lay , lie , make) waste , wonder . ~~8074
08074 ## shamem {shaw-mame'} ; a primitive root ; to stun (or intransitively , grow numb) , i . e . devastate or (figuratively) stupefy (both usually in a passive sense) :-- make amazed , be astonied , (be an) astonish (- ment) , (be , bring into , unto , lay , lie , make) desolate (- ion , places) , be destitute , destroy (self) , (lay , lie , make) waste , wonder . ~~8074
08077 ## sh@mamah {shem-aw-maw'} ; or shimamah {shee-mam-aw'} ; feminine of 08076 ; devastation ; figuratively , astonishment :-- (laid , X most) desolate (- ion) , waste . ~~8078
08080 ## shaman {shaw-man'} ; a primitive root ; to shine , i . e . (by analogy) be (causatively , make) oily or gross :-- become (make , wax) fat . ~~8080
08083 ## sh@moneh {shem-o-neh'} ; or sh@mowneh {shem-o-neh'} ; feminine sh@monah {shem-o-naw'} ; or sh@mownah {shem-o-naw'} ; apparently from 08082 through the idea of plumpness ; a cardinal number , eight (as if a surplus above the " perfect " seven) ; also (as ordinal) eighth :-- eight ([-een ,-eenth ]) , eighth . ~~8084
08083 ## sh@moneh {shem-o-neh'} ; or sh@mowneh {shem-o-neh'} ; feminine sh@monah {shem-o-naw'} ; or sh@mownah {shem-o-naw'} ; apparently from 08082 through the idea of plumpness ; a cardinal number , eight (as if a surplus above the " perfect " seven) ; also (as ordinal) eighth :-- eight ([-een ,-eenth ]) , eighth . ~~8084
08084 ## sh@moniym {shem-o-neem'} ; or sh@mowniym {shem-o-neem'} ; mult . from 08083 ; eighty , also eightieth :-- eighty (- ieth) , fourscore . ~~8084
08097 ## Shim` iy {shim-ee'} ; patronymically from 08096 ; a Shimite (collectively) or descendants of Shimi :-- of Shimi , Shimites . ~~8098
08098 ## Sh@ma` yah {shem-aw-yaw'} ; or Sh@ma` yahuw {shem-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08085 and 03050 ; Jah has heard ; Shemajah , the name of twenty-five Israelites :-- Shemaiah . ~~8098
08099 ## Shim` oniy {shim-o-nee'} ; patronymically from 08095 ; a Shimonite (collectively) or descendants of Shimon :-- tribe of Simeon , Simeonites . ~~8100
08101 ## Shim` athiy {shim-aw-thee'} ; patronymically from 08093 ; a Shimathite (collectively) or descendants of Shimah :-- Shimeathites . ~~8102
08114 ## Sh@maryah {shem-ar-yaw'} ; or Sh@maryahuw {shem-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08104 and 03050 ; Jah has guarded ; Shemarjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Shamariah , Shemariah . ~~8114
08117 ## Shimroniy {shim-ro-nee'} ; patronymically from 08110 ; a Shimronite (collectively) or descendants of Shimron :-- Shimronites . ~~8118
08118 ## Shom@roniy {sho-mer-o-nee'} ; patrial from 08111 ; a Shomeronite (collectively) or inhabitants of Shomeron :-- Samaritans . ~~8118
08126 ## Shumathiy {shoo-maw-thee'} ; patronymically from an unused name from 07762 probably meaning garlic-smell ; a Shumathite (collectively) or descendants of Shumah :-- Shumathites . ~~8126
08138 ## shanah {shaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to fold , i . e . duplicate (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to transmute (transitive or intransitive) :-- do (speak , strike) again , alter , double , (be given to) change , disguise , (be) diverse , pervert , prefer , repeat , return , do the second time . ~~8138
08138 ## shanah {shaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to fold , i . e . duplicate (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to transmute (transitive or intransitive) :-- do (speak , strike) again , alter , double , (be given to) change , disguise , (be) diverse , pervert , prefer , repeat , return , do the second time . ~~8138
08141 ## shaneh (in plural only) , {shaw-neh'} ; or (feminine) shanah {shaw-naw'} ; from 08138 ; a year (as a revolution of time) :-- + whole age , X long , + old , year (X-ly) . ~~8142
08142 ## shehah {shay-naw'} ; or shena'(Psa . 00127 : 2) {shay-naw'} ; from 03462 ; sleep :-- sleep . ~~8142
08144 ## shaniy {shaw-nee'} ; of uncertain derivation ; crimson , properly , the insect or its color , also stuff dyed with it :-- crimson , scarlet (thread) . ~~8144
08149 ## Sh@niyr {shen-eer'} ; or S@niyr {sen-eer'} ; from an unused root meaning to be pointed ; peak ; Shenir or Senir , a summit of Lebanon :-- Senir , Shenir . ~~8150
08149 ## Sh@niyr {shen-eer'} ; or S@niyr {sen-eer'} ; from an unused root meaning to be pointed ; peak ; Shenir or Senir , a summit of Lebanon :-- Senir , Shenir . ~~8150
08150 ## shanan {shaw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to point (transitive or intransitive) ; intensively , to pierce ; figuratively , to inculcate :-- prick , sharp (- en) , teach diligently , whet . ~~8150
08154 ## shacah {shaw-saw'} ; or shasah (Isa . 10 : 13) {shaw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to plunder :-- destroyer , rob , spoil (- er) . ~~8154
08156 ## shaca` {shaw-sah'} ; a primitive root ; to split or tear ; figuratively , to upbraid :-- cleave , (be) cloven ([footed ]) , rend , stay . ~~8156
08159 ## sha` ah {shaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to gaze at or about (properly , for help) ; by implication , to inspect , consider , compassionate , be nonplussed (as looking around in amazement) or bewildered :-- depart , be dim , be dismayed , look (away) , regard , have respect , spare , turn . ~~8160
08159 ## sha` ah {shaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to gaze at or about (properly , for help) ; by implication , to inspect , consider , compassionate , be nonplussed (as looking around in amazement) or bewildered :-- depart , be dim , be dismayed , look (away) , regard , have respect , spare , turn . ~~8160
08163 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; or sa` ir {saw-eer'} ; from 08175 ; shaggy ; as noun , a he-goat ; by analogy , a faun :-- devil , goat , hairy , kid , rough , satyr . ~~8164
08169 ## Sha` albiym {shah-al-beem'} ; or Sha` alabbiyn {shah-al-ab-been'} ; plural from 07776 ; fox-holes ; Shaalbim or Shaalabbin , a place in Palestine :-- Shaalabbin , Shaalbim . ~~8170
08169 ## Sha` albiym {shah-al-beem'} ; or Sha` alabbiyn {shah-al-ab-been'} ; plural from 07776 ; fox-holes ; Shaalbim or Shaalabbin , a place in Palestine :-- Shaalabbin , Shaalbim . ~~8170
08170 ## Sha` alboniy {shah-al-bo-nee'} ; patrial from 08169 ; a Shaalbonite or inhabitant of Shaalbin :-- Shaalbonite . ~~8170
08173 ## sha` a` {shaw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; (in a good acceptation) to look upon (with complacency) , i . e . fondle , please or amuse (self) ; (in a bad one) to look about (in dismay) , i . e . stare :-- cry (out) [by confusion with 07768 ] , dandle , delight (self) , play , shut . ~~8174
08176 ## sha` ar {shaw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to split or open , i . e . (literally , but only as denominative from 08179) to act as gate-keeper (see 07778) : (figuratively) to estimate :-- think . ~~8176
08179 ## sha` ar {shah'- ar} ; from 08176 in its original sense ; an opening , i . e . door or gate :-- city , door , gate , port (X-er) . ~~8180
08181 ## se` ar {say-awr'} ; or sa` ar (Isaiah 7 : 20) {sah'- ar} ; from 08175 in the sense of dishevelling ; hair (as if tossed or bristling) :-- hair (- y) , X rough . ~~8182
08181 ## se` ar {say-awr'} ; or sa` ar (Isaiah 7 : 20) {sah'- ar} ; from 08175 in the sense of dishevelling ; hair (as if tossed or bristling) :-- hair (- y) , X rough . ~~8182
08182 ## sho` ar {sho-awr'} ; from 08176 ; harsh or horrid , i . e . offensive :-- vile . ~~8182
08184 ## s@` orah {seh-o-raw'} ; or s@` owrah {seh-o-raw'} (feminine meaning the plant) ; and (masculine meaning the grain) ; also s@` or {seh-ore'} ; or s@` owr {seh-ore'} ; from 08175 in the sense of roughness ; barley (as villose) :-- barley . ~~8184
08184 ## s@` orah {seh-o-raw'} ; or s@` owrah {seh-o-raw'} (feminine meaning the plant) ; and (masculine meaning the grain) ; also s@` or {seh-ore'} ; or s@` owr {seh-ore'} ; from 08175 in the sense of roughness ; barley (as villose) :-- barley . ~~8184
08184 ## s@` orah {seh-o-raw'} ; or s@` owrah {seh-o-raw'} (feminine meaning the plant) ; and (masculine meaning the grain) ; also s@` or {seh-ore'} ; or s@` owr {seh-ore'} ; from 08175 in the sense of roughness ; barley (as villose) :-- barley . ~~8184
08186 ## sha` aruwrah {shah-ar-oo-raw'} ; or sha` ariyriyah {shah-ar-ee-ree-yaw'} ; or sha` arurith {shah-ar-oo-reeth'} ; feminine from 08176 in the sense of 08175 ; something fearful :-- horrible thing . ~~8186
08186 ## sha` aruwrah {shah-ar-oo-raw'} ; or sha` ariyriyah {shah-ar-ee-ree-yaw'} ; or sha` arurith {shah-ar-oo-reeth'} ; feminine from 08176 in the sense of 08175 ; something fearful :-- horrible thing . ~~8186
08193 ## saphah {saw-faw'} ; or (in dual and plural) sepheth {sef-eth'} ; probably from 05595 or 08192 through the idea of termination (compare 05490) ; the lip (as a natural boundary) ; by implication , language ; by analogy , a margin (of a vessel , water , cloth , etc .) :-- band , bank , binding , border , brim , brink , edge , language , lip , prating , ([sea-]) shore , side , speech , talk , [vain ] words . ~~8194
08193 ## saphah {saw-faw'} ; or (in dual and plural) sepheth {sef-eth'} ; probably from 05595 or 08192 through the idea of termination (compare 05490) ; the lip (as a natural boundary) ; by implication , language ; by analogy , a margin (of a vessel , water , cloth , etc .) :-- band , bank , binding , border , brim , brink , edge , language , lip , prating , ([sea-]) shore , side , speech , talk , [vain ] words . ~~8194
08195 ## Sh@phow {shef-o'} ; or Sh@phiy {shef-ee'} ; from 08192 ; baldness [compare 08205 ] ; Shepho or Shephi , an Idumaean :-- Shephi , Shepho . ~~8196
08195 ## Sh@phow {shef-o'} ; or Sh@phiy {shef-ee'} ; from 08192 ; baldness [compare 08205 ] ; Shepho or Shephi , an Idumaean :-- Shephi , Shepho . ~~8196
08196 ## sh@phowt {shef-ote'} ; or sh@phuwt {shef-oot'} ; from 08199 ; a judicial sentence , i . e . punishment :-- judgment . ~~8196
08197 ## Sh@phuwpham {shef-oo-fawm'} ; or Sh@phuwphan {shef-oo-fawn'} ; from the same as 08207 ; serpent-like ; Shephupham or Shephuphan , an Israelite :-- Shephuphan , Shupham . ~~8198
08197 ## Sh@phuwpham {shef-oo-fawm'} ; or Sh@phuwphan {shef-oo-fawn'} ; from the same as 08207 ; serpent-like ; Shephupham or Shephuphan , an Israelite :-- Shephuphan , Shupham . ~~8198
08199 ## shaphat {shaw-fat'} ; a primitive root ; to judge , i . e . pronounce sentence (for or against) ; by implication , to vindicate or punish ; by extenssion , to govern ; passively , to litigate (literally or figuratively) :-- + avenge , X that condemn , contend , defend , execute (judgment) , (be a) judge (- ment) , X needs , plead , reason , rule . ~~8200
08199 ## shaphat {shaw-fat'} ; a primitive root ; to judge , i . e . pronounce sentence (for or against) ; by implication , to vindicate or punish ; by extenssion , to govern ; passively , to litigate (literally or figuratively) :-- + avenge , X that condemn , contend , defend , execute (judgment) , (be a) judge (- ment) , X needs , plead , reason , rule . ~~8200
08199 ## shaphat {shaw-fat'} ; a primitive root ; to judge , i . e . pronounce sentence (for or against) ; by implication , to vindicate or punish ; by extenssion , to govern ; passively , to litigate (literally or figuratively) :-- + avenge , X that condemn , contend , defend , execute (judgment) , (be a) judge (- ment) , X needs , plead , reason , rule . ~~8200
08203 ## Sh@phatyah {shef-at-yaw'} ; or Sh@phatyahuw {shef-at-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08199 and 03050 ; Jah has judged ; Shephatjah , the name of ten Israelites :-- Shephatiah . ~~8204
08205 ## sh@phiy {shef-ee'} ; from 08192 ; bareness ; concretely , a bare hill or plain :-- high place , stick out . ~~8206
08207 ## sh@phiyphon {shef-ee-fone'} ; from an unused root meaning the same as 07779 ; a kind of serpent (as snapping) , probably the cerastes or horned adder :-- adder . ~~8208
08210 ## shaphak {shaw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to spill forth (blood , a libation , liquid metal ; or even a solid , i . e . to mound up) ; also (figuratively) to expend (life , soul , complaint , money , etc .) ; intensively , to sprawl out :-- cast (up) , gush out , pour (out) , shed (- der , out) , slip . ~~8210
08213 ## shaphel {shaw-fale'} ; a primitive root ; to depress or sink (expec . figuratively , to humiliate , intransitive or transitive) :-- abase , bring (cast , put) down , debase , humble (self) , be (bring , lay , make , put) low (- er) . ~~8214
08213 ## shaphel {shaw-fale'} ; a primitive root ; to depress or sink (expec . figuratively , to humiliate , intransitive or transitive) :-- abase , bring (cast , put) down , debase , humble (self) , be (bring , lay , make , put) low (- er) . ~~8214
08217 ## shaphal {shaw-fawl'} ; from 08213 ; depressed , literally or figuratively :-- base (- st) , humble , low (- er ,-ly) . ~~8218
08221 ## Sh@pham {shef-awm'} ; probably from 08192 ; bare spot ; Shepham , a place in or near Palestine :-- Shepham . ~~8222
08225 ## Shiphmiy {shif-mee'} ; patrial from 08221 ; a Shiphmite or inhabitant of Shepham :-- Shiphmite . ~~8226
08237 ## shaphruwr {shaf-roor'} ; from 08231 ; splendid , i . e . a tapestry or canopy :-- royal pavilion . ~~8238
08239 ## shaphath {shaw-fath'} ; a primitive root ; to locate , i . e . (generally) hang on or (figuratively) establish , reduce :-- bring , ordain , set on . ~~8240
08242 ## saq {sak} ; from 08264 ; properly , a mesh (as allowing a liquid to run through) , i . e . coarse loose cloth or sacking (used in mourning and for bagging) ; hence , a bag (for grain , etc .) :-- sack (- cloth ,-clothes) . ~~8242
08245 ## shaqad {shaw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to be alert , i . e . sleepless ; hence to be on the lookout (whether for good or ill) :-- hasten , remain , wake , watch (for) . ~~8246
08247 ## shaqed {shaw-kade'} ; from 08245 ; the almond (tree or nut ; as being the earliest in bloom) :-- almond (tree) . ~~8248
08248 ## shaqah {shaw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to quaff , i . e . (causatively) to irrigate or furnish a potion to :-- cause to (give , give to , let , make to) drink , drown , moisten , water . See 07937 , 08354 . ~~8248
08251 ## shiqquwts {shik-koots'} ; or shiqquts {shik-koots'} ; from 08262 ; disgusting , i . e . filthy ; especially idolatrous or (concretely) an idol :-- abominable filth (idol ,-ation) , detestable (thing) . ~~8252
08251 ## shiqquwts {shik-koots'} ; or shiqquts {shik-koots'} ; from 08262 ; disgusting , i . e . filthy ; especially idolatrous or (concretely) an idol :-- abominable filth (idol ,-ation) , detestable (thing) . ~~8252
08254 ## shaqal {shaw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; to suspend or poise (especially in trade) :-- pay , receive (- r) , spend , X throughly , weigh . ~~8254
08256 ## shaqam {shaw-kawm'} ; or (feminine) shiqmah {shik-maw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a sycamore (usually the tree) :-- sycamore (fruit , tree) . ~~8256
08259 ## shaqaph {shaw-kaf'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to lean out (of a window) , i . e . (by implication) peep or gaze (passively , be a spectacle) :-- appear , look (down , forth , out) . ~~8260
08261 ## shaquph {shaw-koof'} ; passive participle of 08259 ; an embrasure or opening [compare 08260 ] with bevelled jam :-- light , window . ~~8262
08269 ## sar {sar} ; from 08323 ; a head person (of any rank or class) :-- captain (that had rule) , chief (captain) , general , governor , keeper , lord , ([-task-]) master , prince (- ipal) , ruler , steward . ~~8270
08277 ## sarad {saw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to puncture [compare 08279 ] , i . e . (figuratively through the idea of slipping out) to escape or survive :-- remain . ~~8278
08279 ## sered {seh'- red} ; from 08277 ; a (carpenter's) scribing-awl (for pricking or scratching measurements) :-- line . ~~8280
08284 ## sharah {shaw-raw'} ; probably feminine of 07791 ; a fortification (literally or figuratively) :-- sing [by mistake for 07891 ] , wall . ~~8284
08285 ## sherah {shay-raw'} ; from 08324 in its original sense of pressing ; a wrist-band (as compact or clasping) :-- bracelet . ~~8286
08288 ## s@rowk {ser-oke'} ; from 08308 ; a thong (as laced or tied) :-- ([shoe-]) latchet . ~~8288
08290 ## Sharowniy {shaw-ro-nee'} ; patrial from 08289 ; a Sharonite or inhabitant of Sharon :-- Sharonite . ~~8290
08292 ## sh@ruwqah {sher-oo-kaw'} ; or (by permutation) sh@riyqah {sher-ee-kaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 08319 ; a whistling (in scorn) ; by analogy , a piping :-- bleating , hissing . ~~8292
08302 ## shiryown {shir-yone'} ; or shiryon {shir-yone'} ; and shiryan {shir-yawn'} ; also (feminine) shiryah {shir-yaw'} ; and shiryonah {shir-yo-naw'} ; from 08281 in the original sense of turning ; a corslet (as if twisted) :-- breastplate , coat of mail , habergeon , harness . See 05630 . ~~8302
08303 ## Shiryown {shir-yone'} ; and Siryon {sir-yone'} ; the same as 08304 (i . e . sheeted with snow) ; Shirjon or Sirjon , a peak of the Lebanon :-- Sirion . ~~8304
08304 ## S@rayah {ser-aw-yaw'} ; or S@rayahuw {ser-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08280 and 03050 ; Jah has prevailed ; Serajah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Seraiah . ~~8304
08305 ## s@riyqah {ser-ee-kaw'} ; from the same as 08321 in the original sense of piercing ; hetchelling (or combing flax) , i . e . (concretely) tow (by extension , linen cloth) :-- fine . ~~8306
08314 ## saraph {saw-rawf'} ; from 08313 ; burning , i . e . (figuratively) poisonous (serpent) ; specifically , a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color) :-- fiery (serpent) , seraph . ~~8314
08317 ## sharats {shaw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; to wriggle , i . e . (by implication) swarm or abound :-- breed (bring forth , increase) abundantly (in abundance) , creep , move . ~~8318
08319 ## sharaq {shaw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be shrill , i . e . to whistle or hiss (as a call or in scorn) :-- hiss . ~~8320
08319 ## sharaq {shaw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be shrill , i . e . to whistle or hiss (as a call or in scorn) :-- hiss . ~~8320
08321 ## soreq {so-rake'} ; or sowreq {so-rake'} ; and (feminine) soreqah {so-ray-kaw'} ; from 08319 in the sense of redness (compare 08320) ; a vine stock (properly , one yielding purple grapes , the richest variety) :-- choice (- st , noble) wine . Compare 08291 . ~~8322
08327 ## sharash {shaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to root , i . e . strike into the soil , or (by implication) to pluck from it :-- (take , cause to take) root (out) . ~~8328
08328 ## sheresh {sheh'- resh} ; from 08327 ; a root (literally or figuratively) :-- bottom , deep , heel , root . ~~8328
08334 ## sharath {shaw-rath'} ; a primitive root ; to attend as a menial or worshipper ; figuratively , to contribute to :-- minister (unto) , (do) serve (- ant ,-ice ,-itor) , wait on . ~~8334
08336 ## shesh {shaysh} ; or (for alliteration with 04897) sh@shiy {shesh-ee'} ; for 07893 ; bleached stuff , i . e . white linen or (by analogy) marble :-- X blue , fine ([twined ]) linen , marble , silk . ~~8336
08336 ## shesh {shaysh} ; or (for alliteration with 04897) sh@shiy {shesh-ee'} ; for 07893 ; bleached stuff , i . e . white linen or (by analogy) marble :-- X blue , fine ([twined ]) linen , marble , silk . ~~8336
08337 ## shesh {shaysh} ; masculine shishshah {shish-shaw'} ; a primitive number ; six (as an overplus [see 07797 ] beyond five or the fingers of the hand) ; as ord . sixth :-- six ([-teen ,-teenth ]) , sixth . ~~8338
08341 ## shashah {shaw-shaw'} ; a denominative from 08337 ; to sixth or divide into sixths :-- give the sixth participle ~~8342
08342 ## sasown {saw-sone'} ; or sason {saw-sone'} ; from 07797 ; cheerfulness ; specifically , welcome :-- gladness , joy , mirth , rejoicing . ~~8342
08345 ## shishshiy {shish-shee'} ; from 08337 ; sixth , ord . or (feminine) fractional :-- sixth (part) . ~~8346
08353 ## sheth (Aramaic) {shayth} ; or shith (Aramaic) {sheeth} ; corresponding to 08337 :-- six (- th) . ~~8354
08354 ## shathah {shaw-thaw'} ; a primitive root ; to imbibe (literally or figuratively) :-- X assuredly , banquet , X certainly , drink (- er ,-ing) , drunk (X-ard) , surely . [Prop . intensive of 08248 . ] ~~8354
08356 ## shathah {shaw-thaw'} ; from 07896 ; a basis , i . e . (figuratively) political or moral support :-- foundation , purpose . ~~8356
08364 ## Shuthalchiy {shoo-thal-kee'} ; patronymically from 07803 ; a Shuthalchite (collectively) or descendants of Shuthelach :-- Shuthalhites . ~~8364
08380 ## ta'owm {taw-ome'} ; or ta'om {taw-ome'} ; from 08382 ; a twin (in plural only) , literally or figuratively :-- twins . ~~8380
08380 ## ta'owm {taw-ome'} ; or ta'om {taw-ome'} ; from 08382 ; a twin (in plural only) , literally or figuratively :-- twins . ~~8380
08382 ## ta'am {taw-am'} ; a primitive root ; to be complete ; but used only as denominative from 08380 , to be (causatively , make) twinned , i . e . (figuratively) duplicate or (arch .) jointed :-- coupled (together) , bear twins . ~~8382
08384 ## t@'en {teh-ane'} ; or (in the singular , feminine) t@'enah {teh-ay-naw'} ; perhaps of foreign derivation ; the fig (tree or fruit) :-- fig (tree) . ~~8384
08384 ## t@'en {teh-ane'} ; or (in the singular , feminine) t@'enah {teh-ay-naw'} ; perhaps of foreign derivation ; the fig (tree or fruit) :-- fig (tree) . ~~8384
08385 ## ta'anah {tah-an-aw'} ; or to'anah {to-an-aw'} ; from 00579 ; an opportunity or (subjectively) purpose :-- occasion . ~~8386
08385 ## ta'anah {tah-an-aw'} ; or to'anah {to-an-aw'} ; from 00579 ; an opportunity or (subjectively) purpose :-- occasion . ~~8386
08389 ## to'ar {to'- ar} ; from 08388 ; outline , i . e . figure or appearance :-- + beautiful , X comely , countenance , + fair , X favoured , form , X goodly , X resemble , visage . ~~8390
08393 ## t@buw'ah {teb-oo-aw'} ; from 00935 ; income , i . e . produce (literally or figuratively) :-- fruit , gain , increase , revenue . ~~8394
08394 ## tabuwn {taw-boon'} ; and (feminine) t@buwnah {teb-oo-naw'} ; or towbunah {to-boo-naw'} ; from 00995 ; intelligence ; by implication , an argument ; by extension , caprice :-- discretion , reason , skilfulness , understanding , wisdom . ~~8394
08401 ## teben {teh'- ben} ; probably from 01129 ; properly , material , i . e . (specifically) refuse haum or stalks of grain (as chopped in threshing and used for fodder) :-- chaff , straw , stubble . ~~8402
08407 ## Tiglath Pil'ecer {tig-lath'pil-eh'- ser} ; or Tiglath P@lecer {tig-lath pel-eh-ser} ; or Tilgath Piln@'ecer {til-gath'pil-neh-eh'- ser} or Tilgath Pilnecer {til-gath'pil-neh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Tiglath-Pileser or Tilgath-pilneser , an Assyr . king :-- Tiglath-pileser , Tilgath-pilneser . ~~8408
08407 ## Tiglath Pil'ecer {tig-lath'pil-eh'- ser} ; or Tiglath P@lecer {tig-lath pel-eh-ser} ; or Tilgath Piln@'ecer {til-gath'pil-neh-eh'- ser} or Tilgath Pilnecer {til-gath'pil-neh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Tiglath-Pileser or Tilgath-pilneser , an Assyr . king :-- Tiglath-pileser , Tilgath-pilneser . ~~8408
08407 ## Tiglath Pil'ecer {tig-lath'pil-eh'- ser} ; or Tiglath P@lecer {tig-lath pel-eh-ser} ; or Tilgath Piln@'ecer {til-gath'pil-neh-eh'- ser} or Tilgath Pilnecer {til-gath'pil-neh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Tiglath-Pileser or Tilgath-pilneser , an Assyr . king :-- Tiglath-pileser , Tilgath-pilneser . ~~8408
08407 ## Tiglath Pil'ecer {tig-lath'pil-eh'- ser} ; or Tiglath P@lecer {tig-lath pel-eh-ser} ; or Tilgath Piln@'ecer {til-gath'pil-neh-eh'- ser} or Tilgath Pilnecer {til-gath'pil-neh'- ser} ; of foreign derivation ; Tiglath-Pileser or Tilgath-pilneser , an Assyr . king :-- Tiglath-pileser , Tilgath-pilneser . ~~8408
08410 ## tidhar {tid-hawr'} ; apparently from 01725 ; enduring ; a species of hard-wood or lasting tree (perhaps oak) :-- pine (tree) . ~~8410
08412 ## Tadmor {tad-more'} ; or Tammor (1 Kings 9 : 18) {tam-more'} ; apparently from 08558 ; palm-city ; Tadmor , a place near Palestine :-- Tadmor . ~~8412
08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) :-- deep (place) , depth . ~~8416
08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) :-- deep (place) , depth . ~~8416
08419 ## tahpukah {tah-poo-kaw'} ; from 02015 ; a perversity or fraud :-- (very) froward (- ness , thing) , perverse thing . ~~8420
08422 ## Tuwbal {too-bal'} ; or Tubal {too-bal'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Tubal , a postdiluvian patriarch and his posterity :-- Tubal . ~~8422
08425 ## Towgarmah {to-gar-maw'} ; or Togarmah {to-gar-maw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Togarmah , a son of Gomer and his posterity :-- Togarmah . ~~8426
08426 ## towdah {to-daw'} ; from 03034 ; properly , an extension of the hand , i . e . (by implication) avowal , or (usually) adoration ; specifically , a choir of worshippers :-- confession , (sacrifice of) praise , thanks (- giving , offering) . ~~8426
08427 ## tavah {taw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to mark out , i . e . (primitive) scratch or (definite) imprint :-- scrabble , set [a mark ] . ~~8428
08428 ## tavah {taw-vaw'} ; a primitive root [or perhaps ident . with 08427 through a similar idea from scraping to pieces ] ; to grieve :-- limit [by confusion with 08427 ] . ~~8428
08429 ## t@vahh (Aramaic) {tev-ah'} ; corresponding to 08539 or perhaps to 07582 through the idea of sweeping to ruin [compare 08428 ] ; to amaze , i . e . (reflex . by implication) take alarm :-- be astonied . ~~8430
08435 ## towl@dah {to-led-aw'} ; or tol@dah {to-led-aw'} ; from 03205 ; (plural only) descent , i . e . family ; (figuratively) history :-- birth , generations . ~~8436
08438 ## towla` {to-law'} ; and (feminine) towle` ah {to-lay-aw'} ; or towla` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; or tola` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; from 03216 ; a maggot (as voracious) ; specifically (often with ellipsis of 08144) the crimson-grub , but used only (in this connection) of the color from it , and cloths dyed therewith :-- crimson , scarlet , worm . ~~8438
08438 ## towla` {to-law'} ; and (feminine) towle` ah {to-lay-aw'} ; or towla` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; or tola` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; from 03216 ; a maggot (as voracious) ; specifically (often with ellipsis of 08144) the crimson-grub , but used only (in this connection) of the color from it , and cloths dyed therewith :-- crimson , scarlet , worm . ~~8438
08440 ## Towla` iy {to-law-ee'} ; patronymically from 08439 ; a Tolaite (collectively) or descendants of Tola :-- Tolaites . ~~8440
08441 ## tow` ebah {to-ay-baw'} ; or to` ebah {to-ay-baw'} ; feminine active participle of 08581 ; properly , something disgusting (morally) , i . e . (as noun) an abhorrence ; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol :-- abominable (custom , thing) , abomination . ~~8442
08441 ## tow` ebah {to-ay-baw'} ; or to` ebah {to-ay-baw'} ; feminine active participle of 08581 ; properly , something disgusting (morally) , i . e . (as noun) an abhorrence ; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol :-- abominable (custom , thing) , abomination . ~~8442
08442 ## tow` ah {to-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 08582 ; mistake , i . e . (morally) impiety , or (political) injury :-- error , hinder . ~~8442
08443 ## tow` aphah {to-aw-faw'} ; from 03286 ; (only in plural collective) weariness , i . e . (by implication) toil (treasure so obtained) or speed :-- plenty , strength . ~~8444
08444 ## towtsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; or totsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; (only in plural collective) exit , i . e . (geographical) boundary , or (figuratively) deliverance , (actively) source :-- border (- s) , going (- s) forth (out) , issues , outgoings . ~~8444
08444 ## towtsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; or totsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; (only in plural collective) exit , i . e . (geographical) boundary , or (figuratively) deliverance , (actively) source :-- border (- s) , going (- s) forth (out) , issues , outgoings . ~~8444
08446 ## tuwr {toor} ; a primitive root ; to meander (causatively , guide) about , especially for trade or reconnoitring :-- chap [-man ] , sent to descry , be excellent , merchant [-man ] , search (out) , seek , (e-) spy (out) . ~~8446
08447 ## towr {tore} ; or tor {tore} ; from 08446 ; a succession , i . e . a string or (abstractly) order :-- border , row , turn . ~~8448
08447 ## towr {tore} ; or tor {tore} ; from 08446 ; a succession , i . e . a string or (abstractly) order :-- border , row , turn . ~~8448
08449 ## towr {tore} ; or tor {tore} ; probably the same as 08447 ; a ring-dove , often (figuratively) as a term of endearment :-- (turtle) dove . ~~8450
08451 ## towrah {to-raw'} ; or torah {to-raw'} ; from 03384 ; a precept or statute , especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch :-- law . ~~8452
08451 ## towrah {to-raw'} ; or torah {to-raw'} ; from 03384 ; a precept or statute , especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch :-- law . ~~8452
08451 ## towrah {to-raw'} ; or torah {to-raw'} ; from 03384 ; a precept or statute , especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch :-- law . ~~8452
08453 ## towshab {to-shawb'} ; or toshab (1 Kings 17 : 1) {to-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a dweller (but not outlandish [05237 ]) ; especially (as distinguished from a native citizen [active participle of 03427 ] and a temporary inmate [01616 ] or mere lodger [03885 ]) resident alien :-- foreigner , inhabitant , sojourner , stranger . ~~8454
08453 ## towshab {to-shawb'} ; or toshab (1 Kings 17 : 1) {to-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a dweller (but not outlandish [05237 ]) ; especially (as distinguished from a native citizen [active participle of 03427 ] and a temporary inmate [01616 ] or mere lodger [03885 ]) resident alien :-- foreigner , inhabitant , sojourner , stranger . ~~8454
08454 ## tuwshiyah {too-shee-yaw'} ; or tushiyah {too-shee-yaw'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to substantiate ; support or (by implication) ability , i . e . (direct) help , (in purpose) an undertaking , (intellectual) understanding :-- enterprise , that which (thing as it) is , substance , (sound) wisdom , working . ~~8454
08454 ## tuwshiyah {too-shee-yaw'} ; or tushiyah {too-shee-yaw'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to substantiate ; support or (by implication) ability , i . e . (direct) help , (in purpose) an undertaking , (intellectual) understanding :-- enterprise , that which (thing as it) is , substance , (sound) wisdom , working . ~~8454
08457 ## taznuwth {taz-nooth'} ; or taznuth {taz-nooth'} ; from 02181 ; harlotry , i . e . (figuratively) idolatry :-- fornication , whoredom . ~~8458
08458 ## tachbulah {takh-boo-law'} ; or tachbuwlah {takh-boo-law'} ; from 02254 as denominative from 02256 ; (only in plural) properly , steerage (as a management of ropes) , i . e . (figuratively) guidance or (by implication) a plan :-- good advice , (wise) counsels . ~~8458
08458 ## tachbulah {takh-boo-law'} ; or tachbuwlah {takh-boo-law'} ; from 02254 as denominative from 02256 ; (only in plural) properly , steerage (as a management of ropes) , i . e . (figuratively) guidance or (by implication) a plan :-- good advice , (wise) counsels . ~~8458
08460 ## t@chowth (Aramaic) {tekh-oth'} ; or t@choth (Aramaic) {tekh-oth'} ; corresponding to 08478 ; beneath :-- under . ~~8460
08463 ## tachaluw'{takh-al-oo'} ; or tachalu'{takh-al-oo'} ; from 02456 ; a malady :-- disease , X grievous , (that are) sick (- ness) . ~~8464
08469 ## tachanuwn {takh-an-oon'} ; or (feminine) tachanuwnah {takh-an-oo-naw'} ; from 02603 ; earnest prayer :-- intreaty , supplication . ~~8470
08470 ## Tachaniy {takh-an-ee'} ; patronymically from 08465 ; a Tachanite (collectively) or descendants of Tachan :-- Tahanites . ~~8470
08471 ## Tachpanchec {takh-pan-khace'} ; or T@chaphn@chec (Ezek . 30 : 18) {tekh-af-nekh-ace'} ; or Tachp@nec (Jeremiah 2 : 16) {takh-pen-ace'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Tachpanches , Techaphneches or Tachpenes , a place in Egypt :-- Tahapanes , Tahpanhes , Tehaphnehes . ~~8472
08471 ## Tachpanchec {takh-pan-khace'} ; or T@chaphn@chec (Ezek . 30 : 18) {tekh-af-nekh-ace'} ; or Tachp@nec (Jeremiah 2 : 16) {takh-pen-ace'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Tachpanches , Techaphneches or Tachpenes , a place in Egypt :-- Tahapanes , Tahpanhes , Tehaphnehes . ~~8472
08471 ## Tachpanchec {takh-pan-khace'} ; or T@chaphn@chec (Ezek . 30 : 18) {tekh-af-nekh-ace'} ; or Tachp@nec (Jeremiah 2 : 16) {takh-pen-ace'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Tachpanches , Techaphneches or Tachpenes , a place in Egypt :-- Tahapanes , Tahpanhes , Tehaphnehes . ~~8472
08473 ## tachara'{takh-ar-aw'} ; from 02734 in the original sense of 02352 or 02353 ; a linen corslet (as white or hollow) :-- habergeon . ~~8474
08473 ## tachara'{takh-ar-aw'} ; from 02734 in the original sense of 02352 or 02353 ; a linen corslet (as white or hollow) :-- habergeon . ~~8474
08481 ## tachtown {takh-tone'} ; or tachton {takh-tone'} ; from 08478 ; bottommost :-- lower (- est) , nether (- most) . ~~8482
08483 ## Tachtiym Chodshiy {takh-teem'khod-shee'} ; apparently from the plural masculine of 08482 or 08478 and 02320 ; lower (ones) monthly ; Tachtim-Chodshi , a place in Palestine :-- Tahtim-hodshi . ~~8484
08484 ## tiykown {tee-kone'} ; or tiykon {tee-kone'} ; from 08432 ; central :-- middle (- most) , midst . ~~8484
08485 ## Teyma'{tay-maw'} ; or Tema'{tay-maw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Tema , a son of Ishmael , and the region settled by him :-- Tema . ~~8486
08486 ## teyman {tay-mawn'} ; or teman {tay-mawn'} ; denominative from 03225 ; the south (as being on the right hand of a person facing the east) :-- south (side ,-ward , wind) . ~~8486
08487 ## Teyman {tay-mawn'} ; or Teman {tay-mawn'} ; the same as 08486 ; Teman , the name of two Edomites , and of the region and descendant of one of them :-- south , Teman . ~~8488
08489 ## Teymaniy {tay-maw-nee'} ; patronymically from 08487 ; a Temanite or descendant of Teman :-- Temani , Temanite . ~~8490
08490 ## tiymarah {tee-maw-raw'} ; or timarah {tee-maw-raw'} ; from the same as 08558 ; a column , i . e . cloud :-- pillar . ~~8490
08491 ## Tiytsiy {tee-tsee'} ; patrial or patronymically from an unused noun of uncertain meaning ; a Titsite or descendant or inhabitant of an unknown Tits :-- Tizite . ~~8492
08491 ## Tiytsiy {tee-tsee'} ; patrial or patronymically from an unused noun of uncertain meaning ; a Titsite or descendant or inhabitant of an unknown Tits :-- Tizite . ~~8492
08491 ## Tiytsiy {tee-tsee'} ; patrial or patronymically from an unused noun of uncertain meaning ; a Titsite or descendant or inhabitant of an unknown Tits :-- Tizite . ~~8492
08492 ## tiyrowsh {tee-roshe'} ; or tiyrosh {tee-roshe'} ; from 03423 in the sense of expulsion ; must or fresh grape-juice (as just squeezed out) ; by implication (rarely) fermented wine :-- (new , sweet) wine . ~~8492
08492 ## tiyrowsh {tee-roshe'} ; or tiyrosh {tee-roshe'} ; from 03423 in the sense of expulsion ; must or fresh grape-juice (as just squeezed out) ; by implication (rarely) fermented wine :-- (new , sweet) wine . ~~8492
08495 ## tayish {tah'- yeesh} ; from an unused root meaning to butt ; a buck or he-goat (as given to butting) :-- he goat . ~~8496
08496 ## tok {toke} ; or towk (Psa . 72 : 14) {toke} ; from the same base as 08432 (in the sense of cutting to pieces) ; oppression :-- deceit , fraud . ~~8496
08499 ## t@kuwnah {tek-oo-naw'} ; from 03559 ; or probably ident . with 08498 ; something arranged or fixed , i . e . a place :-- seat . ~~8500
08499 ## t@kuwnah {tek-oo-naw'} ; from 03559 ; or probably ident . with 08498 ; something arranged or fixed , i . e . a place :-- seat . ~~8500
08500 ## tukkiy {took-kee'} ; or tuwkkiy {took-kee'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; some imported creature , probably a peacock :-- peacock . ~~8500
08504 ## t@keleth {tek-ay'- leth} ; probably for 07827 ; the cerulean mussel , i . e . the color (violet) obtained therefrom or stuff dyed therewith :-- blue . ~~8504
08505 ## takan {taw-kan'} ; a primitive root ; to balance , i . e . measure out (by weight or dimension) ; figuratively , arrange , equalize , through the idea of levelling (ment . estimate , test) :-- bear up , direct , be ([un-]) equal , mete , ponder , tell , weigh . ~~8506
08509 ## takriyk {tak-reek'} ; apparently from an unused root meaning to encompass ; a wrapper or robe :-- garment . ~~8510
08515 ## T@la'ssar {tel-as-sar'} ; or T@lassar {tel-as-sar'} ; of foreign derivation ; Telassar , a region of Assyria :-- Telassar . ~~8516
08519 ## t@luwnah {tel-oo-naw'} ; or t@lunnah {tel-oon-naw'} ; from 03885 in the sense of obstinacy ; a grumbling :-- murmuring . ~~8520
08523 ## t@liythay (Aramaic) {tel-ee-thah'- ee} ; or taltiy (Aramaic) {tal-tee'} ; ordinal from 08532 ; third :-- third . ~~8524
08525 ## telem {teh'- lem} ; from an unused root meaning to accumulate ; a bank or terrace :-- furrow , ridge . ~~8526
08532 ## t@lath (Aramaic) {tel-awth'} ; masculine t@lathah (Aramaic) {tel-aw-thaw'} ; or t@latha'(Aramaic) {tel-aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 07969 ; three or third :-- third , three . ~~8532
08532 ## t@lath (Aramaic) {tel-awth'} ; masculine t@lathah (Aramaic) {tel-aw-thaw'} ; or t@latha'(Aramaic) {tel-aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 07969 ; three or third :-- third , three . ~~8532
08543 ## t@mowl {tem-ole'} ; or t@mol {tem-ole'} ; probably for 00865 ; properly , ago , i . e . a (short or long) time since ; especially yesterday , or (with 08032) day before yesterday :-- + before (- time) , + these [three ] days , + heretofore , + time past , yesterday . ~~8544
08543 ## t@mowl {tem-ole'} ; or t@mol {tem-ole'} ; probably for 00865 ; properly , ago , i . e . a (short or long) time since ; especially yesterday , or (with 08032) day before yesterday :-- + before (- time) , + these [three ] days , + heretofore , + time past , yesterday . ~~8544
08543 ## t@mowl {tem-ole'} ; or t@mol {tem-ole'} ; probably for 00865 ; properly , ago , i . e . a (short or long) time since ; especially yesterday , or (with 08032) day before yesterday :-- + before (- time) , + these [three ] days , + heretofore , + time past , yesterday . ~~8544
08544 ## t@muwnah {tem-oo-naw'} ; or t@munah {tem-oo-naw'} ; from 04327 ; something portioned (i . e . fashioned) out , as a shape , i . e . (indefinitely) phantom , or (specifically) embodiment , or (figuratively) manifestation (of favor) :-- image , likeness , similitude . ~~8544
08544 ## t@muwnah {tem-oo-naw'} ; or t@munah {tem-oo-naw'} ; from 04327 ; something portioned (i . e . fashioned) out , as a shape , i . e . (indefinitely) phantom , or (specifically) embodiment , or (figuratively) manifestation (of favor) :-- image , likeness , similitude . ~~8544
08544 ## t@muwnah {tem-oo-naw'} ; or t@munah {tem-oo-naw'} ; from 04327 ; something portioned (i . e . fashioned) out , as a shape , i . e . (indefinitely) phantom , or (specifically) embodiment , or (figuratively) manifestation (of favor) :-- image , likeness , similitude . ~~8544
08548 ## tamiyd {taw-meed'} ; from an unused root meaning to stretch ; properly , continuance (as indefinite extension) ; but used only (attributively as adjective) constant (or adverbially , constantly) ; ellipt . the regular (daily) sacrifice :-- alway (- s) , continual (employment ,-ly) , daily , ([n-]) ever (- more) , perpetual . ~~8548
08549 ## tamiym {taw-meem'} ; from 08552 ; entire (literally , figuratively or morally) ; also (as noun) integrity , truth :-- without blemish , complete , full , perfect , sincerely (- ity) , sound , without spot , undefiled , upright (- ly) , whole . ~~8550
08552 ## tamam {taw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to complete , in a good or a bad sense , literal , or figurative , transitive or intransitive (as follows) :-- accomplish , cease , be clean [pass-] ed , consume , have done , (come to an , have an , make an) end , fail , come to the full , be all gone , X be all here , be (make) perfect , be spent , sum , be (shew self) upright , be wasted , whole . ~~8552
08552 ## tamam {taw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to complete , in a good or a bad sense , literal , or figurative , transitive or intransitive (as follows) :-- accomplish , cease , be clean [pass-] ed , consume , have done , (come to an , have an , make an) end , fail , come to the full , be all gone , X be all here , be (make) perfect , be spent , sum , be (shew self) upright , be wasted , whole . ~~8552
08552 ## tamam {taw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to complete , in a good or a bad sense , literal , or figurative , transitive or intransitive (as follows) :-- accomplish , cease , be clean [pass-] ed , consume , have done , (come to an , have an , make an) end , fail , come to the full , be all gone , X be all here , be (make) perfect , be spent , sum , be (shew self) upright , be wasted , whole . ~~8552
08554 ## Timniy {tim-nee'} ; patrial from 08553 ; a Timnite or inhabitant of Timnah :-- Timnite . ~~8554
08556 ## Timnath Cherec {tim-nath kheh'- res} ; or Timnath Cerach {tim-nath seh'- rakh} ; from 08553 and 02775 ; portion of (the) sun ; Timnath-Cheres , a place in Palestine :-- Timnath-heres , Timnath-serah . ~~8556
08561 ## timmor (plural only) {tim-more'} ; or (feminine) timmorah (singular and plural) {tim-mo-raw'} ; from the same root as 08558 ; (arch .) a palm-like pilaster (i . e . umbellate) :-- palm tree . ~~8562
08562 ## tamruwq {tam-rook'} ; or tamruq {tam-rook'} ; or tamriyq {tam-reek'} ; from 04838 ; properly , a scouring , i . e . soap or perfumery for the bath ; figuratively , a detergent :-- X cleanse , (thing for) purification (- fying) . ~~8562
08562 ## tamruwq {tam-rook'} ; or tamruq {tam-rook'} ; or tamriyq {tam-reek'} ; from 04838 ; properly , a scouring , i . e . soap or perfumery for the bath ; figuratively , a detergent :-- X cleanse , (thing for) purification (- fying) . ~~8562
08562 ## tamruwq {tam-rook'} ; or tamruq {tam-rook'} ; or tamriyq {tam-reek'} ; from 04838 ; properly , a scouring , i . e . soap or perfumery for the bath ; figuratively , a detergent :-- X cleanse , (thing for) purification (- fying) . ~~8562
08565 ## tan {tan} ; from an unused root probably meaning to elongate ; a monster (as preternaturally formed) , i . e . a sea-serpent (or other huge marine animal) ; also a jackal (or other hideous land animal) :-- dragon , whale . Compare 08577 . ~~8566
08565 ## tan {tan} ; from an unused root probably meaning to elongate ; a monster (as preternaturally formed) , i . e . a sea-serpent (or other huge marine animal) ; also a jackal (or other hideous land animal) :-- dragon , whale . Compare 08577 . ~~8566
08575 ## tanchuwm {tan-khoom'} ; or tanchum {tan-khoom'} ; and (feminine) tanchuwmah {tan-khoo-maw'} ; from 05162 ; compassion , solace :-- comfort , consolation . ~~8576
08577 ## tanniyn {tan-neen'} ; or tanniym (Ezek . 29 : 3) {tan-neem'} ; intensive from the same as 08565 ; a marine or land monster , i . e . sea-serpent or jackal :-- dragon , sea-monster , serpent , whale . ~~8578
08577 ## tanniyn {tan-neen'} ; or tanniym (Ezek . 29 : 3) {tan-neem'} ; intensive from the same as 08565 ; a marine or land monster , i . e . sea-serpent or jackal :-- dragon , sea-monster , serpent , whale . ~~8578
08577 ## tanniyn {tan-neen'} ; or tanniym (Ezek . 29 : 3) {tan-neem'} ; intensive from the same as 08565 ; a marine or land monster , i . e . sea-serpent or jackal :-- dragon , sea-monster , serpent , whale . ~~8578
08582 ## ta` ah {taw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to vacillate , i . e . reel or stray (literally or figuratively) ; also causative of both :-- (cause to) go astray , deceive , dissemble , (cause to , make to) err , pant , seduce , (make to) stagger , (cause to) wander , be out of the way . ~~8582
08582 ## ta` ah {taw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to vacillate , i . e . reel or stray (literally or figuratively) ; also causative of both :-- (cause to) go astray , deceive , dissemble , (cause to , make to) err , pant , seduce , (make to) stagger , (cause to) wander , be out of the way . ~~8582
08583 ## To` uw {to'- oo} ; or To` iy {to'- ee} ; from 08582 ; error , Tou or Toi , a Syrian king :-- Toi , Tou . ~~8584
08583 ## To` uw {to'- oo} ; or To` iy {to'- ee} ; from 08582 ; error , Tou or Toi , a Syrian king :-- Toi , Tou . ~~8584
08585 ## t@` alah {teh-aw-law'} ; from 05927 ; a channel (into which water is raised for irrigation) ; also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound) :-- conduit , cured , healing , little river , trench , watercourse . ~~8586
08588 ## ta` anuwg {tah-an-oog'} ; or ta` anug {tah-an-oog'} ; and (feminine) ta` anugah {tah-ah-oog-aw'} ; from 06026 ; luxury :-- delicate , delight , pleasant . ~~8588
08590 ## Ta` anak {tah-an-awk'} ; or Ta` nak {tah-nawk'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Taanak or Tanak , a place in Palestine :-- Taanach , Tanach . ~~8590
08590 ## Ta` anak {tah-an-awk'} ; or Ta` nak {tah-nawk'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Taanak or Tanak , a place in Palestine :-- Taanach , Tanach . ~~8590
08593 ## ta` ar {tah'- ar} ; from 06168 ; a knife or razor (as making bare) : also a scabbard (as being bare , i . e . empty) :-- [pen-] knife , razor , scabbard , shave , sheath . ~~8594
08597 ## tiph'arah {tif-aw-raw'} ; or tiph'ereth {tif-eh'- reth} ; from 06286 ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-- beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , hono ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , honour , majesty . ~~8598
08597 ## tiph'arah {tif-aw-raw'} ; or tiph'ereth {tif-eh'- reth} ; from 06286 ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-- beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , hono ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , honour , majesty . ~~8598
08597 ## tiph'arah {tif-aw-raw'} ; or tiph'ereth {tif-eh'- reth} ; from 06286 ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-- beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , hono ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , honour , majesty . ~~8598
08597 ## tiph'arah {tif-aw-raw'} ; or tiph'ereth {tif-eh'- reth} ; from 06286 ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-- beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , hono ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , honour , majesty . ~~8598
08597 ## tiph'arah {tif-aw-raw'} ; or tiph'ereth {tif-eh'- reth} ; from 06286 ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-- beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , hono ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , honour , majesty . ~~8598
08598 ## tappuwach {tap-poo'- akh} ; from 05301 ; an apple (from its fragrance) , i . e . the fruit or the tree (probably includ . others of the pome order , as the quince , the orange , etc .) :-- apple (tree) . See also 01054 . ~~8598
08602 ## taphel {taw-fale'} ; from an unused root meaning to smear ; plaster (as gummy) or slime ; (figuratively) frivolity :-- foolish things , unsavoury , untempered . ~~8602
08621 ## T@qow` iy {tek-o-ee'} ; or T@qo` iy {tek-o-ee'} ; patronymically from 08620 ; a Tekoite or inhabitant of Tekoah :-- Tekoite . ~~8622
08621 ## T@qow` iy {tek-o-ee'} ; or T@qo` iy {tek-o-ee'} ; patronymically from 08620 ; a Tekoite or inhabitant of Tekoah :-- Tekoite . ~~8622
08622 ## t@quwphah {tek-oo-faw'} ; or t@quphah {tek-oo-faw'} ; from 05362 ; a revolution , i . e . (of the sun) course , (of time) lapse :-- circuit , come about , end . ~~8622
08626 ## taqan {taw-kan'} ; a primitive root ; to equalize , i . e . straighten (intransitive or transitive) ; figuratively , to compose :-- set in order , make straight . ~~8626
08628 ## taqa` {taw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to clatter , i . e . slap (the hands together) , clang (an instrument) ; by analogy , to drive (a nail or tent-pin , a dart , etc .) ; by implication , to become bondsman by handclasping) :-- blow ([a trumpet ]) , cast , clap , fasten , pitch [tent ] , smite , sound , strike , X suretiship , thrust . ~~8628
08631 ## t@qeph (Aramaic) {tek-afe'} ; corresponding to 08630 ; to become (causatively , make) mighty or (figuratively) obstinate :-- make firm , harden , be (- come) strong . ~~8632
08633 ## toqeph {to'- kef} ; from 08630 ; might or (figuratively) positiveness :-- authority , power , strength . ~~8634
08636 ## tarbiyth {tar-beeth'} ; from 07235 ; multiplication , i . e . percentage or bonus in addition to principal :-- increase , unjust gain . ~~8636
08639 ## tardemah {tar-day-maw'} ; from 07290 ; a lethargy or (by implication) trance :-- deep sleep . ~~8640
08641 ## t@ruwmah {ter-oo-maw'} ; or t@rumah (Deut . l2 : 11) {ter-oo-maw'} ; from 07311 ; a present (as offered up) , especially in sacrifice or as tribute :-- gift , heave offering ([shoulder ]) , oblation , offered (- ing) . ~~8642
08641 ## t@ruwmah {ter-oo-maw'} ; or t@rumah (Deut . l2 : 11) {ter-oo-maw'} ; from 07311 ; a present (as offered up) , especially in sacrifice or as tribute :-- gift , heave offering ([shoulder ]) , oblation , offered (- ing) . ~~8642
08643 ## t@ruw` ah {ter-oo-aw'} ; from 07321 ; clamor , i . e . acclamation of joy or a battle-cry ; especially clangor of trumpets , as an alarum :-- alarm , blow (- ing) (of , the) (trumpets) , joy , jubile , loud noise , rejoicing , shout (- ing) , (high , joyful) sound (- ing) . ~~8644
08649 ## tormah {tor-maw'} ; and tarmuwth {tar-mooth'} ; or tarmiyth {tar-meeth'} ; from 074ll ; fraud :-- deceit (- ful) , privily . ~~8650
08650 ## toren {to'- ren} ; probably for 00766 ; a pole (as a mast or flag-staff) :-- beacon , mast . ~~8650
08654 ## Tir` athiy {teer-aw-thee'} ; patrial from an unused name meaning gate ; a Tirathite or inhabitant of an unknown Tirah :-- Tirathite . ~~8654
08655 ## t@raphiym {ter-aw-feme'} ; plural from 07495 ; a healer ; Teraphim (singular or plural) a family idol :-- idols (- atry) , images , teraphim . ~~8656
08659 ## Tarshiysh {tar-sheesh'} ; probably the same as 08658 (as the region of the stone , or the reverse) ; Tarshish , a place on the Mediterranean , hence , the ephithet of a merchant vessel (as if for or from that port) ; also the name of a Persian and of an Israelite :-- Tarshish , Tharshish . ~~8660
08659 ## Tarshiysh {tar-sheesh'} ; probably the same as 08658 (as the region of the stone , or the reverse) ; Tarshish , a place on the Mediterranean , hence , the ephithet of a merchant vessel (as if for or from that port) ; also the name of a Persian and of an Israelite :-- Tarshish , Tharshish . ~~8660
08660 ## Tirshatha'{teer-shaw-thaw'} ; of foreign derivation ; the title of a Persian deputy or governor :-- Tirshatha . ~~8660
08663 ## t@shu'ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07722 ; a crashing or loud clamor :-- crying , noise , shouting , stir . ~~8664
08664 ## Tishbiy {tish-bee'} ; patrial from an unused name meaning recourse ; a Tishbite or inhabitant of Tishbeh (in Gilead) :-- Tishbite . ~~8664
08666 ## t@shuwbah {tesh-oo-baw'} ; or t@shubah {tesh-oo-baw'} ; from 07725 ; a recurrence (of time or place) ; a reply (as returned) :-- answer , be expired , return . ~~8666
08666 ## t@shuwbah {tesh-oo-baw'} ; or t@shubah {tesh-oo-baw'} ; from 07725 ; a recurrence (of time or place) ; a reply (as returned) :-- answer , be expired , return . ~~8666
08668 ## t@shuw` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; or t@shu` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07768 in the sense of 03467 ; rescue (literal or figurative , pers . , national or spir .) :-- deliverance , help , safety , salvation , victory . ~~8668
08668 ## t@shuw` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; or t@shu` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07768 in the sense of 03467 ; rescue (literal or figurative , pers . , national or spir .) :-- deliverance , help , safety , salvation , victory . ~~8668
08668 ## t@shuw` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; or t@shu` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07768 in the sense of 03467 ; rescue (literal or figurative , pers . , national or spir .) :-- deliverance , help , safety , salvation , victory . ~~8668
08672 ## tesha` {tay'- shah} ; or (masculine) tish` ah {tish-aw'} ; perhaps from 08159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten ; nine or (ord .) ninth :-- nine (+-teen , +-teenth ,-th) . ~~8672
08672 ## tesha` {tay'- shah} ; or (masculine) tish` ah {tish-aw'} ; perhaps from 08159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten ; nine or (ord .) ninth :-- nine (+-teen , +-teenth ,-th) . ~~8672
08672 ## tesha` {tay'- shah} ; or (masculine) tish` ah {tish-aw'} ; perhaps from 08159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten ; nine or (ord .) ninth :-- nine (+-teen , +-teenth ,-th) . ~~8672