1398 - douleuo {dool-yoo'-o}; from 1401; to be a slave to (literal or figurative, involuntary or voluntary): --be in bondage, (do) serve(-ice). [ql ~~~~1398
2672 - kataraomai {kat-ar-ah'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 2671; to execrate; by analogy, to doom: --curse. [ql ~~~~2672
1935 - epithanatios {ep-ee-than-at'-ee-os}; from 1909 and 2288; doomed to death: --appointed to death. [ql ~~~~1934
3805 - pathetos {path-ay-tos'}; from the same as 3804; liable (i.e. doomed) to experience pain: --suffer. [ql ~~~~3702
2793 - kinduneuo {kin-doon-yoo'-o}; from 2794; to undergo peril: --be in danger, be (stand) in jeopardy. [ql ~~~~2792
0952 - bebelos {beb'-ay-los}; from the base of 0939 and belos (a threshold); accessible (as by crossing the door-way), i.e. (by implication of Jewish notions) heathenish, wicked: --profane (person). [ql ~~~~952
2374 - thura {thoo'-rah}; apparently a primary word [compare "door"]; a portal or entrance (the opening or the closure, literally or figuratively): --door, gate. [ql ~~~~2374
2374 - thura {thoo'-rah}; apparently a primary word [compare "door"]; a portal or entrance (the opening or the closure, literally or figuratively): --door, gate. [ql ~~~~2374
2375 - thureos {thoo-reh-os'}; from 2374; a large shield (as door-shaped): --shield. [ql ~~~~2374
2377 - thuroros {thoo-ro-ros'}; from 2374 and ouros (a watcher); a gate-warden: --that kept the door, porter. [ql ~~~~2376
2665 - katapetasma {kat-ap-et'-as-mah}; from a compound of 2596 and a congener of 4072; something spread thoroughly, i.e. (specially) the door screen (to the Most Holy Place) in the Jewish Temple: --vail. [ql ~~~~2664
4440 - pulon {poo-lone'}; from 4439; a gate-way, door-way of a building or city; by implication, a portal or vestibule: --gate, porch. [ql ~~~~4338
1854 - exo {ex'-o}; adverb from 1537; out(-side, of doors), literally or figuratively: --away, forth, (with-)out (of, -ward), strange. [ql ~~~~1854
1418 - dus- {doos}; a primary inseparable particle of uncertain derivation; used only in composition as a prefix; hard, i.e. with difficulty: --+ hard, + grievous, etc. [ql ~~~~1418
1419 - dusbastaktos {doos-bas'-tak-tos}; from 1418 and a derivative of 0941; oppressive: --grievous to be borne. [ql ~~~~1418
1420 - dusenteria {doos-en-ter-ee'-ah}; from 1418 and a comparative of 1787 (meaning a bowel); a "dysentery": --bloody flux. [ql ~~~~1420
1421 - dusermeneutos {doos-er-mane'-yoo-tos}; from 1418 and a presumed derivative of 2059; difficult of explanation: --hard to be uttered. [ql ~~~~1420
1423 - duskolos {doos-kol'-oce}; adverb from 1422; impracticably: --hardly. [ql ~~~~1422
1424 - dusme {doos-may'}; from 1416; the sun-set, i.e. (by implication) the western region: --west. [ql ~~~~1424
1425 - dusnoetos {doos-no'-ay-tos}; from 1418 and a derivative of 3539; difficult of perception: --hard to be understood. [ql ~~~~1424
1426 - dusphemia {doos-fay-mee'-ah}; from a compound of 1418 and 5345; defamation: --evil report. [ql ***. duo. See 1416. [ql ~~~~1426
5578 - pseudoprophetes {psyoo-dop-rof-ay'-tace}; from 5571 and 4396; a spurious prophet, i.e. pretended foreteller or religious impostor: --false prophet. [ql ~~~~5474
0486 - antiloidoreo {an-tee-loy-dor-eh'-o}; from 0473 and 3058; to rail in reply: --revile again. [ql ~~~~486
1393 - Dorkas {dor-kas'}; gazelle; Dorcas, a Christian woman: --Dorcas. [ql ~~~~1392
3058 - loidoreo {loy-dor-eh'-o}; from 3060; to reproach, i.e. vilify: --revile. [ql ~~~~3056
3059 - loidoria {loy-dor-ee'-ah}; from 3060; slander or vituperation: --railing, reproach [-fully]. [ql ~~~~3058
3060 - loidoros {loy'-dor-os}; from loidos (mischief); abusive, i.e. a blackguard: --railer, reviler. [ql ~~~~3058
1393 - Dorkas {dor-kas'}; gazelle; Dorcas, a Christian woman: --Dorcas. [ql ~~~~1392
1393 - Dorkas {dor-kas'}; gazelle; Dorcas, a Christian woman: --Dorcas. [ql ~~~~1392
5204 - hudor {hoo'-dore}; genitive case, hudatos {hoo'-dat-os}, etc.; from the base of 5205; water (as if rainy) literally or figuratively: --water. [ql ~~~~5102
1431 - dorea {do-reh-ah'}; from 1435; a gratuity: --gift. [ql ~~~~ 1430
1432 - dorean {do-reh-an'}; accusative case of 1431 as adverb; gratuitously (literally or figuratively): --without a cause, freely, for naught, in vain. [ql ~~~~1432
1434 - dorema {do'-ray-mah}; from 1433; a bestowment: --gift. [ql ~~~~ 1434
1433 - doreomai {do-reh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1435; to bestow gratuitously: --give. [ql ~~~~1432
1393 - Dorkas {dor-kas'}; gazelle; Dorcas, a Christian woman: --Dorcas. [ql ~~~~1392
1435 - doron {do'-ron}; a present; specially, a sacrifice: --gift, offering. [ql ~~~~1434
0786 - aspondos {as'-pon-dos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4689; literally, without libation (which usually accompanied a treaty), i.e. (by implication) truceless: --implacable, truce-breaker. [ql ~~~~786
1394 - dosis {dos'-is}; from the base of 1325; a giving; by implication (concretely) a gift: --gift, giving. [ql ~~~~1394
1491 - eidos {i'-dos}; from 1492; a view, i.e. form (literally or figuratively): --appearance, fashion, shape, sight. [ql ~~~~1490
2771 - kerdos {ker'-dos}; of uncertain affinity; gain (pecuniary or genitive case): --gain, lucre. [ql ~~~~2770
2790 - kitharoidos {kith-ar-o'-dos}; from 2788 and a derivative of the same as 5603; a lyre-singer(-player), i.e. harpist: --harper. [ql ~~~~2788
2834 - Knidos {knee'-dos}; probably of foreign origin; Cnidus, a place in Asia Minor: --Cnidus. [ql ~~~~2832
3370 - Medos {may'-dos}; of foreign origin [compare 4074]; a Median, or inhabitant of Media: --Mede. [ql ~~~~3268
3487 - nardos {nar'dos}; of foreign origin [compare 5373]; "nard": -- [spike-]nard. [ql ~~~~3386
3681 - oneidos {on'-i-dos}; probably akin to the base of 3686; notoriety, i.e. a taunt (disgrace): --reproach. [ql ~~~~3580
4464 - rhabdos {hrab'-dos}; from the base of 4474; a stick or wand (as a cudgel, a cane or a baton of royalty): --rod, sceptre, staff. [ql ~~~~4362
4580 - Sekoundos {sek-oon'-dos}; of Latin origin; "second"; Secundus, a Christian: --Secundus. [ql ~~~~4478
4665 - smaragdos {smar'-ag-dos}; of uncertain derivation; the emerald or green gem so called: --emerald. [ql ~~~~4562
5579 - pseudos {psyoo'-dos}; from 5574; a falsehood: --lie, lying. [ql ~~~~5476
1394 - dosis {dos'-is}; from the base of 1325; a giving; by implication (concretely) a gift: --gift, giving. [ql ~~~~1394
1395 - dotes {dot'-ace}; from the base of 1325; a giver: --giver. [ql ~~~~1394
1560 - ekdotos {ek'-dot-os}; from 1537 and a derivative of 1325; given out or over, i.e. surrendered: --delivered. [ql ~~~~1560
1971 - epipotheo {ep-ee-poth-eh'-o}; from 1909 and potheo (to yearn); to dote upon, i.e. intensely crave possession (lawfully or wrongfully): --(earnestly) desire (greatly), (greatly) long (after), lust. [ql ~~~~1970
3552 - noseo {nos-eh'-o}; from 3554; to be sick, i.e. (by implication of a diseased appetite) to hanker after (figuratively, to harp upon): --dote. [ql ~~~~3450
1395 - dotes {dot'-ace}; from the base of 1325; a giver: --giver. [ql ~~~~1394
2139 - euperistatos {yoo-per-is'-tat-os}; from 2095 and a derivative of a presumed compound of 4012 and 2476; well standing around, i.e. (a competitor) thwarting (a racer) in every direction (figuratively, of sin in genitive case): --which doth so easily beset. [ql ~~~~2138
1323 - didrachmon {did'-rakh-mon}; from 1364 and 1406; a double drachma (didrachm): --tribute. [ql ~~~~1322
1324 - Didumos {did'-oo-mos}; prolongation from 1364; double, i.e. twin; Didymus, a Christian: --Didymus. [ql ~~~~1324
1337 - dithalassos {dee-thal'-as-sos}; from 1364 and 2281; having two seas, i.e. a sound with a double outlet: --where two seas meet. [ql ~~~~1336
1351 - dilogos {dil'-og-os}; from 1364 and 3056; equivocal, i.e. telling a different story: --double-tongued. [ql ~~~~1350
1362 - diplous {dip-looce'}; from 1364 and (probably) the base of 4119; two-fold: --double, two-fold more. [ql ~~~~1362
1363 - diploo {dip-lo'-o}; from 1362; to render two-fold: --double. [ql ~~~~1362
1366 - distomos {dis'-tom-os}; from 1364 and 4750; double-edged: --with two edges, two-edged. [ql ~~~~1366
1374 - dipsuchos {dip'-soo-khos}; from 1364 and 5590; two-spirited, i.e. vacillating (in opinion or purpose): --double minded. [ql ~~~~1374
3364 - ou me {oo may}; i.e. 3756 and 3361; a double negative strengthening the denial; not at all: --any more, at all, by any (no) means, neither, never, no (at all), in no case (wise), nor ever, not (at all, in any wise). Compare 3378. [ql ~~~~3262
0142 - airo {ah'-ee-ro}; a primary root; to lift up; by implication, to take up or away; figuratively, to raise (the voice), keep in suspense (the mind), specially, to sail away (i.e. weigh anchor); by Hebraism [compare 5375] to expiate sin: --away with, bear (up), carry, lift up, loose, make to doubt, put away, remove, take (away, up). [ql ~~~~142
0639 - aporeo {ap-or-eh'-o}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and the base of 4198; to have no way out, i.e. be at a loss (mentally): --(stand in) doubt, be perplexed. [ql ~~~~638
0686 - ara {ar'-ah}; probably from 0142 (through the idea of drawing a conclusion); a particle denoting an inference more or less decisive (as follows): --haply, (what) manner (of man), no doubt, perhaps, so be, then, therefore, truly, wherefore. Often used in connection with other particles, especially 1065 or 3767 (after) or 1487 (before). Compare also 0687. [ql ~~~~686
1063 - gar {gar}; a primary particle; properly, assigning a reason (used in argument, explanation or intensification; often with other particles): --and, as, because (that), but, even, for, indeed, no doubt, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet. [ql ~~~~1062
1252 - diakrino {dee-ak-ree'-no}; from 1223 and 2919; to separate thoroughly, i.e. (literally and reflexively) to withdraw from, or (by implication) oppose; figuratively, to discriminate (by implication, decide), or (reflexively) hesitate: --contend, make (to) differ(-ence), discern, doubt, judge, be partial, stagger, waver. [ql ~~~~1252
1280 - diaporeo {dee-ap-or-eh'-o}; from 1223 and 0639; to be thoroughly nonplussed: --(be in) doubt, be (much) perplexed. [ql ~~~~1280
1365 - distazo {dis-tad'-zo}; from 1364; properly, to duplicate, i.e. (ment.) to waver (in opinion): --doubt. [ql ~~~~1364
3843 - pantos {pan'-toce}; adverb from 3956; entirely; specifically, at all events, (with negative, following) in no event: --by all means, altogether, at all, needs, no doubt, in [no] wise, surely. [ql ~~~~3740
1261 - dialogismos {dee-al-og-is-mos'}; from 1260; discussion, i.e. (internal) consideration (by implication, purpose), or (external) debate: --dispute, doubtful(-ing), imagination, reasoning, thought. [ql ~~~~1260
3349 - meteorizo {met-eh-o-rid'-zo}; from a compound of 3326 and a collateral form of 0142 or perhaps rather 0109 (compare "meteor"); to raise in mid-air, i.e. (figuratively) suspend (passively, fluctuate or be anxious): --be of doubtful mind. [ql ~~~~3248
1065 - ge {gheh}; a primary particle of emphasis or qualification (often used with other particles prefixed): --and besides, doubtless, at least, yet. [ql ~~~~1064
1211 - de {day}; probably akin to 1161; a particle of emphasis or explicitness; now, then, etc.: --also, and, doubtless, now, therefore. [ql ~~~~1210
1222 - depou {day'-poo}; from 1211 and 4225; a particle of asservation; indeed doubtless: --verily. [ql ~~~~1222
3304 - menounge {men-oon'-geh}; from 3203 and 3767 and 1065; so then at least: --nay but, yea doubtless (rather, verily). [ql ~~~~3202