06445 ## panaq {paw-nak'} ; a primitive root ; to enervate :-- bring up . ~~6444
06434 ## pen {pane} ; from an unused root meaning to turn ; an angle (of a street or wall) :-- corner . ~~6434
06435 ## pen {pane} ; from 06437 ; properly , removal ; used only (in the construction) adverb as conjunction , lest :-- (lest) (peradventure) , that . . . not . ~~6434
06847 ## Tsophnath Pa` neach {tsof-nath'pah-nay'- akh} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Tsophnath-Paneach , Joseph's Egyptian name :-- Zaphnath-paaneah . ~~6846
06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) :-- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you . ~~6440
04526 ## micgereth {mis-gheh'- reth} ; from 05462 ; something enclosing , i . e . a margin (of a region , of a panel) ; concretely , a stronghold :-- border , close place , hole . ~~4526
07351 ## r@chiyt {rekh-eet'} ; from the same as 07298 ; a panel (as resembling a trough) :-- rafter . ~~7350
07948 ## shalab {shaw-lawb'} ; from 07947 ; a spacer or raised interval , i . e . the stile in a frame or panel :-- ledge . ~~7948
02256 ## chebel {kheh'- bel} ; or chebel {khay'- bel} ; from 02254 ; a rope (as twisted) , especially a measuring line ; by implication , a district or inheritance (as measured) ; or a noose (as of cords) ; figuratively , a company (as if tied together) ; also a throe (especially of parturition) ; also ruin :-- band , coast , company , cord , country , destruction , line , lot , pain , pang , portion , region , rope , snare , sorrow , tackling . ~~2256
02427 ## chiyl {kheel} ; and (feminine) chiylah {khee-law'} ; from 02342 ; a throe (expectant of childbirth) :-- pain , pang , sorrow . ~~2426
06089 ## ` etseb {eh'- tseb} ; from 06087 ; an earthen vessel ; usually (painful) toil ; also a pang (whether of body or mind) :-- grievous , idol , labor , sorrow . ~~6088
06735 ## tsiyr {tseer} ; from 06696 ; a hinge (as pressed in turning) ; also a throe (as a phys . or mental pressure) ; also a herald or errand-doer (as constrained by the principal) :-- ambassador , hinge , messenger , pain , pang , sorrow . Compare 06736 . ~~6734
07670 ## shibrown {shib-rone'} ; from 07665 ; rupture , i . e . a pang ; figuratively , ruin :-- breaking , destruction . ~~7670
06887 ## tsarar {tsaw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to cramp , literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (as follows) :-- adversary , (be in) afflict (- ion) , beseige , bind (up) , (be in , bring) distress , enemy , narrower , oppress , pangs , shut up , be in a strait (trouble) , vex . ~~6886
00928 ## behalah {beh-haw-law'} ; from 00926 ; panic , destruction :-- terror , trouble . ~~928
06443 ## paniyn {paw-neen'} ; or paniy {paw-nee'} ; from the same as 06434 ; probably a pearl (as round) :-- ruby . ~~6442
06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) :-- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you . ~~6440
06443 ## paniyn {paw-neen'} ; or paniy {paw-nee'} ; from the same as 06434 ; probably a pearl (as round) :-- ruby . ~~6442
06436 ## pannag {pan-nag'} ; of uncertain derivation ; probably pastry :-- Pannag . ~~6436
06436 ## pannag {pan-nag'} ; of uncertain derivation ; probably pastry :-- Pannag . ~~6436
00712 ## 'argaz {ar-gawz'} ; perhaps from 07264 (in the sense of being suspended) , a box (as a pannier) :-- coffer . ~~712
00205 ## 'aven {aw-ven'} ; from an unused root perhaps meaning properly , to pant (hence , to exert oneself , usually in vain ; to come to naught) ; strictly nothingness ; also trouble . vanity , wickedness ; specifically an idol :-- affliction , evil , false , idol , iniquity , mischief , mourners (- ing) , naught , sorrow , unjust , unrighteous , vain , vanity , wicked (- ness) . Compare 00369 . ~~204
05503 ## cachar {saw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; to travel round (specifically as a pedlar) ; intensively , to palpitate :-- go about , merchant (- man) , occupy with , pant , trade , traffick . ~~5502
06165 ## ` arag {aw-rag'} ; a primitive root ; to long for :-- cry , pant . ~~6164
07602 ## sha'aph {shaw-af'} ; a primitive root ; to inhale eagerly ; figuratively , to cover ; by implication , to be angry ; also to hasten :-- desire (earnestly) , devour , haste , pant , snuff up , swallow up . ~~7602
08582 ## ta` ah {taw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to vacillate , i . e . reel or stray (literally or figuratively) ; also causative of both :-- (cause to) go astray , deceive , dissemble , (cause to , make to) err , pant , seduce , (make to) stagger , (cause to) wander , be out of the way . ~~8582
05090 ## nahag {naw-hag'} ; a primitive root ; to drive forth (a person , an animal or chariot) , i . e . lead , carry away ; reflexively , to proceed (i . e . impel or guide oneself) ; also (from the panting induced by effort) , to sigh :-- acquaint , bring (away) , carry away , drive (away) , lead (away , forth) , (be) guide , lead (away , forth) . ~~5090
07699 ## shad {shad} ; or shod {shode} ; probably from 07736 (in its original sense) contracted ; the breast of a woman or animal (as bulging) :-- breast , pap , teat . ~~7698
06169 ## ` arah {aw-raw'} ; feminine from 06168 ; a naked (i . e . level) plot :-- paper reed . ~~6168
00016 ## 'ebeh {ay-beh'} ; from 00014 (in the sense of bending toward) ; the papyrus :-- swift . ~~16
01573 ## gome'{go'- meh} ; from 01572 ; properly , an absorbent , i . e . the bulrush (from its porosity) ; specifically the papyrus :-- (bul-) rush . ~~1572
05488 ## cuwph {soof} ; probably of Egyptian origin ; a reed , especially the papyrus :-- flag , Red [sea ] , weed . Compare 05489 . ~~5488
06491 ## paqach {paw-kakh'} ; a primitive root ; to open (the senses , especially the eyes) ; figuratively , to be observant :-- open . ~~6490
06485 ## paqad {paw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent) ; by analogy , to oversee , muster , charge , care for , miss , deposit , etc . :-- appoint , X at all , avenge , bestow , (appoint to have the , give a) charge , commit , count , deliver to keep , be empty , enjoin , go see , hurt , do judgment , lack , lay up , look , make , X by any means , miss , number , officer , (make) overseer , have (the) oversight , punish , reckon , (call to) remember (- brance) , set (over) , sum , X surely , visit , want . ~~6484
06496 ## paqiyd {paw-keed'} ; from 06485 ; a superintendent (civil , military or religious) :-- which had the charge , governor , office , overseer , [that ] was set . ~~6496
06498 ## paqqu` ah {pak-koo-aw'} ; from the same as 06497 ; the wild cucumber (from splitting open to shed its seeds) :-- gourd . ~~6498
00620 ## 'Ocnappar {os-nap-par'} ; of foreign derivation ; Osnappar , an Assyrian king :-- Asnapper . ~~620
00629 ## 'ocparna'(Aramaic) {os-par-naw'} ; of Persian derivation ; diligently :-- fast , forthwith , speed (- ily) . ~~628
06499 ## par {par} ; or par {pawr} ; from 06565 ; a bullock (apparently as breaking forth in wild strength , or perhaps as dividing the hoof) :-- (+ young) bull (- ock) , calf , ox . ~~6498
06499 ## par {par} ; or par {pawr} ; from 06565 ; a bullock (apparently as breaking forth in wild strength , or perhaps as dividing the hoof) :-- (+ young) bull (- ock) , calf , ox . ~~6498
06499 ## par {par} ; or par {pawr} ; from 06565 ; a bullock (apparently as breaking forth in wild strength , or perhaps as dividing the hoof) :-- (+ young) bull (- ock) , calf , ox . ~~6498
06503 ## Parbar {par-bawr'} ; or Parvar {par-vawr'} ; of foreign origin ; Parbar or Parvar , a quarter of Jerusalem :-- Parbar , suburb . ~~6502
06503 ## Parbar {par-bawr'} ; or Parvar {par-vawr'} ; of foreign origin ; Parbar or Parvar , a quarter of Jerusalem :-- Parbar , suburb . ~~6502
06508 ## pardec {par-dace'} ; of foreign origin ; a park :-- forest , orchard . ~~6508
06516 ## Parvayim {par-vah'- yim} ; of foreign origin ; Parvajim , an Oriental region :-- Parvaim . ~~6516
06523 ## parzel (Aramaic) {par-zel'} ; corresponding to 01270 ; iron :-- iron . ~~6522
06534 ## Parmashta'{par-mash-taw'} ; of Persian origin ; Parmashta , a son of Haman :-- Parmasta . ~~6534
06535 ## Parnak {par-nak'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Parnak , an Israelite :-- Parnach . ~~6534
06541 ## parcah {par-saw'} ; feminine of 06538 ; a claw or split hoof :-- claw , [cloven-] footed , hoof . ~~6540
06542 ## Parciy {par-see'} ; patrial from 06539 ; a Parsite (i . e . Persian) , or inhabitant of Peres :-- Persian . ~~6542
06543 ## Parciy (Aramaic) {par-see'} ; corresponding to 06542 :-- Persian . ~~6542
06546 ## par` ah {par-aw'} ; feminine of 06545 (in the sense of beginning) ; leadership (plural concretely , leaders) :-- + avenging , revenge . ~~6546
06546 ## par` ah {par-aw'} ; feminine of 06545 (in the sense of beginning) ; leadership (plural concretely , leaders) :-- + avenging , revenge . ~~6546
06547 ## Par` oh {par-o'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh , a general title of Egyptian kings :-- Pharaoh . ~~6546
06547 ## Par` oh {par-o'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh , a general title of Egyptian kings :-- Pharaoh . ~~6546
06548 ## Par` oh Chophra` {par-o'khof-rah'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh-Chophra , an Egyptian king :-- Pharaoh-hophra . ~~6548
06548 ## Par` oh Chophra` {par-o'khof-rah'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh-Chophra , an Egyptian king :-- Pharaoh-hophra . ~~6548
06549 ## Par` oh N@koh {par-o'nek-o'} ; or Par` oh N@kow {par-o'nek-o'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh-Nekoh (or-Neko) , an Egyptian king :-- Pharaoh-necho , Pharaoh-nechoh . ~~6548
06549 ## Par` oh N@koh {par-o'nek-o'} ; or Par` oh N@kow {par-o'nek-o'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh-Nekoh (or-Neko) , an Egyptian king :-- Pharaoh-necho , Pharaoh-nechoh . ~~6548
06549 ## Par` oh N@koh {par-o'nek-o'} ; or Par` oh N@kow {par-o'nek-o'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh-Nekoh (or-Neko) , an Egyptian king :-- Pharaoh-necho , Pharaoh-nechoh . ~~6548
06549 ## Par` oh N@koh {par-o'nek-o'} ; or Par` oh N@kow {par-o'nek-o'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Paroh-Nekoh (or-Neko) , an Egyptian king :-- Pharaoh-necho , Pharaoh-nechoh . ~~6548
06550 ## par` osh {par-oshe'} ; probably from 06544 and 06211 ; a flea (as the isolated insect) :-- flea . ~~6550
06550 ## par` osh {par-oshe'} ; probably from 06544 and 06211 ; a flea (as the isolated insect) :-- flea . ~~6550
06551 ## Par` osh {par-oshe'} ; the same as 06550 ; Parosh , the name of our Israelite :-- Parosh , Pharosh . ~~6550
06551 ## Par` osh {par-oshe'} ; the same as 06550 ; Parosh , the name of our Israelite :-- Parosh , Pharosh . ~~6550
06554 ## Parpar {par-par'} ; probably from 06565 in the sense of rushing ; rapid ; Parpar , a river of Syria :-- Pharpar . ~~6554
06554 ## Parpar {par-par'} ; probably from 06565 in the sense of rushing ; rapid ; Parpar , a river of Syria :-- Pharpar . ~~6554
06558 ## Partsiy {par-tsee'} ; patronymically from 06557 ; a Partsite (collectively) or descendants of Perets :-- Pharzites . ~~6558
06572 ## parshegen {par-sheh'- ghen} ; or pathshegen {path-sheh'- gen} ; of foreign origin ; a transcript :-- copy . ~~6572
06573 ## parshegen (Aramaic) {par-sheh'- ghen} ; corresponding to 06572 :-- copy . ~~6572
06574 ## parsh@don {par-shed-one'} ; perhaps by compounding 06567 and 06504 (in the sense of straddling) [compare 06576 ] ; the crotch (or anus) :-- dirt . ~~6574
06576 ## parshez {par-shaze'} ; a root apparently formed by compounding 06567 and that of 06518 [compare 06574 ] ; to expand :-- spread . ~~6576
06577 ## Parshandatha'{par-shan-daw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Parshandatha , a son of Haman :-- Parshandatha . ~~6576
06579 ## partam {par-tam'} ; of Persian origin ; a grandee :-- (most) noble , prince . ~~6578