0907 - baptizo {bap-tid'-zo}; from a derivative of 0911; to immerse, submerge; to make overwhelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the N.T.) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: --Baptist, baptize, wash. [ql ~~~~906
0908 - baptisma {bap'-tis-mah}; from 0907; immersion, baptism (technically or figuratively): --baptism. [ql ~~~~908
0909 - baptismos {bap-tis-mos'}; from 0907; ablution (ceremonial or Christian): --baptism, washing. [ql ~~~~908
0910 - Baptistes {bap-tis-tace'}; from 0907; a baptizer, as an epithet of Christ's forerunner: --Baptist. [ql ~~~~910
0908 - baptisma {bap'-tis-mah}; from 0907; immersion, baptism (technically or figuratively): --baptism. [ql ~~~~908
0909 - baptismos {bap-tis-mos'}; from 0907; ablution (ceremonial or Christian): --baptism, washing. [ql ~~~~908
0910 - Baptistes {bap-tis-tace'}; from 0907; a baptizer, as an epithet of Christ's forerunner: --Baptist. [ql ~~~~910
0907 - baptizo {bap-tid'-zo}; from a derivative of 0911; to immerse, submerge; to make overwhelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the N.T.) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: --Baptist, baptize, wash. [ql ~~~~906
0911 - bapto {bap'-to}; a primary verb; to overwhelm, i.e. cover wholly with a fluid; in the N.T. only in a qualified or specially, sense, i.e. (literally) to moisten (a part of one's person), or (by implication) to stain (as with dye): --dip. [ql ~~~~910
1686 - embapto {em-bap'-to}; from 1722 and 0911; to whelm on, i.e. wet (a part of the person, etc.) by contact with a fluid: --dip. [ql ~~~~1686
0912 - Barabbas {bar-ab-bas'}; of Aramaic origin [1347 and 0005]; son of Abba; Bar-abbas, an Israelite: --Barabbas. [ql ~~~~912
0913 - Barak {bar-ak'}; of Hebrew origin [1301]; Barak, an Israelite: --Barak. [ql ~~~~912
0914 - Barachias {bar-akh-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [1296]; Barachias (i.e. Berechijah), an Israelite: --Barachias. [ql ~~~~914
0915 - barbaros {bar'-bar-os}; of uncertain derivation; a foreigner (i.e. non-Greek): --barbarian(-rous). [ql ~~~~914
0916 - bareo {bar-eh'-o}; from 0926; to weigh down (figuratively): --burden, charge, heavy, press. [ql ~~~~916
1912 - epibareo {ep-ee-bar-eh'-o}; from 1909 and 0916; to be heavy upon, i.e. (pecuniarily) to be expensive to; figuratively, to be severe towards: --be chargeable to, overcharge. [ql ~~~~1912
2599 - katabareo {kat-ab-ar-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 0916; to impose upon: --burden. [ql ~~~~2598
0917 - bareos {bar-eh'-oce}; adverb from 0926; heavily (figuratively): --dull. [ql ~~~~916
0918 - Bartholomaios {bar-thol-om-ah'-yos}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 8526]; son of Tolmai; Bar-tholomoeus, a Christian apostle: --Bartholomeus. [ql ~~~~918
0919 - Bariesous {bar-ee-ay-sooce'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 3091]; son of Jesus (or Joshua); Bar-jesus, an Israelite: --Barjesus. [ql ~~~~918
0920 - Barionas {bar-ee-oo-nas'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 3124]; son of Jonas (or Jonah); Bar-jonas, an Israelite: --Bar-jona. [ql ~~~~920
0921 - Barnabas {bar-nab'-as}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 5029]; son of Nabas (i.e. prophecy); Barnabas, an Israelite: --Barnabas. [ql ~~~~920
0004 - abares {ab-ar-ace'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 0922; weightless, i.e. (figuratively) not burdensome: --from being burdensome. [ql ~~~~4
0922 - baros {bar'-os}; probably from the same as 0939 (through the notion of going down; compare 0899); weight; in the N.T. only figuratively, a load, abundance, authority: --burden(-some), weight. [ql ~~~~922
0926 - barus {bar-ooce'}; from the same as 0922; weighty, i.e. (fig) burdensome, grave: --greivous, heavy, weightier. [ql ~~~~926
0923 - Barsabas {bar-sab-as'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and probably 6634]; son of Sabas (or Tsaba); Bar-sabas, the name of two Israelites: --Barsabas. [ql ~~~~922
0924 - Bartimaios {bar-tim-ah'-yos}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 2931]; son of Timoeus (or the unclean); Bar-timoeus, an Israelite: --Bartimaeus. [ql ~~~~924
0925 - baruno {bar-oo'-no}; from 0926; to burden (figuratively): --overcharge. [ql ~~~~924
0916 - bareo {bar-eh'-o}; from 0926; to weigh down (figuratively): --burden, charge, heavy, press. [ql ~~~~916
0917 - bareos {bar-eh'-oce}; adverb from 0926; heavily (figuratively): --dull. [ql ~~~~916
0925 - baruno {bar-oo'-no}; from 0926; to burden (figuratively): --overcharge. [ql ~~~~924
0926 - barus {bar-ooce'}; from the same as 0922; weighty, i.e. (fig) burdensome, grave: --greivous, heavy, weightier. [ql ~~~~926
0927 - barutimos {bar-oo'-tim-os}; from 0926 and 5092; highly valuable: --very precious. [ql ~~~~926
0927 - barutimos {bar-oo'-tim-os}; from 0926 and 5092; highly valuable: --very precious. [ql ~~~~926
0928 - basanizo {bas-an-id'-zo}; from 0931; to torture: --pain, toil, torment, toss, vex. [ql ~~~~928
0929 - basanismos {bas-an-is-mos'}; from 0928; torture: --torment. [ql ~~~~928
0930 - basanistes {bas-an-is-tace'}; from 0928; a torturer: --tormentor. [ql ~~~~930
0929 - basanismos {bas-an-is-mos'}; from 0928; torture: --torment. [ql ~~~~928
0930 - basanistes {bas-an-is-tace'}; from 0928; a torturer: --tormentor. [ql ~~~~930
0928 - basanizo {bas-an-id'-zo}; from 0931; to torture: --pain, toil, torment, toss, vex. [ql ~~~~928
0931 - basanos {bas'-an-os}; perhaps remotely from the same as 0939 (through the notion of going to the bottom); a touch-stone, i.e. (by analogy) torture: --torment. [ql ~~~~930
0932 - basileia {bas-il-i'-ah}; from 0935; properly, royalty, i.e. (abstractly) rule, or (concretely) a realm (literally or figuratively): --kingdom, + reign. [ql ~~~~932
0933 - basileion {bas-il'-i-on}; neuter of 0934; a palace: --king's court. [ql ~~~~932
0933 - basileion {bas-il'-i-on}; neuter of 0934; a palace: --king's court. [ql ~~~~932
0934 - basileios {bas-il'-i-os}; from 0935; kingly (in nature): --royal. [ql ~~~~934
0932 - basileia {bas-il-i'-ah}; from 0935; properly, royalty, i.e. (abstractly) rule, or (concretely) a realm (literally or figuratively): --kingdom, + reign. [ql ~~~~932
0934 - basileios {bas-il'-i-os}; from 0935; kingly (in nature): --royal. [ql ~~~~934
0935 - basileus {bas-il-yooce'}; probably from 0939 (through the notion of a foundation of power); a sovereign (abstractly, relatively, or figuratively): --king. [ql ~~~~934
0936 - basileuo {bas-il-yoo'-o}; from 0935; to rule (literally or figuratively): --king, reign. [ql ~~~~936
0937 - basilikos {bas-il-ee-kos'}; from 0935; regal (in relation), i.e. (literally) belonging to (or befitting) the sovereign (as land, dress, or a courtier), or (figuratively) preeminent: --king's, nobleman, royal. [ql ~~~~936
0936 - basileuo {bas-il-yoo'-o}; from 0935; to rule (literally or figuratively): --king, reign. [ql ~~~~936
0938 - basilissa {bas-il'-is-sah}; feminine from 0936; a queen: --queen. [ql ~~~~938
4821 - sumbasileuo {soom-bas-il-yoo'-o}; from 4862 and 0936; to be co-regent (figurative): --reign with. [ql ~~~~4718
0937 - basilikos {bas-il-ee-kos'}; from 0935; regal (in relation), i.e. (literally) belonging to (or befitting) the sovereign (as land, dress, or a courtier), or (figuratively) preeminent: --king's, nobleman, royal. [ql ~~~~936
0938 - basilissa {bas-il'-is-sah}; feminine from 0936; a queen: --queen. [ql ~~~~938
0305 - anabaino {an-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 0303 and the base of 0939; to go up (literally or figuratively): --arise, ascend (up), climb (go, grow, rise, spring) up, come (up). [ql ~~~~304
0307 - anabibazo {an-ab-ee-bad'-zo}; from 0303 and a derivative of the base of 0939; to cause to go up, i.e. haul (a net): --draw. [ql ~~~~306
0576 - apobaino {ap-ob-ah'-ee-no}; from 0575 and the base of 0939; literally, to disembark; figuratively, to eventuate: --become, go out, turn. [ql ~~~~576
0901 - bathus {bath-oos'}; from the base of 0939; profound (as going down), literally or figuratively: --deep, very early. [ql ~~~~900
0902 - baion {bah-ee'-on}; a diminutive of a derivative probably of the base of 0939; a palm twig (as going out far): --branch. [ql ~~~~902
0922 - baros {bar'-os}; probably from the same as 0939 (through the notion of going down; compare 0899); weight; in the N.T. only figuratively, a load, abundance, authority: --burden(-some), weight. [ql ~~~~922
0931 - basanos {bas'-an-os}; perhaps remotely from the same as 0939 (through the notion of going to the bottom); a touch-stone, i.e. (by analogy) torture: --torment. [ql ~~~~930
0935 - basileus {bas-il-yooce'}; probably from 0939 (through the notion of a foundation of power); a sovereign (abstractly, relatively, or figuratively): --king. [ql ~~~~934
0939 - basis {bas'-ece}; from baino (to walk); a pace ("base"), i.e. (by implication) the foot: --foot. [ql ~~~~938
0941 - bastazo {bas-tad'-zo}; perhaps remotely derived from the base of 0939 (through the idea of removal); to lift, literally or figuratively (endure, declare, sustain, receive, etc.): --bear, carry, take up. [ql ~~~~940
0949 - bebaios {beb'-ah-yos}; from the base of 0939 (through the idea of basality); stable (literally or figuratively): --firm, of force, stedfast, sure. [ql ~~~~948
0952 - bebelos {beb'-ay-los}; from the base of 0939 and belos (a threshold); accessible (as by crossing the door-way), i.e. (by implication of Jewish notions) heathenish, wicked: --profane (person). [ql ~~~~952
0968 - bema {bay'-ma}; from the base of 0939; a step, i.e. foot-breath; by implication, a rostrum, i.e. a tribunal: --judgment-seat, set [foot] on, throne. [ql ~~~~968
1041 - bomos {bo'-mos}; from the base of 0939; properly, a stand, i.e. (specially) an altar: --altar. [ql ~~~~1040
1224 - diabaino {dee-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 1223 and the base of 0939; to cross: --come over, pass (through). [ql ~~~~1224
1545 - ekbasis {ek'-bas-is}; from a compound of 1537 and the base of 0939 (meaning to go out); an exit (literally or figuratively): --end, way to escape. [ql ~~~~1544
1684 - embaino {em-ba'-hee-no}; from 1722 and the base of 0939; to walk on, i.e. embark (aboard a vessel), reach (a pool): --come (get) into, enter (into), go (up) into, step in, take ship. [ql ~~~~1684
1687 - embateuo {em-bat-yoo'-o}; from 1722 and a presumed derivative of the base of 0939; equivalent to 1684; to intrude on (figuratively): --intrude into. [ql ~~~~1686
1910 - epibaino {ep-ee-bah'-ee-no}; from 1909 and the base of 0939; to walk upon, i.e. mount, ascend, embark, arrive: --come (into), enter into, go abroad, sit upon, take ship. [ql ~~~~1910
1913 - epibibazo {ep-ee-bee-bad'-zo}; from 1909 and a redupl. deriv. of the base of 0939 [compare 0307]; to cause to mount (an animal): --set on. [ql ~~~~1912
2597 - katabaino {kat-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 2596 and the base of 0939; to descend (literally or figuratively): --come (get, go, step) down, fall (down). [ql ~~~~2596
2601 - katabibazo {kat-ab-ib-ad'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of the base of 0939; to cause to go down, i.e. precipitate: --bring (thrust) down. [ql ~~~~2600
3327 - metabaino {met-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 3326 and the base of 0939; to change place: --depart, go, pass, remove. [ql ~~~~3226
3845 - parabaino {par-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 3844 and the base of 0939; to go contrary to, i.e. violate a command: --(by) transgress(-ion). [ql ~~~~3742
4260 - probaino {prob-ah'-ee-no}; from 4253 and the base of 0939; to walk forward, i.e. advance (literally, or in years): --+ be of a great age, go farther (on), be well stricken. [ql ~~~~4158
4819 - sumbaino {soom-bah'-ee-no}; from 4862 and the base of 0939; to walk (figuratively, transpire) together, i.e. concur (take place): --be(-fall), happen (unto). [ql ~~~~4716
4822 - sumbibazo {soom-bib-ad'-zo}; from 4862 and bibazo (to force; causative [by reduplication] of the base of 0939); to drive together, i.e. unite (in association or affection), (mentally) to infer, show, teach: --compact, assuredly gather, intrust, knit together, prove. [ql ~~~~4720
5233 - huperbaino {hoop-er-bah'-ee-no}; from 5228 and the base of 0939; to transcend, i.e. (figuratively) to overreach: --go beyond. [ql ~~~~5130