4065 - periphroneo {per-ee-fron-eh'-o}; from 4012 and 5426; to think beyond, i.e. depreciate (contemn): --despise. [ql ~~~~3962
4993 - sophroneo {so-fron-eh'-o}; from 4998; to be of sound mind, i.e. sane, (figuratively) moderate: --be in right mind, be sober (minded), soberly. [ql ~~~~4890
4994 - sophronizo {so-fron-id'-zo}; from 4998; to make of sound mind, i.e. (figuratively) to discipline or correct: --teach to be sober. [ql ~~~~4892
4995 - sophronismos {so-fron-is-mos'}; from 4994; discipline, i.e. self-control: --sound mind. [ql ~~~~4892
4996 - sophronos {so-fron'-oce}; adverb from 4998; with sound mind, i.e. moderately: --soberly. [ql ~~~~4894
5252 - huperphroneo {hoop-er-fron-eh'-o}; from 5228 and 5426; to esteem oneself overmuch, i.e. be vain or arrogant: --think more highly. [ql ~~~~5150
5309 - hupselophroneo {hoop-say-lo-fron-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5308 and 5424; to be lofty in mind, i.e. arrogant: --be highminded. [ql ~~~~5206
5426 - phroneo {fron-eh'-o}; from 5424; to exercise the mind, i.e. entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by implication, to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly in a certain direction); intensively, to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience): --set the affection on, (be) care(-ful), (be like-, + be of one, + be of the same, + let this) mind(-ed), regard, savour, think. [ql ~~~~5324
5427 - phronema {fron'-ay-mah}; from 5426; (mental) inclination or purpose: --(be, + be carnally, + be spiritually) mind(-ed). [ql ~~~~5324
5428 - phronesis {fron'-ay-sis}; from 5426; mental action or activity, i.e. intellectual or moral insight: --prudence, wisdom. [ql ~~~~5326
5429 - phronimos {fron'-ee-mos}; from 5424; thoughtful, i.e. sagacious or discreet (implying a cautious character; while 4680 denotes practical skill or acumen; and 4908 indicates rather intelligence or mental acquirement); in a bad sense conceited (also in the comparative): --wise(-r). [ql ~~~~5326
5430 - phronimos {fron-im'-oce}; adverb from 5429; prudently: --wisely. [ql ~~~~5328
5431 - phrontizo {fron-tid'-zo}; from a derivative of 5424; to exercise thought, i.e. be anxious: --be careful. [ql ~~~~5328
4998 - sophron {so'-frone}; from the base of 4982 and that of 5424; safe (sound) in mind, i.e. self-controlled (moderate as to opinion or passion): --discreet, sober, temperate. [ql ***. ta. See 3588. [ql ~~~~4896
0561 - apenanti {ap-en'-an-tee}; from 0575 and 1725; from in front, i.e. opposite, before or against: --before, contrary, over against, in the presence of.***. apepo. See 0550. [ql ~~~~560
1715 - emprosthen {em'-pros-then}; from 1722 and 4314; in front of (in place [literally or figuratively] or time): --against, at, before, (in presence, sight) of. [ql ~~~~1714
1725 - enanti {en'-an-tee}; from 1722 and 0473; in front (i.e. figuratively, presence) of: --before. [ql ~~~~1724
2714 - katenopion {kat-en-o'-pee-on}; from 2596 and 1799; directly in front of: --before (the presence of), in the sight of. [ql ~~~~2714
4253 - pro {pro}; a primary preposition; "fore", i.e. in front of, prior (figuratively, superior) to: --above, ago, before, or ever. In comparison it retains the same significations. [ql ~~~~4150
4261 - proballo {prob-al'-lo}; from 4253 and 0906; to throw forward, i.e. push to the front, germinate: --put forward, shoot forth. [ql ~~~~4158
4264 - probibazo {prob-ib-ad'-zo}; from 4253 and a reduplicated form of 0971; to force forward, i.e. bring to the front, instigate: --draw, before instruct. [ql ~~~~4162
4383 - prosopon {pros'-o-pon}; from 4314 and ops (the visage, from 3700); the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person: --(outward) appearance, X before, contenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence. [ql ~~~~4280
4410 - protokathedria {pro-tok-ath-ed-ree'-ah}; from 4413 and 2515; a sitting first (in the front row), i.e. preeminence in council: --chief (highest, uppermost) seat. [ql ~~~~4308
4647 - skolops {skol'-ops}; perhaps from the base of 4628 and 3700; withered at the front, i.e. a point or prickle (figuratively, a bodily annoyance or disability): --thorn. [ql ~~~~4544
4750 - stoma {stom'-a}; probably strengthened from a presumed derivative of the base of 5114; the mouth (as if a gash in the face); by implication, language (and its relations); figuratively, an opening (in the earth); specifically, the front or edge (of a weapon): --edge, face, mouth. [ql ~~~~4648
3181 - methorios {meth-or'-ee-os}; from 3326 and 3725; bounded alongside, i.e. contiguous (neuter plural as noun, frontier): --border. [ql ~~~~3180
3725 - horion {hor'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of an apparently primary horos (a bound or limit); a boundary-line, i.e. (by implication) a frontier (region): --border, coast. [ql ~~~~3624
5432 - phroureo {froo-reh'-o}; from a compound of 4253 and 3708; to be a watcher in advance, i.e. to mount guard as a sentinel (post spies at gates); figuratively, to hem in, protect: --keep (with a garrison). Compare 5083. [ql ~~~~5330
5433 - phruasso {froo-as'-so}; akin to 1032, 1031; to snort (as a spirited horse), i.e. (figuratively) to make a tumult: --rage. [ql ~~~~5330
5434 - phruganon {froo'-gan-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of phrugo (to roast or parch; akin to the base of 5395); something desiccated, i.e. a dry twig: --stick. [ql ~~~~5332
5435 - Phrugia {froog-ee'-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Phrygia, a region of Asia Minor: --Phrygia. [ql ~~~~5332
2167 - euphrosune {yoo-fros-oo'-nay}; from the same as 2165; joyfulness: --gladness, joy. [ql ~~~~2166
4997 - sophrosune {so-fros-oo'-nay}; from 4998; soundness of mind, i.e. (literally) sanity or (figuratively) self-control: --soberness, sobriety. [ql ~~~~4894
2930 - krustallos {kroos'-tal-los}; from a derivative of kruos (frost); ice, i.e. (by analogy) rock "crystal": --crystal. [ql ~~~~2928
0875 - aphrizo {af-rid'-zo}; from 0876; to froth at the mouth (in epilepsy): --foam. [ql ~~~~874
0876 - aphros {af-ros'}; apparently a primary word; froth, i.e. slaver: --foaming. [ql ~~~~876
4646 - skolios {skol-ee-os'}; from the base of 4628; warped, i.e. winding; figuratively, perverse: --crooked, froward, untoward. [ql ~~~~4544
0175 - akarpos {ak'-ar-pos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2590; barren (literally or figuratively): --without fruit, unfruitful. [ql ~~~~174
0536 - aparche {ap-ar-khay'}; from a compound of 0575 and 0756; a beginning of sacrifice, i.e. the (Jewish) first-fruit (figuratively): --first-fruits. [ql ~~~~536
0985 - blastano {blas-tan'-o}; from blastos (a sprout); to germinate; by implication, to yield fruit: --bring forth, bud, spring (up). [ql ~~~~984
1081 - gennema {ghen'-nay-mah}; from 1080; offspring; by analogy, produce (literally or figuratively): --fruit, generation. [ql ~~~~1080
1636 - elaia {el-ah'-yah}; feminine of a presumed derivative from an obsolete primary; an olive (the tree or the fruit): --olive (berry, tree). [ql ~~~~1636
2590 - karpos {kar-pos'}; probably from the base of 0726; fruit (as plucked), literally or figuratively: --fruit. [ql ~~~~2590
2590 - karpos {kar-pos'}; probably from the base of 0726; fruit (as plucked), literally or figuratively: --fruit. [ql ~~~~2590
2592 - karpophoreo {kar-pof-or-eh'-o}; from 2593; to be fertile (literally or figuratively): --be (bear, bring forth) fruit(-ful). [ql ~~~~2592
3703 - opora {op-o'-rah}; apparently from the base of 3796 and 5610; properly, even-tide of the (summer) season (dog-days), i.e. (by implication) ripe fruit: --fruit. [ql ~~~~3602
3703 - opora {op-o'-rah}; apparently from the base of 3796 and 5610; properly, even-tide of the (summer) season (dog-days), i.e. (by implication) ripe fruit: --fruit. [ql ~~~~3602
5052 - telesphoreo {tel-es-for-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5056 and 5342; to be a bearer to completion (maturity), i.e. to ripen fruit (figuratively): --bring fruit to perfection. [ql ~~~~4950
5052 - telesphoreo {tel-es-for-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5056 and 5342; to be a bearer to completion (maturity), i.e. to ripen fruit (figuratively): --bring fruit to perfection. [ql ~~~~4950
5166 - trugao {troo-gah'-o}; from a derivative of trugo (to dry) meaning ripe fruit (as if dry); to collect the vintage: --gather. [ql ~~~~5064
5352 - phthinoporinos {fthin-op-o-ree-nos'}; from derivative of phthino (to wane; akin to the base of 5351) and 3703 (meaning late autumn); autumnal (as stripped of leaves): --whose fruit withereth. [ql ~~~~5250
2593 - karpophoros {kar-pof-or'-os}; from 2590 and 5342; fruitbearing (figuratively): --fruitful. [ql ~~~~2592
2593 - karpophoros {kar-pof-or'-os}; from 2590 and 5342; fruitbearing (figuratively): --fruitful. [ql ~~~~2592
2757 - kenophonia {ken-of-o-nee'-ah}; from a presumed compound of 2756 and 5456; empty sounding, i.e. fruitless discussion: --vain. [ql ~~~~2756
0536 - aparche {ap-ar-khay'}; from a compound of 0575 and 0756; a beginning of sacrifice, i.e. the (Jewish) first-fruit (figuratively): --first-fruits. [ql ~~~~536
0114 - atheteo {ath-et-eh'-o}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5087; to set aside, i.e. (by implication) to disesteem, neutralize or violate: --cast off, despise, disannul, frustrate, bring to nought, reject. [ql ~~~~114
1581 - ekkopto {ek-kop'-to}; from 1537 and 2875; to exscind; figuratively, to frustrate: --cut down (off, out), hew down, hinder. [ql ~~~~1580
5348 - phthano {fthan'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to be beforehand, i.e. anticipate or precede; by extension, to have arrived at: --(already) attain, come, prevent. [ql ~~~~5246
5349 - phthartos {fthar-tos'}; from 5351; decayed, i.e. (by implication) perishable: --corruptible. [ql ~~~~5246
5350 - phtheggomai {ftheng'-gom-ahee}; probably akin to 5338 and thus to 5346; to utter a clear sound, i.e. (generally) to proclaim: --speak. [ql ~~~~5248
5351 - phtheiro {fthi'-ro}; probably strengthened from phthio (to pine or waste); properly, to shrivel or wither, i.e. to spoil (by any process) or (generally) to ruin (especially figuratively, by moral influences, to deprave): --corrupt (self), defile, destroy. [ql ~~~~5248
5352 - phthinoporinos {fthin-op-o-ree-nos'}; from derivative of phthino (to wane; akin to the base of 5351) and 3703 (meaning late autumn); autumnal (as stripped of leaves): --whose fruit withereth. [ql ~~~~5250
5354 - phthoneo {fthon-eh'-o}; from 5355; to be jealous of: --envy. [ql ~~~~5252
5355 - phthonos {fthon'-os}; probably akin to the base of 5351; ill-will (as detraction), i.e. jealousy (spite): --envy. [ql ~~~~5252
5356 - phthora {fthor-ah'}; from 5351; decay, i.e. ruin (spontaneous or inflicted, literally or figuratively): --corruption, destroy, perish. [ql ~~~~5254
5353 - phthoggos {ftong'-gos}; from 5350; utterance, i.e. a musical note (vocal or instrumental): --sound. [ql ~~~~5250
3586 - xulon {xoo'-lon}; from another form of the base of 3582; timber (as fuel or material); by implication a stick, club or tree or other wooden article or substance: --staff, stocks, tree, wood. [ql ~~~~3484
5208 - hule {hoo-lay'}; perhaps akin to 3586; a forest, i.e. (by implication) fuel: --matter. [ql ~~~~5106
5436 - Phugellos {foog'-el-los}; probably from 5343; fugitive; Phygellus, an apostate Christian: --Phygellus. [ql ~~~~5334
0266 - hamartia {ham-ar-tee'-ah}; from 0264; a sin (properly abstract): --offence, sin(-ful). [ql ~~~~266
0539 - apate {ap-at'-ay}; from 0538; delusion: --deceit(-ful, -fulness), deceivableness(-ving). [ql ~~~~538
1127 - gregoreuo {gray-gor-yoo'-o}; from 1453; to keep awake, i.e. watch (literally or figuratively): --be vigilant, wake, (be) watch(-ful). [ql ~~~~1126
1163 - dei {die}; 3d person singular active present of 1210; also deon {deh-on'}; neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is (was, etc.) necessary (as binding): --behoved, be meet, must (needs), (be) need(-ful), ought, should. [ql ~~~~1162
1950 - epilanthanomai {ep-ee-lan-than'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 2990; to lose out of mind; by implication, to neglect: --(be) forget(-ful of). [ql ~~~~1950
2168 - eucharisteo {yoo-khar-is-teh'-o}; from 2170; to be grateful, i.e. (actively) to express gratitude (towards); specially, to say grace at a meal: --(give) thank(-ful, -s). [ql ~~~~2168
2592 - karpophoreo {kar-pof-or-eh'-o}; from 2593; to be fertile (literally or figuratively): --be (bear, bring forth) fruit(-ful). [ql ~~~~2592
3076 - lupeo {loo-peh'-o}; from 3077; to distress; reflexively or passively, to be sad: --cause grief, grieve, be in heaviness, (be) sorrow(-ful), be (make) sorry. [ql ~~~~3074
3309 - merimnao {mer-im-nah'-o}; from 3308; to be anxious about: --(be, have) care(-ful), take thought. [ql ~~~~3208
3404 - miseo {mis-eh'-o}; from a primary misos (hatred); to detest (especially to persecute); by extension, to love less: --hate(-ful). [ql ~~~~3302
5426 - phroneo {fron-eh'-o}; from 5424; to exercise the mind, i.e. entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by implication, to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly in a certain direction); intensively, to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience): --set the affection on, (be) care(-ful), (be like-, + be of one, + be of the same, + let this) mind(-ed), regard, savour, think. [ql ~~~~5324
5463 - chairo {khah'-ee-ro}; a primary verb; to be "cheer"ful, i.e. calmly happy or well-off; impersonally, especially as salutation (on meeting or parting), be well: --farewell, be glad, God speed, greeting, hall, joy(-fully), rejoice. [ql ~~~~5360
5479 - chara {khar-ah'}; from 5463; cheerfulness, i.e. calm delight: --gladness, X greatly, (X be exceeding) joy(-ful, -fully, -fulness, -ous). [ql ~~~~5376
5532 - chreia {khri'-ah}; from the base of 5530 or 5534; employment, i.e. an affair; also (by implication) occasion, demand, requirement or destitution: --business, lack, necessary(-ity), need(-ful), use, want. [ql ~~~~5430