1487 - ei {i}; a primary particle of conditionality; if, whether, that, etc.: --forasmuch as, if, that, ( [al-])though, whether. Often used in connection or composition with other particles, especially as in 1489, 1490, 1499, 1508, 1509, 1512, 1513, 1536, 1537. See also 1437. [ql ~~~~1486
1488 - ei {i}; second person singular present of 1510; thou art: --art, be. [ql ~~~~1488
1490 - ei de me(ge) {i deh may'-(gheh)}; from 1487, 1161, and 3361 (sometimes with 1065 added); but if not: --(or) else, if (not, otherwise), otherwise. [ql ~~~~1490
1499 - ei kai {i kahee}; from 1487 and 2532; if also (or even): --if (that), though. [ql ~~~~1498
1508 - ei me {i may}; from 1487 and 3361; if not: --but, except (that), if not, more than, save (only) that, saving, till. [ql ~~~~1508
1509 - ei me ti {i may tee}; from 1508 and the neuter of 5100; if not somewhat: --except. [ql ~~~~1508
1512 - ei per {i per}; from 1487 and 4007; if perhaps: --if so be (that), seeing, though. [ql ~~~~1512
1513 - ei pos {i poce}; from 1487 and 4458; if somehow: --if by any means. [ql ~~~~1512
1536 - ei tis {i tis}; from 1487 and 5100; if any: --he that, if a(-ny) man('s thing, from any, ought), whether any, whosoever. [ql ~~~~1536
2229 - e {ay}; an adverb of confirmation; perhaps intensive of 2228; used only (in the N.T.) before 3303; assuredly: --surely. [ql ***. he. See 3588. [ql ***. he. See 3739. [ql ***. ei. See 5600. [ql ~~~~2228
1492 - eido {i'-do}; a primary verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equivalent 3700 and 3708; properly, to see (literally or figuratively); by implication (in the perf. only) to know: --be aware, behold, X can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~1492
1493 - eidoleion {i-do-li'-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 1497; an image-fane: --idol's temple. [ql ~~~~1492
1495 - eidololatreia {i-do-lol-at-ri'-ah}; from 1497 and 2999; image-worship (literally or figuratively): --idolatry. [ql ~~~~1494
1496 - eidololatres {i-do-lol-at'-race}; from 1497 and the base of 3000; an image-(servant or) worshipper (literally or figuratively): --idolater. [ql ~~~~1496
1497 - eidolon {i'-do-lon}; from 1491; an image (i.e. for worship); by implication, a heathen god, or (plural) the worship of such: --idol. [ql ~~~~1496
1494 - eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: --(meat, thing that is) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto) idols. [ql ~~~~1494
1491 - eidos {i'-dos}; from 1492; a view, i.e. form (literally or figuratively): --appearance, fashion, shape, sight. [ql ~~~~1490
1498 - eien {i'-ane}; optative (i.e. English subjunctive) present of 1510 (including the other person); might (could, would, or should) be: --mean, + perish, should be, was, were. [ql ~~~~1498
1489 - eige {i'-gheh}; from 1487 and 1065; if indeed, seeing that, unless, (with negative) otherwise: --if (so be that, yet). [ql ~~~~1488
1176 - deka {dek'-ah}; a primary number; ten: -- [eight-]een, ten. [ql ~~~~1176
3589 - ogdoekonta {og-do-ay'-kon-tah}; from 3590; ten times eight: --fourscore. [ql ~~~~3488
3637 - oktaemeros {ok-tah-ay'-mer-os}; from 3638 and 2250; an eight-day old person or act: --the eighth day. [ql ~~~~3536
3638 - oktos {ok-to'}; a primary numeral; "eight": --eight. [ql ~~~~ 3536
3638 - oktos {ok-to'}; a primary numeral; "eight": --eight. [ql ~~~~ 3536
2503 - iota {ee-o'-tah}; of Hebrew origin [the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet]; "iota", the name of the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, put (figuratively) for a very small part of anything: --jot. [ql ~~~~2502
3590 - ogdoos {og'-do-os}; from 3638; the eighth: --eighth. [ql ~~~~ 3488
3590 - ogdoos {og'-do-os}; from 3638; the eighth: --eighth. [ql ~~~~ 3488
3637 - oktaemeros {ok-tah-ay'-mer-os}; from 3638 and 2250; an eight-day old person or act: --the eighth day. [ql ~~~~3536
1500 - eike {i-kay'}; probably from 1502 (through the idea of failure); idly, i.e. without reason (or effect): --without a cause, (in) vain(-ly). [ql ~~~~1500
1502 - eiko {i'-ko}; apparently a primary verb; properly, to be weak, i.e. yield: --give place. [ql ~~~~1502
1503 - eiko {i'-ko}; apparently a primary verb [perhaps akin to 1502 through the idea of faintness as a copy]; to resemble: --be like. [ql ~~~~1502
5226 - hipeiko {hoop-i'-ko}; from 5259 and eiko (to yield, be "weak"); to surrender: --submit self. [ql ~~~~5124
1504 - eikon {i-kone'}; from 1503; a likeness, i.e. (literally) statue, profile, or (figuratively) representation, resemblance: --image. [ql ~~~~1504
1501 - eikosi {i'-kos-ee}; of uncertain affinity; a score: --twenty. [ql ~~~~1500
1505 - eilikrineia {i-lik-ree'-ni-ah}; from 1506; clearness, i.e. (by implication) purity (figuratively): --sincerity. [ql ~~~~1504
1506 - eilikrines {i-lik-ree-nace'}; from heile (the sun's ray) and 2919; judged by sunlight, i.e. tested as genuine (figuratively): --pure, sincere. [ql ~~~~1506
0549 - apeimi {ap'-i-mee}; from 0575 and eimi (to go); to go away: --go. Compare 0548. [ql ~~~~548
0676 - aprositos {ap-ros'-ee-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of a comparative of 4314 and eimi (to go); inaccessible: --which no man can approach. [ql ~~~~676
0863 - aphiemi {af-ee'-ay-mee}; from 0575 and hiemi (to send; an intens. form of eimi, to go); to send forth, in various applications (as follow): --cry, forgive, forsake, lay aside, leave, let (alone, be, go, have), omit, put (send) away, remit, suffer, yield up. [ql ~~~~862
1205 - deute {dyoo'-teh}; from 1204 and an imperative form of eimi (to go); come hither!: --come, X follow. [ql ~~~~1204
1510 - eimi {i-mee'}; the first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist (used only when emphatic): --am, have been, X it is I, was. See also 1488, 1498, 1511, 1527, 2258, 2071, 2070, 2075, 2076, 2771, 2468, 5600. [ql ~~~~1510
1524 - eiseimi {ice'-i-mee}; from 1519 and eimi (to go); to enter: --enter (go) into. [ql ~~~~1524
1826 - exeimi {ex'-i-mee}; from 1537 and eimi (to go); to issue, i.e. leave (a place), escape (to the shore): --depart, get [to land], go out. [ql ~~~~1826
2447 - ios {ee-os'}; perhaps from eimi (to go) or hiemi (to send); rust (as if emitted by metals); also venom (as emitted by serpents): --poison, rust. [ql ~~~~2446
2795 - kineo {kin-eh'-o}; from kio (poetic for eimi, to go); to stir (transitively), literally or figuratively: --(re-)move(-r), way. [ql ~~~~2794
3992 - pempo {pem'-po}; apparently a primary verb; to dispatch (from the subjective view or point of departure, whereas hiemi [as a stronger form of eimi] refers rather to the objective point or terminus ad quem, and 4724 denotes properly, the orderly motion involved), especially on a temporary errand; also to transmit, bestow, or wield: --send, thrust in. [ql ~~~~3890
4896 - suneimi {soon'-i-mee}; from 4862 and eimi (to go); to assemble: --gather together. [ql ~~~~4794
1511 - einai {i'-nahee}; present infinitive from 1510; to exist: --am, are, come, is, X lust after, X please well, there is, to be, was. [ql ***. heineken. See 1752. [ql ~~~~1510
1515 - eirene {i-ray'-nay}; probably from a primary verb eiro (to join); peace (literally or figuratively); by implication, prosperity: --one, peace, quietness, rest, + set at one again. [ql ~~~~1514
1514 - eireneuo {i-rane-yoo'-o}; from 1515; to be (act) peaceful: --be at (have, live in) peace, live peaceably. [ql ~~~~1514
1516 - eirenikos {i-ray-nee-kos'}; from 1515; pacific; by implication, salutary: --peaceable. [ql ~~~~1516
1517 - eirenopoieo {i-ray-nop-oy-eh'-o}; from 1518; to be a peace-maker, i.e. (figuratively) to harmonize: --make peace. [ql ~~~~1516
1518 - eirenopoios {i-ray-nop-oy-os'}; from 1518 and 4160; pacificatory, i.e. (subjectively) peaceable: --peacemaker. [ql ***. eiro. See 1515, 4483, 5346. [ql ~~~~1518
1515 - eirene {i-ray'-nay}; probably from a primary verb eiro (to join); peace (literally or figuratively); by implication, prosperity: --one, peace, quietness, rest, + set at one again. [ql ~~~~1514
1518 - eirenopoios {i-ray-nop-oy-os'}; from 1518 and 4160; pacificatory, i.e. (subjectively) peaceable: --peacemaker. [ql ***. eiro. See 1515, 4483, 5346. [ql ~~~~1518
4577 - seira {si-rah'}; probably from 4951 through its congener eiro (to fasten; akin to 0138); a chain (as binding or drawing): --chain. [ql ~~~~4474
1519 - eis {ice}; a primary preposition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases: -- [abundant-]ly, against, among, as, at, [back-]ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for [intent, purpose], fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to),...ward, [where-]fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively). [ql ~~~~1518
1521 - eisago {ice-ag'-o}; from 1519 and 0071; to introduce (literally or figuratively): --bring in(-to), (+ was to) lead into. [ql ~~~~1520
1522 - eisakouo {ice-ak-oo'-o}; from 1519 and 0191; to listen to: --hear. [ql ~~~~1522
1523 - eisdechomai {ice-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 1519 and 1209; to take into one's favor: --receive. [ql ~~~~1522
1524 - eiseimi {ice'-i-mee}; from 1519 and eimi (to go); to enter: --enter (go) into. [ql ~~~~1524
1525 - eiserchomai {ice-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1519 and 2064; to enter (literally or figuratively): --X arise, come (in, into), enter in(-to), go in (through). [ql ~~~~1524
1526 - eisi {i-see'}; 3d person plural present indicative of 1510; they are: --agree, are, be, dure, X is, were. [ql ~~~~1526
1528 - eiskaleo {ice-kal-eh'-o}; from 1519 and 2564; to invite in: --call in. [ql ~~~~1528
1529 - eisodos {ice'-od-os}; from 1519 and 3598; an entrance (literally or figuratively): --coming, enter(-ing) in (to). [ql ~~~~1528
1530 - eispedao {ice-pay-dah'-o}; from 1519 and pedao (to leap); to rush in: --run (spring) in. [ql ~~~~1530
1533 - eisphero {ice-fer'-o}; from 1519 and 5342; to carry inward (literally or figuratively): --bring (in), lead into. [ql ~~~~1532
1531 - eisporeuomai {ice-por-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1519 and 4198; to enter (literally or figuratively): --come (enter) in, go into. [ql ~~~~1530
1532 - eistrecho {ice-trekh'-o}; from 1519 and 5143; to hasten inward: --run in. [ql ~~~~1532
1534 - eita {i'-tah}; of uncertain affinity; a particle of succession (in time or logical enumeration), then, moreover: --after that(-ward), furthermore, then. See also 1899. [ql ~~~~1534
1535 - eite {i'-teh}; from 1487 and 5037; if too: --if, or, whether. [ql ~~~~1534
1060 - gameo {gam-eh'-o}; from 1062; to wed (of either sex): --marry (a wife). [ql ~~~~1060
1782 - enteuthen {ent-yoo'-then}; from the same as 1759; hence (literally or figuratively); (repeated) on both sides: --(from) hence, on either side. [ql ~~~~1782
2228 - e {ay}; a primary particle of distinction between two connected terms; disjunctive, or; comparative, than: --and, but (either), (n-)either, except it be, (n-)or (else), rather, save, than, that, what, yea. Often used in connection with other particles. Compare especially 2235, 2260, 2273. [ql ~~~~2228
2228 - e {ay}; a primary particle of distinction between two connected terms; disjunctive, or; comparative, than: --and, but (either), (n-)either, except it be, (n-)or (else), rather, save, than, that, what, yea. Often used in connection with other particles. Compare especially 2235, 2260, 2273. [ql ~~~~2228
2273 - etoi {ay'-toy}; from 2228 and 5104; either indeed: --whether. [ql ~~~~2272
3813 - paidion {pahee-dee'-on}; neuter dimin. of 3816; a childling (of either sex), i.e. (properly,) an infant, or (by extension) a half-grown boy or girl; figuratively, an immature Christian: --(little, young) child, damsel. [ql ~~~~3710
4203 - porneuo {porn-yoo'-o}; from 4204; to act the harlot, i.e. (literally) indulge unlawful lust (of either sex), or (figuratively) practise idolatry: --commit (fornication). [ql ~~~~4100