4458 - -pos {poce}; adverb from the base of 4225; an enclitic particle of indefiniteness of manner; somehow or anyhow; used only in composition: --haply, by any (some) means, perhaps. See 1513, 3381. Compare 4459. [ql ~~~~4356
2503 - iota {ee-o'-tah}; of Hebrew origin [the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet]; "iota", the name of the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, put (figuratively) for a very small part of anything: --jot. [ql ~~~~2502
0517 - aoratos {ah-or'-at-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3707; invisible: --invisible (thing). [ql ~~~~516
0025 - agapao {ag-ap-ah'-o}; perhaps from agan (much) [or compare 5389]; to love (in a social or moral sense): --(be-)love(-ed). Compare 5368. [ql ~~~~24
0027 - agapetos {ag-ap-ay-tos'}; from 0025; beloved: --(dearly, well) beloved, dear. [ql ~~~~26
0077 - adapanos {ad-ap'-an-os}; from 0001 (as negative particle); and 1160; costless, i.e. gratuitous: --without expense. [ql ~~~~76
0180 - akatapaustos {ak-at-ap'-ow-stos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2664; unrefraining: --that cannot cease. [ql ~~~~180
0372 - anapausis {an-ap'-ow-sis}; from 0373; intermission; by implication, recreation: --rest. [ql ~~~~372
0373 - anapano {an-ap-ow'-o}; from 0303 and 3973; (reflexively) to repose (literally or figuratively [be exempt], remain); by implication, to refresh: --take ease, refresh, (give, take) rest. [ql ~~~~372
0374 - anapeitho {an-ap-i'-tho}; from 0303 and 3982; to incite: --persuade. [ql ~~~~374
0375 - anapempo {an-ap-em'-po}; from 0303 and 3992; to send up or back: --send (again). [ql ~~~~374
0376 - anaperos {an-ap'-ay-ros}; from 0303 (in the sense of intensity) and peros (maimed); crippled: --maimed. [ql ~~~~376
0377 - anapipto {an-ap-ip'-to}; from 0303 and 4098; to fall back, i.e. lie down, lean back: --lean, sit down (to meat). [ql ~~~~376
0378 - anapleroo {an-ap-lay-ro'-o}; from 0303 and 4137; to complete; by implication, to occupy, supply; figuratively, to accomplish (by coincidence ot obedience): --fill up, fulfill, occupy, supply. [ql ~~~~378
0379 - anapologetos {an-ap-ol-og'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 0626; indefensible: --without an excuse, inexcuseable. [ql ~~~~378
0380 - anaptusso {an-ap-toos'-o}; from 0303 (in the sense of reversal) and 4428; to unroll (a scroll or volume): --open. [ql ~~~~380
0381 - anapto {an-ap'-to}; from 0303 and 0681; to enkindle: --kindle, light. [ql ~~~~380
0466 - antanapleroo {an-tan-ap-lay-ro'-o}; from 0473 and 0378; to supplement: --fill up. [ql ~~~~466
0518 - apaggello {ap-ang-el'-lo}; from 0575 and the base of 0032; to announce: --bring word (again), declare, report, shew (again), tell. [ql ~~~~518
0519 - apagchomai {ap-ang'-khom-ahee} from 0575 and agcho (to choke; akin to the base of 0043); to strangle oneself off (i.e. to death): --hang himself. [ql ~~~~518
0520 - apago {ap-ag'-o}; from 0575 and 0071; to take off (in various senses): --bring, carry away, lead (away), put to death, take away. [ql ~~~~520
0521 - apaideutos {ap-ah'-ee-dyoo-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3811; uninstructed, i.e. (figuratively) stupid: --unlearned. [ql ~~~~520
0522 - apairo {ap-ah'-ee-ro}; from 0575 and 0142; to lift off, i.e. remove: --take (away). [ql ~~~~522
0523 - apaiteo {ap-ah'-ee-teh-o}; from 0575 and 0154; to demand back: --ask again, require. [ql ~~~~522
0524 - apalgeo {ap-alg-eh'-o}; from 0575 and algeo (to smart); to grieve out, i.e. become apathetic: --be past feeling. [ql ~~~~524
0525 - apallasso {ap-al-las'-so}; from 0575 and 0236; to change away, i.e. release, (reflexively) remove: --deliver, depart. [ql ~~~~524
0526 - apallotrioo {ap-al-lot-ree-o'-o}; from 0575 and a derivative of 0245; to estrange away, i.e. (passively and figuratively) to be non-participant: --alienate, be alien. [ql ~~~~526
0527 - apalos {ap-al-os'}; of uncertain derivation; soft: --tender. [ql ~~~~526
0528 - apantao {ap-an-tah'-o}; from 0575 and a derivative of 0473; to meet away, i.e. encounter: --meet. [ql ~~~~528
0529 - apantesis {ap-an'-tay-sis}; from 0528; a (friendly) encounter: --meet. [ql ~~~~528
0531 - aparabatos {ap-ar-ab'-at-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3845; not passing away, i.e. untransferable (perpetual): --unchangeable. [ql ~~~~530
0532 - aparaskeuastos {ap-ar-ask-yoo'-as-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3903; unready: --unprepared. [ql ~~~~532
0533 - aparneomai {ap-ar-neh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 0720; to deny utterly, i.e. disown, abstain: --deny. [ql ~~~~532
0534 - aparti {ap-ar'-tee}; from 0575 and 0737; from now, i.e. henceforth (already): --from henceforth. [ql ~~~~534
0535 - apartismos {ap-ar-tis-mos'}; from a derivative of 0534; completion: --finishing. [ql ~~~~534
0536 - aparche {ap-ar-khay'}; from a compound of 0575 and 0756; a beginning of sacrifice, i.e. the (Jewish) first-fruit (figuratively): --first-fruits. [ql ~~~~536
0538 - apatao {ap-at-ah'-o}; of uncertain derivation; to cheat, i.e. delude: --deceive. [ql ~~~~538
0539 - apate {ap-at'-ay}; from 0538; delusion: --deceit(-ful, -fulness), deceivableness(-ving). [ql ~~~~538
0540 - apator {ap-at'-ore}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3962; fatherless, i.e. of unrecorded paternity: --without father. [ql ~~~~540
0541 - apaugasma {ap-ow'-gas-mah}; from a compound of 0575 and 0826; an off-flash, i.e. effulgence: --brightness. [ql ~~~~540
0542 - apeido {ap-i'-do}; from 0575 and the same as 1492; to see fully: --see. [ql ~~~~542
0543 - apeitheia {ap-i'-thi-ah}; from 0545; disbelief (obstinate and rebellious): --disobedience, unbelief. [ql ~~~~542
0544 - apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 0545; to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): --not believe, disobedient, obey not, unbelieving. [ql ~~~~544
0545 - apeithes {ap-i-thace'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3982; unpersuadable, i.e. contumacious: --disobedient. [ql ~~~~544
0546 - apeileo {ap-i-leh'-o}; of uncertain derivation; to menace; by implication, to forbid: --threaten. [ql ~~~~546
0547 - apeile {ap-i-lay'}; from 0546; a menace: --X straitly, threatening. [ql ~~~~546
0548 - apeimi {ap'-i-mee}; from 0575 and 1510; to be away: --be absent. Compare 0549. [ql ~~~~548
0549 - apeimi {ap'-i-mee}; from 0575 and eimi (to go); to go away: --go. Compare 0548. [ql ~~~~548
0550 - apeipomen {ap-i-pom'-ane}; reflexive past of a compound of 0575 and 2036; to say off for oneself, i.e. disown: --renounce. [ql ~~~~550
0551 - apeirastos {ap-i'-ras-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 3987; untried, i.e. not temptable: --not to be tempted. [ql ~~~~550
0552 - apeiros {ap'-i-ros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3984; inexperienced, i.e. ignorant: --unskilful. [ql ~~~~552
0553 - apekdechomai {ap-ek-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 1551; to expect fully: --look (wait) foreign [ql ~~~~552
0554 - apekduomai {ap-ek-doo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 and 1562; to divest wholly oneself, or (for oneself) despoil: --put off, spoil. [ql ~~~~554
0555 - apekdusis {ap-ek'-doo-sis}; from 0554; divestment: --putting off. [ql ~~~~554
0556 - apelauno {ap-el-ow'-no}; from 0575 and 1643; to dismiss: --drive. [ql ~~~~556
0557 - apelegmos {ap-el-eg-mos'}; from a compound of 0575 and 1651; refutation, i.e. (by implication) contempt: --nought. [ql ~~~~556
0558 - apeleutheros {ap-el-yoo'-ther-os}; from 0575 and 1658; one freed away, i.e. a freedman: --freeman. [ql ~~~~558
0559 - Apelles {ap-el-lace'}; of Latin origin; Apelles, a Christian: --Apelles. [ql ~~~~558
0560 - apelpizo {ap-el-pid'-zo}; from 0575 and 1679; to hope out, i.e. fully expect: --hope for again. [ql ~~~~560
0561 - apenanti {ap-en'-an-tee}; from 0575 and 1725; from in front, i.e. opposite, before or against: --before, contrary, over against, in the presence of.***. apepo. See 0550. [ql ~~~~560
0562 - aperantos {ap-er'-an-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a secondary derivative of 4008; unfinished, i.e. (by implication) interminable: --endless. [ql ~~~~562
0563 - aperispastos {ap-er-is-pas-toce'}; adverb from a compound of 0001 (as a negative participle) and a presumed derivative of 4049; undistractedly, i.e. free from (domestic) solicitude: --without distraction. [ql ~~~~562
0564 - aperitmetos {ap-er-eet'-may-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 4059; uncircumcised (figuratively): --uncircumcised. [ql ~~~~564
0565 - aperchomai {ap-erkh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 2064; to go off (i.e. depart), aside (i.e. apart) or behind (i.e. follow), literally or figuratively: --come, depart, go (aside, away, back, out,...ways), pass away, be past. [ql ~~~~564
0566 - apechei {ap-ekh'-i}; third person singular present indicative active of 0568 used impersonally; it is sufficient: --it is enough. [ql ~~~~566
0567 - apechomai {ap-ekh'-om-ahee}; middle voice (reflexively) of 0568; to hold oneself off, i.e. refrain: --abstain. [ql ~~~~566
0568 - apecho {ap-ekh'-o}; from 0575 and 2192; (actively) to have out, i.e. receive in full; (intransitively) to keep (oneself) away, i.e. be distant (literally or figuratively): --be, have, receive. [ql ~~~~568
0569 - apisteo {ap-is-teh'-o}; from 0571; to be unbelieving, i.e. (transitively) disbelieve, or (by implication) disobey: --believe not. [ql ~~~~568
0570 - apaistia {ap-is-tee'-ah}; from 0571; faithlessness, i.e. (negatively) disbelief (lack of Christian faith), or (positively) unfaithfulness (disobedience): --unbelief. [ql ~~~~570
0571 - apistos {ap'-is-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4103; (actively) disbelieving, i.e. without Christian faith (specially, a heathen); (passively) untrustworthy (person), or incredible (thing): --that believeth not, faithless, incredible thing, infidel, unbeliever(-ing). [ql ~~~~570
0576 - apobaino {ap-ob-ah'-ee-no}; from 0575 and the base of 0939; literally, to disembark; figuratively, to eventuate: --become, go out, turn. [ql ~~~~576
0577 - apoballo {ap-ob-al'-lo}; from 0575 and 0906; to throw off; figuratively, to lose: --cast away. [ql ~~~~576
0578 - apoblepo {ap-ob-lep'-o}; from 0575 and 0991; to look away from everything else, i.e. (figuratively) intently regard: --have respect. [ql ~~~~578
0579 - apobletos {ap-ob'-lay-tos}; from 0577; cast off, i.e. (figuratively) such as to be rejected: --be refused. [ql ~~~~578
0580 - apobole {ap-ob-ol-ay'}; from 0577; rejection; figuratively, loss: --casting away, loss. [ql ~~~~580
0581 - apogenomenos {ap-og-en-om'-en-os}; past participle of a compound of 0575 and 1096; absent, i.e. deceased (figuratively, renounced): --being dead. [ql ~~~~580
0582 - apographe {ap-og-raf-ay'}; from 0583; an enrollment; by implication, an assessment: --taxing. [ql ~~~~582
0583 - apographo {ap-og-raf'-o}; from 0575 and 1125; to write off (a copy or list), i.e. enrol: --tax, write. [ql ~~~~582
0584 - apodeiknumi {ap-od-ike'-noo-mee}; from 0575 and 1166; to show off, i.e. exhibit; figuratively, to demonstrate, i.e. accredit: --(ap-)prove, set forth, shew. [ql ~~~~584
0584 - apodeiknumi {ap-od-ike'-noo-mee}; from 0575 and 1166; to show off, i.e. exhibit; figuratively, to demonstrate, i.e. accredit: --(ap-)prove, set forth, shew. [ql ~~~~584
0585 - apodeixis {ap-od'-ike-sis}; from 0584; manifestation: --demonstration. [ql ~~~~584
0586 - apodekatoo {ap-od-ek-at-o'-o}; from 0575 and 1183; to tithe (as debtor or creditor): --(give, pay, take) tithe. [ql ~~~~586
0587 - apodektos {ap-od'-ek-tos}; from 0588; accepted, i.e. agreeable: --acceptable. [ql ~~~~586
0588 - apodechomai {ap-od-ekh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 1209; to take fully, i.e. welcome (persons), approve (things): --accept, receive (gladly). [ql ~~~~588
0589 - apodemeo {ap-od-ay-meh'-o}; from 0590; to go abroad, i.e. visit a foreign land: --go (travel) into a far country, journey. [ql ~~~~588
0590 - apodemos {ap-od'-ay-mos}; from 0575 and 1218; absent from one's own people, i.e. a foreign traveller: --taking a far journey. [ql ~~~~590
0591 - apodidomi {ap-od-eed'-o-mee}; from 0575 and 1325; to give away, i.e. up, over, back, etc. (in various applications): --deliver (again), give (again), (re-)pay(-ment be made), perform, recompense, render, requite, restore, reward, sell, yield. [ql ~~~~590
0592 - apodiorizo {ap-od-ee-or-id'-zo}; from 0575 and a compound of 0223 and 3724; to disjoin (by a boundary, figuratively, a party): --separate. [ql ~~~~592
0593 - apodokimazo {ap-od-ok-ee-mad'-zo}; from 0575 and 1381; to disapprove, i.e. (by implication) to repudiate: --disallow, reject. [ql ~~~~592
0594 - apodoche {ap-od-okh-ay'}; from 0588; acceptance: --acceptation. [ql ~~~~594
0595 - apothesis {ap-oth'-es-is}; from 0659; a laying aside (literally or figuratively): --putting away (off). [ql ~~~~594
0596 - apotheke {ap-oth-ay'-kay}; from 0659; a repository, i.e. granary: --barn, garner. [ql ~~~~596
0597 - apothesaurizo {ap-oth-ay-sow-rid'-zo}; from 0575 and 2343; to treasure away: --lay up in store. [ql ~~~~596
0598 - apothlibo {ap-oth-lee'-bo}; from 0575 and 2346; to crowd (from every side): --press. [ql ~~~~598
0599 - apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 0575 and 2348; to die off (literally or figuratively): --be dead, death, die, lie a-dying, be slain (X with). [ql ~~~~598
0600 - apokathistemi {ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0575 and 2525; to reconstitute (in health, home or organization): --restore (again). [ql ~~~~600
0601 - apokalupto {ap-ok-al-oop'-to}; from 0575 and 2572; to take off the cover, i.e. disclose: --reveal. [ql ~~~~600
0602 - apokalupsis {ap-ok-al'-oop-sis}; from 0601; disclosure: --appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation. [ql ~~~~602
0603 - apokaradokia {ap-ok-ar-ad-ok-ee'-ah}; from a comparative of 0575 and a compound of kara (the head) and 1380 (in the sense of watching); intense anticipation: --earnest expectation. [ql ~~~~602
0604 - apokatallasso {ap-ok-at-al-las'-so}; from 0575 and 2644; to reconcile fully: --reconcile. [ql ~~~~604
0605 - apokatastasis {ap-ok-at-as'-tas-is}; from 0600; reconstitution: --restitution. [ql ~~~~604
0606 - apokeimai {ap-ok'-i-mahee}; from 0575 and 2749; to be reserved; figuratively, to await: --be appointed, (be) laid up. [ql ~~~~606
0607 - apokephalizo {ap-ok-ef-al-id'-zo}; from 0575 and 2776; to decapitate: --behead. [ql ~~~~606
0608 - apokleio {ap-ok-li'-o}; from 0575 and 2808; to close fully: --shut up. [ql ~~~~608
0609 - apokopto {ap-ok-op'-to}; from 0575 and 2875; to amputate; reflexively (by irony) to mutilate (the privy parts): --cut off. Compare 2699. ~~~~608
0610 - apokrima {ap-ok'-ree-mah}; from 0611 (in its original sense of judging); a judicial decision: --sentence. [ql ~~~~610
0611 - apokrinomai {ap-ok-ree'-nom-ahee}; from 0575 and krino; to conclude for oneself, i.e. (by implication) to respond; by Hebraism [compare 6030] to begin to speak (where an adress is expected): --answer. [ql ~~~~610
0612 - apokrisis {ap-ok'-ree-sis}; from 0611; a response: --answer. [ql ~~~~612
0613 - apokrupto {ap-ok-roop'-to}; from 0575 and 2928; to conceal away (i.e. fully); figuratively, to keep secret: --hide. [ql ~~~~612
0614 - apokruphos {ap-ok'-roo-fos}; from 0613; secret; by implication, treasured: --hid, kept secret. [ql ~~~~614
0615 - apokteino {ap-ok-ti'-no}; from 0575 and kteino (to slay); to kill outright; figuratively, to destroy: --put to death, kill, slay. [ql ~~~~614
0616 - apokueo {ap-ok-oo-eh'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 2949; to breed forth, i.e. (by transf.) to generate (figuratively): --beget, produce. [ql ~~~~616
0617 - apokulio {ap-ok-oo-lee'-o}; from 0575 and 2947; to roll away: --roll away (back). [ql ~~~~616
0618 - apolambano {ap-ol-am-ban'-o}; from 0575 and 2983; to receive (specially, in full, or as a host); also to take aside: --receive, take. [ql ~~~~618
0619 - apolausis {ap-ol'-ow-sis}; from a comparative of 0575 and lauo (to enjoy); full enjoyment: --enjoy(-ment). [ql ~~~~618
0620 - apoleipo {ap-ol-ipe'-o}; from 0575 and 3007; to leave behind (passively, remain); by implication, to forsake: --leave, remain. [ql ~~~~620
0621 - apoleicho {ap-ol-i'-kho}; from 0575 and leicho (to "lick"); to lick clean: --lick. [ql ~~~~620
0622 - apollumi {ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 0575 and the base of 3639; to destroy fully (reflexively, to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: --destroy, die, lose, mar, perish. [ql ~~~~622
0623 - Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}; active participle of 0622; a destroyer (i.e. Satan): --Apollyon. [ql ~~~~622
0624 - Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}; from the pagan deity Apollon (i.e. the sun; from 0622); Apollonia, a place in Macedonia: --Apollonia. [ql ~~~~624
0625 - Apollos {ap-ol-loce'}; probably from the same as 0624; Apollos, an Israelite: --Apollos. [ql ~~~~624
0626 - apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 0575 and 3056; to give an account (legal plea) of oneself, i.e. exculpate (self): --answer (for self), make defence, excuse (self), speak for self. [ql ~~~~626
0627 - apologia {ap-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 0626; a plea ("apology"): --answer (for self), clearing of self, defence. [ql ~~~~626
0628 - apolouo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 0575 and 3068; to wash fully, i.e. (figuratively) have remitted (reflexively): --wash (away). [ql ~~~~628
0629 - apolutrosis {ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis}; from a compound of 0575 and 3083; (the act) ransom in full, i.e. (figuratively) riddance, or (specially) Christian salvation: --deliverance, redemption. [ql ~~~~628
0630 - apoluo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 0575 and 3089; to free fully, i.e. (literally) relieve, release, dismiss (reflexively, depart), or (figuratively) let die, pardon or (specially) divorce: --(let) depart, dismiss, divorce, forgive, let go, loose, put (send) away, release, set at liberty. [ql ~~~~630
0631 - apomassomai {ap-om-as'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 and masso (to squeeze, knead, smear); to scrape away: --wipe off. [ql ~~~~630
0632 - aponemo {ap-on-em'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 3551; to apportion, i.e. bestow: --give. [ql ~~~~632
0633 - aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to}; from 0575 and 3538; to wash off (reflexively, one's own hands symbolically): --wash. [ql ~~~~632
0634 - apopipto {ap-op-ip'-to}; from 0575 and 4098; to fall off: --fall. [ql ~~~~634
0635 - apoplanao {ap-op-lan-ah'-o}; from 0575 and 4105; to lead astray (figuratively); passively, to stray (from truth): --err, seduce. [ql ~~~~634
0636 - apopleo {ap-op-leh'-o}; from 0575 and 4126; to set sail: --sail away. [ql ~~~~636
0637 - apopluno {ap-op-loo'-no}; from 0575 and 4150; to rinse off: --wash. [ql ~~~~636
0638 - apopnigo {ap-op-nee'-go}; from 0575 and 4155; to stifle (by drowning or overgrowth): --choke. [ql ~~~~638
0639 - aporeo {ap-or-eh'-o}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and the base of 4198; to have no way out, i.e. be at a loss (mentally): --(stand in) doubt, be perplexed. [ql ~~~~638
0640 - aporia {ap-or-ee'-a}; from the same as 0639; a (state of) quandry: --perplexity. [ql ~~~~640
0641 - aporrhipto {ap-or-hrip'-to}; from 0575 and 4496; to hurl off, i.e. precipitate (oneself): --cast. [ql ~~~~640
0642 - aporphanizo {ap-or-fan-id'-zo}; from 0575 and a derivative of 3737; to bereave wholly, i.e. (figuratively) separate (from intercourse): --take. [ql ~~~~642
0643 - aposkeuazo {ap-osk-yoo-ad'-zo}; from 0575 and a derivative of 4632; to pack up (one's) baggage: --take up...carriages. [ql ~~~~642
0644 - aposkiasma {ap-os-kee'-as-mah}; from a compound of 0575 and a derivative of 4639; a shading off, i.e. obsuration: --shadow. [ql ~~~~644
0645 - apospao {ap-os-pah'-o}; from 0575 and 4685; to drag forth, i.e. (literally) unsheathe (a sword), or relatively (with a degree of force implied) retire (personally or factiously): --(with-)draw (away), after we were gotten from. [ql ~~~~644
0646 - apostasia {ap-os-tas-ee'-ah}; feminine of the same as 0647; defection from truth (properly, the state) ["apostasy"]: --falling away, forsake. [ql ~~~~646
0647 - apostasion {ap-os-tas'-ee-on}; neuter of a (presumed) adj. from a derivative of 0868; properly, something separative, i.e. (specially) divorce: --(writing of) divorcement. [ql ~~~~646
0648 - apostegazo {ap-os-teg-ad'-zo}; from 0575 and a derivative of 4721; to unroof: --uncover. [ql ~~~~648
0649 - apostello {ap-os-tel'-lo}; from 0575 and 4724; set apart, i.e. (by implication) to send out (properly, on a mission) literally or figuratively: --put in, send (away, forth, out), set [at liberty]. [ql ~~~~648
0650 - apostereo {ap-os-ter-eh'-o}; from 0575 and stereo (to deprive); to despoil: --defraud, destitute, kept back by fraud. [ql ~~~~650
0651 - apostole {ap-os-tol-ay'}; from 0649; commission, i.e. (specially) apostolate: --apostleship. [ql ~~~~650
0652 - apostolos {ap-os'-tol-os}; from 0649; a delegate; specially, an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ ["apostle"] (with miraculous powers): --apostle, messenger, he that is sent. [ql ~~~~652
0653 - apostomatizo {ap-os-tom-at-id'-zo}; from 0575 and a (presumed) derivative of 4750; to speak off-hand (properly, dictate), i.e. to catechize (in an invidious manner): --provoke to speak. [ql ~~~~652
0654 - apostrepho {ap-os-tref'-o}; from 0575 and 4762; to turn away or back (literally or figuratively): --bring again, pervert, turn away (from). [ql ~~~~654
0655 - apostugeo {ap-os-toog-eh'-o}: from 0575 and the base of 4767; to detest utterly: --abhor. [ql ~~~~654
0656 - aposunagogos {ap-os-oon-ag'-o-gos}; from 0575 and 4864; excommunicated: --(put) out of the synagogue(-s). [ql ~~~~656
0657 - apotassomai {ap-ot-as'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 and 5021; literally, to say adieu (by departing or dismissing); figuratively, to renounce: --bid farewell, forsake, take leave, send away. [ql ~~~~656
0658 - apoteleo {ap-ot-el-eh'-o}; from 0575 and 5055; to complete entirely, i.e. consummate: --finish. [ql ~~~~658
0659 - apotithemi {ap-ot-eeth'-ay-mee}; from 0575 and 5087; to put away (literally or figuratively): --cast off, lay apart (aside, down), put away (off). [ql ~~~~658
0660 - apotinasso {ap-ot-in-as'-so}; from 0575 and tinasso (to jostle); to brush off: --shake off. [ql ~~~~660
0661 - apotino {ap-ot-ee'-no}; from 0575 and 5099; to pay in full: --repay. [ql ~~~~660
0662 - apotolmao {ap-ot-ol-mah'-o}; from 0575 and 5111; to venture plainly: --be very bold. [ql ~~~~662
0663 - apotomia {ap-ot-om-ee'-ah}; from the base of 0664; (figuratively) decisiveness, i.e. rigor: --severity. [ql ~~~~662
0664 - apotomos {ap-ot-om'-oce}; adverb from a derivative of a comparative of 0575 and temno (to cut); abruptly, i.e. peremptorily: --sharply(-ness). [ql ~~~~664
0665 - apotrepo {ap-ot-rep'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 5157; to deflect, i.e. (reflexively) avoid: --turn away. [ql ~~~~664
0666 - apousia {ap-oo-see'-ah}; from the participle of 0548; a being away: --absence. [ql ~~~~666
0667 - appohero {ap-of-er'-o}; from 0575 and 5342; to bear off (literally or rel.): --bring, carry (away). [ql ~~~~666
0668 - apopheugo {ap-of-yoo'-go}; from 0575 and 5343; (figuratively) to escape: --escape. [ql ~~~~668
0669 - apophtheggomai {ap-of-theng'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 5350; to enunciate plainly, i.e. declare: --say, speak forth, utterance. [ql ~~~~668
0670 - apophortizomai {ap-of-or-tid'-zom-ahee}; from 0575 and the middle voice of 5412; to unload: --unlade. [ql ~~~~670
0671 - apochresis {ap-okh'-ray-sis}; from a compound of 0575 and 5530; the act of using up, i.e. consumption: --using. [ql ~~~~670
0672 - apochoreo {ap-okh-o-reh'-o}; from 0575 and 5562; to go away: --depart. [ql ~~~~672
0673 - apochorizo {ap-okh-o-rid'-zo}; from 0575 and 5563; to rend apart; reflexively, to separate: --depart (asunder). [ql ~~~~672
0674 - apopsucho {ap-ops-oo'-kho}; from 0575 and 5594; to breathe out, i.e. faint: --hearts failing. [ql ~~~~674
0675 - >Appios {ap'-pee-os}; of Latin origin; (in the genitive, i.e. possessive case) of Appius, the name of a Roman: --Appii. [ql ~~~~674
0676 - aprositos {ap-ros'-ee-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of a comparative of 4314 and eimi (to go); inaccessible: --which no man can approach. [ql ~~~~676
0677 - aproskopos {ap-ros'-kop-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 4350; actively, inoffensive, i.e. not leading into sin; passively, faultless, i.e. not led into sin: --none (void of, without) offence. [ql ~~~~676
0678 - aprosopoleptos {ap-ros-o-pol-ape'-tos}; adverb from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a presumed compound of 4383 and 2983 [compare 4381]; in a way not accepting the person, i.e. impartially: --without respect of persons. [ql ~~~~678
0679 - aptaistos {ap-tah'-ee-stos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4417; not stumbling, i.e. (figuratively) without sin: --from falling. [ql ~~~~678
0682 - Apphia {ap-fee'-a}; probably of foreign origin; Apphia, a woman of Collosae: --Apphia. [ql ~~~~682
0683 - apotheomai {ap-o-theh'-om-ahee}; or apothomai {ap-o'-thom-ahee}; from 0575 and the middle voice of otheo or otho (to shove); to push off, figuratively, to reject: --cast away, put away (from), thrust away (from). [ql ~~~~682
0683 - apotheomai {ap-o-theh'-om-ahee}; or apothomai {ap-o'-thom-ahee}; from 0575 and the middle voice of otheo or otho (to shove); to push off, figuratively, to reject: --cast away, put away (from), thrust away (from). [ql ~~~~682
0684 - apoleia {ap-o'-li-a}; from a presumed derivative of 0622; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal): --damnable(-nation), destruction, die, perdition, X perish, pernicious ways, waste. [ql ~~~~684
0894 - apsinthos {ap'-sin-thos}; of uncertain derivation; wormwood (as a type of bitterness, i.e. [figuratively] calamity): --wormwood. [ql ~~~~894
0895 - apsuchos {ap'-soo-khos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5590; lifeless, i.e. inanimate (mechanical): --without life. [ql ~~~~894
1178 - dekapente {dek-ap-en'-teh}; from 1176 and 4002; ten and five, i.e. fifteen: --fifteen. [ql ~~~~1178
1179 - Dekapolis {dek-ap'-ol-is}; from 1176 and 4172; the ten-city region; the Decapolis, a district in Syria: --Decapolis. [ql ~~~~1178
1275 - diapantos {dee-ap-an-tos'}; from 1223 and the genit. of 3956; through all the time, i.e. (adverbially) constantly: --alway(-s), continually. [ql ~~~~1274
1276 - diaperao {dee-ap-er-ah'-o}; from 1223 and a derivative of the base of 4008; to cross entirely: --go over, pass (over), sail over. [ql ~~~~1276
1277 - diapleo {dee-ap-leh'-o}; from 1223 and 4126; to sail through: --sail over. [ql ~~~~1276
1278 - diaponeo {dee-ap-on-eh'-o}; from 1223 and a derivative of 4192; to toil through, i.e. (passively) be worried: --be grieved. [ql ~~~~1278
1279 - diaporeuomai {dee-ap-or-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1223 and 4198; to travel through: --go through, journey in, pass by. [ql ~~~~1278
1280 - diaporeo {dee-ap-or-eh'-o}; from 1223 and 0639; to be thoroughly nonplussed: --(be in) doubt, be (much) perplexed. [ql ~~~~1280
1281 - diapragmateuomai {dee-ap-rag-mat-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1223 and 4231; to thoroughly occupy oneself, i.e. (transitively and by implication) to earn in business: --gain by trading. [ql ~~~~1280
1282 - diaprio {dee-ap-ree'-o}; from 1223 and the base of 4249; to saw asunder, i.e. (figuratively) to exasperate: --cut (to the heart). [ql ~~~~1282
1381 - dokimazo {dok-im-ad'-zo}; from 1384; to test (literally or figuratively); by implication, to approve: --allow, discern, examine, X like, (ap-)prove, try. [ql ~~~~1380
1818 - exapatao {ex-ap-at-ah'-o}; from 1537 and 0538; to seduce wholly: --beguile, deceive. [ql ~~~~1818
1819 - exapina {ex-ap'-ee-nah}; from 1537 and a derivative of the same as 0160; of a sudden, i.e. unexpectedly: --suddenly. Compare 1810. [ql ~~~~1818
1820 - exaporeomai {ex-ap-or-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1537 and 0639; to be utterly at a loss, i.e. despond: --(in) despair. [ql ~~~~1820
1821 - exapostello {ex-ap-os-tel'-lo}; from 1537 and 0649; to send away forth, i.e. (on a mission) to despatch, or (peremptorily) to dismiss: --send (away, forth, out). [ql ~~~~1820
2178 - ephapax {ef-ap'-ax}; from 1909 and 0530; upon one occasion (only): --(at) once (for all). [ql ~~~~2178
2322 - therapeia {ther-ap-i'-ah}; from 2323; attendance (specially, medical, i.e. cure); figuratively and collec. domestics: --healing, household. [ql ~~~~2322
2323 - therapeuo {ther-ap-yoo'-o}; from the same as 2324; to wait upon menially, i.e. (figuratively) to adore (God), or (specially) to relieve (of disease): --cure, heal, worship. [ql ~~~~2322
2324 - therapon {ther-ap'-ohn}; apparently a participle from an otherwise obsolete derivative of the base of 2330; a menial attendant (as if cherishing): --servant. [ql ~~~~2324
2404 - Hierapolis {hee-er-ap'-ol-is}; from 2413 and 4172; holy city; Hierapolis, a place in Asia Minor: --Hierapolis. [ql ~~~~2404
2509 - kathaper {kath-ap'-er}; from 2505 and 4007; exactly as: --(even, as well) as. [ql ~~~~2508
2510 - kathapto {kath-ap'-to}; from 2596 and 0680; to sieze upon: --fasten on. [ql ~~~~2510
2662 - katapateo {kat-ap-at-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 3961; to trample down; figuratively, to reject with disdain: --trample, tread (down, underfoot). [ql ~~~~2662
2663 - katapausis {kat-ap'-ow-sis}; from 2664; reposing down, i.e. (by Hebraism) abode: --rest. [ql ~~~~2662
2664 - katapauo {kat-ap-ow'-o}; from 2596 and 3973; to settle down, i.e. (literally) to colonize, or (figuratively) to (cause to) desist: --cease, (give) rest(-rain). [ql ~~~~2664
2665 - katapetasma {kat-ap-et'-as-mah}; from a compound of 2596 and a congener of 4072; something spread thoroughly, i.e. (specially) the door screen (to the Most Holy Place) in the Jewish Temple: --vail. [ql ~~~~2664
2666 - katapino {kat-ap-ee'-no}; from 2596 and 4095; to drink down, i.e. gulp entire (literally or figuratively): --devour, drown, swallow (up). [ knowledge. [ql ~~~~2666
2667 - katapipto {kat-ap-ip'-to}; from 2596 and 4098; to fall down: --fall (down) [ql ~~~~2666
2668 - katapleo {kat-ap-leh'-o}; from 2596 and 4126; to sail down upon a place, i.e. to land at: --arrive. [ql ~~~~2668
2669 - kataponeo {kat-ap-on-eh'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of 4192; to labor down, i.e. wear with toil (figuratively, harrass): --oppress, vex. [ql ~~~~2668
2670 - katapontizo {kat-ap-on-tid'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of the same as 4195; to plunge down, i.e. submerge: --drown, sink. [ql ~~~~2670
2711 - katapsucho {kat-ap-soo'-kho}; from 2596 and 5594; to cool down (off), i.e. refresh: --cool. [ql ~~~~2710
3343 - metapempo {met-ap-emp'-o}; from 3326 and 3992; to send from elsewhere, i.e. (middle voice) to summon or invite: --call (send) foreign [ql ~~~~3242
3496 - Neapolis {neh-ap'-ol-is}; from 3501 and 4172; new town; Neapolis, a place in Macedonia: --Neapolis. [ql ~~~~3394
3893 - parapikraino {par-ap-ik-rah'-ee-no}; from 3844 and 4087; to embitter alongside, i.e. (figuratively) to exasperate: --provoke. [ql ~~~~3790
3894 - parapikrasmos {par-ap-ik-ras-mos'}; from 3893; irritation: --provocation. [ql ~~~~3792
3895 - parapipto {par-ap-ip'-to}; from 3844 and 4098; to fall aside, i.e. (figuratively) to apostatize: --fall away. [ql ~~~~3792
3896 - parapleo {par-ap-leh'-o}; from 3844 and 4126; to sail near: --sail by. [ql ~~~~3794
3897 - paraplesion {par-ap-lay'-see-on}; neuter of a compound of 3844 and the base of 4139 (as adverb); close by, i.e. (figuratively) almost: --nigh unto. [ql ~~~~3794
3898 - paraplesios {par-ap-lay-see'-oce}; adverb from the same as 3897; in a manner near by, i.e. (figuratively) similarly: --likewise. [ql ~~~~3796
3899 - parapoeruomai {par-ap-or-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and 4198; to travel near: --go, pass (by). [ql ~~~~3796
3900 - paraptoma {par-ap'-to-mah}; from 3895; a side-slip (lapse or deviation), i.e. (unintentional) error or (wilful) transgression: --fall, fault, offence, sin, trespass. [ql ~~~~3798
4217 - potapos {pot-ap-os'}; apparently from 4219 and the base of 4226; interrogatively, whatever, i.e. of what possible sort: --what (manner of). [ql ~~~~4114
4322 - prosanapleroo {pros-an-ap-lay-ro'-o}; from 4314 and 0378; to fill up further, i.e. furnish fully: --supply. [ql ~~~~4220
4324 - prosapeileo {pros-ap-i-leh'-o}; from 4314 and 0546; to menace additionally: --i.e. threaten further. [ql ~~~~4222
4615 - sinapi {sin'-ap-ee}; perhaps from sinomai (to hurt, i.e. sting); mustard (the plant): --mustard. [ql ~~~~4512
4875 - sunanapauomai {soon-an-ap-ow'-om-ahee}; middle from 4862 and 0373; to recruit oneself in company with: --refresh with. [ql ~~~~4772
4879 - sunapago {soon-ap-ag'-o}; from 4862 and 0520; to take off together, i.e. transport with (seduce, passively, yield): --carry (lead) away with, condescend. [ql ~~~~4776
4880 - sunapothnesko {soon-ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 4862 and 0599; to decease (literally) in company with, or (figuratively, similarly to: --be dead (die) with. [ql ~~~~4778
4881 - sunapollumi {soon-ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 4862 and 0622; to destroy (middle voice or passively, be slain) in company with: --perish with. [ql ~~~~4778
4882 - sunapostello {soon-ap-os-tel'-lo}; from 4862 and 0649; to despatch (on an errand) in company with: --send with. [ql ~~~~4780
5422 - phrenapatao {fren-ap-at-ah'-o}; from 5423; to be a mind-misleader, i.e. delude: --deceive. [ql ~~~~5320
5423 - phrenapates {fren-ap-at'-ace}; from 5424 and 0539; a mind-misleader, i.e. seducer: --deceiver. [ql ~~~~5320