0001 - a {al'-fah}; of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet; figuratively, only (from its use as a numeral) the first: --Alpha. Often used (usually an, before a vowel) also in composition (as a contraction from 0427) in the sense of privation; so, in many words, beginning with this letter; occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of 0260). [ql ~~~~0
0001 - a {al'-fah}; of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet; figuratively, only (from its use as a numeral) the first: --Alpha. Often used (usually an, before a vowel) also in composition (as a contraction from 0427) in the sense of privation; so, in many words, beginning with this letter; occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of 0260). [ql ~~~~0
0076 - Adam {ad-am'}; of Hebrew origin [0121]; Adam, the first man; typ. (of Jesus) man (as his representative): --Adam. [ql ~~~~76
0223 - Alexandros {al-ex'-an-dros}; from the same as (the first part of) 0220 and 0435; man-defender; Alexander, the name of three Israelites and one other man: --Alexander. [ql ~~~~222
0509 - anothen {an'-o-then}; from 0507; from above; by analogy, from the first; by implication, anew: --from above, again, from the beginning (very first), the top. [ql ~~~~508
0509 - anothen {an'-o-then}; from 0507; from above; by analogy, from the first; by implication, anew: --from above, again, from the beginning (very first), the top. [ql ~~~~508
0536 - aparche {ap-ar-khay'}; from a compound of 0575 and 0756; a beginning of sacrifice, i.e. the (Jewish) first-fruit (figuratively): --first-fruits. [ql ~~~~536
0536 - aparche {ap-ar-khay'}; from a compound of 0575 and 0756; a beginning of sacrifice, i.e. the (Jewish) first-fruit (figuratively): --first-fruits. [ql ~~~~536
0746 - arche {ar-khay'}; from 0756; (properly abstract) a commencement, or (concretely) chief (in various applications of order, time, place, or rank): --beginning, corner, (at the, the) first (estate), magistrate, power, principality, principle, rule. [ql ~~~~746
0757 - archo {ar'-kho}; a primary verb; to be first (in political rank or power): --reign (rule) over. [ql ~~~~756
0758 - archon {ar'-khone}; present participle of 0757; a first (in rank or power): --chief (ruler), magistrate, prince, ruler. [ql ~~~~758
1207 - deuteroprotos {dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos}; from 1208 and 4413; second-first, i.e. (specially) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Paschal week (being the second after Passover day, and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost): --second...after the first. [ql ~~~~1206
1207 - deuteroprotos {dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos}; from 1208 and 4413; second-first, i.e. (specially) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Paschal week (being the second after Passover day, and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost): --second...after the first. [ql ~~~~1206
1207 - deuteroprotos {dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos}; from 1208 and 4413; second-first, i.e. (specially) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Paschal week (being the second after Passover day, and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost): --second...after the first. [ql ~~~~1206
1272 - dianoigo {dee-an-oy'-go}; from 1223 and 0455; to open thoroughly, literally (as a first-born) or figuratively (to expound): --open. [ql ~~~~1272
1473 - ego {eg-o'}; a primary pronoun of the first person I (only expressed when emphatic): --I, me. For the other cases and the plural see 1691, 1698, 1700, 2248, 2249, 2254, 2257, etc. [ql ~~~~1472
1510 - eimi {i-mee'}; the first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist (used only when emphatic): --am, have been, X it is I, was. See also 1488, 1498, 1511, 1527, 2258, 2071, 2070, 2075, 2076, 2771, 2468, 5600. [ql ~~~~1510
2070 - esmen {es-men'}; first person plural indicative of 1510; we are: --are, be, have our being, X have hope, + [the gospel] was [preached unto] us. [ql ~~~~2070
2096 - Eua {yoo'-ah}; of Hebrew origin [2332]; Eua (or Eva, i.e. Chavvah), the first woman: --Eve. [ql ~~~~2096
2998 - latomeo {lat-om-eh'-o}; from the same as the first part of 2991 and the base of 5114; to quarry: --hew. [ql ~~~~2996
3391 - mia {mee'-ah}; irregular feminine of 1520; one or first: --a (certain), + agree, first, one, X other. [ql ~~~~3290
3391 - mia {mee'-ah}; irregular feminine of 1520; one or first: --a (certain), + agree, first, one, X other. [ql ~~~~3290
3785 - ophelon {of'-el-on}; first person singular of a past tense of 3784; I ought (wish), i.e. (interjection) oh that!: --would (to God.) [ql ~~~~3682
4272 - prodidomi {prod-id'-o-mee}; from 4253 and 1325; to give before the other party has given: --first give. [ql ~~~~4170
4276 - proelpizo {pro-el-pid'-zo}; from 4253 and 1679; to hope in advance of other confirmation: --first trust. [ql ~~~~4174
4295 - prokeimai {prok'-i-mahee}; from 4253 and 2749; to lie before the view, i.e. (figuratively) to be present (to the mind), to stand forth (as an example or reward): --be first, set before (forth). [ql ~~~~4192
4296 - prokerusso {prok-ay-rooce'-so}; from 4253 and 2784; to herald (i.e. proclaim) in advance: --before (first) preach. [ql ~~~~4194
4386 - proteron {prot'-er-on}; neuter of 4387 as adverb (with or without the art.); previously: --before, (at the) first, former. [ql ~~~~4284
4406 - proimos {pro'-ee-mos}; from 4404; dawning, i.e. (by analogy) autumnal (showering, the first of the rainy season): --early. [ql ~~~~4304
4409 - proteuo {prote-yoo'-o}; from 4413; to be first (in rank or influence): --have the preeminence. [ql ~~~~4306
4410 - protokathedria {pro-tok-ath-ed-ree'-ah}; from 4413 and 2515; a sitting first (in the front row), i.e. preeminence in council: --chief (highest, uppermost) seat. [ql ~~~~4308
4411 - protoklisia {pro-tok-lis-ee'-ah}; from 4413 and 2828; a reclining first (in the place of honor) at the dinner-bed, i.e. preeminence at meals: --chief (highest, uppermost) room. [ql ~~~~4308
4412 - proton {pro'-ton}; neuter of 4413 as adverb (with or without 3588); firstly (in time, place, order, or importance): --before, at the beginning, chiefly (at, at the) first (of all). [ql ~~~~4310
4413 - protos {pro'-tos}; contracted superlative of 4253; foremost (in time, place, order or importance): --before, beginning, best, chief(-est), first (of all), former. [ql ~~~~4310
4414 - protostates {pro-tos-tat'-ace}; from 4413 and 2476; one standing first in the ranks, i.e. a captain (champion): --ringleader. [ql ~~~~4312
4416 - prototokos {pro-tot-ok'-os}; from 4413 and the alternate of 5088; first-born (usually as noun, literally or figuratively): --firstbegotten(-born). [ql ~~~~4314
5383 - philoproteuo {fil-op-rote-yoo'-o}; from a compound of 5384 and 4413; to be fond of being first, i.e. ambitious of distinction: --love to have the preeminence. [ql ~~~~5280
4416 - prototokos {pro-tot-ok'-os}; from 4413 and the alternate of 5088; first-born (usually as noun, literally or figuratively): --firstbegotten(-born). [ql ~~~~4314
4412 - proton {pro'-ton}; neuter of 4413 as adverb (with or without 3588); firstly (in time, place, order, or importance): --before, at the beginning, chiefly (at, at the) first (of all). [ql ~~~~4310
3623 - oikonomos {oy-kon-om'-os}; from 3624 and the base of 3551; a house-distributor (i.e. manager), or overseer, i.e. an employee in that capacity; by extension, a fiscal agent (treasurer); figuratively, a preacher (of the Gospel): --chamberlain, governor, steward. [ql ~~~~3522
0061 - agra {ag'-rah}; from 0071; (abstractly) a catching (of fish); also (concretely) a haul (of fish): --draught. [ql ~~~~60
0061 - agra {ag'-rah}; from 0071; (abstractly) a catching (of fish); also (concretely) a haul (of fish): --draught. [ql ~~~~60
0232 - halieuo {hal-ee-yoo'-o}; from 0231; to be a fisher, i.e. (by implication) to fish: --go a-fishing. [ql ~~~~232
0293 - amphiblestron {am-fib'-lace-tron}; from a compound of the base of 0297 and 0906; a (fishing) net (as thrown about the fish): --net. [ql ~~~~292
2485 - ichthudion {ikh-thoo'-dee-on}; diminutive from 2486; a petty fish: --little (small) fish. [ql ~~~~2484
2485 - ichthudion {ikh-thoo'-dee-on}; diminutive from 2486; a petty fish: --little (small) fish. [ql ~~~~2484
2486 - ichthus {ikh-thoos'}; of uncertain affinity; a fish: --fish. [ql ~~~~2486
2486 - ichthus {ikh-thoos'}; of uncertain affinity; a fish: --fish. [ql ~~~~2486
2785 - ketos {kay'-tos}; probably from the base of 5490; a huge fish (as gaping for prey): --whale. [ql ~~~~2784
3795 - opsarion {op-sar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 3702; a relish to other food (as if cooked sauce), i.e. (specifically) fish (presumably salted and dried as a condiment): --fish. [ql ~~~~3692
3795 - opsarion {op-sar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 3702; a relish to other food (as if cooked sauce), i.e. (specifically) fish (presumably salted and dried as a condiment): --fish. [ql ~~~~3692
4371 - prosphagion {pros-fag'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4314 and 5315; something eaten in addition to bread, i.e. a relish (specifically, fish; compare 3795): --meat. [ql ~~~~4268
0231 - halieus {hal-ee-yoos'}; from 0251; a sailor (as engaged on the salt water), i.e. (by implication) a fisher: --fisher(-man). [ql ~~~~230
0231 - halieus {hal-ee-yoos'}; from 0251; a sailor (as engaged on the salt water), i.e. (by implication) a fisher: --fisher(-man). [ql ~~~~230
0232 - halieuo {hal-ee-yoo'-o}; from 0231; to be a fisher, i.e. (by implication) to fish: --go a-fishing. [ql ~~~~232
1903 - ependutes {ep-en-doo'-tace}; from 1902; a wrapper, i.e. outer garment: --fisher's coat. [ql ~~~~1902
0232 - halieuo {hal-ee-yoo'-o}; from 0231; to be a fisher, i.e. (by implication) to fish: --go a-fishing. [ql ~~~~232
0293 - amphiblestron {am-fib'-lace-tron}; from a compound of the base of 0297 and 0906; a (fishing) net (as thrown about the fish): --net. [ql ~~~~292
0966 - Bethsaida {bayth-sahee-dah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1004 and 6719]; fishing-house; Bethsaida, a place in Palestine: --Bethsaida. [ql ~~~~966
1350 - diktuon {dik'-too-on}; probably from a primary verb diko (to cast); a seine (for fishing): --net. [ql ~~~~1350
4522 - sagene {sag-ay'-nay}; from a derivative of satto (to equip) meaning furniture, especially a pack-saddle (which in the East is merely a bag of netted rope); a "seine" for fishing: --net. [ql ~~~~4420
5476 - chamai {kham-ah'-ee}; adverb perhaps from the base of 5490 through the idea of a fissure in the soil; earthward, i.e. prostrate: --on (to) the ground. [ql ~~~~5374
2852 - kolaphizo {kol-af-id'-zo}; from a derivative of the base of 2849; to rap with the fist: --buffet. [ql ~~~~2850
4435 - pugme {poog-may'}; from a primary pux (the fist as a weapon); the clenched hand, i.e. (only in dative case as adverb) with the fist (hard scrubbing): --oft. [ql ~~~~4332
4435 - pugme {poog-may'}; from a primary pux (the fist as a weapon); the clenched hand, i.e. (only in dative case as adverb) with the fist (hard scrubbing): --oft. [ql ~~~~4332
4438 - pukteo {pook-teh'-o}; from a derivative of the same as 4435; to box (with the fist), i.e. contend (as a boxer) at the games (figuratively): --fight. [ql ~~~~4336
5180 - tupto {toop'-to}; a primary verb (in a strengthened form); to "thump", i.e. cudgel or pummel (properly, with a stick or bastinado), but in any case by repeated blows; thus differing from 3817 and 3960, which denote a [usually single] blow with the hand or any instrument, or 4141 with the fist [or a hammer], or 4474 with the palm; as well as from 5177, an accidental collision); by implication, to punish; figuratively, to offend (the conscience): --beat, smite, strike, wound. [ql ~~~~5078
0433 - aneko {an-ay'-ko}; from 0303 and 2240; to attain to, i.e. (figuratively) be proper: --convenient, be fit. [ql ~~~~432
0515 - axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 0514; to deem entitled or fit: --desire, think good, count (think) worthy. [ql ~~~~514
0701 - arestos {ar-es-tos'}; from 0700; agreeable; by implication, fit: --(things that) please(-ing), reason. [ql ~~~~700
0992 - bleteos {blay-teh'-os}; from 0906; fit to be cast (i.e. applied): --must be put. [ql ~~~~992
2111 - euthetos {yoo'-thet-os}; from 2095 and a derivative of 5087; well placed, i.e. (figuratively) appropriate: --fit, meet. [ql ~~~~2110
2425 - hikanos {hik-an-os'}; from hiko [hikano or hikneomai, akin to 2240] (to arrive); competent (as if coming in season), i.e. ample (in amount) or fit (in character): --able, + content, enough, good, great, large, long (while), many, meet, much, security, sore, sufficient, worthy. [ql ~~~~2424
2520 - katheko {kath-ay'-ko}; from 2596 and 2240}; to reach to, i.e. (neuter of present active participle, figuratively as adjective) becoming: --convenient, fit. [ql ~~~~2520
2675 - katartizo {kat-ar-tid'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of 0739; to complete thoroughly, i.e. repair (literally or figuratively) or adjust: --fit, frame, mend, (make) perfect(-ly join together), prepare, restore. [ql ~~~~2674
4241 - prepo {prep'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to tower up (be conspicuous), i.e. (by implication) to be suitable or proper (third person singular present indicative, often used impersonally, it is fit or right): --become, comely. [ql ~~~~4138
4282 - proetoimazo {pro-et-oy-mad'-zo}; from 4253 and 2090; to fit up in advance (literally or figuratively): --ordain before, prepare afore. [ql ~~~~4180