04064 ## madveh {mad-veh'} ; from 01738 ; sickness :-- disease . ~~ 4064
04065 ## madduwach {mad-doo'akh} ; from 05080 ; seduction :-- cause of banishment . ~~4064
04066 ## madown {maw-dohn'} ; from 01777 ; a contest or quarrel :-- brawling , contention (- ous) , discord , strife . Compare 04079 , 04090 . ~~4066
04079 ## midyan {mid-yawn'} ; a variation for 04066 :-- brawling , contention (- ous) . ~~4078
04090 ## m@dan {med-awn'} ; a form of 04066 :-- discord , strife . ~~ 4090
04067 ## madown {maw-dohn'} ; from the same as 04063 ; extensiveness , i . e . height :-- stature . ~~4066
04068 ## Madown {maw-dohn'} ; the same as 04067 ; Madon , a place in Palestine :-- Madon . ~~4068
04068 ## Madown {maw-dohn'} ; the same as 04067 ; Madon , a place in Palestine :-- Madon . ~~4068
04069 ## madduwa` {mad-doo'- ah} ; or maddua` {mad-doo'- ah} ; from 04100 and the passive participle of 03045 ; what (is) known ? ; i . e . (by implication) (adverbially) why ? :-- how , wherefore , why . ~~4068
04070 ## m@dowr (Aramaic) {med-ore'} ; or m@dor (Aramaic) {med-ore'} ; or m@dar (Aramaic) {med-awr'} ; from 01753 ; a dwelling :-- dwelling . ~~4070
04071 ## m@duwrah {med-oo-raw'} ; or m@durah {med-oo-raw'} ; from 01752 in the sense of accumulation ; a pile of fuel :-- pile (for fire) . ~~4070
04072 ## midcheh {mid-kheh'} ; from 01760 ; overthrow :-- ruin . ~~ 4072
04073 ## m@dachphah {med-akh-faw'} ; from 01765 ; a push , i . e . ruin :-- overthrow . ~~4072
04074 ## Maday {maw-dah'- ee} ; of foreign derivation ; Madai , a country of central Asia :-- Madai , Medes , Media . ~~4074
04075 ## Maday {maw-dah'- ee} ; patrial from 04074 ; a Madian or native of Madai :-- Mede . ~~4074
04076 ## Maday (Aramaic) {maw-dah'- ee} ; corresponding to 04074 :-- Mede (- s) . ~~4076
04075 ## Maday {maw-dah'- ee} ; patrial from 04074 ; a Madian or native of Madai :-- Mede . ~~4074
04077 ## Maday (Aramaic) {maw-dah'- ee} ; corresponding to 04075 :-- Median . ~~4076
04076 ## Maday (Aramaic) {maw-dah'- ee} ; corresponding to 04074 :-- Mede (- s) . ~~4076
04077 ## Maday (Aramaic) {maw-dah'- ee} ; corresponding to 04075 :-- Median . ~~4076
04078 ## madday {mad-dah'- ee} ; from 04100 and 01767 ; what (is) enough , i . e . sufficiently :-- sufficiently . ~~4078
04066 ## madown {maw-dohn'} ; from 01777 ; a contest or quarrel :-- brawling , contention (- ous) , discord , strife . Compare 04079 , 04090 . ~~4066
04079 ## midyan {mid-yawn'} ; a variation for 04066 :-- brawling , contention (- ous) . ~~4078
04080 ## Midyan {mid-yawn'} ; the same as 04079 ; Midjan , a son of Abraham ; also his country and (collectively) his descendants :-- Midian , Midianite . ~~4080
04080 ## Midyan {mid-yawn'} ; the same as 04079 ; Midjan , a son of Abraham ; also his country and (collectively) his descendants :-- Midian , Midianite . ~~4080
04081 ## Middiyn {mid-deen'} ; a variation for 04080 :-- Middin . ~~ 4080
04084 ## Midyaniy {mid-yaw-nee'} ; patronymical or patrial from 04080 ; a Midjanite or descend . (native) of Midjan :-- Midianite . Compare 04092 . ~~4084
04081 ## Middiyn {mid-deen'} ; a variation for 04080 :-- Middin . ~~ 4080
04082 ## m@diynah {med-ee-naw'} ; from 01777 ; properly , a judgeship , i . e . jurisdiction ; by implication , a district (as ruled by a judge) ; generally , a region :-- (X every) province . ~~4082
04083 ## m@diynah (Aramaic) {med-ee-naw'} ; corresponding to 04082 :-- province . ~~4082
04083 ## m@diynah (Aramaic) {med-ee-naw'} ; corresponding to 04082 :-- province . ~~4082
04084 ## Midyaniy {mid-yaw-nee'} ; patronymical or patrial from 04080 ; a Midjanite or descend . (native) of Midjan :-- Midianite . Compare 04092 . ~~4084
04092 ## M@daniy {med-aw-nee'} ; a variation of 04084 :-- Midianite . ~~ 4092
04085 ## m@dokah {med-o-kaw'} ; from 01743 ; a mortar :-- mortar . ~~ 4084
04086 ## Madmen {mad-mane'} ; from the same as 01828 ; dunghill ; Madmen , a place in Palestine :-- Madmen . ~~4086
04087 ## madmenah {mad-may-naw'} ; feminine from the same as 01828 ; a dunghill :-- dunghill . ~~4086
04088 ## Madmenah {mad-may-naw'} ; the same as 04087 ; Madmenah , a place in Palestine :-- Madmenah . ~~4088
04089 ## Madmannah {mad-man-naw'} ; a variation for 04087 ; Madmannah , a place in Palestine :-- Madmannah . ~~4088
04088 ## Madmenah {mad-may-naw'} ; the same as 04087 ; Madmenah , a place in Palestine :-- Madmenah . ~~4088
04089 ## Madmannah {mad-man-naw'} ; a variation for 04087 ; Madmannah , a place in Palestine :-- Madmannah . ~~4088
04066 ## madown {maw-dohn'} ; from 01777 ; a contest or quarrel :-- brawling , contention (- ous) , discord , strife . Compare 04079 , 04090 . ~~4066
04090 ## m@dan {med-awn'} ; a form of 04066 :-- discord , strife . ~~ 4090
04091 ## M@dan {med-awn'} ; the same as 04090 ; Medan , a son of Abraham :-- Medan . ~~4090
04091 ## M@dan {med-awn'} ; the same as 04090 ; Medan , a son of Abraham :-- Medan . ~~4090
04084 ## Midyaniy {mid-yaw-nee'} ; patronymical or patrial from 04080 ; a Midjanite or descend . (native) of Midjan :-- Midianite . Compare 04092 . ~~4084
04092 ## M@daniy {med-aw-nee'} ; a variation of 04084 :-- Midianite . ~~ 4092
04093 ## madda` {mad-daw'} ; or madda` {mad-dah'} ; from 03045 ; intelligence or consciousness :-- knowledge , science , thought . ~~4092
04486 ## manda` (Aramaic) {man-dah'} ; corresponding to 04093 ; wisdom or intelligence :-- knowledge , reason , understanding . ~~4486
04094 ## madqarah {mad-kaw-raw'} ; from 01856 ; a wound :-- piercing . ~~ 4094
04095 ## madregah {mad-ray-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to step ; properly , a step ; by implication , a steep or inaccessible place :-- stair , steep place . ~~4094
04096 ## midrak {mid-rawk'} ; from 01869 ; a treading , i . e . a place for stepping on :-- [foot-] breadth . ~~4096
04097 ## midrash {mid-rawsh'} ; from 01875 ; properly , an investigation , i . e . (by implication) a treatise or elaborate compilation :-- story . ~~4096
04098 ## m@dushshah {med-oosh-shaw'} ; from 01758 ; a threshing , i . e . (concretely and figuratively) down-trodden people :-- threshing . ~~4098
04099 ## M@datha {med-aw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Medatha , the father of Haman :-- Hammedatha [including the article ] . ~~4098
01099 ## b@liymah {bel-ee-mah'} ; from 01097 and 04100 ; (as indefinite) nothing whatever :-- nothing . ~~1098
03964 ## ma'(Aramaic) {maw} ; corresponding to 04100 ; (as indef .) that :-- + what ~~3964
04069 ## madduwa` {mad-doo'- ah} ; or maddua` {mad-doo'- ah} ; from 04100 and the passive participle of 03045 ; what (is) known ? ; i . e . (by implication) (adverbially) why ? :-- how , wherefore , why . ~~4068
04078 ## madday {mad-dah'- ee} ; from 04100 and 01767 ; what (is) enough , i . e . sufficiently :-- sufficiently . ~~4078
04100 ## mah {maw} ; or mah {mah} ; or ma {maw} ; or ma {mah} ; also meh {meh} ; a primitive particle ; properly , interrogative what ? (including how ? why ? when ?) ; but also exclamation , what ! (including how !) , or indefinitely what (including whatever , and even relatively , that which) ; often used with prefixes in various adverbial or conjunctive senses :-- how (long , oft , [-soever ]) , [no-] thing , what (end , good , purpose , thing) , whereby (- fore ,-in ,-to ,-with) , (for) why . ~~4100
04101 ## mah (Aramaic) {maw} ; corresponding to 04100 :-- how great (mighty) , that which , what (- soever) , why . ~~4100
04102 ## mahahh {maw-hah'} ; apparently a denominative from 04100 ; properly , to question or hesitate , i . e . (by implication) to be reluctant :-- delay , linger , stay selves , tarry . ~~4102
04310 ## miy {me} ; an interrogative pronoun of persons , as 04100 is of things , who ? (occasionally , by a peculiar idiom , of things) ; also (indefinitely) whoever ; often used in oblique construction with prefix or suffix :-- any (man) , X he , X him , + O that ! what , which , who (- m ,-se ,-soever) , + would to God . ~~4310
04367 ## Maknadbay {mak-nad-bah'- ee} ; from 04100 and 05068 with a particle interposed ; what (is) like (a) liberal (man) ? ; Maknadbai , an Israelite :-- Machnadebai . ~~4366
04478 ## man {mawn} ; from 04100 ; literally , a whatness (so to speak) , i . e . manna (so called from the question about it) :-- manna . ~~4478
04972 ## matt@la'ah {mat-tel-aw-aw'} ; from 04100 and 08513 ; what a trouble ! :-- what a weariness . ~~4972
04101 ## mah (Aramaic) {maw} ; corresponding to 04100 :-- how great (mighty) , that which , what (- soever) , why . ~~4100
04479 ## man (Aramaic) {mawn} ; from 04101 ; who or what (properly , interrogatively , hence , also indefinitely and relatively) :-- what , who (- msoever , +-so) . ~~4478
04102 ## mahahh {maw-hah'} ; apparently a denominative from 04100 ; properly , to question or hesitate , i . e . (by implication) to be reluctant :-- delay , linger , stay selves , tarry . ~~4102
04103 ## m@huwmah {meh-hoo-maw'} ; from 01949 ; confusion or uproar :-- destruction , discomfiture , trouble , tumult , vexation , vexed . ~~4102
04104 ## M@huwman {meh-hoo-mawn'} ; of Persian origin ; Mehuman , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Mehuman . ~~4104
04105 ## M@heytab'el {meh-hay-tab-ale'} ; from 03190 (augmented) and 00410 ; bettered of God ; Mehetabel , the name of an Edomitish man and woman :-- Mehetabeel , Mehetabel . ~~4104
04106 ## mahiyr {maw-here'} ; or mahir {maw-here'} ; from 04116 ; quick ; hence , skilful :-- diligent , hasty , ready . ~~4106
01118 ## Bimhal {bim-hawl'} ; probably from 04107 with prepositional prefix ; with pruning ; Bimhal , an Israelite :-- Bimhal . ~~1118
04107 ## mahal {maw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cut down or reduce , i . e . by implication , to adulterate :-- mixed . ~~4106
04108 ## mahlek {mah-lake'} ; from 01980 ; a walking (plural collectively) , i . e . access :-- place to walk . ~~4108
04109 ## mahalak {mah-hal-awk'} ; from 01980 ; a walk , i . e . a passage or a distance :-- journey , walk . ~~4108
04110 ## mahalal {mah-hal-awl'} ; from 01984 ; fame :-- praise . ~~ 4110
04111 ## Mahalal'el {mah-hal-al-ale'} ; from 04110 and 00410 ; praise of God ; Mahalalel , the name of an antediluvian patriarch and of an Israelite :-- Mahalaleel . ~~4110
04111 ## Mahalal'el {mah-hal-al-ale'} ; from 04110 and 00410 ; praise of God ; Mahalalel , the name of an antediluvian patriarch and of an Israelite :-- Mahalaleel . ~~4110
04112 ## mahalummah {mah-hal-oom-maw'} ; from 01986 ; a blow :-- stripe , stroke . ~~4112
04113 ## mahamorah {mah-ham-o-raw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; perhaps an abyss :-- deep pit . ~~4112
04114 ## mahpekah {mah-pay-kaw'} ; from 02015 ; a destruction :-- when . . . overthrew , overthrow (- n) . ~~4114
04115 ## mahpeketh {mah-peh'- keth} ; from 02015 ; a wrench , i . e . the stocks :-- prison , stocks . ~~4114
04106 ## mahiyr {maw-here'} ; or mahir {maw-here'} ; from 04116 ; quick ; hence , skilful :-- diligent , hasty , ready . ~~4106
04116 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be liquid or flow easily , i . e . (by implication) ; to hurry (in a good or a bad sense) ; often used (with another verb) adverbially , promptly :-- be carried headlong , fearful , (cause to make , in , make) haste (- n ,-ily) , (be) hasty , (fetch , make ready) X quickly , rash , X shortly , (be so) X soon , make speed , X speedily , X straightway , X suddenly , swift . ~~4116
04117 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root (perhaps rather the same as 04116 through the idea of readiness in assent) ; to bargain (for a wife) , i . e . to wed :-- endow , X surely . ~~4116
04118 ## maher {mah-hare'} ; from 04116 ; properly , hurrying ; hence (adverbially) in a hurry :-- hasteth , hastily , at once , quickly , soon , speedily , suddenly . ~~4118
04121 ## Maharay {mah-har-ah'- ee} ; from 04116 ; hasty ; Maharai , an Israelite :-- Maharai . ~~4120