1988 - epistates {ep-is-tat'-ace}; from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 2476; an appointee over, i.e. commander (teacher): --master. [ql ~~~~1988
0632 - aponemo {ap-on-em'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 3551; to apportion, i.e. bestow: --give. [ql ~~~~632
2624 - kataklerodoteo {kat-ak-lay-rod-ot-eh'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of a compound of 2819 and 1325; to be a giver of lots to each, i.e. (by implication) to apportion an estate: --divide by lot. [ql ~~~~2624
3307 - merizo {mer-id'-zo}; from 3313; to part, i.e. (literally) to apportion, bestow, share, or (figuratively) to disunite, differ: --deal, be difference between, distribute, divide, give participle [ql ~~~~3206
3312 - meristes {mer-is-tace'}; from 3307; an apportioner (administrator): --divider. [ql ~~~~3210
2818 - kleronomos {klay-ron-om'-os}; from 2819 and the base of 3551 (in its original sense of partitioning, i.e. [reflexively] getting by apportionment); a sharer by lot, i.e. inheritor (literally or figuratively); by implication, a possessor: --heir. [ql ~~~~2816
4602 - sige {see-gay'}; appr. from sizo (to hiss, i.e. hist or hush); silence: --silence. Compare 4623. [ql ~~~~4500
0143 - aisthanomai {ahee-sthan'-om-ahee}; of uncertain derivation; to apprehend (properly, by the senses): --perceive. [ql ~~~~142
2529 - kathorao {kath-or-ah'-o}; from 2596 and 3708; to behold fully, i.e. (figuratively) distinctly apprehend: --clearly see. [ql ~~~~2528
2638 - katalambano {kat-al-am-ban'-o}; from 2596 and 2983; to take eagerly, i.e. seize, possess, etc. (literally or figuratively): --apprehend, attain, come upon, comprehend, find, obtain, perceive, (over-)take. [ql ~~~~2638
4084 - piazo {pee-ad'-zo}; probably another form of 0971; to squeeze, i.e. seize (gently by the hand [press], or officially [arrest], or in hunting [capture]): --apprehend, catch, lay hand on, take. Compare 4085. [ql ~~~~3982
4329 - prosdokia {pros-dok-ee'-ah}; from 4328; apprehension (of evil); by implication, infliction anticipated: --expectation, looking after. [ql ***. prosdremo. See 4370. [ql ~~~~4226
2125 - eulabeomai {yoo-lab-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 2126; to be circumspect, i.e. (by implication) to be apprehensive; religiously, to reverence: --(moved with) fear. [ql ~~~~2124
2727 - katecheo {kat-ay-kheh'-o}; from 2596 and 2279; to sound down into the ears, i.e. (by implication) to indoctrinate ("catechize") or (genitive case) to apprise of: --inform, instruct, teach. [ql ~~~~2726
0676 - aprositos {ap-ros'-ee-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of a comparative of 4314 and eimi (to go); inaccessible: --which no man can approach. [ql ~~~~676
1448 - eggizo {eng-id'-zo}; from 1451; to make near, i.e. (reflexively) approach: --approach, be at hand, come (draw) near, be (come, draw) nigh. [ql ~~~~1448
1448 - eggizo {eng-id'-zo}; from 1451; to make near, i.e. (reflexively) approach: --approach, be at hand, come (draw) near, be (come, draw) nigh. [ql ~~~~1448
3854 - paraginomai {par-ag-in'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and 1096; to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly: --come, go, be present. [ql ~~~~3752
3928 - parerchomai {par-er'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 and 2064; to come near or aside, i.e. to approach (arrive), go by (or away), (figuratively) perish or neglect, (caus.) avert: --come (forth), go, pass (away, by, over), past, transgress. [ql ~~~~3826
4317 - prosago {pros-ag'-o}; from 4314 and 0071; to lead towards, i.e. (transitively) to conduct near (summon, present), or (intransitively) to approach: --bring, draw near. [ql ~~~~4214
4331 - proseggizo {pros-eng-ghid'-zo}; from 4314 and 1448; to approach near: --come nigh. [ql ~~~~4228
4334 - proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: --(as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto). [ql ~~~~4232
4365 - prosporeuomai {pros-por-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 4314 and 4198; to journey towards, i.e. approach [not the same as 4313]: --go before. [ql ~~~~4262
2428 - hiketeria {hik-et-ay-ree'-ah}; from a derivative of the base of 2425 (through the idea of approaching for a favor); intreaty: --supplication. [ql ~~~~2428
3134 - maran atha {mar'-an ath'-ah}; of Aramaic origin (meaning our Lord has come); maranatha, i.e. an exclamation of the approaching divine judgment: --Maran-atha. [ql ~~~~3132
2106 - eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a person or thing): --think good, (be well) please(-d), be the good (have, take) pleasure, be willing. [ql ~~~~2106
0089 - adialeiptos {ad-ee-al-ipe'-toce}; adverb from 0088; uninteruptedly, i.e. without omission (on an appropriate occasion): --without ceasing. [ql ~~~~88
1933 - epieikes {ep-ee-i-kace'}; from 1909 and 1503; appropriate, i.e. (by implication) mild: --gentle, moderation, patient. [ql ~~~~1932
2111 - euthetos {yoo'-thet-os}; from 2095 and a derivative of 5087; well placed, i.e. (figuratively) appropriate: --fit, meet. [ql ~~~~2110
4793 - sugkrino {soong-kree'-no}; from 4862 and 2919; to judge of one thing in connection with another, i.e. combine (spiritual ideas with appropriate expressions) or collate (one person with another by way of contrast or resemblance): --compare among (with). [ql ~~~~4690
0516 - axios {ax-ee'-oce}; adverb from 0514; appropriately: --as becometh, after a godly sort, worthily(-thy). [ql ~~~~516
0588 - apodechomai {ap-od-ekh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 1209; to take fully, i.e. welcome (persons), approve (things): --accept, receive (gladly). [ql ~~~~588
1381 - dokimazo {dok-im-ad'-zo}; from 1384; to test (literally or figuratively); by implication, to approve: --allow, discern, examine, X like, (ap-)prove, try. [ql ~~~~1380
2106 - eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a person or thing): --think good, (be well) please(-d), be the good (have, take) pleasure, be willing. [ql ~~~~2106
4921 - sunistao {soon-is-tah'-o}; or (strengthened) sunistano {soon-is-tan'-o}; or sunistemi {soon-is'-tay-mee}; from 4862 and 2476 (including its collat. forms); to set together, i.e. (by implication) to introduce (favorably), or (figuratively) to exhibit; intransitively, to stand near, or (figuratively) to constitute: --approve, commend, consist, make, stand (with). [ql ~~~~4818
1184 - dektos {dek-tos'}; from 1209; approved; (figuratively) propitious: --accepted(-table). [ql ~~~~1184
1384 - dokimos {dok'-ee-mos}; from 1380; properly, acceptable (current after assayal), i.e. approved: --approved, tried. [ql ~~~~1384
1384 - dokimos {dok'-ee-mos}; from 1380; properly, acceptable (current after assayal), i.e. approved: --approved, tried. [ql ~~~~1384
2144 - euprosdektos {yoo-pros'-dek-tos}; from 2095 and a derivative of 4327; well-received, i.e. approved, favorable: --acceptable(-ted). [ql ~~~~2144
1463 - egkomboomai {eng-kom-bo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1722 and komboo (to gird); to engirdle oneself (for labor), i.e. figuratively (the apron as being a badge of servitude) to wear (in token of mutual deference): --be clothed with. [ql ~~~~1462
3012 - lention {len'-tee-on}; of Latin origin; a "linen" cloth, i.e. apron: --towel. [ql ~~~~3010
4612 - simikinthion {sim-ee-kin'-thee-on}; of Latin origin; a semicinctium or half-girding, i.e. narrow covering (apron): --apron. [ql ~~~~4510
4612 - simikinthion {sim-ee-kin'-thee-on}; of Latin origin; a semicinctium or half-girding, i.e. narrow covering (apron): --apron. [ql ~~~~4510
0676 - aprositos {ap-ros'-ee-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of a comparative of 4314 and eimi (to go); inaccessible: --which no man can approach. [ql ~~~~676
0677 - aproskopos {ap-ros'-kop-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 4350; actively, inoffensive, i.e. not leading into sin; passively, faultless, i.e. not led into sin: --none (void of, without) offence. [ql ~~~~676
0678 - aprosopoleptos {ap-ros-o-pol-ape'-tos}; adverb from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a presumed compound of 4383 and 2983 [compare 4381]; in a way not accepting the person, i.e. impartially: --without respect of persons. [ql ~~~~678
0403 - anapsuxis {an-aps'-ook-sis}; from 0404; properly, a recovery of breath, i.e. (figuratively) revival: --revival. [ql ~~~~402
0404 - anapsucho {an-aps-oo'-kho}; from 0303 and 5594; properly, to cool off, i.e. (figuratively) relieve: --refresh. [ql ~~~~404
0690 - >Araps {ar'-aps}; from 0688; an Arab or native of Arabia: --Arabian. [ql ~~~~690
0893 - apseudes {aps-yoo-dace'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5579; veracious: --that cannot lie. [ql ~~~~892
4785 - sugkatapsephizo {soong-kat-aps-ay-fid'-zo}; from 4862 and a compound of 2596 and 5585; to count down in company with, i.e. enroll among: --number with. [ql ~~~~4682
0893 - apseudes {aps-yoo-dace'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5579; veracious: --that cannot lie. [ql ~~~~892
0894 - apsinthos {ap'-sin-thos}; of uncertain derivation; wormwood (as a type of bitterness, i.e. [figuratively] calamity): --wormwood. [ql ~~~~894
0895 - apsuchos {ap'-soo-khos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5590; lifeless, i.e. inanimate (mechanical): --without life. [ql ~~~~894
1317 - didaktikos {did-ak-tik-os'}; from 1318; instructive ("didactic"): --apt to teach. [ql ~~~~1316
0679 - aptaistos {ap-tah'-ee-stos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4417; not stumbling, i.e. (figuratively) without sin: --from falling. [ql ~~~~678
0207 - Akulas {ak-oo'-las}; probably for Latin aquila (an eagle); Akulas, an Israelite: --Aquila. [ql ~~~~206
0207 - Akulas {ak-oo'-las}; probably for Latin aquila (an eagle); Akulas, an Israelite: --Aquila. [ql ~~~~206
1347 - dikaiosis {dik-ah'-yo-sis}; from 1344; aquittal (for Christ's sake): --justification. [ql ~~~~1346
0002 - Aaron {ah-ar-ohn'}; of Hebrew origin [0175]; Aaron, the brother of Moses: --Aaron. [ql ~~~~2
0004 - abares {ab-ar-ace'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 0922; weightless, i.e. (figuratively) not burdensome: --from being burdensome. [ql ~~~~4
0008 - Abiathar {ab-ee-ath'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [0054]; Abiathar, an Israelite: --Abiathar. [ql ~~~~8
0028 - Agar {ag'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [1904]; Hagar, the concubine of Abraham: --Hagar. [ql ~~~~28
0029 - aggareuo {ang-ar-yew'-o}; of foreign origin [compare 0104]; properly, to be a courier, i.e. (by implication) to press into public service: --compel (to go). [ql ~~~~28
0167 - akatharsia {ak-ath-ar-see'-ah}; from 0169; impurity (the quality), physically or morally: --uncleanness. [ql ~~~~166
0168 - akathartes {ak-ath-ar'-tace}; from 0169; impurity (the state), morally: --filthiness. [ql ~~~~168
0169 - akathartos {ak-ath'-ar-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 2508 (meaning cleansed); impure (ceremonially, morally [lewd] or specially, [demonic]): --foul, unclean. [ql ~~~~168
0175 - akarpos {ak'-ar-pos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2590; barren (literally or figuratively): --without fruit, unfruitful. [ql ~~~~174
0262 - amarantinos {am-ar-an'-tee-nos}; from 0263; "amaranthine", i.e. (by implication) fadeless: --that fadeth not away. [ql ~~~~262
0263 - amarantos {am-ar'-an-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 3133; unfading, i.e. (by implication) perpetual: --that fadeth not away. [ql ~~~~262
0264 - hamartano {ham-ar-tan'-o}; perhaps from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the base of 3313; properly, to miss the mark (and so not share in the prize), i.e. (figuratively) to err, especially (morally) to sin: --for your faults, offend, sin, trespass. [ql ~~~~264
0265 - hamartema {ham-ar'-tay-mah}; from 0264; a sin (properly concrete): --sin. [ql ~~~~264
0266 - hamartia {ham-ar-tee'-ah}; from 0264; a sin (properly abstract): --offence, sin(-ful). [ql ~~~~266
0267 - amarturos {am-ar'-too-ros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a form of 3144; unattested: --without witness. [ql ~~~~266
0268 - hamartolos {ham-ar-to-los'}; from 0264; sinful, i.e. a sinner: --sinful, sinner. [ql ~~~~268
0361 - anamartetos {an-am-ar'-tay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 0264; sinless: --that is without sin. [ql ~~~~360
0382 - anarithmetos {an-ar-ith'-may-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 0705; unnumbered, i.e. without number: --innumerable. [ql ~~~~382
0531 - aparabatos {ap-ar-ab'-at-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3845; not passing away, i.e. untransferable (perpetual): --unchangeable. [ql ~~~~530
0532 - aparaskeuastos {ap-ar-ask-yoo'-as-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3903; unready: --unprepared. [ql ~~~~532
0533 - aparneomai {ap-ar-neh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 0720; to deny utterly, i.e. disown, abstain: --deny. [ql ~~~~532
0534 - aparti {ap-ar'-tee}; from 0575 and 0737; from now, i.e. henceforth (already): --from henceforth. [ql ~~~~534
0535 - apartismos {ap-ar-tis-mos'}; from a derivative of 0534; completion: --finishing. [ql ~~~~534
0536 - aparche {ap-ar-khay'}; from a compound of 0575 and 0756; a beginning of sacrifice, i.e. the (Jewish) first-fruit (figuratively): --first-fruits. [ql ~~~~536
0603 - apokaradokia {ap-ok-ar-ad-ok-ee'-ah}; from a comparative of 0575 and a compound of kara (the head) and 1380 (in the sense of watching); intense anticipation: --earnest expectation. [ql ~~~~602
0685 - ara {ar-ah'}; probably from 0142; properly, prayer (as lifted to Heaven), i.e. (by implication) imprecation: --curse. [ql ~~~~684
0686 - ara {ar'-ah}; probably from 0142 (through the idea of drawing a conclusion); a particle denoting an inference more or less decisive (as follows): --haply, (what) manner (of man), no doubt, perhaps, so be, then, therefore, truly, wherefore. Often used in connection with other particles, especially 1065 or 3767 (after) or 1487 (before). Compare also 0687. [ql ~~~~686
0687 - ara {ar'-ah}; a form of 0686, denoting an interrogation to which a negative answer is presumed: --therefore. [ql ~~~~686
0688 - Arabia {ar-ab-ee'-ah}; of Hebrew origin [6152]; Arabia , a region of Asia: --Arabia. [ql ***. arage. See 0686 and 1065. [ql ~~~~688
0689 - Aram {ar-am'}; of Hebrew origin [7410]; Aram (i.e. Ram), an Israelite: --Aram. [ql ~~~~688
0690 - >Araps {ar'-aps}; from 0688; an Arab or native of Arabia: --Arabian. [ql ~~~~690
0692 - argos {ar-gos'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2041; inactive, i.e. unemployed; (by implication) lazy, useless: --barren, idle, slow. [ql ~~~~692
0693 - argureos {ar-goo'-reh-os}; from 0696; made of silver: --(of) silver. [ql ~~~~692
0694 - argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 0696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): --money, (piece of) silver (piece). [ql ~~~~694
0695 - argurokopos {ar-goo-rok-op'-os}; from 0696 and 2875; a beater (i.e. worker) of silver: --silversmith. [ql ~~~~694
0696 - arguros {ar'-goo-ros}; from argos (shining); silver (the metal, in the articles or coin): --silver. [ql ~~~~696
0697 - Areios Pagos {ar'-i-os pag'-os}; from Ares (the name of the Greek deity of war) and a derivative of 4078; rock of Ares, a place in Athens: --Areopagus, Mars' Hill. [ql ~~~~696
0698 - Areopagites {ar-eh-op-ag-ee'-tace}; from 0697; an Areopagite or member of the court held on Mars' Hill: --Areopagite. [ql ~~~~698
0699 - areskeia {ar-es'-ki-ah}; from a derivative of 0700; complaisance: --pleasing. [ql ~~~~698
0700 - aresko {ar-es'-ko}; probably from 0142 (through the idea of exciting emotion); to be agreeable (or by implication, to seek to be so): --please. [ql ~~~~700
0701 - arestos {ar-es-tos'}; from 0700; agreeable; by implication, fit: --(things that) please(-ing), reason. [ql ~~~~700
0702 - Aretas {ar-et'-as}; of foreign origin; Aretas, an Arabian: --Aretas. [ql ~~~~702
0703 - arete {ar-et'-ay}; from the same as 0730; properly, manliness (valor), i.e. excellence (intrinsic or attributed): --praise, virtue. [ql ~~~~702
0704 - aren {ar-ane'}; perhaps the same as 0730; a lamb (as a male): --lamb. [ql ~~~~704
0705 - arithmeo {ar-ith-meh'-o}; from 0706; to enumerate or count: --number. [ql ~~~~704
0706 - arithmos {ar-ith-mos'}; from 0142; a number (as reckoned up): --number. [ql ~~~~706
0707 - Arimathaia {ar-ee-math-ah'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [7414]; Arimathaea (or Ramah), a place in Palestine: --Arimathaea. [ql ~~~~706
0708 - Aristarchos {ar-is'-tar-khos}; from the same as 0712 and 0757; best ruling; Aristarchus, a Macedonian: --Aristarchus. [ql ~~~~708
0709 - aristao {ar-is-tah'-o}; from 0712; to take the principle meal: --dine. [ql ~~~~708
0710 - aristeros {ar-is-ter-os'}; apparently a comparative of the same as 0712; the left hand (as second-best): --left [hand]. [ql ~~~~710
0711 - Aristoboulos {ar-is-tob'-oo-los}; from the same as 0712 and 1012; best counselling; Aristoboulus, a Christian: --Aristobulus. [ql ~~~~710
0712 - ariston {ar'-is-ton}; apparently neuter of a superlative from the same as 730; the best meal [or breakfast; perhaps from eri ("early")], i.e. luncheon: --dinner. [ql ~~~~712
0713 - arketos {ar-ket-os'}; from 0714; satisfactory: --enough, suffice(-ient). [ql ~~~~712
0714 - arkeo {ar-keh'-o}; apparently a primary verb [but probably akin to 0142 through the idea of raising a barrier]; properly, to ward off, i.e. (by implication) to avail (figuratively, be satisfactory): --be content, be enough, suffice, be sufficient. [ql ~~~~714
0717 - Armageddon {ar-mag-ed-dohn'}; of Hebrew origin [2022 and 4023]; Armageddon (or Har-Meggiddon), a symbol. name: --Armageddon. [ql ~~~~716
0720 - arneomai {ar-neh'-om-ahee}; perhaps from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the middle voice of 4483; to contradict, i.e. disavow, reject, abnegate: --deny, refuse. [ql ~~~~720
0721 - arnion {ar-nee'-on}; diminutive from 0704; a lambkin: --lamb. [ql ~~~~720
0722 - arotrioo {ar-ot-ree-o'-o}; from 0723; to plow: --plough. [ql ~~~~ 722
0723 - arotron {ar'-ot-ron}; from aroo (to till); a plow: --plough. [ql ~~~~722
0728 - arrhabon {ar-hrab-ohn'}; of Hebrew origin [6162]; a pledge, i.e. part of the purchase-money or property given in advance as security for the rest: --earnest. [ql ~~~~728
0729 - arrhaphos {ar'-hhraf-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of the same as 4476; unsewed, i.e. of a single piece: --without seam. [ql ~~~~728
0730 - arrhen {ar'-hrane}; or arsen {ar'-sane}; probably from 0142; male (as stronger for lifting): --male, man. [ql ~~~~730
0730 - arrhen {ar'-hrane}; or arsen {ar'-sane}; probably from 0142; male (as stronger for lifting): --male, man. [ql ~~~~730
0731 - arrhetos {ar'-hray-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the same as 4490; unsaid, i.e. (by implication) inexpressible: --unspeakable. [ql ~~~~730
0732 - arrhostos {ar'-hroce-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 4517; infirm: --sick (folk, -ly). [ql ~~~~732
0733 - arsenokoites {ar-sen-ok-oy'-tace}; from 0730 and 2845; a sodomite: --abuser of (that defile) self with mankind. [ql ~~~~732
0734 - Artemas {ar-tem-as'}; contracted from a compound of 0735 and 1435; gift of Artemis; Artemas (or Artemidorus), a Christian: --Artemas. [ql ~~~~734
0735 - Artemis {ar'-tem-is}; probably from the same as 0736; prompt; Artemis, the name of a Grecian goddess borrowed by the Asiatics for one of their deities: --Diana. [ql ~~~~734
0736 - artemon {ar-tem'-ohn}; from a derivative of 0737; properly, something ready [or else more remotely from 0142 (compare 0740); something hung up], i.e. (specially) the topsail (rather foresail or jib) of a vessel: --mainsail. [ql ~~~~736
0737 - arti {ar'-tee}; adverb from a derivative of 0142 (compare 0740) through the idea of suspension; just now: --this day (hour), hence [-forth], here [-after], hither [-to], (even) now, (this) present. [ql ~~~~736
0738 - artigennetos {ar-teeg-en'-nay-tos}; from 0737 and 1084; just born, i.e. (figuratively) a young convert: --new born. [ql ~~~~738
0739 - artios {ar'-tee-os}; from 0737; fresh, i.e. (by implication) complete: --perfect. [ql ~~~~738
0740 - artos {ar'-tos}; from 0142; bread (as raised) or a loaf: --(shew-)bread, loaf. [ql ~~~~740
0741 - artuo {ar-too'-o}; from a presumed derivative of 0142; to prepare, i.e. spice (with stimulating condiments): --season. [ql ~~~~740
0742 - Arphaxad {ar-fax-ad'}; of Hebrew origin [0775]; Arphaxad, a post-diluvian patriarch: --Arphaxad. [ql ~~~~742
0743 - archaggelos {ar-khang'-el-os}; from 0757 and 0032; a chief angel: --archangel. [ql ~~~~742
0744 - archaios {ar-khah'-yos}; from 0746; original or primeval: --(them of) old (time). [ql ~~~~744
0745 - Archelaos {ar-khel'-ah-os}; from 0757 and 2994; people-ruling; Archelaus, a Jewish king: --Archelaus. [ql ~~~~744
0746 - arche {ar-khay'}; from 0756; (properly abstract) a commencement, or (concretely) chief (in various applications of order, time, place, or rank): --beginning, corner, (at the, the) first (estate), magistrate, power, principality, principle, rule. [ql ~~~~746
0747 - archegos {ar-khay-gos'}; from 0746 and 0071; a chief leader: --author, captain, prince. [ql ~~~~746
0748 - archieratikos {ar-khee-er-at-ee-kos'}; from 0746 and a derivative of 2413; high-priestly: --of the high-priest. [ql ~~~~748
0749 - archiereus {ar-khee-er-yuce'}; from 0746 and 2409; the high-priest (literally, of the Jews, typically, Christ); by extension a chief priest: --chief (high) priest, chief of the priests. [ql ~~~~748
0750 - archipoimen {ar-khee-poy'-mane}; from 0746 and 4166; a head shepherd: --chief shepherd. [ql ~~~~750
0751 - Archippos {ar'-khip-pos}; from 0746 and 2462; horse-ruler; Archippus, a Christian: --Archippus. [ql ~~~~750
0752 - archisunagogos {ar-khee-soon-ag'-o-gos}; from 0746 and 4864; director of the synagogue services: --(chief) ruler of the synagogue. [ql ~~~~752
0753 - architekton {ar-khee-tek'-tone}; from 0746 and 5045; a chief constructor, i.e. "architect": --masterbuilder. [ql ~~~~752
0754 - architelones {ar-khee-tel-o'-nace}; from 0746 and 5057; a principle tax-gatherer: --chief among the publicans. [ql ~~~~754
0755 - architriklinos {ar-khee-tree'-klee-nos}; from 0746 and a compound of 5140 and 2827 (a dinner-bed, because composed of three couches); director of the entertainment: --governor (ruler) of the feast. [ql ~~~~754
0756 - archomai {ar'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of 0757 (through the implication of precedence); to commence (in order of time): --(rehearse from the) begin(-ning). [ql ~~~~756
0757 - archo {ar'-kho}; a primary verb; to be first (in political rank or power): --reign (rule) over. [ql ~~~~756
0758 - archon {ar'-khone}; present participle of 0757; a first (in rank or power): --chief (ruler), magistrate, prince, ruler. [ql ~~~~758
0759 - "aroma" {ar'-o-mah}; from 0142 (in the sense of sending off scent); an aromatic: --(sweet) spice. [ql ~~~~758
0775 - Asiarches {as-ee-ar'-khace}; from 0773 and 0746; an Asiarch or president of the public festivities in a city of Asia Minor: --chief of Asia. [ql ~~~~774
0866 - aphilarguros {af-il-ar'-goo-ros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5366; unavaricious: --without covetousness, not greedy of filthy lucre. [ql ~~~~866
0884 - acharistos {ach-ar'-is-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 5483; thankless, i.e. ungrateful: --unthankful. [ql ~~~~884
0962 - Bethabara {bay-thab-ar-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [1004 and 5679]; ferry-house; Bethabara (i.e. Bethabarah), a place on the Jordan: --Bethabara. [ql ~~~~962
0974 - bibliaridion {bib-lee-ar-id'-ee-on}; a diminutive of 0975; a booklet: --little book. [ql ~~~~974
1046 - Gadarenos {gad-ar-ay-nos'}; from (a town east of the Jordan); a Gadarene or inhabitant of Gadara: --Gadarene. [ql ~~~~1046
1152 - Damaris {dam'-ar-is}; probably from the base of 1150; perhaps gentle; Damaris, an Athenian woman: --Damaris. [ql ~~~~1152
1245 - diakatharizo {dee-ak-ath-ar-id'-zo}; from 1223 and 2511; to cleanse perfectly, i.e. (specially) winnow: --thoroughly purge. [ql ~~~~1244
1263 - diamarturomai {dee-am-ar-too'-rom-ahee}; from 1223 and 3140; to attest or protest earnestly, or (by implication) hortatively: --charge, testify (unto), witness. [ql ~~~~1262
1283 - diarpazo {dee-ar-pad'-zo}; from 1223 and 0726; to sieze asunder, i.e. plunder: --spoil. [ql ~~~~1282
1284 - diarrhesso {dee-ar-hrayce'-so}; from 1223 and 4486; to tear asunder: --break, rend. [ql ~~~~1284
1298 - diatarasso {dee-at-ar-as'-so}; from 1223 and 5015; to disturb wholly, i.e. agitate (with alarm): --trouble. [ql ~~~~1298
1728 - enarchomai {en-ar'-khom-ahee}; from 1722 and 0756; to commence on: --rule [by mistake for 0757]. [ql ~~~~1728
1822 - exartizo {ex-ar-tid'-zo}; from 1537 and a derivative of 0739; to finish out (time); figuratively, to equip fully (a teacher): --accomplish, thoroughly furnish. [ql ~~~~1822
1884 - eparkeo {ep-ar-keh'-o}; from 1909 and 0714; to avail for, i.e. help: --relieve. [ql ~~~~1884
1885 - eparchia {ep-ar-khee'-ah}; from a compound of 1909 and 0757 (meaning a governor of a district, "eparch"); a special region of government, i.e. a Roman praefecture: --province. [ql ~~~~1884
1944 - epikataratos {ep-ee-kat-ar'-at-os}; from 1909 and a derivative of 2672; imprecated, i.e. execrable: --accursed. [ql ~~~~1944
2100 - euaresteo {yoo-ar-es-teh'-o}; from 2101; to gratify entirely: --please (well). [ql ~~~~2100
2101 - euarestos {yoo-ar'-es-tos}; from 2095 and 0701; fully agreeable: --acceptable(-ted), wellpleasing. [ql ~~~~2100
2102 - euarestos {yoo-ar-es'-toce}; adverb from 2101; quite agreeably: --acceptably, + please well. [ql ~~~~2102
2197 - Zacharias {dzakh-ar-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2148]; Zacharias (i.e. Zechariah), the name of two Israelites: --Zacharias. [ql ~~~~2196
2283 - Thamar {tham'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [8559]; Thamar (i.e. Tamar), an Israelitess: --Thamar. [ql ~~~~2282
2391 - Iared {ee-ar'-ed}; of Hebrew origin [3382]; Jared (i.e. Jered), an antediluvian: --Jared. [ql ~~~~2390
2431 - hilaros {hil-ar-os'}; from the same as 2436; propitious or merry ("hilarious"), i.e. prompt or willing: --cheerful. [ql ~~~~2430
2432 - hilarotes {hil-ar-ot'-ace}; from 2431; alacrity: --cheerfulness. [ql ~~~~2432
2466 - Isachar {ee-sakh-ar'}; of Hebrew origin [3485]; Isachar (i.e. Jissaskar), a son of Jacob (figuratively, his descendant): --Issachar. [ql ~~~~2466
2511 - katharizo {kath-ar-id'-zo}; from 2513; to cleanse (literally or figuratively): --(make) clean(-se), purge, purify. [ql ~~~~2510
2512 - katharismos {kath-ar-is-mos'}; from 2511; a washing off, i.e. (cer.) ablution, (morally) expiation: --cleansing, + purge, purification(-fying). [ql ~~~~2512
2513 - katharos {kath-ar-os'}; of uncertain affinity; clean (literally or figuratively): --clean, clear, pure. [ql ~~~~2512
2514 - katharotes {kath-ar-ot'-ace}; from 2513; cleanness (cer.): --purification. [ql ~~~~2514
2599 - katabareo {kat-ab-ar-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 0916; to impose upon: --burden. [ql ~~~~2598
2649 - katamartureo {kat-am-ar-too-reh'-o}; from 2596 and 3140; to testify against: --witness against. [ql ~~~~2648
2655 - katanarkao {kat-an-ar-kah'-o}; from 2596 and narkao (to be numb); to grow utterly torpid, i.e. (by implication) slothful (figuratively, expensive): --be burdensome (chargeable). [ql ~~~~2654
2671 - katara {kat-ar'-ah}; from 2596 (intensive) and 0685; imprecation, execration: --curse(-d, ing). [ql ~~~~2670
2672 - kataraomai {kat-ar-ah'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 2671; to execrate; by analogy, to doom: --curse. [ql ~~~~2672
2674 - katarithmeo {kat-ar-ith-meh'-o}; from 2596 and 0705; to reckon among: --number with. [ql ~~~~2674
2675 - katartizo {kat-ar-tid'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of 0739; to complete thoroughly, i.e. repair (literally or figuratively) or adjust: --fit, frame, mend, (make) perfect(-ly join together), prepare, restore. [ql ~~~~2674
2676 - katartisis {kat-ar'-tis-is}; from 2675; thorough equipment (subjectively): --perfection. [ql ~~~~2676
2677 - katartismos {kat-ar-tis-mos'}; from 2675; complete furnishing (objectively): --perfecting. [ql ~~~~2676
2788 - kithara {kith-ar'-ah}; of uncertain affinity; a lyre: --harp. [ql ~~~~2786
2789 - kitharizo {kith-ar-id'-zo}; from 2788; to play on a lyre: --harp. [ql ~~~~2788
2790 - kitharoidos {kith-ar-o'-dos}; from 2788 and a derivative of the same as 5603; a lyre-singer(-player), i.e. harpist: --harper. [ql ~~~~2788
2890 - Kouartos {koo'-ar-tos}; of Latin origin (fourth); Quartus, a Christian: --Quartus. [ql ~~~~2888
3045 - liparos {lip-ar-os'}; from lipos (grease); fat, i.e. (figuratively) sumptuous: --dainty. [ql ~~~~3044
3106 - makarizo {mak-ar-id'-zo}; fom 3107; to beatify, i.e. pronounce (or esteem) fortunate: --call blessed, count happy. [ql ~~~~3104
3107 - makarios {mak-ar'-ee-os}; a prolonged form of the poetical makar (meaning the same); supremely blest; by extension, fortunate, well off: --blessed, happy(X -ier). [ql ~~~~3106
3108 - makarismos {mak-ar-is-mos'}; from 3106; beatification, i.e. attribution of good fortune: --blessedness. [ql ~~~~3106
3677 - onar {on'-ar}; of uncertain derivation; a dream: --dream. [ql ~~~~3576
3678 - onarion {on-ar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3688; a little donkey: --young ass. [ql ***. onao. See 3685. [ql ~~~~3576
3901 - pararrhueo {par-ar-hroo-eh'-o}; from 3844 and the alternate of 4482; to flow by, i.e. (figuratively) carelessly pass (miss): --let slip. [ql ~~~~3798
3959 - Patara {pat'-ar-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Patara, a place in Asia Minor: --Patara. [ql ~~~~3856
3970 - patroparadotos {pat-rop-ar-ad'-ot-os}; from 3962 and a derivative of 3860 (in the sense of handing over or down); traditionary: --received by tradition from fathers. [ql ~~~~3868
4027 - perikatharma {per-ee-kath'-ar-mah}; from a compound of 4012 and 2508; something cleaned off all around, i.e. refuse (figuratively): --filth. [ql ~~~~3924
4142 - ploiarion {ploy-ar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4143; a boat: --boat, little (small) ship. [ql ~~~~4040
4173 - politarches {pol-it-ar'-khace}; from 4172 and 0757; a town-officer, i.e. magistrate: --ruler of the city. [ql ~~~~4070
4258 - proamartano {pro-am-ar-tan'-o}; from 4253 and 0264; to sin previously (to conversion): --sin already, heretofore sin. [ql ~~~~4156
4278 - proenarchomai {pro-en-ar'-khom-ahee}; from 4253 and 1728; to commence already: --begin (before). [ql ~~~~4176
4294 - prokatartizo {prok-at-ar-tid'-zo}; from 4253 and 2675; to prepare in advance: --make up beforehand. [ql ~~~~4192
4303 - promarturomai {prom-ar-too'-rom-ahee}; from 4253 and 3143; to be a witness in advance i.e. predict: --testify beforehand. [ql ~~~~4200
4391 - prouparcho {pro-oop-ar'-kho}; from 4253 and 5225; to exist before, i.e. (adverbially) to be or do something previously: --+ be before(-time). [ql ~~~~4288
4540 - Samareia {sam-ar'-i-ah}; of Hebrew origin [8111]; Samaria (i.e. Shomeron), a city and region of Palestine: --Samaria. [ql ~~~~4438
4541 - Samareites {sam-ar-i'-tace}; from 4540; a Samarite, i.e. inhabitant of Samaria: --Samaritan. [ql ~~~~4438
4542 - Samareitis {sam-ar-i'-tis}; feminine of 4541; a Samaritess, i.e. woman of Samaria: --of Samaria. [ql ~~~~4440
4607 - sikarios {sik-ar'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; a dagger-man or assassin; a freebooter (Jewish fanatic outlawed by the Romans): --murderer. Compare 5406. [ql ~~~~4504
4641 - sklerokardia {sklay-rok-ar-dee'-ah}; feminine of a compound of 4642 and 2588; hard-heartedness, i.e. (specifically) destitution of (spiritual) perception: --hardness of heart. [ql ~~~~4538
4759 - stratopedarches {strat-op-ed-ar'-khace}; from 4760 and 0757; a ruler of an army, i.e. (specifically) a Praetorian prefect: --captain of the guard. [ql ~~~~4656
4883 - sunarmologeo {soon-ar-mol-og-eh'-o}; from 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 0719 and 3004 (in its original sense of laying); to render close-jointed together, i.e. organize compactly: --be fitly framed (joined) together. [ql ~~~~4780
4884 - sunarpazo {soon-ar-pad'-zo}; from 4862 and 0726; to snatch together, i.e. seize: --catch. [ql ~~~~4782
5066 - tetartaios {tet-ar-tah'-yos}; from 5064; pertaining to the fourth day: --four days. [ql ~~~~4964
5067 - tetartos {tet'-ar-tos}; ord. from 5064; fourth: --four(-th). [ql ~~~~4964
5224 - huparchonta {hoop-ar'-khon-tah}; neuter plural of present participle active of 5225 as noun; things extant or in hand, i.e. property or possessions: --goods, that which one has, things which (one) possesseth, substance, that hast. [ql ~~~~5122
5225 - huparcho {hoop-ar'-kho}; from 5259 and 0756; to begin under (quietly), i.e. come into existence (be present or at hand); expletively, to exist (as copula or subordinate to an adjective, participle, adverb or preposition, or as auxil. to principal (verb): --after, behave, live. [ql ~~~~5122
5365 - philarguria {fil-ar-goo-ree'-ah}; from 5366; avarice: --love of money. [ql ~~~~5262
5366 - philarguros {fil-ar'-goo-ros}; from 5384 and 0696; fond of silver (money), i.e. avaricious: --covetous. [ql ~~~~5264
5396 - phluareo {floo-ar-eh'-o}; from 5397; to be a babbler or trifler, i.e. (by implication) to berate idly or mischievously: --prate against. [ql ~~~~5294
5397 - phluaros {floo'-ar-os}; from phluo (to bubble); a garrulous person, i.e. prater: --tattler. [ql ~~~~5294
5421 - phrear {freh'-ar}; of uncertain derivation; a hole in the ground (dug for obtaining or holding water or other purposes), i.e. a cistern or well; figuratively, an abyss (as a prison): --well, pit. [ql ~~~~5318
5506 - chiliarchos {khil-ee'-ar-khos}; from 5507 and 0757; the commander of a thousand soldiers ("chiliarch"}; i.e. colonel: --(chief, high) captain. [ql ~~~~5404
5513 - chliaros {khlee-ar-os'}; from chlio (to warm); tepid: --lukewarm. [ql ~~~~5410
5575 - pseudomartur {psyoo-dom-ar'-toor}; from 5571 and a kindred form of 3144; a spurious witness, i.e. bearer of untrue testimony: --false witness. [ql ~~~~5472
5576 - pseudomartureo {psyoo-dom-ar-too-reh'-o}; from 5575; to be an untrue testifier, i.e. offer falsehood in evidence: --be a false witness. [ql ~~~~5472
5577 - pseudomarturia {psyoo-dom-ar-too-ree'-ah}; from 5575; untrue testimony: --false witness. [ql ~~~~5474