08544 ## t@muwnah {tem-oo-naw'} ; or t@munah {tem-oo-naw'} ; from 04327 ; something portioned (i . e . fashioned) out , as a shape , i . e . (indefinitely) phantom , or (specifically) embodiment , or (figuratively) manifestation (of favor) :-- image , likeness , similitude . ~~8544
08027 ## shalash {shaw-lash'} ; a primitive root perhaps originally to intensify , i . e . treble ; but apparently used only as denominative from 07969 , to be (causatively , make) triplicate (by restoration , in portions , strands , days or years) :-- do the third time , (divide into , stay) three (days ,-fold , parts , years old) . ~~8028
02707 ## chaqah {khaw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to carve ; by implication , to delineate ; also to entrench :-- carved work , portrayed , set a print . ~~2706
02974 ## ya'al {yaw-al'} ; a primitive root [probably rather the same as 02973 through the idea of mental weakness ] ; properly , to yield , especially assent ; hence (pos .) to undertake as an act of volition :-- assay , begin , be content , please , take upon , X willingly , would . ~~2974
05087 ## nadar {naw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to promise (pos . , to do or give something to God) :-- (make a) vow . ~~5086
00413 ## 'el {ale} ; (but only used in the shortened constructive form'el {el}) ; a primitive particle ; properly , denoting motion towards , but occasionally used of a quiescent position , i . e . near , with or among ; often in general , to :-- about , according to , after , against , among , as for , at , because (- fore ,-side) , both . . . and , by , concerning , for , from , X hath , in (- to) , near , (out) of , over , through , to (- ward) , under , unto , upon , whether , with (- in) . ~~412
03259 ## ya` ad {yaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment) ; by implication , to meet (at a stated time) , to summon (to trial) , to direct (in a certain quarter or position) , to engage (for marriage) :-- agree , (maxke an) appoint (- ment , a time) , assemble (selves) , betroth , gather (selves , together) , meet (together) , set (a time) . ~~3258
04612 ## ma` amad {mah-am-awd'} ; from 05975 ; (figuratively) a position :-- attendance , office , place , state . ~~4612
08034 ## shem {shame} ; a primitive word [perhaps rather from 07760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position ; compare 08064 ] ; an appellation , as a mark or memorial of individuality ; by implication honor , authority , character :-- + base , [in-] fame [-ous ] , named (- d) , renown , report . ~~8034
03533 ## kabash {kaw-bash'} ; a primitive root ; to tread down ; hence , negatively , to disregard ; positively , to conquer , subjugate , violate :-- bring into bondage , force , keep under , subdue , bring into subjection ~~3532
04513 ## mana` {maw-nah'} ; a primitive root ; to debar (negatively or positively) from benefit or injury :-- deny , keep (back) , refrain , restrain , withhold . ~~4512
08633 ## toqeph {to'- kef} ; from 08630 ; might or (figuratively) positiveness :-- authority , power , strength . ~~8634
00270 ## 'achaz {aw-khaz'} ; a primitive root ; to seize (often with the accessory idea of holding in possession) :-- + be affrighted , bar , (catch , lay , take) hold (back) , come upon , fasten , handle , portion , (get , have or take) possess (- ion) . ~~270
00782 ## 'aresheth {ar-eh'- sheth} ; from 00781 (in the sense of desiring to possess) ; a longing for :-- request . ~~782
02631 ## chacan (Aramaic) {khas-an'} ; corresponding to 02630 ; to hold in occupancy :-- possess . ~~2630
03423 ## yarash {yaw-rash'} ; or yaresh {yaw-raysh'} ; a primitive root ; to occupy (by driving out previous tenants , and possessing in their place) ; by implication , to seize , to rob , to inherit ; also to expel , to impoverish , to ruin :-- cast out , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , drive (- ing) out , enjoy , expel , X without fail , (give to , leave for) inherit (- ance ,-- or) + magistrate , be (make) poor , come to poverty , (give to , make to) possess , get (have) in (take) possession , seize upon , succeed , X utterly . ~~3422
05157 ## nachal {naw-khal'} ; a primitive root ; to inherit (as a [figurative ] mode of descent) , or (generally) to occupy ; causatively , to bequeath , or (generally) distribute , instate :-- divide , have ([inheritance ]) , take as a heritage , (cause to , give to , make to) inherit , (distribute for , divide [for , for an , by ] , give for , have , leave for , take [for ]) inheritance , (have in , cause to , be made to) possess (- ion) . ~~5156
07069 ## qanah {kaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to erect , i . e . create ; by extension , to procure , especially by purchase (causatively , sell) ; by implication to own :-- attain , buy (- er) , teach to keep cattle , get , provoke to jealousy , possess (- or) , purchase , recover , redeem , X surely , X verily . ~~7068
03388 ## Y@ruwsha'{yer-oo-shaw'} ; or Yaruwshah {yer-oo-shaw'} feminine passive participle of 03423 ; possessed ; Jerusha or Jerushah , as Israelitess :-- Jerusha , Jerushah . ~~3388
03423 ## yarash {yaw-rash'} ; or yaresh {yaw-raysh'} ; a primitive root ; to occupy (by driving out previous tenants , and possessing in their place) ; by implication , to seize , to rob , to inherit ; also to expel , to impoverish , to ruin :-- cast out , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , drive (- ing) out , enjoy , expel , X without fail , (give to , leave for) inherit (- ance ,-- or) + magistrate , be (make) poor , come to poverty , (give to , make to) possess , get (have) in (take) possession , seize upon , succeed , X utterly . ~~3422
00270 ## 'achaz {aw-khaz'} ; a primitive root ; to seize (often with the accessory idea of holding in possession) :-- + be affrighted , bar , (catch , lay , take) hold (back) , come upon , fasten , handle , portion , (get , have or take) possess (- ion) . ~~270
00272 ## 'achuzzah {akh-ooz-zaw'} ; feminine passive participle from 00270 ; something seized , i . e . a possession (especially of land) :-- possession . ~~272
00272 ## 'achuzzah {akh-ooz-zaw'} ; feminine passive participle from 00270 ; something seized , i . e . a possession (especially of land) :-- possession . ~~272
00276 ## 'Achuzzath {akh-ooz-zath'} ; a variation of 00272 ; possession ; Achuzzath , a Philistine :-- Ahuzzath . ~~276
01644 ## garash {gaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to drive out from a possession ; especially to expatriate or divorce :-- cast up (out) , divorced (woman) , drive away (forth , out) , expel , X surely put away , trouble , thrust out . ~~1644
03423 ## yarash {yaw-rash'} ; or yaresh {yaw-raysh'} ; a primitive root ; to occupy (by driving out previous tenants , and possessing in their place) ; by implication , to seize , to rob , to inherit ; also to expel , to impoverish , to ruin :-- cast out , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , drive (- ing) out , enjoy , expel , X without fail , (give to , leave for) inherit (- ance ,-- or) + magistrate , be (make) poor , come to poverty , (give to , make to) possess , get (have) in (take) possession , seize upon , succeed , X utterly . ~~3422
03424 ## y@reshah {yer-ay-shaw'} ; from 03423 ; occupancy :-- possession . ~~3424
03425 ## y@rushah {yer-oosh-shaw'} ; from 03423 ; something occupied ; a conquest ; also a patrimony :-- heritage , inheritance , possession . ~~3424
04180 ## mowrash {mo-rawsh'} ; from 03423 ; a possession ; figuratively , delight :-- possession , thought . ~~4180
04180 ## mowrash {mo-rawsh'} ; from 03423 ; a possession ; figuratively , delight :-- possession , thought . ~~4180
04181 ## mowrashah {mo-raw-shaw'} ; feminine of 04180 ; a possession :-- heritage , inheritance , possession . ~~4180
04181 ## mowrashah {mo-raw-shaw'} ; feminine of 04180 ; a possession :-- heritage , inheritance , possession . ~~4180
04182 ## Mowresheth Gath {mo-reh'- sheth gath} ; from 03423 and 01661 ; possession of Gath ; Moresheth-Gath , a place in Palestine :-- Moresheth-gath . ~~4182
04476 ## mimshaq {mim-shawk'} ; from the same as 04943 ; a possession :-- breeding . ~~4476
04639 ## ma` aseh {mah-as-eh'} ; from 06213 ; an action (good or bad) ; generally , a transaction ; abstractly , activity ; by implication , a product (specifically , a poem) or (generally) property :-- act , art , + bakemeat , business , deed , do (- ing) , labor , thing made , ware of making , occupation , thing offered , operation , possession , X well , ([handy-, needle-, net-]) work (ing ,-manship) , wrought . ~~4638
04735 ## miqneh {mik-neh'} ; from 07069 ; something bought , i . e . property , but only livestock ; abstractly , acquisition :-- cattle , flock , herd , possession , purchase , substance . ~~4734
04736 ## miqnah {mik-naw'} ; feminine of 04735 ; properly , a buying , i . e . acquisition ; concretely , a piece of property (land or living) ; also the sum paid :-- (he that is) bought , possession , piece , purchase . ~~4736
04737 ## Miqneyahuw {mik-nay-yaw'- hoo} ; from 04735 and 03050 ; possession of Jah ; Miknejah , an Israelite :-- Mikneiah . ~~4736
04901 ## meshek {meh'shek} ; from 04900 ; a sowing ; also a possession :-- precious , price . ~~4900
04943 ## mesheq {meh'- shek} ; from an unused root meaning to hold ; possession :-- + steward . ~~4942
05159 ## nachalah {nakh-al-aw'} ; from 05157 (in its usual sense) ; properly , something inherited , i . e . (abstractly) occupancy , or (concretely) an heirloom ; generally an estate , patrimony or portion :-- heritage , to inherit , inheritance , possession . Compare 05158 . ~~5158
07079 ## Q@nath {ken-awth'} ; from 07069 ; possession ; Kenath , a place East of the Jordan :-- Kenath . ~~7078
07272 ## regel {reh'- gel} ; from 07270 ; a foot (as used in walking) ; by implication , a step ; by euphem . the pudenda :-- X be able to endure , X according as , X after , X coming , X follow , ([broken-]) foot ([-ed ,-stool ]) , X great toe , X haunt , X journey , leg , + piss , + possession , time . ~~7272
00022 ## 'Abiy'el {ab-ee-ale'} ; from 00001 and 00410 ; father (i . e . possessor) of God ; Abiel , the name of two Israelites :-- Abiel . ~~22
00031 ## 'Abiyhuwd {ab-ee-hood'} ; from 00001 and 01935 ; father (i . e . possessor) of renown ; Abihud , the name of two Israelites :-- Abihud . ~~30
00032 ## 'Abiyhayil {ab-ee-hah'- yil} ; or (more correctly)'Abiychayil {ab-ee-khah'- yil} ; from 00001 and 02428 ; father (i . e . possessor) of might ; Abihail or Abichail , the name of three Israelites and two Israelitesses :-- Abihail . ~~32
00257 ## 'Achban {akh-bawn'} ; from 00251 and 00995 ; brother (i . e . possessor) of understanding ; Achban , an Israelite :-- Ahban . ~~256
00271 ## 'Achaz {aw-khawz'} ; from 00270 ; possessor ; Achaz , the name of a Jewish king and of an Israelite :-- Ahaz . ~~270
00282 ## 'Achiyhuwd {akh-ee-hood'} ; from 00251 and 01935 ; brother (i . e . possessor) of renown ; Achihud , an Israelite :-- Ahihud . ~~282
01174 ## Ba` al Hamown {bah'- al haw-mone'} ; from 01167 and 01995 ; possessor of a multitude ; Baal-Hamon , a place in Palestine :-- Baal-hamon . ~~1174
01177 ## Ba` al Chanan {bah'- al khaw-nawn'} ; from 01167 and 02603 ; possessor of grace ; Baal-Chanan , the name of an Edomite , also of an Israelite :-- Baal-hanan . ~~1176
01178 ## Ba` al Chatsowr {bah'- al khaw-tsore'} ; from 01167 and a modification of 02691 ; possessor of a village ; Baal-Chatsor , a place in Palestine :-- Baal-hazor . ~~1178
01179 ## Ba` al Chermown {bah'- al kher-mone'} ; from 01167 and 02768 ; possessor of Hermon ; Baal-Chermon , a place in Palestine :-- Baal-hermon . ~~1178
01188 ## Ba` al P@` ratsiym {bah'- al per-aw-tseem'} ; from 01167 and the plural of 06556 ; possessor of breaches ; Baal-Peratsim , a place in Palestine :-- Baal-perazim . ~~1188
01193 ## Ba` al Tamar {bah'- al taw-mawr'} ; from 01167 and 08558 ; possessor of (the) palm-tree ; Baal-Tamar , a place in Palestine :-- Baal-tamar . ~~1192
06031 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root [possibly rather ident . with 06030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating ] ; to depress literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (in various applications , as follows) :-- abase self , afflict (- ion , self) , answer [by mistake for 06030 ] , chasten self , deal hardly with , defile , exercise , force , gentleness , humble (self) , hurt , ravish , sing [by mistake for 06030 ] , speak [by mistake for 06030 ] , submit self , weaken , X in any wise . ~~6030
07251 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 07250 through the idea of sprawling " at all fours " (or possibly the reverse is the order of deriv .) ; compare 00702 ] ; properly , to be four (sided) ; used only as denominative of 07253 ; to be quadrate :-- (four-) square (- d) . ~~7250
00352 ## 'ayil {ah'- yil} ; from the same as 00193 ; properly , strength ; hence , anything strong ; specifically a chief (politically) ; also a ram (from his strength) ; a pilaster (as a strong support) ; an oak or other strong tree :-- mighty (man) , lintel , oak , post , ram , tree . ~~352
00520 ## 'ammah {am-maw'} ; prolonged from 00517 ; properly , a mother (i . e . unit of measure , or the fore-arm (below the elbow) , i . e . a cubit ; also a door-base (as a bond of the entrance) :-- cubit , + hundred [by exchange for 03967 ] , measure , post . ~~520
04201 ## m@zuwzah {mez-oo-zaw'} ; or m@zuzah {mez-oo-zaw'} ; from the same as 02123 ; a door-post (as prominent) :-- (door , side) post . ~~4200
04201 ## m@zuwzah {mez-oo-zaw'} ; or m@zuzah {mez-oo-zaw'} ; from the same as 02123 ; a door-post (as prominent) :-- (door , side) post . ~~4200
04673 ## matstsab {mats-tsawb'} ; from 05324 ; a fixed spot ; figuratively , an office , a military post :-- garrison , station , place where . . . stood . ~~4672
04674 ## mutstsab {moots-tsawb'} ; from 05324 ; a station , i . e . military post :-- mount . ~~4674
04929 ## mishmar {mish-mawr'} ; from 08104 ; a guard (the man , the post , or the prison) ; figuratively a deposit ; allso (as observed) a usage (abstractly) , or an example (concr .) :-- diligence , guard , office , prison , ward , watch . ~~4928
04931 ## mishmereth {mish-meh'- reth} ; feminine of 04929 ; watch , i . e . the act (custody) or (transitively) the sentry , the post ; objectively , preservation , or (concretely) safe ; figuratively , observance , i . e . (abstractly) duty , or (objectively) a usage or party :-- charge , keep , to be kept , office , ordinance , safeguard , ward , watch . ~~4930
05333 ## n@tsiyb {nets-eeb'} ; or n@tsib {nets-eeb'} ; from 05324 ; something stationary , i . e . a prefect , a military post , a statue :-- garrison , officer , pillar . ~~5332
05592 ## caph {saf} ; from 05605 , in its original sense of containing ; a vestibule (as a limit) ; also a dish (for holding blood or wine) :-- bason , bowl , cup , door (post) , gate , post , threshold . ~~5592
05592 ## caph {saf} ; from 05605 , in its original sense of containing ; a vestibule (as a limit) ; also a dish (for holding blood or wine) :-- bason , bowl , cup , door (post) , gate , post , threshold . ~~5592
05892 ## ` iyr {eer} ; or (in the plural)` ar {awr} ; or` ayar (Judges 10 : 4) {aw-yar'} ; from 05782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post) :-- Ai [from margin ] , city , court [from margin ] , town . ~~5892
07323 ## ruwts {roots} ; a primitive root ; to run (for whatever reason , especially to rush) :-- break down , divide speedily , footman , guard , bring hastily , (make) run (away , through) , post . ~~7322
07409 ## rekesh {reh'- kesh} ; from 07408 ; a relay of animals on a post-route (as stored up for that purpose) ; by implication , a courser :-- dromedary , mule , swift beast . ~~7408