1706 - empipto {em-pip'-to}; from 1722 and 4098; to fall on, i.e. (literally) to be entrapped by, or (figuratively) be overwhelmed with: --fall among (into). [ql ~~~~1706
0818 - atimazo {at-im-ad'-zo}; from 0820; to render infamous, i.e. (by implication) contemn or maltreat: --despise, dishonour, suffer shame, entreat shamefully. [ql ~~~~818
1793 - entugchano {en-toong-khan'-o}; from 1722 and 5177; to chance upon, i.e. (by implication) confer with; by extension to entreat (in favor or against): --deal with, make intercession. [ql ~~~~1792
2559 - kakoo {kak-o'-o}; from 2556; to injure; figuratively, to exasperate: --make evil affected, entreat evil, harm, hurt, vex. [ql ~~~~2558
5195 - hubrizo {hoo-brid'-zo}; from 5196; to exercise violence, i.e. abuse: --use despitefully, reproach, entreat shamefully (spitefully). [ql ~~~~5092
5530 - chraomai {khrah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb (perhaps rather from 5495, to handle); to furnish what is needed; (give an oracle, "graze" [touch slightly], light upon, etc.), i.e. (by implication) to employ or (by extension) to act towards one in a given manner: --entreat, use. Compare 5531; 5534. [ql ~~~~5428
3849 - parabiazomai {par-ab-ee-ad'-zom-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 0971; to force contrary to (nature), i.e. compel (by entreaty): --constrain. [ql ~~~~3746
1789 - entrepho {en-tref'-o}; from 1722 and 5142; (figuratively) to educate: --nourish up in. [ql ~~~~1788
1788 - entrepo {en-trep'-o}; from 1722 and the base of 5157; to invert, i.e. (figuratively and reflexively) in a good sense, to respect; or in a bad one, to confound: --regard, (give) reference, shame. [ql ~~~~1788
1790 - entromos {en'-trom-os}; from 1722 and 5156; terrified: --X quake, X trembled. [ql ~~~~1790
1791 - entrope {en-trop-ay'}; from 1788; confusion: --shame. [ql ~~~~ 1790
1792 - entruphao {en-troo-fah'-o}; from 1722 and 5171; to revel in: --sporting selves. [ql ~~~~1792
4100 - pisteuo {pist-yoo'-o}; from 4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ): --believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with. [ql ~~~~3998
1793 - entugchano {en-toong-khan'-o}; from 1722 and 5177; to chance upon, i.e. (by implication) confer with; by extension to entreat (in favor or against): --deal with, make intercession. [ql ~~~~1792
1794 - entulisso {en-too-lis'-so}; from 1722 and tulisso (to twist; probably akin to 1507); to entwine, i.e. wind up in: --wrap in (together). [ql ~~~~1794
1795 - entupoo {en-too-po'-o}; from 1722 and a derivative of 5179; to enstamp, i.e. engrave: --engrave. [ql ~~~~1794
1707 - empleko {em-plek'-o}; from 1722 and 4120; to entwine, i.e. (figuratively) involve with: --entangle (in, self with). [ql ***. empletho. See 1705. [ql ~~~~1706
1794 - entulisso {en-too-lis'-so}; from 1722 and tulisso (to twist; probably akin to 1507); to entwine, i.e. wind up in: --wrap in (together). [ql ~~~~1794
1796 - enubrizo {en-oo-brid'-zo}; from 1722 and 5195; to insult: --do despite unto. [ql ~~~~1796
0705 - arithmeo {ar-ith-meh'-o}; from 0706; to enumerate or count: --number. [ql ~~~~704
1534 - eita {i'-tah}; of uncertain affinity; a particle of succession (in time or logical enumeration), then, moreover: --after that(-ward), furthermore, then. See also 1899. [ql ~~~~1534
5585 - psephizo {psay-fid'-zo}; from 5586; to use pebbles in enumeration, i.e. (generally) to compute: --count. [ql ~~~~5482
0669 - apophtheggomai {ap-of-theng'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 5350; to enunciate plainly, i.e. declare: --say, speak forth, utterance. [ql ~~~~668
1797 - enupniazomai {en-oop-nee-ad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 1798; to dream: --dream(-er). [ql ~~~~1796
1798 - enupnion {en-oop'-nee-on}; from 1722 and 5258; something seen in sleep, i.e. a dream (vision in a dream): --dream. [ql ~~~~1798
4015 - periastrapto {per-ee-as-trap'-to}; from 4012 and 0797; to flash all around, i.e. envelop in light: --shine round (about). [ql ~~~~3912
5187 - tuphoo {toof-o'-o}; from a derivative of 5188; to envelop with smoke, i.e. (figuratively) to inflate with self-conceit: --high-minded, be lifted up with pride, be proud. [ql ~~~~5084
1982 - episkiazo {ep-ee-skee-ad'-zo}; from 1909 and a derivative of 4639; to cast a shade upon, i.e. (by analogy) to envelope in a haze of brilliancy; figuratively, to invest with preternatural influence: --overshadow. [ql ~~~~1982
2205 - zelos {dzay'-los}; from 2204; properly, heat, i.e. (figuratively) "zeal" (in a favorable sense, ardor; in an unfavorable one, jealousy, as of a husband [figuratively, of God], or an enemy, malice): --emulation, envy(-ing), fervent mind, indignation, jealousy, zeal. [ql ~~~~2204
2206 - zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of feeling for or against: --affect, covet (earnestly), (have) desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly affect). [ql ~~~~2206
3788 - ophthalmos {of-thal-mos'}; from 3700; the eye (literally or figuratively); by implication, vision; figuratively, envy (from the jealous side-glance): --eye, sight. [ql ~~~~3686
5354 - phthoneo {fthon-eh'-o}; from 5355; to be jealous of: --envy. [ql ~~~~5252
5355 - phthonos {fthon'-os}; probably akin to the base of 5351; ill-will (as detraction), i.e. jealousy (spite): --envy. [ql ~~~~5252
1750 - eneileo {en-i-leh'-o}; from 1772 and the base of 1507; to enwrap: --wrap in. [ql ~~~~1750
4019 - perideo {per-ee-deh'-o}; from 4012 and 1210; to bind around one, i.e. enwrap: --bind about. [ql ***. peridremo. See 4063. [ql ***. periello. See 4014. [ql ***. perieltho. See 4022. [ql ~~~~3916
4958 - sustello {soos-tel'-lo}; from 4862 and 4724; to send (draw) together, i.e. enwrap (enshroud a corpse for burial), contract (an interval): --short, wind up. [ql ~~~~4856
1342 - dikaios {dik'-ah-yos}; from 1349; equitable (in character or act); by implication, innocent, holy (absolutely or relatively): --just, meet, right(-eous). [ql ~~~~1342
0244 - allotriepiskopos {al-lot-ree-ep-is'-kop-os}; from 0245 and 1985; overseeing others' affairs, i.e. a meddler (specially, in Gentile customs): --busybody in other men's matters. [ql ~~~~244
0422 - anepaischuntos {an-ep-ah'-ee-skhoon-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 1909 and 0153; not ashamed, i.e. irreprehensible: --that needeth not to be ashamed. [ql ~~~~422
0423 - anepileptos {an-ep-eel'-ape-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 1949; not arrested, i.e. (by implication) inculpable: --blameless, unrebukeable. [ql ~~~~422
1860 - epaggelia {ep-ang-el-ee'-ah}; from 1861; an announcement (for information, assent or pledge; especially a divine assurance of good): --message, promise. [ql ~~~~1860
1861 - epaggello {ep-ang-el'-lo}; from 1909 and the base of 0032; to announce upon (reflexively), i.e. (by implication) to engage to do something, to assert something respecting oneself: --profess, (make) promise. [ql ~~~~1860
1862 - epaggelma {ep-ang'-el-mah}; from 1861; a self-committal (by assurance of conferring some good): --promise. [ql ~~~~1862
1863 - epago {ep-ag'-o}; from 1909 and 0071; to superinduce, i.e. inflict (an evil), charge (a crime): --bring upon. [ql ~~~~1862
1864 - epagonizomai {ep-ag-o-nid'-zom-ahee}; from 1909 and 0075; to struggle for: --earnestly contend foreign [ql ~~~~1864
1865 - epathroizo {ep-ath-roid'-zo}; from 1909 and athroizo (to assemble); to accumulate: --gather thick together. [ql ~~~~1864
1866 - Epainetos {ep-a'-hee-net-os}; from 1867; praised; Epaenetus, a Christian: --Epenetus. [ql ~~~~1866
1867 - epaineo {ep-ahee-neh'-o}; from 1909 and 0134; to applaud: --commend, laud, praise. [ql ~~~~1866
1868 - epainos {ep'-ahee-nos}; from 1909 and the base of 0134; laudation; concretely, a commendable thing: --praise. [ql ~~~~1868
1869 - epairo {ep-ahee'-ro}; from 1909 and 0142; to raise up (literally or figuratively): --exalt self, poise (lift, take) up. [ql ~~~~1868
1870 - epaischunomai {ep-ahee-skhoo'-nom-ahee}; from 1909 and 0153; to feel shame for something: --be ashamed. [ql ~~~~1870
1871 - epaiteo {ep-ahee-teh'-o}; from 1909 and 0154; to ask for: --beg. [ql ~~~~1870
1872 - epakoloutheo {ep-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o}; from 1909 and 0190; to accompany: --follow (after). [ql ~~~~1872
1873 - epakouo {ep-ak-oo'-o}; from 1909 and 0191; to hearken (favorably) to: --hear. [ql ~~~~1872
1874 - epakroaomai {ep-ak-ro-ah'-om-ahee}; from 1909 and the base of 0202; to listen (intently) to: --hear. [ql ~~~~1874
1875 - epan {ep-an'}; from 1909 and 0302; a particle of indefinite contemporaneousness; whenever, as soon as: --when. [ql ~~~~1874
1876 - epanagkes {ep-an'-ang-kes}; neuter of a presumed compound of 1909 and 318; (adverbially) on necessity, i.e. necessarily: --necessary. [ql ~~~~1876
1877 - epanago {ep-an-ag'-o}; from 1909 and 0321; to lead up on, i.e. (technical) to put out (to sea); (intransitively) to return: --launch (thrust) out, return. [ql ~~~~1876
1878 - epanamimnesko {ep-an-ah-mim-nace'-ko}; from 1909 and 0363; to remind of: --put in mind. [ql ~~~~1878
1879 - epanapauomai {ep-an-ah-pow'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 0373; to settle on; literally (remain) or figuratively (rely): --rest in (upon). [ql ~~~~1878
1880 - epanerchomai {ep-an-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1909 and 0424; to come up on, i.e. return: --come again, return. [ql ~~~~1880
1881 - epanistamai {ep-an-is'-tam-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 0450; to stand up on, i.e. (figuratively) to attack: --rise up against. [ql ~~~~1880
1882 - epanorthosis {ep-an-or'-tho-sis}; from a compound of 1909 and 0461; a straightening up again, i.e. (figuratively) rectification (reformation): --correction. [ql ~~~~1882
1883 - epano {ep-an'-o}; from 1909 and 0507; up above, i.e. over or on (of place, amount, rank, etc.): --above, more than, (up-)on, over. [ql ~~~~1882
1884 - eparkeo {ep-ar-keh'-o}; from 1909 and 0714; to avail for, i.e. help: --relieve. [ql ~~~~1884
1885 - eparchia {ep-ar-khee'-ah}; from a compound of 1909 and 0757 (meaning a governor of a district, "eparch"); a special region of government, i.e. a Roman praefecture: --province. [ql ~~~~1884
1886 - epaulis {ep'-ow-lis}; from 1909 and an equivalent of 0833; a hut over the head, i.e. --a dwelling. [ql ~~~~1886
1887 - epaurion {ep-ow'-ree-on}; from 1909 and 0839; occurring on the succeeding day, i.e. (2250 being implied) to-morrow: --day following, morrow, next day (after). [ql ~~~~1886
1888 - epautophoroi {ep-ow-tof-o'-ro}; from 1909 and 0846 and (the dative case singular of) a derivative of phor (a thief); in theft itself, i.e. (by analogy) in actual crime: --in the very act. [ql ~~~~1888
1889 - Epaphras {ep-af-ras'}; contracted from 1891; Epaphras, a Christian: --Epaphras. [ql ~~~~1888
1890 - epaphrizo {ep-af-rid'-zo}; from 1909 and 0875; to foam upon, i.e. (figuratively) to exhibit (a vile passion): --foam out. [ql ~~~~1890
1891 - Epaphroditos {ep-af-rod'-ee-tos}; from 1909 (in the sense of devoted to) and Aphrodite (Venus); Epaphroditus, a Christian: --Epaphroditus. Compare 1889. [ql ~~~~1890
1892 - epegeiro {ep-eg-i'-ro}; from 1909 and 1453; to rouse upon, i.e. (figuratively) to excite against: --raise, stir up. [ql ~~~~1892
1893 - epei {ep-i'}; from 1909 and 1487; thereupon, i.e. since (of time or cause): --because, else, for that (then, -asmuch as), otherwise, seeing that, since, when. [ql ~~~~1892
1894 - epeide {ep-i-day'}; from 1893 and 1211; since now, i.e. (of time) when, or (of cause) whereas: --after that, because, for (that, -asmuch as), seeing, since. [ql ~~~~1894
1895 - epeideper {ep-i-day'-per}; from 1894 and 4007; since indeed (of cause): --forasmuch. [ql ~~~~1894
1896 - epeidon {ep-i'-don}; and other moods and persons of the same tense; from 1909 and 1492; to regard (favorably or otherwise): --behold, look upon. [ql ~~~~1896
1897 - epeiper {ep-i'-per}; from 1893 and 4007; since indeed (of cause): --seeing. [ql ~~~~1896
1898 - epeisagoge {ep-ice-ag-o-gay'}; from a compound of 1909 and 1521; a superintroduction: --bringing in. [ql ~~~~1898
1899 - epeita {ep'-i-tah}; from 1909 and 1534; thereafter: --after that(-ward), then. [ql ~~~~1898
1900 - epekeina {ep-ek'-i-nah}; from 1909 and (the accusative case plural neuter of) 1565; upon those parts of, i.e. on the further side of: --beyond. [ql ~~~~1900
1901 - epekteinomai {ep-ek-ti'-nom-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 1614; to stretch (oneself) forward upon: --reach forth. [ql ~~~~1900
1902 - ependuomai {ep-en-doo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 1746; to invest upon oneself: --be clothed upon. [ql ~~~~1902
1903 - ependutes {ep-en-doo'-tace}; from 1902; a wrapper, i.e. outer garment: --fisher's coat. [ql ~~~~1902
1904 - eperchomai {ep-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1909 and 2064; to supervene, i.e. arrive, occur, impend, attack, (figuratively) influence: --come (in, upon). [ql ~~~~1904
1905 - eperotao {ep-er-o-tah'-o}; from 1909 and 2065; to ask for, i.e. inquire, seek: --ask (after, questions), demand, desire, question. [ql ~~~~1904
1906 - eperotema {ep-er-o'-tay-mah}; from 1905; an inquiry: --answer. [ql ~~~~1906
1907 - epecho {ep-ekh'-o}; from 1909 and 2192; to hold upon, i.e. (by implication) to retain; (by extension) to detain; (with implication of 3563) to pay attention to: --give (take) heed unto, hold forth, mark, stay. [ql ~~~~1906
1908 - epereazo {ep-ay-reh-ad'-zo}; from a comparative of 1909 and (probably) areia (threats); to insult, slander: --use despitefully, falsely accuse. [ql ~~~~1908
1909 - epi {ep-ee'}; a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution [with the genitive case], i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the det.) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.: --about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, [where-])fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively). ~~~~1908
1910 - epibaino {ep-ee-bah'-ee-no}; from 1909 and the base of 0939; to walk upon, i.e. mount, ascend, embark, arrive: --come (into), enter into, go abroad, sit upon, take ship. [ql ~~~~1910
1911 - epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 0906; to throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive; usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied) to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: --beat into, cast (up-)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on. [ql ~~~~1910
1912 - epibareo {ep-ee-bar-eh'-o}; from 1909 and 0916; to be heavy upon, i.e. (pecuniarily) to be expensive to; figuratively, to be severe towards: --be chargeable to, overcharge. [ql ~~~~1912
1913 - epibibazo {ep-ee-bee-bad'-zo}; from 1909 and a redupl. deriv. of the base of 0939 [compare 0307]; to cause to mount (an animal): --set on. [ql ~~~~1912
1914 - epiblepo {ep-ee-blep'-o}; from 1909 and 0991; to gaze at (with favor, pity or partiality): --look upon, regard, have respect to. [ql ~~~~1914
1915 - epiblema {ep-ib'-lay-mah}; from 1911; a patch: --piece. [ql ~~~~ 1914
1916 - epiboao {ep-ee-bo-ah'-o}; from 1909 and 0994; to exclaim against: --cry. [ql ~~~~1916
1917 - epiboule {ep-ee-boo-lay'}; from a presumed compound of 1909 and 1014; a plan against someone, i.e. a plot: --laying (lying) in wait. [ql ~~~~1916
1918 - epigambreuo {ep-ee-gam-bryoo'-o}; from 1909 and a derivative of 1062; to form affinity with, i.e. (specially) in a levirate way: --marry. [ql ~~~~1918
1919 - epigeios {ep-ig'-i-os}; from 1909 and 1093; worldly (physically or morally): --earthly, in earth, terrestrial. [ql ~~~~1918
1920 - epiginomai {ep-ig-in'-om-ahee}; from 1909 and 1096; to arrive upon, i.e. spring up (as a wind): --blow. [ql ~~~~1920
1921 - epiginosko {ep-ig-in-oce'-ko}; from 1909 and 1097; to know upon some mark, i.e. recognize; by implication, to become fully acquainted with, to acknowledge: --(ac-, have, take)know(-ledge, well), perceive. [ql ~~~~1920
1922 - epignosis {ep-ig'-no-sis}; from 1921; recognition, i.e. (by implication) full discernment, acknowledgement: --(ac-)knowledge(-ing, -ment). [ql ~~~~1922
1923 - epigraphe {ep-ig-raf-ay'}; from 1924; an inscription: --superscription. [ql ~~~~1922
1924 - epigrapho {ep-ee-graf'-o}; from 1909 and 1125; to inscribe (physically or mentally): --inscription, write in (over, thereon). [ql ~~~~1924
1925 - epideiknumi {ep-ee-dike'-noo-mee}; from 1909 and 1166; to exhibit (physically or mentally): --shew. [ql ~~~~1924
1926 - epidechomai {ep-ee-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 1909 and 1209; to admit (as a guest or [figuratively] teacher): --receive. [ql ~~~~1926
1927 - epidemeo {ep-ee-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1909 and 1218; to make oneself at home, i.e. (by extension) to reside (in a foreign country): -- [be] dwelling (which were) there, stranger. [ql ~~~~1926
1928 - epidiatassomai {ep-ee-dee-ah-tas'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 1299; to appoint besides, i.e. supplement (as a codicil): --add to. [ql ~~~~1928
1929 - epididomi {ep-ee-did'-o-mee}; from 1909 and 1325; to give over (by hand or surrender): --deliver unto, give, let (+ [her drive]), offer. [ql ~~~~1928
1930 - epidiorthoo {ep-ee-dee-or-tho'-o}; from 1909 and a derivative of 3717; to straighten further, i.e. (figuratively) arrange additionally: --set in order. [ql ~~~~1930
1931 - epiduo {ep-ee-doo'-o}; from 1909 and 1416; to set fully (as the sun): --go down. [ql ~~~~1930
1932 - epieikeia {ep-ee-i'-ki-ah}; from 1933; suitableness, i.e. (by implication) equity, mildness: --clemency, gentleness. [ql ~~~~1932
1933 - epieikes {ep-ee-i-kace'}; from 1909 and 1503; appropriate, i.e. (by implication) mild: --gentle, moderation, patient. [ql ~~~~1932
1934 - epizeteo {ep-eed-zay-teh'-o}; from 1909 and 2212; to search (inquire) for; intensively, to demand, to crave: --desire, enquire, seek (after, for). [ql ~~~~1934
1935 - epithanatios {ep-ee-than-at'-ee-os}; from 1909 and 2288; doomed to death: --appointed to death. [ql ~~~~1934
1936 - epithesis {ep-ith'-es-is}; from 2007; an imposition (of hands officially): --laying (putting) on. [ql ~~~~1936
1937 - epithumeo {ep-ee-thoo-meh'-o}; from 1909 and 2372; to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully or otherwise): --covet, desire, would fain, lust (after). [ql ~~~~1936
1938 - epithumetes {ep-ee-thoo-may-tace'}; from 1937; a craver: --+ lust after. [ql ~~~~1938
1939 - epithumia {ep-ee-thoo-mee'-ah}; from 1937; a longing (especially for what is forbidden): --concupiscence, desire, lust (after). [ql ~~~~1938
1940 - epikathizo {ep-ee-kath-id'-zo}; from 1909 and 2523; to seat upon: --set on. [ql ~~~~1940
1941 - epikaleomai {ep-ee-kal-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 2564; to entile; by implication, to invoke (for aid, worship, testimony, decision, etc.): --appeal (unto), call (on, upon), surname. [ql ~~~~1940
1942 - epikaluma {ep-ee-kal'-oo-mah}; from 1943; a covering, i.e. (figuratively) pretext: --cloke. [ql ~~~~1942
1943 - epikalupto {ep-ee-kal-oop'-to}; from 1909 and 2572; to conceal, i.e. (figuratively) forgive: --cover. [ql ~~~~1942
1944 - epikataratos {ep-ee-kat-ar'-at-os}; from 1909 and a derivative of 2672; imprecated, i.e. execrable: --accursed. [ql ~~~~1944
1945 - epikeimai {ep-ik'-i-mahee}; from 1909 and 2749; to rest upon (literally or figuratively): --impose, be instant, (be) laid (there-, up-)on, (when) lay (on), lie (on), press upon. [ql ~~~~1944
1946 - Epikoureios {ep-ee-koo'-ri-os}; from Epikouros [compare 1947] (a noted philosopher); an Epicurean or follower of Epicurus: --Epicurean. [ql ~~~~1946
1947 - epikouria {ep-ee-koo-ree'-ah}; from a compound of 1909 and a (prolonged) form of the base of 2877 (in the sense of servant); assistance: --help. [ql ~~~~1946
1948 - epikrino {ep-ee-kree'-no}; from 1909 and 2919; to adjudge: --give sentence. [ql ~~~~1948
1949 - epilambanomai {ep-ee-lam-ban'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 2983; to seize (for help, injury, attainment, or any other purpose; literally or figuratively): --catch, lay hold (up-)on, take (by, hold of, on). [ql ~~~~1948
1950 - epilanthanomai {ep-ee-lan-than'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 2990; to lose out of mind; by implication, to neglect: --(be) forget(-ful of). [ql ~~~~1950
1951 - epilegomai {ep-ee-leg'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 3004; to surname, select: --call, choose. [ql ~~~~1950
1952 - epileipo {ep-ee-li'-po}; from 1909 and 3007; to leave upon, i.e. (figuratively) to be insufficient for: --fail. [ql ~~~~1952
1953 - epilesmone {ep-ee-lace-mon-ay'}; from a derivative of 1950; negligence: --X forgetful. [ql ~~~~1952
1954 - epiloipos {ep-il'-oy-pos}; from 1909 and 3062; left over, i.e. remaining: --rest. [ql ~~~~1954
1955 - epilusis {ep-il'-oo-sis}; from 1956; explanation, i.e. application: --interpretation. [ql ~~~~1954
1956 - epiluo {ep-ee-loo'-o}; from 1909 and 3089; to solve further, i.e. (figuratively) to explain, decide: --determine, expound. [ql ~~~~1956
1957 - epimartureo {ep-ee-mar-too-reh'-o}; from 1909 and 3140; to attest further, i.e. corroborate: --testify. [ql ~~~~1956
1958 - epimeleia {ep-ee-mel'-i-ah}; from 1959; carefulness, i.e. kind attention (hospitality): --+ refresh self. [ql ~~~~1958
1959 - epimeleomai {ep-ee-mel-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and the same as 3199; to care for (physically or otherwise): --take care of. [ql ~~~~1958
1960 - epimelos {ep-ee-mel-oce'}; adverb from a derivative of 1959; carefully: --diligently. [ql ~~~~1960
1961 - epimeno {ep-ee-men'-o}; from 1909 and 3306; to stay over, i.e. remain (figuratively, persevere): --abide (in), continue (in), tarry. [ql ~~~~1960
1962 - epineuo {ep-een-yoo'-o}; from 1909 and 3506; to nod at, i.e. (by implication) to assent: --consent. [ql ~~~~1962
1963 - epinoia {ep-in'-oy-ah}; from 1909 and 3563; attention of the mind, i.e. (by implication) purpose: --thought. [ql ~~~~1962
1964 - epiorkeo {ep-ee-or-keh'-o}; from 1965; to commit perjury: --forswear self. [ql ~~~~1964
1965 - epiorkos {ep-ee'-or-kos}; from 1909 and 3727; on oath, i.e. (falsely) a forswearer: --perjured person. [ql ~~~~1964
1966 - epiousa {ep-ee-oo'-sah}; feminine singular participle of a comparative of 1909 and heimi (to go); supervening, i.e. (2250 or 3571 being expressed or implied) the ensuing day or night: --following, next. [ql ~~~~1966
1967 - epiousios {ep-ee-oo'-see-os}; perhaps from the same as 1966; tomorrow's; but more probably from 1909 and a derivative of the present participle feminine of 1510; for subsistence, i.e. needful: --daily. [ql ~~~~1966
1968 - epipipto {ep-ee-pip'-to}; from 1909 and 4098; to embrace (with affection) or seize (with more or less violence; literally or figuratively): --fall into (on, upon) lie on, press upon. [ql ~~~~1968
1969 - epiplesso {ep-ee-place'-so}; from 1909 and 4141; to chastise, i.e. (with words) to upbraid: --rebuke. [ql ~~~~1968
1970 - epipnigo {ep-ee-pnee'-go}; from 1909 and 4155; to throttle upon, i.e. (figuratively) overgrow: --choke. [ql ~~~~1970
1971 - epipotheo {ep-ee-poth-eh'-o}; from 1909 and potheo (to yearn); to dote upon, i.e. intensely crave possession (lawfully or wrongfully): --(earnestly) desire (greatly), (greatly) long (after), lust. [ql ~~~~1970
1972 - epipothesis {ep-ee-poth'-ay-sis}; from 1971; a longing for: --earnest (vehement) desire. [ql ~~~~1972
1973 - epipothetos {ep-ee-poth'-ay-tos}; from 1909 and a derivative of the latter part of 1971; yearned upon, i.e. greatly loved: --longed foreign [ql ~~~~1972
1974 - epipothia {ep-ee-poth-ee'-ah}; from 1971; intense longing: --great desire. [ql ~~~~1974
1975 - epiporeuomai {ep-ee-por-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1909 and 4198; to journey further, i.e. travel on (reach): --come. [ql ~~~~1974
1976 - epirrhapto {ep-ir-hrap'-to}; from 1909 and the base of 4476; to stitch upon, i.e. fasten with the needle: --sew on. [ql ~~~~1976
1977 - epirrhipto {ep-ir-hrip'-to}; from 1909 and 4496; to throw upon (literally or figuratively): --cast upon. [ql ~~~~1976
1978 - episemos {ep-is'-ay-mos}; from 1909 and some form of the base of 4591; remarkable, i.e. (figuratively) eminent: --notable, of note. [ql ~~~~1978
1979 - episitismos {ep-ee-sit-is-mos'}; from a compound of 1909 and a derivative of 4621; a provisioning, i.e. (concretely) food: --victuals. [ql ~~~~1978
1980 - episkeptomai {ep-ee-skep'-tom-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and the base of 4649; to inspect, i.e. (by implication) to select; by extension, to go to see, relieve: --look out, visit. [ql ~~~~1980
1981 - episkenoo {ep-ee-skay-no'-o}; from 1909 and 4637; to tent upon, i.e. (figuratively) abide with : --rest upon. [ql ~~~~1980
1982 - episkiazo {ep-ee-skee-ad'-zo}; from 1909 and a derivative of 4639; to cast a shade upon, i.e. (by analogy) to envelope in a haze of brilliancy; figuratively, to invest with preternatural influence: --overshadow. [ql ~~~~1982
1983 - episkopeo {ep-ee-skop-eh'-o}; from 1909 and 4648; to oversee; by implication, to beware: --look diligently, take the oversight. [ql ~~~~1982
1984 - episkope {ep-is-kop-ay'}; from 1980; inspection (for relief); by implication, superintendence; specially, the Christian "episcopate": --the office of a "bishop", bishoprick, visitation. [ql ~~~~1984
1985 - episkopos {ep-is'-kop-os}; from 1909 and 4649 (in the sense of 1983); a superintendent, i.e. Christian officer in genitive case charge of a (or the) church (literally or figuratively): --bishop, overseer. [ql ~~~~1984
1986 - epispaomai {ep-ee-spah'-om-ahee}; from 1909 and 4685; to draw over, i.e. (with 0203 implied) efface the mark of circumcision (by recovering with the foreskin): --become uncircumcised. [ql ~~~~1986
1987 - epistamai {ep-is'-tam-ahee}; apparently a middle voice of 2186 (with 3563 implied); to put the mind upon, i.e. comprehend, or be acquainted with: --know, understand. [ql ~~~~1986
1988 - epistates {ep-is-tat'-ace}; from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 2476; an appointee over, i.e. commander (teacher): --master. [ql ~~~~1988
1989 - epistello {ep-ee-stel'-lo}; from 1909 and 4724; to enjoin (by writing), i.e. (genitive case) to communicate by letter (for any purpose): --write (a letter, unto). [ql ~~~~1988
1990 - epistemon {ep-ee-stay'-mone}; from 1987; intelligent: --endued with knowledge. [ql ~~~~1990
1991 - episterizo {ep-ee-stay-rid'-zo}; from 1909 and 4741; to support further, i.e. reestablish: --confirm, strengthen. [ql ~~~~1990
1992 - epistole {ep-is-tol-ay'}; from 1989; a written message: --"epistle," letter. [ql ~~~~1992
1993 - epistomizo {ep-ee-stom-id'-zo}; from 1909 and 4750; to put something over the mouth, i.e. (figuratively) to silence: --stop mouths. [ql ~~~~1992
1994 - epistrepho {ep-ee-stref'-o}; from 1909 and 4762; to revert (literally, figuratively or morally): --come (go) again, convert, (re-)turn (about, again). [ql ~~~~1994
1995 - epistrophe {ep-is-trof-ay'}; from 1994; reversion, i.e. morally, revolution: --conversion. [ql ~~~~1994
1996 - episunago {ep-ee-soon-ag'-o}; from 1909 and 4863; to collect upon the same place: --gather (together). [ql ~~~~1996
1997 - episunagoge {ep-ee-soon-ag-o-gay'}; from 1996; a complete collection; especially a Christian meeting (for worship): --assembling (gathering) together. [ql ~~~~1996
1998 - episuntrecho {ep-ee-soon-trekh'-o}; from 1909 and 4936; to hasten together upon one place (or a particular occasion): --come running together. [ql ~~~~1998
1999 - episustasis {ep-ee-soo'-stas-is}; from the middle voice of a compound of 1909 and 4921; a conspiraicy, i.e. concourse (riotous or friendly): --that which cometh upon, + raising up. [ql ~~~~1998
2000 - episphales {ep-ee-sfal-ace'}; from a compound of 1909 and sphallo (to trip); figuratively, insecure: --dangerous. [ql ~~~~2000
2001 - episucho {ep-is-khoo'-o}; from 1909 and 2480; to avail further, i.e. (figuratively) insist stoutly: --be the more fierce. [ql ~~~~2000
2002 - episoreuo {ep-ee-so-ryoo'-o}; from 1909 and 4987; to accumulate further, i.e. (figuratively) seek additionally: --heap. [ql ~~~~2002
2003 - epitage {ep-ee-tag-ay'}; from 2004; an injunction or decree; by implication, authoritativeness: --authority, commandment. [ql ~~~~2002
2004 - epitasso {ep-ee-tas'-so}; from 1909 and 5021; to arrange upon, i.e. order: --charge, command, injoin. [ql ~~~~2004
2005 - epiteleo {ep-ee-tel-eh'-o}; from 1909 and 5055; to fulfill further (or completely), i.e. execute; by implication, to terminate, undergo: --accomplish, do, finish, (make) (perfect), perform(X -ance). [ql ~~~~2004
2006 - epitedeios {ep-ee-tay'-di-os}; from epitedes (enough); serviceable, i.e. (by implication) requisite: --things which are needful. [ql ~~~~2006
2007 - epitithemi {ep-ee-tith'-ay-mee}; from 1909 and 5087; to impose (in a friendly or hostile sense): --add unto, lade, lay upon, put (up) on, set on (up), + surname, X wound. [ql ~~~~2006
2008 - epitimao {ep-ee-tee-mah'-o}; from 1909 and 5091; to tax upon, i.e. censure or admonish; by implication, forbid: --(straitly) charge, rebuke. [ql ~~~~2008
2009 - epitimia {ep-ee-tee-mee'-ah}; from a compound of 1909 and 5092; properly, esteem, i.e. citizenship; used (in the sense of 2008) of a penalty: --punishment. [ql ~~~~2008
2010 - epitrepo {ep-ee-trep'-o}; from 1909 and the base of 5157; to turn over (transfer), i.e. allow: --give leave (liberty, license), let, permit, suffer. [ql ~~~~2010
2011 - epitrope {ep-ee-trop-ay'}; from 2010; permission, i.e. (by implication) full power: --commission. [ql ~~~~2010
2012 - epitropos {ep-it'-rop-os}; from 1909 and 5158 (in the sense of 2011); a commissioner, i.e. domestic manager, guardian: --steward, tutor. [ql ~~~~2012
2013 - epitugchano {ep-ee-toong-khan'-o}; from 1909 and 5177; to chance upon, i.e. (by implication) to attain: --obtain. [ql ~~~~2012
2014 - epiphaino {ep-ee-fah'-ee-no}; from 1909 and 5316; to shine upon, i.e. become (literally) visible or (figuratively) known: --appear, give light. [ql ~~~~2014
2015 - epiphaneia {ep-if-an'-i-ah}; from 2016; a manifestation, i.e. (specially) the advent of Christ (past or future): --appearing, brightness. [ql ~~~~2014
2016 - epiphanes {ep-if-an-ace'}; from 2014; conspicuous, i.e. (figuratively) memorable: --notable. [ql ~~~~2016
2017 - epiphauo {ep-ee-fow'-o}; a form of 2014; to illuminate (figuratively): --give light. [ql ~~~~2016
2018 - epiphero {ep-ee-fer'-o}; from 1909 and 5342; to bear upon (or further), i.e. adduce (personally or judicially [accuse, inflict]), superinduce: --add, bring (against), take. [ql ~~~~2018
2019 - epiphoneo {ep-ee-fo-neh'-o}; from 1909 and 5455; to call at something, i.e. exclaim: --cry (against), give a shout. [ql ~~~~2018
2020 - epiphosko {ep-ee-foce'-ko}; a form of 2017; to begin to grow light: --begin to dawn, X draw on. [ql ~~~~2020
2021 - epicheireo {ep-ee-khi-reh'-o}; from 1909 and 5495; to put the hand upon, i.e. undertake: --go about, take in hand (upon). [ql ~~~~2020
2022 - epicheo {ep-ee-kheh'-o}; from 1909 and cheo (to pour); --to pour upon: --pour in. [ql ~~~~2022
2023 - epichoregeo {ep-ee-khor-ayg-eh'-o}; from 1909 and 5524; to furnish besides, i.e. fully supply, (figuratively) aid or contribute: --add, minister (nourishment, unto). [ql ~~~~2022
2024 - epichoregia {ep-ee-khor-ayg-ee'-ah}; from 2023; contribution: --supply. [ql ~~~~2024
2025 - epichrio {ep-ee-khree'-o}; from 1909 and 5548; to smear over: --anoint. [ql ~~~~2024
2026 - epoikodomeo {ep-oy-kod-om-eh'-o}; from 1909 and 3618; to build upon, i.e. (figuratively) to rear up: --build thereon (thereupon, on, upon). [ql ~~~~2026
2027 - epokello {ep-ok-el'-lo}; from 1909 and okello (to urge); to drive upon the shore, i.e. to beach a vessel: --run aground. [ql ~~~~2026
2028 - eponomazo {ep-on-om-ad'-zo}; from 1909 and 3687; to name further, i.e. denominate: --call. [ql ~~~~2028
2029 - epopteuo {ep-opt-yoo'-o}; from 1909 and a derivative of 3700; to inspect, i.e. watch: --behold. [ql ~~~~2028
2030 - epoptes {ep-op'-tace}; from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 3700; a looker-on: --eye-witness. [ql ~~~~2030
2031 - epos {ep'-os}; from 2036; a word: --X say. [ql ~~~~ 2030
2032 - epouranios {ep-oo-ran'-ee-os}; from 1909 and 3772; above the sky: --celestial, (in) heaven(-ly), high. [ql ~~~~2032
2036 - epo {ep'-o}; a primary verb (used only in the definite past tense, the others being borrowed from 2046, 4483, and 5346); to speak or say (by word or writing): --answer, bid, bring word, call, command, grant, say (on), speak, tell. Compare 3004. [ql ~~~~2036
3347 - metepeita {met-ep'-i-tah}; from 3326 and 1899; thereafter: --afterward. [ql ~~~~3246
3927 - parepidemos {par-ep-id'-ay-mos}; from 3844 and the base of 1927; an alien alongside, i.e. a resident foreigner: --pilgrim, stranger. [ql ~~~~3824
4277 - proepo {pro-ep'-o}; from 4253 and 2036; to say already, to predict: --forewarn, say (speak, tell) before. Compare 4280. [ql ~~~~4174
4279 - proepaggellomai {pro-ep-ang-ghel'-lom-ahee}; middle voice from 4253 and 1861; to promise of old: --promise before. [ql ~~~~4176
4558 - Sarepta {sar'-ep-tah}; of Hebrew origin [6886]; Sarepta (i.e. Tsarephath), a place in Palestine: --Sarepta. [ql ~~~~4456
4901 - sunepimartureo {soon-ep-ee-mar-too-reh'-o}; from 4862 and 1957; to testify further jointly, i.e. unite in adding evidence: --also bear witness. [ql ~~~~4798
4902 - sunepomai {soon-ep'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 4862 and a primary hepo (to follow); to attend (travel) in company with: --accompany. [ql ~~~~4800
5467 - chalepos {khal-ep-os'}; perhaps from 5465 through the idea of reducing the strength; difficult, i.e. dangerous, or (by implication) furious: --fierce, perilous. [ql ~~~~5364