0990 - blemma {blem'-mah}; from 0991; vision (properly concrete; by implication, abstract): --seeing. [ql ~~~~990
0308 - anablepo {an-ab-lep'-o}; from 0303 and 0991; to look up; by implication, to recover sight: --look (up), see, receive sight. [ql ~~~~308
0578 - apoblepo {ap-ob-lep'-o}; from 0575 and 0991; to look away from everything else, i.e. (figuratively) intently regard: --have respect. [ql ~~~~578
0990 - blemma {blem'-mah}; from 0991; vision (properly concrete; by implication, abstract): --seeing. [ql ~~~~990
0991 - blepo {blep'-o}; a primary verb; to look at (literally or figuratively): --behold, beware, lie, look (on, to), perceive, regard, see, sight, take heed. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~990
1227 - diablepo {dee-ab-lep'-o}; from 1223 and 0991; to look through, i.e. recover full vision: --see clearly. [ql ~~~~1226
1689 - emblepo {em-blep'-o}; from 1722 and 0991; to look on, i.e. (relatively) to observe fixedly, or (absolutely) to discern clearly: --behold, gaze up, look upon, (could) see. [ql ~~~~1688
1914 - epiblepo {ep-ee-blep'-o}; from 1909 and 0991; to gaze at (with favor, pity or partiality): --look upon, regard, have respect to. [ql ~~~~1914
3700 - optanomai {op-tan'-om-ahee}; a (middle voice) prolonged form of the primary (middle voice) optomai {op'-tom-ahee}; which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as alternate of 3708; to gaze (i.e. with wide-open eyes, as at something remarkable; and thus differing from 0991, which denotes simply voluntary observation; and from 1492, which expresses merely mechanical, passive or casual vision; while 2300, and still more emphatically its intensive 2334, signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and 4648 a watching from a distance): --appear, look, see, shew self. [ql ~~~~3598
4017 - periblepo {per-ee-blep'-o}; from 4012 and 0991; to look all around: --look (round) about (on). [ql ~~~~3914
4265 - problepo {prob-lep'-o}; from 4253 and 0991; to look out beforehand, i.e. furnish in advance: --provide. [ql ~~~~4162
0992 - bleteos {blay-teh'-os}; from 0906; fit to be cast (i.e. applied): --must be put. [ql ~~~~992
0993 - Boanerges {bo-an-erg-es'}; of Aramaic origin [1123 and 7266]; sons of commotion; Boanerges, an epithet of two of the apostles: --Boanerges. [ql ~~~~992
0310 - anaboao {an-ab-o-ah'-o}; from 0303 and 0994; to halloo: --cry (aloud, out). [ql ~~~~310
0994 - boao {bo-ah'-o}; apparently a prol. form of a primary verb; to halloo, i.e. shout (for help or in a tumultuous way): --cry. [ql ~~~~994
0995 - boe {bo-ay'}; from 0994; a halloo, i.e. call (for aid, etc.): --cry. [ql ~~~~994
1916 - epiboao {ep-ee-bo-ah'-o}; from 1909 and 0994; to exclaim against: --cry. [ql ~~~~1916
0995 - boe {bo-ay'}; from 0994; a halloo, i.e. call (for aid, etc.): --cry. [ql ~~~~994
0998 - boethos {bo-ay-thos'};from 0995 and theo (to run); a succorer: --helper. [ql ~~~~998
0996 - boetheia {bo-ay'-thi-ah}; from 0998; aid; specially, a rope or chain for frapping a vessel: --help. [ql ~~~~996
0997 - boetheo {bo-ay-theh'-o}; from 0998; to aid or relieve: --help, sucour. [ql ~~~~996
0996 - boetheia {bo-ay'-thi-ah}; from 0998; aid; specially, a rope or chain for frapping a vessel: --help. [ql ~~~~996
0997 - boetheo {bo-ay-theh'-o}; from 0998; to aid or relieve: --help, sucour. [ql ~~~~996
0998 - boethos {bo-ay-thos'};from 0995 and theo (to run); a succorer: --helper. [ql ~~~~998
0999 - bothunos {both'-oo-nos}; akin to 0900; a hole (in the ground); specially, a cistern: --ditch, pit. [ql ~~~~998
3179 - methistemi {meth-is'-tay-mee}; or (1 Cor. 13:2) methistano {meth-is-tan'-o}; from 3326 and 2476; to transfer, i.e. carry away, depose or (figuratively) exchange, seduce: --put out, remove, translate, turn away. [ql ~~~~3178
1000 - bole {bol-ay'}; from 0906; a throw (as a measure of distance): --cast. [ql ~~~~1000
1001 - bolizo {bol-id'-zo}; from 1002; to heave the lead: --sound. [ql ~~~~1000
1001 - bolizo {bol-id'-zo}; from 1002; to heave the lead: --sound. [ql ~~~~1000
1002 - bolis {bol-ece'}; from 0906; a missile, i.e. javelin: --dart. [ql ~~~~1002
1003 - Booz {bo-oz'}; of Hebrew origin [1162]; Booz, (i.e. Boaz), an Israelite: --Booz. [ql ~~~~1002
0962 - Bethabara {bay-thab-ar-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [1004 and 5679]; ferry-house; Bethabara (i.e. Bethabarah), a place on the Jordan: --Bethabara. [ql ~~~~962
0964 - Bethesda {bay-thes-dah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1004 and 2617]; house of kindness; Beth-esda, a pool in Jerusalem: --Bethesda. [ql ~~~~964
0966 - Bethsaida {bayth-sahee-dah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1004 and 6719]; fishing-house; Bethsaida, a place in Palestine: --Bethsaida. [ql ~~~~966
0967 - Bethphage {bayth-fag-ay'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1004 and 6291]; fig-house; Beth-phage, a place in Palestine: --Bethphage. [ql ~~~~966
1004 - borboros {bor'-bor-os}; of uncertain derivation; mud: --mire. [ql ~~~~1004
1005 - borrhas {bor-hras'}; of uncertain derivation; the north (properly, wind): --north. [ql ~~~~1004
0977 - bibrosko {bib-ro'-sko}; a reduplicated and prolonged form of an obsolete primary verb [perhaps causative of 1006]; to eat: --eat. [ql ~~~~976
1006 - bosko {bos'-ko}; a prol. form of a primary verb [compare 0977, 1016]; to pasture; by extension to, fodder; reflexively, to graze: --feed, keep. [ql ~~~~1006
1008 - botane {bot-an'-ay}; from 1006; herbage (as if for grazing): --herb. [ql ~~~~1008
1016 - bous {booce}; probably from the base of 1006; an ox (as grazing), i.e. an animal of that species ("beef"): --ox. [ql ~~~~1016
1007 - Bosor {bos-or'}; of Hebrew origin [1160]; Bosor (i.e. Beor), a Moabite: --Bosor. [ql ~~~~1006
1008 - botane {bot-an'-ay}; from 1006; herbage (as if for grazing): --herb. [ql ~~~~1008
1009 - botrus {bot'-rooce}; of uncertain derivation; a bunch (of grapes): --(vine) cluster (of the vine). [ql ~~~~1008
1010 - bouleutes {bool-yoo-tace'}; from 1011; an adviser, i.e. (specially) a councillor or member of the Jewish Sanhedrin: --counsellor. [ql ~~~~1010
1010 - bouleutes {bool-yoo-tace'}; from 1011; an adviser, i.e. (specially) a councillor or member of the Jewish Sanhedrin: --counsellor. [ql ~~~~1010
1011 - bouleuo {bool-yoo'-o}; from 1012; to advise, i.e. (reflexively) deliberate, or (by implication) resolve: --consult, take counsel, determine, be minded, purpose. [ql ~~~~1010
3851 - parabouleuomai {par-ab-ool-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 1011; to misconsult, i.e. disregard: --not (to) regard(-ing). [ql ~~~~3748
4823 - sumbouleuo {soom-bool-yoo'-o}; from 4862 and 1011; to give (or take) advice jointly, i.e. recommend, deliberate or determine: --consult, (give, take) counsel (together). [ql ~~~~4720
0711 - Aristoboulos {ar-is-tob'-oo-los}; from the same as 0712 and 1012; best counselling; Aristoboulus, a Christian: --Aristobulus. [ql ~~~~710
1011 - bouleuo {bool-yoo'-o}; from 1012; to advise, i.e. (reflexively) deliberate, or (by implication) resolve: --consult, take counsel, determine, be minded, purpose. [ql ~~~~1010
1012 - boule {boo-lay'}; from 1014; volition, i.e. (objectively) advice, or (by implication) purpose: --+ advise, counsel, will. [ql ~~~~1012
4825 - sumboulos {soom'-boo-los}; from 4862 and 1012; a consultor, i.e. adviser: --counsellor. [ql ~~~~4722
1013 - boulema {boo'-lay-mah}; from 1014; a resolve: --purpose, will. [ql ~~~~1012
1012 - boule {boo-lay'}; from 1014; volition, i.e. (objectively) advice, or (by implication) purpose: --+ advise, counsel, will. [ql ~~~~1012
1013 - boulema {boo'-lay-mah}; from 1014; a resolve: --purpose, will. [ql ~~~~1012
1014 - {boo'-lom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb.; to "will," i.e. (reflexively) be willing: --be disposed, minded, intend, list, (be, of own) will(-ing). Compare 2309. [ql ~~~~1014
1917 - epiboule {ep-ee-boo-lay'}; from a presumed compound of 1909 and 1014; a plan against someone, i.e. a plot: --laying (lying) in wait. [ql ~~~~1916
2103 - Euboulos {yoo'-boo-los}; from 2095 and 1014; good-willer; Eubulus, a Christian: --Eubulus. [ql ~~~~2102
2309 - thelo {thel'-o}; or ethelo {eth-el'-o}; in certain tenses theleo {thel-eh'-o}; and etheleo {eth-el-eh'-o}; which are otherwise obsolete; apparently strengthened from the alternate form of 0138; to determine (as an active option from subjective impulse; whereas 1014 properly denotes rather a passive acquiescence in objective considerations), i.e. choose or prefer (literally or figuratively); by implication, to wish, i.e. be inclined to (sometimes adverbially, gladly); impersonally for the future tense, to be about to; by Hebraism, to delight in: --desire, be disposed (forward), intend, list, love, mean, please, have rather, (be) will (have, -ling, -ling [-ly]). [ql ~~~~2308
5368 - phileo {fil-eh'-o}; from 5384; to be a friend to (fond of [an individual or an object]), i.e. have affection for (denoting personal attachment, as a matter of sentiment or feeling; while 0025 is wider, embracing especially the judgment and the deliberate assent of the will as a matter of principle, duty and propriety: the two thus stand related very much as 2309 and 1014, or as 2372 and 3563 respectively; the former being chiefly of the heart and the latter of the head); specifically, to kiss (as a mark of tenderness): --kiss, love. [ql ~~~~5266
1015 - bounos {boo-nos'}; probably of foreign origin; a hillock: --hill. [ql ~~~~1014
1006 - bosko {bos'-ko}; a prol. form of a primary verb [compare 0977, 1016]; to pasture; by extension to, fodder; reflexively, to graze: --feed, keep. [ql ~~~~1006
1016 - bous {booce}; probably from the base of 1006; an ox (as grazing), i.e. an animal of that species ("beef"): --ox. [ql ~~~~1016
1017 - brabeion {brab-i'-on}; from brabeus (an umpire of uncertain derivation); an award (of arbitration), i.e. (specially) a prize in the public games: --prize. [ql ~~~~1016
1018 - brabeuo {brab-yoo'-o}; from the same as 1017; to arbitrate, i.e. (genitive case) to govern (figuratively, prevail): --rule. [ql ~~~~1018
1018 - brabeuo {brab-yoo'-o}; from the same as 1017; to arbitrate, i.e. (genitive case) to govern (figuratively, prevail): --rule. [ql ~~~~1018
2603 - katabrabeuo {kat-ab-rab-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and 1018 (in its original sense); to award the price against, i.e. (figuratively) to defraud (of salvation): --beguile of reward. [ql ~~~~2602
1019 - braduno {brad-oo'-no}; from 1021; to delay: --be slack, tarry. [ql ~~~~1018
1020 - braduploeo {brad-oo-plo-eh'-o}; from 1021 and a prolonged form of 4126; to sail slowly: --sail slowly. [ql ~~~~1020
1019 - braduno {brad-oo'-no}; from 1021; to delay: --be slack, tarry. [ql ~~~~1018
1020 - braduploeo {brad-oo-plo-eh'-o}; from 1021 and a prolonged form of 4126; to sail slowly: --sail slowly. [ql ~~~~1020
1021 - bradus {brad-ooce'}; of uncertain affinity; slow; figuratively, dull: --slow. [ql ~~~~1020
1022 - bradutes {brad-oo'-tace}; from 1021; tardiness: --slackness. [ql ~~~~1022
1022 - bradutes {brad-oo'-tace}; from 1021; tardiness: --slackness. [ql ~~~~1022
1023 - brachion {brakh-ee'-own}; properly, comparative of 1024, but apparently in the sense of brasso (to wield); the arm, i.e. (figuratively) strength: --arm. [ql ~~~~1022
1023 - brachion {brakh-ee'-own}; properly, comparative of 1024, but apparently in the sense of brasso (to wield); the arm, i.e. (figuratively) strength: --arm. [ql ~~~~1022
1024 - brachus {brakh-ooce'}; of uncertain affinity; short (of time, place, quantity, or number): --few words, little (space, while). [ql ~~~~1024
1025 - brephos {bref'-os}; of uncertain affin.; an infant (properly, unborn) literally or figuratively: --babe, (young) child, infant. [ql ~~~~1024