3704 - hopos {hop'-oce}; from 3739 and 4459; what(-ever) how, i.e. in the manner that (as adverb or conjunction of coincidence, intentional or actual): --because, how, (so) that, to, when. [ql ~~~~3602
4458 - -pos {poce}; adverb from the base of 4225; an enclitic particle of indefiniteness of manner; somehow or anyhow; used only in composition: --haply, by any (some) means, perhaps. See 1513, 3381. Compare 4459. [ql ~~~~4356
4459 - pos {poce}; adverb from the base of 4226; an interrogative particle of manner; in what way? (sometimes the question is indirect, how?); also as exclamation, how much!: --how, after (by) what manner (means), that. [Occasionally unexpressed in English]. [ql ~~~~4356
4460 - Rhaab {hrah-ab'}; of Hebrew origin [7343]; Raab (i.e. Rachab), a Canaanitess: --Rahab. See also 4477. [ql ~~~~4358
4477 - Rhachab {hrakh-ab'}; from the same as 4460; Rachab, a Canaanitess: --Rachab. [ql ~~~~4374
4461 - rhabbi {hrab-bee'}; of Hebrew origin [7227 with pronominal suffix); my master, i.e Rabbi, as an official title of honor: --Master, Rabbi. [ql ~~~~4358
4462 - rhabboni {hrab-bon-ee'}; or rhabbouni {hrab-boo-nee'}; of Aramaic origin; corresponding to 4461: --Lord, Rabboni. [ql ~~~~4360
4462 - rhabboni {hrab-bon-ee'}; or rhabbouni {hrab-boo-nee'}; of Aramaic origin; corresponding to 4461: --Lord, Rabboni. [ql ~~~~4360
4463 - rhabdizo {hrab-did'-zo}; from 4464; to strike with a stick, i.e. bastinado: --beat (with rods). [ql ~~~~4360
4463 - rhabdizo {hrab-did'-zo}; from 4464; to strike with a stick, i.e. bastinado: --beat (with rods). [ql ~~~~4360
4464 - rhabdos {hrab'-dos}; from the base of 4474; a stick or wand (as a cudgel, a cane or a baton of royalty): --rod, sceptre, staff. [ql ~~~~4362
4465 - rhabdouchos {hrab-doo'-khos}; from 4464 and 2192; a rod- (the Latin fasces) holder, i.e. a Roman lictor (constable or executioner): --serjeant. [ql ~~~~4362
4465 - rhabdouchos {hrab-doo'-khos}; from 4464 and 2192; a rod- (the Latin fasces) holder, i.e. a Roman lictor (constable or executioner): --serjeant. [ql ~~~~4362
4466 - Rhagau {hrag-ow'}; of Hebrew origin [7466]; Ragau (i.e. Reu), a patriarch: --Ragau. [ql ~~~~4364
4467 - rhaidiourgema {hrad-ee-oorg'-ay-mah}; from a comparative of rhaidios (easy, i.e. reckless) and 2041; easy-going behavior, i.e. (by extension) a crime: --lewdness. [ql ~~~~4364
4468 - rhaidiourgia {hrad-ee-oorg-ee'-a}; from the same as 4467; recklessness, i.e. (by extension) malignity: --mischief. [ql ~~~~4366
4468 - rhaidiourgia {hrad-ee-oorg-ee'-a}; from the same as 4467; recklessness, i.e. (by extension) malignity: --mischief. [ql ~~~~4366
4469 - rhaka {rhak-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 7386]; O empty one, i.e. thou worthless (as a term of utter vilification): --Raca. [ql ~~~~4366
4470 - rhakos {hrak'-os}; from 4486; a "rag," i.e. piece of cloth: --cloth. [ql ~~~~4368
4471 - Rhama {hram-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [7414]; Rama (i.e. Ramah), a place in Palestine: --Rama. [ql ~~~~4368
4472 - rhantizo {hran-tid'-zo}; from a derivative of rhaino (to sprinkle); to render besprinkled, i.e. asperse (ceremonially or figuratively): --sprinkle. [ql ~~~~4370
4473 - rhantismos {hran-tis-mos'}; from 4472; aspersion (ceremonially or figuratively): --sprinkling. [ql ~~~~4370
4473 - rhantismos {hran-tis-mos'}; from 4472; aspersion (ceremonially or figuratively): --sprinkling. [ql ~~~~4370
4464 - rhabdos {hrab'-dos}; from the base of 4474; a stick or wand (as a cudgel, a cane or a baton of royalty): --rod, sceptre, staff. [ql ~~~~4362
4474 - rhapizo {hrap-id'-zo}; from a derivative of a primary rhepo (to let fall, "rap"); to slap: --smite (with the palm of the hand). Compare 5180. [ql ~~~~4372
4475 - rhapisma {hrap'-is-mah}; from 4474; a slap: --(+ strike with the) palm of the hand, smite with the hand. [ql ~~~~4372
4476 - rhaphis {hraf-ece'}; from a primary rhapto (to sew; perhaps rather akin to the base of 4474 through the idea of puncturing); a needle: --needle. [ql ~~~~4374
4496 - rhipto {hrip'-to}; a primary verb (perhaps rather akin to the base of 4474, through the idea of sudden motion); to fling (properly, with a quick toss, thus differing from 0906, which denotes a deliberate hurl; and from teino [see in 1614], which indicates an extended projection); by qualification, to deposit (as if a load); by extension, to disperse: --cast (down, out), scatter abroad, throw. [ql ~~~~4394
5180 - tupto {toop'-to}; a primary verb (in a strengthened form); to "thump", i.e. cudgel or pummel (properly, with a stick or bastinado), but in any case by repeated blows; thus differing from 3817 and 3960, which denote a [usually single] blow with the hand or any instrument, or 4141 with the fist [or a hammer], or 4474 with the palm; as well as from 5177, an accidental collision); by implication, to punish; figuratively, to offend (the conscience): --beat, smite, strike, wound. [ql ~~~~5078
4475 - rhapisma {hrap'-is-mah}; from 4474; a slap: --(+ strike with the) palm of the hand, smite with the hand. [ql ~~~~4372
0729 - arrhaphos {ar'-hhraf-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of the same as 4476; unsewed, i.e. of a single piece: --without seam. [ql ~~~~728
1976 - epirrhapto {ep-ir-hrap'-to}; from 1909 and the base of 4476; to stitch upon, i.e. fasten with the needle: --sew on. [ql ~~~~1976
4476 - rhaphis {hraf-ece'}; from a primary rhapto (to sew; perhaps rather akin to the base of 4474 through the idea of puncturing); a needle: --needle. [ql ~~~~4374
4460 - Rhaab {hrah-ab'}; of Hebrew origin [7343]; Raab (i.e. Rachab), a Canaanitess: --Rahab. See also 4477. [ql ~~~~4358
4477 - Rhachab {hrakh-ab'}; from the same as 4460; Rachab, a Canaanitess: --Rachab. [ql ~~~~4374
3131 - manna {man'-nah}; of Hebrew origin [4478]; manna (i.e. man), an edible gum: --manna. [ql ~~~~3130
4478 - Rhachel {hrakh-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [7354]; Rachel, the wife of Jacob: --Rachel. [ql ~~~~4376
4479 - Rhebekka {hreb-bek'-kah}; of Hebrew origin [7259]; Rebecca (i.e. Ribkah), the wife of Isaac: --Rebecca. [ql ~~~~4376
4480 - rheda {hred'-ah}; of Latin origin; a rheda, i.e. four-wheeled carriage (wagon for riding): --chariot. [ql ~~~~4378
4481 - Rhemphan {hrem-fan'}; by incorrect transliteration for a word of Hebrew origin [3594]; Remphan (i.e. Kijun), an Egyptian idol: --Remphan. [ql ~~~~4378
0131 - haimorrheo {hahee-mor-hreh'-o}; from 0129 and 4482; to flow blood, i.e. have a hoemorrhage: --diseased with an issue of blood. [ql ~~~~130
3901 - pararrhueo {par-ar-hroo-eh'-o}; from 3844 and the alternate of 4482; to flow by, i.e. (figuratively) carelessly pass (miss): --let slip. [ql ~~~~3798
4482 - rheo {hreh'-o}; a primary verb; for some tenses of which a prolonged form rheuo {hryoo'-o} is used; to flow ("run"; as water): --flow. [ql ~~~~4380
4483 - rheo {hreh'-o}; for certain tenses of which a prolonged form ereo {er-eh'-o}; is used; and both as alternate for 2036; perhaps akin (or ident.) with 4482 (through the idea of pouring forth); to utter, i.e. speak or say: --command, make, say, speak (of). Compare 3004. [ql ~~~~4380
4506 - rhoumai {rhoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice of an obsolete verb, akin to 4482 (through the idea of a current; compare 4511); to rush or draw (for oneself), i.e. rescue: --deliver(-er). [ql ~~~~4404
4511 - rhusis {hroo'-sis}; from 4506 in the sense of its congener 4482; a flux (of blood): --issue. [ql ~~~~4408
5493 - cheimarrhos {khi'-mar-hros}; from the base of 5494 and 4482; a storm-runlet, i.e. winter-torrent: --brook. [ql ~~~~5390
0368 - anantirrhetos {an-an-tir'-hray-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 0473 and 4483; indisputable: --cannot be spoken against. [ql ~~~~368
0720 - arneomai {ar-neh'-om-ahee}; perhaps from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the middle voice of 4483; to contradict, i.e. disavow, reject, abnegate: --deny, refuse. [ql ~~~~720
1518 - eirenopoios {i-ray-nop-oy-os'}; from 1518 and 4160; pacificatory, i.e. (subjectively) peaceable: --peacemaker. [ql ***. eiro. See 1515, 4483, 5346. [ql ~~~~1518
2036 - epo {ep'-o}; a primary verb (used only in the definite past tense, the others being borrowed from 2046, 4483, and 5346); to speak or say (by word or writing): --answer, bid, bring word, call, command, grant, say (on), speak, tell. Compare 3004. [ql ~~~~2036
2046 - ereo {er-eh'-o}; probably a fuller form of 4483; an alternate for 2036 in cert. tenses; to utter, i.e. speak or say: --call, say, speak (of), tell. [ql ~~~~2046
3004 - lego {leg'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly, to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue]); by implication, to mean: --ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter. [ql ~~~~3002
3954 - parrhesia {par-rhay-see'-ah}; from 3956 and a derivative of 4483; all out-spokenness, i.e. frankness, bluntness, publicity; by implication, assurance: --bold (X -ly, -ness, -ness of speech), confidence, X freely, X openly, X plainly(-ness). [ql ~~~~3852
4483 - rheo {hreh'-o}; for certain tenses of which a prolonged form ereo {er-eh'-o}; is used; and both as alternate for 2036; perhaps akin (or ident.) with 4482 (through the idea of pouring forth); to utter, i.e. speak or say: --command, make, say, speak (of). Compare 3004. [ql ~~~~4380
4487 - rhema {hray'-mah}; from 4483; an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically); by implication, a matter or topic (especially of narration, command or dispute); with a negative naught whatever: --+ evil, + nothing, saying, word. [ql ~~~~4384
4489 - rhetor {hray'-tore}; from 4483; a speaker, i.e. (by implication) a forensic advocate: --orator. [ql ~~~~4386
4490 - rhetos {hray-toce'}; adverb from a derivative of 4483; out-spokenly, i.e. distinctly: --expressly. [ql ~~~~4388
4484 - Rhegion {hrayg'-ee-on}; of Latin origin; Rhegium, a place in Italy: --Rhegium. [ql ~~~~4382
4485 - rhegma {hrayg'-mah}; from 4486; something torn, i.e. a fragment (by implication and abstractly, a fall): --ruin. [ql ~~~~4382
0513 - axine {ax-ee'-nay}; probably from agnumi (to break; compare 4486); an axe: --axe. [ql ~~~~512
1284 - diarrhesso {dee-ar-hrayce'-so}; from 1223 and 4486; to tear asunder: --break, rend. [ql ~~~~1284
2352 - thrauo {throw'-o}; a primary verb; to crush: --bruise. Compare 4486. [ql ~~~~2352
2608 - katagnumi {kat-ag'-noo-mee}; from 2596 and the base of 4486; to rend in pieces, i.e. crack apart: --break. [ql ~~~~2608
3089 - luo {loo'-o}; a primary verb; to "loosen" (literally or figuratively): --break (up), destroy, dissolve, (un-)loose, melt, put off. Compare 4486. [ql ~~~~3088
4048 - perirrhegnumi {per-ir-hrayg'-noo-mee}; from 4012 and 4486; to tear all around, i.e. completely away: --rend off. [ql ~~~~3946
4366 - prosregnumi {pros-rayg'-noo-mee}; from 4314 and 4486; to tear towards, i.e. burst upon (as a tempest or flood): --beat vehemently against (upon). [ql ~~~~4264
4470 - rhakos {hrak'-os}; from 4486; a "rag," i.e. piece of cloth: --cloth. [ql ~~~~4368
4485 - rhegma {hrayg'-mah}; from 4486; something torn, i.e. a fragment (by implication and abstractly, a fall): --ruin. [ql ~~~~4382
4486 - rhegnumi {hrayg'-noo-mee}; or rhesso {hrace'-so}; both prolonged forms of rheko (which appears only in certain forms, and is itself probably a strengthened form of agnumi [see in 2608]); to "break", "wreck" or "crack", i.e. (especially)to sunder (by separation of the parts; 2608 being its intensive [with the preposition in composition], and 2352 a shattering to minute fragments; but not a reduction to the constituent particles, like 3089) or disrupt, lacerate; by implication, to convulse (wih spasms); figuratively, to give vent to joyful emotions: --break (forth), burst, rend, tear. [ql ~~~~4384
5138 - trachus {trakh-oos'}; perhaps strengthened from the base of 4486 (as if jagged by rents); uneven, rocky (reefy): --rock, rough. [ql ~~~~5036
5327 - pharagx {far'-anx}; properly, strengthened from the base of 4008 or rather of 4486; a gap or chasm, i.e. ravine (winter-torrent): --valley. [ql ~~~~5224