0888 - achreios {akh-ri'-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5534 [compare 5532]; useless, i.e. (euphem.) unmeritorious: --unprofitable. [ql ~~~~888
5530 - chraomai {khrah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb (perhaps rather from 5495, to handle); to furnish what is needed; (give an oracle, "graze" [touch slightly], light upon, etc.), i.e. (by implication) to employ or (by extension) to act towards one in a given manner: --entreat, use. Compare 5531; 5534. [ql ~~~~5428
5532 - chreia {khri'-ah}; from the base of 5530 or 5534; employment, i.e. an affair; also (by implication) occasion, demand, requirement or destitution: --business, lack, necessary(-ity), need(-ful), use, want. [ql ~~~~5430
5534 - chre {khray}; third person singular of the same as 5530 or 5531 used impersonally; it needs (must or should) be: --ought. [ql ~~~~5432
5535 - chreizo {khrade'-zo}; from 5532; to make (i.e. have) necessity, i.e. be in want of: --(have) need. [ql ~~~~5432
3916 - parachrema {par-akh-ray'-mah}; from 3844 and 5536 (in its original sense); at the thing itself, i.e. instantly: --forthwith, immediately, presently, straightway, soon. [ql ~~~~3814
5536 - chrema {khray'-mah}; something useful or needed, i.e. wealth, price: --money, riches. [ql ~~~~5434
5537 - chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo}; from 5536; to utter an oracle (compare the original sense of 5530), i.e. divinely intimate; by implication (compare the secular sense of 5532) to constitute a firm for business, i.e. (generally) bear as a title: --be called, be admonished (warned) of God, reveal, speak. [ql ~~~~5434
5537 - chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo}; from 5536; to utter an oracle (compare the original sense of 5530), i.e. divinely intimate; by implication (compare the secular sense of 5532) to constitute a firm for business, i.e. (generally) bear as a title: --be called, be admonished (warned) of God, reveal, speak. [ql ~~~~5434
5538 - chrematismos {khray-mat-is-mos'}; from 5537; a divine response or revelation: --answer of God. [ql ~~~~5436
5538 - chrematismos {khray-mat-is-mos'}; from 5537; a divine response or revelation: --answer of God. [ql ~~~~5436
5539 - chresimos {khray'-see-mos}; from 5540; serviceable: --profit. [ql ~~~~5436
5539 - chresimos {khray'-see-mos}; from 5540; serviceable: --profit. [ql ~~~~5436
5540 - chresis {khray'-sis}; from 5530; employment, i.e. (specifically) sexual intercourse (as an occupation of the body): --use. [ql ~~~~5438
5541 - chresteuomai {khraste-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 5543; to show oneself useful, i.e. act benevolently: --be kind. [ql ~~~~5438
5542 - chrestologia {khrase-tol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 5543 and 3004; fair speech, i.e. plausibility: --good words. [ql ~~~~5440
0890 - achrestos {akh'-race-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5543; inefficient, i.e. (by implication) detrimental: --unprofitable. [ql ~~~~890
2173 - euchrestos {yoo'-khrays-tos}; from 2095 and 5543; easily used, i.e. useful: --profitable, meet for use. [ql ~~~~2172
5541 - chresteuomai {khraste-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 5543; to show oneself useful, i.e. act benevolently: --be kind. [ql ~~~~5438
5542 - chrestologia {khrase-tol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 5543 and 3004; fair speech, i.e. plausibility: --good words. [ql ~~~~5440
5543 - chrestos {khrase-tos'}; from 5530; employed, i.e. (by implication) useful (in manner or morals): --better, easy, good(-ness), gracious, kind. [ql ~~~~5440
5544 - chrestotes {khray-stot'-ace}; from 5543; usefulness, i.e. moral excellence (in character or demeanor): --gentleness, good(-ness), kindness. [ql ~~~~5442
5544 - chrestotes {khray-stot'-ace}; from 5543; usefulness, i.e. moral excellence (in character or demeanor): --gentleness, good(-ness), kindness. [ql ~~~~5442
5545 - chrisma {khris'-mah}; from 5548; an unguent or smearing, i.e. (figuratively) the special endowment ("chrism") of the Holy Spirit: --anointing, unction. [ql ~~~~5442
5546 - Christianos {khris-tee-an-os'}; from 5547; a Christian, i.e. follower of Christ: --Christian. [ql ~~~~5444
0500 - antichristos {an-tee'-khris-tos}; from 0473 and 5547; an opponent of the Messiah: --antichrist. [ql ~~~~500
5546 - Christianos {khris-tee-an-os'}; from 5547; a Christian, i.e. follower of Christ: --Christian. [ql ~~~~5444
5547 - Christos {khris-tos'}; from 5548; anointed, i.e. the Messiah, an epithet of Jesus: --Christ. [ql ~~~~5444
5580 - pseudochristos {psyoo-dokh'-ris-tos}; from 5571 and 5547; a spurious Messiah: --false Christ. [ql ~~~~5476
1472 - egchrio {eng-khree'-o}; from 1722 and 5548; to rub in (oil), i.e. besmear: --anoint. [ql ~~~~1472
2025 - epichrio {ep-ee-khree'-o}; from 1909 and 5548; to smear over: --anoint. [ql ~~~~2024
5545 - chrisma {khris'-mah}; from 5548; an unguent or smearing, i.e. (figuratively) the special endowment ("chrism") of the Holy Spirit: --anointing, unction. [ql ~~~~5442
5547 - Christos {khris-tos'}; from 5548; anointed, i.e. the Messiah, an epithet of Jesus: --Christ. [ql ~~~~5444
5548 - chrio {khree'-o}; probably akin to 5530 through the idea of contact; to smear or rub with oil, i.e. (by implication) to consecrate to an office or religious service: --anoint. [ql ~~~~5446
5549 - chronizo {khron-id'-zo}; from 5550; to take time, i.e. linger: --delay, tarry. [ql ~~~~5446
0165 - aion {ahee-ohn'}; from the same as 0104; properly, an age; by extension, perpetuity (also past); by implication, the world; specially (Jewish) a Messianic period (present or future): --age, course, eternal, (for) ever(-more), [n-]ever, (beginning of the , while the) world (began, without end). Compare 5550. [ql ~~~~164
2540 - kairos {kahee-ros'}; of uncertain affinity; an occasion, i.e. set or proper time: --X always, opportunity, (convenient, due) season, (due, short, while) time, a while. Compare 5550. [ql ~~~~2540
3118 - makrochronios {mak-rokh-ron'-ee-os}; from 3117 and 5550; long-timed, i.e. long-lived: --live long. [ql ~~~~3116
5549 - chronizo {khron-id'-zo}; from 5550; to take time, i.e. linger: --delay, tarry. [ql ~~~~5446
5550 - chronos {khron'-os}; of uncertain derivation; a space of time (in general, and thus properly distinguished from 2540, which designates a fixed or special occasion; and from 0165, which denotes a particular period) or interval; by extension, an individual opportunity; by implication, delay: --+ years old, season, space, (X often-)time(-s), (a) while. [ql ~~~~5448
5551 - chronotribeo {khron-ot-rib-eh'-o}; from a presumed compound of 5550 and the base of 5147; to be a time-wearer, i.e. to procrastinate (linger): --spend time. [ql ~~~~5448
5551 - chronotribeo {khron-ot-rib-eh'-o}; from a presumed compound of 5550 and the base of 5147; to be a time-wearer, i.e. to procrastinate (linger): --spend time. [ql ~~~~5448
5552 - chruseos {khroo'-seh-os}; from 5557; made of gold: --of gold, golden. [ql ~~~~5450
5553 - chrusion {khroo-see'-on}; diminutive of 5557; a golden article, i.e. gold plating, ornament, or coin: --gold. [ql ~~~~5450
5554 - chrusodaktulios {khroo-sod-ak-too'-lee-os}; from 5557 and 1146; gold-ringed, i.e. wearing a golden finger-ring or similar jewelry: --with a gold ring. [ql ~~~~5452
5555 - chrusolithos {khroo-sol'-ee-thos}; from 5557 and 3037; gold-stone, i.e. a yellow gem ("chrysolite"): --chrysolite. [ql ~~~~5452
5556 - chrusoprasos {khroo-sop'-ras-os}; from 5557 and prason (a leek); a greenish-yellow gem ("chrysoprase"): --chrysoprase. [ql ~~~~5454
5552 - chruseos {khroo'-seh-os}; from 5557; made of gold: --of gold, golden. [ql ~~~~5450
5553 - chrusion {khroo-see'-on}; diminutive of 5557; a golden article, i.e. gold plating, ornament, or coin: --gold. [ql ~~~~5450
5554 - chrusodaktulios {khroo-sod-ak-too'-lee-os}; from 5557 and 1146; gold-ringed, i.e. wearing a golden finger-ring or similar jewelry: --with a gold ring. [ql ~~~~5452
5555 - chrusolithos {khroo-sol'-ee-thos}; from 5557 and 3037; gold-stone, i.e. a yellow gem ("chrysolite"): --chrysolite. [ql ~~~~5452
5556 - chrusoprasos {khroo-sop'-ras-os}; from 5557 and prason (a leek); a greenish-yellow gem ("chrysoprase"): --chrysoprase. [ql ~~~~5454
5557 - chrusos {khroo-sos'}; perhaps from the base of 5530 (through the idea of the utility of the metal); gold; by extension, a golden article, as an ornament or coin: --gold. [ql ~~~~5454
5558 - chrusoo {khroo-so'-o}; from 5557; to gild, i.e. bespangle with golden ornaments: --deck. [ql ~~~~5456
5558 - chrusoo {khroo-so'-o}; from 5557; to gild, i.e. bespangle with golden ornaments: --deck. [ql ~~~~5456
5559 - chros {khroce}; probably akin to the base of 5530 through the idea of handling; the body (properly, its surface or skin): --body. [ql ~~~~5456
5560 - cholos {kho-los'}; apparently a primary word; "halt", i.e. limping: --cripple, halt, lame. [ql ~~~~5458
2048 - eremos {er'-ay-mos}; of uncertain affinity; lonesome, i.e. (by implication) waste (usually as a noun, 5561 being implied): --desert, desolate, solitary, wilderness. [ql ~~~~2048
2149 - euruchoros {yoo-roo'-kho-ros}; from eurus (wide) and 5561; spacious: --broad. [ql ~~~~2148
2651 - katamonas {kat-am-on'-as}; from 2596 and accusative case plural feminine of 3441 (with 5561 implied); according to sole places, i.e. (adverbially) separately: --alone. [ql ~~~~2650
3714 - oreinos {or-i-nos}; from 3735; mountainous, i.e. (feminine by implication of 5561) the Highlands (of Judaea): --hill country. [ql ~~~~3612
3828 - Pamphulia {pam-fool-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3956 and 4443; every-tribal, i.e. heterogeneous (5561 being implied); Pamphylia, a region of Asia Minor: --Pamphylia. [ql ~~~~3726
4066 - perichoros {per-ikh'-o-ros}; from 4012 and 5561; around the region, i.e. circumjacent (as noun, with 1093 implied vicinity): --country (round) about, region (that lieth) round about. [ql ~~~~3964
4730 - stenochoria {sten-okh-o-ree'-ah}; from a compound of 4728 and 5561; narrowness of room, i.e. (figuratively) calamity: --anguish, distress. [ql ~~~~4628
5117 - topos {top'-os}; apparently a primary word; a spot (general in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas 5561 is a large but participle locality), i.e. location (as a position, home, tract, etc.); figuratively, condition, opportunity; specifically, a scabbard: --coast, licence, place, X plain, quarter, + rock, room, where. [ql ~~~~5014
5561 - chora {kho'-rah}; feminine of a derivative of the base of 5490 through the idea of empty expanse; room, i.e. a space of territory (more or less extensive; often including its inhabitants): --coast, county, fields, ground, land, region. Compare 5117. [ql ~~~~5458
5562 - choreo {kho-reh'-o}; from 5561; to be in (give) space, i.e. (intransitively) to pass, enter, or (transitively) to hold, admit (literally or figuratively): --come, contain, go, have place, (can, be room to) receive. [ql ~~~~5460
5563 - chorizo {kho-rid'-zo}; from 5561; to place room between, i.e. part; reflexively, to go away: --depart, put asunder, separate. [ql ~~~~5460
5564 - chorion {kho-ree'-on}; diminutive of 5561; a spot or plot of ground: --field, land, parcel of ground, place, possession. [ql ~~~~5462
5565 - choris {kho-rece'}; adverb from 5561; at a space, i.e. separately or apart from (often as preposition): --beside, by itself, without. [ql ~~~~5462
0402 - anachoreo {an-akh-o-reh'-o}; from 0303 and 5562; to retire: --depart, give place, go (turn) aside, withdraw self. [ql ~~~~402
0672 - apochoreo {ap-okh-o-reh'-o}; from 0575 and 5562; to go away: --depart. [ql ~~~~672
1633 - ekchoreo {ek-kho-reh'-o}; from 1537 and 5562; to depart: --depart out. [ql ~~~~1632
5298 - hupochoreo {hoop-okh-o-reh'-o}; from 5259 and 5562; to vacate down, i.e. retire quietly: --go aside, withdraw self. [ql ~~~~5196
5562 - choreo {kho-reh'-o}; from 5561; to be in (give) space, i.e. (intransitively) to pass, enter, or (transitively) to hold, admit (literally or figuratively): --come, contain, go, have place, (can, be room to) receive. [ql ~~~~5460